The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, March 09, 1900, Image 4

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IJUNRAV1YEN IRANCHI A Story of American Frontier Life. By Capt. OHARLES KING, U. S. A., Atuthor of" T?he Colonel's l)tit tyher," '"h'romi the Ra nks," " T he Deserter." Mie. Oopyrllghtti 188' by .1 It ptintia oinO.pany. l'hlatliphIn, nnd piblishi'tt by ttpietiI arrIng mnent throntgh tho Alierican I'rt's Assoeiation t."l APTEl'1,1 \' 11. s enet i- :t bi-htly' llh . nuillatt'il 10n, \\Wit h1t1h edl fat',' ain. sw %lit n ' antid twit'hin:. tlut.hin hands, old 1aitI.lnd :,t.'tl Ihere g. i : at the yotuIIg otlicer. Ii fer. rt ryv %,oni spe<ak again, how'eve,l anid inere fnli\ explaitl the utiowa,.l irumstat.e there camet a rush of hurry in,.: foat.;ttep' w\1tItoutt, atid the "mittis of t-\'itedtlie The next intlute they heard a e.i:c;r, antt'y challnge, antd I'rt r in, .d the voico of theo overseer ot ma tl t:er w\homn hit had mott inl thlt 0,1TIL:. "What do yott fellows wanlti Iltee' was his brustpie atd lolud imluiry as h.e spranig frotn th 11 ia ' a anda stoo ee.l tt fronting (he srgen:it, w ho was qtiet lv seated in the saddle. atnd the tl1r.titin was promptly echoed by thice 'r font burly men w\"ho, in shirt l'eeves and Variois styles of indress. calne tiullmlling in the wake of their leader and stood now\ a iienacit; group looking ip at the silent tr"oopu'r s. If ther be 1ono thing on earth that will stir an Irishnuiial's s:ul to its iulinlost depths and khidle to instant tIamie the latent heat of his pugnacity, it is just such an inquiry inl tle reaedily rt oog nized accent of the hated "Sassenicl." Perry recognized the danger in a flash, and, springing through the open case ment, interposed bet ween the host ile parlties. "Not, a word, Sergt. Le-ary. I Iere, Mr. Man'ger, these men simiply obeyed or de - 'id I am responsihlo for any mis. t No ha 'i- was intended" N in one of tho ranch ..e"monstrat i\ely loud laugh. .eowed! What harm could t a,, id like to know? If tie mas tcr'll only say the word, we'd break your heads in a minute." "Quiet, now, Dick!" interpxted tho overseer; but tho other hands growled approval, and Perry's eyes flashed with anger at the insult. What reply ho might have made was checkel h\ the sight of Sergt. Leary throw'ing himself from the saddle and tossing his reins to one of tho men. lIe kniew.. well enough what that meant, and sprang instantly in front of him. "Ba~ck to your hiorseggirl lUack, In stantly !" for the sergeant-s face was fiere with ragct. "Mount, I say'" added the lieutenant, as the sergeant still hesitat ed, and even the sense of disc-ipline could not keeCp the mounted troopers fr'omii aiu tere-d wvord of encoiuragement.. Slowly, w*rath fully, reluc.tantly, the soldier ob'eyed, once turning furiously hack as jeor'ing taunts were hurled at him from among the ranchers, unrebuked by theiir mnlager. ''Now maove off with your men to the gate. Leave my horse, and wait for me there. Go!" added the young officer, sternly; ad, wit.h bitter 1mor1 iti cation at heart and a curse stified on his quivering lips, the Irishman turned his horse's head away and slowly walked him in the indicated direction. "Now, .Mr. Malnger." sn-id Perry, turning flercely upon t h .a vounger Eng lishman, "I have d1o:10 m)y best to re strain miy mieni; do you look out for yours. You have allowed thema to insult mue anid mimic, anid you may thank your stars that discipline pireva'ilied with myi people, thbough you