The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, August 25, 1899, Image 4

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Tiho AbHOnt One Cractidma, let 1110 Vihsper to 3.oi, '1'Tuse I want to know, Ain't i uever had n1o mMiUtaY 1,:ic0 where did she go? Uvver babies they have matmnas Always right at home; Don't, mine love her little biiei? Nen why don't she corne. Tell me, grandmila-donl't 00 ky so. Grandpa's kyin', too, Ain't it funny, tause I love 00 Awful much 1 (10. But I want to know where's mam in; Ain't she comin' home? Don't she love her little UAnnie? Nen why don 't she coie? I.ittle Neva' Im tintua loves her. An' at, niLht .von said Site prays, 4,Jesus, h'es- ilea iui .111a," Non sii goes to bed. l say, "11amnm t, h,'ea10 h aby, 'N all us fol k, at bti e.' N(A I o) to bed, buI. ;ta kina, Mlnma doe11n't co1uq'. G1andita, let itlc a,k oo ,ulue1in l,on't bt grantipa hyt Tanl miy 1tamulia hca r hcr ba by \\ay up in the "ky? .N II I' a k lw T. rt uati u' , ii' "'B e's all us at homne. If oo !ives ot'r Iittle I.i i, CAT KI 1.1. A IC.T rilit. F:-ave : ; l l,c htt , anr )h, (.. rl frrn an A%t tl al; i,Y I li- nil.. (ielova, N. 1., Aug. . Mathis, it fattrl r living neatr I el d1aekets 'Mound onl the Naples ioad, hts t hv)-ycar-utl lttugliter al a large \lalltep tt"m1 cal. TIhe chibd wa., inl the gardeun yesterdiaty atftertoot play. ing with tIho cat, its in>lst contstattt companion. Site saw a rattlesnitke, about four feet long. tdowtt the patlh. She started toward it to Ilay with it. '.Tho eat lookedl after her and saw tho r.nake. As iho chilapoahd thel rat or throw itself into it coil, so nlli( ccd the Itlarmt and pirelarel to strike. Whon thel child camel0 abost, within striking dismillu', it streak f g ray 11'tlied through thi air, struck the snta's tail and bounded to onc 1ho rattler turned to attack the eat, which iaclmt up, Vowlcd ttd spit. 'I'ITe cihilti ratn screaming to wat the hou-o. Mlr. ,lihis, who wats close11 iattianl, hcat the setrtnn; picckil ut i club and rani into lih g;areni. 110 I\w tit Snm Wstriko t,. the cat and the latter dlodge the bltow. I.t t.I thi n ak tould rIe cover itsl tht ii e ~Vat Iuhe a'((1) t t jo ime, ' bu t it Ito isc r t ht ld It it bounded u-t ofti ithoger~ tt whibe t inae itecoiled. kiri. r. ii ap it. hdad h nk tre t Pr saopt Reahind the ea ut gled allhe Blod rolleasoer. and Cre the Watorfisfet Oss orthe ltr et, butt ion nt ose i h old.ii tt' 1n ai fewi't m ites te itt r tlie y r igh ontdiotutit and' i'Vo' sti'exet forSP~ ai jery movemenwt in'uti(s tit. ItS ('s The'i eat hs'tteen to snak [too kille s uine 'fi l s a ' tittn.e )3'it 31t hiry S saystCt herotuld nto titt, take t1,0toi 8..8S . FOI Prjgtoply R'eaes theSatign't Tue theols Worttist ases, et Valuale boks miledfree blotw mens r rnbls o bs inteam d The Doctor's Wodorrul Baby. (Prom the Philadelphia Record.) Thoro is a physician in West Ihil adelphia 'who has a son a year old, and this baby is probably the strong est human being for its I go and weight in the world. Its father will hold a cano in his two han<ds and tho )aby, gritsping it, will draw itself up to its chin three times. 'Thtt is but one of its nunloloUs foats of strength. 