A Thirteen Million Failurc. PRIeICE M4.'i4)IcTI( a' COlANV O1F huuh ~ ~ II It(O'NICII.~u. id N c'. toi , \; ti o ' tl i Xtia it i i T ty W iui n-c' e it HI -l i. o 'ratao I,. ( xlo I'. Im , i t.:.. Nr t i ,. I itic V S ti, it 'it I.t- l ' tsi L 'h4 ie k Iti. Th1 %b i IZt , o v Iior it To T it-I . l .<4 i 'i''l 01ett wi lit, Til t al i.i i 1,i 111 1-H of T I't e i u lA. It i5 i I New YO11;, May " 1. Tho c-jttin Sii o ii was one rnt' 0 io li 't oil dky. NO 01icial re4cilrd (d, II( tlalr; I iI nw .ow, i ! t li t i;i4i v i lICI' i o III i i l , in - (1, Ow h N- Vs I Ill ov eli ' I \ i l y to iIlfIII'll Iio i i. i the Ito f'art to h; hill"ll (.,isl th- l 11;>.-t -xex - t raorl i fIItry o : it )n l i ih I I I(I V i 101* 11u 1 mcu i t pi)Ii.iet o it lIl fti 1 1i il . ih l d](:t1 i i vgt I tti , 114,11, i o t Il t d I'll i II I i; trh i r ti l' I I l.c ets fro l li lt f l it il' I Ils l. 1 o rel 1 i i t I-d 1 's of .4) : \is t 1 tr v nne'n I. uivt e l I tho iooit- of t hai la i 1111, a1"Jilidly o Ar till V es0 il,'-,aS i . In I,e If I I eecoll 'nit I f-r i n Ii 1 1 11, it lti 1 ci lili to radli g t>itg, t i li -; 111 Ip C.Wo tofI ih ,ii il. This c.ctn( r1n, )'rc (,.l ( ormi . ( ('o. fail"d to) i -ly. The to Ilne llnlt t o of ilI y to r i.,,a 1 o enli fovI11 rt ilmar 11l reat( h lI ti i i I i.t c 11 it lt IIIo I Iv r I x a .it| ( hI I 111 1 P I'o I I Y t Calliao a Vo. rtN of xcitainlc. Tliis rIl Iv Itill for lot h vw lrict- T ildit: M Iy cmn racts brolo o 'I o I 11w1y )>(d down.1 to 8.-.1 '. ',l'hIs was, I. do lino Of "t,( ) 1110llt:lints trom e 111 gll h'k N"tor nari. August bro fi to .; v heln of 123 po1inIIts from )I tho 1 t prico,;cs let-ol whi h ih t rnm a t f tiled today appenno ( exn tatl hlilt) vontrol of (t, 1,mr1l . Thw do clinro on othl. pwil(Ions ww gell.. ( rlY Ma 1r [Iwlin -. I llorte W Of Il lrehS poil t Ing to <>t ht r w plonms. Tho closo wls a( tIlowe myWet. I)TI s Fall. s HL FA ' . l 1 nI: Now York, My .--PrIev, Me. (ormick &. ('"., n o1 f Ithe lar st brJkirago hmln -; i. th4 ci(Y, hilod t-Ay, with liltbiliti.- vshllittid ait 8 300000.Th rm,am br (of dho stock, C oIon 11114 Prollnt!t (x. lato. Thto firm111 is coip of.icd 'r Tht-otno Il. hi'r e, \\'illhuii (; Ale('ormtic, lb - I ( t I\n W W . I t (ieo rg NN.eItI I r I I cn e)r, o f SI a n c ' i c I I I 1 1.- 1 I I r n , 1 t uI i ivvsto i i ,. I IIr. Me('oImic h' of t li, w l kIown 'hi ("Igo fn Ily of C r i i Iural implo mInlt falil , ond Mr. stowart.-W I)I h-.\ is t o -in lw of I?ur Ad mIIira il u ltry ", I ii . ( ) h p I wrl (l (I'-o l i no i n I ro I 1n lo;I I Im M r Iit I I \\ I ilev i inI Ihs w I rtIP''l tilt PP I ---iiL i lii- it i t il w as't tn ii and h tv f r.it t h 1i. 1 ir . a: Illi n i; fl' of I hoeillPt i P. - V'i w ' v : i I w a l 1 k. II I - I m 'p~i . 'lie' .'.t'i P)) flip pl lup *0 tih i Prt( i , i b-( t rii rnt o ('l , w , Ilarkio - b;k4l I P1n b rok I I v p I' '.lp 11'ii lilI ' r 'l'II' sl iili i .rt i i. i:m I n: Ir b i r le di1-ip n r :f. w I;, cl,. 