have nothing of thle k md here." "Your mn have cut down our fences, by your ot dier, I presonne,''said t he muau ager, coolly, "and it's lucky' for thema t,hoy got out of the way when thev didi. We have a right to protect ouir piroperty and1( eject intruders, niud"--' "'I came here to inquire for a mnissing mali-a right even an Englishman ean not deny us on these prairies. We had excellent reason to believo him injured, and thought, not knowing yeu for the inhiospittable gang you aro, that Ihe might have been carried in her-e for treat mentt thero was no other p)lace. Your- pro prietor tells mto 1o Is not here. Aflor' what I'voe seen of your peCople, I have reason to be.stui more anxious abot him. Scant mercy a sinigle trooper would hav~e had at thoir hands. Now I ask you, D)o you kinow or have' you heard. of a cavalry soldier being aeon ar-ound here during the (lay?" Por-ry wvas standing holding his horde by the ourb as hto spoke, faoinig the par lor windowvs and .onfronting the angry group of ranchmindn. Withlin, th ough nearer the wvindow than lhe had left him, was the bent form of the owneor of Dun raoni, leaning on his canio and appareont ly impatiently striving to make hImself hoard as lhe camo for ward. Before the manager cou1ld answer, lie wvas cotmpel led to turn about and rebuko hia men, two-of whom wore especially tr-uctulont and menacing. Finally lie spoke: "I have heard nothing, but I tell you frankly that If any of your men01 have been prowling around hero It's more tIhan probable some one hase got hiurt. IlIam there been any troubdc today, mnen' ho asked, "Bly Goed, there w ill be If this ranchb Isn't oleared Itn five minutes," wvas the ony answer, Dtdn't mageo an s of yourself, Hioke," 4- 9le th h pa~r. ,"They are going u t tO ' tai :n i laisa. (Ithre. itl)s at htheo "I:n;: Ihelnt-uot IaI 'li I wa \ti l in th 1 r .'i l t' I s is i, Pat oht Ni a lt n nn tar h of t titt'a li r hIt' ''r.t ut1 t'i1 taIt fil- ui ' aIt Iltt ;' :11'it hd.u l gIrIa stpI edt h'I istII i r llt" 1 i :t' tle'I Ii:it',gIingl t itlt It1;1\ I"til't 'll Iitt. c'ttlci 1~I retrybit,i h c i cou nt bre ao t t' aty \1r.iV \l ait f ttinttg l \ ' it (t'x'otlt tfttt 'oarut'g tiii Iirt' lit 1tI i Iid bioio d 1ito then m icils at. n o i 1y a t his bhl lw a tall$ itts h o tenit. rmtv l ardil b yt a t hli et0 il r'uL' r b, \'hthlft aii f d i t tort\'ter s r:ihurlin fut1r by tlh'ii po ii iu ularns ta'. li c a t tig tvtll oit wtiti dent eille 'tId t oa t.tlt,z. lo it 'unl olftIh'Iitio \\'oro .' e totll I aht1t i't r\ :tar 'il that d wn ttit. athtun wli ho:l ltl iwa o tht' i :t'oii t ift. foitIIt a te d hiii ocimes; t' ust' in abi te mger . nIu od the mn:t o nl os thei Iorl I1du f-aring fu,1'; l ' (tiIllt'lt , nto'tre crowd, ie tt'ei itt' ss ihmtr r It t a ll t ;.' md. tis time t+nrt buked, t1 rgt' . Ileary ipeo ll f ltrom thae i dditer a.t wit'. 1;1 a ra >f"erti 1 ligt ' t' ptchedj i ' l ong ii i nIt (ho a\ itlei tith tfth iggest ra nclw han in t.i e y. nt' d thi oi \\l wsln , a' l ; ti fort' htt''i'tndl thte t. as hrapid rot sameother troope r, bren'e (Iowiiitea,t wonring tt uom-! adn s alf t f tt r'k'it s o yi--t- it't t tlea r a'I o1't',i l'nthmn' heiy1\ h lipet't wayin th da leav.'oa pt'aIng ti tir mployers itil the tebarrssent ot' se ant ointingfo OiteirII i a tt(Cttac . T t leawis s ti l f i n wit wratt t n mgl'ing fIo fu1t c an sh loting uoI , I t e dar kn ti erci i v. o \' ,et 'ol I rns ho a o is opp oneit,I I1I Itiu t n :thi ovet ee hime f, ' andibuta foulat y'i, er and sudd 't