'Ile lphysician says that his boy's utusutl muscular dovolopmet is (1u0 to a daily massage treatment. Every morning ho lays the little fol low naked on a blanket and kneads his mtuscl's for thirty minutes. Once a month he weighs the baby ani leatsilres it calves, chest, arms, etc. '[ho monthly increase of weight and girit is 1: rem;larkalle. the baby has never had shoes or stockings on its feet or hat oil its head, and in the su11ntner it wears oniv it little sleeve less (ress tlhatt comlies to its kines. It gets It cold bath every Iiiorniing. "If nothing go('s wrong," the phy sician oft ('I (Ieclares, "this chil will ho one of the strotgest. meItn the WOrld its ever seer. He will never get bald, and he will never loose i tOoth. As for his muscles, with 1iSitge and it Courso of exercise lint I havo laid out, they will be big and suipple all ovor his body. All his theIh till be, whiein tense, as hard av -tool, i(1 wt'en, its soft its how Ie,h! of ai young girl.'' F( It ulI .:111 I"; ANI) , I 1 ASt"t :'iAE :K 1:its. liilr Fare 1.xeursh,n to I'hlhti1c"i{,ht anuc IJtur Itr by the Suniarcd Air ii le. .Nickincis-ci i"T he' I.ut or Then will be nlt'ed, cheapitl rss, comi1 fort maiil tlgiante via the SI aboar(I .\ii' I.ine, iickiiimed "The I.ine of the Il'Ilple." Th'll juurie-y will bie madue fin thle '-olid \'e-tihliledI S. A. I.a. INxree,s and1 the A\t lailta tipcoial. I{v yoiri tickets from any Seaboard .\ii' Line I\g't either September Ist, '111 or :h- -these tickets ._ood for re turn Intil midnight. of Seiiteinher I:4th, or if yu choo.e, until t Septemher :;n1Ih. Ipon Of tickets wit.h ite .l0int Ag-ent at l'hli ladelphIia1. 'I'hle Itaktker ('ity will be itillsially fet-Lit"e with the G, A. It. paratd" in full swing. Io niot forget. t,bat 0n( of the chief p lea,tn-es to a p er"ton who hals taken the ieaboairdl .\ir I .im-, niclkna.1med--,"The C Line of the I'eolIe,'' is the eon sctiotns ness, thart, he or" she htas imade n'11omis take. C:1.6. IS T C) MM. x 1.. nears ti, iho Kinti You Ilava Always Bought Signiaturo A\n 'xchaniigo te'lls a goo<d story of it fatllwr andit miot her wvho wvere trymng to hind inmes for their babies, who, by the way, werie girls. It was t'cided thait thle fath ber shlali lnme ln'him. A fler eatst inig abuh)tt andit il Du1pl iente." li couriso of timin il oter ir oiiItf t winis c'ame, ana i hey were boyvs. T[his wats thlit hue. bantid's oppljortuniity to gel 'ein atni lie wanted his good wife to clistet the boys. Imaniginet his feeliing: shel hadu namied the boys "P ete aitt JES E BOT TOM. Ini every test ima'do S. S. S. easil, IIh-muonsut rates its supher'iority over' otheil blood5 remledlils. it. malit tersi not how ob stinate the caise, nier what other' treat men'it. or re'medies have failed, S. S. S altways5hi~hi promtly reaes't andt cures anl iso whereP( th lood0( is in any1 wvay involved *tryoneiil w~ho( haUs had1( exporimnce wvitl d, dis'ases kniows that there are no al thenuIt to etire. V'ery few remedies clatin I asese ats S. S. S. t'ure's, and none cai 'f mel(rit. S 8. 8. is not. mierel y a toic ~~-i sentI of aill blood d iseases, and gets at thu dI r1nts till potisonl from the sysAteml. It.deo luisoni and1( h idt' it. from view~ ttemlporarily lit Iy thanut ever ;8. 