The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, January 30, 1900, Image 1

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V- I.~ ES~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ TM TTE "i "eWt ,R3Y..Co T17TT Jy 8 ,'11 11 4.jj4 cL-i We are cor ness, ending wit out the new or principles upon vide the best goi Read the pri DL nSS 6001 Now is your time to buy a Black c 200 pieces Black and Colored 1)re ) Balos Sea Island Sheeting for tIi 10 pieces Joas, regular price 12.4( 8 " " " " 18, 7 u " " " 2c 1 13alo 37 inch Drill now only tic. 11 pieces Red 1lttniel 1'-c., worth 2 cases Shirting Prints -1 .c. 100 Whito Bed 1Spreads 200., wort 75 "( " '' 98.., " Our entire line of \W inter Underwc TO SURRENDER IIADYSMITH. BRITISH I)1CFEN(C (t'i11ITTE' sAJ.I) COMMITTEE SAi) TO tIAVE SO OR uiller IRceported in (r.,nt I)ni;ger--ih(er inuoutce Tlutt l:trt.kut , Ig % I tr u -e - Itevedi-More T ronps Golig. [Daily News, 28th.] London, Jan. 27.--An important meeting of the defenlce committee of the cabinet wias held at the war olico this afternoon. Sir Michael Hicks Beach cane to London pur posely to attend. Mr. Chamberlain gave Up an importal.: engagement for the same reason. Lord \Volso ley, commander-in- chief, was also present. Thoro is- no montion hero of the report circulated in the United States that General Cleary has been defeated by the Boers. When last heard from Cloary was participating in Xarron's mnovenft. New York, Jan. 27.-Tho Evon ir.g Wtorld's spoeial L4ondon~ corres pondent says it is~ portedl at thme military clubs anid cabled to the ,World with all reserve that the cab inet defence committee this after noon decided on the 'rave step of authorizing General Whito to sur render Ladysmith, both on the ground of hnmuanity and as an act of policy to hsave further drains on Buller's :army. Geneoral WVh ito is said to have holiographod that he could no longer hold the town and that his plight is terrible. Newv York, Jan. 27.-The Even ing World has the following special, which it prints for whiat it is wvorth. "Berlin-It is said in this city to day that the oflicials of the German oreign ofice had received informa n confirming the report that a ion of General Warron had beoon by the ]Soors." n, Jan. 27.--At 1.15 this ic war office has no news tophe to Bullor's force erlin, and discredited has the war office 'least not for ndonment of eno adt 3itiona Ion S t P he ullor,. -m0 nar.. Delled to make ro( h the old year, ha le. We have prc which this businE Dcls for the people ces carefully, con }S! DRESS 6OODS!!-a r Colored Dress for it little i money. ,s (GooOdt 15c., 20c., 25c., 40e., iO., am. is sale -I je. ., now S:c. ,now i -Ie. now - . . 25e. hi 75. 75 Whito 1od Spreads 75c., wc Si.:35 50 " '' " $1.18 ar, Capes, Jaeckets, 1lankets and Coinf iOnL rating the operations to the capture and abadloniintt of Spion.kop scom to show increaed activity on the part of the Boors. There was a Boor rcconntoissanco necar Clicveley on Tuosday and a dispatch from Lady sluiti dated the 21st says the Boer largers in the neighborhood have not boon removed sinco Buller's movement began, not oven those ho hind the ridge overlooking Tugola river. The Boers are said to be con cettrating near Acton 1lomct3. ''he Boers are sad to be concentrating near Acton hLomes. 'The Times cor respondent at Frero, n a ilispatch dated the 24th, says tho Boors are always at work digging trenches when out of range and work within range whenever the shells allow them to do so; and are also bringing up fresh guns. Every prisoner caught says the 3oers will never lot the British reach Ladystntith. Loreniso, Margnez, Jan. 27.--It is reported oni good Transvaal authori iythtlafeking was relieved Jani uarny 22d. D3oor Camup, Modder Spruce, Up her Tagola, Jan. 23.