i.i 1 e ll proiitions tought tho had .a rti, it ha im, ut., wored o con1,tent httmslf at f the nlaior tit cottee to a 'ulllwithi h o er ig as"l that e'd.tiht ay mn" the ranch. i". con aned'a if l he 'd'1t only t com tot whoerie litnnthcud' shold pr hi I'\ atttlIlit! lt l tti ' li3 ' t Itt t.i sI Iro 't' to t' w\":1 \\'i0 t reply.llfi m ell Nolat byo good t'rl, lf at!oo Thery bt rohris wee o ain'e inquitory liatlds rth cuisear of aa tr, adi,r fei ng further dtultt, Ptill prompt l i reed thaer entre 1)arty tlot "fl- in." mIm nt.:d sr t e pttptito ' formed rd ik laerry't sn lc (llanltttl n;b tl;crn hler g i onrd-f atii ite hiou ey camo tuvtli th ore. he r uyst th ani h dl 1iylo tr OIpIort' iiiio atilt t ltrs"ne P1i1g '1gin s wronit ak no II r"d stt or dr the anilentari tht aut et siareb Ille;Iimed ti hke tl -ap 't. I.yk ryn ials wrom tyoe' annielp e t al-t tle to th po st:llchsemn wofaho hail n bet wmi tlluenon, the bore -t en prairie wrecoming bickslog theal Moneae trilt when thevnu 'awo thelightd 1ad hear vhois taoer ain ho shoir. IThier thfoun 'llbary,sun w of aseci edolut somthin andefoeheyha tmrl toash sludeng shoted Tev'rato n hai ttl't dI' i hi- f'ace. lii i ' . i 'rt litsel, ald it' S'ilt"I Iallln iol(b a decg \\)I, I't yiv w\ bIll Iav'e :et a i'e - hi,'1 undert' his het:1tl as Itey I:iid h1in, (ltw11I t ibblro Il, ';asy c tilti, Ihtit I t' ilia . i:'' jii'1t l iI In\;i\, L '\t Iin:: th ' ;; 1 \ h.ii' t"+ Ih,- \ s r\ ~ ,, ,, ' , w . , 1 1 AI l nlb ul ltltb, i' ' tl , b 1. ' ; tt l II, i1 1, H;'I ii it:.tlf. "'.1n:,t :.It ;tily hli- lwa:ld ill th:at ptt .i(iitl one inu blag'ie a goub fbtllw al i Iae ai ha dit'd 1rt':l lIith r'i1onll :114i1 '1b1)pilld hbli'I ib',ll' upl) tl ih hal: t Iir 'wav. ' rry hib r,l hi11 r: t :1 ist: i t o r, I Ia l';u tlyI at1 It' :.'11u tweIs t n:.;le of lte bit;llt o tu. 'T'h<-n his voit, wb as4 l:litlni " ' Ir s. I,'U m\v : ! .\l1-.. 1.w,' v o i ! \t11I in hIav I t li-'::1 t,> lc Oml (bb i ,ii t tl:' thi it:te'" i1." '1llt I it tl110 ;t: v t l. a w er ,i i ilt1 jI', \i ' , i i . :itIi t '1 : lt,tl. h t'1t t,tl .1 .)a ll: -Itu, i} h ~I;. Io l , Irn It In'e r, ( I , w'Illt 1 ii ,i ; ll , a1 t w ' t. hji it:( I . iiI I i t ~ a ' I'it11 11 :11t \'(11 t11 l: I ii ii.g~ plsi\e m vin. i t h adl tr->lb bIw itn' o Ih r kntes hv hi: ..I,' "h , l'aI': ! deIa r f.ieit'r! I wvasi afraid f t is! I .t't it' t:lIk I is hr te: tl n m ' amiit, S ," ist'it r'ily t urn'IIIIII 't'dI; "alit. \vo t . I \ '1 . t1 lIII I tt't ti l l 1 ' i iat11 fetchI im, a lit. t l aIly? 'l'is ter ot l'errv : tt, d, htr bid,In t , fomng l a la'-t y dtl,-.lnit'1r ti thio .tl' :t trIkenI Itl: t, I h: lf i ille,l ' . :,ibrought it \\1t11V s,':l, \\1t, 1' l at i tt I ' lit' ~t,111hen wihr isi:n'v ine oback k the oIbny. i t ' trt't ht12d, f,'thl her'1 handlt, :111d, tli.t:tiii. hnti \'II w it a ',1,Ilul look nlt tain rlitl "u't. It s t' ', ttk: the bli,r1' :and '.Irrit"e it 'a1rfI'ul l t ,r I ;It e'uh 's 'L 'a so ntet'ii i h li ytu 'jaCi :gzit, w.~ til't" it i, 'I .I 'i t :i'; " tfig ,L (th \o1111' l2,bi ll't; tsi i t tibgi t' ii' 11 I.. sp is sealdr :it he tle~nt maiie her. bl' e ed r. .W t':1 h .t i:t'nt' ft'1 lie' l ttlil, oi l tutas, ~ ~ MY linciSh dea t Seot" to b, it.her1u:.i I fe,1 t' 111 has\l 'n over'1 tin if it X i ,nt IIt , lla d hnt i - toI,'i:" i. (bll;. F..i t: 1,b.1e;t t .' ili\ti b y I i .: t ime.'' She ii O i l iier illt1:!;ralirw i t' i . int it. te r al stptriio h!,, tht foteI It: atl I i h d 1 f the : ,:rat,' I anl . .