NEWLlmY MAICKET e rrected every Tuesday and I'riday Summenr Bros. .M cat 6......................i........... 6 @ 7c. Shoulders ........................... 70. 1Hjam s .................................. 12( 1- c. 'Best Lard .......................... 8(c00. Best Molasses, new crop...... 60c. Good Molasses ..................... 25@50c. Corn ...... .........................-- 0c. M eal .............................-.-. 60c. .1.ay .. 75c. :W hoat Bran ....................... $1.10. st P + it Flour.................. $4.75. nd Best Flour .................... $4.25. Strait Flour ........................ $4.00. I Good Ordinary Flour ...........$3.00@350. Sugar ................................ 54@ 60. RICe ................... 5L t3o. Coffee ................................. 10((15c. Cotton seed meal, per sack... 1.15. Bale Hulls, per cwt.............. 350. Uountry 1roinco! 3utter, per lb ..................... 15@(200. -s,per dozen . lOc. okons, each .................... 124(at20c. per bushel ................. 85c. per bushel........,......... 55e. per bushel .................. . 35 40c. potatoes ..................... 40(50c. eys, per lb ............. 6(a3 8c. er, per cwt ................. 60(k 5c. Lane says he has just nego. or large supply of Fertilizers eh. H will soll for SPOT $ only. Can save you from ty-fivo to forty per cent. Can lhij) toany point in the county. Of fqup stairs on law range. .J. L ANE. ;mos f. '( used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my with wonderful results. It mmediate relief, is pleasant to ud is truly the dyspeptic's best 'says iL. Llartgerink, Overisel, . Digest what you eat. Cannot 'I oure. Robertson & Gilder. Sprmng opening. T annual grand spring opening of & G. S. Mower Co., will be next y, This p omises to be one of rettlest displays ever seen in the .,1 Every lady in the county should 4e this display of goods. Wm. Orr, Newark, 0 , says, "We v feel safe without One Minute Cure in the house. I saved my shboy's life when he had the pneu +pit. We think it is the best mcdi *e.Inade. It cures coughs and all dn diseases. Pleasant to take, harm Less and gives immediate results. Rob ertson & Gilder. Mr. J. H. Odell, of Laurens, is in the city, representing the Northwestern Library Association of Chicago. It Ziegler Bros'. Ladies and Misses fine Shoes and Oxfords just received at f&ttf. Jamieson's. Home Canned Gooia. Mr. John Cousins, of the Colony sec tion, was in the city yesterday selling a lot of first-class hand-packed canned goods put up by himself. He packed Seven thousand cans last year. The ~year before he;put up fourteen thous a ndi cans and found ready sale for it. :~Rev. W. E. Sitzer, W. Caton, N. Y., \vrites, "I had dyspepsia over twenty Sears, and tried doctors and medicines Sithout benefit. I was persuaded to se Kodol Dyspepsla Cure and it elpedimn rmtesar.Ibleei es ction." It digests what you eat. hobertson & Gider. .eephone 8,ub,ntrir Please add to your 'phone list: P. G. llesor, 102. And oblige, "There is no little enemy." Little puritics in the blood are sources of reat. danger and should be expelled by ood's harsaparilla. Milliner.y Opening. The Riser Millinery Company will ave their grand spring opening on ext Tuesday. The ladies of the city and county are invited to call and wit boess the beautiful display of the latest styles and patterns in head gear. Mrs. Calvin Zimmerman, Milesburg, Pa., says, "As a speedy cure for coughs, ~colds, croup and sore throat One Min ute Cough Cure is unequaled. -It is I leasant for children to take. I heart ily recommend it to mothers." it is the only harmless remedy that pro duces immediate results. It cures bronhitis, pneumonia, grippe and throat and lung diseases. It will pre vent consnmption. Robertson & Gil der. If you care to exchange. $12.98 worth *of Legal Tender for $17 00 worth of overcoat you can have the chance to at J1amileson's. tf Notice to the Publio. I am at Charley Cannon's old shop, where I am pt-cpar-ed to curve my old patrons and make new customers who desire