The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, June 05, 1900, Image 2

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l'nm W r un ' \ o . 14 ('4i4i ,t, .I n i 1:4r 1ai 44o h. 4L44;g'4:%b4;': . bw-k wthe- Ami oin i n owm 4. 44)1 4ih . 1t:tI' e p I: .( tri en i"r.d u. r tla k of -c'm . thli,); to :11m i I) The! Stata D,:moe"r:u i" F'txan tt eat it:. m c(-t il" last, %v t : o t r I--ed o dt I a t on 'u n tr i 0the vondt i:nt'l if )w'pa 'y V. 11Lit 44'!, 4 ..-,; 1% 40444-11, 1'.* 14( S 1,lation I f :4 it h1t l I' ll ' p v anh '' .-bt i W -n n i ' 11i i m un n il:t I - m lt lot t!!c pl*r 4: . a f'! 11 an . " ' - a- ii:tt lt )i l wn: -x if 1) 11. t ci 'l-t i e l t ; t t n, tnp anotlvin. .h:. wimlit m l Ima n t 1.h ink i h,w'n lave h.-I, p11 1 -r hw. h on'li to 1!L . 1 h v ta;nwott, 1egn.(i!:ly af:-,1 lil'. Ihl.(. h bitio voer '! 4 ( n1: a h.) 1 i. y 4. 4t 4 , '. i 11 1' . 1.- 1 h .- - h i el' ~ ~ Im |J ld el V> | r ' P1il'r h i m";o - :1e ma:ui Hlwy ilb Iot b ol1)h ravi.. Anod uilm po h -w y tin-ir ot inat Ithcy want th14,4 h. v!l-t-led, why In%t h -hIn h it- b .1(-cli.-d. Tht- phla r n1 ad14pled b-, not ;I psridhi hitionl platf r i.1. 41' 1 a (- .ll, f [or th'. di for r e :nin 0 1- e l- a 4ii of' Ionr. )4iii, i. in4d1 . 442ie a 1. wr\ lan th l. i p 444..u' r4 h a -i a koir< f I Ih. ,w e h io i I: It 9'llt i ..--It II ih Ili I ah if i, fa , i. is im o h! t1 h lb - (t h 14n, 44uld' any 44 .' 1).44 a proh41' 4ihi 4' I1 41 I I ~ ' I. a, \v44 4 I) f(4'' '4I tiwn oaw ( I n- nio:- I: . i , it wor nt ht , 1 w 1 1b v t . l Ih ravo i i. en ;uI i - Ih -. r.. Th'l y Illmw it ui, ;1 1 w to'.; wit h pl) ihi:wry law (il 'h i., ta"ut. hoL i 1 jaan itl k i m w. I O i I b(Al-vt. Iih - arlitst and Iin-r tobibitinnha t, lia' ause t,b y l Iv w i i wI- ll r . i if.:it, 4.hould be '. pa - d by II 44 ., 1.'.'h 14r4, with14 sost.ron 'sentim 4ia ais f 'om?4 41 44t t4wr 4144 very' , l41-4 . proha-44 Liity of1. the 1 ucc4 of'4'44 th) 4444'ro hit 144n The', 1: abom-di ; \ I . '4''4'in)e ' lo h,414n 14p1ned4from N:tw 4444rk. 144 4T4u'a m44ul t'i14 event:4. 44 was ce 44.te 1la'444. 1w44k ing the fre d lier of'4'4Ii44, freih. Theij(4 4 othe it 4. ad41 s 1444 a41'';o. 144, 1n free :i, 1 cirt 1oming int C lum1. a s. ( I luir e f: eenred th', is4' r.4) .for New-1 The Spar41tnburg'4 (lIfl ha'4411 114e fol 4clear,'044 expic,, 14414 satisfactory 44 tat444 - 'me4nt 4141in ' ) regar 4to ' his ain' 11n4 the,4 *' * Commecemet atthe Chnnha'4' maio Colg 8j4 losed11.4'4 Ilast,4144 night. flv 41ent,4 wil now1(1)4 44L a Ium conto of the: insti0(tuton anh e 15 hs fa il here444.' * * lin Coll legoi)~ has' 1b4en4 4a ver.4y success4444ful one In 4very4, re44pectl. Tihe4. enollment14144 was14 2J I, sho0w)ig a1 larIger' ant4'4dano Of a1cadem11ic s4.udents114 than40 1.h4e colle4go has1 had1( sin4ce 18t10. Th'Ie