( >1 ~ d .YJ ~ (N Ca:~dUiTh 11oH~s Out of the Race: \'A I AlA ,A~.\ .. A II4~l * . '' I A. >>.*'~~>~~ A .~ . ii .. 7 di 2 I I,' Ii' J IA C N; ( N, p N ti'e i A 114~. I 'A Al I r c.1 'A. VI*' d' let CA ~.1A 1 AC(.LA ~ ~ " lA:At~v~.. ~ this. We will con of over 5,000 and styles of ~ opens on the you miss the ~:' 'p A RICH CONVICT. til SCil I 0 1/41 l(O t) Nwj A ?,1' Ti-I C C ( !-' 1.1 (1) la 1 11%. lu ?ii ar.n'c Ot to a~ Hl I ive I ~, ., IL o iVr i la r It Onid' lim O. L' til lith Amso h rit l'si W e I- I ii forti.d 1 1. 1a vlie . I lt I " I Iw,. N I; utiiin h.co Io I r t IV iN I - i \ w ( .* ' .'L V i 1I - b b nS..3 the .i-Lir -It'l su > i) as ttC hta1 l. S tIIZ' wl U a inch oe t 'd blo ar >uMe n ~res 3 oe I s N,lg . longOIs Is C 4 , resi* t S. ,, . . Mime s- ence Te,iset, FivenThousa,.{{yo waiofo dsvlp aut hinact h 20t atFL vb\\rgain-- s e of anv e r *p m7.>g o E u -n,TESWF S st rol I vl; nV1 111%t iI r%Ill wa11n":Ilmy Cr,01s (if finlo onlt., gr 0in 1o bottom-', were-t en1.1trie Iwat \; o I , feo ( th14 faill lraslhnd I It" I n:k - t h ci It ir, 1t. o Ii I i\ i I nt r 1 11 r W o I I It I L I vo.L II s~ c)I ; I ~I j I nt V Ie b - % * b b1 b\ htI 1 0 1 14 h t \ \ cnT. r1 I , 1,o J,.-d"'I Loc v, oadwei. Th ey o eI., it m aXens and ,,t 1ow dihs bIlcts lie baby. XP such inothcrs need Scott . E ulsio i . Itgives ricy :-0 u r an m kes.-3 fik rov abun arh \ - ( I- n hotit eaensan I 1 u g ow thre tst the biay.i ALu suchie~ moilit)the r need o ScL II)o' Et m Ionv.vt. I)t)giesl :t te bai :ks f'>od iche,iorc ' tnd Ore abu t Ihndanlt.h ~e~rf ,o .as. An-;" p y cCome~j down throuGhAevra in k bro :-;h b.ik to a he lt 4 aend uRi'aheb?,irem as ia evo oIl n o h ae pcrclaEo NNdSRemnants lifetime. Gr ('onlgremp Ostsin 1 Stokems' la1ss to lIeo li Prietlerm on Nistaidsy Next. Thi ri mail (li%vory sys,telu is t ho ipit, into ell'eet onl SIndfly next. In, vimw or tht imprtinco of tho imittor thio fomlwing eireiulari reconti)y ."ild'i by Cogresinti Stokes is Ie( 'i int e Il: "In I ths in ri.t of' bet tr oiail fa ilit ies for. rur11al dist ricts will Noll nlot olicis Itloro l.,l tho attoit ion of 0it' 1 w0ld wh \vio liv lilong sti rolutos to tho impl-ortace of putting VIL jo 4at 'will urify your blond and bring the h oom of heaith back into your cheeks. Each bottle contaimsi a quart. PItnfiut rnd Supressed Me4ses, Irregilarl flops ef th UTters. clialls-'e of life Ill runtroii or JOINNSTON'S SARSAPAILLA It 12 R side. i lige.;tl, paplitation of the heart, co;d inu Aular weae..iwx caring-dowrs sains, beack shortness of 1,c:t'a,nc- nori-I itrisah-rgel w Swelillir of