The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, June 30, 1899, Image 3

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he MmMnu em NE;WHERtY MARKET. Corrected every Tuesday and Friday by Summer Bros. M e at... .................. . . ........ 5 @ . Shouliers ........................... c. lams................................. 10(M?12ic. Best Lard ............... .......... 7 i(8Ac. BoAt Molasses, new crop...... 50c. -Itod M lasszp%4 .................... 25(q335c. Corn ................................... 65c. M eal .......... . . ......... ........... 600. Haay................ . . ................ 75c. W heat Bra a........................ $1.00. 1st Patent Plour.................. $4.75. 2nd Best Flour ................... $4.50. Strait "lou i....................... *4.25. Good Ordinary Flour ...........$3.50(a4.00. Sugar .............. ......... Ql 6c, Mum .................................... 61(a)8ic. c olyc'e................................. 10(a)20c. Cotton seed meal, per sack... $1.00. Bale [ulls, per cwt.............. 300. Country Prodiuce I per 1b ..................... 15(a)20c. gs, er dozen ................. 100. Chi cvkien , each.................... 121(g)20c. Polas, per bushel....... .......... 7Oc. Corn, per busiel.................. 150. Oats, pm bush el................. 35( e40c. Sweet potatoes .................... 40((V50c. Tur,kes, per lb ......... . 6(a 8c. Fod'der, por Cwt ........ . 60(075C. Two i>xes lt'lastic Starch at M. Y. Morris' for 5 cents. t&f At. lIt Uglouto Services. Int,evesting services are being held twice each day this week in the Asso ciate Ieformed Presbyterian church at I I a. i. and 8.30 p. in., with preach ing by lRuv. .1. G. Dale. Next Sabbath the services will be at 11 a. m. and 6 P. mll., the latter especially for voung people. Itey. Mr. Dale is a good preacher and a young man of splendid ability. 1) 1Witt,'s Little 'arly Itisers benefit prmnittently. They lend gentle assis tancl to nature, causing no pains or weakn vss. peralneln)Mtt t, Clr-injr, collstipa tiot and liver ailments. I.obertson &. Gilder. 11 ouipe andl lot For sit e. F1or1 tersins and particuila's apply to f&t tI Dr. James ML. Kibler. An Exceiption to the Itul. A -hop where you can get what you want and when you want it. STUAmT BRos. E, 11. LAesI ainager. t&f tf We have the best buggy in stock that we have ever put on the mat ket for the money. Call and see it. t&f-86 P. A. ScnmrlUi;ivr, Agt. i?rnyton Iut Ii-vrrordt Ok.apter. The regular mneeting of the Drayton Rutherford Chapter will he held on Tuesday afternoot, July 4t,h, at six o'clock, at, the residence of Mrs. J. IN. Kitiard. A full meeting is requested. Yolu caul't, cire dyspepsia by dieting, Mat good, whoh some food. and plenLty of it,. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digest's food without aid from the stomach, and is made to eure. Robertson & Gilder. Fr Sai . "ovi,ral nice building lots. Cheap. P"asy terins. W. ). HAtDY, f-4t. Master. Stilp thle File". Use our Screen Doors and Windows. STUARtT 1 U)os. it. TI Ls N-I Manager. tartf P'lie at )eadfran. A pienic will h.e given at Deadfall by the school on Tuesday, .July 4th. The publ)1ic is cor'djially invited to attendl andl( bring well filled biaskets. MJr. and MIrs. 1B. Laekamtp, E:lston, M\o., writ es: "Onie Milnut,e Cough Cure savedi the life of our i ttlec boy wvhen nearly decad wiith eroup "' lTobert.son & Gilder. I will iiive a first class cue at my Imu'se Ju11ly 4, 1899), dlinner' for ladies fThero will he a meeting of