8. S. forces otut over it fo)rever. wr'ites: "Some years at nurise who infected5 wfu If lamle whtich was r'i(ends1 wvho had seen wVift.'s Speeilie. I im nI' seemed'( to go dhirect 88bpoeille 2 THE BLOOD iteed puriely vegetable, and conitainsB n1 'e mmneral or che(micall. It never falla ti .Uheumiatismt, Contagious Bllood Poison f& Speoifio Comnany. A tlanta. na. Meaning of state Namked. Mlichigau--Indian, "groat lake." Mlirnosota-Indian, "Cloudy wa tor." Ohio-The Shawnoo for "tho boau tiful river." (onnoetiCt-Indian namIo, "a long rivor." lown - Indian word moaning 'drowsy onc's." Kanaiitis-s- II I ndittn 110118 ''smoky witor." Visconsin--Ilnlian for "wild and rushing channol." Alabina- u -An Indian name, mean ing, "Horo we rest." Florida --A Spanish word meaning "'blooming," flowery. Kentucky- -Indian "kaint-ttck-eo," at tho head of tho river. erullont----Frol tho reich "verd mo it," gre1i iiionrltaili. California---For an island of the naillo, where gold was found, ill a Smnish romncle. lllinois---FroInt tho ludian "illini," mln, and the Froncih allix, "ois," making "tribo of mllenl." Missouri---Nitlno mlans "mtuddy wtttr," said ill reforoneo to th mnud liness of the Missouri river, or for tho "Missouris," i triho of In dilts. Oregon-'roi the Indlidin, 11a1 ilg "river of tho west," or 1tho Spanishi word, orogino, "wild thyIme," whi-1h is abu)indantt onl the coast. Hidden Beaty In Egypt the custom is for Princesses to hide their beauty by covering the lower part of the face with a veil. In America the beauty of many of our women is hidden because of the weakness and sickness pecu liar to the sex. If the Egypt ian custom pre vtiled in this countl v, mtany stifftelE swould / be g lad to cover t 11 e i r L nrm a t i r wrinkles, their sunkencheeks, their unncalthy complexion, from the eyes of the world with the veil of the Orient. Bradfield's Female Regulator brings out a woman's true beauty. It makes her strong and well in those organs upon which her whole general health delptnds. It corrects all uen strual disorders. It stops the drains of I eucorrh<la. It restores the womb to its proper place. It removes the causes of headache, backache ,mnd nervousness. It takes the poor, (he bilitated, wveak, haggard, fading woman and puts her on her feet again. making her face beautiful by 10akinig her hody wvell. I)rastgiNt seflIt it fr $1 tI q mttle, senud for ou f;ee t' illust ian . hutik fori womnei. 'Tle Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta. GIa. PARKER'S HAtR BALSAM Oleanses anid beautines the hair. I'ru,ioes a luxtrli roth a.e,emtev's E.nglih, fIMarnond Brand. rENYROYAL PILLS - Or. 603 . hI w th bhnl rCctn,a. T k For OUN LADIS, oanoke,A Va:R Ipen ruet.l for:kh, I 9r. I n of the yea ing Sch ol or.,, \i l soun i. Ln.adiin. tho . t'lat'4nili t, b u ihr' inoa. ,q a l moe n improvemen jatsrit. Ca p t eli nta, acrs. ran moun01 t,tanOta. anc r in \'all-y of V'it'itnia, famned for healthl. Cour mse. Suiipertlior' adtage iit(S in Arit andt .