--The British areoendeoavorinIg with a column of a thousand to forco Spion-Kop on the ronto to Ladysmith. The tiring on both1 sidosa of the position yesterday was terrific. Th'le grass was fired, rocks woero dislodged and the tron ches p)iercodl but the battle was practically one sided. The Burghers fired only thirty shots. A ball from a shell landed in Genoral Botha's p)ockot. Tho only casualties on the B3oer side were seome horses wvountded. Tho firing ceased at (lark but was resumed this morning in tihe vicinity of Ladysmith, but till neon it lacks vigor. London.--Tho last detachment of the infantry section of the London volunitoers, numbering 1341 men, on trained this mernting for Southamp ton wvhere they will embark today for Africa. The route from Welling toni barracks to Nine El~ms station was thronged with cheering specta tors but not to tihe same degree as on previous ocoasions. T[he order of march was undisturbed. 'ITho lord mayor anid alioriffsr acdompanied the troops to Southampton. CASTOR IA For Infants and Chidren. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of ann . oad casesI 6 days at lant tWO-thirds of aill mtm remnoy i a a"ski SOiNuS.ox. **aetrg. Dm for SPRING C s been phenoren ven, time after t ss is conducted, at the lowest pric ipare and inspect -11 SHO10E Our Shoe dopart mlelnt g 18 Cases MuI's Fine Sl the host. concerns in this Now arrivals of 1Ldies' Co.'s Fine Shoes. T'hoso new pair for every one tli 111, 1.00 72 pairs Ladies' I3uttou " $2.00 72 " " " )rt, at cost. 48 " TIIE U. S. CoNWi1 'rIN NOT 1'O1 Sonatn Committe In Cltanrgo Fixcu Name as t "P'orto" Itl<"o antil Not "1'uirto" Rico, Thn Native Colu. Washmgton, Jan. 27.-The Sen ato committoo on Puerto Rican af fairs has decided, so fillr as it 'an do. cide, that the island whose affairs are under its particular cre, shall be known as Porto Rico and not Puerto Rico as fixed by a recent executive t order. The question camo up to day in the linding of the committee in connect ion with the Foraker bill providing a form of government for the island and the decision lupon the spelling of the dame was unlani Tho committee went over the bill in detail, deciding upon ninny issue in phraseology and some altorations in the measure. Probably one of the most important changes was to strike out the wvord "'constitutilon"~ whiereve-r it appeacirs in the original print of the 4 bill, which extended the p)rovisions of the constit.utioni as well as the laws of the Uniiited Stamtes to the 1 island. The change was made bo cause of the opinion generally ox prossed b)y tihe membnlers of the coim mittee that our constitution is not suited to the Porto Rican people. The opinion was also quito general that the constitution was not necos sarly. Somne of tho senators expressed h the opi[ion that the natives of thio island wero not yet prepared for jury trials. Another important amend- ' ment provides for tihe retirement of Porto Rican coins and substitutes for them in coins of the United fi States. The secretary of the Troas- ti ury is authorized to reden the silver f coin known as the peso0 and all other c silver and copper Porto Rican Coins t nowv in circulation at tho present rate y of (10 cents in the money of tihe Uini- e tedl States for ono peso, this rate to e be applied in tihe exchange of other ta coins. None but United States coins ii are to be legal tender in Porte Rico e for more than thlroo months after the A passage of the act. f. Another provision gives optional p authority to the p)residlent to appoint an officer of the army governor of the island. All lawvs enacted by the 3 Porte Rican legislature are to be re- ai ported to congress, which reserves right to annul. VTo Federal courtsJ and other questions deferred and consensus of opinion favored slight duty amuounti[ng to 25 or 30 per cent. on articles importedl into the United States from other countries. Consid oralo discussion wvas hadl on an amnendment abolishinmg the legislafturo and putting the governmont entirely OODS. This st< al, and to merit ime, the truthfu and to further e ,es, and lower thc for yourself. S! @ SHOESI @ Sti rows lluoro po)ular overy day. 1oes just opened -- overy paitr ga11n ,ountry, L. A. C'rossoett. Ask to soo t Fino Shoes just roeceived. A largo Shoes need no introduction to the 1L !t goos wrong. and Laco Boots 8o. worth $1.25 " $1.25 " $1.5O "f '' $1.1S " $2.00 tk the hands of ia Colncil to he up. )ointed by the prosidet, of the Uui. ecd Staktes, live of its twelve mebliltiers o 10non resideits of t he islatnd. W114 il-%u A1(. The folloving wats wvrittenl by a )Oy who wais coml1 )pelled by his teacher o write tnu essay on the mout h : "Your mouthi is tho front door to ho faco. It is the ap1)erturo to tho old storage of aniutoly. 