St. Paul's A lliance Saturtday, July 1st-, at 41 o'clock p. mu. All menmbercs are~ requiested to att.end, attd we resp)etfully invite all ot,bers to comeC and join wit,h us. (-. H. ArmL,, P resident,. T Lhotmas I thoads, Centerfileld, 0., writes: "'I sutll'ered from p)iIes sevent or~ ig'h t y'ears. No) remedy gave Ime reie tf unmtil D)eW itt's Witch Haizel S,alve, less thatn a box of which perma ntr tIly cutred me."' Soothing, healing, perfectly hartmless. B3eware of coun t,ertelts.. Hlobertson1 & Gilder. * Ewla~.rry (Cottona Seed Oitl11 Muet For. tRller Comupany. T Ihe An nual Meeting of the Stock holders of TLhe Newber~ry Cotton Seedl Oti llll and l"ertilizer Company will be( held at.( 'outncil Chamtber's on Wed nesday, t,he Ii ft day of J1uly, 1 899, t, 3 - t'clocek p. in , for the elect,ion of D)i rectors~ for the ensting year, and for tb .Ittrsactiont of other business. r4. W. Flovn't. Secretary. Ne. v berry, S. C., Ju tne 22, 1899. 2t, - ~ieskhan'a Anniversaury Ora.tors. Ini tbe liist of annivesary oraitors at ra~ Eck ine College commencements for - eiach year since 1840, except 1860-68, as *comflp1ild by Itev. 0. Y. lotnner and publ1)1ished in the Associate Iteformned lPresbet erian, we note the following frtomi Newherry: 18-Jud---II(ge J. II. O'Neall. 1815--A. C. (arlington, Esq. 1818-iIon. J1. J1. Cald well. - 1870-Prof. A. 1P. Pifer.. 1874-I. 1". J. Caldwel, l'sq. A -rdt of Thanks. I wish ft any', that I feel undi(er last I eg obb t ions fori w hat Chamb erlai n's 'otgh It R.maedy hans (lone for outtr famdily. We Itavv utnd It itn so tmanty cas5.s of 6eouglhs, lung t rotubles and whtooing 'Vutgh, anid It hams always gIven the ni. Mi p,erfect sautisfac Ion, we feel.great t inditet.t..i to the tau tfacturers of hi. remedi(y antd wi~sht thema to p)'eas qeret our11In. heriy t hantks,-I espiect ully, Mr.t. N. D)oty, D)es Moines, Ioawa. Nr toale by Y. V. P'olhamu, drugaist. VARIOUM AND ALL ARIOUT. Monday will be saleday. The Sherlff will have a few sales to make on Monday. Miss Sallie Jones, of Dyson, is visit Ing Mrs. F. H. Aull. Dr. and Mrs. Peter Robertson are visiting in Charleston. Col. Goorge .ohnstone is attendiiig court if Columbia this week. Sarvices wili bu hold In the Luthran church next Sunday morning. The Central Luther League will meet at St. Paul's church tomorrow. Mr. Orlando Sheppard, of 14dgelleld, is visitinig at Mr. B. F'. Grillin's. Mrs. W. H. Waliace has returned from a visit to relatives atRidgesprilng. The Southern's new ot-pot will be Opened up1) tomorrow. Its a bgaut.y too. Mrs. F. .1. Russell Is visiting her un cle, Mr. W. W. Daniel, at Domalds, S. C. Mr. William Meredith, of Augusta visited Mr. C. W. Bishop's family this week. Contraetor E. H1. Leslie has beguln work on Mr. 11. E. Todd's residence in Ward 1. The seasons uround here for the past wee-c or ten diays have been all that we could wish for. Aliss E. LIlla Kibler left yesterday for Ilarvard University to take a spe elal course in Lat,in. There will be a meeting of tie Bache lor .\laids ILL Mr. J. C. Wilson's tomor row atfternoon at (' o'clock. Rev. M. G. G. Scherer, the pastor elect of the L,utheran church, will take charge on August 1st. Mr. W. A. Fulmer's residenco in Brooklyn will be completed and ready for occupancy by July 15th. Miss Nellie Chapman left yesterday fOr' Hiarvard University, at Camb1)rid ge, Mass., to attend the sumnier school. Mr. P. E. Scott left on Tuesday to visit relatives in Chicago and Eastern ill;nois. Ile will be away for about, a m1onth.l P Messrs. C. .1. Purcell, E. 11. 