1 NEWBERRiY MAltBIET. Corrected every Tuesday and Friday by Summer Bros. M eat................................. @6 c. Shoulders ........................... 7o. Hams................................. 10((b121c. Best Lard ................... 74(8o. Best Molasses, new crop...... . 50e. Good Molasses................ 25@350. Corn ................................... 050. Moat .......... . ...................... - 600. Hay......................... 750. W heat Bran........................ $1.00. 1st Patent Flour.................. $4.75. 2nd Best Flour....................24.50. Strait Flour........................ 24.25. Good Ordinary Flour...........$3.50(a4.00. Sugar ..................... 61(a64c. Rico.................................... 6a8t0c. Coffee................................. 10(aq20c. Cotton seed meal, per sack... bl.00. Bale Hulls, per cwt.............. 30o. Country Produce. Butter, per b ..................... 15@20c. Eggs, per do'.on .............. 100. Chickens, each.................... 124@20c. Peas, per bushel................. 70c. Corn, per bushel................. 550. Oats, per bushel.................. 35(d040c. Sweet potatoes .................... 40t.500e. Turkeys, per lb .................. 6(w 8e. Fodder, per cwt .................. 60'a?5c. For Sale. Cotton Seed Hulls for sale at my stables. 20c per hundred pounds. None sold on credit. Im t&f. T. C. PooL. Natinoal Union. Members of National Union, Council 834, will attend a call meeting this Tues day evening at 6 o'clock. 1E. CAVENAU(II, Pres't. Quickly cure constipation and rebuild and invigorate the entire system-never gripe or nausente-DeWitt's Little Learly Risers. Robertson & Gilder. Barbecue at Moseloy's Springs. I will give a first-class barbecue at Brown and Moseley's mineral springs on Saturday, 'August 17th. The meats will be prepared and served in the very best style. W. J. MILLS. Mouldidgs, Lumber, Laths and Shingles. STUART Btos. E. 1-1. LESLIE, Manager. t&itf Ladies' Aid 8( slety. There will be a called meeting of the Ladies' Aid Society of the Luther an church at the church building to morrow (Wednesday) afternoon at 5.30 o'clock. A full meeting is desired. Irritating stin ;s, bites, scratches, wounds and cuts Loothed and healed by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve,-a sure and safe application for tortured flesh. Beware of counterfeits. Robertson & Gilder. An Exception to the tutle. A shop where you can get what you want and when you want it. STUARtT B31OS. 1. H1. LEsLI:, Manager. t&ftf bates to Little Mountaitn. The Columbia, Newberry and Lau rens Railway Company will sell round trip tickets to Little Mountnin for the occasion of the reunion of the students of Newberry College at 70 cents. Tickets on sale August 3rd and 4th, limited to 5th. Hamilton Clark, of Chauncey, Ga., says he suffered with itching p)i1es twenty years before trying D)eWltt's Witch Ilazol Salve, two boxejof which compiletely cured him. Beware of wvorthiess and dangerous counterfeits. Robertson & Gilder. Ilouse anti Lot For Sa o. For terms and particulars apply to f&t tf Dr. James M. Kibler. WVeek-Endl tate. The C., N & L. railway has on sale week-end tickets to Charleston, giving one a chance to visit Sullivan's Island and the Isle of Palms. Tickets on sale every Saturday good to return until Monday morning, at $3 for the round trip. For further informnation see Mr. Cavenaugh, the agent at Newberry. ~ DeWitt's Little KCarly Riscr~s did - . ore good than all blood medicine me' * 'r pills," writes Gco. IH. Jacobs, and 0t% ' 'Conn. Prompt, llasant, of Thompse'np