E'TA BLTSHED 186,5. NRWJERRY S. C., FRUI DAY, MAIIci 1(9. A Grand Spring Disi ewberry. We have ial invitation is exter nd the most pleasani economy. Admiring c It is a pleasure to t alesladies to show i 9 ou have all to gain KS. SOur terms ar STATE SUNDAY 30 The SCHOOL CONVENTION laton --- lOlilnmnot. 38 TO IOL1) IT4 Hl:iSON IN LAU- Thur)sda RENS NEXT WEEIC. y 011 s io n-900.) S1'rogrammo ins Arrnngec-ltIis an In- 1Vright, No teroting One and Sone Go,tl Speak- dross, Hon. Iel'~ arc o"Teachers' : The arrangements for the holding of officors. o'the twonty-third annual convon- Ways and n In of the South Carolina Sunday sione of the ool Association, of which 'Mr. day School . E. Pelhan of Nowberry is Shell, Font idet, to be hold at Laurons on Ezell, Spat .1? eaday, Vednesday and Thursday Farewell wc ext weok at Lauren.i, have been melnt.. plotod. he programme has beon an- 1. Thoe: hcod as follows: by the Sout .ti uesday aftornoon--3.30, confer- tion to sell b of workers, retrospective and usual reduca j. spective. 2. Hlom< ue day evening-First session- dologates, v song service, led by Frank F. orintendont, Sildon, Sutmmerton, S. C. 7.415. committee, ~otional service by Rev. Herboidt 3. Conn es. 8.00. The convention requested d to ordor b)y the president, amount of t - E Polh am. 8.1 5. Addriess, I. Herbert D. N. McLaughlin, Chester, 4. "Stut *9.00. Address, Hon. B. F. proved unto be, acting chairman of the in- - ational executivo committeo; TInc su io "The Message from the Publc ECxc,tc ontieth Century to the Sunday ing Uaure eols." 10.00. Adjournment. '4 ednesday miorni ng-Socond so- Frank fori .9.00. Praise service, Rev, situation in bert Adams, D. D., Laurons, S- improved ai 9.15. Delegates enrollled and subsided. -( mittees appointed. 9.45. Ro - eadiness stil ts-First, home, normal and pri- Rtepublicami ~ry departments. Second, statis- noction wit al secretary, J. J. Gentry, Esq. rumoreg, th ir,tr(dasurer, Reov. WV. I. Her- lor', Ropub rt. Fourth, executive committee, GIon. Collim ?has. Hi. Carlislo. -10.30. Address, The Roflpt -resident Lee Davis Lodge of Limo- resist such no Coliege, Gaffney, S. C. l1.3~0- consequonci 'eports from county vice-presidents. Tagobr en 00. Recess- will probabi Wednesday aftornoon--Th ird Bos- going to Lo on-3.00. Davotional, Rev. Wil- conferenceo1 ot 8. H-olmes, Laurons, S. C. 3.15. ham, Mayor ddross, Rev. J. M. Magruder, Spar- and Sheriff nburg, S. C. 4.00. Normal les- deputy sher bn, conducted by Hon. B. F. Jao- licemon wem bs, Chicago, Ill. 5.00. Question latureoexpir rawer, miscellaneous. 5.35. Re- - I Wednesday. evening--Fourth ses- C A on-7.00. Praiso service, Rev. T., For Ii .Law, D. D., Spartanuburg, S. 0. 30O. Address, President Go. hB. id roiner of Newberry College. 8.80. Bears the .ddress, Hon. B. F.' Jacobs, sub- Signatur ( ot-. "How to Stud cie ible."ia >lay Dry Goods, Milline during the last week re ded to visit our store; feature at MIMNAUC rowds, admiring thron he salesmen and Y :he Grand Stock. of si by early selections, at e SPOT CASH to all, n LIM needs of the work )rief SIMLE, .JUSTiCE AS Pledge cards distribtited penIitentary Board MnIces n I R takon. 10.00. Ad tiOn to ihe Goyern, morning - Fifth ses. [The State, 13t1 Dovotional, Rev. G. A. At. the lst mooting of wherry, S. C. 0.15. Ad. of irectors of the pouit 13. F. Jacobs, sulbject: following resolution, it ce Labors." 10. 15 E!ection of which reached the Go% Reports of CComimittees. trdav, was passed: leans. 11.00. Impreos- ".1esolvod, That we, th Ninth International Sun- directors of the South Ct Convention, Rov. J. W. itoutiary, respectfully rc tain Inn, S. C., S. 13. his excellency, the Gover tanburg, S. C. 11.30. don those nen who we rds. 12.00. Adjourn- to imprisonment for life 011 lar for the crimes r Nolrt:s. and arson, and who ha~ railroads are* authorized served 10 years, -which is hern Passenger Associa- ty under the present 'lam round trip tickets at the thtir behavior has been .d rates, their imprisonment." s will be providedt for alP lels f uhirsn siting pastors an urnsepa-olws l .Notify entertainment snbigsn pfrbm haur(ons, S. Q*Suhel .anel;1 ty oflicers are earnestly (1tt1 ao(asei to bri.ng or send the FakJhsn ok ' beir plediges to Rev. WV.lien;hrto TaJ ,t the convention.,ue rdHdo o Iy to show thyself aip- Gen rneug G*od."