1awley and J. 11. Wicker will visit Florence County next week to visit, tile tobacc, farmis. 'Tihe interior of Newberiy College is being painted. MIr 11. T. Whit., an xpert, art-it with the brush, is in eblarge of tile work. N iss Louise ('haipian, who has beenl att.ending Newherry College, has gone to little Mountatin where she will spnlid part of her vacation. Cole, I.. Blease, Eg., a promintent, ilember of the Newberry aund Salida Lars, WIS inl tOwni Sa011trday oi pro* fussional business.- -exiigton Dis patch. Wateh out for, M imnaugl's ad in our next papet. He has stacks of goods that he is going to land over to the public at such piwioes thalt ley catn't, refuse to take them. Mr.,. Crawford atd Miss Fan- I ie, his sister, took in Newberry com mecemrlent . NIliss Pannmie will remain in Newberry I,ili the fourth of .1 uly. - Saluda Advocate. TPhe E.<eelsior~ Fire Comnpany will parie'de at (i.30 t.his af terinooni in thieir ne6w tiIformls. immendiately after the parade the reel team will give an exhii bit,iont run in their new tiniformis. One ice uera chiurn andi t.hrPee wh11it.o plait,es left. at, t lhe recepJt.ion at, the col Ilege oin Wednuesdaiy niighlt of comitmence mienlt. Owners eann secure samefl by catllinrg at NI rs. .16n0. A. Summer's. Misses I izie 0 .vdom anid Al ice Witt-, two of Sah ida's sweet girls, r'e tunzed last "r'iday after a very pleasanitl stay amtong relaht ivis at, Newbe,rry, at tetmt itg connnontirremnt.-Sa~ila Ad vocat.. The Baptists (if Facitoyvilla will give an ice cami fest.i vii at the resi idince of Snuper itendent, E. P . WVilbur16 on Satturday evening next WVe greitly app)reiate ani inv itat,ion 1o be pr.esenlt. Hlon. .1. A. MlcCul lough will deli ver an addcresis aot the "ou rtli of J1uly3 Cele bration at, Gialiney. Among the (lt,ber speaker(~ts wi' .ire Gn M. ( '. Iutler and11 Mounltainleer. We 111blIish anl art,iele on the first page of t,h is paper whichel we hlope all our elt,izenst will read. 11, is of esplecial inLtrest to Newhlerriantis right at thiis time. Th'le tit,le of the art,iele to whlich we allude is: "Newhberry InIterested--I Cotton Mills as Adjuncts to Banks " The Southern Railway will sell tick ets bet,weeni promninent-po(ints oin it s line to aill po01inLs Mo st of tile MIississi pi and( Southi of t,h e Ohio arnd IPotomiae riv erjs att rate of ( ) m and On :e- Ihli rdl l"irst, Class . Fares fo r t,he rounrd trilp on aLccounit 4th .1inly exeu rsions. TPicket,s to lie sold ,ittly 2, ,1 , linial limit, .1 ily 'i, 189)9. The mleetinlg in prog ress at Thmomip. 50on St. Chuiirebi is growlig inii ntirest,. Rev. Mr i. Dale is anl earniest, arid fuIlly coinsecrated man10 and( his preaCichlIntg is Oil a hlighI planie. lie wvill preachi this mornin g and6 Lonlight . to-mitorrow morn ing and( Sabbath miornling and nIght,. WVe aie glad to see the heart,y eo-opera t,iOn oif the ot hemr pastors and thleir churc thes. Are grand, bunt Skinl Erupt ions rob lIfe of J ry. Buickh-ii's Arn ica Salve, cures tine ; also Old, Runnring and1( Fever Hores, U lcers, Hl;~'s, Iyelons, ('orirs, Warts, tt, Bruises, lBurns, Realds, Chiappied fIand-r, Chilb'anms. IHeat P'ile eniire on irthI. I),iv'es crut P'ains anid Achca. Only 25i els, a. box. Ciire gti.tranlteed.