The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, June 05, 1900, Image 1

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9~ Irk~ FSTAB 5 S TUE AY, JUN E 5, 1-OO) RED 1 J BA -r1jE,j.0A R Every Man, to visit Is surpr x x I Never such a cu what he say, sales A c BARGAINS FC 2 Casos,soft Shirt-ing Calioowi, tho 1 " Short LuCgth Bleach Cloth 2 Balos 40-iuch Son Island, 5c. gun 50 Doz. Towelt, largo sizo, ],-c. and 100 Pieces Indigo Blio Calico, tihe pr 3,800 Yds. Whito Lawn, short longthw, 25 Pieces Colored Organdies, qt 15 " "1 l00. 25 " " " 20c. Our entiro line of Embroiderios at I 25 Doz. Ladies' Oanzo Vosts, as long THE CONFEDERATE REUNION, LOUISViL.i RAINS FAL TO DAMPEN Till,. VISTEMANS' ARDnOR. A Glorious Timo at Sotith Carolli Ilend quartern Deilte the Weakther-The Stato Flag anl the Oenixlno PamIt tin Treo A([ mired by the Crowd. (Special to the News and Courier.) Louisville, 1.y., May 31.-The vot orans from SoutL, Carolina have been seeking shelter fi'm the drizzling rams today. Already many of the big reunion plans have been spoiled by thunder storms and rain, and there is not a very encouraging out look for tomorrow. The grizzled fighters from the Palmetto Stato have seen mnore hardships, however, than any endured by water, and they have satisfied themsolves with Kentucky and its fine product. A few of the Carolina veterans have started borme and many others wvill leave tomorrow at the finish of the grand parade. Around the South Carolina head qluarters groat crowds have gathered today. These headquarters are con. sidered to be the most elab)orately decorated in the city, and the twvo huge palmetto trees from Charleston have caught the eye of the people who pass by. The State is splen didly represented and the register shows more than eight hundred Car olinians in attendance at the reunion. A "THIRsT DEPARTMENT." Trhe bad weather has driven the veora'rs to their hall. There is a fine band of music to cheer the crowds and in the building there is a "thirst department" to ripen friend ships inta closer bonds. At a meet ing of the division this morning it was decided to cast the unanimous vote of South Carolina for Baltimore as the next place for thie reunion, wirth Memphis as a second choice. Many of the veterans favored Mem phis, but the unanimons vote of the division will go to the Maryland city. Adjutant General Floyd has been asked to speak in Baltimore's behalf at the convention, and lie will make a ringing speoch to help pull the -votes. Gen. Walker, at the convention to day, introduced his resolutions on the schoolbook question. These in of feet are to see if necessary funds can be raised to defray the expenses of an active canvass in the Sonth to ore ate a sentiment for the use of school histories which are fair to the South and to exclude others which aire not. The resolutions were referred to the committee on resolutions. R Woman and fewberry's G ise the entirn . and can9t a, Lting and slashin 5. Stock on han :omparison of oL R &LL! 25 prico is :M.'o. ,flw. <i1111alt ,mo 0 Da .ity, 4c. 20e. qualitY, t he pric, 121e. 6 icV.0. As. 10c. ( iivity, the prico D-C. 5 al it I, t 111 prilco ., ''4' a 4 f pricO as they last, at 2 . each. 25 -SOUTH1 CAnOLINIANS FAVOREAD. (Jon. Wallkor also introdceed roso IItions in the convention to extend R friendly grooting to the convention of the Sons. H was appointd chairman of ak special colmItto tc extend tho greeting and, at the coi