first-class work. General re p airing done to order on short notice; ho rse shoeing a specialty. I am well experIenced, having been in the business for twenty years, under good mechanics. Please call to see me befor-o getting your work done and save mone . M.DAVIS, Pr-oprietor. RODGiRS BRO$, "1847" KNIVE8~ FOR?KS & SPOONS Just Received: also, some of the Pr-etty SETH THOMAB CLOCKS. ogg:-:ANZ3 :-: S~E - Yours for trade, JANIELS & co0 VARIOUS AND AL1. AROUr. St. Pattraick's day in the morning. Yesterday afternoon was a dark and rainy one. Miss Mary Rawlinson left yesterday for ionnettsv ille. lIon. Geo. S. Mower was in Columbia yesterday on business. Mr. ). M. Jamieson returned on Wednesday from the North. The Shuttle and Handle Factory Compa'ny will be organized tonight. The West End band was over in the city serenading Wednesday ovening. The German at the armory Wednes day night was a most pleasant affair. We had a pleasant call yesterday from Mr. J. H. Ringer, of the county. The Republican county convention met hero 3esterday. It was slimly at t,nded. State Constable Elson has been order ed to Edgefield for duty. le left for that placeo Wednesday. Mr. P. F. Baxter has the framing of two cottages up on his lot in Brooklyn. Ho intends to put up five. Capt.'J. N. King, the champion bridge builder of the up-country, has been in the city for the past few days. Miss Thyra Schumpert came up from Columbia, the College for Women, last Friday and spent Sunday at home. Mr. Jno. C. Wilson has moved his stock of groceries to the store hereto fore occupied by Ward & Pearson. Miss Julia Hood, of 3altimore, has returned to the city to take charge of the millinery department at. W. T. Tar rant's. .Mr. W. C. Reeder came up from Co lumbia the firbt of the week on a sick furlough. le is working in the rail road shops. Miss Cora Ware, of New York, has arrived in the city and will be in charge of the millinery departnment at the Mower company. The new separate co,.cl act, passed by the last. legislature'. goes into effect on April 19th. The roads are preparing to make the change. A lot of work has teen done in the gardens the past few days. Next P-ri day and Saturda: will he the right time to plant Irish potatos. Miss Helen Hardy, who has been vis iting in Columbia for some tim.-, rc turned home this week, accompanied by her cousin, Miss Agnes Frost. A. J. Sproles, Superintendent of wa ter and lights, of Greenwood, was in the city \Vednesday. Mr. Sproles has many friends here who were glad to see him. The past few warm and balmy spring days have caused the fruit trees to bloom, and the prospects now are that we will have an abundance of fruit this year. The anniversary celebration of the literary societies of Newberry College will be held in the opera house tonight. The program was published in our last paper. MrJ. 1. Bedenbaugh, a well-to-do farmer, of Pomaria, gago The Herald and News office a pleasant call last Wednesday and p)aid his subscription up to 1901. Mr. D. Henry Wheeler, one of the best farmers in the county and one of our most successful men financially, sold a lot of cotton here a few days ago for a good price. Mr. Cannon Bloaso and his mother came over last, Saturday evening, hav ing r-eceived:a 'pl'one message that M rs. 10. S. Blease was very sick. The latter we ar-e glad to say is bettei.-Saluda Sentinel. The plans for the new Methodist Church ar-c undler consider-at,ion this week and will be decided on in a few days. It is hoped to begin work on the building within the next, thirt,y days. Our observation firom a recent drive in the county Is that the small gr-ain crop was not as much hurt by the cold as was first thought,. Theoatslin places are damaged to some extent, but the wheat doesn't seem to be hurt. Milton Grifln, who was sent to the penitentiary for horse stealing for 15 years by the last term of the sessions court, made his escape on Tuesday. One hundred dollars has been offered for his capture within ten days. On account of the annual meeting of South Carolina Federal