The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, May 16, 1899, Image 4

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B EDWARD 8. ELLS t\i:~ht. 189, by the Atthor.) C11A)"Tr XY. 1ih*\M tiV~t b'INN IN \NWIN hU m n cwftly t0n 0\i the NIA- Imf 1vens tt'rtin. t he o I i w It kvnoval r d idg Ih v. -. -ing Tho fug9iw (%eIt se tkulw.* 'Al Itrtilng t he ttu it wh bad Atw % own words Itft iti duttt thts h 1ivilnt deserti-mloldi vaiyo tribuite to th sat'vty of his gatIati tk 11nd frivtid ltuti fkr th,t. 1a04uAutu wouild ha1vo '1tkx'd at hillid tv ieha extretmity There lare VIr%is'( itt tt'tls lves wu th brati works with tarvelteu.s swt neIts. It wits while Lioutenatit Oaktuau wa ItIsfilniig with his ittilot sted ft(r tho Nihelter of tlit holuo that it tahed up11onl hi t there was a way by which 1 could not only inervaso his ow it prtsivet cf emca1a.. h1itt t lit mtt titt ti tti ml that gtood family an infinito at1ount vf au noyance. lo Witiuld not enter thw dwling uat till, ba i t o lthO i0 WO(dsl at the Ielir. Tho opportunity to do No wasH hit% wiilo captain rehilioln was holding him vigorotm dlinhto with tiho raivrn in tho highway. If tho capltitain Could not keep off the igerml giturrillita. tle lat ter in their demperation vuro likely to forco i entraco into tho dwolling, in Urder to takic venKgeanwo onl tho 31nan1 that ha ind mhot their leader. Theiy would olter no violonct. to tohe citita hitutf whilv tho debatu wall under wity. since till wero fighting mnd-r the manio flag, id tho officer was thereforn atrictly trutiful when It' dectitreld himtiself to be in tno dutnger. lhit.. with Oiluti lit MdICht, titither tlt- rago nor tho threat lior the resistance of thU (-ilititii wobttl be sutiicivint to prevent th fierco t,roop ers from shooting the t Untoit oficer. "Ite may hold them in chvetc for it TAi ie' thouight 011kinanm. "hult they wils not allow tue to escape. Thero wil b m tighting if I stiay anld swue 'ft rhwe p vtrie t'uiC ll hurt. The right iurs is for ilt to take t t he woods't lit was pssing tiht farther end of tho tmansion. with the intention of reaching the for-st, frot which h had taken his fit-at survey of the la1ce. Wlhen m01110 01n0 ealled to limtil inl I guirtled unt1dertollo: "On 1totnent. lioutenant " lIo atoliped short and looked around. "Oool heavens, Miss EldridgoI What brings you hre at thia t ine Y' Shb 11timed it coliple of piic's way. where Al coi ho ho.eln only indistinict. ly in tl glootn. That her voico was tremulmous itnd] that she betrayed much VxcitVlteet Was toI rollectioi onl her bra v'ry, Ignotring his que(stion, alto saidi ro provinigly "''The t'aptaitn told you to comot into the hiouset." "'lit. did, and he is a brave, htotnorable soldier'"'' riedijt Oakman,ti eatger to rent der t his Itributte to theo gatllant ottitcer "'Hut I shall bo safer in ntot obeying hiin. ". vt .* . i helievot we catn hold There ws some'tthing thrilling in her re'fereneou to theo detfenderst as " we,. "'If btravery alono were' stutlicient. I should be safe itt the hanttds of you antd the' captajin. ut thlis htoutse was never intended for at fort, atnd, if they~ prse vere, they may hurn It about our hteadsa." "They woultd not dara do that." "O)rdinarily they'~ would not, but I shot their leader, and they are dter muinedi to get at me,' It will be easy to reach theo woods ait the rear of your platation., atnd I amt sure they canntot tintd tin thtero, ''Your plan is a good otto, but there is ai better." "What is that ?" ''Take tmy puny. Jlack, antd ride away. Ther' isn 't ant aimtal it Georgia tnor itn the' whlet sotuth." shto proudly atdd ed. "'that tan overtake you." "Wthtere is heY'" "'Wheni Pete brought nio word that you refutsted to uaso hitt. I told htim to retut-n himi to his hiding placo int the woods. Ilutttnt Pete. You kntow where to id himt. Let him 'ontducrt you rounid to thie road, and then don't spare Jacttk." The1 