fault1,y no0w numlrbers four41teenf prgofessors8, ('a1 h a speciaIt Iiu his depatmeL;cnt. Theli ex penes are' mo1derate.C, anId the1( health.1 of tho 84.udOnzt body 1has been eXeept.1On ally good for t,bo past,L sever'aI yearsI. It, 1s an4 old and estab11lishecd institution and has a grand history, and deser ves hbe support and patronage of all theo 44' , people of the State. Hlon. Cole 1.. B110as9 1is In the city. lie is the first bandidate for' a Stato, ,,Ohice to tako the plodge and pay ble fee, He la now in the, race for L~Iou f*j r~4~~ o latIon wil t t? I N , ~ A. i~ S AXt L j. ' I)'1 - u AI f b. I I bbyw berry en t hau in'\ - l s I w i i t ' si~ aI t --atIA''" N''~ liou.t.'' A 'l L ' A \5'~ hy-A. th IA' t A' A' l' D. In WIA'' in l ' ? . N .. 5 'wlw h :. 1 ;I A ., . h ~ A .' 1 h el b5: Al. n ..i- . n r 1sn' is .l :n. 'Ic.a whoh ).\ . A s.'m-.e ht. re. j n a l''' 'L ' ,' a ne ; 'An Nand -! ' '1 a ha beenA i e-: wl nn .Il* inh a.A .a nw'o i' . r i'.s ti t:- .- ,;o .\linnutu;:bA . an '5 :'s ii A k,I an,i hel can pLan yo p ie and <tIIality B' l ly T;AL'S'.1'n th Ad e A' Asby l.oi AnX Atur '' ''tn 'u s o us i c. 'e'hn ASonI a !ulta tion' am man oLAf11Newlark.lieilno'.- t he ivi'i War, It enn-ed h .orribl' s i-OS rs' alhs not treti en h p ZAI. sr ' yeaZ' rs h 1uckl ''srnie SA' e A nred h aA('nes CIAtg Irts' II , AA'1 rs Bis 1 1 ILnAs, I Ar's S k Ai IEruptios. i\I eats l('le euroIA s-n l:ah :. LII"ts .n hoc' X1 Are gArantt '1.4A Mohl by- !2a l)rngg -ts - .- 'r- . -. Ii i lss l" :sts Ise(si terms. O .\pply?i'k to *IiI~ istho(li \.\T11. 11 ~l .Is- . IA1rAs.1)\\'E''L4 I .., cur Prlosperity,2s 'Ix A bo . Silk ;lor'a IJmbrhteIln, 98M ('tnts at, WVoot.en's- tsi ti. Our' onlto line of M\lllitar'y to ho closed oAt ' rgasrd les- of cot. I t M hutoaugh. Stockholders' Meeting .51loois Mutua11 1 Protcto A )soc ia ttin of 'Soth (Caroltol w'il he' hi-d Jutne' of the Pre'lsident of I hn I"t NatIonal Blank of New berr 'iOS. F,' Il A RMON, Ge'l Aga. n~~ 11-!n o m) ;(f14ill6t. u dn -b i t og o an ( . * .': ''** ''i 4: ni - 4 1.1 1i 1 - ['I N :t I v ctjill o:; *4T4 A ; 1 W :11 v 1,4 4 - u C. V>. 'ro :t h New 4 1 \ t Ii * * naw i4 a A) ~ I li I t he ihree nf:. '10 . . . . .I .UI iU1 AEBE PHUACYCY butis ior p r t.iularly nio iebe i te. Isuper in ofu gir L4~J A D1 MS' M a1I1S.ttractiv andCV(1 a largo at..011 a tractiof line of VA NS. and l"- 'I urnihinlg. You4 will be i,uri prIised ait 1.hi (ele;;a~t style aund quaility. we glvo yOII for~ the mon0ey3. 8. J. WOOTEN. IL .' n a . : la I-,: lI p -in. : or yu l I'it N andI chb-an.i to be had. ()I (;d alble \\'H. a nu bw ngthem. W .:D G PT I I Of Conditions of Tha Newhberrs, Savings Bandk of Newherry, 1S. C., at the Close 0of Businewt MOarchi 31,st, 1800. Pub. lis"Ied in Con-iormity With Ar Aw" u! the GPannr31 Asvoembiy .h m ! . .bh . . . . . . : .2-, 2 ('oleet-on A onn . . . . 