8oiio loIuths look liko peneles and creamtl, omio look liho t '.a>lo cut in a brick mall to admiit a now door or win ow. "Tho mouth is the hot bod for )othlacho inld hunghole for orator'. 'ho 110111.11 is t he crimrrso a11i'l to 0111' liver; it is pat riot isimi's foultlilr, nd tool chest for pipes. Withouit 10 mouth the politicumn would be a 'onder on the face of tho earth and o down to an an honored grave. ''It is t he grocer's friend, the rator3's pride mal( the0 (dont ist 's hope). t has put somon on01 1 th1e rostrum ad some in jail. It is temilptaltilOn's 11unch1 coiunter hoIn attachl ed to a11 l maien, and14 to acco's friend when alttaiched to a mn1!, it is thO homo1) of tho unral y wmiubor, the tonigue. Without it inlrried li fe would bo a suor relam, and1( ai (1ud. would 10os)olhalf is attract jomn." (IOEHICL 'SIKE*2ls ON Tol'. est ol.e IndintsIHlls sntnribyth Frankcfort, Ky., Jan. 27. -The rst actual tost of st rength1 between >rces in the (Goobol-Taylor conteit iame today, anid by t he admIfis-sionl of 1)o Riopublicanh leatders, p)roved1 a ictory for Goobol0. Tho)( DJomoerats hlimf it deciivokile thle Repiubli.. ans still nave sI rong hiopeis of re lining Gov. T'aylor. Tihe voto was 1 the conitost of VaIn Motor of Fay tto county algainist .l3rry. Vanl letor winning, 51 to 45. E1very of rt was miade to get out the largest ossiblo voto. Among the mooro notalo of the umnorous articles ill the Febhruary Inigazino N umber of The 0Outlook re Mr. 11. W. Mabti4.'s "William hakospeare," D)r. Edward Everett [alo's '"James Mart iioa'," and Mr. 'rank Orano's "Wash ingon's Birth ny, 1800-1900)," and Mr. Clifton 'ohnson's "The Village of Millet." 3a year. The Outlook Compan)~y, low York.) Ber th heIt Kind Ycu HlanAlways Boupft lignatur, ofn ~. F rown in popular L ha be Our consLa tements and t-e0 0s along theso ln [ity can be bought CL THIN! N61 L. Tm1.0 , 1 f4 lti I m) n -tr: wti oIIIf 11rlt'.; * V tii,- In $3i . 7~, ;,>.()t, $ l.l)O, :;'.l)O ;11, n )) I' C F1i Odd latifl .IR, )1"rth 1I 6Y1 (r, 11O luttelr What Ii l l ,t AU \ ' r, old rdil. Sores and11 but y I (',(I,1:(il (:ilri11I,'r,i .~rln iu iI.i' ,n4 , t> ' Therepirt if ti' lil t ~ I li ' t11i,' 1 4 4. ' II :( ) t if huM 1 9,f th 44peit> IeH (i4ii ti I t ctin . (TOi I l;(li ,I f-(,1 m'tl-i.(,litair (tal up) to s; l , il -._' ( )li ,f Is1 I ,1 111 ha lS ( (Ibn li 'din too the ti(Silt a i of 1141 II11' Ii ('(1('58 r' I U I rlOta t ii ti } e . I letssary to f rten f hti t T'l( ;an1111 it;ury Ia l it,,l i t m-: to Itrl lt i tr ' )"r n tsarlt i 1 I h ll lt, 1r, r- b ie t T l She i it fhi Tng I. it ~Theo isupr s ~ intennsrpr shows tha o11 an'' thn-mr I Li Ct.wlconine, belim an' im-rea of .4 ofar ho - <h e h K wa fo I a e ea o pignalr innn ei. 10as reer t hof unaiaycniimP h ol Ivor. Our busi nt aim1, through straightforward 0s we shall pro-. elsewhere. XCLOTHING-K'--. Clot h i rt; jnuHt openel, no11)y u1)-to. .)n thi: lino I will tiavo you 25 pr lD YOU, T will tilwayn ho LOWER. r (1ashI ait N t an i,"in e mm 14, In Pa1nterd. A Met hodi:tIII inistor is thus quotod i hl, I'hi,lnblplti Record: "The )orst Canrital,it class of peoplo I no, r are t,io who deil in liquor. If courso t ncver asHk thorn for iITeN". I)rear no(.! h'Loy Como andci Iler 1a. I wi:.i my dlEaCOIs and -irdsII1 of Iho fold wero liko that. he yearl1y ('onforenco onco m1ot at y clIleli and It li-ower s11p))li0d I' tiallt'H wit h eigair8-it was no nnll jl,, I tell you, for mtinistore ill hit a box of froo cigartis protty H1n1i andit frc e< l lnt tait):. A1 total hstili0iIe ad1Vocatto