NLwit;Hul" n1AiRIS;T. Corrected every u'llesday and Fi by Summner l3ros. Meat.. . . 64(a)7 Shoulders ........................... 7< H am s.................................. I2(( 14< lost Lard ............... .......... 74()8k< lest l\Molasses, new 0rop...... a0 Good Mo lasses..................... 25(P50< C orn ................................... 60 ( M eal ......... .. ......... ........... 00( H ay .................................. 75< W heat 13rau ....................... $1.1( Ist Pat-ent Plou .................. $4.7f 2nd Ie Flourr................... $4.2f Strait l'1our ................:........ t$4.0C Good Ord imurr WI ur...........$3.00(t3.5C Sugar ............ .... ..... ......... 5 Oa c I.ticc................ . ................. 6Q(Sc Collco ........................... ... I O l5c Cotton seed mue(a.l, per saek... 1.1i 3ale 11ulls, per kmv t.............. :30c Country ruintuc ilutt'r, per th . .............. 15(qa20c. Eggs, per dozen ....... . 12,e. Chickens, each.................... 124(a)2Oe. Pens, per ushel....... . . . Corn, per bushel .. ............... 5c. Oats, per ht .he! .............. 3.5(i40e. Sweet pottoes .................... 4'O(50c. Turkeys, pur lb .. 6 8c. Fodder, per cwt . . . a75c. J. J. Lane says ho hits just. Iogo tinted for large supply of Fertilizeri for cash. IIe will soll for SPOIl CASH only. ('an save you frou twenty-live to forty per cent. Cat ship toany point in tlo county. Of fice up stairs on law range. -. J. LANE. 2mos f. " G. H. Appleton, Justice of Peace Clarksburg, N. J., says, "DeWitts Liit tle early Risers are the hest pills mad( for constipatlon. \We use no others.' Quickly cure all liver and howe troubles. Aobertson & Gilder. VA LEN rINEI AT T1E IrACK1mT STOliu7. 4 The Herald Square Opera Com pany will be at the Opera Hous( Wednesday night. t&f2t '1'ho SpaintcrR Convention. The Bachelor-Maids are preparint to give an entertainmaent, in the opera house on Friday evening, 9th in. 'ant The Spinsters Convention, by all a, talent. Make your arrangements to at tend and enjoy a pleasant evening. Lewis Dennis, Salem, ind., saya "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure did toe mor( good than anything I ever took." I digests what you eat and cannot hell but cure dyspepsia and stomach troubles. Robertson & Gilder. Don't fail to see the Herald Squar( Opera Company next Weduesda3 night. t&f2t Wlat'ei. I am paying 2e. .i pound for old rut ber boots and shoes. H. S. Riightmire, t& 'tf. At Newburry Laundry. 'i-k, 'lume Out. The thime for paying State and coun ty taxes expired on Wednesday Treasurer Isoyd informs us that colec tions have been aLbout as good as usua and that there will have to be but few~ pay the penalt.y or havec executions is sued against. the.n.. ' be' h ulodern and most. ehfective curt stipation and all liver troubles us l14tle pills known as De era tle Eay Risers. llobertsor d~ ,~ dolumns, balusters or any get our. prices before buy ti'. I;, ave you money. Satis LnE'Lue, Mfau.ger. t&f tf. G~o to the Opera Honse WVednes day night and see t he "Chimes o: Normnandly," by the H-erald Squart Opera Company. t&f2t For Uomimitsioner . Col.1 S. W. Vance has been mos *prominently mentioned in connectiot with the dispensary commnissionershil today. He could not be seen, but If he becomes a candidate ho will stand good ohance of election -Columbi. Record, 1st. Size doesn't indicate quality. Be ware of counter'feit, and wvot thiess salvi offered for DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve jDeWitt's is tbe only original. An in 1'~fallible cure for piles. and( all skin die eases. Robertson & Gilder. ti Trograan TechIerej AasoiatIO,. divi ge followying Is the program for th, crush 2:poeting County Teachers' Assc Londt - 0t be held in the Graded Schoc afternoon 3 aatuirday mor ning, le'ebruar, of the catm' r tf& Comenlus-Pr'esiden reported from Jit greait tIaL~ the story.' NoithTeLeto hIisew y Shoti . -i* at the ont C an ex planation--abh~Ie coloners a (4"""" publication-of the ab:'i at.tituuleg a Spion bop, and there aff reelining i' . . tered hootOL oo vices in this connection frU).and impaid pendent sources. The dispodon to t today is not to regard the evac ", Wi.3 as so serious as txt first thionght . ~dv .Berlin, Jan. 27.