The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, December 12, 1899, Image 2

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$i h S\ i'~t}\t' 1\\ } ;1 :" ll ' tl' ,,1 1 it h,;t t 1 1 :< 1 t l } ; i,il 1 it; t lit,".! *0 1 N., Al, *It ',.. 1 t' I ( t ' N t,\11I 1' It \ I' 1+ll. tt h l d l, w 1 h : h l' 11 I: he b:ei:11h .1 t v 1,hti\ \li t1h 1 tit l 1 1I I is i : \ ; I ' ' 'ht\hi f'\ t'. ' t 'A \ lCIC 1 1 ', t . . t , . Ittt . t J Ili ' t \ 1 - \\ .. \ li 1 \\ : NI..Mr. ................................... i \ . \ uA N '-1' , 'N A -:~y ~h * A ri~h:rw a~4'b i 1t S9 h~Ti4q~L6#t.Pi l eit,t i i 101it i ll, .rnthu" ' in 1 '.t 11, 110m in) \ \\' I. .\lIt it ic. II, .\t:t I. hh ii it;he -' 1' \ 11t t it ; ,, l it l " l' t t t . ' l: tot i t ,l 1 .it[ t,v . Nie \ 1 \\.e have Just received a i, lot of Christmas Preseots, . ;A Solid Gold Watches. Chains, Rings, Brooches, Stick Pins, Cuff Buttons, Collar Buttons, Studs, DANIELS & Co. Auditor's Notice S olIPLET MINICF NICE CROCK ERY. (El IRS ELI5Iil Al r ne t cs n aJnW 1y mock I'I \V'. \1'. I),ttl,l of A\nte.tvtan, 11ta{e 'I et t ti t f t'i, til I,h i 1'e-. uI' t et lrt' ' it f Italt AlIm "': itt Tothy tar Mtatilau. (4S'i "1 a to (ir 1'oo' iilt' N\ \ s.) (. ht ittangl'rg, S. ).. Dc. .----lishop 1\t ' t'llrtl tilt 1r\lt'tthtlist lfret t rt' tt\ h''t litI om1I>t1l tt ',.:;) Ihis tulorin iuIg. l lr. S. A. \Wt'1r 't,utit c .1 tlhr t 1 '1 11 rr l \ ;t'l". Qllo tollt l.u v2 ~~a allt't i ati~ t lit, t,x miia t lain pjissing of cuiatr of tlt' 'o'aIllirs ocrt pi'tl gnost of Ihp lie' lt v. Alion .\Fe-'arland was lo atdt at hi:s o\\ requost. 'l'hr h'N. li. A. ('hild, of (reoit '-o\l, offerdi a rosolution1 to rts itd ho at'lion of tht, conlft,-on\ , 11t Ot'. forl'iltlitig foot l'all ait Wof tI'I l. h 1. F-. Il.tmbet of 1 1uber-: i t, 1'~;rtu to tiho {' rtl:0 tl\s t 0 1 \t l I tott :11 t1 t i I \ v at lt l,,lti \' f n'tl 1 ln'. Iin ' -r NI is'. to -u ' O-:e n.* 2k t A 1 - - - - .: :i:..l.t1 * S. . 4 4 - - 4 h 4- 4 4 IV 8 t 1 STRT vT 4 I, -~ *444' 4-444-Sei 4 - 4 444.4 I t. AU: T-' NAt pr 'nc LO N E.4 4A. E 5"4-4-e 1e>44.4 1 P 0 T A S I i "giv "e s T o f / ar ~and /irmeSs to 1ll fruits. No good fruit can bc raised without Potash. Fertilizers containing at least S to 1w" o of Potash will give best results on all fruits. Write For our pamphlets, which ought to be in every farmer's library. They are sent free. GERMAN KA1LI WORKS, l 9 \*SAU Now Ys..:k. TN Dry Goods. Dress Goods, Notions, Jackets, Capes. Millinery. Outings. Flannels, Blankets. And all kinds of Staple Goods. See our special Plush capes. $2.50 to $5.00. See our line of Jackets 3.00 to $10.00. See our marked down *ress Goods for bar ;ains among them for /ou. See our 42S Black 3ibbed Hose. extra ieavy extra value. Yealr. Spc~ial heavy Union Suit Spcial :~vyI Fleicc Lined TheCit Marke 4- w FINA NOTRPE 3EE PORKA,'. '4 drr - ...The Thanksgivil It will be felt in the pIckeO hook. the Lowe-t Perch. ,Ju.t -top this way into tho ...Clothing and Gent's Fu r. t , Ito I e . sm ricd at the v tt : 1 vAl \' l u.i:t f, r met:n at only" "t.t(-) N "w I .k at Iur $ \ t snit t0h:t everyl , :. we l:ve one's that -.' good a ' :,utiflll ii1t' of l.izl,l lullu e (' ils toli i ..ut:r, :.. i at th" faoa ou7 I Si-i:in;.: all a happy tha ' ksgiv Founded 1842. "Sing their own praise." 