y cure constip)ation, never gripe,- -jliver to action and arouse the torpin" toady nerves, a give you elean blood, Wjby appetite. clear brain and a he RLobertson & Gilder. I Notice. The Farmers' Institute wvill be held a Brown & Moseley's grove on Auguel 17, 1899. Subject and speakers will be given later. Other county ip,pors p)lease copy. RL. T. C. IIUNTiERt. Stop the F'iles. Use our Screen Doors and Windows. STUA:RT BRos. 10. H. LEs4IE, Manager. t&ftf Notice. The farmers of Newberry County arc srequested to meet at tihe Court House on tihe first Monday in August to elect delegates to the Wheat Growers' Con venition to be held at Greenwood on August the 15th. Other county papers please copy. R. TI. C. H- UNT1ERI. Little Mo,untain llounuion. The reunion of Newbcrr~y College wIll be held at Little Mountain on 1"rl day, August 4, 1899), with the following programme: Address of welcome-Mr. W. A. Counts. Response-Prof. J. L. Kinard. The college and the professions--RI. HT. Welch, Esq. The duty of the church toward the college-Rev. Y. von A. Riser. The duty of the college toward the church-Prof. R. M. Monts. Can a poor boy obtain a college edu cation?--Mr. S. P. [Koon. A barbecue and refreshments will be furnished for the benefit of Holy Trin ity church, Little Mountain. VARIOUS AND ALL ABOUT. Hon. Geo. S. Mower.went to Colum bia yesterday. Mr. Nat Gist left yesterday to spend a while at Glenn Spring. Saturday and Sunday were twoof th.i hottest, days so far this summer. The farmer's institute for this county will be hold on August 17th. Miss Nellie Coats is visiting relatives and friends at Cross Hill and La,urens. The walls of Blackwelder & Daven port's warehouse are going up rapidly. Maj. D. L Copeland lost one of his best horses yesterday. It died by the wayside. Many of our citizens will go down to Little Mountain on Friday to attend the college reunion. The flist bale of new cotton for the season was sold in Savannah, Ga., on Saturday. It weighed 360 pounds. ee notice of election for superinten dent of waterworks and other officers by the Commissioners of Public Works. About a hundred negroes were at the depot yesterday t' see the prisoners off for the penitentiary-but they didn't go. Master Max Schwang, brother of Mrs. Albert Kleinshmit, arrived last Sunday from Stittin, Germany, to make his home here. Business was a little dull :aterday. Two young clerks were seen on the public square catching butterflies with their hats. Mr. Maurice M. Earhardt, of Colum bia, will arrive in Newberry today to spend a week with his brother. Mr. Jno. W. Earhardt. Next Monday is the time set for the farmers to meet and elect d -legates to the wheat Growers' Convention at G reen wood. Judge Gary left on Sunday for Hen dersonville where he will spend the week. le will return to Greenwood on Mond&y next to hold court. No town in the State is building up faster than Newberry. New houses can be seen in any direction one looks. Its steady growth-no boom. Two large congreLations heard lRev Edward Thomson on Sunday. Those who heard him were highly pleased with his theme, ''Sunday Reform." Capt. S. .1. McCaughrin received a watermelon from a friend from the lower part of the State yesterday that, weighed 80 youids, It was a whopper. Mrs. J. E. Prince, of Atlanta, is visit ing Mrs. J. H. Chappell. She will spend a in ' th here during which time she will b. joined in her visit by Mr. Prinec. M iss Henna Pope, of Fortsmoith, Ark., who has been visiting relatives and friends in the town and county left on yesterday for Leesville, accompanied by