\lsIe'. S't tmiet a fr'oini wety seven't Stazte I$ '4'r tatloguie addre'ss. thI 't'esldett Ihoanolke, \'a. E'AStiION MAOGAZI.Ni wrrI nIAND)SOMH COLORED PLATES. ALSO tI.1.USTRATF5 Standard Patterns The only reliablo pat terns, becaujse they allow seams,. Subscription Price: $1.00 a year. I 0 cents for single copies. CANVASSERS WANTED FOR THIS P"9LICATION. Liberal cash commission. Wrie for '1 sample copy and trrms to Subscrip tion Department, THEI D[ESIGNER, 32 West 34th St., Newv York City. (,ood Advico to Wounen. (Philadelphia Lodgor.) Emporor Willium is said to hiv told somo Ainorican ladios, who vis itod hill, that "women have no busi n1ss to intorfere with anything out sido of the four k's--kindr, kirche koche, and kloidor,"(childron, church, cooking and clothos.) There win more wit than courtesy in the remark, but there was also it certain ainounti of truth in it. The woman who in torferod in public 1IIlairs is generally found to be lacking in one or mnore of those objects of feminine atten .ion; but it is also true that intolli gent womnen can give all the ntes. sary attention to matters of p>ublic interest without noglectirig their other duties, just as inltellig'', and busy men (do. Arrest disease by the timely use of Tutt's Liver Pills, an old and favorite remedy of increasing popularity. Always cures SICK HEADACHE, sour stomach, malaria, indiges - tion, torpid liver, constipation and all bilious diseases. TUTT'S Liver PILLS F .nl Maker Direct to Purchaser. A Good a Piano l ifet Iino A Poor Piano ) I .. so>' j'- * . 1"z till lat a few. { Fl f '), yours a it ni t - Ile .-.i e en ls 4Mathushek 1,i away1 Good, always tellabhle, No ollh.r lli i h (;rade IliOsod'o~ b.(r. ty isait paiytment Writc us, LUDDEN & BATES, " avunn l_" lot a. t n-, caie lork Citly BLUE RiIDGE RAILROAD H. C. BEATTIE, Receiver. wti-clive May 2, Ist97. n; tW ee l A trs idersOi " ldt. Walhalla. EASTnIoUND-. WE14TntOUND). oMlIxed. .M il od. No. u ' rs. 1: t'Iatin s. Noit i . .r A r .1 ti...At derson...3 5 'It A Iii -l(110 a .. l'- eiil.... v 3 5th p A H I ' B E I Ren. Aetuu. v I pim Al rl 22 aim............Pid eton.Lv M 141 pm A r in 13 mii..Ce rry 's l'r()sin .... LvI 2:1 pm1 A r~ji 11 7 nm....Athans' (Crosin g...Lv - '29 pm A r II Iii am.....sneen....... x a 4 17 pn, A r (4 Z5 ami.......'wet Un ion ....v 5 It pm At' e 2 Ad aoin...Whalla ... 5 17 pmhla A. ST .- P. M. Ar. .J. 1u. A NI~ liitSON superit 1elnt. A t. A ndlerson wit hi Mo. liilway Not,, il and 12 SOUTHERN RAILWAY. U. dnar11h no:in Ere n " June l12h.0111(. S'rN A Th v . '' Pn- I "r. 'A-...... ........... 74 il a( 1u a r.('4 e h'u -' --.. . .. .. .. . 0 i 23 a 5 in X na lo .I 1 N.a 12.n V-. (n n iai........ .1 n 1015 a 1n stri ty.4'n ..--.. ...... P t 10 I)i n h itn ty - ix - -.- ... ......... 1 0 y mi t "j Gr -u ..... 6 40)a1 au 1 55 y Ar.41 10 a to 2I 1) y mn Ar. Abbcil --- -d 0 a m 1 20 p in r. Ainte(.4 930 'i 00 1' p m r. O envihi 010 a m .if p n ..I"9 157 90 p mi Wr 1hneyo 1X.7 in D i Nn. 0 N o.LI! 14.N o. I8.n N o.1. S l mon7 -Ou I, .. .... ls 00. . m A 0 -1 a mtL1 \ '4 Iau to. ......--i~ vi t2in 7Jj10 5 Sa ~ A. 6~" IOuar i l am.1 1 40 a m)1 r. ? 'enw o .. ......i 8L1)'' 0 . p m ' 1 2 p um S ine .y- ..ix .------ ........... 1255p 8 m1 10 he ry..---.--1....... 2 00 7 in 1,r11' 211y '.......1 ....2 I4 p 43'2 Aahly l>a.IA'- - 2n(01 50 70 a .auch . dlest on..A r)Ih l a l : '1'rijiiqiav"-e stuonnivillo.. ")t 7. divI10 18 n p 55anid " . .,a 3 p nh i... "n 6:02 p. n pV' 1i0le L5 .hitn vit140411 "1o)d Il8 72 ii. 0a ~ IJ1 On "..Chm la... 1"2Ip ).