EJ1 N hDer E 13UMD0)NEWBEIRR{Y9 . , TIUESD)AY, JULY -17, 1()O f~~N~AWE 1~ IA SITUATION IN CHINA NOW GROWING WORSE TIH.AT IS 1 11' . 44iE,-%IC it- 1. 1 r1. 11F . TIllH NATIONAL C'A l1 A ,. 'itau1-141 )y 1esiat ' dn-p..atch--nu04 Complostoe %lpp-'4vl& i r ft e lsr -rln of ljapaii-e.m Trwipm lit n. :i Ily'm Illloevt. ~\Vash Iington , dJuly 1.1 -- ('onisi Golnorl GooIdnow's short. di'lmic, goes to Cotlfirn the geillrll bit thai1t the situ at,ion in Chimi i.s sti mild growing worso instend of bettol Tho Honlan Sh1aIi (correct ) ref.rro to by Mr. G1,oodnow Nai tho plac w1here th0e vicoc,oy apa)(4irs to favo the Boxers, is said at the Stato d< partimit to be actilly t.wo seiirat provinces of vlst, extent, lying inl th westorn and northe' rn portion c China. Shansi (m1ealiig weste island) is tho provincev lying diretl West of Chili, InI wih i Pekin isi ]c citod. I1onan adjoins Shiasi onl t h south. Tho two might. presiaeit ahnost. imlipis4iblo barrior if, as MI Goodnow's dispatch indicites, th are disaffected and undortalke to oi poso tho niorthward march of' the( mi Mies of 1Li H11ing Chling and tih other great. southern viceroys up' Pokin. 'I'he con,s41 gen'ral's men ago was indlited andl this lacie knowledge ats to the (,xict tim 4 happenlings recorded in the cabli grams of the navil and Sito depto m-nit oflicials is embarmssing, an ovo sorious in results, the gover monti hero.today cabled iiistruotion to its rvrs(nitatives in China to it clude tho dato in the bodv of ever dispatch. Tion Tsm, it is added, is b'ing r( armed vith guns of tlm ligest clas: Th Russian governmenit tiroung its oflicials here, l11s,. withiln tie Ilai few days, expressed to the S dtte d partnimit, its complete approval . the dispatch of Japan.io troopq t Ciina, thero to co-operat with (ib allied forces in interest of immmit) At the same tim the 1tinssian (il cials have taken occasion to '4iiphit cally contradict the const a itly reitei ated report that. Rus-ia was statmndiun in the wiy of d tpan's forwardin troops, and aa in thi.- way rvndoi ing more hazardoms ii emolitin i and abont Pekiii. In this connooction it ennti he ,,tate that reont reports of' R?us:ian eru.--It toward the Chineso [nien cohimhili ,are omplitililly rvpIldiated by 'ill Russimn aithorities, wll) fel til this is another effort. to prejudtii( Russiat in'the eyes Of A uimric. Waishingtoni, July .1.1. - Still si other forerunnrer of t he urisinrg i China is condtied in thie dlispaith -i the Staito depa itmrent uinoder'( n. lawi,"' hot its avoi danice he i' i on(i The' virt on mi most regno-ts is co forritly. 5.1 f-relIiirate is iN aiversh it loves noto rnetlitie a ii rent o prniples of tunivelrs,' justion a i love, andil ieo halve ne sneh l root I in the religion of .Jesuts Chi rist. liam Ellery (Jhanning, (Now York World.) ' Wi:im Jenn ings 13ryan wats h ornt inl Hahun,ll Ill., 'MArchl 19, 1860. Wats hlthddy, round limbll1d anld st roIg. I lad prldigios appotito during bo) hood. 1ir-t wait d to bto ia ministor, then detorminod to bo i lawyer, "liko fat Ir." Larne10d to I'MI d ly. ("ml to stand mn tablo1 ami recito L-ssii to his imother; first efforts it SPOOCh maik ing. E"'tmed public school lit 10 yvarli Was not brilliant, hut never failed in exainiat ion. At I)il'tormd Whipplo Icademy (repa ratory depirt