Mrs. J. W. Reeder. Deputy United States Marshal Jas. R. Davidson, of Charleston, came up on Saturday to serve a paper, and at the same time visit his family. Mr. Davidson looks well. Charleston seems to agree with him. The question of sewerage is now bc. ing discussed by our citizens, and a pe tition asking for an election on the question of issuing bonds may be circu lated within the next few days. Luther Chapel Sunday School has elected the following delegates to at tend the Sunday School Convent,ion at Mt,. Pilgrim on the 10th. Messrs. D. B. Wheeler, JTno. A. Summer and Miss Lizzie Dominick. Miss Lizzie Dean left Newberry yes terday to take charge of the telegraph oflice at Abbeville, MissDean is a pop1)u Iar' young lady and has made a host of friends in this cit,y who regret to see her leave. We congratulate Abbeville. (B. ,1- oI Woll1811' Collco, Richulond, Va,) INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. Will ollel School Scoitelihci' 1st, 1899. Music Room in the central part of the town. TJer.ms, $2.50 per 8 lessons, t&f tf. A S40.00 IlIcycle Giveni Away Dary. Th'le publishers of THEii. NEW YORK STVA it, the handsomely illustrated Sun day newspapeir, are giving a IGH GRAInx BI'iccL each day for t,he larg est list,of words made by using the let ters contained in "T-II-E N-EC-W Y-O-I1-K 5-T-A-I1" no more tim6s-In any one word than it is found in T1he New York Star'. Web ster's D)ictionary to be considered as authorit,y. Two GOOD WA TCnEs (Iir'st class time-keepers) will be given dlaity for second and th ir'd best lists, and many other valuable rewards, including D)1n ner Sets, Tea Sets, China, Sterling Sil verware, etc., etc., in order of merit. This educational contest is being given to advertise and introduce this success fuil weekly into new homes, and all prizes will he award ed promptly with out partiality. T welve 2 cent stamps must be inclosed for thirteen weeks trial subscription with (full particulars and list of over 300 valuable' rewards. Con test opens and awards commence Mon day, Juno 20th, and closes Monday, Au guet 21st, 1899. Your list can reach us any day between these dates, and will receive the award to which it may he entitled for that day, and your name will ho printed in the following issue of TuE NEW YoRKi STARl. Only one list can be entered by t,he same person. Prizes are on exhibit,ion at TuE STAln's business oflices. Persons securing b' cycles may have choice of Ladies', Gen tlemen's or Juveniles' 1899 model, color or size desired. Call or address Dept. "E," THE NEw YouRC STAl, 2360W. 39th Street. New Ym.rk ity. fst mt TIIE CRIMINAL COURT. Noah Taylor Convicted of Murder and RWcwmuaended to Meroy-Sentences Imposed and the Court Adjourned. As we went to press with our paper on Friday the court was in the midst of the trial of Noah Taylor for murdering his wife. The case was taken up on Thursday morning and given to the jury at 8.15 o'clock Friday evening. The case throughout was one of the most a'ely conducted on the part of the attorneys on both sidea, and the most Impartial on the part of the presiding Judge, that this writer has over heard tried. The attorneys on both sides conducted the case with credit to them selves, and as His Honor stated in pro nouncing sentence on Noah Taylor, it is due to the zeal and ability of his counsel, Messrs. hunt & Hunt and 0. L. Schumpert, that he got off as light as he did-for they made a good fight, in what seemed to us to be a hopeless case. The speeches by the lawyers toth for the State and the defence were efforts of which they and their friends