-2 Tim. 2:15. ihrter"ain"a [YATION IN KEcNTUC'KY. ted 1PieToro net Ahnitest--I.lkc of Arrest er Taylor antid Other Re.- ti ni h otoei lena: as (GoebcIoIcge.plis "sce;br ,Ky., March 1 2.---The rmSmer o e Frankfort has radically td pub lic excitement hats Novortholoss groat ti-unde.osdrto. i I exists, espeially among atduo iercmn .More arrests in con- ~~eeig Ii the[assaSsination3ar Atte amssimcudinngTof ofa egsaor,Aj Drctors Say; pni and others.whichracd nteGt torday, wssort tassewil dret otl atadtewichorofath Sout na iso natmtt retntiar, iriaecfuly ae ot h fortol. ' hyis l ed lny , deranger i y rlai hee iste do Stomh L hoveren Dto ioneisooment forolif Sute tent. fve oxtr lawe for the crmes ifsaui fft spcil p. an, asn nd wh souh us tomrrow.rved and ieasec is tyn n Cidrn udr e ll osene Taw theirveehavior hasgbton theh imprisonment." SoIgtuholl anel oltn CatoGdsden ry, Clothing, Shoes, ceived goods by the not a department o 'H'S is the prices x gs, crowded our cot )u can choose now fI :yles against fifty lat ,d nothing to lose, o discount. VISIT KKD iI1IRTY FA'111EIM IN A FIRt teconInondat- Cowardly M[in ,Iktto Tolbert camle out of t ho post otlic Itting with a large clnh, followed Watso icken into the street, chased him and h ea him with the c1h1 until 1w had fa nlitd ]on exhausted, and with ai oat and said: "(et Iny1, G-d d -at you. rush Tolbert claiis that ho hats muor from money to spolnd (e n eating "nt ig go is" nI te TIhe neoes'C are planin g an earl claimeinig that ininy dlemlocrat ic posi taken maIlsters w~ouhld hiavo reatd 'ih m Ithe w'ith morie cons5idoration!. The rt p)ublicanh county conven('it ion) at Wi I Thley lhlla also denOnie(ed him inl hit t rowd torins as beinig incewjett nm ni n fit for the positijon, and)1 will ask 1th been governmentt to give thom11 aL manif wh will treat all c'itizents al ike. Mi Tolbort is fromt A bhevil lo county. (Iir,q J)onr (Lga lIan ner. ) neral Girls,~ (don't go to cihiurch1 Lan take I was hack seat with your escort and th~e nxtur-t I wisper anid giggle duing thel ii( 1 evieCt eyed, Don1)'t be 1loud, b)oister'ous or slangy ther'n Stand ont youri head1(; dlon't carryl you gress heart'! in) your sleeve anmd don1', thrm1) yourself in the arims of cv. ry wel rgent dr(Iiessedl strangr that l omes(( 1)0 to townI etons lIcI wVomlany b3. e mlodest, bet serIius a !'roi LImelus, (10n t un Isex 'i y u.-lves a''. 111 Lthi yli l ose womlan 's greates ebarmii 1. 1Don' s not regardl yourl long-k1 g!ed1, a1wkIwan celer' brot,hci' as a nuisanice; (loln , Lurin w olun- yourl no0se at your' father and)( hi s poo the graimmar', and11 above all1, don't, play "'i Hot Time" on the piano when olur oli mothcer is hlaving aL "ho, ime"' ove the walshltulb. It, is t,>O suggest i vo. Jolhn K nox, thme Scotcht re!'rmer had lmany enemlIies whol s-oughit t< Fudge compIIass his deCstrutction. iIe wa nflled in the habhit of sitting in a part icu ,ta'fl lar' chair ini his own'l hlonse, with hi back to the window. One evening ix the hiowever', whenLi assemblinimg his famt c leg- ily, he wonl nteilter occupy h is ac Evncustonmed seat nor allow anlyhodl nt theO else to do so. T1hat v'ery evenmini a! to a bullet( waS sent tIhrongh~l the win de9ln do (lw 'ithi ai design to kill him.t, ry to grazedl the chatir ~wli lhe usuallb 'remot ocenpliedl, andL mIadle ai hole in titi en(lloei ick. :ock of merchanci w open wide our d n full of the beauti ket book with t[ ~k. 