0 i at 1 :1 o im l1 w:i -t il ii t wito. o h ti Ici mfi't .'n o t do 1 HIM llliz'.iI h.. trad'. Uii nli I lt . h c-OtIlI I I: t h-kli e Itld- r 1 111m igh, ih avoA-, 1 v. 11'iinI l t roi mOld k!' i 11 o 11 r ti ' I x ui tI ve) J i I 43 I t I r. I1 I I ;t I t , 11. 1 aoVi' Irf 11 1 -1 w "I ' i t 14. 1 4L b-Ito.w n it ia >( I sl eirrol l(lor > (h oin N' - i. M, h ITlo 1f-n ly, who [ r r,W i:t [it r t :,sin ij l hal kt w ! I i.r b.avo r:, 11 n, b wi lt l b it r j;(rvvo;,l b i in4 1T 'l, h 11 1 d .T -C ! >s (I)U S n -- by(1 l 11 e 1khoc ,o 4)1 1 i :lit t II, ol llxver o it Ipes i i f h p opriy t 1,imIlilnIand le t- 1r n o t toi , V I\ lie I rr i'\I, v w . A33 i I l 'isve i 1134. V" 1, . l vel ,u -v on! a1 : og I1-(ion. 1 4 11.w-1n4i I x 4n e :111. h rati 111 i .," Ili ti !-' -It hva Iov. ' (;4) 'eldial Aiil a io 'it t l4 w1 nill iill li' 11'I 1 1). I, r lThe4( 1ILmbl,oi,a State1 iolcas,te 'liro gooeroor n< x i 3 it, ovher-y >r, a ho311 i li g 1: fIrn hller ',utou 311W 'iflill i Itlie itth t. Pi lklor't m!h. I :ov . rliay t ho c)it lo i on. li'm it 1111(1- itu lp ol,1 lm 4 ( '1 1 t111ol-dor jI I Ov .4th il il ioit> goon il , bo arr.i l u ip t t iti N M' t tes 0J .r r I 01:r oa t. to i a . ) T.\ \ i1. n I I gIjl.\ .\vr. 11y 1ex- w.ecretary o f ta it ys If K ntucky, tlvon rrtli Ilt"ohre Oficr, a;llegho \'io n h ir o o un was bl:tys luh T.M."NINA IN IWAI'1.1 Ine d calonit. n "\U in s 21.t h d losile ld n oliically sof the a nd f ulh ryo that 0)'C. ot foic 01' of Ktr i l IWe C3-, 'iI mlhis Int-ro' ba hvo Wro no, I I as re !;)t, 1( 1 0(Icil i 341 (UC O 'g lobol 1 111 l coe - i.,i i t I e' ho woman II 'I!(t s ~ I:I tryt h fy iclbe t . 'mo w as buo wel a look hI mhi , or w im t aeher rouhat re rcakpoiist(i know not b ea fX40 o '.e riltot het,sy d 0t1 C1 . Thre !mrg t hatni of Winll protecing slepub-al IMra in eu !giv f eont it. 1111 ru,. I -a ct i aor is o ind vId. Do yoSt1uicogn~ioM. hcluna ovtrno of KOent acy " e asased o"Ye, lil dof ,ic th sprmocor le i.on today b14v u t ,, cedo,hi ill. sitnon s m rts aoe,ad hink. hen,s the tiocmsIwl \\il . .i lofKnt yoekyhaarrived wr thirsultfers-n ec Axe:l.7QS. n. mg wth othr so- lumi YoiHv lasSa nuoaturceY in good conaditiosh is wetadovb , ed guto s ine'sng najoflhr nou apiy.cordaceand ofapns.Juta hr ao ne wifout wins a ofe eladlo cnid for yoa'thu eatyousd..hr old thuInds fwoeuufeig stortlyal her $1ilenotce.Whethr isn hngmr td irbi than3 a odstwo a, eathi ErUaioRCoul giewybfrei. Ba. Atlaotb, nervous Tho Hin't You Ifavo Always in 1180 for over 30 years, 8401111 Alloi All Counterfeits, Initation! EXpDerimlents t.hat tifil %Vil Infants 11n1d Childrenl-Exp W hap:dt i s C astoria is a harmless sul goric, Drops aid Soothing 'ont(ainls neither opillmn, 11 suabstance. its ago is it.,. g '1i) allays IFeverisliness. I Colic. It relieveC Tceth11ing atnd( Flatilleney. I assinli Stomklach and Bowels, givii Tlh Children's Panacca-T, C" CENUINE CASW 'Bearsthe The Kind You Ha In Use For 0 THr cCNTAun COMPANY. 77 rA hoU liI '10 H1o,n 'OLrD ON CROP. 