(V.limC 820p 930p&d 10rat2>".. nion. 0Car ....l(. P it-,mnat 10 30a 2 g "ar Joinnla ... " A122ovp 6I enro54 aily7 " 1vi14p 6-d1i2pi Tr4ain 8 anv..4parrtanur..A P1lmn 0par oars 70p Ar... shar e ille.....Livl 8Itao. "P, pA.Nm. ," . m.JIP Pusllmnpcteingtoenr)a( on Tra1~ins'tt W. A.d TUR BnA n . division. 1)WIigar AVgelable PreparationforAs similating the foodnand Regula tllg theStomachs andBowe of Promotes Digeslion,Cheerful 'ness and Rcst.Contains neither Opium,Morphine nor NIineral. NOT NAIcOTIc. hiri>e cOld SAMl/ILPIJL7ER lan isn "Sucr - Aa.efnn + 1?oclAieSair - /h fmwonaltJoda. Ia' nJced - (litc Jiigar : Aperfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoca, \Vorms,Convulsions fpverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP, TacSimile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPMO. Florida Central & Peninsular Tilne'Table In lI'1ect Inn1 l, '9 l,eave Newhcberry..------.-.....-.....................2 Co pm A r Iivo Colu inbia....................... pu No. ;3 No. 35. Lv. Col uini:t........... 1i 3:pu1 I n 17u (Ktst"ri Timne.) Iv. C' ol1m1bil, .............103 12 ;,ailn (CellI tra'1Un.) " LAv I)ennt .k...........2 10pm 215a1 Lv Failrfax .................12 5:51n :1021)1 1,v Savann hIi............ I 07pnI 5 A r lirin Ik ........... 6 0 pm 7 n A r .lacksonville......... 7 40p 1,v .Iuck oin11 ilt......... 8 OJp I I2 Ar Lank e ity .............. p A r Live Oak ..............2 lp A Tallahtssee ......... 3 pi A RItiver *J n ion1111 ..... 2%pm A r Mot)ile ........ ............ 3 A r Now Orieanr..s . 7 l0e Ar W'aiio ............. . ,1:pnII :)#II Air (lIneville .... 13 In A r (i'lar Key; . ... I )11 Ar Ocala . .............. Iiai 1 n l4 pm A lI tt nI 11d .............. 2-l'nttt 2- ;2pttn Ar Orlantl .............. 1 1 l)tl '1,111 A r''tmp ................ 01111 4:0 l NORTHBI IOUNDI. No. 31. No. 35. Lv '1'altlpa ............... t 111pm 8 0mII L.v OrIlu li...............l) 1 8 2 iatl Lv ceder Ke)"........ 7 1 :oua Lv IILII(mVtle 2:)2anu l Waldo . 5 O 17 021)111 .v 7 lll o ........... I 03am Lv I.ive, 0.11( ......... IspmI I .v IA i ('ill.i 2. p1 Lv lacki iv(m~lile........ x tan 7 "15p11 ~1. * ntlLll)113) ' "7111 II .~ntin Lv It:,l ickt ........ 5 an ut 13 pn L~'I ln ~oI 1p 21-1pm1 Ar 1 l1111 ............ 12: put 1 :pnt Aliit r Tan pa ro ................. . 3i :10a tu 5 30pn .v tl'i p tla t ..............2. 51 1 t aInm 1v Ol ua 110.................. ; ptk l 1ln 131v11\V33h,woti --------10 10 O Sain 3' ab e vil . ....,... . A . Ar a L . ... . ....... .... , 0 A . U. I'7pm L\ l llahasee----------. lIlt.mll Lv la k 9ni 111 .. . J t'k%n l1 - 11>p m 'II Betwelir w1k...... C 5roso :aa Cu 8 m55pin Ar p.avannah C.,....ol7in North50rm lin, Anti ,...,..> Aanta.E ay ' Irf a S----- ........ a 0In' l'\1.a A '. 1111 N)14...., . . , b t N -v .3 34,1.1 A NI)Newherry..............AI.I;, 7,Ianding Slr.JO:lt tt-oni . NC.nAsl: 0 t arl -larksonville a Ietee ..'tteinnati. r a53 n31. Jack:<1111nvilliAh;ll, Cn.etin wi0 30 1n0piiapal' ..earsp be3ween 2el3)vg1 4ot 311o1- 1e-k.o v i.t .L betwee 'in.npa .laeIoill.1 *aan.t .' 12o I.4V34 I . lIIA v,11U.3T A, ' i31)1 8111111 ..CI,41411(' i bm , 1. 6 41 311 A '..IIt~1(l4O0I.l , ii , T . I .' A., ti~ L.311 A..ill'M I N, . v. 8' A..111 Jackonvlle,Fin AN.t. , MAc114 3si ~ t 1) 4 14), W., i, C.. A . I I I IS N ,(A I.hIlteksonvill e n . FAS LINE U01, South Caroina1Noth aro lina, Aten andAtlan Ag n Nowbirryo10, N. ( ov-th . ,ai -ON~ 110 F.N 'Ih_ Mis i n P01) 1111 h" N q ' ES : In l f 11 t:e t . t:e n. w. j l Nf VE.l M I' d.Tain on..