feet. soreness of the br-asts, mel yn ptoins which snake the sxvcrage wt"man's l4lt Iuformnation. Yox wanit It-Its fr-ee. 6 "TI-IE MIGMIG1EN & Ul Liverettes for Liver Ills. The P W. E. 1,ELAlA!f, SMITII'S DRUIF Dj . L. G. C01113P Some Facts of Inter PUblic of North a The Mutual I Company of RICHARD A. Mc w .1111' -pnil' 1,1, -Ixty (I lI *L1 1 W I 1-'tWO COIll U l \, 11 It h .O . DETAILED STATEI1ENT CO I E PO RTS IN NOUT1 A, T le Mutuial !'e of N.Y. lltiid for $2.001,2.11 a boi.............. ta u ... .... . ... S,I1 1 :. 1 ; 6 _ I ratve wi5 .'Vl' .7, T :.---Th-: Mustua:l iferi o New y'ik.iilN4 llt DO0W formi of piolicy Sla' NN.--l'rofltible investmn T 'I ISIs.- -I .iberat L.oans to tho A )tn il'a~2id-uC> ini larances2 l'or furi e linf orinm H. HYATT, General Bouth Carolina, COLUMV .INA, or 0. B. SLIGH, N For Infanta and Children, lhe Kinid You Have Always Bought Beoars theo. Signature of A Al A1 Al At Wednesday, ~ I1 La of all kinds This sale . Ar you miss it 2 Ar Ar ear )tOi wIll N 814' het TF (de --------R E---- 4- ,.. their im wloxes u>? Tio now .er 1vico will go into effect July 1 and Hit is only about tou days of'. They ought to put up iat boxes oil the rodsido so lit t Iho carrior ran roach ttii without o11viig lis tiont, anld thon direct tho postrinsotr whero I lu'y arE ll(>wV gott ing thir mail to 1tl' if 1)11 1 by tI o estrrior. tiloro 01u1h0 (Ito b fit h.ets., ;0,000 boxtiv ICly by I ho first of July, anll(d it woubl givo it grand illiupulso to the C'MtSO Of riii-til dolivory." .-lop siftering!' Try Dr. Miles' Palin Pills. WWord 'o Prly."e qiufferi ng Women. Ne pno but yourselves know of the ffering yout go through. Wh do il suffer? It isn't necessary. 1on't me your health arid beauty, (for the s of onc is s)eedily followed by the . of the other.) Don't feel " weak (I "worn out.," Imipure blood Is at L botoin of all your trouble. pas ariIIa QUA WP-BOTTLI3S. ly, Leitcerrhma, Whites, Sterility, Ulcera .:Ail, il find relief, help, benefit and cure in 'at panacca for ieadach e, pains in the left hands nnd feet, nervousness, sleeplessness, .cho. leeache. irregular action of the heart, 11 paliutil menstruation, scalding of urine# IraWa, uterine displacernent, and all those it* so mserable. We have a book iu of I CO." Detroit, Mlich. enou Little Liver Pills, 25c. Newberry, S. C. TO1 I-1, Newberry, S. C TAIdACY, Nowborry, S. C. TT, Prosperity, S. C. 1st to the Insuring tid South Carolina -ife Insurance New York CURDY, President per (.elt. 1more business than 1ined ore iii "insurance in paiuiUS iln North and South \flTLED FROM OFFICIAL