( l bll i)ruggists. .Sl i l OU t 10BLACCO FAtAS. Newspmper M:1 Visit tile Faruis l are, Anaiet at the Nlecean With Vilet tho ICxporlmautern mre be,l ieg- CUopst Look *ut Atep,ult Vill be0 SAMM61ne teasry. Through tho kindness of Mr. E. 1. Pawley, E'ditor HousUal, of the Ob server, and this writer were yesterday Imloril ig IrIlvei to Lit) tobacco farm"s Itear town. Our citizens have, nto idelt to what extent, tile weed is being culti vated right, at our. door., and wilh what sUcCess those who h111Ve 111idertaken the ex perlieit, are meeting. The lirst place visited was the faim of the Newherry Tobacco Association, ntear the brick yard. Th is is a field of 20 acrvs, uider the mnNagerent of ir. Toml linerel I, u gent leml"an who has imd several years ex perience in the t,i va tion of tobacco. 'I'he plants are at:omti, three feet high, and the broad green leaves arc beautiful to look ip:on. \ I Harrell informed us t.hat in all of Iis experience he had never had tihe tioublo and ill-luck thatt had befallen him this year in the cultivation of to bacco. The recent rain was the first, that lie has had oin his crop since tle plants were put, out, having to uil water to put them out with and keep them alive. It is interesting to hear these men talk of the iode of gather Iig and the procebs of curing o- dr-y ing the tobacco, and to have themn ex1plain the workinligs of tithe dr-yilng houses or barlis. ir. iarrell is prold of his erop and has a right to be, for with al! his bad luck his crop promises satisfac tory results, and taken altogethier will collpal-0 With any we have seen. We next visited Col. C. .J. Purcell's tobacco plantation, out, at the Lake place beyond Hlelena. Mlr. Purcell hait', an expert tobacco grower with him in tihe( person of Ir. Johil Harrell, of 14orcnice County. Nilr. larrell says that lie has 18 acres planted for Col. Purcell, 12 of which will yield iiin I, 500 pouinds to the acre ,otne of which will bring as much as 30 and -0 cents per pound. lie is now erecting several drying barns, one of which will have two 1iles, it buing larger than the rest. Mr. Llarrell's crop looks well. Ie too has had iio rain unt,il the past few days and yesterday moriing Iut out ils last. plants ir larrell says he has been in the tobacco business I1 year-, and t,ie poor est, crop he ever made was S,()I to the acre, and that lie has made as m1,1uch ao $1-Ni to the aere. ie says we have just plent,y of land souitable for tobacco ell' ture here, and pr.--dicts that, in a few years all our farmieurs will he culuivat ing toh Ico. Mr. l'awley next catrri !d us to his plantation over at the "dary farm," where he lias live acres planted. Ar. Pawley has the advantage of t.he others in tle uniforiit,y of growth and the rouidlness of leaves, which isimOtless dutle to at little better q1uality of land, his being comparatively a new grou(1. However, they all have good crlopF, and neitet has th e ad vant,age of the Th'ie horn and haid wormas hatve been giving thieni no end of t.rouble, but by paingit litt,le negroes 1t0 centIs per* huni cired ior t,he w~tormis, t,beC pintIs iare kep ht and( the litt,le negroes busy. 'The farmer C s of theC coutn ty shIioulId maiike it their buisi ness to v i 'it, t,b ese l.obaiuco farms &ad see for thliemselvyes for intO ou oiion10 it is only it quhest,ioni of a few years lbe fore tob. -co will take t.he lace of catton int this part or tnc Sttt, on intnd sutitalble to) its cuiltuire. We ihpe t.o publ ish in oute next, papie. a otter from :\lr. IIlarrellI to i1 his homi papier in l"Iorenee, which will give you some idea its to h)iis op)inibon of tobacet etilture in thiis seet,ioni. To show whtat, is being donte in the lower part of the State, we publish the following from onie of our daily patpere of a few days ago, from Tim