meeting, of Woman's Club, Charleston, S. C., a pril 17th and 20th, the Southern Railway will sell round trip tickets 16th and 17th, final limit Apr-il 22nd, inclusive, for' $7.30. The third entertainmentby the New berry Lyceum was the occasion of the appearance at the opera house on Tues da-y night,of Edwin L. Barker in his monologue plays. The entertainment was highly enjoyed by those who heard and witnessed it. Mr. J. Mittlo and family will leave today for B3ennettsville where Mr. Mit tIe has established a met-cantile busi ness, after a residence of nearly thirty years in this city. They have many friends here who regret to see them leave, and who wish them much success in their new home.. A serious accident came near hap p,ening at the opera house on Tuesday night. Just as Mr. M. A. Carlisle and family drove up to the opera house in his carriage to attend the lecture, some of the young men with the ball-bearing reel for practice turned the cor-nor. The hor-sa took fright at the reel and it looked for a- few seconds as if there would be a serious smash-up. The coolness of the driver with the assist ance of a by-stander or two prevented what might have proven a serious run away. A Happy Event In the County at the Ito. pltahlo Iomie of Mr. J. Uhetloy Domnluck. It was the happy pleasure of the writer to be one of the few invited guests to the marriage of Mr. W. H1. Harris, of this city, and Mrs. ltebecca ilickley, which was solemnized at the most hospitabl-t home of Mr..1. Uhesley Dominick in No. 8 Township, on Wed nesday, 14th, at 12 o'clock m. Besides the imnediate relatives and a few of the nearest neighborn and friends, the wedd ing party consisted of about -a half dozen friends from the city. We reachedi M r. )ominick's, a model country home, just in lime to witness the ceremony, which was con ducted by Rev. D. P. Boyd, of the Methodist Circuit, in a sitpit. but im pressive form, immediately after which we were ushered into the large and spacious dining hall and seated to a table which extended across the hall, and served to a most sumptuous and bounteous dinner-one that only the good ladies of that community could prepare, and served in a most delight ful and dainty manner. The afternoon was pleasantly spent in showering congratulat ions on the happy couple, conversation ani de lightful vocal and instrumen't,l music by some of the young ladies present. The groom, Mr. W. 11. Harris, is a well-known citizen of this city and has numbers of friends who rejoice with him in this the happiest period of his life. The bride, Mrs. lebecca Bickley, is a daughter of Mr. J. Chesley Domi nick, a successful and substantial citi zens of No. 3. She has been living in the city for the past few months, dur ing which time she formed many ac quaintances and made many friends. She is a lady of most excellei, traits of character. Mr. and Mrs. Harris now occupy the cottage on Nance street, opposite Mrs. Bradley's. The Herald and News extends con gratulations snd wishes the couple a happy and prosperous journey through life. Work,,g Day and Night Thle busiest and miigh tlest little t hing that ever was iude is Dr. King's New Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated globule of health, that changes weak ness into strengi h, listlessness into en ergy. brait-fag in to mental power. ''hey're wonderful in building up the health. Only 25e per box. Sold by all Dr uggists. No Such Ordinance. We have been requested by the Chief of Police to state for the benefit of those interested that there is no ordinance on the town books prohibiting persons from leaving teams standing on the streets. There is one, however, mak ing one liable for damage where acci dents occur from such carelessness. ted lot From the Gun Was the ball that hit 0. B. Stead man of Newark, Michigan, in the Civil War. It caused horrible Ulcers that no treatment helped for 20 years. Then Bucklenx's Arnica Sailve cured him. Cures Outs, Bruises, Burnus, Boils, Fel onis, Corns, Skin Eruptions. Best Pile cure on earth, 2.5 