1.:er r cr l t .c- ca: a r' t ha: ' we m e -.le v; L rr.d y. .\ " r : deirtl. l-.t ony : \: i \ W h an i :u i c.: Iee u-e V: - adveo: a.1 as S 1 hlli :z t he [I t i:..: t .":. ei "ar frier "ie an th r:.s Mu'i1. an ave ih -. . i_ l'::.o witb a lture' is : I o vc1 ea to th e w R ; a a t a h:ri'e "itLil thi.r of. I ; , I va~ e ve y - n. the mi c a s:' : c.t a1i it is w :th - s;I:lg t.::. UI inStruments tsken in exchage. rtrm-z n:.-i nati:ng. Catlkne for the asking. Sc:ue ba rgains in Square Pianos. Palace Organs CHAS. M. STIEFF. P:s no Mai[a:turer. Balti:r., Mary-isnd. Fs:ry Bran;h \Wsre ro:: . 2"; N:b Tr_ ou S:rect, Char lo.t,, N. C. C. H. WILMOTH. Manager. All kinds of Marble and Granite Monuments, Headstsnes. Iron Railings. etc. Cakets and Cases SchulmIEf1 & HOlloway, To ALL OVERS2:RS, ptra House, Friday Night, Dec. 15, 8.30 O'Clock NISS MARGARET KLEIN, Under auspices of the1 Base Ball Association >f New~ berry College. n.:: v--c :hc. judg ame - - ry have the etrs-t I has Dr, Carn. c. e ar . 7 1 a a t:na as se o bery e:'11p. Seasouiabi and Boautiful. Joods uaro r.hown on overy counter. Iv'vry thing which conies under tho ;pn'r"al h ead of ...Dry Goods... Th' is vort hy of the nam)0 has fo- :l a plnet in our store. Our cn: - r w",,),"r- ill find a reality about ig Season Here... (luality rises Iigh, Ibut prices 1are on rnishings Department... :lIes. Stot. at sePo1 I a"td exa mm1)1 e you wil! rAdmit tliat it's worth $7. ody says thr. it is well worth $10. bargon., a.k to I them. We have rfe, Whlite and Colored Shirts for lar for. li surk. t, visit our Shot sto!ian," the aire 'lie best muad e. n , I amr Yours truly HUULAB LB Assl1n1n SOCIETY, On its 40th anniversary July 26th, 1899, the Equitable had on its books outstanding as surance for ONE BIL LION DOLLARS. IIUND E an I SEVENTY MILI.ION DULLARS. It' ,,ri.. w m.Pre than SIXTY MILLION DOL. LARS. Th EQU ITABLE INSURES,A' oth -: \V 1iEn at the It iperhaps the strongest Lif Asranc". Comp,anv on 2: writles anty k: ; i of plcy CALL ON or WRITE to For Rates and Plans. P~Office under New berry Hotel. We have come here to do business, and pro pose to do so at MQDER ATL PRICES, guaranteeing fit arid w\orkrmanship. We will handle a full line of Woolens. WOrsteds, Gassirner-es, FanCy Vesting and rouseing, he latest designs in -oreign and Dornestic 'abrics, to which we nvite your inspection. sCOTT & CARISON, Opposite Postoffice. YOT1& 18 H REB~IY GIVEN - t hat i e 1Dwing taxes bar~e brea :r it 2S8'. by the Towni Council of e w&tery, S. C.: or OrinaProes.-. Si mills 0? Water Worsand E.lecric ..r..per..H..u.e.B........- i mill T.....-..........--..-...Si millS Th~e books 'will be openied for t bi CoCI c'tdom of the above taxes emth w ly of 189 and u-111 be keh, emutilthe lth day' ce November. A ealyo te (10) pr cst ifl be added to all taxes 8a arrears' a r the Nith dasy oif Nrersber, 389l.