-Sorge newsp 9t pera say they have cable messag . from Pretoria saying Geonerul WVa ron was enticed into Sink where the .Boers fell up)on -him; seventeen of . his cannon wer naJUS8 tured and a hasty retront ovoet. Tug~ela river alone can saveo~ London, Jan. 27 -Dispat~ "' ch in coi4 O VARIOUS AND ALL Anou1r. News is scarco. Monday will be saleday. See the jury lists in another column. y The lawyors are getting ready for con rt. - Capt S. J. M cCaughrin was in Spar tanburg yesterday. f IlThe Sherlif has twelve prisoners for court charged with various offenses. Maj D. L. Copeland has retured from .i,o West where he went to buy stock. Occasionally we find a man yet who still argues that, 99 years make a con tury. I)on't fail to read the story, the first chapters of which is published in this paper. Mr. H. K. llats was called to Colum blia on Wednesday to take cases on the State work. Revs. G. A. Wright and J. B. Parrott, of Clinton will exchange pulpits on next Sunday. We keep adding new subscribers to our list. We need a few more yet to reach the 2,000 mark. Mr. R. S. Whaley has secured a po sition in Columbia and will move his family to that city. From the way February starts out we judge that she will make up for lost time in the weather line. Mrs. B. D. Wheeler has returned from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. J. H. Harnes, at Chambersburg, Pa. Rev. J. L. Williamson will preach in the West End Chapel next Sunday af ternoon at 4:15 o'clock. Public Invited. The Baptist Minister's Bible Insti tute will meet in the First Baptist church at this place on the 19th to 21st, inst. Mrs. Geo. S. Mower, of Newberry, is in spending a while with her sister, M.s. .. W. White -Abbeville Medium. Daniels & Co., have some of the pret tiest articles in the jewelry line ever brought to Newberry. Call and see their stock. The enrollment of the Boundary Street School now numbers 360, the largest enrollment at this season in the history of the school. The cold spell has been with us since last Saturday afternoon. Wednesday night was the coldest of the season and yesterday it was not much better. Mr. C. W. Bishop has moved hit family into the residence at the Dairy Farm. The Brooklynites regret to lose Mr. Bishop and his family as neigh bors' Mr. and Mrs. W. Y. Fair left yester day for Philadelphia, with their daugh ter, Miss Mary Nance. Mr. Fair will visit Washington and New York before he returns. We regret to learn of the serious ill ness of Dr. T. W. Weir at his home near Reno. His many friends in New berry hope for him a speedy recoveiy to good health. Rev. G. A. Wright, of the First Bap tist church of this city, will assist in the ordination of three deacons at the Baptist chui'ch at Clinton next Sunday evening at 7:15 o'clock. Miss Mary Robertson, who was call ed to Newberry on account of the death of her brother, Dr. Peter Robertson, will leave today for Garnett, Ga , where she has charge of a schooi. Our streets for the past few days have. had the appearance of the asphalt streets of Washington city-the wind took the dust from Mr. Fair's gravel and left them as pretty and hard as one would wish to see. Mr. .J. T. Maycs can now be found with M. L. Spearman & Co., where he will be pleased to have his friends call and see him. He will serve you right and give you the best market affords at prices to suit. Rev. J. B. Parrot, ,of Clinton, will preach at the Baptist church Sunday morning and Rev. G. A. Wright will preach in the Clinton Baptist church. There will be no services in the Bap tist church Sunday night. Mr. Jim Etheridge, who has been working in the Newberry Cotton Fac tory for several months, got three of his fingers on his left hank badly mash.. ed in the machinery. He came home last Monday and will remain till he is able to resume work.-Saluda Sentinel. Millions Given Away ' Itla ertinl grtifingto the pub lie o kow o on conernin the land ~ w ho are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering. The proprietors of Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumpion, Coughs and Colds, have Sgiven away over ten million trial bot . ties of tbis great medicine; and have the satisfaction of knowing it has ab 1solutely cured thousands of hopeless y cases. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarse ness and all diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs are surely cured by it. Call on all Druggist, and get a trial bottle free. Regular size 50e. and $1. I Every hottle guaranteed, or price re a fuhded. Reserve your seats for the "Chimes of Normandy" at the Opera House next Wednesday night Feb. 7th. t&f2t GUANO! GUANO!! We have contracted fora large amount.of Fertilizer which we are offering at reasonable t prices. Call anid see us before you make your purchases SUM ME~R BROS. It&f 2tnb. THIE 'TOSPI'eRITY FlRE. A S,aIl Cotton Fire-The C. N. & l,. uop, It I But the Flw,nes Were Extingniedtl. Wednosday morning about 11:30 o' clock a telephone message was received here that a cotton fire was in progress t at Prosperity, and for awhile there was considerable excitement, amony our' citizens. There were on the platform of the (., .i N. & L. depot about. 65 bales of cotton. which was discovered to be on fire. ., which Is thought caught from a spark N from the engine of a passing train 11 At one time the depot itself caught. and it had the appearance of a serious ' l fire, but the llames were extinguished I1 with 1%ut little damage to the building. 11 Of the 65 bales of cotton on the plat form 47 of them were more or less dam aged. They were haultd a mile from town and rolled into a citeck, which kept it from being a complete loss. \ The cotton had been bought at that d1 U market by Mr. O. Mcl. Holmes and 'i had been delivered to the railroad au- n thorities for shipment. IL The Herald Square Opera Comu- \ pany is one of the strongest opera .1i companies touring the South. t&f2t Ti Mouldidgs, Lumber, Laths and & Shingles. STUARir BRos. II E. H. LESLIE, Manager. t&ftf The Well Known Oculist. di .Dr* Arthur Becker, the well known oculist, of Jacksonville, Fla., is making ml a professional visit to Prosperity. The doctor is an expert in his line, moving cataracts by ab-orption without use of the knife. If your eyes are any wiy af- - Ilicted or you have glasses that don't lit you, you better call on him at Wise's af Hotel, where he will be for ten days i yet. it. pa it) Offlcial Visitation. Edmund Bacon, of Spartanburg, w Grand Master of the State Grand Lodge ti of the Independent Order of Odd Fel- cul lows, made an oflicial visit last Wednes day evening to Pulaski Lodge, No. 21), and made a fine address to the New- w berry Odd Fellows. He was met at the of depot on his arrival by Past Grand Master O. Klettner, and shown special courtesies by the lodge.-Observer. A'i Exception to tile Ruin. A shop where you can get what you 1 want and when you want it. STUAWr Bios. ic E. H. LESL1E, Manager. t&ftf 1) " wt Blacksnith Shop ioved. I have moved my blacksmith shop l)l from the old Obarlie Cannon shop to the Pool brick shop on Caldwell street, where I will be pleased to serve all my te old patrons and make new customers hi who desire first-class blacksmith and n wood work and horse shoeing. m f3mos. Davis & Williams. To Arrive Today. Rev. Chas. Armstrong, the pastor P elected to serve the Newberry charge, t which-is composed of Beth Eden, Colo ny and the Mayer Memorial churches, J' will arrive in Newberry today. He I will occupy the residence recently va- ti cated by Superintendent Wilbur, of the f cotton mill. Red Hot Fromt the Gun S Was the ball that hIt G. B. Stead- H man of Newark, MichIgan, in the Civit War. It caused horrible Ulcers thai. no treatment helped for 20 years. Then Bucklen's Arnica SaIve curedt him.f Cures Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Boils, i14l one, Corns, Skin Eruptions. Best Pile cure on earth, 25 eta. a box.. Cure guaranteedl. Sold by all D)ruggists. A Great Story. It gives us great pleasur"e to announce to our readers that, we have secured the great American story-tales of army life and love and chivalry on the frontier, entitled "Dunraven Ranch," by Capt. Chas. King. The first chap ters of this great story appear in this issue and will continue unt,il finished. If you do not get The Herald and News, H now is a good time to begin.. D)on't. O miss the first chapters-back numbers at can be secured at this omlle. I Free of Ch,arge. t Any adlult suffering from a cold set- n tled on the breast, bronchitIs, throat or h lung troubles of any nature, who wvili N call at W. E. Peihamt's, will be pre-O s sente444h'-r of10 th Ii4ibernian is t4o gathier r'4 averse. to' ( its di (scussion, for putbIli aionIII, at1 anly rat.14, and4( are1' d114isosed t) i i )h4l. the( V. ver3 44ea1ge.4l'st, ac((c11Th t,O h.i' i 14an4 n'd 41of what the intend01.14( to4 a4 with1 the4 mioney a4fter1 it, Is rai4ised1. 't' relief (If the( wounde114d and4. sultTer og'. I 10'rs, in1 the( hosp11itals' itnd o411, of hlemI. is1 1the e'xplana12t,ion 11,bat 1has thec Ist genera'141 l irenlation104, and1( is given4 lht gI 4nte14.t credeni1lce1. 