fournd out tho >iret, If all t,url :smoking; andt mado(1 Iorr"ilI r:lteh in openIt mootintg bo,t nionOm3y stolent from tho (1runc rl': otnving habei and r1o forth. ihll, after that I :timtnndl tilt brow IN if 1 ,eI we himt nionoy. One ny 1h0 (orn0r1 mef(11, thI ouigh, and1( I ied for I I his repoach!es. H o said: 've been lookhing for' yon for somno Ii '. lir's a1 cheItek I. wanit you to he a I do what evor good you can.' hon41 h14 got very red and1( said in an 11h4arrassed voice: 'Yo noodn(1't ho om. It('s in1ter1est on1 (lectric light ock, and4( 1 bought theo stock when was1 iln Ih11 grocery business05.' ' Moi)y,11 Tinn. Jan.) 23t. iral D )4oy told F a GorgiaL (on v'imt to t he SouthI next spring. 0 OxpJectal to lea1v0 Walshinigton atrchI 17th an will be0 at Sa4vannaIIh arch 20tIh. From11 SaIvannalh he ill go to MaconI, thlen to Atlanta. isniot impIjrobalel that tho ad irl will visit. Nash1villo and1( Memi 1i8. A Tributo to Gon. Lee. It isa; followvs: ''1e waVFs a foe ithIou t hatte, a friend( without trea iery-, a solier withlout cruelty, a k-tor withiout opp1resionl, and( a ietiml with1out mu11rmu11ring. HIe as a publ)1ic officer witlhout vices; priva~4te citizen01 w ithiout wrong; a :ighb1or withlout rep)roach; a Chris an withlouit hypocrisy; and( a mian i thouit guile, Hie was Ctesar with it. hiis ambititioni, l'redecrick wvithiout is tyranny; Napoleoni withiout his :lis1hness, and1( Washinigton with ait his rewardl. lie was obedhient > authiority as a servanlt, and royal Si uthlority as a true king. He as gentle as a womiani inl life, and 40odest anid lpure as a virgin in loulghlt; watchful as a Roman yes il in drty; sulbmlissive to lawv .as oeraites, andi~ granid in battle as .chilles!" F1 I >re has rapidly g our patronage c Iness of our stc xpand our busin n the same qua )n1, T11 o(d. Milo by ono of (111.o tl1, Ceit, hi1iiient, Drow, Selby & o adies of Nowborry. A 12 '4 1ton1c01111 WatIIch t auta aonsn:wVIuna. He Tri1l1ks. DenI u4icrai Cnentuion 14 sh ould k .net Tere. WAVIsh ngton, .1u. 27.--"N w York is not out of the light for tho I)-mo crat IC nal ilolil colVent loll by long 0(d(,"' siaid M1Tr. Arthur1 11i)Ier, of 1hat1 ciO"y "TIho th Ieories ad(vanIcedi( by thIv I(1ovocites of th4 M(i(l1e1' West. Iro itl ve'ry wlIl, but (1o nmt, thiinkc thwy will havo as 11111ch weight ats Ihy alre 2ro(lit(d( V it 1. I do not consijder tht he hod Iing of tho Conl vt'lntion in the W'est will lnoittrially ailIect the for l'ILy,n vIoto. 8o far as tho filnialneO lnesti0n is concerned, that is a pa:i i511 in tho West aInong iho foreigii :'r5. But the dliffTlrnco is that tho 9o11ig of tho national conivenitioll to New York will hav ai docidodly good 1'eet on th o (01111try at lirgo. I I1IVo( it, Vt.ry Stralight that Mir. Iiryain favors Now York, and that hit has ~o e'xpre'ssed hlirIsel f. I tin 1k thaiit '0uary 22 it will bo) founid t hat New Ylork 1ha1s 11h( inaljority or 11ho voiets f it sla far, and(1 I' 11. no r urnen111t yeLt thatt will chan lIgo lhoe ( 'owH., 4) rlnd ig the( Cok (F"roiin Lif(e.) MlIist ress (with ma)lrked heOsi ttion:) 'MaLlrgart-Cr-.did you -wats it hat1-" MaIurgaret ( relontlessly :) "WXell1, Mistress (slowly ret rent ing:) "What i mean1t to say'~ll - (aside) !dy courago fails men. (Alounv. 7,ith1 15iumed gai ity) Marigaret is the vator bioiling '" iMaurgaret: "'An' shuire, waus it thaut 4o h)o atfthetr t ryini' 0 blabh, ani' mO a1 sasht ill' me1 toimio to liston to yes1 i3o >lf wid yo."' MIist rois: "'mi real sorry Ii dls urbed'( you, Mauggio dlear, buit I did meani to tell youi tht ourt st1ea8111k wats '1 little on11ly at littlo- --overd1ono, and1( [ just was aiskinig y'ou if thet liro was hoe catuse. I ull hope you'll forgive me. And, O) Margaret, those rolls "Indade,' thin1, ani' .I'll not shitaty no 0noro( wvid the1( loi ken o' you. It's mlo :lainfully. ) Mistress: "Deanr, dear, what have I clone! And her wvagos only just 1)aid(. I mullst call 1up1 th10 (1oct0or.I fool 110h1e 1 spe l poatching. Thore0W's aniothenr siego of se rvanit prlostral