monasvilie, S. C There are to be' seen going u p th ree larige tobacco sale warehouses 81 by 2201, 801 by 2(') and 105 by 1(10 feet, re spiectively. There were to be noted al so ini coulrse of erect,ion three lar-ge steamt pliant,s, one 50t by 200 feet, by tbu A merientn TPobacco ('om pa ny, ianroth -e 50 by I 20 aind Iihe third 60 by 200 feet. lie also not.ed four hau-ge priz/e houses, all but one t hree stories hiigh, each about, 50 by i00 feet,. D)wellings are going upj in p)rot)ortiort, about 15 or 2(0. large itndo small. L ast year t,h is town's imatrket sold1 tw'.o antd one-hadlf iIll ipuinds oif to h:aeco, ileadlin g t e Stiate, thle recei pt+s for It oatcco last, year b,einog nearly $ 250. (000. Th le tot atco crop thlis ,'ear i lhas been incwreaused at least, 75 per'ecent. Thliis year 800t sets of hines for tobatcoa barns hiave beetn debv'ere.d NI r. .Jlihn MieSwcern iast, year had I18 aceres of t obacteo on one of 1his plin tat, L,ions t,biut nett.ed him i-50 50Id-t per acre. Wvouni Naot sff r so, Agiain, for Fifty 'I liit I mn l'raen. I awok de iast niight wit h sev ere palmii in may stomaitch. I never felt si bad ly In all by life. When I camie down 1(1 work this mrorn ing I felit so weuak I coublI hardly woruk. I went I) in Aill & M'i rdly's dIrug stu'' land lhey ('holera n nd D ia r:hi(t'n Itemi edv. It worked like miagic and one do. 'e'fi xed tie all righnt. I0 certniiihy is he finest tinig I ever tis d for stom'laclb t roule t I shall not beO wit hoot it in rmy h'.,-mt helreiafte-r, for I itl not enre t-. 'ilturl thie gs oif Istii liigt. niga in Cot fifty time; s is price.-( . 1I Wilson, ILi veriym ti , lHuirge-t 1t tOwn, WVashiri lonl C. P.I'a. Thi'Is r.tedy is for statie iy W. F. Peilhainit, D)rugglst. AL a mreetinrg of the IBoatrd of 'Trus. tees of the I 'rosperity Graded School held Thuiiirsd.aty afternoon, .\lr. .1 . C D)an iel, of Al lendale was elected P ri n clpal and AlIIss Lille A Iken muasic teacher for thte next seidon. Th'Ii other two teachers wvillI be electet later. Itev. Milita vuoue OIIne.rvto Our Imprroye ujeatet. Rlev. Sam 1'. .oies, who loctiled hlere several days ago, inl a lutter to the Atlanta Jour'nal, hIts tho following to say of Newberry and Latirons: "I broke up farmiig four days last, wevi anid went- or I to South Carolini, lecturing tt, itllens arnd Newberry. Those are splendid towns and improv Ing rapidly. I was astonishied at tle growth of Laurens and 'Newberry Sic I was there years ago. Sity what you will about cot-tol 111118 and ianufac t.UriIg iIdUIstries, but Ht ait 10l It mani of sense noed do is to visit arounld aiong .he manufacturing towns anid Cities arid 1o amliong the towns welure thoe aro Ito imanifactories. A blind man eati see the diffeverece.." H111 w tit Ctirii it spirain, I ist fall I spriined my h4-1t hip while ba2tidling Hillme Ilwalvy hw<v.4. Tho dloc lor 1 I e I it d o( wI-4 ld it firm it. wa'Its a slitzhit Straii -u11 wolld Soonl he well, b111t il gl-w wevtI-&O. 1nd tLe doc(or lthen maii I iad riht-1imiai ill. I r v tii tiled Il gr-4w woi-e am itd I coutil hardly get aronlid to work. I went to a drug store 1,1ni1 the drOnist. iecomiended mue it to) lrv ( ',1il itl ' haiit 11i01di. I I riei it td wii-lhalf of it 5) (eiit hot tie cured mie vi.lll-lv. I n)ow reconmmend It.I t ill my Iriv"idt.- -I. A. Mt brook, 1ErI, lt. I' ik for sale by W. E. Pel lit in, d ing g1. Mlouididgr;, Illilnbvir, Lathls and Shn n lt;. S ' I A I Vl'ti Is I . I' 1-1. 1 -:sLi.:, M atnagoer. ta ftf The .to!