'Turn i r in--W il ou nruolam Conie ili Mlwconl, Gla. iray 26. --Ak hiaro num111 beiof dolgatos comiig the excecu tivo and buisilless (!onnIlitt pi I II pointod ait I lth% Stilto colivention of (Iho (oorgin Cotn Growers' Piote(!. Iivo lissocillf ion ldoh it Maeoln, MAlily 12, Imlot todfay ill confo-elrene t thu ebamberhol of vonnrrvi-o r-oolms inl thi.. city. Tho vommnlittuvi wero clotheId wit.h ful I poweI to olltlino lind adopt paItns for Iho flt iir work of tiho a sociation Itnd to placo tho mloviement, onl nll activo blsiIES footing?. 'Tho plan of o-ganization and mothod of ca1rryi I on tho work, together with collqi ationl aind bY.law-IS of gover llollt, of tho association, sibitted by .Pres11ident C. Iarivio Jordan, woro adoptod after gt !gby d isciission of sovoral1 pilla (submli~ittd a31Ilong tho samo10 line,. Aet ive' steps will beo at 01nce takon to sec'are' local or'ganliz/ation4 in Stato. The( pre\sidenlt w as authoize.d to pro coed, by3 correspon01de'nca with 1head( otlicials in other' Staltes', to I'ecure' thec organ ization11 of thel entiro' cot tont bo0lt b)y thei miiddle of August. Other States will ho0 asku I to unit o wit.h (G eorgia in buroanu inl this State, w''lhi will OXCer Ciso a1 generzal su1pet intenidence over all tho dIi frtoti Stat 11)1 bureaus. A conuntittee of fiv~e m1eimbersu of t ho oxecutivo comm111itteO withI Pri'jdent Jor'dan 8 aschairmanli)8 was ) appoited to conlfer' with1 the Stato Ban1korssci at ion, which m1oot~ atfj Li bia SprmI gs, Juno 18, to socuro I ho formation of ai plani on the par1t of th10 StaIto banks1( for' meeQting 1110 dlomanld of tho pro dnLCOlrs noxt s0onson in regartd to loans 'Te m1ovifeent of theo cotton'grow. ers to porfoct a plan by wh'1ich the cottoni crop of tho sonth can C beI mark. 01t(d darinig a lonlgor poriod of time), thereby foremng a botter price for the raw mlater'ial beOforo t he stalpio leaves the farmor's hanIlds is (creating great onthusiasHm t hruoughout th1e cotton bolt. Th11 plans0 adopted( today aro conisidored fonsible, pract ial and ca-' pab1lo .of alccompishment by th10 bankors and1( business m110 generally. Other St:ates in theo cottoni bolt mtasurnc of hearty cooperation iln the0 mkovemo'nt, andl prepara'itions are now being mado(1 for calling con. venitions and1( perfoot ing a sysStemf of Or'ganizationl simflilar to the 01n0 in %gainst DIlfr'nch,Inemient of Negroog in WVashington, May 24."-Sonator Dhlandler today presented a petition from .10 inisters of South Carolina 3alling attontion to the political con .litions~ in thait Stato declaringt that tia are disfranchised. Irfrsto .ho spoech of Senator Tillman iu vhich ho acknowledged that the N3 Boulght, ai wvhichl1has been1. has born1 1'. ho vinatuiro ot' 11as bWeln nmndo under 1is- per., I s1pervisionl Hinceo its ilfniey. ,V 1 0110 to dcCIve YOU in this. a anit "Jlst-as-good" nro bit h uInd elldanlger the health of orienco agaist Experiment. "AS" - TOR I a Pstituto for Castor 011, Pare. Syrupw. It is Pleasant. It Im-phiiio nor other Narcotic aranmtee. It (lestroys Wornis t ctires Diarrha_mt and Windl Tro11AeS., CUreH