0l' ()vrordismeuedand Im DYw frvmu oth.r 4,117,1-03 01 ('apital . .i ,060 0 I'rois le.s 0xwne paill . IG 5 Divh'ns upai . . . 5S8 0 uns wdm: . $ 12 21) n i its . . . 811 ,8:1 5: -$12:3,111H .1 Of'ers ono appare before er.. Norwotal, Cair of aboved nam ~abe tmmn is tri to00 thebes, Hworn to hnforemetisi :h da A u ril, 1000. l K . 11 A) t fe t :i N. ( i.'t t . C I i . I- . G . ' I.:n. -1 () M <- *. l 91,..5:.- . ( o i .I-.Nll lN Nlfl ot V. ho 1] est.a l t of o i i). ( \\ ta:in t mi ntw, in It l'r tg~oas Cwoma f: tiw hcUer l t 'ttit , . ('. Iin II'j) y lit et (.1 <htiy o un e D thi3, a t, 1 1 1'c i t l h<itc,anhil mmdate .1 C W1 'ATI. .\.iS fIVIGTN (IttI hc Gtuard ian of~ id \Vliao. May .1ithc, 190. I.Ii~4 tI 'lc Sumter-t Ea m ilIli~inaton ri3;: S1:'A I .\: A. [. \' I .zSI'ot N,A . . Naion frItacors "a.i let. w%ill ' ike.. yte! in thi Courit -1touse it Ne werr, SC ,on i,'rithiy, .*uno 15 I'0itt. I 1ouri', frotm 14 a m. t o 5 p). tm. t i1t C. S. 10. N. C. STIATEI' Or sOUi TH CARO.LINA C'OU NTY OFi N id\\ BE'~R hY-- I) COMNMON PiM11A8. Summons for liliref. (Comtplai:nt1 Served.) TIo t he DCfOndanltts abovo Nm nei: . and recqu ired to answer' the ctotm tlit,. iniLI t,ict,ion or whIiich a copyt b: hercwitLh served utpon youl, anod to sorvi acopIy of yourl answerI~V to t ho sail m imt onii. 4 theO hsujbis at, the ir 0111 ci atNowhterry,in said State,wvit hin twt) d.s afLtr th o si'rvice li roef: e xcl usij of the day~ of schl servi(ce;an iLii f youli fa L,'> iiansw r thei ol in t, wtt iit hi in thc( Lt,imo aforesaIid. Ct linti ff in thilbis nec L,ion will1 a pply tol the (ounrt. fohe re.ic 1iof demnandit<d in thit comrpl'inot. M\OWIFil & B\VNIj 1, I hliit tiff'u . A ttr ey's. .''( the Decfendant, II: t)'y 1). il[tn' inl.rton:l TJake not let ft,hit t ho- comlitjn in- tis ation~t togU ete with ti- sitin monlis, Of which the foregn~..infr i-s a ,, werelied wIth thei CIlerk of thIe (tt I of C'ommnon I 'leas, for Newhierryv Conn t,y, in tihe. SItate of SothL ( 'a rolina, on the Li)irtteenth dayIi of .\larch, A. I)., 19044. MIOWtygt VNU Plaintiffs Attornieys. Nowberr'y, 8. C, Prosperity $11oe sliop, .OF MADE: AND) lIUAAIlti2r) L~ in the be.,t. 8tyle of workm'anh,i p. &adles andr Untrness. recpat ring~4I arl. n at and cheaply. All tmy' w"ork gn uran 'ed, both Itn rice andualic.lty. Give m e 2Ial an you2 wi be pleased.i JAI 'F. McC:LOTUD, P'rosperity, S. ('. r~ F"o r the enatec. For House of Reprecen-s tatives. No. 31. T. Y OP 1V IST EN ) heIIeb nomlinit(.d Is Ia CNdidat.e f.r t it of Iepresent atives, sub e It t uls of the DenIce'atic paLty. t ' \>. I'. Ii.