feel proud-they were strong, argumentativk, and carried force with them-and as each closed and retired, had the congratulations of their friends showered upon them. The Judge delivered a fair and im partial charge to the jury, explaining the law, the degrees of murder and the different forms of verdict that could be rendered. The jury retired at 8 15 o'clock and reached a verdict of "murder with recommendation to mercy" at 2 o'clock Saturday morning. Saturday morning the prisoners were brought into court to receive their sentences, as follows: Elviry Shealy-housebreaking and larceny. One year in State penitcn tia y at hard labor. Wesley Stevens-murder, recom mended to mercy. Natural lie in State penitentiary. Wesley Brownlce-murder-guilty of manslaughter. Eight years at hard labor in State penitentiary. Quinter Hipp-assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature. $150 or six months in county jail. Edwin Carter and Mortica Carter murder-guilty of manslaughter. Mr. Blease made a motion for a new trial in this case on the grounds that the evidence would not warrant a convic tion of manslaughter, am.d that evi dence reached the jury 'hat was not admissible, and in defie,ence to the extreme youth of the defendants. The Judge granted the new trial in the case of Mortica Carter and the Solici tor nol prossed the cute against him, but refused the motion in Ed win Car ter's case, and sentenced him to two years at such labor as he can perform in the State penitentiary. -Mr, Blease gave notice of appeal and the Judge granted Edwir. Carter bail in the sum of $500 pending the appeal. Noah Taylor-murder-guilty with recommendation to mercy. Mr. Schum pert gave notice that they were pre paring an appeal in this case. In sen tencing Taylor the Judge said: "Noah Taylor, I think it dlue the zeal and ability of your counsel that you got off as light as you (lid. You have violated two laws. You marriedl this woman, taking an obligation to ever supp)iort, protect and defend her, thus violating your marriage obligations, and by tak ing her life violated the lawvs of your country-thus your offence was double. I will not say what I intendecd saying to you, as your counsel has given no tice of appeal, and what I say might prejudice your case in the urmi'c, but simp)ly inmpose this sentence: You shall spend your natural life at hard lab:or in the State penitentiary." Mr. Blease made a motion for a new trial in the case of Wesley Brownlee, who was convicted of manslaughter. The motion was refused. The Sessions Court adjourned Satur day morning, and the Common Pleas Cour-t was called, in which a few mo tions and orders were passed, when the the court adjourned. How'n, This'? We on'er One llund(red D)ollars ItowardI for any canse of Catar Ih that can not lbe cured by Hail's Cata- rh cure. F". J7. CH EN EY & CO., P'rops, Toledo, O. We the undersigned have known F. J. Cho-' ney I or the last. 15 years. and la lieve himt perf cJy honorabie hn all husiness trans:-' lloons and 11nb anclally able so carry out ary obliigat.ionq matfd( by their fium. WEs-r& TnJA X Whlolem.leDruggie' .Toledo 0. WAL.,,1 ', KINNAN & iARVIN. Whmole9. to Drunizsta', Toledo, Ohio. llala's C..tarrh Lure Is takcen internally, act ing dI,rect'y upon the blood and mn ucouxs sur faces of thme system. P'sico imc. per b)ol.e 804l)y all Drugelsts. Testimonials ir o ' Ha.ll's F'amily 1'ills are the best. A D)VERTISED) LE(TTEIR'. Rec.naining in the postollice at New berry, S. C., for the week ending July13 8, 1899. A-Adams, Susan; Allen, I P. 1-Bishop, Lillion; Boyd, .J 