UCons1tipatiOn lates tho Food, regulates tho kg Ihealthy and1( natural sleep. ho Mother's Friend. pORNA ALWAYS Signaturo of ,ve Always Bought ver 30 Years. unnAY OTrncar, NEW vOpK CITY. whito men took control of the State of South Carolina and "btildozo the niggers" and wore "not ashamed of it.' ho pettitoners are "exceedingly pained to think that in the chief law making body of the nation our State is represented by one who makes such at unabashed and blunt avowal of high crilIes R againlst the counstitu tion of his country while outraging the feelinlgs of 10,000,000 citizens of is repibile." For correction of abusos the poti tion asks for legislation to reduce the representation of States in con grv-i whoro the colored vote is nulli fiod and the appointment of a com mittee to invostigato conditions in South Carolina. 0o,ldham to Nano tryni. (New York Sun.) Lincoln, Nb., May 20. - Villiam D. Oldhram of Nebraska wdil nomi nato WVi!!iami J. Bryan for President at . ho comtrg National Convention or ihn Dem'uocrarts at Kansas City. Thei~ sel et ion wvas made at a meeting if I heNebraska delegation here on tire 21st after at conference with Mr. Bryan, anid the presumption that he was chosen by Mr. Bryan is strength oned by interviews with members of thre dolegaftionl. Theo(delegattion elected James C. D)ahlmnan national commitLooman, W. 11. 'Thomnl chairman of the dele. gat ion and II. L. Metcal fo,'editor of the World Heorald, formerly edited by Bryani, as3 the Nebraska member or tihe commiittee on resolutions. This is taken to mean that Mr. Met (calfo will be tire medium through which Mr. Bryan will communicate hris plat form views to tihe committee. At tire conclusion of tire confe,rence the party drove to Mr. .13ryan's sui burban farm its his guests. Mr. Dryan states that nothing was (lone other than tire selection of the gentlemen named. The .vico-presi.. doncy matter was nrot brought up in any form. Mr. Old ham corroborated tis. He satys that it had boen agreed amrong the delegates before the con ltree that this mattler should be put off until arrival at Kansas City. Several of the delegates are privat,e Jy im favor of the selection of Towne, but say that they propose to be guided b)y Mr. Bryan. As matters now stand any action the delegation might take would b)e regarded, they any, as indicative of Mr. Bryan's r.r sonl wishes. Mr. Oldham is one of the best orators in tihe State. Hie is at pres. nt deputy Attorney General. He is,a Southerner b)y birth. Nebraska will asik of the convention the honor of presenting its favorite son and be lieves it will b)e cheerfn 1ly granted. Tonight -If your liver is-eut of order, asing Biliousnese, Sick Headache, Heart-. burn, or Constiptation, take a dose of Hood%p Pills On retiring, and tomorrow year di gestive organs will be0 regutlated1 anid jon will be~ bright, activ'e and ready ore an kind of work. This has - 0ee thCxperience of others; it will be yours. HlOOD'S PILLA are isold by all muedicinro dealers.. 25 ct. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. May tb, 1. 