-1dholdels of the Carolina Maufi et. ag C,ompany held It si - cial Ieet,inl yesterday afterioonl and d2cided to iilervase the it,ilal stock to $30,000. 'Thie books of subser'ption will be Opened aIs Sooll as the required au111th1or ity can be obt-uled from the Secretary of Stat.e. Contractor Shockley is ait woik buildilng al extensiVe addit,jonl to the mairn building of tIle company's plant.. The dimensions of the addition are 25 feet wide arid 117 feet long. 'Tle buid ing forn erly isil as a cottori gili4nery has bwen tulrned at-ound and will le ut,ilized also in the enhluIjt enr t of the The cimpany is Ilakinig i sUCCIess of manrufactir'ing collins, and has built uip) at large and growing 1trade through out, South Calolinlat aid adjoiring States.--Obselrver. Thie tihre-e-imuiths-old chil of mr. and Mres. N. 11. Lake died at t,heir home inl the couity yesterday, 29th. Phe reniainls of tle lit.lo onie will le laid to rest, at, Silly lia cl 'eb th is af Ltr'looll at .3 O'clock. M. AIt It i1C). On Sumity Rtev. S. A. Ntties, of l'a1oL, arid M iss leailli. Litt,lejolin, of Ashury post, ofliCo, were married. The Iridn and grimi wern in tho city Yes rday. -Sitl'tanbli ig IitaId, .i no 27. At the First Mutlilt chirch Next Su nday miorn ing and niliight lIe~v. WV. W. D)ani.h D D)., will prieeh at, the l'irst Methaisti am'clb. At the morn ig servic he3 a will lal k or "Th T'a0 weni tioth Conttiry i'v 1ducat,i ' nal I'ii(dow ment.'" Th'e pulile is coradiatly invited t,o both1 serv 4eer. We hatve .m oiai desk in vi t,ationa from Mi rIa. A. t'rnk I xer'1 tttendai the 28t.h~ A rniumaal I ('ommnnnt, o f tli h ,atw D)epaiariet tof ,he Geo(.i'gat.own' Uivelr sity', which oaccuried(a I Jun. Ih-dI. Thei degiree (If ,i4'hlori a of l,aw wvas 'ain ferred tipi' maut friend, Mr i. 1Irver', wiebC ginv s uis a fe'elingia of pide. ('haplinl News. i'li tlo --Ma 4tti44. A r'egular meeOtinig or t,be lIaclhl MIatid s will lie hi -I at thie reidei nce oft MI r. J1. C. W ilsimn, SatanId ay~ a ft,e'irno at. (6 o'clock. Al r1mmbnrs atroe( euest, edi to he presenrt foar elect ion oaf ollier for the ne xt, i iniont. Th'e r'eguhliri miont,bIIly dues w ill lbe colleet'-Ld foir MIay M] msa' MlCLA rt,, I'res ideni ., Tiherie w1 ii l be two ver i' nti .0 rest,ing gamnes oIf hall on the ('ollege girunds on t,he atfternioon (at th 4t and.1 mo(rnoii ing (of t.he 5th oi(f Jul y. The home Lys wVill c r'oss hats w ith b01~ti0 the iuen baoys. Thease)' gamaes atre goaing 1.) 110 initerest inlg, pride(d the visitor'a can1 Interest last and1( the people should come1 (out, anid see the boys~ "'wieldl the willow.'' The home(1( baoys atr'e prait.ic ig 'ver'y after noon1( atnd n14 nPIlw in goodi sha ipe. Th'ere1 wtill be a smazli atdmiksion fuo of 10 and I a 5 (i cet,s ( carred to lhelp def ray ox - pense o15(f the visitors1. Th'Iie Iadies ahre cordi ially invited -f trio. i'p444'rai 1(1ate Over the4 U. N. & I. I(iatlruinii runs5 iailli'(adt( 15 o(aeikinmg a r 'gpg aptts for' spec'ial ocasionis meintionecd below. Oo'e'sion In terna ational C onivenltion hItia Ist,'t Yonng I 'eopleos' Unriion of A mriir ita, Itichmondlai, Vat., Ju lly 1:3 16. One fare foirLi the1 o trip. Thei A tIaant,ic C2oatst, Lin ruI'n s LlIbrou gh l'iilmvan bulTIet, *sleepjinrg car1s to dI(es ttati. ikets 0o1 satle .1umly I I to I3: Ih. IOccasion U.n Ited( Society of Chirist ianr Irndeatvor', Detloat,. MIichligani, Ju lly ) 1t) 10. One fatre for r'ound tripa viat A. O.Xa T'ickets sold1 .July :3 to ' Iiclusi ve. iFor' further inmformnatiori see the agent, 10. Catveang h. Bears th ~110 