10; Bishop, B L1; Boozer, Aliee; Boozer, M iss Lona and Sarah. C-Center, James N; Cole, Charlie; Cartledge, Mrs R W; Coleman, Miss Sue. E-Elson, Mamie. G1-Godsey, J N; Green, Miss Fanny: Gibson, M r. B 0 I-Hlenderson, I" C, Esq; Harris, Wm TI L-L4ong, M iss Rose A nna. N-Noel, N P~ Pi-Pets, Mrs Seuely, R-Riser, Miss Beta; Ray, Willie. S-Smith, Edw; Steareson, Joe; Simn mons, Mrs Mary; Sams, Andrew (2) T-Thomas, Nelia. W-Wcrts, Jake; Wiliams, E W Wingard, W M, Esq. Y-Youngblood, Miledge. Persons calling for these letters will lelase say they were advertisecd. WM. Y. "It, 1'. M>. The Summor bectool. On Thursday morning August 17th, the Summer School for Teachoes of Newberry County will be opened in the Graded School building. Able in structors will be here to conduct, the school and those who attend are cer tainly to be greatly benclited in their chosen profession. No teacher should absent himself or herself from this school, as the State is making an effort to make a success of them in each county, and deserves the assistance of every teacher. Let Newberry come to the front in this matter and remain in the front ranks. Other counties have and are making a success of these schools and Newberry will not fall be hind. Making More Rt,oomu. The already large and spacious store room of Jas. A. Milmnaugh is being en larged by the addition of fifty feet more of shelf room. Improvements are be ing made on the interior by running shelving up to the front, door on each side and putting the stairway in the rear of the building. Tihe up-stairs will be used as a store room or ware house by Mr. Mimnaugh who will leave in a few weeks for the Vorthern mar kets, putting in $15,000 additional stock. In the fall a new feature to Mr. Mimnaugh's business will be a whole sale department, of which he will tell the public through the columns of th is paper. Watch Mimnaugh. Nymlpathtzes With Us. From the Newberry Herald and News we learn of the death of Mr. Silas Johnstone. In his death Newberry loses one of her very best citizens, one whose place will be hard to fill. It, has been our pleasure to know Mr. Johnstone since our childhood. Hie was a conscientious, straightforward, christian gentlemen of exemplary Character, who had few peers and whose superior does not exist in the State. We sincerely sympathize with our sister city in the loss of such a citi zen as Mr. Silas Johnstonc.-- -Union 'Titmes. Curing Tobamco. The curing of tobacco at the New berry Tobacco Association's tobacco farm near town is now in progress and it is interesting to wit,ncss. The farm ers of the county, when tbey come to town, should visit this fitin :.nd see for themselves, as this is one o'iect of the association. The experin.. at is being 1ade, and If it proves suessful more of the weed will be planted nextseason and in a few years it will take the place if cotton where the land is suitable to its culture. Go out and visit tihe to b)acco farm and see the curing barns in operation. Gooi for all 'a rtfc N. There are four flourishing roller Hour mills in the small County of Newberry. They are all working to their full ea pacity, and are satisfied with their prospects. Now if there is nothing to hope for in a financial way from roller mills, t,berce are a heap of fools in that, county, and we are not, inclinedl to make this estimate of those peuople. On the other hland(, we arc sure thlat, there is a good tiling inl tis enlterprutise for the peopule of FIlrence, a good1 tiling for the men who put theirI mloney' in it, and1( a good tbing for' tile farmers of tile county.