vention of the Sons of Votorans, he made an address which was well re coived. The South Carolina veterans fared 'vell in tho honors today: Col. Zim. merman Davis was appointed chair man of the committee on credontials and Gen. Carwile was mado chair man of the committee on resolutions. Many of the 'alinetto State voterans attended the convention this morn ing, but thoro was so much noiso and confusion in tho hall that the pro cooding could not be heard. The voterans seemed to find moro satis faction in looking in the shop win dows. THlE GOVERINoR IN cLOVEa,* Governor McSwooney hias mnade friends by the dozen since his arri vuli, and the honorable position he occupies has caused him to be the subject of certain leIasantries as to his relations with Iho Governor of North Carolina. For instance, today at the South Carolina headquarters most amusing comedy was arranged for the honolfit of a number of vet srans from other delegations whlo happened to be present about the time Governor McSwconey camoe in. [The Governor was drafted into ser vice for one of the principal actors, and the Governor of North Carolina baving failed to attond the reunion, a veteran bearing a resemblance to bim was called upon to act in his itoad. With elaborate ceremony it bvas announced that the Governor of NTorth Carolina and the Governor of South Carolina wore present and say ng something to each other, arid nesses as to what this conversation ~olatod to would be received1. Gov. ~fcSwooney has received many cour eous attentions, as has Col. Floyd, who is at home withI the veterans. HIARD ON SPONSoRs AND MAIDS. There seem to be moro sponsors md maids of honor here than these (ontuckcy bloods can manage. An 'venmng paper created a sensation in ,be fern. lo ranks by p)ublishing un ler a scare head the no'.ouncement his afternoon that there would be a learth of beaux at the big reunion >all tomorrow night. The men are >vidontly shy because of hack hire mnd expenses, althbough an enter >rising clothing man has let it, le nown that lie has a thiousand dress rits to rent at Confedriatei mone Child in Ne reatest Store, . public, also Fford to give g of prices before d must go, we ne Ar Values, will co [t 8v. e.. Spool Cotton, 2 for 5c., or 2,f. h 'z. rasols for this sale, -9e. each. " " " 7,c." 0 soo 0hoso tiro i uniobers. . en's Colored Shirts, worth 2"J,. hoico 25c. . Men's Colored Shirts, worth 7.i& 7:I L-dies' ready mado Shirt Waints a a Snumer Corsets to o lod;eu oult, 1h prices. Soni of the visit u gh from Sout h Carolina Iie in a w ao of anxiety lest they should n1ot con iect with their ball dresses, th 11L baggago having gono astray t hrough their own or somebody olso's neglect. Seven of the pictures of generuls thatJ hang in th ROunion Hall are of m1en who ca1me out of the Haip ton Legion of South Carolina, which was organized by Gon. Wade Hamp. ton. The list is as follows: Gcn. Stephen D. Lee, Gon. ML C. C.Butler, Gix. A. W. Gary, Gen. James Con. nor, Gen. r. i. Logan and Gen. Pettigru. Old neiniers of the Hamp. ton Legion noW inl the city are very proud of the fact that it, gavo birth to so many distinguishud officers. ADnaESSe TIHE WRONO MAN. John L. Sullivan would havo rub bed his big .hands in gleo had ho son tho fancy solar plovis blow landed by a Charleston nan last night. This. Charleston manif waus standing with a friend when a loaded groozer pranced u~p to his side. "And whoe ar-o you from ?"' said the groo zor*. ''From Somh I Caroli in,"' was tho rqnick answer. "WVell, it's a daTmned poori State," snorted the greezer, whereuipen he caught ani up; or cut whieb sent him to thli floor. lHo stayed there until a porter dragged limi) out. wVADEl HrAMPToN JrONoTEni. Tremendous ont hiusiasin li]}ed timo Rounfionl Hall this afternoon when tho name, of Wado Hampi)ltoni was called, and amidst alauliTse be was unanimously elected Commander.