EDITOlIAI COIItiES1'ON )ENCE. Columbia, January :.. Three weeks of the legislative session will soon come to a close. The first half has been practically passed and only two bills have been ratitied. They both relate t) imperfections in the jury panels and are therefore only local. This does not mean that our law-makers have not been at work, for they have '.een labor ing very hard, and night sessions have already been held. ** * There has been some interesting dis cussion and tonight the battle on the dispensary will be renewed. There is only one thing on which the friends of the dispensary seem to be llnited, and that is the abolition of the State Board, but there are so many ditferent propositions srld ideas as to what should be substituted that it is ditliult to say what the outcome will be. The cam paign is ('oming on. atn a great many of the members will wiant to be re-elect ed, or try for something better. and they seem afraid to tackle the question in a positive and direct manner, but I suppose that after the discussion warms up the forces will get in line on the ditTer ent sides and somctbing will be done. The general opinion is that, apart from a change in the mainagele('nit, whatever that may be, there will be nochange in the dispensary law. * * benator Appelt's local option bill re ceived an unfavorable report front the committee, but it has been re-cominit ted and will have a hearing before a full committee, and will probtably re ceive a favorable report wiien e:,nsi ered by a full cotnmittec or at least be reported without recottmendation. It is not likely to be pas-ed at this ses Sion. ** * There was a lively debate over an amendment to the law to pertit towns and cities to extend their limits, but it was killed in the House. * Saluda's railroad scheme also failed. The sentiment seemed to be that it would be bad preceder.t to permit a railroad to be torn up as wits piOl)os.-d. and then, too, the lawyers said it would be unconstitutionalh as it woiil inter fere with vested rights. I hope this debate will only cause the Saluda p-o ple to arouse themselves and -o for ward to victory and secure a railrtcad from Johnston to Newberry. or better. from Edgefield to Saluda and New 1-erry. It should be built, and this lit tle uefeat should not discourage the people interested. ** The Newberry delegation has agreed upon the Board of Registration and the appointments have been made. They are: Thos. E. Epting, Thos. .1. W"ih-on. and Warren G. Peterson. This is a new board and a good one. Senator Mower has a good bill which was brought over from lact session, and should become a law. It provider that all funds shall be disbursed by the State Treasurer on the watrratnt of the Comptroller Gecnetral. In1 othetr and simple words it provides that the State Treasurer shall be the treasurer and pay out the funds, andl not hage a half dozen different tr-easurers for- the differ ent funds. Mias Neville Pope has been in Co lumbia during the past week witht lher father, Justice Pope. The'nre have been a good many Newberrians in the city during the p)ast week, but sotme of thoem 1 did not see. I am exceedingly sorry to leatrn of the death of Dr. P'eteir Iobertson. When I was home on Sunday I called to see him at his hiotme and spenit an hour with him v-ery pleasantly, and while ho was complaining of not feel ing well and had a cough, though lhe was cheetrful and leatsantt tand hopefol. I had no Idea then that I would see him no more in life, anid that death would come so soon. It is only aniother evi dence of the frailty and uncertainty of human life, and that truly in the midst of life we are in death. In his case I believe he felt that the end was neat', and likely to some at any time, and that lhe