\ ft'b'l, mitlttn, ftll't ted lb\ a t eI p drawn' lig , was1 t! h t ilyv '. n1'.'I'' lltl'r' brandlt piurttd In2 b Il' :tpitig tou th 'tentl, only to tran , to dllit'es hin. li SIgn't of rtI in ell; n',IltiouIsnetss; I'ew-'al-ded' th ' h s Iu' vt i''I':I I.u Iatfher I h e :tt le ii hi er at suc like etin." "Pri'ay te lilte w\'hiII w'ay to jgo. Si ureni - l a I can iu th'r," ir'dl l'terrv. " . I'.w n ta us t le . rtclhit: foert ht r notiw, or Ih'\i w ulil a t itiuni l by tIh i: (in'i; e l eadlt. balb1 i nti e, : have nVte bni altn:e with mi fthrr w'he ghteh hl ii:: 1:,e. 'tl anoiu." Perry th1rewe himself on his kntes h. sbit her, barveling at he oti f:te that had atsdtiengly al,'iredl all the a t toit - (itllan of hin un1ltt,tkedt for vi-it. i i ' s,'ized" lint troaf l it;, :ut'l ltt t I t r ihat 1:Iy so tier'vele. tI thtl ileth, :1Irl beganl ra,)idl andl vigotrous ebalinIg and slapplingq. So:aewvhtere h, had rt'abd or hrde of wo. mn beire i st,oiidframa iin lting stells by just.cafnih tllas. \i\y hold ati'it not pe-, vail wvithl thg ol n? Ile vaiutly be thought, him of burnt" feathers, ald look ed about for the bis are pillow, wlon dlering if it ighelt not ho a brilliant idea (t rlut it open anld extract a h:ttilful and set it ;thhazt' mllelr (hos' broadl ami; emii nt Iy aristoeratice nostrils. Happily, he war; s)a'hld exc"uso for further exlet'ri ment. 11e felt; that lifo was returting to the hand It was so nltee tifally grooin, andt px tatd feeloii buto emphtict trouhstgint 'uch heric reamen was '% bnaifett.adwse-'aitvh'hmt "I jtink he'(iLs cing to,"iiu o satid,ti "Imo'sn tingtoiu,aay hl "el, do! i Anytingraer, than'' lo hintlo in'fb' toi iat lie shon." i' Iobeduient l hbe. Aln to ihis rie,g tob bing (n ehRin hard desit-ed incret'in uic and efot Ther camea te fe blo,nI etuht. mouuon u hiiiv. u hollee ol the verandar w ituuiand yi liwen ru01so brea les omoalirudy yoce ilglino "\\'here-so eathu en tati omantiave gone?" hed l pan t "lIVb cani notebind.e mhe het t tlissGadys?"3'i I"lIevmiin', Pethin, O thanks *to caar thaks to yu," sho suu aid, tunig her eye fu pn t h o kneeling1(1sh fiueat ohr sid ond, snd indPery' hat'uil Ito' and kintldn iOher glane.I cohrtwas ltieilngwinton a ond o unliatn thom but 'neOakin; ttl pr oss. aeutt'u "Lenme heulp you,"l eagro haid Perry. And omhwthe opiri thoner tuhed itc a h'o titdat thued stbbornl knot.lShe genutl.y, not aruplso: adh on after alyl th at mi hap p,"sad" An. ly if he shuldi fin you in~f her. when hoq i t1 t' tl': alIi' I r wte\\ 'lt ttlm :tlltl Iit ;, 1 1\ .:I li t 4 it 1 h1 11 :. ;.I1 ,11 I . tnn l'lll, )r. Q tltil. 'lt Iil: n4 I'IN I.4I A C'ouiipli t t" 'I'itoItIIrhts fot' t1:t Youn. 'lIC liti jP it4 4 1 11 4 l' 1 . 111.1.i11;' .1 1." 1 ret sI:iI in liflt' t': h1\ lt' 4\ s 1ini1:1t"Il. .\ w r\.\'trtIi; : :1' \\ciit1'r ftI'll\ less n t he II , 1rtibab1iil t l :f t tg'I Il .'IItI. I .it' is I the siae:It' of :1t" ti 1 n t; t':ttI I lite t'I t i t I 1 t 41 t'ir 4ii1\". .\ lil't' \ ell i j\ 1, I11 1 b; .r a II \t 'iI \ 111 ' lhe w ill tr (;h ,. it; ; th 4n eteri ty Ii4 l44' liss 1bu4 44n 4. tt1 :ii t'* I i' 44 ' ii I V ltrl I 1:4 i I:tl- 44 ut ly' Ilifc is i th III I ' I'hi 1i t ol' thitrlitie ., \\bIi: b i, ft,rt\ t'.. '' art rig t, \ tIng" i 'ititl'. ' ll i \Vecll ib; t I nd w\ l' ' "TI'l eit't et.Itit1n f'trll, Ilt' youit11I'ul Iin1:1 1; Jlust as 11e i\t is wei t the t r1t': il elitle'l.' ('nilt i ;t' \ 1yur ht I rtt' feeli1gs; rrlet' ss ;111 untlhto \' tl'esires, :11tl Iart l !ca;l lty\ I n tllst i 1ltIn eli' ' il ipIrIIo it tsit ' 1i 4 t t to