Killd V0t Have Always BougIlt SignatureA4 OUR PROSPERITY BUDGET AMt, TI1EC NE.WK OF A 1.AVE ANID PICO OR1181hiVK TOWN. IZ v. AI. .1. I vlive, of Stvaita,. is visiting his sicier Irs. Niillur A v. I rs. I,. G. ('orbett has rLI iet'nd hoImm fromI CrL-envilIe whore she has been visiting her relatives and friends. mrs. .1. f. i,tangfori, of Swansa, visited Dr. A. 1". l,angford's falilly last. week. Miss Lizzie )reber, of Irmo, is visit In her frieids Misbes (lertrude Ilob" and 1)ella l3owers. Miss Kate Smith is visit.ig Miss Toy Lathanl at. I,itt:0 Molutain Misses tI ail I, y I 'l'ellers spent last. week with. friends in Newberry. NI r. lI skel l' i'eagle leaves t.o-nun-rrow it) take charg- of t.het, sI e depart'nlli'lit, of flalliwall.,% r's store in ('olimlbia We wish Nir. I"cagle inuel suicces4. Niv Waltr lUk,er, of G10alf1ey, visited Iis brol.lie. M r. K. Iat.ker la week. M rs. S. T. Illinan and children havE returned from Norh CaoI lila WhrV 1e has beeI Visiting her former. htomIe. MIiss Annie 161li Wise is visitin re latives lit k.ittle Mlountain. NIr. 1). T. Kilard of Ninety Six visil ed Mr. Nlaxcs 1latnill last week. Mr. ,Inlo. W. Kirkpat,rickc Is homle froi I'',skinle College. Iiss (Geirtrude Simpson is rc latives in Newherry. NIrs. Nettie Kilard and little daughl1 ter of At.lalit are visiting Air. An drew Kinard. MIr. W illie Aull visited relatives ill this city last, week. Miss Ellt Waller, of Concord, N. ('. is visiting Iiss I)ella Ilowers. The Luther Leagtie served an ice cretim festival ot the thuIrelb grounds last Friday evening. It was enljoyed by ill. NIrs. (alvin I)ouglas of I issel vill, Ark., is visiting her parents Itev. and Mrs. A. G. Kirk patriek. Rtev. Mr. Orr spentt Stimlay in I'os perity antId peci ed in tile A. It. 1. Chitl-ch inl tie morning, he wits solicit ing Subscriptions, for. his chitrrb Mrs. .111lia AnnII Moore, of St'. Illike's, is visitillg at INIr. .Ino l'elleis. NIiss NIatic lAbb returned to Colmn hia last, week. Mi. S. .1. Kohn spent it few days of th is wevek at, the K ltlondke. Quite at 11arge numlber. of P'rozpvvit v people went up to ID1t West, last %." to iha Itev. NMr. Talnage. 'rof. N. H, A till is viiting his par ents ivar I)ysons. A\ num11ber. of our. young pvople t,hinki of att,endiig tle (0i1ntral I h, i atoie which mecets a' St.. I 'atl's on Saturday of this week. Nir. Walter litit, of Newherry, gcave the IlAlther I'vagle it splendid talk Oi 0)IIportnlity," t last, StuIday evetiillg. NIes. Christine Kitird of Nihnwty Six, is visit,ing NI . r. . l)otnini,k's Fam ily. M iss Arene lit.tle, of Colmblilil visit ed NIliss .1 essie NIoseley last week. MJ rs. Micel' Ctin,i l'I..initeld, I1I., llntkes the nii,o t~ hatv .'r' Ih Icaugt Kins Nrrtd )ive for a(inhb e faniily phystiro, u' i isw wor1st. Se toldim les te tw ioilsebu itk 11u-. sg s t edI)r SuIn i'. ; in . I t' ;t'i a bol~ 1 te ai.1 to i her t ' elgh t rolund herself bel.t ie it fIn ) oitiea first dise . y tlt She tei.I ticne itt. s n fe a igsxh is a o ii i'er (If und ,adtii wy ll; now''. I Ios her' ownt!i houtse wo, an its els IM ls he I veagii t .j il .