E. 11. AU1,t,. Imron. EDITORtIAI. 0u0uEspC1ClONs)1CN r;. columibia, Januay' 2.-Senaitor ilow or attended 'he funeral of 1r. i oh' rt son last Friday and romnai nedi at ioie on Saturday but. is at his post in the Senate this morning. Today closes three weeks of the prey out Logislative session awd nothing yet has been lone. It is generally this way, however. The first half of the session is spent in skirmnishing, and then the members get down to business, and much legislation is done in a rush. This is not peculiar to legislativo bodies of this kind, but I have observed It in other conventions. Most of the work is done toward the close. * * * Night sessior, + will begin this week and much work will be done. Then, too, It is held that the forty day limit does not begin with this session, but that Is hardly a material question for the present session will not last over forty days. The dispensary is the most absorbing question now, and as yet, practically nothing has been done on this subject, though various and nunerous bill, have been introduced. If there were tot so many candidates for p sitioin under the law possibly the Legislature would move forward and get the pro posed and needed cbanges in the law through. It is time sonnething along the line of impreverment in the law Wa being done. The qu estion will be ?i: cussed this week in both IIou)-es. Th,ert" has already been discusion in the Senate. The Legislature seems to be n to do something in the n' proveiment of the p ie - am glad to see it. 'I ... _ need more than 'o. e and if the Legislat.:re c to make better road_ ' w: welldone of a:: t.e faul of the aey:mer. h ,:b one noC__t oT .tan te dayP r. ~a daae occasiond therby. Surdayngh. The-V12Cre:< was soe-no AV ;I ::t ir~ ( 21 't: t:U [I)?.: a t e:. . 1 -i . - ' L: . .: a~'t Newbrry bu no nug oleo know it h a snwd Th-is onn ohed snow cloude thangte ovs again,c thanon ay yard when fwer hath big alldaescaionedi yer'.' * * * Tereuay s2nd hsnowe ixed oha te aday nigt. Trusee was te varous SatNewbirrtitutoto l ole o know i tod soed. hi oringu tesow mloshas bhang rejeeted.Ther, asnd tor somwing to wason abongi tie lastnear thaentse ad the bigl snowdred thezae shold woe may and sparo thtuchild ndhi er.evyaso agbsrutld aspermten toxe aor ina daytto mel.t ses fnjuriousvtoithe Statho inthehi.An tlatdr Tng thill tom thev child old aei sur ishneead forsoehirn to one,aongo thich lin Ifte obtinted thbe kept peotp thesle ill no heardoet ofhe behilmren theertntendentsldaco.heintate say thert noshuld uner telve yarbiddon a N s odb peritt gess.or I cThe wmll who is lnioely tince form this tempher il should haven whichncan bt obtaineo iould be attrac thut usep iheerl. heardh onIf h betwill eunerinte ndnt Inrritbe Sht saypthre shouod bela caws poimplen, bildhlaborkin couton ms.dawece Thmpexwon Ewci ittoey n thce baes medtcne nwho wold bo reat te idud.st kve eatrong seve wrak , eysicklt eley ansklrnion, sich complrebo.dI will case pimgood. loking, skiharmins woano a rn. downpinldn. ti 5itcerstsathal beeg mtoeiies. h ordt eua Iftoub lieed an koluns balutor pr furned wok get ougies ogonrveso b,mpei. av will makey atood facin, carnd womART ofs.ru .fyune anyE columnr, bautr (f. 