mieiit of Illinois lilge t .blehmonivillo, 1M. Ilad strong profereie for matho ma11t icrs, espeially goomotry.t Solioill played bastiball or foot - bIll, bit %ts fond of foot races an1d J11111ping. Wnbroad jumping con teSt Vhil ' Ihool' elvaring 12 feet, 4 inwhes. Preseit. broad j 11111 ro. cord is 2-4 foot, 7 inebos. Iut16red a111nv or'atorical Contests uillo ill sAhool), failing severill timevs t beforo taking a PrIAze. Won secony a negro, and it is thought will lie. The Iegroes had a barboeuo )vs vrday nvar Mr. Goroo's plheo and nivitod at n1umbvir of the whito people 0 corn and partial of tho 'eui. tounrig Goreo was amtinog thoso who voit. According to tho story told oinr too chauco for his recovorv. Tbo negro Payno wits arrestod and odged in jtil this morning. ie dn iies his guilt, and say he was not at ho barbectie. The evidnceo against lim though is diroct. Thoro havo bleon some rumors t,his ifternoon of an attempt it lynching, mt at tho timno this letter is written -8 p. m.--ovorything is (Iniot. It s feared, however, by those who ivo been "watching the signs," iat ho very quietness is ominous and .hat thero may be a lynching here >ofore morning. Tho shoot ing s0ems ,o havo boonl without provocat.ion, mld tht'ro is mu11ch indignautionl. Tho sheriff is stummoning it posso f citizens to guard the jail during he night. There is no military com >any bore. Lator, 8: 15 p. I.-The shoriff imit. the prisoner to Columbia on the -light train for safo kepig to pro vout lynching. The July M gazine Nnmber of rTe Outlook cotins an inlterestina sollection of pictures relating to I-he presenit Chinese crisis, including au hetic potrtits of the young Em peror anrd of Kanmg Yu Wei, the fa muons loader of the Chinese Reform partty--portra its obtainied from Ohbi lose sources8, and( it is bolieved, never boforei published-an excellenit ptor tr'ait of Mr. Conger, our minister to Uhinia, portratits of Gleneral Chialfoe, Sto newvly app)Ioitd Aim'ericani comn mandeilrr in China, Admiiral K'emp1ff, iand Caj tain McCalla, and also n rare atnd. ittrestinig group portrait ol the membors of thte Chinese Foreign Otileo, thte Tsunig li Yamen. ($3.0C a yeatr. T'he Outlook Comnpaniy, Newv York.) A Quaker's Advice. An inivetecrate dIrunlkard ontet asked a Qujaker whebt her hec k new of a method whIereb)y hte couild curt is dotminant vice. "Fr'ientd," an. swered l3roadbrim, ''it is as casy mc keeping the hand open."' "'Iow can that be?'' said( thnel 1lloyt, who recvives tilw' suptlpt)I a)f that paipmr, cahti to 1wiI'runninq ats at prohibitionist. If hm canl In-ad' tlhe liceIso ticket al(Il g(.t titl lic,nww VOCO and thenI turn1 IIrOnit-l and heald theo prohibition tick(tt, hip nu11y bw svi down aS nll OXp1ert p)Olit.iCilt.n. Von presumlje that Cidolel Hloyt Will nIOL denly that hw invited thle op polnentH of th( rest rictionls Ilact'I lupoln the sale of liquor by the dis p1nsary to join alinds vith (11th "pro bibitionlists." It, will hardlyM) bv dv nied Iithit the liquor iei are re Sponlding to this call. Colonel Iyt, ati the instfatce of the Stato, mally relsonilbly ciulit. tn getting the liquor voto of this town and possiIly of other towns. If, then, the Sta carries onongh liquot(r votes to Colonel 1Hoy1 to eleet himn, will ntot Colonel 11oyt be1 mauiler obhl igaitions to thle edlit or of I th Stato1? If untder obligations to the Sttte, will I r.ot. fh.t papiier, of right, dictate the polic3 of the Gioverntor ont the liqutor ques(4ton ? If Colontel Hoyt, on1 a deadi leveil, should1( ntot 1)0 an ''ext remtist" 'or a1 "fainatic"' on thte quieostiont of priohi i bittion, whltat wiould h1( be( if un rder oblligaltionsl to ai liceniso paper?