-in Chief of the Army of Northern Vir ginia. Gen. Walker acknowledged the honor in behalf of Gen. H amip ton, who was absent. Thore is no end to the hoarty wel come which has been extendued to the veterans by the good poop)le of Louisvillo. The Sout h Carojina del og'ation has b)en most hosp)itably re coived everywhere. THEi BiUSINESS PriocEEDlINo(S--sYMPATHriY wITH .IAMPTION-THE'ij woMAN's M OvEMENT --BA LL, ETo. All the officors of the United Con federate Veterans were re- electo~d this afternoon by acclanmation. Tihe list is as follows: Gee. John B. (Gor doli, General Commanding; Liout. Qen. WVado HLamp)ton, A rmy of North crn Virginia, Department Com.mand er; Liont. Gon. S. D. Lee, Com manding Army of Tennessee De part mcnt; Liout. Gon. WV. L. Caboll, Commanding Trans Misssippi D)e. p ring. the I nIl in thle procee-dings in the aft orngon (Gon, J. J. Horner of Arkansas came to t he frob of the wo-p:i;o where the comA pet itors ou such good as iwll begin t c Ed room -b'r fall g vinceA youl h-Ow long as. they b. NI N w i ll,sour tlu( -;ns uit!; tc A.a5v, yourcho r it yol.ld co . 1 A cs i? lot of .Nl -.2 (),~ Gor-don, Mh wO Nvr. Move, Mr. cohirtln, tt w om. procet(d to h0 h elction Ok oflicors for th0 eUsum- y O'Stconld 0 Illotion," calli froll a dozen dif*oront, direct,jols lit oncc. Without noticing tl,(% iInterruption (Gon. Hornr won' on: "And I fur ther move that tIe (IIP c:i'ns ho ImaltO by 1cclamalltion. Al t! )'e in favor of tho motion ,will signIifv it by say ing 'aye.'" Thero calm i iierce (Aioius of aes. "Thoso contrary miid(ed will sig nify it by sing 'no,' "' aid (1enera1 Horner. Tn) woro no neigativo vot's, howevor, and thero was no neevd to ailonilico tho r -sult. Thelo electior CIaIIIO ard was over so quickly Iht. the num of th?oso inl tho hall hardly comprohided what had been dom, and for im instant they f-pt siliknlt. Thn them broko into cheering, which conitinued for some1 time. It~ was decided that tho e0lect,ioni of theico o0 f the1 next ro un[ion b) matdo a spocilI order for 1.1 o'clock tomorrow. Although thio mfornling's si4Son was to ho deovoted (entirely t.o nmattor of bulsiness5, and)( thoro wals to b)e comO parat i vely no feat ures of interest, t he crowd wa1s fuilly as lergo as y'es. terd ay. A0 .,10.22 General Giordon rapped wijfh his gav 11 for ord(er. A resohin was offered by G en. 8. D). Leo, providinrg that ai messa9;go of symnpath bo 1 sornt to (Gon. \ado HJamptdon, wvho is ill. Cold. P.ackared of L ouisianal intro duiced ai resolutIiion pro)vIiing for the erect ion in. Rtichmond, Va., of ailmon umentI to coi)mmemloratto th swiacrifjices and loyalty of the womniu of t he Goj fodoracy (luring the war. TIhe lioni. J. Ht. Reaganil of Texas asked0( that 1( the 111momunet 1) placed inlhiI( some cnrl part (f the( C~onfed.1 oraicy. The imattomr was reforred to ua com. mi)ileo. Mfuy rex npoi ts wre hea rod at tho miorninug weu50in. / ha readjin, df a (Aat'iment from tho( Da~ughters o'f thi'X C orneay pro ilentedi b)'Ly a i for Elison of Rlich-. mond1(, Vai. A fter the repo(rt was' road subsicrip. tions* woro mado(1 for the Dauvis mon01 umecnt, and1( it Iwas ann tonneed( t hat close to $i,o>(0 had beenm riased for tho mfoniuiment fund. Fuarther COn tributions 'jre expected( (onmorrowy. nou incm'. .1 vo l made (he mot ion Gen. H or' er, oiling orI the elect ion of oflicers, w.hichi has already been describnd. Ft t .Oh surl"roU m~tcihlessi aU who donIt goods at su >-mrorrow. Rr DoCIs and prices a dollar will go Y!MTLLIJNE7] M liic-r tn b eI 1t ont it to i.