ND SOUTH CAROLINA Almmillt of Gn ir Anotnt of 1 n1 t1 ce r- Itii iice inl IJn. in Force i it I i n 18, Force lsx9 DeC. 31, Ok9 $766,892 $1,92.1,349 $18,793,277 821, 854,095 13,161,100 , '0 8)1 1,880 13,457,649 70390I '1 938,100 4,741,6i50 74',9- 0 Mi,2,760 '4,605,641 59,0O ( 44.52,(161 4,229,985 495.7:11 80,-19l1 ,360,597 I :l report only Ti< i For"' busi ness, -ot L,t:1e the nluiount patid for-.' by~ T[he Miutual Life In 44l-.537 of a1Sots. Bill. Inusuredc. w,ithout exchange of policy. t. of premiums.i' tioni, addat-e e Agent for North and BIA, SOUTH CARO ewberry, S. C. 'lonida Cerntral & Peninsular rhot rutt by O0th MorIdIan, or Ciontral T.im, soutih 1 f Coluir bIa. TIimeo Table in ' ElI-:et. ,Juno :ird. N01rtio.2 N.S V Noew York ......... N 1. v h Plill plh i .~... 3 anm 3 29ipm v 11 tlmore ........ 19am 5 15ipm v w a bilngon.....1 55am 7 10pm V JI:ch moond.....~.. 5pmn 10 40pm v Roalelgi -~...... ... 7 atpm 4 (Gamn ...........~. 155atn II 35amr V. C'olmImib......10 35am 12 55am Oil ,ral T1lie f De'n,mark ......12pm 2 27pm v Faia tax-.........255am i 110pm p ~Vti,Wvnn0-.......3 7pm 6 I8amj IBrnsh,k---.---.0" pm 4 -sun Lak.................. -Opn P 1 2asm I,ive Oak........,30pm 12 li mr Tallahiasse, ..--.- 38pm RIvero Juniction.... 62pm Mobile-...~..--------.3oam "NowOrleitas--- 740,m - (JRinesvillo.--"-- 20lpm 'Ced ar Koe 8 -.... 025pm 7 OcTap...............no. 6 30pm No. 44. No. g6 C ram,a...............00m 800a UOedor Kov.-.-.--- 7 lamn Ja4smaill...... 3 eam7 dlpmn Utos.wiek.........1am 8,1,,n !iTannaah........2 27pm 1150pm ...v.n...h........J 5pm Ii Vp sa ir fax..-......... 9'0pmn 20Olam Den 'mark ...........804pm 2 42am Q Mumbi..........4 8Rpm 4 8Sam It iulgh... .......1 4')pm 11 5Mam YesinIt on.... 00m100p 1iaitmore.........1 f$am I 3.5pin Phiadephl......12 tO,m 2664am. New York...... .... 1104pm 0 i8amn.. as. 8t and 41 wilE have Pu'Jma, falep. a betweeni New inark and( Ta"'r at and sil g cars betweens llamleot sund fPay.nnah "Oglsd a yooehom heLwoen Jackson. us. 27 antd 06 wilt have PN.yaga JlngTht Tping Car b'otvoen Now YOrk andi Jack-. 8 ville anid Day coachios and bsg, u wIt en Washington and Jnek.i4nv i iae i arriyo and 'depart, .in .A, otinrPhrr inomtinai 8. D BOYMTO bTa5. L. A. 8HIJPhlAN .~ ,A. 8. A. 0. MAODQN7ij"1~~ SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Condoti0. Schetduilo In EfYeot Juno 10t h 1900. STATIONS. Dil. N' , Nei. Ii 11 p In 7 11 " Stiilervill .. 1' 00 In't 7 41 it 11 "0 Hrm it hvil ........ 1 65 I ik 5 It i " 1-r1111"ehilrw . .... . .. : l, Ill a ) In 11': a " M IragVillo ........ .. it Ill a n 0 15 J) it l' . I't1,1-I I_ .~. ._. ... ._ . ..- _ _ ..... P! N1 n P 1 " it ar w ell............ . . .. 1: I ill " in kvillo ......... l l a f . Colu:nin ........ 0 a In 11 05 aI I Prospwrity .......... . I I a in 12 1 1 i'n Nowrry. . 8 L0 In 1:! 25 ) n Ninety-SIx.......... II ;ho a it 1 :. p 1 "(Greeniwood... 'L 50 aIo 1 55 p1 n Ar. Hodges........ 410 15 I I 15 i Ev..Abbl . ........... . 5 in p L A r. Belton............. 11 5 a r4 . . Ar. Grenville ...... .... i -2 I m i)-it I (o 16. No. n .J reinvflIe............5 '.0 1it 10 15 Ia Il1 Piednont ....... .. 6 W Il ml 10 40 It ,in w illinlinlatoni. . J 1.03 5 1 I'n l Ar nd'm7 15 1) int) Lv. 11.ItolL . ,I 5 p m 1115 it 1. Ar. Doalld 7 4 11 11 40 4 ims 0 .H d e ... . .......- ho i5sn115 Ar. renwood......... 1 55 ) ij 12 20 p 'n "6 NiX1ty-S . . . . :1 j) ,1 1' 5 p ) " Nowhorry .......... 9 l) p in 2 0M ) l '.' Prosp rit ........... 0 45 p 1% 2 11 1) Ill " Voluimbian.... I I W n)i 1 .20p m AT ~Ilin.i.ii........ - irnw eil. . ...... .. . ....... 11 1. a ml Sav.11111n h......... . . 10 ai l c illgvi Ilk%'3 ~II ** I 41 L v mi il .... ...... 02 i 11 ) SOranl ilig ....... .1 aIn 5 :33 1 ) ill lBranlchvillo ....... - a i L 15 p I 1I 1ni'rvillo ......... 2 a ni. 7 2- 1 I Ar. Clhnriston ........1 7 ) i 8 15 1 In SA 0 IONS. I I (X)-ip - isi1 . v. I . __-.~_._ o .i N- 6.I i 1)~~ ~ ~ j~ kfj itII- r i 12 (VIn 7 4 1: eSI yKrv-L " 7 2%3 5 .a I 5h *a b 145 g;').Nn-vil " 1-5 p) 4 :.,)a 2 M0aa 2n "U Ort..h1r 33pI 45%% .1 n3: 15 " in vile " ; 2:2a 12 kI al. .. ... .. av n u h . r .. .... 6 JU a 4 1:111 . .. r:Lwe .. " . . 3 15 i 4 28 at. ..... I I ekvi ..... 3 00 a 6 3-)n'll .1a .. Co 40lti .." 3 20p 5 p 7 i t i 291 " .A L .... " ' 30'I 8 : 8 03 it 1 2IP ' . . I iLt e.. "6 1 p 7 403lp 8 45a 2 It)1 "....Uvion....." 12 5 7 10) 0 04 i 2 '2 U " ..Jotuwaiit .. " 12. ) ' 9 19 a 2 i7 p' " .... kneoet .. 12 1Ip 9 5a -3 10 p Ar1b81rtunut Il1 1 45 U p 9 40 p vSpartaiburgAr 1 22JU 0 Uop 1 , 715_1) g l-il .g 80 "''6. m. "A" a. na. "N"night. DOUBFIC DAILY SNHRVICE. RETlN dUARLE-STON AND Ui1,4ENVILLE. and between Charloston andti Alloyille. Pullmanl palace lilevripg .ars on Tra'iAt % a d 96, 87 and 3. onl A. AnId (% dKyivion. 'D1414ht -kk. oil th.isu t [i ns mulV-T al',mostle onrolfto T.aHM kVV0 SPar~tanlbnmg, A. &C. djtyjpIn mort.libnucond, 7 :02 a. iii., a :X1) p 3; . , , . [Vestibulti Limited); solx -pnd . A 1:5 Ip. im., 11:34 a. ml.-, (.V ile.Limi14 ' Trains leave Orgmrivili, A. Iad. northboimg.d,1:00 a. i,'*2 T4 >ilp, and Q -. i'. (Ve'sti-bue1d.111mitcd) sout OI I a.0 14' 1?