111t. 'STAT1 ONs. I ~:ti " " No. 1> N i.. It. il.4* (Ut.:1*iri i ...... 11 i i. i p m ^ i 00 a m " iiti n vil li........ i a i n't 7 -it a iII " lIratilih illo...... 1 ia mi 8 5 at m " rntg011turg ........ I 1 ni 0 :,;1 a Imk Kiigville .... .1. 0 a n 10 a IN .N ennmrh. ....... ...... . . 12 .' n " iltrn wl l ........................ 4 00 at mI li kvi ............ ............ 4 5 it it I...>)umb . . ...... 7 t I I 05 a III Pri ritIy .......... h II it 1m 12 10 ln Newblerr8y........... H 'M a i 12 25 p 13n " NiktuIy-41x........... 1i 30 a n 1 20 p 11 " (r41eiwood.. tI .)> it i 1 55 p in1 Ar. lodges ..... 10 15 a m ) 1 p in i ....i... iin 9 . 1 35 im Ar. Blelton. . 11 a i mi 3 p i xiliAde1 I *__MI 1 i 11 1 : 35 i A-. (4rewe ..vii .. 5 a ni 4 :5pni A . I-. A lit -:-i Iiu 1 .5 5i 11 -iti .It STATIONS. " I y No 111. N 14 . Lv. Predenvil............ .3. p m li 15 a " 'it- 8 130) al I 40 a " .. Coltimbiat.. " 201 9 30 p 9 07 it ' N20p ....Alon 2 301) 8 501a 10 04 a 1 231) * . . En:mZt n .. 1 :.> ) 7 46o 10 20 a 2 OI .. ..... Union ..... 12 451) 7 10,) 10 83 a 2 221) ..JonesviIlo.. " 1:! 235 0 50 p 10 54 a 2 87 p) " .... Pa'oto ..... " 12 14p 0 421p 11 2511 8 10 p ArSpartaiburg I,v I 45 a 0 15p 11 40 a 3 40 p LN Svparlitnbl,rg Ar II 17 a 0 00 p 2 501) 7 15 pAr...Ashovillo ...Lv 8 0 al 8 05 p P' p. in. "A" a. m1. "N4 night. DOUBIAG DAILY SERi1VICH 13E BETWEEN CHARLESTON AND GREENVILEr,L Pull1han lIalace sleepig ciiears on1 Trialicn5 Wr and 80, 137 and 18. on A. ai(d (.- divIsion. Dining oars on flhio tralti; sorve all meals onrotgto. Trains leave Spartanhurg, A. & . division, northbound. 7:03 n. m., 11:17 P. m., ):111 p. ml., (Vestibule Lmnited): southbounI 12:20 a. m' 4:16 p. m., 11:34 a. i., (Vestibule Limited.) Trains leave Groenvillo, A. aind C. division, northbound, 0:00 a. in., 2:34 1. m. ai 22 p. Il., (VestibulOd Limited) uthbound 1:0 a. ml., :BO p. iu., 12:k .in. Veti.buled LlniteI) Trains 18 and 14-BiegaIt Pullmaa Parlor ears between Charleston and Ashevillo WI)l e inaugurated about Juno lst. Trains 16 and 16-Pillmian Sleeping oars bo twoon Oharleaton and Columbia; ready for oc avancy at both points at 9.80 p. in. Pugat13tllmin DrawinUoom Sleeping between Savannah and 4 ville 4614routo betwetn .acksoavifit aid Cinoinnati. I GANNON J. M. OULP. Jr--P & Gen. blpr., Traf. Manager, Washir,gton, D. 0. Washington, D. 0. W. A. TUDK, S. 11. H A1?DWIrj,K, Ge. PAS. Agent, A. Gen. Pau. Agent, Wasington, D. 0. Atlauta, (4a. Florida Central-& Peninsular Time Table In Effect %lay, leth, SOUTHBOUND. No.13 No.85 LV. Columbia...........I 3pi 1 47am (Eastern Time.) LV. Columbia .............10 36am 12 47am (Central Time.) Lv DenMark ..............1210pm 2 '5am Lv Fairfax.... .............12 .5am 3 02pm Lv Savannah... .......... 8 7pm 6 I Sam Ar Bru nswirk........... 7 00 pm 8 -laiili Ar Jacksoi.yille......... 7 40pm 9 20ain Lv Jackfon ville......... 74]ipmn9 20am Ar Lake City............. .4 p m 11 28a I Ar Livo Oak.............. 10 3 ipim 12 l8am Ar Tallahassee ......... . . 