was r'eady. 1 (10 not know any one that I will miss as tmuch as Drz. Robertson in a social, business and pro fessional way. He was a good citizen, an upright man, a devotedl husband, a true friend, a sincere member of the church, and so far as I know without an enemy, and always true and faithful in the discharge of any dutty that was his. While he had no children of his o. -n, he was devoted to children and they were always fond of him. A native of Charleston, he came to Newberry about twenty-five years ago and made his home with us and soon became identinied with us and the up. building of the town and its commer cial, social, educational, and religious interests, and did everything in his power to promote.the interests of his adopted home. As a pharmacist he stood in the front rank of his profes sion and was so tecognized by his brethren in the State, and at the time of his death was the president of the Pharnaceutecal Association and -a 2nember of the State board of examiners. I shall sis him ipore than I can tell. 'I loved him as a brother. lie has loft '&hp legacy of a good name and Z shall Qherish his memory while life lasts. 'Zo hisettloken wife,- to whom he was devoted and to his immediate fatnily, I **tand eineaoro aynpaLhy- andl die tn assure them that my sorrow ib a4 deep and sincere ais theirs. I ann do no less than pay thlis feeble tribute to his mtemi ory. His friends and acquaintances extended to all parts of this county and to all classes of our citizenb and they, too, wsill miss him. Iequescat in pace. :. 11. \. t El1tTOiRIAL NOTES. The taxpayers can Commend the Leg islature for one thing-adopting the biennial session idea. Let the good work go on. A question that every farmer should be able to and thould answer for him- ) self is: Does i pay to use conuercial fertilizers o1 Co'ton? ('oluimbia's growt h has made the es- I tablishment of another banking insti- i tution nece'Iary in that city. It is I known as the State Banking and Trust (omurpany. and State 'Treasurer Tim- I me'mianl is its I'resident. The jury Coninissioners of Green ville County are making the experi- i ment of plcing the names of mEiniste rs and newspapler Tile in in the jury boxes. tI(ler the law they are exempt, but I not diltual:lied, and we believe it a I good step. If this custom was a Ihered to throughout the State we would have better jury service or less c; iticism and either would be an improvement. The IIriti ,i had better abandon theitr undertaking as a had job. The I3oers are proving to) inluhel for them, and before they are subdued the British will find that they have an elephant on their hands. Congress is killiiiI a lot of valuable tille over the question of seating Rob erts, of Utah, who is being (lenlied his seat on the ground that he is a Iolyga inist. We do not advocate the doctrine I of a plurality of wives, but simply ven ture the assertion that if that is the only fnult of Ioberts, there are men in Congress who will vote on his case, unii worthy to u1nloos,e h is shoes. A Greenville Imagistrate has decided that lying in horse Swapping 01' titd imlg cannot ('(ount ill coli-t, because not sworn to. 1Ie had a negro on trial and i proved that lie made gross lisrepre- I sentations to effect a swap, but held I that that kind of lyinig wtouldn't count I In court. and found the ncro not guilty. 