ets. a box. Cure guarianteed. Sold by all DruggIsts. Big and lit.tle boys are equally fitted out here, from the toddler just aspiring to "pants" to the long trousered youth on the ragged edge of manhood, every. thing from hats to shoes. tf At Jamleson's. The st,ore is one big bargain counter at this time. It, wvill pay you to buy a suit or an overcoat, now to lay aside for next season at Jamniesons. tf ma'rnage at c,ooca. Mr. Brooks Swygert and Miss Agnes M. Rico wvere happily united in mar riage at Coronaca last Wednesday, Rev. A. J1. Bowers, of Newvberry, omiciatilng. The ceremony was performed in Coro naca church and was withessed by a host of friends and relatives. The bride is the daughter of Col. W. G. Rice, of Coronaca, and is a most amiable and accomplished young lady. The groom is a prosperous merchant and farmer, of Peak, S. C. lHe was formerly a member of the firm of Swy gert & HI-pp, of this city, where he has many friends who extend their con gratulation s. The happy couple, amid the congrat ulations and best wishes of friends and relatives, left on the afternoon train for their home at Peak, where a hearty reception awaited them. They have the best wishes of The Herald and News. ISravi Men Fit 11~ Victims to stomach, liver and kidney troubles as well as women, an dali feel the results In less of appetite, pois ens in thme blood, backache, nervouis ness, headache aind ttredi, listless, run. down feeling. But there's no need to leel like that. Listen to J. Gardner, [daville, Ind. le says: "Electric Bit ters are just the thing fo~r a mran when he is all run down, amnd dlon't care whether he lives or dies. It (lid more to give me ne0w strength and good ap petite than anything I could take. I can eat anythinig and have a new lease on life." Only 60 cents at all Drug Stores. Every b)ottle guranteed. REMOVAE NOTIC~E. I have moved my Drug Stock to the store room next adjacent to New berry Savings Bank, just opposite my old store. I am now prepared to servo the public better than over, and invite yonr generous patronage. I am opening a large China, Lamp and Oil Store at the old stan~d. Prices are right at both places. WV. E. PEtLHAM, Pharmacist. TO CROSS %A1.UI)A. A Joint Stock Company to be Formed to Build a Steel liridge Acros tho Sutluda. Several of our citizens have been dis eusssig the advisabillity of forminiig a joint stock company and buildirg al steel toll brid e across Saluda River at Kempson's I"oerry. This is a capital ideati atn(d we iopie it. will take delinite shape and he carried into execution. Nothing that we can think of wouldI redound more to the benetit of this city and its business men than the carrying out of this project. It is estimated that $4,000 will erect a first, class bridge across the river at this point, and there can be no doubt but that the tolls from such a bridge would pay a handsome dividend to the stockholders, and again it would only be a matter of a few years before the counties would be perfectly willing to take it off the hands of the stock ho'dcrs. Let the business men of the city take up this movement and push it to success. One prominent firm has al ready signified its willingness to sub scribe $500 towards the bridge, and a prominent citizen told the writer that he would put $100 of his money into it. Talk it up and act. 1his would prove a lasting benefit to our people. Millllona (:ivenr Away It is certainly gratifyfrig to the pub. lie to know of one co1Cerni In the land w ho are not afraid to be genirous to tihe needy and sufliering. ''he proprie-tors of Dr. King's New Discovery for Con. sumUpfion, Coughs 11nd Colds, ian given away over ten million trial bot ties of this great mle'iicine;and have tho satisfaction of kn''wing it has ab solutely cured thousatds of hopeless cases. Asthmia, Bronchiis, 11oarse ness and all diseases of tile ''iroat, Chest and liuligs are surely enured bly it. Call on all Drnurgist, nri m get :a ti 41 bottle free. Regular siz. 50c. and $1. 