- in., 12:30 p. i. jV q tibil t ill . td Trains 13 nad 14-logflt Iln .Prler oars botweem Chaieto' n Ilhao411o. Tr Ins 15 and 10-?uljij Driw 'R Blis ag Pars- betwbm a~en Caetln AU A9ga illt ort in Wf. A. T.RK., 8. if. MIR wh*.. Augusta and Asheville Short Line. Mchedule in Effact Miy 27th. 1000. ,eavo Augusta......--........ 9 40 a I 1 40p in irrvo Greonwood...........12 15)p 1m . Anderson..t..................U 10 ii Laurons ..)... I 0 1 m 6 -i a W%aterloo (H . .)...12 52 1 m. Ureienville. .......... 3 0) 1) m t I., ari ) Ulenn1 SpI-ngs.... 4 ) 1) . S pat tan burg........ 1 10 1 i t 01) i il 3taluda................. 33 p I flondermonvilio..... 6 0:1 . . . Ahoville ................6 15 p It, .eLv.Ashevinlo..........7 0 a m~ S pairtanburg ....11 45 a mL 4 0o p m lnnSpriI gs....10 00 a1 m . G enil......12 01 pm 4 00 p in Laurens..........1. 37 p m1 -7 3 pml .rr1ve WaterlIoa (1.P4).. t~ ni ..... (.4reen wo3d....2 35' y)1 m1) 00 jIm A nd r.:jIn ..--.......... ..35 a. m S.A '. issa...........5 10 n i 10 8 a .eavo A ugust.a-.--............. 155 . Allndae..------------........ 3 4.8 pm11 Fairfax.--..................... 4112 pmIf Yem asse ............. 9 0) am" 5 15 pm1 Beaufort............10 15 am1f 6 15 pm Port Royal..... 10 80 a m) 6 30 pm _Ar .Savan na 4...---............... 7 25 pm Aave Charleston .......................3 m aml Savan nah...................... .. 5 45a am1 Port 14oya!........... 1 110 pm 6 25 amD Bean tort-............16 pmI (1 35 at Y emasso............ 2 30 p1m 5 '20 nm aiax.......................... 8 33a LieAgust........-.............. 10 -I aHi 1.40 p. mn. traInB from Augusta~lilikes lisi olnncO LIon at CalouniFall o alpinso eaboard Air Line. afralPit'o Close coInection ait GlreenIwoo'i for ~all olnls On S. A. L. and C. and Q. Iallway, and t,8partanbnrg with Southern Ra11 ia. For any tnformiation relatIve to tIckets Ites. soh. dules, addlreas W. J. CRAIG, Gen. Pas. A gt E. M. NOlRTH. Bol. Agt. Agsa a T M EMRSON,Traffic Manager. ITLANTIC COAST LINE! FAST LINE etween Charleston andi Columbiar Upper South Carolina, North~ Caro-. lina, A thons and Atlanta. PASSENOBR DE.PAaSTMIENT WrLMUINOToN, N. ()., Nov. 20th, 1897. CONDENSED BC HEDTILE. ONG WEST: In Eilect Jan. 15, -OOINo EAST. 0 am Lv...Charleston, s.c..Ar 800pm' 24 amL LV.......Lanes . A....Ar 6 20 pm 40 am LV..............utr..............A r 513 pm 00 am A r.....Columbia ....Lv -4 '0 rm pAr ,','.'.,.r aorit.'.''..2,' 7 pm 03 pm A r~.......,.....Cln..............Iv 213pm 26 pm A r.....aurons ,.... v 1 45 pm 00O pIm Ar......renvillo.....v l2 Of am ....mA rSarnbuj .l. I 46 am 0pm A r.......innboro-....b 11 41 am 16 O r ..harlotto, N. C.... Lv 9 3.5 am 05 DmAr.Hedesovile1. .