1 The horee traders will he happy at this 1 ruling. They are at liberty to make a! the .i-e1)'resetations they choose in tradin;;in Grecencille. The Greenville Times has suspended publieation. It imade its last a))ea: - anee oin Iuieday afternoon. Life nI lPM .kure I' dl(1. Mir. Joe Cabell Davis State Manager Mutual Iteserve Fund Life Association of New York. Greenville, S. C.: Dear Sir: I'lease accept my thanks for the :-atisfactory settlement of the policy held by my father, "Janes N. Martin" in the Mutual Iteserve. Yours truly. F'Qri*: N. 31.A T'llN, Adml'r. T.:Ne Mtutual lI e"erve is in its nline teenh y i ealr. and2( has laid ini the past5 eighteen years over forty' million dot lam's to the widows and orpl'anis of its dleceased p)o;'ey hiold.2rs. IL has over 270 millijog) of insurance in for'ce, over $l.5. ,00 actual surplus11 iahave eveiy setts to every $l.t. liab'2'iy. issues everyv up to date P'olicy contract ('on tinling iZuar'antee'd caslIhlodn, extended and Paid up) valtues. I-'very piolicy con tainls the celebrated total disability clause which p)ays the p)olicy holder one half of his policy while he hives. All contracts dividend bearing. Good, live energetic agents can secure liberalecon tracts by writing JOE CAilELL D).\Vl.. Mlnager, Greenville, S. C. Notice to Townshyij P'enelon lioards. The Town sh ip Pension Hoards are re (2nested to met in their several town ships at the usual11 pla1ce of meeting on Monday, the 29th day of January, 1900, andl examine the rolls of their resp)ee tive townshi ps and pass oii all new ap plications. All new appllicants muIst appear before the board in person. Township boards may drop from the roll the name of any puerson, who in their jud(gmecnt, is not entitled to a p)en sionl under' the law. They may add to roll the names of new applicants. Those alr'eady on the roll reed not file new appllications, but must, rep)ort to the boards. The places of meetIng are as follows: No. 1-At Newberry C. Ui. No. 2-At Bethel school house. No. a-A t May binton. No. 4-At Cromer's store. No. 5-At, Jalapa. No. 0-At Longshores, No. 7-At Williams'. No. 8-At Utopia. No. 9-A t Prosperity'. No. 10-A t Jolly Street. No. 11-At Wicker's camp ground. Old boards will act, where new boards have not, been elected by the veterans. M. A. CarlIsle, Ch'mn County ExamInIng Board. Jan. 19, 1900. Story of a Slave. To be bound hand11( and1( foot for years by the chaIns of diseairo Ia the worst form of slavery. George D). WIllIams, of Manchester, MIch., tells how such a slave was made free. He says: "My wire has been so hielplces for five yeatrs that shte could not turn over in bed alone. After usIng two bottles of Elec trIo BItters, she is wonderfully 1m proved an d able to do her own work." This supreme .remedy for feniale dis eases quickly cure nervousnewss, sleep less, nmelachoh ly, headache, backache, nGue-day. Glad to see the grain II long the road looking so nice. Mrs. Shealy has been confined to her If oomu the past week sick, but is able to et out again, glad to state. G(ad to see the Legislature is nov ng on nickly with work. 'i Sunday afternoon we had the pleas tre of having an able ser"mon preached 13 n1 \Vightwuan Chapel church in Pro - >vrity by the pastor, I ev. W. 11. Ariail. A i'. A riai1 is a good speaker, and is leld in Iigh esteem by his people. - \i We have heard it spoken of that ro-lp"rity will likely have a Cotton A eed Oil mnill in the neat' future. ''his good newls, and we hope the citizens If >f the town will not become (iscour geed, but go to work and build the mill. y 'rosperity needs a ootton seed oil mill, mnd we do know it would be a paying if mnterlprise. Put in the mill by all n1ean. Sn ;. Si i nnarknjle ilescuo. Mrs. Mlichael Curtain, Plainfiold, Ill., ilakeH tbe statemttent tiat she caught - 1old, which elted o11 her lu ngs; she vas treated for i month by her family ,lysieian, but grew worse. HIe told A I( r she was at hopeless victim of conl- w mmlllptiou and that no medicine could -tre her. lIer druggist suggeste D.t. i King's New lliscovely for Con mimption; she bought a bottle and o her delight founi herself benefited T) romnt the first deo