1very bottle guaranteed, or price re funded. To Ren t. Nice two-room houses. A pply to Thos. F. 11 nrmon. March 14, 1900. 3t. 1.0M1. I have lost a small yearling; It will we:ghb about 200 pounds; is red and his right, ear crapped; heifer. Any infor nation will be highly appreliated J. C. Odell. March 16, 1900. It [lave you seen those Ladies' Ties at Wooten's? Prettiest in the city. tf 0,, Account of Diutrict Confrenoce of M. E. Chturet,, South. The Southern Railway will sell round trip tickets to Allendale, S. C., May 15th, 16th and 17th, final limit May 22nd, for $5.65. Shako Into Your Shoe, Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder. It cures painful, smarting, nervous feet and in growing nails, and instantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure for sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching feet. Try It today. Sold by all drug gists and shoe stores. By mall for 25c. in stamps. Trial package free. Ad dress, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. 3-1~4 t 24t. Canididate for Governor. As will be seen from the following cli ppi ng taken fr-om the Spar'tatburg H-erald of the 14th instant. Col. 0. L. Schumpert. Esq , has deccidedi to make the race again this summer for Gover nor-. Col. Schumpert canvassed the State in the last camp)aign as a candi date for this oflice and made a good im pression on1 the peop)le and madle many friends throughout the State: "Col. 0. L. Schumpert, who is in the city mingling with Ils many friend?, will be a candidate for Governor In tlhe coming State campaign. Col. Schump er-t Is an able, vigorous, aggressive gentleman of liberal and progressive Ideas, and has many friends her-e who will support him." We wvant your trade; we wvill save you money. t&ftf. C. J. Purcell & Co. An E5xception to theo Rule. A shop where you can get what you want and when you want it.. STUA RT Bitos. E. H. LESLI1F, Manager. t&ftf No matter what prices you are quoted, we will always be lower. t&ftf C. J. Purcell & Co. Sprinlg Onods. There is not to be found In the city a more complete stock of dry goods, notions, trimmings, clothing, shoes, etc., of the very latest styles and pat terns, than at Mimnaugh's, andi the beauty of It all Is lhe has them marked down at rock bottom pr-ices. lHe has a most accommodating lot of clerks who will do all in their power to please you. Before buying see his goods, get his' prices and see if he can't suit you. Jamleson has just returned from the Northern markets where he purchased the largest stock of Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Furnishing Goods br-ought to this market, and lie is now in a posi tion to better suplply your wants than ever' before. When you need anything in his line call on him. fIf GUANO! GUANO!! We have contracted for a large amount of Fertilizer which we are offering at reasonable p rices. Call and see us before you make your purchase. SUMMER BROS. t&f9,mna. their t ne w ball g round in tri m for playing and will at an early date cpeve the sea son withI a gaei bctwcen the for at silver cup. The li1st gami1e was ',hy ed on the new grounds Wednesday af ternoon. TIhey have mlade at nIice phcee of it and the lovers of tie Iat,ional gamno can Cxp)ect som11e flne sport this season. The college ninle will play tIle H. C. college boys at Coltumbia ol tle 30th Instant. We hope that the scalp of the S. U. boys will be the first to swing to the belt of the Newbe"rry boy;t. Ltilly 13lracketts & (o.'s I" int Slos for Me n in all the latest toes atnd h.ts just 'cect'( eid at .lraiesonl's. f&ttf Wantedi. I aln paying '. t'r ptr !iounld for old rub her boots and shoes. t&ftf. At Newherry Iaitilry. Call for the AIMessenger Sho:os for boys they are tho best made. Citi l'i 4J it,tu eo There is no mistaking the fact that . M..1 iJlieson enn suit any man1111 or boy in the county in the way of cloth ing. lie has just returned fri'in the Nort.h and his goods are now beig opened p111 daily anl add( d to his al ready large stock. No house in tht State has a nore,comiplete stock to se leet from and can serve you