'ou have to have ti -IY WAIT? RIES, NEW DReES D JOIN THE CR I'tit: OI (4I u. ! M" A 1/1t1 by Mr. Jt+.m1ttr. S [S1)i'cial to NeVs and (ourior.] Wash"ling ton, _March t. T'1h0 South f Carolina dolegation to tho.1 Puro iod r I Congre.s, whic'h closed its (:ssion hero today, tuted homhioward to ) night. Tho delegatin cuo10i:ted of H 1)r. Vyche, of I'roslp'1rity; Mr. 1.1.: t \y-r, of Florence, ind Iiailrold 'ou o missioner \\ il bo n. ''ho de'legt ion n took i )rolminmu1t part in till pro t ceedlings of iho Co(gr('Ms ani re(e1(r ( d some1 very ell'ectIivo sorv'ice in ble--I bI half of our foods atn(1 1iro drug.. " Ie res.nta t I VO Lat iuc'r tI., pa t ici 0 )attedi in tho )r.)c'oedings of the Con.I grc)s oin1 mat1d1' ia stron g 8)>ceb, in which hIe ofliored t;(Ve1ra(l 0(1n'nntl) ,' 1prom1o jSthpssa. of th . pen.din1g -) puro food le.gislatit on. AIt ogetheiir u tho C'ongr's acecomlPihedI good work iln hohalf of pur food, andiu -steps wvi1 bot Itaken to) press the subl) r ji'ct for (early con1 siderabt on in t he Hous18 andc Senaiite. Mr. Ayer and1( a DIr. Wycho left for home tonight, and Mril . \\'ilborn e?xp)tei to go~ tomor row. '[ho Dr'umor Boy's FaIth. Thle followingl story is told1 iln (Our A rmyu Nuurse by onie of thle no0 le womllen wh'lo ca red for ile su1ffer--~ ing soliersi~ inl the great civ'I il wa. Onl Ienerig thle hlospital ward oney mlornling, :I 'was attracted1 by one I of the new~~ laces shle saw thereL. It 1 was al chiil's face, and( i't wore a -jsile. "Ilis munel lI is I ilnry----- , Inot Syet twelve, bult lhe has been ill the army ovr three years,'" the attenld alit said. The nurilse wenIt to tile eot whiere lhe lay. ''Good mornling, mother,"' he (Youdea little fellow, how camle you hlere? You are so younlg, a My fathIer was draiftedl, anld IC - got thlem to take mle will him11 for a di 011111 111Cr0 doy. ' ye got 1no IlIotue1r, ,Inor b)rot hers, nior sisters." - S ''All so) you called meW mlother.t - IYou do0 need( someW oli to take ' P mlothIer's pliace, I'mi sulre."' 'es'mII. Theil boys told1 meI you a - w~ould( take carIe of mle." 1 "Whlere is you r fat her? t ''iIe was killed three mIonlth1sago 1t AnltietamI. I wals wounIded( tilhn [in mvl iI. Samiebhla li en~1 . Aa..qY .Y9 fill"TP 1 lIL . JA1@ e ever shown in oors, and a cor ful and the best, e rnagic key of at Spring Suit. S GOODS, NEW DWDS AT ather. The surgeon says I shall >e a cripple always." Te eyes of the nurse were grow ng moist. "'My little boy looks ery happy, after- all. What makes -oiu so?" she asked. The child pulled a little Bible romtt ittder his pillow, and replied, 'Inl the Bible it says, 'When imly tther and mother forsake me, thet hie I,ord will take inc up.' If I 'et well, and try to he good, I ttess I shall have a home somnc vhere. I f I (loll' t get well, I am nrc I shall.' ''hiere was llore thian ote inter ,stel listener ntow; and each one mad solle new leasanit sight. Two of the ward (tenidants said: ''Get the child eady. 'We'll look after him.'' They rossed their hands, and carriedl the ripplle to Sabbath School every ;albbath while lhe was in camp. But hey did not go alone. By ones and wos anid threes the big soldiers fol awed the little fellowv and stole into hurch. Th'ley all loved hinm, and ome one lookinug onl, said, ''A lit Il ild shall lead 'them.' One day a surgeon camne to the mrse, and saidl, '"Here is a man )okinig for a soldier orphan boy to dopt . Tell him all yotu know of fen ry.' The niurse told himi of the lad's ife, his beautiful spirit, and his ')nging for an education and a comle. ''You hiave interested ine great "said the muau, wvith moistened yes. ''My wife and I had p)lanned :i go to Camp D)enison, but we both reamed on thme same night that we hiould conic to Camp Chase.I hink God has led us. I am sure lie will wvish to take the boy." In a few minutes the lad's feeble rms were twined about the man's eck. Hie wvas crying for joy, To hose who had clutstered round to bid lie little fellow good-by, the child aidl: "'I was sure God had a home for le." --Youtih's Companiot,