38pmk Ar River Junction..... 52'spn A rMobile.................... 3 Oam Ar W aldo ..............1041 pm 11 253am3 Ar Gainesvillo............. 12 0!pmn A r Cod ar Keys............06?2pm Ar Ocala ............... iSam 1 40pm A r W lld wood .......... 2 40ami 2 32pmn A r Orlando ......... 3 30am 5 00pmu Ar Tampa.............. 1 0am 5 30pm NlORTUT IOU N D. No. 31. No. 3(1. Lv Tampa.............00pm 8 (00am L v Orlani0.............. 0 30pm 8 2)amn L,v Wildwood....1230:tmn 10 55amli L v Cede r Koy............. 7 15aiu Ly Gainosville..... ...... 12 52pma A r W aldo...............05am I 47 pm Lv Tallahassee.-... . I 43pm Ly Live Oak-.-...... 4 42pm Lv Liako City 6..,... Spm Lv Jacksonvillo.... 8200m 71 45pm Lv flrunswick....... lO1am 8 30p) m Ar Savannah .......4 27pmi 11 0pm Lv Savannah.....12 25pmni 113 pm V Fatirfax........... 2 S0pmn 54am Ly Den mark ........... 3 4pm 2 42;uin A r Coltubln.......4 28pm 4 36aim Trains arrive and dep-irt In S. A, L depot In P'ark. No.s. 35 and '36 carry Putllmaan sleepinig cars between 1Hatn et, N C., and Jackso.aville, connecting at, Coluimblia. Nos. 33 and 34. Puillmnan Dra wing Room ileoping car between Tamnpa and W ashiing. 10on,1). C. For further Inuforination app)ly to P T . EA Y, U. T. A., Columbia, s. C. 8. D. BoYLSTON, T.P. A., Colun bla)3. S. C. L. A. sIIIPMA N. A. 0. 1P. A.. .T icksonmville, J"lai A. 0. MAODONALLg4. P.1 A.,' ATLANTIC COAST LINE!I FAST LINE BetWeen Charleston and Columbia, Upper South Carolina, North Caro lina, Athens and Atlanta. PA.'IBENO.E R1'AIrRTM ENT WILMIENGTON, N. (C., Nov. '20i.|x, 18137. CONDENSED) SCHED41'LE. * oR WEST: In Efiect Jan. 16. OoIri EAST. 7 00 am Lv..harleston, S.C...Ar 8300 pin 8 24 am Lv.~ .. anes . A....Ar 6 2 I lpa 9 40 am Lv.....~...Rumter.A....Ar 5 13 pn. S1 00 am A r........ol mn bia.....Lv 4 0 pmn t2 '7 am Ar......rosperIt y....v 2 1'l p1r 12 20 pm A r.......ew b rry....v 211 in 1 03 pm A r...C.lin ton-.....v I 53. pmI 126 pm A r ........La rns .L.... LV 45 pmn 800 pm Ar.....Gronyiille.......v 12 o! an,. 3 10 pm Ar...spar ta nbuir... v ii 33. am 4107 pm Ar ... Winnboro.I i imii 8 15pm r ...Ch arlot te, N. .'.v"'.'.'' an 6 05 pm Ar..Heondersoniiijj N.~C..Lv 9 14itr 7 00 Annr~.....Ashville-.... v 8 20 ir Nos. 52 and 63 solId tre.ins hot ween Charlesi. (on andi Gre- uvilie via A ilantic Coanst l,iw ColumbIa, Newborry and Laureona R. R1 i 'lharleston and( West, Caroiint it It R1 K. NM itsON, Gein asngr gnt. Gon i Man ager. 'J.f: Maiig Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in Btrengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latestdhiscovered digest. ant and tonlic. No other preparation can approach it In efilciency. It in stantly rolvs n rianently cures Ispepsia, Idgson, HIeartbulrn, Iatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea Blok Hecadache,.GastragiaCramps ana all otherresults of imper feet digestion. Bfllsl. -o ali1a)taiya8 Iamiedf Prepared by se C. InWITa O,nh.a In1 I'Mfct November 19, 18UU. (I".,-INIC tan1 ar1 T11m1.) boltilithottnd . Northibit.d A.M. I'.M. V.M. P0. A.M A.M -STATION,. 