better 1han at JamietSOn1'si. A ( CoI ut' itm Ii Mttli"Int' tol' C Ililtt'n. "I iiave no lesitalcy ill 'eco ll11end ing C'haimberlain's Uougll Hlt meldy,' sas i''. I'. Moran, it well known and popular baker, of I'etersbur;". \'a. "We'( have given it to our childreo when troubled wit. had coughs, also whoop ing cough, and it has always given per feet satisfacti'mn. It was recommended to nc by a druggist its tht' best cough medicine for children its it contained no opilum1 or other Iia tiful dI rug." old by W. 1E. Pelham, 1)r-uggist. We have just receciv'd it lot of col ored shirts from W\'iIson liro's of newest, patterns. .1amieson. Prico our Corn, Bacon, Flour, To Iacco, Mlola,sses, beforo )urch i'asing elsewhoro. Vo will save you uoreoy. t&ftf. C. J. Puircell & Co. Zeigler Iho's Shoes for ladies are the best made. .latiieson. eatt i i ll A itil11i P. Mr. Thos. .1. Walton, of Cabot, Ark., brother to Mir. .1. 13. Waltoni, of t,lis city, died it his home at that place on the 20th of February. He was about .5 years of age and wats at one time eml ployed its ia mechanic in the railroad shops at Helena. At the time of his death he was farming. He Was a de voted member of the Method ist Church and leaves a widow and a host, of rela tives and friends to mourn his death. le had been married about 26 years. Reliable agent in Newberry to sell first-class $25.00 and $:10.0O0 1icycles. Add ress A. M..Icet.y & Co., 92 teadc St,., New Yor'k. 3-.:1 2t. Look out, for Purcoll & Co.'s ad vertisemnent. skiti. A QUICK( CURE FOR COUGHS aind COLDS rynympecto raI Tlhe Canadian Rcmedy for all Throat and Lung Affections. Large Bottles, 25 cents. DAVIS & LAWRIENCII ('0., JLimited, Prop's Perry Danvie' Pauln-Killer. New York. Mountreat. HQw Are Your Eyes ? Only Two WVeeks Moro in Which to Have Thomn ExammedIO( and Fitted wvith Glasses. Arthur Becker, M. D.D). O., the well known German oculist of (607 WV. Bay strecet, Jacksonville, F'la., who has been for the last two mfOnit,hs at I1trosp)erit,y, will be in our city soon). The (1Octor' corrects all errior's of reftraction its well as rmovyes cataracts and pt.oryglium1 from the cye by absor'ption without, the use of the knife. eures gr'anult,cd ee lids, iritis, opacity of the COrnlea and many ot,heir eye troules. The (dOctor is an export In his line, having ,t rradlo ated*wit,h hig hest, honor's from t.he Roy al Universit,y at Berlin, Germany, his~ native homne. He hias totr the last few years been comlpelled to tr'avel on ac count of his poor1 health. Hie comes to otur city well recommlendled, and recfers to any physician, mninister' of the Gos pel or merchant, at Prosperity, lie has there t horouguhly dlemonstrat,(d h Is skill and reliability. If you hiavte sore, itching, watery or recd eyes, gr'anulated lids or yotu have glasses that do not ex actly fit you, or yon aire cr'oss eyed, avail yourseh I of this opportunity alit call on him. He handles no readly maltde glasses, but, fits youir case correctly. He will also fill your physician's presOcripl tions for' glasses. Is lenses rceived first prize at the Columinain World'i exposition at (Chicago, whore he at thc time was located-1023i Maeonic Tlem ple. ils pr'ico ' are reasoniable; ht makes no charge foir texamtination. Tihn doctor and his ifie will be at the Crot. woll Hotel fr'om Tuesday, March (ith on, wheire he will he glid to *rve yot andl ho gurantees satisfact,ion. For the accommodat.ion of those whi work during the (lay he will on Sat.ur days and Mondays examine up to p.m. 36t&t-lm. lltMe, lit e's t in O it ng"burg It is it r aII ( woIk i its. I. 5. I lrItI it is doing in her hand of Hlope, and wo ferveiitly pray that (.l will ,o abuntd a'll.l.vbey thii..ailitly wvomanl in il." etlorts to) tt"ach Ihe little O sI. blighting antu daiitling clfect:; of the denoni, strong drink, tlat when th.v grov1 up thty will not toueh it. Sihe.: shouli have the ncom'a"cleient. and sullurt of every fat.her and int lcr in ()raigeburg. hAnd the uys and girls to the noeting next Saturday af t.rnoon.