~~L 1ii Nos. 52 and 538SolId tre.ins botWon Chlarlec n and Greenville vIa A tlantlo Coast Lin )Iuumbta, Newborry and Lauron~ R. R. ali larloston and West Carolina R.11. H Mf. IEERSON, Genu. Passenger Agont 3 . RENLY, T. M. EMJ 111.N' Genl.Manageir- '1 rAfilIaIana'g KOdoI yspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Lartliotally digests the food and aides ~tureoins srghnngand reson ruetinj the exaute digoae er. ss theo tdisqoveredd1i st it and toniC, 1o ~rpreparifton 2 n akprach it n efi lency. In In- 2 1nl rleves and 1rrnanently cure ispela, Indiges lots, ertun atuece, -Sour. Stah, Nase okJHeadache,Gastralgia,orataps arnd otheresltstitnerfcedgestlin, A sid$ al ts e a teofRe 1e1d6*'6 4 (e I, Effect Novelber 19, i1sgjj, (Ea8tern Htandard Time.) S .Outhboui-. NorthbojjL(t STATIONB. I'M. A-,) At 22 84 53 62 8r 3 b51) 7 4) 1 3I .v 1,1r1'e Ar I 35 130 11 101N 7 11 1 11 " I'irks Ar 125 420 ) I I 7 0'( 1 NI ..Clinton.. 1 13 4 00 '3 7X 2 03 OUltihville l( 331 701 810 210 .. inard.. 12.3 f 2A S2 7 13 8 I8 2 i5 ...Mary... 12-.8 311 '7 2 8 *'.5 ' ..J1 tpit.. 12.:s 801 8 8 i, 8 :1. 2:14 Nowborry 13 o ' 8-1l l ) 13 219 1 r-4p'Ity 12 7 15 1)u O ....su:hq.... 1207 1 .110 I'9) 102 L Motntain 12U:; I r 9 .; 1 1)*0 :s10 ...(1lutp inl... I i s I 9 10 10 00 22 11IH: n 11 .; 1 27 . i1 10 I's 3 6 Whilo Htock 11.4k) 1 2 935(10 1 :331 ialletinfle:i I I I 10 1I 10:10 :-10 ..)m . 11 .7 . 0 10 25 10-11) 2 .. ftjaphit i,. I) ) o 12' I 1 - II C3 051,A rO(oltiI aI. Lv 11 ( 12 No. I 'ixud, IiDly Except flumlay. 1'. "u. Ar Nowbiorry 7 41; 1.'IP o4e'-ily 7 20 BIIghs 6 r.? IAMt ll ottitt'n - : Cha pht 1i 20 1Iliton 6 ( Wht IIe ICock 5 t.J Bailc.tiln 5 45 irllo l 1.aphart 5 05 Lv Coliluubia .1 45 No. 5. fitwcon auren8 anid N(wbuIy. 8:%tirdayn only. Lv New berry 910 p :T, I-v .1ahti Ia 3:2 m I,v (4try 9 f p LAv RinmarI 9.8 in IV Ao1tIl'Ilo 9 k p m111 1v ClII ton 10 15 m111 L,v P11rkt. 1) :16 p-II Ar Latirmis 10 L p ) . 00 A"Grv'IlWjV~ 3201 - S10 Ispart!n1buirg 11 4. 6 10 A Sig litta 1 9J0 TrakinI 5'2 itnd M 1-tg. runs-1oli bCtwseenI ClAr ILe11011 I1ad (reeiville, di ly. 8'r) 2. i, ->itd 111lPY C.ecillt. Stidiay between (' 0n b1 hn1111(i itti renl" 11111 :1. dati ty (.( ept stundity 111141 Mlonidtly. betweten Col11bla 11,10 mt. 3 'Iri ,bel W(eln Newborr-y stj,d hakiir1's Saturd.ys (only. (1N0 conn"IectIOn at 8un ior for aill poIItIl. Not-tit 'losil Con nect 3It)s It, SIMI' "n bIg for thii DOU13LE DANLY SERVICE Bolwco 1 cw Yor'k 71, Ap alHul. Now 0M'ean18 ah Poillt Soith aitl Wet, IN ICFFEC I' .JUN E3rd, 1itti. SOUTIH WA It' 1. Daily Dally N) 31 Ne ;7 Lv Now York, P. i . 