e. She conl inued its use and alter taking six hot lcs, found herself sound and well; now 1 0Hes her own1 lousewo'k, and is as well is shte ever was. Free trial bottles of I hi, (Jreatt )iseovery at all 1)rug tores. Only 5) cents and $1.00, every >ottle guaranteed. Is lentingn Iluooad Timothy Crook. We have moved and become calm tind serene, as lilI Arp mnight, say. w \loved among at good people, good, )roductive land, wood in any quantity otd quality, rabbits, squirrels, birds tnd frogs in prorusion. I might add ,hat there are minks and hawks plenty T tlso. Indeed this is ia thriving coin nunity. She is nut (lead nor asleep, >ot awake and aiive to every good work. MJr. Vaughn has put up his saw mill Im lear here. y Mrs. Ida Cousin, her parents and ittle Sallie visited friends in Glymph- o -ille last Saturday and returned Mon lay. They report having a p'easant - ,ime. Mr. B3uzhardt will soon move -iu the louse vacated by Mr. Luther Cousin. Mr. .John Cousin is building an addi Lion to his dwelling house. Mr. Jim Cromer killed two vt.d lucks last Friday, and Mr. Johnnie 'ousin one Saturday, near here oil the 'iver. So I might have added, wild ILucks plenty too, and a fine dish wheng >aked like the one tile writer had the dleasulre of urpose of taking returns of personal )roperty for the year 1900, and from ,he 1st to that time will be pr'epared toA ake your returns at his oflice in New erry. Thue following are the appoint nents: "' Pomaia, "' 27th. "Jolly Street, " 29th. b "' Slighs, " 30th. " O'Nealis, " 31st. " St. Lukes, February 1at.o "Prosperity, 2nd and 3r'd, sndl at Newberr'y untIl February 20th, J tfter which time the law recuires ai enalty of 50 per cent. to be added. All P~ 20tes atl( nd or'tgages and mionoys are c ~axable, and persons betv-?en the ages )f 21 and 60 yiears are lia!de t.o p oll tax inless exempt by law. rThe law pr'o-W rides also for' an income ox on incomes ~ >f *2,500 and upwards.t BIC LOT OP oi Sold 1 4Kt. Gold Watches -:IN ALL.8IZES AT : x>ANmmL cb o's New Supply of Gold mnd Silver Hearts just DANIELS & o8r* e'll begin with i box, aid the p1lu is boxes, it the plural of ox should bio oxv not oxes; ten one fowl is goose, but two i called geese. A the plural of mouse should nev ho meese; nl may 1111(1 a lone mouse or a who nest of mice, it the plural of house is houses, n hice; the plural if man is always call by shouldn't the plural of pian I called peni? te cow in the pltlrri may be cows kine, it a cow if repeated is never call kine, id the pliral of vow is vows, nov vine, id if I speak of a foot and you 81he me your feet, id I give you a boot, would a pair called bee:7 oni is a tooth and i whole set a teeth, by shouldn't the plural of both I called be th? the singular's this and the plural t hese, tould the plural of kiss be nicknanil keese? ten one man bo that and three won be those, Lt hat in the plural would never hose, td the plural of c'tt is cats. not coi e epeak of a brother and also of bret ren, .it though we Fay mother, we nov say methren; ten maseulin pronouns are he, I and hii, it imil., tl'. the femlinin11, she, alh and Shilln. the English, I think, you all w agree, the dod rotlest language you ev did see. An Exceptlion to the Ru'e. A shop where you can get what y att anl I when YOU want it. S A HRI. Lesata, Manager. t&ftf TRtOUBLE BRiEWING. o Atntnistration (ets Itself Into I Water. Washington, Jan. 23.