~ A "h11igh liceniso" new'is)por, at I hat. It wvil be1) remiemboiredc how thait fused to aicco(i to the termst1 of t he ailleged bargain, tradlo or under stand ing with t hat ppr. It wvill be rornbOred'J'( tooi, tht th' State wit.hdr ow its su1pport frourn M1cSwooneoy whvien the Guoverntor hatl Sthe coiurago to wirito his own convic. logisltiiro. If t ho St ato should1 succee'd ilr electing Colontel HoytL to theti oflicti ai (Governor, does anybody believe that he0 wiouild betray the conflidentco oi1 the( State anod prove htimsel f lil int grate t.o the matn wvho el0cted41 himIl No, Colonel Hoyt will ntot d1o t his If niot frotm prinil lo, 11( could 11o1 of nt'oessity. Hie couild ntot stami tho skinning that would follow. I.f Colonel Hioyt is cleetedi to of lice by thei liquor mert, hte wvill I< boulnil itn htonor to yield( somnet hing to themn, arnd if ho yi(elds antythintg will 1h0 not to thtat extent cr'ipplo th dlispensairy andl opion th5e floodgatte for liquor? Colonel Hloy 's aiddlross, whIicht wa published immtedittly uafter hi nontiniation, relic to tis neowspapei very mulch like it had beon writtet by tho St.ni. or also its idlann acte 1roib~ i 1 i i t Itn I i . I I I t is jI to h i I f at (mtl 4 ,ii t I , I i ' II IC I li I - I . -, I) (ta P-0 i I 'N i lii, 'ii. toi tlitilli I le )1 1 f* t 14 :- '4: j I. w li l lI li t i l h I [ II it( III it.1 li\;! Iir ill:1e i it illi'll, I tie lli-u' I l' IIlat i r. l ei s iIiN' OtI ' i l i t' - lit li (liI, \\ i Lll | N%.ii ii i .li A iIti' I' lit Il.,t 11 1 I ii . V I I litfIillkti' Iit tIl V4 j .l)l v i vill)w I'ae t I,s I'ti o i,iiil*it it Isi'~ toii it iri k i' -. 111 1 t il >ti. ti tili i lit1 Ii III: l"i i toi il I IfI I I 0I t t 11 l r c i h -.,4 t ) iII t it(- N I\ - 'h I oll ill (ilt,w.- lie t i t i itlo 1ll 0r I , t it I i I' 'i )I I ItI II i ' %.( l t lit I It ' liti ' .tiNit. li t' l i w ot Iil l )i I ig. \\ lW In IV' it ol Ia totl abstainers,>1(.11. Nla i ~eis a wel (il'iii'l f.'itel i|'llleilll l ci Il-c 11cc-1 lilt( )\ I I w tl I t liS I I tilow '. tVS 10io t 1'0 a01r14 hil- OVI- a ill o k 1IV il h eill I i-ito w l-ol i litilig uit li ial it (. hol hIl N L' I I lIl'NO 'N' it-11 I 1111ill rVI hOol 111 ()O I, all to 11 f o,ts C l. Hm 1 f to al lo n llr ii 1a1.1 ie-i hs an.:t ai(lt rost 'Illy I(.I1 it it il ii Ihi d io i oi li t Is f h Ar ii ri. u ' ijd illa rit e I it, i lill' NlMil j 8 I cali ists lilit Ilu Il -lie hu . I f it(. t1li Ia adi (1(1( ; it \ )'Ili! to b<, id - ill ; If 1 w il I i Ieift'l litI I, o It d Ii sappi h l IIII I" If no, t Ih.ovoi\-td. A s I(n a) ( Io e wso 1 4 the ne r-11 ' leblg. l n ll C r I h l ic m,1 C lE t i, 'uses t lo t) I i ''iai j it e it i j)'o('5 )ft llie itw 1 O 5ol 11 u t, forit a inn- n ouhUn * ' '1. (1 n'i,l < (,*t.Vil ' ews . * N 1.11s. in ' . I t. le ilt ala A li U:. NO SLATE HIMINE-89. Att4rney Gtilentrn 114liiger Talka Plainly A lotit Some Badges. (T'ho Stiato, 14th.) W. F. Bair, of Chuarloston, a for mr8 tato0 (corstahl< hits had printed som1110 badPges on wii le i names of rortiii cmididitos uidr the Caption of "ir favor;to,"11 som thing that is rlcillato to giv(, ie public the idea 11tt there is som kind of a slate. As Attornoy ('imnoral Bollgor, whon ,iOlioitor, a Ied his roimovil of Gov. lb-lrb', the latter says that there is - no teason) to suppiso that Bahr has (olttl tp his sit with good inten t ionis. 