r tI.ituire. , c tt1 it (Il itl the1 hitt 1 of \ot,l in 4'tl4sn 1',t io itlti \ oli: t o 4i1z lo v i)t wl. 11t ii the o'tunsl t 't lthe n1 - \\' V. 41 ' i 1, iti ti i Iiht' ttv tIc ti - Ilc'1' Itl 4 Il (ti 1l ;tt't \ttli d eii tC lit ji tll ht\v 1 f ithe 1.,1rt, ;:1t d ii('Id Id it ' th re'lIn t1 .l" Idly 1. n g t. 1 l' tI he i .t1rt d ,t I' 1r1 \ es I he ' , '11 l ln;:n'l \\V' v ,\'. h ut illit \\;;\ t ( iIll' lill,;11,! \ shlll pe ii 1.'' l 11 c'l e ' ,' .'tt;,l a inie fl'r 11:m,t ('It a .1i l tl , lo tia Sltcit'11n, thw q11'. in? M 1id ll I iiriN a il t ,' : i I1 r \\ I,4 out ltt : v"oyagt ' irotltl the, w\rbt t :i 1by iiIt'+t'i f, will tell ti' :,tor of Ibi untpIarlitl,h-d aichIi \Vtim.n"; if suilin; lt l-':ric-Stnl tor db''itlr 1 (. "I5t44ry ilr,"llon' of thet mio"t tilm i. ldyn:ss ii it'tl 1'ver conrstru4 Cte'd! l h i l:t i t ;il. friu Ne Y\ or ' t lr.'i il, th1roughi't tle ti t'r st w\"iml un l thI t l4ih:h=l t t t:ta . 1hle(' artit lr will b' illo. tratt-1 froi hotli bt;lts',~ :autl tr:-.-\' Prevention better than cure. Tutt's Livew Pills will not only cure, but if taken in time will prevent: Sick Headache, dyspepsia, biliousness, mahria, i 1 constipation, jaundice, torpid liver and kindred diseases. TUTT'S Liver PILLS r ABSOLUTELY CURE. i t'4 i 1)t'1,'g,11t,n. A Ou Waihiington4 correspont44 says:- that those4. ini Iho con4 ltdence' of Senator 01 Til114man1 he4liv tha'' 144t Ite furi dleate~4I4s at! large freia this Stalte to 14 at inal 1 einioeriati' (4ikonvetj'o m4er and4( heppard'. Tlhi probai4i mieansi~ thait Seniat4r Tillhnan1! favor' It'hes noi4:r.abt )4 14 inltt what14.4 he' w ant.. wvill b4' don'. en' e h)oJ4e'-s4t. 1In tent '8.y8 at lona4Jt tw'o-tirds orf all4 '4ymptomns remoi d. T3timit,ale '4d' TEffI D)AY51 tectment free. "Welli, didi yOnL vte ?" 'adMs .4punid kins to heri d1au4ghter,u as the laitter 4!i4V( reov d'e wrapi4s (4n elect - tion4 iln 1920. "Why~*, ma~i' nna, I'lli younig girl. "'A reail n4ice young4 man41-1 Supp)lose he2 was14 one of thle electtionl ollicrs-eamu4e upt and4( asked what441 ticket 1 was.4 ''oing~ t vote, and when!C1 I told1 him, he said: 'H1utt surely you are4 not! ohi eniouigh y'et to ca4st a 1hal1ot, M i.' S wha:i. t could( 1 (10 but1 smilek swee'tly4 at1 the complJlimen2it and1( come14 away . CASTOR IA For' Infants and Childcren. The' Kind You llave Always Bought Beoars tho Tho RabbIt's Foot. ' "D)o you thinik thait rabIlbits' feect are lucky'? "' Tenpjot asked. "I1 (14 ifthey() are~( rap41id coough to cariry the rabb)lit safelly awaViy from the) hutetr,"' ried 1( Mllinsii. -Dectroit FreeC 14resis. A QUiCK CUR1E FOR$ COUGHS AND COLDS~ Very valualo Remedy in all affections~ of the THROAT 01' LUNGS L'rtrgo Bottlesl, 2sc. D4AVIS &s JI,v/imso CO., LAm.ited, i Ii1 lite' a lli n \1 ', 19' t h''Nilu , ~ 1E A)nyt! o l:.i'. htl'i1I L l . .t _ v r .'. A perr'ct iCIeme(dy for con':tip,'t tlit1. Sou Stoitach,l)tianT110ca, -.-r '('o m d l ev ris h _1c l%r S tA,t0 r 1. \"T CO'Y OF W1A! P:. : ci-UT. xUIN R,AILWAY. Co:* 'n sd ihs h f M o V.\I f t., 1o?. r; em r t.: h F v.. - 4 an I.r i i 9 : 1.. ) 14 ! In -. - . . . ..... :t O'5 p Ir - . .. ... t ..0 p 11n x4 16 ::0 p n - .... . n 1 .) p 1 -_ 1' ->n 3 l U p n \0. 18. No.1. - * 10) .. .a m 10 40 a in r..- ' .i 2 p m 19 10 p In . i:9"' .7 1 p i n 10 40 a mf) Wib : m.. ..... 2 p In 12 6 a In A n' e:1 l ... ...-.~ ~~n (6j 7.8 .01. ..... M p m 11 16 a mn r. 1)..a :.:. 15 f I 11 10 a IIm L4 AM r- i:' iwo o... ... u 7y 1 82 p m. u. y e..---.- ........ l3 15 p m N o. 9i-Y-- .... .