\ NKS IS NOMi\llATD ., for ihe ibmse of(iflpresnttives, 'i< Olbidlo theles oen "4' th 1ernoera*IL(, Pr1imar11y. t n'~ll. til t KmlLl K18 14,j.10 A nounced as a candidate for 1. llouse of aInpresentativei, and is Sedgh"d t abid 3Ie Ih rsult of the I)om- l oerit Irim"ary election. U I ti A A C . CA N 1)1 DATE Ol T111 l.I.Latuu, ubject to the rules of li) 'nmiratt pairty. ElDIf. DOMINICK. i)l. W. 1:. LAKE 1' I lIEkiiY an1Oluned as * '11 a ,1 1 iilandito fri thet !toll-e or lIe41re-SVII Utvsnd Is pledg ed toi i he rt,t'); of t,h I) Democrat I. .j. u. CCL , S 1. I by nOilaited ts It CILn(lidate fo' the !lou' of I Rtepresenl tati ves, and Is pWdged t albide the tresult. of tthe I )(-,I rimary L,ion. YOT I'S. For Clerk of Court. I I) . IIAItIY IS A OANI)! . e date for- 'lelIk of Coirt, and kwil b!"Zo VIrned by tho reslt (if Lihe N N 111' N NOUNCE MIYSI L,p a~~.(I ('1i1t4fr'lek Of thO ('ourt for Newherri'y Couny, S. C., subject, to the action of the Demieratic pr-imary. liegIpoet ful ly, .1 NO. C. (OGGANS. ' A. Ill LL IS HIRPEB AN |VY V nounced as Ia candidate for Clerk of Coutl of the count,v, and IFpledged to abide the result of the Dom ocratic priiiary election. For County Treasurer 11i111:11BY ANNOUNCE MYSELLb4 a aniatl i for Treasurer of New b'rry Couantyv, subject to the action 4 of the DemllotaLe primary. JOSEiI[ T. H UTC[ISON. I Zl t!W ANNOGNCE MYSELF 13 - . :.a i:u late for Treasiler of Now- fr brry Coty 14 and yledge tuyself t.abide ir th I itlt of the Dimoctratic primltry - c ec ti1. JOH N L. EPS. fr EIIY ANNOUNCM MYSELF is I cailidate for the oilee of I uly T-vv:m4r of Newberr%y County, ,1m1 ple e myself to abide tbo result ( i Ith e rati lW rimary)jl) elect.ion. W.W. MCMOUMIES. . iUMIE'l.(T IS HEREBY Fe N1oin!1ated for Treasurer of New berrPty Conty, and will abide the result of the Democratic primary election. VOTEIRS. 1 ~ AN I Mr I. WIIEELER IS IERE li Ilt' noioinated as I Candidate for i1 .reasur'r of Newberry Count.f and 'I L- pledged to abide the result, of the ( Democratic primlary Electitin. V TOT ERS. For Sheriff. - I THEltUBY ANNOUNCE~ MYSELF ollice of Sheri IT of. Newbcerry County, f i nd ant pledged to ithide the result of the De~ moi'inera t 'i riary election. I f ' !hied li''(]2 thy-elf in the futurc as (, i hoil to) do in the past, to con , wurt ih oIllh-e wit h thoroughlness, im V ial1y(and diptth, atnd respect hi aI th 15 be stupport of my; fel low cit 1 za ns.M. M. BUJiFOR D. TI EKHERY A NNOUNCE M YSEl~F It a'11( cadthie for Sherill', and pIledge myt1self to abidle the result of the Dem 8oerattic party. Il1. For Co nty Supervisor.I 1 ElREBY ANNOUJNCE MYSi'LF c a cand idate for County Supervisor', 'and pledge myself to abide the result, C of the IDemocratic prlimnary. CIJA 1tFTON CROM ER. THEl:IEBY ANNOUNCE MYSELF -Aas a catndid ate for' County Super-r vki' in the)( coing f election, andl pledge C myselft to abide1( t.he result, of the D)emo- ( - . TV. .PAYSINGER. H IEIUCIY ANNOUNCE MYSFLF .1. as IL calndiate for County Super' v'i', and ledget