- I"lorence Timeis, Jully 31st. Magitmratme Cha.vpstl'a Comrt. On Saturday Mlagistrate Chlappell1 tried Nelson Rluff, colored, for violat ing contract, and Bob G riflin, coloredI, for carrying concealed weapons. JHothI wereC convicted and Rdif filled *50 or* 30 days. HeI went on thle chain gantg. Grillin was finled $20 or 30 dlays, iIe p)aid tile flue. On Monday Will Senn and AidItcelll Ander~son, both colored, were convictedl of car'rying conlcaled weapons andl senIt to the chain ganlg for' 30 days each. An, Infor,nal Meetinag. Th'lis evening from five t,o seven o'clock an in formal mleeti ng wVill be held at tIle residence of l)r. W. C. IIoulseal, at which tile mlemtbers of tile I authlran ch)urtchi and frienlds will imeet t,he new pasetor' and famlily. Rev. M. G. G. Scherer. Thley will atrrive todlay and will make their home at D)r. Hlouseal's unttil their' household goodls arrive, whein thley will go to housekeeping inl the house lately occupied by Mr. W. A. Kiniard, on1 Johnstone street. It tl'tints ofon, Mdr. WV. D). Alitmanti, of Hianniah, sold1 at the P'eelDee warehlouse t.hiis mlornin lg 900 p)ounds1 of tobacco, for whlichl he rec ieived a clear, noet chleck of $87.12. 'I'he tobacco was of h is first enuring, and was as a consequlence most113 l'y priming and1( lugs. Mr. Altniman was per'fectly atisIied.-Florenmce TJimes. On thle second Studay, 3lith, instalnt, .:vantgelist Leitch wvill begin a series oIf meetings in thle O'Neal St,rect, ehurt chi, IFactoryville. Ii C will hbemac comipanied by hIis sweetsinlger, M.Matr shall1. Th'le pulilc is in vitedl to attend1 these meetings. The Rain Has Come at Last And also the timne for? sow ing lTurnilp Seed. Don't plant any but Ituist's, they are the best. Wec have alIl of his choicest varieties. Coirn and see US, R(OBELRTSON & G1L JI)FAR, Druggists on the orner. In Memnorl". The subject of thiN sketch, E'liza Kingkado McKollar, nec 1)avi', was born In Laurens County, then Dlistriet, on t,he Ith day of March, 1823, and passed to he- rest on the 4t,h day of .1 tie, 189!), making her pilgritmage hcrc Oil ettrtht seventy-six years and three Inonths. She wIs twiee narried. IHer first husband, ltoht. 'Ilh ompsont, dled in 1853, and left her with two chiliren, I)r. J)ne. It. '1'hompson, thie well k nown detitist. and . liss Mary, Lat I of whom survive her. She was marrie(1 to I)r. W. 11. McKellar in lSiti, and who pre ecded her to the spirit land, having dled in 1869. Iiy this marriage she had one Child, Iirs. Enima Alathon, who also sutrvives her. Who Is it in Newherry who did not know ('ousin Eliza? She had a ready hand and a willin;g heart fc: e helping and relieving the necdy and diistressed. LIer hospitality was nitt onnded, and many there are who have partaken of it,. l1cr home was one into whii'h all who cntered felt that they were truly at home, and many have received her benefactions and now remember her in tender" love, and their sympat"hy goes c', to the Ib reav ed un s. The wr iter has ofteun .at at her feet and ' arnedtI o' Ihe!r, and some of the brightest, and 1 o pleasant, recollections of his ar'e the times when she made her usual visits to his hamte. Iint then all things have an end in this changing world, and she has passed through the last, great change, one through which we all must, pass, and awaits the coining of her loved ones over on that. other shore. And while we extend symnpa thy to the hereaved, we wotild bid them be of good cheer, for the tinue is coming when the ties that are broken here will be renewed over there, neyer more to he broken. "93eautiful hands at