22 81 r 62 85 3 5511 7 I 1 T. Lv I nurens A r 1 85 430 11 : G 1) 7 l I It" 'arks Ar 1 25 4 21) 11W 4 :15 7 -0 1 5: ..(lintonl.. I 13 400 1to i,3 7 18 '..1:1 0 tiIltivilill W,0 3:1 9141 7115 8 10 2 1 ..Klia t.. 12 3 :12o 8: 7 1:3 I 18 2 15 ...linry ... 12 iM 31 -J; 7 2.1 8 25 1 2. ...hIutl;;p.. 12 43 304 8 41 8 11) 850 2:3 Nwberry 1230 2.10 813 8 Il 1) 13 2 1. V'rompelrIty 112 17 2 15 h 92 0 2 ....14;hs... 1207 151 1) 10 9:113 302 1. Moillitaln i 12 (i3 I.,0 I 1 :1 3 It) .. I mpin... 11.18 1 35 .1 to HIM0 :.2lit n 1 1 1 27 1t 1 ) 4*1 W 1114 -1R00t: I 40 1 22 9 f I li 3 :1 VIallit 1 1i il 37 1 14 11) 5 1 D :0 3 11) . ..... i n ..... 11 27 1 I) 10 25 10 Ii 3 i ..114 ; nhlilutI.. II ti 12.)0 10i.1. 114.4 4 01A ('t(it; .l.n , v iI; 120 "oI A Mi.xk, I):tily iL.Xept 81tlay. 1'. I1. A i N. w b-rry 7 1> Proh"er ity 7 20 .sigxhm it 63 L.ittle Alollnt'n ; I' Clh;l p)lak 6 20 litittonl 6 M Wh'ilt(, Rock 6 1r;6 lritk ."Mine 5 -15 fiIllo 6 25 I.ellphafrt ) 05 Lv Collutla 4 45 No. 5. lietwcoi i.m lireIjjs nml N%-bCry. staturl days only. Lv New berry 9 )0 p i I,v .lia iai 132 p im 1.v Gly,113 9.18 y Pi L%. Hir ia 11'34 1.4 m18 ) 1,v (olvillo 958 I m Lv Clluton H 10 15 p Il L,v P11rk1s 14) :5 p'-I Ar 1.auriens 10 1, p n 300 A, G IrentiIeIv J 201- - 3 10 .141'rt:-nhburg 11 45 1W A tig tsia It .0 T'iigs ~52 .11nd t. 1-111,N 8011bl between Char. le-4tonl ati tirl'tnv Mie, dhrI Ily. Tr im 1 2, 1 1. 8 i iu cn 1, dIi ; vNpt, Sunda, bel weenl ColI bi a1111t 1,11 urent 'I rit il 3. t1 y1 , xec-pt Siuly aid blonday,. between CUolitubla 1111d 1.1ur1eis. *rain ., 'r' ween Newvbeiry i d Laure, Satut cl ys on;y. ('os0econ tio in at 114iinitor fOr ill 110111 Nort i Clotm connections ti Spartinhurg for t-.. Moulinlila .). CAVENAUGH, Agt. Nowherry, 8. V. 'TO ALL POINTS North, South and Southwest. Sched'le in (.lect Nov. 5, 18,9. SOUTI1;0UN1). No. 03. No.4 Lv New Y ork, Vila Penn. 1.1.*11 00 1nm #0 60 pin W n8hington..................... (10 pin 4 30 ilm " iclh ion .........................t 00 pm 9)5 Lv rortsmoui......" 4 p1n *9 20 sl;r Ar Weldon, vIa S. A. L......... p n 101p1n 11 43 IL I Ar liend.rholn. " .........*12 56 Iam I13b 1-r 1 Italeigh .' .......... 2 2 1 In 3 36 1: i " Southern P ines " .......... 4 27 " 6 00b Slamert,...... " ........6 14 " 7 00 LvW lintog l n.............. 3 4jS Ar i ................. ........ * 53 " 69 12 Al- llin ti tte, Viit h. A. I....... *600 " *10 25p cletter, V in .. A. I........... 11 it Ia l 55 pm Greenw oui " I 45 " 1 12 aj -) Atheiii 4 ......... 1 2.1 pm 3 48nim Atlanta, 8. A. L. 3 5o pin 315 NOtTHBOUND. No.-103. No.3. LV Atilnta, (Central Hne) *11.0 Uin '*8601M Ar Athen"......... 3 08 pm 11 05 Jin ", Groonwood " ......... .10 " 1 46am " Chester ' ...,..... 753 408 Ar M onroo. via H. A. L........ *9 30 pm b -w Lvuharltte, vin . A. L...... 48 ,0 VM *b Arilailt....................... 1o 7-13 Ar Wililgli..ol. ........... ....... *1205 a " Houtliel PinCs................. 12 2 ain 9 L0 auh Ar Italelgi, vin 8. A. L .... ... u2 j an 11 13 tni " H leid loll, " .......... 