-Tlo a inistration's rather too pronoune mpathy with Groat Britain's w; the Boers, is getting it into i iter. Senator Halo (leclarod in a spee< the Senate, that ho believed nit nericans out of every ten symp ized with the Boors in their stru e for liberty, and the Senate ado1 I Senator Allen's resolut,ion, aski by tho State department refus cognition to properly accrodit presentative of the Transvaal : blic. And the trouble is just I uinling. At a big meeting last night, hich there was some scorching ta hich must havo made Mr. McK y squirm, if ho read today's Was gton papers, the principal speak< rer Senators Hale, Ala and 10 in, and Rlepresentativos Bailey, I rmoend, Sulzer, Lontz, Laub, Chat lark and Gordon. ICRYAN NOT SUP'ERSTITIOUS. 3ctie Somo Facts WVilcia Ma.j Expi 1114 had Luck. (Special to Grenvillo News.) New York, Jan. 23.--There rirteen guests invitedl for the Bry nner at the democratic club tonig r. Bryan says he is not afraid of ippor situation. "I dent mind sitti >Wn to dinner with thirteen if I aingry" lhe said "I was nominal 1 Friday and I wear opals." 0 YOU GET UP WITH A LAME B3ACE Idney Trouble Makes Yout Miserat Almost everybody who reads the ne' ipers is sure to know of the wondei cures made by Kilmer's Swamp-R< the great kidnev, 11i and bladder remedy 'C ~ It Is the great mlar sizes are sold by all good druggists Notios to Oreditors, 4EF88RS. GR AHAM & DUNN, Pormarla, , C. having snado signiment, to me, all thoe.rcredt e i,teroby notIied to mnee? in m'F of Nlewberry,-8. C., on Februiary 3, 101 11 a. mp., to elect ani agent~ of Qre( .LAMBERT W. JONE', Asigae Effood's Pills Are prepared from Na ture's mild laxatives, and while gettl- are reliable re andl efticient. They i 'ous the Liver Cure Sick 1 Icadache, Bil iousness, Sour Stomach, A and Constipation. Sold everywhere, 2c. per box. d 'repared by C.I.Hood & Co.,Lowell,Mass. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that,the books Dr of sub-ription to the capital stock of Seh ii in pert Iiardware C'o. will he opened at F'. A. Schumpert, Agt. Store on \ tl iie-tav. .lanuary 2 i1 h. 119i0. l-'l"l:)l-:lutt'K A't -tI'l'1;lPl:HT, \I I LT()N .\. C'Au [bSI-:, tv "f tf. ("orporators. Je re Etlaid Seholtz' S JEWELRY STORE. L'ine Watches. Rings, lBroaches, Studs, d Sleeve and Link Buttons, Silver Novelties, Silver Table \Vare, Id Cut Gla,s. Gold and Sil he ver Spectacles and Eyeglasses. t, TOYS&DOLLS Which we will close out, as we will is discontinue keeping them. is EPUIRD SCIIOLTZ. JEWELER AND OPTI.IAN er Stop That Hack! .Stop That Hack! \\'hy don't you stop that Hacking Cough and not suffer yourself and annoy other people when 25c. invest ed in Robertson's Compound Cough d- Syrup will settle the whole business? . Don't forget that a stitch in time ot. saves nine, and a neglected Cough h and Cold sometimes leads to Pneu. 10 monia. Robertson's Comp. Cough g- Syrup is manufactured and sold at ,& El1or A 0 Rll~IIRUIm STORE, tre ' I an ,$ j he - ed ilkWaists and Becauity. ... You cannot see one without the other in this assortment. These Waists are remarkable in many ways, btit lprin cipally for QUAAITY' AND PRICE. All are handsome. In black and a varie ty of colorings. Plaited all. over. Newv back without vnke, llare cuffs; 'Ie. lined throughout. 19 .8 Won derf(ul value, Will have NEW SPRING G00D$ ot, to show you in about TEI~N D)AYS. All rer Winter Goods are being closed at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. New di- stock of Butterick's Pattcrns and Fe 1ebr'uary Delinceator' nowy on sale. ns Is ing SSTATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, *rt COUNTY OF NEWBERRLY-IN ec- COMMON PLEAS. Id- Edwvard R. Hipp, Plaintiff, against md Iveson-Joh nson, Defendant. ted Summons for Relief. ur- To the Defendant above named: in O7U ARE HEREBY SUMMONED in. and required to answer' the corn per plaint In this action, of which a copy is I a herewith served upon you, and to servo >ok a copy of your answer to the said conm. to plaint on the subscribers at their ollce >ie, at Newberry Court MIouse, Bout.h Care >us lina, within t,wenty days after the ser