'l'UI. It t;ttthur It I hti iei lir 2 t'i Ila 'ued ( bee uti i :uni neatly g'ottent itu p ilu ratedi tratiit n. inin.tria) i.,ut". i r 'i 1ll.- !i t rC i!. t ) t hc i h :th+ undtihe ltr lI.- shle rotte l ioe.ti mtahle (lt"nelit to iIrs rtanbu Ir . The. Gre"enviIl I)aily Netw%%- has: n nonnCet t.hat it, will Soon be. in the Iublierntion of an aftelrnon edition. Wiit, th 'News ndrtai kItrIes generally ('itizen Josh Ashley h'it, the nail :t I the ne head when h ".,'hl t other. (hy in discussing the Cigarette bill in the I,ri-iatturc": "Its nonS nSe to try to he;i.la to ;tood habits into boyS. A ;ood -trong chingle wiil l( inlore good." William .1. Ih-yan is now on New I' :; d lst (1ti l an '-i-.t g If('Congre-smian St(okesi - t.he fr'et: aail -e t t) \t :. t while hi. Vtt'v eX:es>ver'I -o lina. I " ha inl r (l r a .. tendt the deliverv to th rI;!( !-11.t.. t. thoui nd AIn! : b .: - . - ..w Il) _ ll l C tL i :ton, I - - ,.. :... wood. .aurerN hVbe n -.. eet-d . . on]umtI, whienV[a I heard of Dr. i' New IDi-e very. ( ne botti. miarv'elus mehintjie is t hie 2-urest iandt qutiel:et eure in thle worild for adl siz--.s 5t0 cents anil 1i. 'Trial biottles f'ree at all D Irug 8 ores; every botle n ots rromu Cedar sparing. Our school is blessed with good health att prCeent. The miid-termi exaination waill soon begin, anid the pupiils are pr'eparing for it. Th'e beautifl w~ eather of the pazst few weeks has made ou r afternc on walks very leasanitt. AL a meeting of the Cedar Spring 14yceuim , Januaryn 12I , thle (c.uestitn, "Shll the (ihuirch ac'epjt ai saLloon keeper's gift?'" was warmly dIiscuissed. A strong, fi roy a rgutnmnt, made by the albrmative side was thait a church, by accepti ng a saloon-keeper's gi its, often caused a revolution in his life." WVhile the negattivte speakers matintiined that "'the churebrc should r'etf5 is his money, citing as a proof the action of the chief priests in the case of Judas iseatrlot."' The discussion resuilted in a victory for the negative. Success to Trhe Ierald and News and its miany readers. F'Erltr H Toi'. August FloWer. "'It is a sturprirsing fact," says Prof. IHouton, "that in may travels in all plarts of the world, for the last ten years, I have met more people that have uscai Gren's Aumgust Flower than any other remedy, for dyspepsla, deranged liver and stomach, and for constipatin. I find for tourists and salesmen, or for peron filig ofilco positions, where headche an genralbadfeelings from irregular habit,s exist, .that Green's August Flower is a grandl remedy. It does not-injure the syst.em by frequent use, and is excellent for sour stomachs and indigestion." Sample bottlee free at W. E. Peclhamn's. Sold by dealers in all civilized coun tries' t1yr I f you need columns, balusters or any turned wvork, get our prices before buy ing. We will save you money. Sat,is factioti guaratiteed. STUART Bnos. E. H. LESr.E, Mana.e. t& tf i t It o I , .t y rs t I . i,e I. , I be lIah.t try eL:thlionI tires aL :,aluitt II I l t It1 " : - t I .i . i( I t b . 1 : ; i I . ' I fi l I b-l t 1 i"- I tir t: :ntf i n , b u-. Th trl t w l u --l -:t i l nd ra : . - i V I i i [ l t I , 1-i'lli t.v w l t, l ' I , I t h. i I-3 I'. 'r m r, t n -h t li 1' t ' li It : i 1 . . 1 the race. There I:tlt \\tt amid: 0:1a 'e :1! ian i . tat .t to........ . _- e r . e rr .ire igr: l, tut .ui Eruptitn rob life if jV. Bsuckleni'r, Armea .-al ve, ('ortn, W'iart,, ('at-', rute Uuirrt-, Il-st P'ile cutre ot earth. I):ivesU btox. (Cure guzaranteed . 6>d by al ) ru gg iits. Triumte of Itspct. I nasmnuch as,.t has pleased Almighty God ini is aill-wise J'r'ovidentce to snatch from our midst our well beloved friend andu fellow-student,'Nathan IHar* tow Wheeler, whtol"was accidlentally3 killed on Sauturday, .January 20, 19 00. Our' hearts have beeni sorely bled with grief by the:loss or one soebright and promuisingdso kind and courtcous to all. We, the members of the Calhoun iLit.oratry Society- of the Little Aloun tain H-iigh School, reel it, our' solemn dIuty andl( pleasur'e to oifer the following r'esolutions: liesolved, 1sit. T1hat we bow ouri hieads in humble submission to tho will or IlImh who doeth all things well. F"or though it, seems hard now that, one so young andl( prtomIisinug should ho taken away, we feel that, it is for the best. 2nd. That by his acquaintance woe havo tall been benefitted, andto that, we mIght well take his life as an example by which to fashion our1 OWn,. 3(rd. That by his death our school.has lost a very Intelligent and obedient scholar, one who always feared the Lord andl tried to do right. 4Ith. That we extend' our heart-felt sympathies to the bereaved family; also, t.o hIm in whose hand the gun wats when It fired tho fatal shot, kIllIng his best friend, and ask God's blessings up on him. 5th. That a copy or theso resolutions be sent the bereaved faily; also, to the Visiitor, Voice and Herald for publica tion. J. Ernest Cannon, .John Leo DavIs, Jas. L. Shealy, Coinmlittee. J. I. Hlovry, Loganton, Pa., writes "I am willing to take my oath that was euredl of p)neumo)nia entirely by the use of One Minute CJoughi Cure after doctors (ailed. It also cured my chIl drenot whoopIng cough." Quickly re lIeves andl cures couighs, colds, croup, gripp and throat and lung troubles. Child ren all liko it. Mothers endorse it. Rlobertann & Gilder t I * t,',.\, . U. Naiuis The PeaCs \., !' ' ---\ T --~ EM Mi JEWELRY ST . ---.a~ L"imw'~... TDYS& DIL LS JEWELEiR AND COPTICIAN~ Stop Thai Hak Why) o 't yorg t p tha~ t ch iiiti CoVe ugh e an d ti snegor y C-urgf h moda in oertson' Comp(onog1 Syrup ill uunnufthe w dhol d ie, moiRobertson'CopCng CORNER &ll% 0M The City Markel I8 NOW OPEN And reafdy to sorvo you wvith t,he( bet BEEP, PORK, SAUSAGE, &< G (ivo us~ a tri,. IIidos andI country p.roduico boughi at~ ruling pricoH. Yourni to please. The~ Cit3r MWXavt PROPRIE TOR. P~hona R4' .t ner aeIlet mt'c. cin ipie art on for durin\ : January, and off er now ai uarticularly Co lIne at pricesthat I w'il s ul y intereSt y u. fu showing s embrace White Embroideries, WVhie Dim itie S Wlhite Ch'keod Iuslins, W hite Naiisooks. W hite Al Overs, White Muslin Under These goods are all marked VERY LOW, and in addition to this ,w price, we will give a during this January sale. Comeendnspect. We a~re confident of ntere"ing 1~you. "Sing their own praise." TIf3y1u rockoni theo on1dh'ss joy anud por ninent vailue,Q you- wVill get oneO of thosei celebrtated 8H '1FF P IANOS. wich nly t3 year t..of contt1 and1( ear.