'I'll Att(irney (Ienloral when ill- saw n of the boIIlges yestorday i t hat I hotoe wis as littlo roason tw lieve that. the man11's iitentions WIeI' gooitI inl other cases bieido hiim L)wn 1. 114. gavv tho followilig plain t at einiilt ahoit it: " h xitlir tit, oxprossod Iiiiiisolf itis an 11n0emy, aml I liuvo louldino cotiumini L-alion with him inl two yers 4Ii actimn wa.Is nlot athIor-ized and wasm olill entilrely without ly kiowledge. If it frienid \ wouhi tdo snell it flhing he w(nl tilmo it liberty which Ie had Im rlIht to (h), but,iioluiii froml aniy on110 1ls, it, is tie height of importi ltit.'i. "I Visht the peoplo adii viaididatos to tun1(orstaitd tliat. I imi oil Ito slate inid conitectod wit niti coibinlation. I iaml nit so) apprehouisi iof the dan gtr to ly suecoss1i that those badges ii1Y tIRau0t, its ma1ty dto to othrs, and llkther1fr1e givt it publitity. At, the sitine timie I timi stitiHfiod that. n1on1 1f tho othor gntlemmn muthorizod this min to mako it distribution of ciptigin btlgs or iythiIng else." Al Anecdoto of Spurgeon. A 1 u M W Ince camile all thle way fromii icllolm to atsk \i r. Spurgeon Ie c1fiit ret questioll, "W hat si1il I t( to) be savtly" I le was sit m in in. his vest ry seeinig inquir ers wheni (lie ytoun1g Dutchnial caniie in a spokc inl broken En ;tlih. ,\\ht. did you come from?" I ked .\I r. Spurgeon()l. "Icaemne from Flushinig, sir-, by I mA. '' IAnd yu waint to know what you) imst tc) to b saved? Well, it is a log way to Come to ask that. alite.timn. You kniow wha.'t thle Aniswir is : '1elieve in lie I,ord Jt-ius Chr11ist. and tliou slalt be I it I cailot beclieve inl JesuIs Christ."' "\\'ell, niow,"' said Mrt. Spur [conii, "loitok, liere have believedi in him i a gy ood tuani years, anid 1 do0 t rust hhniii; butt if yout kntow some i ig ori t lier againlst hiimi, I shiotild like to kn'owv ii, for I dlo nt like to "No, sir, I doi niot kniow aniy "Yes, I woutildt ruist. y'ou withi anth1' inrg." " lit. yo1 doi not knSow muitch you arie at preachI er of the~ woil d, andl I beli eve yotu are honelst , ad I "DI o yo) ui'ean to say,"' said Mr. Spurngeoni, " youl coilId tust meC, fount d out somitethin a; bad t a bout . himi. I ,et meI know it."' I he stood still antd t hiought for a mlomtetnt , andit theni saidl :' "Dear me, I catn see it no0w. WVhiy, of' course I. can trust him11, I cannltot help) I rust inig Im1. lIc is such a bleCssed tote t hat I mutlst trtust him. Good bye, sir," lie added, "I will go hack to Flushtiing; it is all right M A Y N A ME TIUICIt-r AIP rER ALL (1obcti)0Derrrnt to Meet for Tihat Purpose on, te 18th, New York, July 14.--From tem. poar hteadquairters, 141 Broadway, a call meeciting was today issued by the committeo of Gold Democrats to ntominatto a ticket in opposition to 16 to 1 andi impej)rialism. The mootin4 will ha hoil on July 18.