't may4.3 ho that pro-I o114:' meet,in1 4g for' .'Havannah. 4411will 4'veliop'111 altimately fromi4 te col leet,lon I the4 fund1(, 1and( t,he. other jindtions4114 Bahve Youir Money. 2nue box of Tutt's Pills wilisave nany dollars in doctors' bills ['hey will surely cure all diseases )f the stomach, liver or bowels. '4o Reckless Assertion or' sick headache, dyspepsia, nialaria, constipation and bilio isnes',arnillion peoplecendorse IUTT'S Liver PILLS NOTICE. Notico Is herelby given thalt the hooks >1l4,'1' subciton to) the1 capi)tal 8stock of "14h1Iimlp1rt iI 44t lad ro Co. Will bhenediflt it li. A. Scheuminport,, Agt,. Store on Wed4nesada4y, .14.lanuay 24th, 1900 J"REDE)I'l{11 K A SC[IUMPI1CRTi, M i Ul'O(N A. CA]R LISLE, t&Af U.. CorMoma om8 - RFIE. ewberry is now in sible to give prices of has been wet or slight the dollar of New York wil Iget to the Fire Sale ST ORE. ck of the BARGAINS. TIIAT 'THll' TO CUHA. !'r'+tt AKM ,(<,tihbt 0<,UnlIt:a'.) W.VIWt. ol (o1. I'resiient A ull, of the State Press As sociatiol, is retniviig a nuniber of in qluiries as to the l1Olosed trip of the association to (utha t is or noxtt, montt,. lie desires to state that the special connuit,tee in ebattr;e of the matter took the matter up wi th \' ice Pres ident, A n drews of t,he Sonthern systein some time ago. The committre has iiard from Col. Andrews, LIhat ellirial stating t.hat lie woul(1 contftI with \'ice I''esi dent, I'inley and the oIlicials.of the I'lant, Systl'nt and I'tndleavoI to a ni vge for t,le trip of the association under O.he au spicesof theSouthern'rtail+way an I'lant systems. Sinre then inothin~ has been hcard froni Col. A d rews, but t.he rcom) Inittcc is lttiI.: exlteLinrg a let,ter from hit . As sooni a deliniite inforntt tion is o titaincl it, will he con)l tin ieated to t e membentrs. It, is tho desire of t,he commnitte t.o arrange for the trip to he made the last week in I'ebrunair,y or the first, week in NIarch. Two Lovers. Two lovers by a mloss-grown spring; Thcy leaned soft cheeks together there, Mii;gled the dark aml sunny ltir. And hear the wooing thrushes sing. O buddting tittle ! O love's blest prine ! Two wreddedt fromn the 1)o>rtal stept ; The bells made happy enro)llings, The air was soft as fanning wings, While petals on the pathway swept. O pure-eyed bride O tender brile ! Two faces o'er a cradle bent; Two hands above the head wore locked; These pressed each other while they rocked; These watched a life that love had sent. O solemn hour ! O hidden power! Two parents by the evening fire; The red light fell about their knees On heads that rose by slow degrees Like buds upon the lily spire. O patient life ! o tend(er strife Thue twvo still sait together there; Thie red light shone about. their k neces; Ihut all the heads i)y slow degrees Iland gonie andh left tile loniely pair. A voyage fast! A vanlishedA past ! The red lighlt shonie abouit thce ihior Andic maideI (lhe space bet weent thcet wide; They direw their chairs uip side by side, Their pale cheeks joinied, andic said on1ce mnore; O) uemnories! -- lhehiange. The One Who Is MIssed. We have seldomul seen a movre touching and bleauti ful little poemi than (lie follocw ing. It will wake the noblest sentiments and emiottins of every heart: The three beautiful ecildrent knieel at nlighit By the mother's side to piray; Ihtt evenc sihe nisses with the aching lieart, To one wvho is gone away. Antd if you nsk her which of these pIs the darling she cannot say; lIut of all of her children the dearest one Is the one who went away. Gay ringing voices fill the house And -thrill her wvith love and pide; Bitt none of them all has tones as sweet As the little one who died. And which are the loveliest, who can tell? 'These, eyes b)rowni, lue and gray; But none have the look of thie violet eyes Of (lie one who went away. IIere is Alice, graceful, pure~ and( fair. Brave Charlie and gentle May; Hut the sweetest, loveliest one of all Was the one who went away. These rest. at night in the mother's care, Close-sheltered fromi harmu and cold; But the safest of all is the little one Ini the Saviour's fold. "I live to greet that season, By gifted imen foretold, When men shall live by reason, And not alone by gold. When men shall be uted, P ncd every wrong thing righted, 'I his whole world shall be lighted As Eden was of old." SDea 1 ould v Aw Bought