myself to ab!de the E recsult of the D)emocratic pr'imary'. .INO. R. 1El)DEWV. THfEREBY ANNOUJNCI' MYSELF .a a andidaute for Count,y Suiper v.isot', and phi'(dgez myself to abide theo result of the D)emxocratic pimary.. ,J. D. SMITU'E. Coun-y SperisorandIs IIledged to ablide the r'esul t of the D)emocratic pi'i martty. f ElREB':Y ANNOUjNCE' MYSE~LF .. ia caLnd idat. for' Conun.ty Suipervisor subject, to D)emocratic pimary. T J. 13. CLARY. - ERE3Y ANNOUNCE. MYSELIi . ats ai catnidate for the oflice of Coun ty Snuper.v itor, sub)ject to the D)emo J. CH I.L'Y DONIIN[I(, H iEluEiDY ANNOUNCIE MYSELF . at cand idate for the o0ien of C'ounty 4hpervijsor' and li'ede 'myiself to abIde ,tuted ai candiae for the (11liCe (If I 'Oltnty Siu p ir 0', and( w ill abIde the rl' t (of the D)emuocriatic pr'lfiar For Coroner. 1II EiHE;Y A NNOUNCEl. M YSELF At) nerl, and( pIldge- mli "-11 to aIbide the re suilt of the I)imovrtijr pi-iilai' T. G 11"y" WIILAS e ONN.lHAS~ S iHErE3Y AN nor'(if Newh 'erry ('ounty, aInd i.4lpledge T r abide the re-tilt of the Demecratic m'Irary '-I, etioIn. HERCHu:uY AN'NOU:N('l: Myggyf~ it c'andlidate foir ".e 0fJle of C'oroner hi uW )(II C'OJ . and pl!edge my 1 10&~:' th r '"ul t of the Demo I". MA RION L.rnDaY. 'or Supt. of Education lIERtMY ANNOCIN1t1 M'YSEL,F Sitandiate for tlt olive (if County )Qperin)tVlndett f V tl ':i t 0ion, and Illmys,elf to aIdeW( resulit. of I)hmo I WN1:V \' [,.E I I- 61 S V E , TS.E by b lm inkky I ) a:, aVankldidate for o1m1ty SlpelrintiIldent of 1uc11eation, ibjct, to tbe D n.oeralic prinary. For Auditor. C. ClROM ER IS If ElRElY AN .V none as a (cand ( idtfor' Coun Auditor, subject to the Democt,ic 'ritar-y electionl. SHEltEBY ANNOUNCE MYSELF L Us; ctnIdidatu for ('omnty Auditor, !bject to the Demoeratic primary olee 10on. . 11IONGS1H0l1-1. For Magistrate. T 11. SINGLEY 18 IIEREBY AN * 11011nuCd anI - candi(date for M-gis rato In No. 10 'lTown,hip, sibject to be rultis ald reguhiittio3s of tie Demo rati part.y. 'fAm,i ON EVEmY PIrCE.' C OC ILT E S FRESHi TODAY Soncboly at h me will Ee waiting tonigiht for a box. The "Natme cn Every Piece" Js the guarantce. For "ale JE3N S.-I have beca mado special agen r Lowney's Famous Chocolates an on Bons for this cit.y. Full line odI esh goods always on hand in bulk audf packages. FEDDING PRESENTS ,elery Stands, Butter Dishes, lako Plates, Syrup Pitchers, Sugar Dishes, Spoon Holders, Cream Pitchers, Fruit Stands, !ai tors, Knives, Forks, oa and Table Spoonis, Sugar Spoons, Butter Knives, Gravy Ladles, Soup Ladles, &c., mdo in quadruple plate oNy. Wo Iso have a new lot of Storling Silver Oa Spoons and a few Seth Thomas locks lft which MUST go. Yours triuly,. DANIELS & CO. OF Rtineso and Japanese Matti ngs, Lace Cur ains, Tapestry Por ters, Art Squares, smyrna Rugs, Japa iese Screens, Bamboo 3orch