3 21 mitn 12 46 ii A r W eldc &, via S. A. I.......... 4 55 am 2LU pi Ar eortsmouth " ..... .. 7 2bam 620 li on ...... A C ...... 8 15 "- 7 2a " Wash ingt'n,v InPen in. 11.1. 12 311 rmtn 11 20 "New_Yoric, " " " '( *231 "'* +6d am Lv C1.nt~n 2 .... i0" * 30a ArNewber.iy 251 pmn_820am * D'Iy. I D'ly, ex. Sundlay. Nos. 403 andl 402.-"TIhe A tlanta Special," Solidi Ves8tibule TI'ain of Pulinman Hleepord andti onchesa between WVashington aud AL, tantIa, niso P'uIliiian Nileepers bot,WOOn Port. mout,h.1 anul Cluntotte. N. C. Not. -11 aniud 38.-"'I he 8. A. L. Express " 80liti T1raiIn, Conchesa and PuItllan Bloopor's biv oun 1oruniouith and At-lanta. la tI b ralins niiake immdiiOate lonnicCtion lit Atlanta for Molntgomnery, AlobIlo, Now Or 1leani, T1exas~ Cali forta in, Alexico, Uh1att. nloga, Nashivilleo, hiem ah Ia. Alacon, Flor!;. . '&JF~or 'Tick ets, Nleepers, and lu Iformnation, ap ply t' u. AlcP. l1AT TIc, 23'Tryrin St, Charlotte, N 0. I*. 6'j,..1011A, V ice-I-res, niu(l Ge4n'I bianag~r V E. AlclllEL, tion'1 Nuperintendenlt, I1. W%. 11. ii1.IA4t, TAruI11ll Alanagor. .L. 8. AIL L 1GN, (inl Paselinger Agon't.. t*ENK11AL. OEVi"iEis POR'fMOUTH. VA. BLUE RIDGE RALlROAkD .1, C. BEAS -ri, Receiver. Etieive . i897. iietwoone Ande rsonl and1 W nihalla. EA8TJ1ND* WE~STliOU). No. 12. iilionstI. No I A r II 00 lin1---..---A derdon i........v3 31 Ai1 -10 Itrnn.. ..I)cj vi:1.........v 3651 j.: A r 10 ;:1 a rai.A.....At un.....~...v 4 05 'n A r 10 22 nun......P etition. .....L .i ;4.0 A;r 10 13 am...lrr'sa Lrossl1...vL 23 5 a Arl0 071(a)n...dams' 1.)iusln..vy 29 pa. i A r 9 49) 1(1)1......8 ncai........ vL 4 47; , i A r 23 a n .11....W n U nion ....v 51 jI .t A r 9 ?m ai . . W alhalla ......L173; A.MA. Lv. p' 6. J. It. A N IliE 1180ON, Su pei i nt 011n'd1r Conn(eti;,ns It, Sene wiit,h IL;so. It it Nu I1 At Anleersorn itli 1. l(tilwn:y Ko., iIl and(,-3, Cliarl8sto1 aidf 'A8lor11 U8ro1111a Py t o Augusta and Asheville Short Line. ' eeluie In EfTect A pril 224. 1900. Leanvo A ugusna..-.--.... . 1 0 a mn 1 40 p :n Ai rie Gr1eeniwuood-1-.--' 15 ym A tiersoi..............6 11)' ........i; ........... 203 1)1 6m . a Asu me ..l........... 7 t p mI t, 6a, Ulcati 81n;bu rg ......I 00 ait Sja 0n Sprnig... 10 pi 00 a ii 801res.....,,.... U JI if A A ioItlh ......... ..... 1' i Norfvo lk-..----.-----. ' 2 0 a in (P(11 teSrg .... 00h a mn ar cins..........1 151 a m 7$ -Jeo -od . ... . n I 11 in A ""cor."..-....................41 12p Aogiasse --......... 1 01 am 185' p:n Anle ufortgl. .... 10 a am -. A r fotk. "....... 1 0 a m 3 p A.--n-------...-............7 21 pm Yevn nah """"""...1)'""""" 5 16 a)rn IIv yaor...,....... 16 00m 4185 am ArIauri........................72 Sa0nna.............. 64 6 551am Aof l'oyi ".......... 7 58 ani fboeAnirt...n.,...111 l o all pont 4,nl 06tion at,Greenwood o l -rr-- andt U;.. . nd.........Iway and I Orl1~ 1 an t vnhihoutheu Ralwa tes, anyie uleaoratio; relativo to tiokota W. J. (R1AIG, Glen. P'a. A gt E. M. NOR TiN. Sol. AgL K gut, T. M. EMEl80N, Tram. Manager,