-futl attln Onl 1 to (overy deutail of their cons'tructio lolcan connnattud. MAiddleman'z rrofit Saved. Thorforl wewon'tIt brdont you wit lIanll 111 unneessarily .1 ig Prico. Co nven finlt Tferuay. tJlNE 'Tt:NI NO. Il'ino Ala)nIittfucture4!r, Ilial th nore, Al d. Factory03' lirnch Waroomn, No. 213: Noth Ti ryoni SLreet, Chartlotteo, N. C. C. H. WILMOTH _____ MANAC ER. on theette of Chaitrili Caninon, de conItted , ini the l'otoiti Coin't for New. herry Coutly, i4. C., ont Tut'sdaty, tho I1:J,h daty of "chirittry, A. I). 1'.00, tat, 11 o'clock in the forenoon aind will humne ia tely Lt,herefter l>ly fotr Lettetrs )ismihmory. All pers'ons holdIng claIns ~'i~Iagi te saiid estato will preseont t.ho) to Lto Lsi stt will pay the samei on or beofore that datto. I J. W. W[lTI, I Januar'y 12th, 1900. Noti'e, l'atterns aro sold strict,ly for cash1 andi aro not exchiangoablo. bl. . J. Wooton. VORIS YlHIF T liUII in our bookc store until you find just the 3ooic You WANT, rr your friendi want. They are here In such ao me catnnot fail to ;ind their favorite irth r an w in.teresting subject by Books, etatnacning beauttiful thoughts, in be autifutl biindings. liooks of plin facts, in plainr bindings. ;Very kcind of II,Cok at every price from three cente upward4. Attractive Noieltics in tho Stationery hure, too. "/ N \AT.Illranc9I On its 40th anniversary July 26th, 1899, the Equitable had on its books outstanding as surance for ONE BIL LION DOLLARS. The Assets exceeded TWO NYRED and SEVENTY MtILLION DOLLARS, Its surplus was more than SIXTY MILLION DOL LARS, INSURES_.oA IBoth.en and Women at the same rh.tes. It is perhaps the strongest Life Assurance Company on trites iipl any h i d of iveyI poicy~ IiIk(te 2VP ass r Ie ay I' wa t.~ro e CAL:Ltoir OiN oWT too Fo Wate and Paes. Assffince SOndeTw berr ots el.nnvrsr euale hadoe here bodok ustsand pro suranteen fit ONndL TIandeI anul lieofY Wolens,IT BL Worst[ends,me th aassimeres, LfeA ace Companygo and rit userndo ig, :he atest desi~n i. oreRate and Plans. -abric tonwhic Ne nvWe have inspe ee CoT o buies ap Oose dPoa IOE TI RICEAD L a t e i E , fec i t a n d andeo an llala. WMrseed. FancyiVs.ino.g -10 ind Troseng Nh latest 8dueigns i.r. orin t o al o. and 1e nixte oure ip a me ts' [EWBEB & Moo ,to Oppos"teA. Ymu c":lutot,'l' one w.ithout, tho other in t hkIt-asort.LIent. TheIiso Wal'Ati re SIt 11rct0 f$ i nl nti ut1.:. 11 arc handsone. Ii black and a vlarle t y of colorings. Plaited all over. N,w clk without voke, flare cults; I:nd-, throughout, ::.S . Weon del full 1alue, W1Ill have \'V Si!kINU QOOD)S to :"innv yout in al> t I i.;N I),AYs. All \Vintr i oos Ire, be,in;-r eloseId at I l I )'.Y 1 I :1 ) > I'I E-:S. New Stock of I itt tick's I'attents and I'"In i'yrv U,'lincator now on Sale. -0 . B. JONES *"0 -0. 3SjFT COAL man BY TCN -0 ju BARREL. -0 11Y LINE OF T4LE WARE 18 COMIPLETE IN NIC NICE CROCKERY. LOTS OF NICE Christmas Presents, IN ['IlINA AN\D (LASSWARE All are invited to comhe an x unine0 my stock. J. W. WHITE, Main Street, Newborry, S. C. Green Fruits Dried Fruit Canned Vegetables Canned Meats (a nun(dFishs Fresh shiprnent of LOWNEY'S Famous Choc olates and Bon Bons- just re cievedi at S._B. JONES' 3ahurmpert & HaIIaway, Utor'neya and Co'un8cellor8-at Law, rectoic~n all Stato and U. S. Courts,~