- ie i o tl's tl Shi-.' (lrsti liea e v at al.)u Itores. t()insy cNIt's. and gl() Sivery~ Mait N sse ti I ltttrlbiuth . TJlie. ('ieti'al ti sI ithe ( if a gl iit wil I ne at, 4t Pal's I Curebc ,1lyi', I . . IDevtlina eecs bytepei A'Nsta-I lre NI wssioneb "ir.d T. NIIs. IIl,npt,ing.s I oa N 'r. t'* t,e Lu ft.e leatewrt h o,titsI eis-r ilr yiwlits J. A.'s S11ti.'h anI G.14. tleias t l14agueitnc helted' thI hr.urtch: l rf. S .l . rik a H d nb u h Frseshizl sociik and (Lrrud jusctatioceived,s All tihgey populrarrieis i eso ago aut,r Leagulaesrs pices Caller, t Pethar,mies Pharmutsacy . T Removal! I am now to be found in the storeroom for merly occupied by the Newberry Clothing Co. and have my store nice ly fixed up and will be oleased to see my old customers and as many more new ones, and show them my well se lected stock of Watch es, Jewelry, Clocks, Spectacles and Silver ware which I sell cheap for cash-. Wa ch and Clock re pairing a specialty. EDUARD SCHOLTZ, Jowoler and Optician. TIi, Boo)E,k Store! I liivo bonght t hio 11okd Stort froin Dr. J. K. G nidler, an1 ill ho ploas<lo to ha1vo tho public aI l ink t 1iNv t inlo ud ins tI y I( stI wk. \\iil fiako g,roat plolasurin sI>Awing" yon wV1111 Iha . I 1111vo at lico Hit tIf StAitio ry. Pietiros, /aIWl Ariebs, Alh ils, I IlsiIO I list I11 o tsld , 1lbn li I "ooks (if Ill dolelriptionls, from L digimrs and11 Jourll-IS to P'ockot. Alto rnidulml, EAt,tnluln K(thik and SuIpplies of aill kinds, Wate 'sI l o naS l'oliil I t)[, guI'III-111(ved to givo st isfact ioll. Com lilnd look over oilr low lot, of books, sonio of which I mnontion ). low: Th'll \\'orkolr, Iy \'altor. A. \\ ye kotl'. Tittlo "I'lilos Of ClIpid, by PIl Tho SorrlOws of 811ain, by IN;lri. Corrolli. The4% l111(tle (If the Strong, by Gil. bort P'arker. Cyrno dit, Borg rl, by 11. ''. K%ingsbury. choliios, by lIossoin, Jr. Choir Invisiblo, ilIlIst -l I n Allen. W. G. MAYES. "Copeland Bros. Sell Them Cheap!" 401-c Whiie II at, 5w. t yar I ,d .10 11111\ W te iwi at 10o, a yd. w wrl h 12.1,4-. 1 l I l l i li',s II 5e. it yd. wilrthl t.. it 6. Itl 1) * It ydl. wfirth 12ho.. 1 "1 at1 12'.. it \ d. w-it1hb I5. 50 Fies li ri1 e 11 I,1w ils III rw. it yd. w%-11IhI .N :tuI III(. 15 i 1 1 I l 4ig r a 1 11'41 4 1, ( rga l 241i4 al' 1 . t li '.a d. the s i . kiin an4' alI ' (lu Iit a1s ot1 r ask you1iI We'I'. hav l a enlif' , li ne 2414 f~ \i e Or11' S'uli s 0-, 1'.a 1 , SII' .' .u ->hI'0 :I5* - an) . 0,-. 1 a4 , d'. Von sinl' i. i 1 h1( t o pprIi < intei Ii bor4'1nt iI. (1' 1Ditly 41. 11 lits Eli iride i 1414 Mlb4 l ' , A| V. t Ii . weill very chea p41'l OUR S'HOE DEPATMENTP oa npl inblr ie. No nti25' apet rto equai'g' Il: ('i s.e iNoth' lu ingin lke rut. lItn makeer s thep r kiny tl,ikje. swet, efiedoror 5worthe $1Ue wixth eveo w ry 1o 5boxse ofdis (tree cake ao t 8 I 5 ents. ird 20 ot 25 BTbeOiN-f & ALIIER'a DhlijSys, NEW GOODS EVERY WEEK Are sent us by our New York agent, and we are adding what our trade demands. If you need anything bear in mind you get it at New York Racket Prices, which means a great saving to you. The sidewalks to this busy part of town are good, you will be \ait ed on politely, prices will suit you, these are inducements, so give us a call. The Now York RACKET STORE. I A M NO T CONTENTED * * * pa With i t ichievenionts, but ahlays striving to outdo ny formor (ql'orts. You will find lily sloro bright, with imw goods inl tho linko of Crockery, Glassware, Bicycles, Bicycle Repairings and Bicycle Sundries. I will 11aniok it proitablo to you if youi call akild exalli' O ilny Stock ho foro buying. Tho goods ar inarlma d to suilt thm tilm's. J. W. WHITE, Aliin Strotit, Nowborry, S. C. Thec BQUITABLH --LIFE ASSUME iio socioty! NEWBERRY S. c, MARCH 23, 1899. $987,157,134. $50,249,286. $258,369,298. Su rplus, 1>ee.:, 18 9 S.8 $57,310,489. $24,020,523. I Insure both MEN and WOMEN At same Rates! CALL ON...... Arthur Kibler, ....Agent. BIG BAitBEOUE day of J uiy lIext,. ($ FX. A. I.()NG,