--'l'imses and )enocrat. If you wat to )uy the best. shoe. male for getitleimen call for the Lilly Ilracket Shoe. .1tamies( n. If you want, Corn, l'loutr, Mlolisses, 511ILar or lhtct,n, l;tt"p into C. .1. I'nr etll & ('o. and get prices before huvin;,r. We will save youi t.oi money. Ift&f -'1e S. 'vice. \ Standard lrd .hi-rscy I,lll vi!l be at liiy I.t iui ing Ii t i i'lason. t.\ 1' I tl JI . 11 l I :t;I;., It 1,thiI: t i e I i gtst's. ''hu county Ilpuhiiean conveiltion ('on11Ven(ed liere yesterday and elected the following delt";gats:. to the State coivent,ion, which will convcno inl ('o lumbia on the '.'ith inst: It I \\'ii liaus, S. S. '.'ribl l and .1. .I. I). - kins. 'J'he delegatets to I)istrict convention which will convence hcrt' today: .111(. W. Butler, Iict"t"y Neely, liolht. I'ortr tield. Newton Iaiuby and W. X\. Mc .\lor is---all colored. If troubled with rliumi:tisml, give t'h aini iscila i's 1'ain-lIlmsu a trial. It will not cost you t cetnt, if it slot's no good. Onc applient.ion will reliev"e tiht ain. It also cur's sprains andis .-, in one-third tht timit' re'uire bIy any ot.her trcatl,uit.. uits, lut-ns, frst bites, (luillzwy, pains in the side and chest., glanduhur andi other sw,tellung,. are tjuickly euiet'e by iil llyiu;t it. Every hot tie wa trranttuel. I 'ic 2. anti I5) ets. h'or -ale -y W . l'. I 'lhamtn, )ruggist. Call for the Ils'-senger Shoe for boys. Jamieson. tiltdItlii o fil' I -ate at ait tit"e risti. 1I1on. Cole. 1,. 1(h-ase, of Newherry, is in the city stopping at the Wins(hor iIotel. ie is onw of the poi'O nesnt politicians of his count y. NIr. Iilcase is an avowed candidate ft,r ILicutcnant (io'ern or, and irotise.; to nuike the race lively for soit unu.--- Strtanilmurg I lle'ald. If you need any tohinusi, htalhi,h s or turned work get ou- i'rlces hfor you buy. XW'e will save you noney. o atni: f:tctionl gsutraltetI. sTs' T sam. '. IH. Lsuts, anagter. t,i f tf. At friend in iced is it fr'i'el indeed. AS I 51uggestioni-a rLmIili IVt'eO1t 1o' the cold weather, at. dantsiessn'. tf M A RtIt1E".) ?1larch 1-1, 1 b00, 1y iIv I). P. ioyd, It the i- esideice of 1ihe hlttte' fatthrl , Mr. J. Chesley )oelinick, Mr. W. II. IItrris and Irs. Ietbecca Hick Icy--all of Newherry. Mouldildgs, Lumbiter', b aths and Sht i ngles. 'STtm A 5HT1 Ilutos. NOW is thle opporuit.stisly to cloth e bothl legs ftor thie pii you (i5'td gengra'il ly paty for one leg ini psans at lif. Jaieson's. suE:, isus. Mrts. C s'ahsami, wi fe oft Mr 5. Samss Grsa ham11, of nears Itlitbe, dhied of s'onsgts titon at Iters hsomie ons Wedn'si v atft'er noon.1 I Her remis 15were' bursi ed at, MIt. 1P esat, ( :huirch yetster'day afterintoon. Mr S. Grahamtii il was a daughtLer' oif MIri. II. Carsttr W'X'ilI-on, ansd l eaveis a hitshlanid andit seve'ral smithl childrens' i. If yout needi colts t, hauhtsterss or' any5 tur ined wortk, get, ttus prices befos'e busy ing. Weo will save yosu mon)sey. Satis faction guaanLsteed. STit:'A ITs Bns, 10. II. L:sus , Manager'. t&f lti. Ieg Ampuil'lt-e. Geor'ge Gray, at Lecxingtons negro, while stealinsg ai ride fr'osm (Columisbia t.o the r'ock querryt' on the (Cohl ubia, Newv hierriy antd Laurens s'ailr'oad, isn this counity, last Frsliay, fell oni ,he t,'ackc andit the r'obk trini patSse over one0 leg crutshtn-' it 0 - thsat it hail to be ampu)ltated. -Le xington D)ispatch. Gapital Stock of the I"ours BANK OF ENG1LAND,. BANK OF FRANCE,. BANK OF RUSSIA,. IMPERIAL BANK OF GERMI TOTAL . . FUJNDS HLD~L BY TJIIE MUTUAl SUlRANCE' CO)MPAN Y FsOlt THLE OF ITS POLICIES, Dec. 31, '90), Or $125,021 ,(82 morn than tlh Thels now form of 1.olicy of I'Te Now York, t(ichard A. McCur'dy, Pro First-Tho SECUR ITY of $301 Secod-PROFIABLEI~ INVE Third.-LIBERAL LOANS TO ExtendeId term isnrnco in cso Automatio paid-uip insuranico wi ibehral suirrondor vaues. Oomonth'si grace in patymont, o For Further Informa F. H. HYATT, (1 3 9f2L. l'r, o;ojr,inlln 1 ( ., 1'r ('ulm, 1.1mit Night. (too i t:tt trtn , I li ih.) I(t r l :i lh' t t 1 'rt-, \'asociat,ion'a party left ('hurlbia for Cuba on the