Shades, Exten ~ion A wnings for doors tnd windows of homes, Vindow Shades. made o order for stores and esidences, Carpets of very description for 3hurches and Society 'lls, Gocoa and Na >ier and North West rn Grass Mattings at he very lowest prices. JONES' Carpet Store, 93 Main Street. Chlumb)Ia Hotel Itlock, It wk C'olumhja, S. C. Am. 10 Newborry Hiard waro Coimpany would call attenition oif the pulic to the fact that they have bought out F. A. Schumnport, Agt., and1 that they wvill conduct the business ] ut the 01(1 stand(, and3( will always baye on 1hand( at t ho lowet pricE's, Agricultural Implements of all t kinds, 07 Plow00oe, Tr8co GllSillS, 1kiii03, Sinllg10'oo0, y "'hs, CI111y iY8rs, fork}S, Si0vclS aild 81J8k0s I everything nocoded on the farm. Harness Made to Ordor. L airmng neatly and promptly done. Vo also carry a large line of ADD)LERY and HIARNESS, R IDLES, COLLA RS, COLL A1R 'ADS,, and in fact, overything mad in a well assorted Stock., P. A. Schumpert, Manager. .~ 0 crop can girrow with out Potash. .'vcry bliadc of (rass, (ery grai n of C-orn, all FIrUits andI Vciget ablIes must have it. if enough iSsupld You canl Count on a full crop if too little, the growvth will be. " scrubby." Send for our l>o,: t0ling nl ahot ,npm i ion fertilizers Lest adaptcd f,r al troe.. 'I hjev , v. nothing. GERMIAN KALI WORKS,93 NasFau St., New Vo Our buyers are back from New York. Our lines are all complete. We invite your inspec tion. We promise good values, polite attention, fair dealing. Splendid assortment in all de partments. See our Dress Goods, Trimmings, White Goods, Wash Goods, Lineiis, Linen Damask with Napkins to match, Handkerchiefs, 9Hosiery, Undorwear, Small Notions, America's Leading W. B. Corsets, Pereales, Citighamns, C!Iicoes, Ducks, Crashes, DOmEt1.1, all at lowest pricos and of standa'd qu)l ity. SIIOES ? ..1Men's SoCeIs 13, Bo0-s' Shoes, LadIes' and Childron's Shoes, and Oxfords. All solid. All guaiantevd. No shoddy. We wish to direct your special attention to our Never boforo havo we been so well equipped to servo you v a now. We have an export trimmer, and your Hat or Bonnet mado by her Null surely be "aihing ofhonuty." WVo want to show you through our stock. Giv'o us the opportunity mawl heare confident of pleasing you. Yours t ruly, MOVe7U Vhen good reading matter' is no cheap way when finished. There 18 such a t or titles in my collection of new To Have and to Hold, r; -oat we camn't, do more thn mention onoe r two of them to show that they are' a)t ancient. I can also fuislh yen . it,h chealp Statiloncory, good. As for aimmocks and Base Ball goods I wonm't beat. Wn. G. Moves, 1MHE NEW BERRY and and Security Co. WILL BUY AND SE~LI otes, Bonds and Mortgages. tocks of all kinds and Beal Estate. 0. 13. MAYEfINPrlesident. 0. M1. KrUn,anO.oo and Troes.