L. It. A UL. 110D1ronT. EITORIA . COltICU05'ONDCNCE. ('olumbia, Maarch 8.--The municipal pr"imitry, which was held here on Tues day, for the prlpose of n,ominating Democratie candidates for Mayor and Aldermen of the city, passed off very (uietly. Of course, thu plrimary is really the election, for there will be no opposition to the candidates, but the form of a general election has to be gone throi ih. All the interest centres in the primary and there is where the fight is to be made. The'hre were four candidates for MIayor, the present In cumbent, Col. T. J. Lipscomb, ex-Mayor W. MIc3. Sloan, W. 11. (ibbes, Jr., and F'. S. I.rle. Neither one received ia majority of the votes (ast and it will be necessary to have a second race, which will be matde by 1ir. I:arle and Mir Sloan, they having received the highest num ber of votes, and Nilr. Sloan leading by nearly two hundred. In nearly every inStance a full aldermatnie board was chosen and a second race is not, neces sary. The second primary will be held next Tuesday. 1 find tie following in t,he Abbeville Press and Banner: Iirother Aull, of The Newberry IIer aid and News, without provocation, as far as we know, gives Abbeville a dig for seeking a !fiee, but pays us at high compliment by saying that, many Ab beville men have gotten ofllee. it Is honorable in all inen to aspire to posi tions of honor. And for a hundred years Abbeville itas been producing mnei Who have been appreciated by tihe People of the State. W e are very proud of our mnen. Very few cou ttics have produced as many inen who have been rewarded by public honors. Newberry is not without her distin gi hed mnu, andt Newvberry has noth ing of whic she ean be so jnttiy proud Its of her good metn, whio have ben held in higlh esteem by the people of the State. Not so very long ago Abbeville gave t.hte editor of The Lierald an! News a hearty weleome to iter hearts atd homes. And it is a little strange that he should now seek tO trike the people ot a matter of which they are o troutd, namueiy: The exrceient 'tof her citizens. If it is at rtlt:it'he to i'.'t t'ait't', what shall we :tY of th u ;n<.::,. "fal e:fort to geattl t wI h rir., r"rrtach Nf e bI i " . a- f ' a : 'e of L o . ;t' L .. .... :: \ : .\ ' i: d a:fi . ....,.. .'c ti ar td if in .\ihbeCvi ', and one of :i.e llt\ pl'eas aut years of my life wa.s rpent in the t)%wn of Abbeville. and the friendships ntand there formei. I hope willeon tintlt' while lIfe las:. The people were kind to me and I have never foigotten them and ne'ver wili. I appreciate their kindness and their friendship, and the wcene they gave me to their hearts and hom1es forn one of the sweet est mem2iorieS of the pas:. an,d I did not intend to be~ Ir.: s:oo-1 as saying aucht agairst :he