the gateway to night, l'aces all shining with radiant light, Eyes looking down from your heavenly home, lieautiful hands they are beckoning colle. Ileautiful hands of a mother whose love Sacrificed all her devotion to prove Ilands of a father to memory dear 13eckon ulp higher' the witingLil ones here." TEACHERS WANTED. ''he trus)eos of t1e Ilh nb.a schools )istritt No. 2'.) will ue t, at sh'iIoil house, August I.t), to eleet, t.caehe"is for white anld colored rrhools. A 1))li eatiols can Ie' sent to( eit her of the on dersigrned. I'leas " statt salatly wanL)ti dt. 18a 1Y I1). NIIut'I' I,: . G. I' 111i.i.. td. .1. 'T. I):>Nis. The 1)at1rons of 'I'Tranwood School, (I)ist.riet. No. -17,) will hold i meet.i; on 1"riday afternoon at S o'loek, Aun gust 1 I th, for the purpose of electing a teach er for the public ten. The s:l ary is $25 per mlont.h for tir't, grade teneher. I oard canl he ha1td at $ i p)er month, and probably cheaper. App li eations tan le handed to any of lthe und ersign' d trtst,ees by that, date. I). WV. IIAu'l, Nowher'ry, S. C. T 'l rustees (If St. 1'ain 's Heh< al will hold a meceti ng on A ugulst. 12t.h, at -1 p. mn., t o elect, a teachieir for t,be ensu i ng schoba.tie year. A iiphlications for' posit,ion of teachiier may be add ressed to either .1. P-. K lim.:o, WV. 11. K inr.i:l, St.iglhs, S. C. I'atrons of school arie rtequesitedi to pr1esenft on that datec. Tlrtustees. I .1 I AM NOT CONTENTED * *' * With pat, atchiovemuots, bit aliways striving to Outtdo my formne offo. '4. You will fin mt1 iy stor'o bright wit h niow goods in the lino of Crockery, Glassware, Bicycles, Bicycle Repairings and Bicycle Sundries. I will make it profitlalei to yotu if you call and exammiet my stock he foro bunying. Theli gtoods aro uuarked to suitL tho times. J. W. W HITE, M~ain Street, Nowborry, 8. C. cAPAcITY, I,o 4a S P Amv I-III..L BUGGY AWAP Y 1 T~i.lAt i .krrte ih peii in Po I . e, ree I . : r a y j a 3 g ROCK 1illL BUGGY CO. RockHi, S., Edw. R. Hipp, Agent Newborry. .. . 0. AT LUE T( EItT'S FUNEICtA,. Lawyer HarImon l..tl on the Mising Wo mtaant to Pr(, ilalm Iernelf. Chicago, .J uy :X).--''housandis of peo ple attended today the futeral of Adolph I. 1,uetgert, th Wife munrderer who died itt the 'Jollet peniitentiary. I'romllitnlinent, in the group about tie bier at the Northwest Turner hall wor.' lIuetgert's thr"ee clhilren rlieli- it lori pillow witi the Inscription "Ou 1"ath er's \Words, 'I att Innllocent.' " I,awrence 11trlon, formher, cottinscl for I ' ,er-t, delive:'ed an adlress at the closc of which he said: "lie is dead, hitl, his wife lives. I Citll upon l,ouiit iauetgert., the ilissing .omnan, for whoin lie 'ulered. Withot,t ever uttering an utind word reglarl iig her, to conie forth an intove atdi tihe ulnm'('Vtte ti tt i from the litnaie of the fatther and her ciildret" Chicago, .1uy 30.--Adolph Iluetgert's suddenl death in the 1eniteltiiary at .loilet on '.l'hutr.day last has brigi ht to light the fact. t.hat. State's Attorney C. S. Dineen has had locked up ill the Vaults of t.ht crimin ml tolrt huildiig for two yettrs it stateintiit iale by I.uetgert, to ai fellow in fall. It was sworn to by the latter Is the time he fore the 6t.ite's attorney. ''oinl the document it, Would appear that I,uet gert asked his wife to go with him to t,. sn'itsatge fat'tory ontic' on the lighit ef l iy 1. 