-n a nico ll f., a li1 i 1)M V. bo clused out, tht price..: wort its. ' i it 1 It I ( () n 's Id h Pa t lf prico, , 0 arl . .0. Aft6r Ih celuction of (flo r.i 1rs mi tho spech of Gen. Caell tt Coi Vo i l j rt lt( i i(A II it iil to-ill rro w. 'lho bi( Reuiioln jhall, bired o Chairs ai adorned wvith !;pecial de,c oratiolip, wia givon over to night I tlo young illeli of Loui.nville, w%I vero th hosts at a ball in ionoi ol tho t;pomiors and maids of honor. M r;. A4argaret Jefrson I )avi I Il ayN ad II holr diliaught ter, Aliss Varii1n Jefferson Davis 111ayN.s, Ohe dauglitVi of J fer Is I )a vis, ari-1ved th is mOianIt11g adil aro tio guests of Col. and Mrs. Beanett I. young. WOnK OF TIlO .WIS BY 11 MOede Majorlty fihlly Veptaw i 57arch V iLrthi FIng tir t ai t a sk a il 'Ilit he *tubjO-ct (if Vankiev sithoo11* Baoktm Diselim.m-41--1 kins for Vocrstea. vote of 101 to (1S (ho Souns of Con. fodlerto VeOtetrans thi aI1 1ftetrnoon ro. fused to lay on t ho libl a m1otison otTt'red by WV. Hi. McLa41w5, division conunIfander of Gieorgiat, that only thet Con federato0 flag 1b0 carriel1 ini (ti Sons (If VoteranUls was hold1( todlay. The Convyent 1 io wscalled to order byI Coinianric ~. W ~. .Daie~us, of JohnI A. B3roadns1 (hunpl of Loisv1ill. An addrttlessq of welcomoII fromt Brisc~o HLindnumiII anld 1an adfdress' by Comu ing e'xerci4es. FraternIal groet ings~ were( sett to the ' 1 Confderaito XVet eratns. Al Io a fternoot01 Sessioni 1110 report of t ho hiistorical connn itte C)was read b)y W. F.' ,Jones, of I'1,:lbertonl, G a. TheI report exp)ressed reg ret at what1I it ca1jll idfferenlco onl tho partt of manlIly South1ern pe'ople of fodaliy as to h1istori's of tho civil war in liu in pul)ic sch'lools which arie partly un1 t.rue and nlot jusxt to t he Sout hern side. Thla fatl is cited t hat inl t wenty fiv VIcount ies of Georgin a history is used that dos0 [not, mont in thei nlame of Alhex 1. St evensx, th 11VXice Presi - dotit of the Confederacy. Jame M(109annui, of N,t towaIy, Va., mlis ant (tlaborato adre-i, (ciun J)(.:iti of anlIto-b)e1 lhi an civil war hiiitory thait, in1 his opinion, stholdl bo0 ill.preissed u; o1n pupliIS of South-i rirtiu shools;. B. Lsl in SpenOce,, Jr., of Rich monIld, Va., chlairmaun of the0 relief 51)0mmIitte(e, reito rat ed ini his report lit recommenj.idtion mad8o1(1 at (ihm' fO-ti las't yeair as to hiilpiii in*di torts ifl beI heard tollr lw. J1. L. McKimj;er, of Vir ms!ia, soos. otary of thI,e innwol :J.ako I , nding Counti gegatiori of know how/ t< h low Prices embr i nn aug have been cut tc when spent at IM/ir 1G! S;. I t11 1 N .) . \ %jjjjj- Io j, i1 0. 00 a foiin01 of til) 'os ti o )1 l 1 POi o , r hI ('1' mi les wall 4141 L~o\\hicllI .,111.0,11c s l i Tho4 Sorils vxpe, (ol end ) t hil f ill u N I .;%V t i I I IhI v 44r t I l :lA er, r As.s bit o, b t to 11 :t No Y' ork,\l 81 J1 Iovi a olh OfI(I 1104 11 t e Co v oIt j1 Ow {11 l11 11ove itl dll g nl pre c'v I t !e of tho(lg oI l Itl IIs( a d.; d. f II 11, 'flb It on i xctiuco ( I IoI I 'e rno nua(lV( lieting lt 'ioIorro\v i bril1((1 brah a v .. ! OR ri ( I v N I lit T nt y I f I I'd the Ne1bla-i 1-vi ll tan-- N.'