----.... nd Tne DAYS......... .Ar fi. a DLnLv ...... ..U.GREN 803 119 r........ AIr~ 5Q: ra CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THC CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YOrnt CiTY. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Central Time lietwoon Colutbia and Jaok souville. F;astern Time lletweon Co lumbia and Other Poluts. Effective June 11th, 1899. Northbound. No. 34 No. 3d Ihilly. Daily. Lv. J'villo, F.C.&P.Ry........... 8 20 a 7 45 p " Snyntttu ih.................... 12 5 p 11 50t Ar. (o.'unmbia.................... 4 38p 4 30 3 Lv. (h:rlea)tn, 8. I;y..........7 ) a 6 R0p Sut11111 r viVillo.................... 7 41 a 41 09 I3raIctville ..................... 8 .55 a 7 501: Ora gigur ..... ............... 9i 23 a 8 241! Iiinlgv"ill . ................... 1 50 a I 20r A r. l'oltullbin1..................... .11 nOaI 10 10 1 Lv. A t.uu-+:r, .. liy.......... .2 40i 9 1tip (4ranitevillo ................. : 3 0:11 10 15p Ailken....................... 250 y . . '"rent ...................... 1 'ip 11O000 ."4,iuslto .................... 3 4t9p 11 20 . Ar. -ltnmhiatn. dp't... ...... 6 20 p 2 10 a Lv c'ul'1 in linndll'g t ............ 65 5) p 6 50 a " \'nii o. .................. 1i6| 0 40a " h ter ................,.... 7 2,1p 7 :3i a l,."k 1 11 ................... 7 S8lp 8 1l i Ar. ('harl.. ...... . . ....8 5.ip 15a " 1nnvil ... ................ 12 t5a 1 2:!F Ar. iti(bieh fnd ................... 0 00 a 6 25 p " P.ihulelphjia................. 11155a 250s; " uw York.................... 2 03p, 6 23* Southlbut. ad. No. 33 N.3 Lv. NIw York, Pa.RI.I21.........-..'( 0p 1215i " Phil:;inhtin. .............. r :1.29 It s 5a lititin...----..-........... 7 55p C 22a LY. \\ nton;t,, So. lly....... 2 20 p 11 1;, Lv. lltihoontd................... 1100 I 120(hln Lv. Ittnviilh. .................... 4S 15n 06 O " Charot t........ ............8 25 a 10 20 : ekoi liill-...................I 4)2 a Il I 10 o r .--............ 3n11 .t;1y Ar ('oihm aut' st ....... 5' I ;: a L'. ( .t1 n-odei it. ........I 5tti 4 ;;t Ar.- ---- - -- .. ( p~ 5 ::: a NACt Actgeg Idelbst il paener erico between FAt o ). York. press .raw ~ing-in 1lepin Car b2etwe *'uhon .12-phi CarsYot bttttn CharI'loI t5ttml :N--U S. Fat Malkhog Pulinin drawt ItingV i roomibftt s eping c rs bn- VC tweenIt .ineksonvtillejIt and1 Newu \'otk antd lIl.II Puo Ilihan ali.pintg ears hotetet .Iieksontvil114 ntiuviih an ttd ( ineinnaht I, via Atahoville. IFRANiKS. 4-AN NON, ..M.C(lTIbl, Third V-P. & (4on. Mgr. 'T. M.. Wat.ltgton. W. A. TIUI(IK. S. H. H ARI)WICK, (*. P. A.. WVashinl;ton., A. (4. P. A., A1at.h'a C LB ,NEWBER RY URENS R31 L89 R AD. TIimoi Table tn 02 t, Julyt 2IC,t89.Eatern) Stattcdardl VTime. Souitthboundli. No,rthtboundiE Il9'12 ix'd Palt49- Pass-i.Dtx'd I '(9 I'gi. i)'Iy entg'r engi'r I)'Iy F''pt. 7 II0 IvChartI onttA r 1 01) 1)P Numit eor Lv 5 1.1 I: 00 7 20 1 15 [Lv 4Luretna A r I 25~ .23) 11:3' 412 720 241 " Parks(~ A' i 421I l'2 215 7-10 253 ..Cliton.. 14:1 .2100 II '2 7 (3 7r18 21)2 G4ocIhvIIlo 1251 332 9127 7 I5 a Ii 2 I9I .. KIntard.. 1243 3121 12 :5 723 828 212 ...Gary... 1213X :12 .,a 7:11 8l25 e2 la ..Jnlaja.. 