1897. S ite refuset . ' i'his a: - follow 'tt ie gave ier a violent, k':ek in the side. TIlis rendered ter neon cio Ius. I, etg'rt expected ste woul-1 'U11n(' to bl' * he did1 int. Nt"eingi 1,lu-t, she had , ed the disp ost,d of her body ;u the faetorl vat. ('alt.. \Villiain Astor (iarler, Con gressiuttn.frol New York, is the ipre:i dent, of The New York Star, whi;rhi is giving away it 'orty Dollar Iicyc liily, its olfered by theitr ativertisetni' t, in anot her eohunln. lIton. Alumti ,I. CuImmings, \1. I., Col. Asa Iitdl lard ner, District. Att.orney of New Yratorie, will he equilpetd-- in short everytl in g t,hat, is neCes, ilry ill the ma'.: Ssits a l to t heli pit opIlt sii tyi(I heon t it, (twn lw r; - I,I it-ey,Si t ii . A Special Pe ories i'naog tle,ebers. There al)tu i te dpt ine ts th( (ole e te e in r , n N.be t'ri ary It i ,imestone's frini g 0ver t.he St.h. The revered (1001t. SI l. (Bii. JothSn 'oeso. Useful Articles AT Low Prices. Dlet(al Lemon Squeezer, loc. Glass " " 5c. Good Shoo Polish 8c. J'aper280 Pins Ic. Copy Book Ic. lottle good black ink, 3c. Iiottle good Mucilage- 4e. . )oz. Agate IHt.tons 2e. Ski rt. Supporter 5c. I''ull-size llatmmer l0c, Ini-sized IHatthett l0e. I'aper (a'pet '1Tacks Ic. I'natnelled C'akc l'anI 8 S. oeat, ol'ilder 50. I ig bottle Sewing laclilno (il ti. (1a1rhln trowel" 50c. (hiltiren's_ I'itl and Shovel, nicely painted :)e. \Wooe, Lalies :ciss01rs 'c. Nico pa.ir 15c. lIe Novels for t)nly le. 25( Novels for.le. V-olling ('hecker liord to. '!S (lood Enl velopes :3e. I ia rgo eInanielled Sau, I'an with cover 25.' Larre'Tin ('ake l'an S. ('urry ( 'ombl, it good one 5,. Metal I'otato A1latsher 5C. TIhe Idle,1I Iircadl I'an l0c. I ila'ge Si i 5ii t u' . 'I'he lIeliab le ('an )pener 1e. Ii-(adti Knife, wvhat every tn141ly needs only loo. i\lrs. I' eller:' ('ooking K nife, a woman's II 1tnd Saw I"iles:i,. '1'aeuu I'owder'iers . ZI aney I {taeh ('( mh Se. I'oIn hI r tl tt ('4)1nh1)5,. I"mety ami durable ('urling It'on 5c. I mIlpovedl IE4rg Ileati' 1le. I tox l'': ' I'owder, white or tlesh 5c, I'e:aul I)ress Slide 5I. \Ve atve not: the spare to pric evcry thing, but, we will sell you very cheap every -neh Ithng as ('hihlren's l'aney 'aps. Iii)1ons, Towels, IIIUtons, (C aiti' I t,l tt'lms, 'I'alIets, Box I'alper, 'Soaps, I',r ftunt's, Tinware and house furnish ii ;ills. L.ots of novelties we can't ts"nt ion for wtaant of Spice. \V wvill s'Ii unvthin,g we have at 1hW11., ts sati,f youi. NW = YORK Racket $torc The Hot Season Has Come at Last, And.Now is Your Time To Buy Something to Keep You Cool. I w ishI to) ci 4 special attontioun to the follin'g lines:8 lI Iro yo'll find a big lim~ of ORGANDIES, LAWNS, MUSLINS, PIQUES, and0 alli kinids of whIito~ goods. I )ress pattterns readlly to make1( ujI withu triimumings, ete., to ma1itch. Fanus of allI kim Is, Corsots, l ight weightI Undervests, Itibbons011, LIatcos, F4dginmgs) etc. O xford I ies inu abuIndIanlce, all sizos, co1)1' lor and pr ice. 17n fact overy - thting that1 goes to) nako( upj it firSt M ossaifs' Departffol Itf you will aisk to se'u hot wether goodIls yul will bie shown ant immenPIso line I boght 41spec'(ially) for th ho lt Sergeoats mit 511'Vests in Squ and)1 lIo)1)(nndCt, Alpaeta anud Mtohair Coats and11 \ests inl blac1k and1( colors. Stra*uw, C raLsh, Criuishied, Stifl and1( Alp)I10 inHt i feather wveight. Vi' inI\II S)h1o4', blaieck and1( tian, hot hi iln Shoes anid Ox fordis; Negligee Sh irIt mk1 prfusion, all colors, plain11 and1( fancy. Illave p)latced it spOcial line of Negh geo Sh irts on counters to hol closeId itt cost. All kindios of lighlt weight Undoer. weari, itfal 1oso, ote'. JiaIve ju5t opened01 ai big linlo of You wvill find( everything at Rock Hot tom PI ;es. Como in and give usi a look. Your res1o'pectfully, M. ,1. IIENWCK.L