vice hereof, exclusive of the day of such Sservice; and if you fail to answer the complapt.within the timu', aforesaid, tho plaintiff in thia action will apply to o6 the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. --- Dated December 20th,'.A. D., 1809. SCHIUMPERT & HOLLOWAY, Plaintiff's Attorneys. )F To the Defentdant above named: an Take notiedl that the comp~laint in the >rs above entitled action was filed in the ico office of the Clerk of Court of Common 'IPleas for Newberry County on the 20th ti day of Dedember, A. D , 1899. ' 80BoUMPERTa & 5TOLLOWAY, Plaintiff's A ttornoe. All Winter Goods Going at Cut Prices For the Next Thirty Days. February 1 st will be stock taking time with us and we want to reduce our stock greatly by that time. Don't Forget These Factsa Jamieson. GOOD THINGS FOR C HRSTMAS! As Chri:tmas is fast, approaching, everybody is beginning to think abo u whore to buy Good Substantial Presents for their friends. IN THESE DAYS AND TIMES Good Serviceable and Useful Presents are much more appreciated than pretty ones that are only good to look at. If you will call in to see us, we will be glad to show you a great many things that would make good and useful presents, namely: A GOOD SUIT OF OLOTHES. A NICE OVERCOAT, A NOBBY HAT. A STYLISH SHIRT, A NEAT PAIR OF SHOES, A GOOD UMBRELLA, AN UP-TO-DATE TIE, A SILK HANDKERCHIEF, and in fact anything to be found in a First Class Clothing and Furnishing Store. Allof those you will find fresh and stylish. cOM"VX3 C3leT3EM CO 'vt .A3.-a.S! M. A. REN Wi/ICIl Master's Sales. The National Bank of Newherry, South $ Carolina, Plaintiffs, vs. O Alexander Singleton1 and Ellen M%. La arE,O COUTdnAT D highest b dr eoeteCourt House at Newberry, S. C., on saleday In Feb ruary next, All that lot of land in the town of Newberry, State of South Carolina, containin one-h1a tstoreo tLles Episcopal church lot and McMorris street.ca reartofr T1erms or Sa'e: One-third caish, bal ance in one and two years, with inter- ~Ji . est from (lay of sale, to be secured by WEl i bond of purchaser and mUortgage of ises to be insured and policy assigned Pttrchaser to pa >or papers and Master's OffIce, Jan. 11, 100.S lin STATE OF SOUTH OAROLINA,duigJna,ad COUNTY OF NEWBERRY--1N ofrnwapriual COMMON PLEAS. go iea rcsta Johinson, Defendant.if agains Iveso Summons for Relief. Oushwnsebae To the Defendant, Iircson Johnson:it YOTU ARE HIEREBIIY SUM-bridris the compaint in this aion, of whis a cop)y is herewith served upon you, I and to 3erve a cop)y of your answver to ht the said complaint on the subscribers '' at their oilice at Ne wberry Court H ocuse,vvhieO'kdMs ns South Carolina, within twenty days af- X ieN ter the service hereof, exclusive of the day of snob service, and if you fail to\ ht AlO" answer the c6mplaint, with in the timevrS aforesaid, the 1Plaintif in this action Vht M wil appynd h cot faon the relief .uln ndr Dated 23d December, 1899. SCHIUMPE.RT & HOL LOWAY. Thsgodar .Plaintiff's Attorneys,.l To the Defendant, Iveson Johnson: makdVR LO , TaenotIce that the complaintI nd nadto oti thecabove entitled ct,ionC wa tld lo 2on Pia foteNewberr y County on the1 SCHMPRT& HOLLOWAY, .......................n A ,ry.. OPENING OF BOOKSduig tsJa ar STATh OFduriTgCAJOLuar,,omnd Puruat t acomisio Isue off ern a oftcual crpooatlriby atcoridesntha CON~, Stte o th 1titesreinteresoyou Notice Isherebyigvenmthatiooksiof, mara,Stte nd(~unt a'White n DiITs Thesad roose el.raonW hite C'eMuiins have a cpitalWstiteofainsooks. Into 0 shaes oftheipr vale ofv10r.0 each, wit ItWhpitelpaslilacUondeusi ness aI PoniaiTheS1e1gooadswiaree era powerd to ngagekedthVEusiessOo andnin,laddition toithi TLIOM8lA. Eprice, Mwer wilogie 3ISTAEO SOT CrpOAto therund rsinaor po traos b. R r O f e t o