12 :3 3102 4 I 8224 4521 2:12 howhterry 12% .81 N y I 8:142 9 1:1 2 17 Prioa strily 12 07 2 2' 9040 12 :442 Ic Moun21ini lr55 2 o 124 41 II :3 2 ...('hain... II 45 213. 129 I ( 100 3IX 2 lIiton 22 II. I '; M1401 :4 '.2 \VhiIte Ilck 11:17 122 9212 2 '21 ll alloitino 12:32 III 12) (1 lo :10 :3 :12 .Iahai. 11 27 124.1 14341 114111 355tAr(CoItlubIhv 111(5 12"It No9. I 511ed DaQI )'ily ICxcepit 4'timlat' P. M. Ar Newhnvlrtry 7 .2' P'rosp4erity 7 22 LittI2le I[owt ft .2 1tItetineu 5 -25 irmno 5 2> i0Leaphart . ft 21 3 00 AtGrc(envillej,vi(1...... :110 Mplt' r )t ahug Al.I5 , . It) Attgnta 940 'I'nh 9 .9 and 153 runsa solid between ('hni r. lest1on ied (Greentvill . N204 conn titont. at Smtrcnj for t en SoL. pgl TO ALL POINTS North, South and Southwest. Schedule in elleet Dee. 11, 1898. SOUTIIIOUND. No.403. No.41. Lv Now York, via Penn. R.t.*11 00 am *9 00 pm Waahllugton ...................... 4 40 pi 4 80 am l"iit ond...----................ 900pm 905 Lv Portsmouth 11 " " 8 45 put 1) 20 am Ar Woldon. via 8. A. L....I1 10 pan 13 50 am Ar IIond.rxon. " .........*12 67 am *110 in Ialeigh . .......... '2 10 a in 3 84 pm Southern Pines" .......... 23 58 p Hlamlet, " ......... 57 " 8653 * "Viinilngton..................... *.12 05 " Monro................ .0 13 " 1)12 " Ar Charlotte, via 8. A. L...... *7 50 " '10 25pmn Cheater, via S. A. L.......... 8 08 amn IC 56 pmn Green wooI " .......... 10 35 " 1 07 aml A then 4 1 1 13 pill 3 43am Atlanta, 8. A. L. (Union Dlepol) (Contral 'imo) 360 pin 20 " Lv Newberry *7 50 pm *12 Ar Clinton " .......... 9 30Lm 17 * NORITIIBOUND No. 402. No. 38. Lv Athnl ,'a, (Ucntral'Tlne) "i 00 pmn *86111m At' AIhens " ... 3 16 pml 11 + pm *. UroenwooI . 5 -11 .* 2 t 3an Chester * ......... 7 53 " 4 2, " A r M o nroe, v in 8. A. L~......)030 pm 15 50 ArCharlotte.v':t 8. A. 1.... 10 2 pm *70 " la m let ...........,,................ I 1 15 " 7 15 " Ar W iining ton ............ *1205 pin Moth tern 1'I a................ 12 (8 am 5 (0 am Ar IRaleigh, v a S. A.L ....... *210 m 11 18 an 1.enl"181, t.........n3 2 , an 1250 'ail A r Weld' u, via S. A. L ......... -155 am 2 U pm Ar L'Ort...outh " ....... 7 5 am 520 ** 'ltich,non(1.......A.C L ...... 8 .1 " 7 12 Washingt'n,vl'enn. it.1i. 12 31 I 11 10 " " New York, 44" 44 '+t 23 "u *Wi- an LvClnt ""...... .... 2 I0 "*(Mi At ew br.ty 2 i p) S'W4 am * U)'ly. I 1)'ly, ex. Sunday. Now. 403 andel 402.-"T"ho Atlanta Spoelal," SolDid Vestlllle '1'ranl PofIullinan Sle('perr anild Coaches betwe-on Washington anid At IlnI, also 1'ulwan Bleeplers between Ports. Inouth an< Chester . .1... 1oo. 41 and 38.-"The S. A. L. Exprens," :loid'1'rain, Coaches anld 1Pllmn1 Sleeper.a between 'orltoinuthal a Atlanta. Conipany Sleepers between Columnbla and( Atlant a. 13t t trans nake Im1nc<llat n connection at Atlanta for 1Hontggmiery, Moblle,;Now Or leans, Texat", Cal iornia, Mexico, (h altta. nooga, Nashville, MOmphis, Alacon, Florldat. For ''iclets, B1ee prs, and Iiformnat ion, 41p ply to Agents, er W. 11. Clemlent, (I P. A., or .Joseph M. irown, Gen. Agt., Pass. )op'i. AtJIanta Ga E. Sr. .JOIIN, Viee-Pres. and Gen'l Manager V. E. NlIBEE, (en'1 81u8iperi ntentien . il. W. 11. (110VER, Trailo Manager. L. S. A . EN, Uen'l Passenger Agent.. (31ENERAI. OEFICES: PORT'rM3oU'T11. VA. TilE 4'IHAILElNT4SN LINE. SOUTi1 CAROLINA & 4GEORGIA It. It ( o TlimneITablu in ((Yect Jan. 1, 1899 (Eustlbouni-Daily .) I'v Colum bia ........................