-inil hyiVt ,:-4 \l ilta bn New or, 11lay 11.- I'1'I Thei foah inat 111teed for h y wo Iii fedm * ( ratic Stat o vnii n o~ tist1 itn wIll bersno oppo. Iuon worit h41(a ihe name( ln1 ovridi ngI ,' a lrc i n of4( I(3d( convetion iinearly i of ol ehgafor are1) tr uet tot: vupport iIthe No-d bratlsm Condt Old o. ~ PIt A14 11y101 phms for .y 11 opposin f oirni googa tio n hisJ1eo havn been1 ro rndthe c 1(31 oen tio isO assued to '' nnt offl I t h\et 11a n t o t ruel 0,ho d)'g o llss owed that1. an majd;oritof the( StIeiI 'Conven114 rtio ~ wee h ait many' vot and10( oth delegIAte from411 n the1 itei oflr oft th Statei who havei ben nsrct for Dyn,h fred 1In froolynat c iho i omen is;1( tao tat thee D o rat of that horough~ wouldy jenoi Tananjny inj .votig fo ir ucr14 tins for toyan. The sAid ingsii oty conh1i(l Ao ,' 'ord P0to good11 ca, bea fthecnrlo The Sebor Air Yo.,io Miiay , u1 "Forbaad W .tfd aS otL n, .s are Invited Bargains > buy h means exactly > make quick n n a u g h's IND OXFORDS rt- i- sah', -s., worth 75w. INV, 1. 30 " 75, " 2.00. chtress avnlen' t8., worth $1.25 " $1.25 "9 1.75 '6 6 't 1. ()5 It 2.00 at Ihs( cost. r <Iloted, ('1r will bo mt lowost. r Nowhrr). Ighs 'rm; NA i. STATION WiLL C0 TO ClsA I' i.S'rON. Tli 1A 1hn Newv Re'vet!4I frot Witalhig (Special to The Stato.) Charloston, May 2(.---A dispatch, from Washbington roceived lhero this e.Venlin)g Ftlitc-S Uthat thlt nalvall aippro. pria ion bill had boon called up im th liovio today and tho report was igrood to relativo to tho removal of the naval stat ion from Port Royal to ('haileton. Tho now.s wias roceivod with much pleastiro and Senator Tillhman and oher iiimembers of the ."o;uthl (aIlrolia delo-ga1tioll, s Wel1 11 th local promotors of the projoct., aro bving warmly commonded for the ellorts in (Irleston's interest. The passago of 1 ho bi!l is a clean victory for Ch1arlesvitoll and make11os the con tfainty. Theo next stop will be for the appointmoent of a committoo of naval oflicors to (cmlo to Charloston and re. port upon a site for thu staition. foara the l ho Kind You llaia Aays Boggh Bignaturo of A lIoro. (Now York Times.) Ho[roism of a pecutliatr b)ut higher wthirn tblo sort wals d isplaiyod inl Phil. adlpljhin last wokc b)y William WVood, a1 switihman'l employed int the lRending suibwaiy. A traini was app)roachinrg he towvor wh'loro W~ood was stationed, and1( ho had1( to moevI ai certnin switch to provonit a disastrous derailment. T1hte atctiont of tiho lover revealed to himt that something was out of order and1(, hu irry inug to the switch, Wood found Uthat aPivot bolt had1( dropped out and( dlisapponrod. The train wats mfovintg rapidhly, antd to save it a sub. stituto pivot wasH instantly and abso. huttoly ne(cessary. Woodi thrus8t his mlidll linger mnto the empty hole, sigrinlod to a comnpanion in tihe towver and1( the switch moved. Thou ,Wood found himself fastened tight, so close to tho track that a second's delay monnt htis death benoath the Coming train. Hio did riot delay-ho gave one hard pull and walked away, leay inIg his finger behind him. The im provised pivot served the intended pulrp)oso, and the train passed safely. CASTORIA For Infants and OnMldren. The Kind You Have Always Dought Bears the Signaturo of in