1 ItM 12 Ift4.1" " Ph . (I--IplI In P. 1, It 3 '_11m 7 a.m tt Ih r e, P. R . ...... a I pm I I " ilighn~ao, 1 . P... 718 . tl A.. 1 y -m w pr~ - i v -CI.u'.'~' 2-1I" l . lnegh "' - sutm 5:11111 ISou1tern P'I M0. " 5 5:in 9 I. .Nio .1 M T.v Iamlef., (51 11 M Lv ('ol1ir bla, 4 12 5' t. I Ar :a% ait im .1. 6711v t i f.,I Jacksonville " 7 401 in :0 14 1 No 403 A r Chnrlotto, "311 11 " Gree-nwood. AthenI '8I Ar Athanta.? 4 LOpi Ig isw ia, . & V (........... Lv New York, N Y 1 NI.. ..... S01nk 110 1!1 i d1 I 1'.a. - 2 :1m 1i 2s -i1 I r 1' 0 1 S c' f t it 11.. WuahI,Ion. N & \V 141 - ... . .T *mrwmmt .\1)9 N agIL Lv P'ortI8ol1l), S A L IAty 920pm 1) :5)am1 Lv IBid.oway Jct " 225amn 1 2 pm: lIenderson131, "I 55'ham 2 la uI * " ioutheoin Plnoa " 557lam fS Y2um "~ Hiamlet, " ; -50a 7_3'npoa N 3 t No?' * (.olt1mbi.r, 1 " 10 3'am 12 53:;u A r fatnn31mb, '" 13 67p1 5( &T )m *. ackson villo " 7 -10pm 3) '11tm No 30;3 No4 Ljv WIIltngton " . ....... 301pn Az' I harot,e 3) 811m .0 2in G' romnw ood, 1I 42am I Olamj At.hens 1 48pm1 34.3)amI ~ '1 !h~~t'4_O 00ni 6 Oltam _ uLInlIt & W ..5pin'....:"...p -ie'n Uo t L...... 20~ntui 11 1ia: MI)ntgomll'r, A & W1P..... 39)p I 100pm Mobile, L & N 1............ 03Uam '1 l2pm) No w OrleailI, L~ & N....,...... 7_l0O m 8 30pml S'Lnx1v1ile N U & tK.U. diam ti3&pm " 1 Mu1np)la15, .. -Og- 1 l10.1 N')lt'I'llW.ARDF. I)nIIy D)aIly NO'4) NoO)6 Lv_Mteipmhi, NCI& stL..2 4,pm 8 4pm P. ow Oh'k.en b & N... 7 . , &.N................. 12 201am 1-2 20am tontrIbn'Ir A & W 1'... 13 10am If 21am A A l s aIt n o W U I . . .. ........ l 0 0 m 4....... AInn .IA L~ fly,. I 00pm 11 00pm ArAleenwood A iOpt 11 2:Ipmn .. lr. " i28pm 4 ::4y .v I 'hrlot tle, '' ---iW~ 1 i di * Wlmintto,n - --- ----- -1 OjNoi No~Slin Y_v RIdg(eway Jet,. * III na l * P'oeaburl ." ~ - -44p ' Iticmons )-)ISa ~4 4pmE N o 401j Mo Lv I'wy Jet 8 A LI, fy.3300-wm 140pm A r Portom nthb a ''am~ SSSpmn -- - ...L - -. 7 0a.m 6 16pm lidin3g C11rs between N~ew York asueli41. fead, and)( H amlet and 8avnmaah On TralE B tOI. S3 andl( I4. t OontraI Tim- o Eastern) TInme. 3LUE RIDGE RAILROAD) II. 0. BA% T.t, Receiver. Efr'ootivo . :. 1897. 1ot.woon Anderson anid Walhalla. FASTBouyng. WMGOTom f.19e. Stations.( 10 ICa ...s., And1eron. s 0 anm....Dever. v y 0 g .w1021ai .o.u....utn . v .r 10 22 am.~.. Pnd lt y4 p r 10 38 am. ...Cherry's Croso y7. 4 1 .rl(J 071km....oA d ama' Crosejn,. 20 put r0ig49 m }....n..on }ca...., IN t7 'I'2iam-~-. West.UnIo,n.) LJ r 92 ame..,..\Vlalla.v17V) .M.Lv. :3e ND Agaon~q I Anee t 6 a o