-- . .... .... I i p m : 1 .s i9 y .P.... ..... ...... 0 2 1 4 p~ m C<. mon ....... . ~~ 9If~ V i .... .. 8 0ou 41,r4 w 9 .. ~..... ........ . 1 u a -- C m h..... ....9'991 '. . 15 a_ v. 1 . v.m ----.-- ...... ..ek 'il 4 8 p. m S -,, 9 ur1 -----.. . .......... 5 ) 94 pm I 1 el"......- ........ 2 1p 8 mW i'9 '-'' rv10........Tuow~ .. .. 12 i p A --- ~217....'91O0...... 15J lp m4 -7'pm 9 "a i "N ni. t..No... 'i ).i " 9 i .B(rnneh11il. " 02 p 4ou a oi',o'. " J Orageb r 1 "3 p. i., 3:p ni r :1. p. a i, .... .. " a. . awell I. .,... iI o 'il 199..... "i ..14r aevil . . ''1( ..... d sion la Ghh',,a 1 ,1 : i i 9.. 2umbi p. . 1 ( ( :20 p .9(1 i. V'6. a 1121(7( " ..All o n....99 " 2l d 1:3 p 9 8 360., :110 p n 9 32 A p . .... U nti.... lA1 05tod) 3 E- a 19.1 11" .....n'o'oto....m" 12 13mnn6 42op 19921. AIsl 191 A hpanburg9i~I9~ 9'y 1 459106 p 1r 40 a o x (hv spr1,to.uur A 911117 a 6 00 yia P'' .. ,"A" n9 . . "N"11 ni g ., 6T, 3 :v99d 1. n . an vii. V997 1)Iningl1) cas Tr:ns3:la 1)a.anCr. A t C ivisin, orW bunal, wr : Lt m., E:Ap m., :1 . I :O->Cp m,1-:ThIa.., (Vsb L imited. 'G , STrnumq'999.99 h ito +renillo, .dii i or on 1. :0 at.' ., 2:3 . m.a d6'r .n t.h to ulmi n u Mts sriing r oo m Ve PU oing 9 ,1 Pu ptar enOalso andchlu esa .hidV-. l: io., cAlr., '- ii o cs.Ie. rS1)9 'a:to,D. LW. hnto,/.' V. A. Tfl, 0. H.('" H AlVmW"~ 10K 7. Ge.'' ns.ARt AOC'tg Ite n. Pass Ag't.e9 n 0 tlna(a CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the Signature of ' In Use For Over Thirty Years PjASTORIA nC CENTAUR COMIPANY. Nrw vOKK C ITY. Florida Contral & Peninsular Time'1 Table in Etfect Nov. 1). '99. LeavN "' atc rr............................2 CO pm A rriay e Colu mbta ............................... 30 pm No. .1. No. 35. Lv. (o!u,1. 1bia. ........... 1135pm 1 47a (i'a:Attern ttl e.) .v. ('r,uihi:l ........... ..10 35am 12 47am (Con t ral TIme.) .V ) tn :ark .............. 12l;pm 2'S n l.v E-txirft,x .... .............12 556nm 3 U2um , Lv Iv nna .............. 3 7pi 8am A r I uiwwick........... 7 Oa pm 8 "30at A r .hre onvI lie......... 7 10pm n I- .Iacksonvillo...... 8 OOpmn 0 20n Ar Lake City ..............11 A r ive Oak ...............12 At 'Ialiltla .sseo ....3 pn A r iavcr Junct ion ..... 2.p Air . ii ....... ......... ... : 3 00 T1 A r New Orleans ......... I A=" Waldo ...................1041 pm 112atu A r laine.'vill .......... pn A r ted a r lReys ........ A r (Ocla ............ ami 1 4115am A r Wild woud ........ 2 4ti 2 :2p1 Ar )' ............... '_thtnm 5 Gtp r_r''1Ltsipl ......... . ; :;l)aut 0opl NOly r11tO1(UN 1). No.31. 4No. 35. amp .......u............. x OIptn 8 O0a111 .':0 o .............6 30u 1 827amn ,,v \ildwood.2.12 7I m 1 5111J Lv Ceder lie ........ 7 iamn Lv' 1a1ncs'iI ....12 12pni Ar Wal ...............505am I 47)am L.v Ta)ilahassee........ 1 43pm Lv' l,h'tt Oak............... 4 ['1pi V lakt' City.625im Lv .Jaecksrmv3110o.... 241nmu 7 -e169 '.v 1runswickm.8.....I.. 8 pm) 'it' tiavt.ueai......... )1 2 11 s8pi I,v SavannahI ........12 :)5p111 11 E9Ain1 v Fairfax .............I ioo)t I 5-in 3 oumi . 38pm4 n Sm-Nowmrr...........125pm iacr 'l'ta ispi......... ca; h tu Co0pmbi n (IIC1C1 V)eNOClsTi H NMvok D. o one No,~. 33 10(1 3 N o.iin ri. Ng 11001. avtpic Tara............. Ta00pm, 8J0amkovl by Gain v il e ............ COin wth slep A W lo ...... ........ 5oum i 5am11N w ok Vv Talla assee........... [tvllve n bI...,....... by L. k 11City,.A.........A.. [.va-acksnvile.......Fl20. V From ................ to 0pmrh8 715a ~L, edle2 52pm fr'~' - - jo/n47nm (1 43p ye4 4anm ~ giv5 en5pms The ve7 45pm. 1 . 