( 15Rl An. r nhvir le ..................... 8 12 11 Lv Iia nchv ile .................... 05 n Ar Charleston .................... .II no man I'v Columtli a.........................3 G5 p1 Ar Cha1r1eton.................... ...... 8 17 )in (Westbn .) '.v Chiarlesiou ...................... 7 00 an Ar Colu lbi ........................ 11 00111L Lv Ularleston........................6 33 1114 Al' 1ranlilvile ........................7 35 pit Lv Irtanchiville ...................7 Lu pm Ar Colum lai....................... 10 pn NIt'I'll CAR(O.INA 1)VISION. (Rustboun1id-D)ully E-xcept Munday1.' L' ( min.......................20an1 :155 pm j' " ('aIudell....................... 1 i 41 amn 6i :) 1314l Lv(at hlnle ... .... .......... I .0 and1 Iloek 1111............20an,a ~4)I'{Vi'I3..........6.I313 pm N4'ORTll..........NA; 4 11VIS1ON ( (Istboud-)aly uxep . unay L v o10un1(b11 ....................... 1 0a m114541 MIr layden........................ 11 4 m411 p l ai en...... .................. 115.10 am Ar1 k.ancaser....................I 12 11pm Rc k 1115a1.................... . 2- 1114m 4.oek al iba i i......... ........ 2 150 pmn Y .r31.e ........................1 -',1)11m Ca11I1k'bun....................( 1144 8pm 411 Ml (1Ila rin ........................ i 30) 111pm 1411 byv M Iar in............ ........ . *8 10 ii am 5I ) Aa he .141Ivi..... ..... ............102 11 a 54213m Al' A ek g bit a . ................... I 14.10 - 115 am 4 - lgki. 11..................... 2 2001 pm 11 p \i' a rt3aba l(...............1 2 3414 p m~ 14 .a' Ii em ter....................... I 20 pm U111 C' nU0e........................ OatmI 14410 11411 4A 1ol443t.4........................ .2 26pr 1 1 1 n by Coitu4 b.a.................... . - m 3 551 pm A1 r);r.114wh 111......................... 52 I 14 21p1m ........u. a.........................4fi :lan i .1 '1'ra I41.,5a'a l as t bou4 nlf . ) .\ r l 'I 1 :neai ll ..,..... ........ .. ng am t i e L.T E. 1ESS AUGU T NDW', loT yA ugusta .................... ........... 2L 20pm r .1 ( A i n....------. . .--.. ---.--........... 1 40 p mi .r)ena rk ....,. ....... ............411 )4 M rA Ietd.........1 33114 \ llitata.onl11.. - 10 4 b Iwe Chale sto.12a 31 alli tri ij; (1anchvlloih aa in2 35 at 44. A. g15a14 ..,. .1.I in at 101 1 Art ill livgIl.......1 5lUlm i li wee (':0ilhunbi7n, 344'1m II lI0) Il 0111.I 1 all'll' L43av1.A gta........... .............-0 p -A mierson ..........................6 10 pan 'lan nrens........ 2 piam G1 reen4ll.........4 001)m 1) 151 I lenfn S..ig....- 0 ,.........11 1 4 1 2 1.. S111OPat41 ian brg.....31) pdI m 710 a m~ 11011' fOLa.............. 1 33 11 7 ........... V i3111Ir8ony.......... t 0 p)1 8m .......... A sh1r 1 1..,....... ..... p m .............. a eAllhinyllo........... ..... 0am ..9...,..... AGiv Alen 2...... G 4 eenv h1i .......1 r1 in 4 d1041m C I ,III 440s......... 1 pall 0 p m u Cl ee n wIloCtod at..... 2 35e p o ........... 341 Aa 04 d. A. r 1 .,. 1 .... ........ .. 7 00l w a m1 Al. I nllllbg it h .......... 51i p mallw 1 ay A 1 r 31eIbl g .... . RriIa ml... .. N< r il fM RON.., ......... M Iagm .,......