3Llfl, bi L i 36mbt Trin arrve~ and (deplane ouia bluertoan fro Netw'ork, alcsto connect bNes. a 3.paymnant Drineg.Ro aTANCba COneTn ihNEp BestoenClso and fo Coluibia,adNw ok FoUrter Sothnfoa, orthin pl toa lin, Ahou anCAlanta. 0 W. D. TOY, N. (O, No. P.h A9. (J(igH ~VU8tIn on bla '8 Cos lA. . A. 18l0PM N.o G . . 1110 II Cnahta. ns 32('ai rIro MkopDrct oyPrchser 1 26 ill r J4arenwi ias a 8p lifc p.......c velfetime m .~~.~~A PoorbPlanL yers a -ls 2ad6 01 r i ewendCles. tnailwaycuvl aisatlays Loast-Ln (J ai. You tyanoI chansR buy. 11Vos s wt ore tha at Cheaest n theen.Pasne u. reasoInabl, baTor.rcs orti bO.Easy paaymen t.raiteus.~ In Eiret November 19, 18091). (l:nstern S1tanard 'limo.) lutltbound. Northbound. ,Mi. ..M. PM. I'M. A. A.M t4TAT1oN13. A 22 M4 52 85 3 S190 7141 35 [.v I.4ur410s Ai 13S 430 11 :3U 0 IMP 7 4) 1 41 " l'arks Ar I1 25 420 11 20 0 35 7 40 1 53 ..U1lnton.. 1 13 400 11 40 i 53 7 1.8 2 0.1 Uoldvillo 110 831 920 7 05 8 to 2 10 ..(iard., 12 t3 820 LOtO '13 818 2,5 ...Uary.. 1218 811 %41 7 20 8 25 22' ..Jalapa. 12-13 801 8 32 81) 814) 231 1iowborry 1280 240 810 8 t0 9 13 2-19 l'rospority 12 17 2 15 1i1(0 980 2 69 ...8IIghe.... 12 07 1 66 9 10 11394 :102 Lt Mountain 1203 1 60 S:30 ) 4: 3 16 ...Ch apin... I 48 1 35 49 t) 10 00 322 ilIlton 11 43 1 27 1 110 10 41 3 0 W hit Itock 11 40 122 14:! 4 l l 331 halotin ut i 35 114 0 S 10 30 3 10 ......Irmto..... 11 27 1 00 I 25 1011) :1.14 .. be"phal t.. 11 20 i'' 50 -15 1140 4 0aAr('oIii ibisLv 11 (8 Id 30 No I blixed, Ihaily KxoIet 8unlay. :t r Nowb' riy 7 15 I'.'svmlit t 7 20 13;li t! (1 52 1.111.' Mount'n 0 41 CI IIn ( 20 Ililton 1101 White Itock 5 43 Italoutine 5 -45 1rmo 6 2 Leiphart 5 05 Lv Colunttbha 4 45 No. 5. Botween Laureins and Newborry. Saturdays only. Lv Newberry 0 10 In Lv Jnlal-a 9 82 p li 1,v Gary 9 4" p In Lv Kinard 9 48 p in 1,v (lolidvillo 9)68 p m Lv Clinton 10 15 p im Lv Purks 14) .5 p"m Ar Laureus 10 45 1 in 300 AtGreeuvilleLv 1201 3 10 Spart"nburg 11 41 510 Augusta 910 Tralins 62 and .3 runs solid betweoln Char ostonl andl (1-cenvillo daily. Tr,itnu.2. 1l, 81 an(d 1, laly except Sunday, etweei ('oltmnbia and l,aurcnt,. 'Train 3. di:y except Sunday and Monday. etwoon Columbia nnd ,anrens. Train 6, bclween Newborry and Laurens aturda,ys only. Closoconneotion at Sunitor for all points forth. Close connections at 8Sartlnburg for the fountinas 10. CA NAUG H. A .t., N.--whnrry.4 ,V. e SALL. To ALL I/OINTS yorth, South and Southwest. Schedule in oiltet Nev. 6, 199. SOt'11 OUND. No. W.. Nu. -II. .v New York, via Penn. 1t.1t.*11 00lam l4 Go i. " W ashingto .....................6 '0 pm 4 80 Ktlt " itilchn ond......................... 9 00 pim 0 L5 . 'v 'oL Iuioutl 4 " " 8 45 pll *9 20 t a. l<r Weldon, via 8. A. L......... 11 10 pin 11 43 a", 1r liend. .son.. ".........*12 641 am 1 35 1 1 '" laleigh " ........ 2 22 aim 3 36 pm " Southern Pines " .......... 4 27 " 0 00 pin " 1lumlet, " ......... 6 14 " 7 00--.. .v V in ington....................... . iU ~ Lrblonroe ............................. * 5-3 " -12 tr Charlotte, via 8. A. I...... *800" '2ojit Chester, V'in 8. A. L.......... *3 13 am 11' 5i pm, Greenwood ' 10 46 " 1 12 am Alhens ....1 21 1u1i 34ban Atlanta, S. A. L. 3 54 p.m 4 15 NORITH BOUND " No. 4'02. No. 36. .v ,t tlant.a, (Central Time) n 8 50l i ttr Athens " .......... 3 US pm 11 5 prm " Greenwood " ......... 6 40 " 1 41am Chester ' ......... 7 53 " 4 C8 Ir .iotnroe, Via 8. A.1........ *980lpm 5b ' ..vlharlot0,Vi. a 8A. i. *ti U nm * LrHanulot...............1 10 7 43" tr Wllniiugton-W '. . +2'05 pm "Sout,hern Pines......... 12 02ait tO am kr Iltaleigh, via S. A. L ....... *2 03 nm 11 13 an' 1i1omderson, " 3 20 am 12 45 i'm 'Lr Weldr n,via8. A. i............ 4 55 am 260 pm >r eortsmouth " ........ 7 2b am 620 RIchmond......A.C L.. 8 15 ' 72" Washiugt'n,vaPoun. 1.1. 12 31 pm 11 '40 SNew York, " " " *123 " *1<4,.aIm iv UI.nton 4 .....21 03a krob.y254 pm820anm * D'1y. t D>1y, ex. Sund ay. Non. 403 and do2.-"The Atlanta Special," lolid Vestibule Tlrain of Puillmnan 8leepers m,d Conches between Washington and At Binta, also Pulimani 81leepe bet,ween Ports rnout,h and Charlotte. N. C. H4os. 41 and 88.-"Thie 8. A. L. Express," 0olid T1rlain, Conches and Puliman 8leepers etween 1'ortsmouth and A tlanta. fl,th trains mnake immediato connection at Atlanta for Miontgomery, blobile, k4ew Or eans, Texas, California, MlexIco, Ubiatta [sooga, NashvIlle, IlemphIs, Alacon, lilorida. A F'or Tickets, Bleepers, and .iiformnation, ap-, ply t .4 (3.Atel'. IATTc, 23Tryon SI,Charlotte, N.C. 1E. 8'r. JOHI.'s, Vice-PreN. liA(n Ilen'1 Man ager 11. W. U. ULIOVERC, Trn fio Manager. dL. 8. A LLEN, Uen'1 Passenger Agent,. GRNERA&L OEFloEi PoRTBMOUTH4. VA. MicsollaiGVestern Carolina fwy Uo Afueta and Asheville Short Line. Schedule in Effeet Jan. 17, 1000. Leave Augumsta..........9 410 a in 1 40 p in Arrive G3ren,wood...12 15 p m ....... . Amder son .....:...............01 g~a.Laureni............ , 0 p mn 6 35 a mn Bih Greenville.......8 00 P mn 10 16 ama skk G lenn Spaings.4.. 00 p m ..... jMSpaa tan burg......3 10 p mn I 60 a mi Saluda 6.......... 338 p m ....... Ilon ersnvilo....0 03 p m ....... SA shieVi1l-.........7 00 p in ....... Leave A Sh~e6........... 8 20 a in ....... Sp artanbuirg....1 45 It in 4 10 P m G loa.n 8 tii gs...10 0 am ....... G reenvI 10......12 011 in m 4 00 p mU Laurens.......... u,p mi 7 31 pim SGenwo.......2 86 p ma 9 00 pm A nder,on .,................. . 0 35 a in Augus ............ 5 1p m 10 48 a im Arrive Ra10lgh ....... .... 111a m .... Norf olk............ 0 a m .,...., __Petersburg ..... 7 83 a min ...,.. ___Rtclh mon(d ....8 16 a, m .,..... Leave A u usa....,,............... 355 pml lenidfae---.....---..............pml Yen......---.-............ ..... 12 pm Yo. see.-.......... to0 am 7 16 pmfl Bieaufort..-.....10 115 alu 8 15 pm PotRyl......'0 80cam 8 25 pm Leave Port ityl.'........... 1) pm 7 80 a m Beaurort ...........10 pm 7 45 am Yeimseo............ 26pmi 820anm Fai r fax......................... 8Omi MiaA de.**""''.............6 2 am AriAg .........................1l 65 pim 1ebor Air Lin Fas b r all pointg on Closo connection at,. Greenwood for all points ou 8. A. L. and C. and G3. Itaiway, and 0 Slpartanbnr .with Southern Itallwa For any In formatiou relative to I8kets rates, schedules, address W. J. CRAIG, Gen. Pas. Agt N. M. NORT H. 8o). At A uguta., ' T. M EIMELt80N, Traffec Manager. BLUE RIDGE RAILROAD ir, 0. BEAVrzT Receiver. Effective gy,97 14.tween Anderson and Walhalla. -4wd , ~ Mized. bTo.19. Stations. .No. X Ad 110 am.......Anderson 4.~ ArlO81 0m,.,.....Autun....,.,,.4 Ar 10 22 am.x.....Pendleton .L 4 - Ar 10 18-am...hery'sCossi":.1"" 43 98~ ArlO 07 am..d8ns' 3frossin....v 9 p151) A 0 49aln ~...i.8nea.}.., Lv 447pm Ar 25 am.W.. est Union .L ULV6In &r20 ain......Wa alla..l..".''LV71pm J. R. ANDEIRSON SutInOlto,n'dlit Donnection at Seneca wti 8o. it. R. No. 1i. At AndersonWit SRaIlway Nca.I1 and M and Wa-Skey HaMe cured at homne *it out ain Book of ti1uaresen 03,3.M6 W01