secon)tds wvero of mecasureless vail no. int theo stilntesst of the tnight the antgry voices wvoro plinly auidihlo in the highway. (Captain Trenthohni's abovet all thu others. anid it maust ho aidmitted that his profaniity was imipreio~tlt In its way. E'vidiently the argumeints and pro tests wtere at a crisis. D)espito all this. lIloutenanut Oakmtant could not httlp saying: "'I will atccept y'our offer. I thaink you front the bottomt of my heoart anid pledge my3self that, If It he possible, Jack shtall be returned at thte earlie'st hour.' "'I all be grateful to receive hinm, but I beg you to givo the mtatter no thought, attd not to delay your depar ture another mometint.. She was growinig nervous over his dallying. "Well. goodhy. Miss Eldridgo. I hope we all mecet tunder happier circunm stances, hut if we atre never to see each other. God bless yotn I I shall neveur, never, forget the noblest daughter of the south. " Heo extended his hand, and sho met it. In the excess of his feelings ho was pardontable If his pressure was fervent and w~as prolotnged a few seconids loniger than was necessary; h ut, offering noe object iont. neither did she respond. 11cr dtaity hand lay limp in his warm palm, and ahte did not speak. Hie let it gently fall and slipped away like a shadow among the trees. dMis Eldridge stood for a full minute, listnin atfterte BQanna ont ha en,aa tnrn, it quickly vanished Ten T ho gave a fiint sigh mid walket in the op. yksite dir It ion)1 That wvith attracted her wan the "Ollud of the angry voes in the high WY1. 0a11i ) ''INhOli wAs e\er noted for his angeliet 1mper, and all the Mignls indiVAted I that An eXpAsion was 1l1-in 1l fo4v b Alltin Owh.1114 oe. eur h14stenlei the seps of the young w-o MnAnl "The first one that er'os- that thresh. Ald withotm invilt.tion is .t 4081d MAn '. ph,olted tle capt-ai'n nA he re hitelv plaed hiln41t 1in t'ront of I he horsemen. revolvel ii h1".11A "AnA. to be e 1 Aon't imake an raisinke. 1 h1 N1t4i him On his sirompt 1 thro))h c.he "N., <- . qriot ioyn, \onr b,ano 00-. ORP. Voinl )$nl voilh1011A v>- m r Wo'n as a ' - On t.wo sh.t *'.\' ht faidotoor h i ai' )i '4 e ! 'Ti P l: l wh'I hk ft .l It Ih khb i n l. .! !v . ull, iS t it ;k Ni i . . I tl t Iv it -.%,\ h u' tPv t 'it itI' a t , 1 ). - ha: Cit Ihr t i . . it 'it . iettflktu1 tute Ijrinicri il ,e.'t y :u ia wcaa t "Wt ill t l't le. hit hiM 10 ' JA i "V111 fol- t what tck li t t. 1c r thim 4N vling. I 'ty f t ' t T nh nt I 4t: tl not conctal his *.\it siiationl. 'irhlit it wolild havo hv'i ior priuitIil to wait longer. but thm tiAck wa.l to.) hard-4. "ooy s ll- Said. "if y1i11ut can find thalt Uniont oflicer. yo'rI w llio to IllI. it .i II i thi to ge in io thI honH tt wit , f'r iif-. bmi h o w ai t><> s nrt fo luttltt ' 14., ni1 , 4111 a4 Jkll you'rt a tet of insfertlt fioos, (!vory it. 11t'r Hont of yon' Ah r . if ymiipuicd t i ii v it. In tight ovvry . c<itI r. tt after the CHlAPTHAit XV1. w JAC.:\K. 0n1 lif tit- (111 tits felitit if that nlight'- st '41i1rlig inlicidt. wa ur s I Itat fr, n It' I It I tr (menling - to t he clou. it good Mr s Ii Idridv Slept ulintiimilrpted f Iy .N o,it u11til tit following da . did si haItn of t ho alarting experiences of hvr fridstl1. The '1in1e1t ein hit said of Aunlit arei ad Ithld er lively sonl lisi -, thoigh in their 4tas.4t, thlt) fact pthap wtas not so rea rki lilus. Fince thy wero ftitrt her remnoved fromn thet tutrmnoil. As lietiteint Oakman drew near the humbbs hole of Pete. th! faithful serv aint itt'l-11raIAdridge. at burning point of li-Aht Mill puingent Ninlell of tobaccvo broodling ainl ir apprised hitn that. despite the lateness of the hour. tho sohie was svated oith bmthinch in front (if hi.4 ciin. sinokcing his. pipe. It 11naY hat a ve tilat whaIlrt heit hdi tisst'd thrugh ok i fendrd the. nl ifman tlet awad inwa sent rto Iso1oth le hillnerve befor lin't downs fori ret'toi v reco;:n i eare ''eIr apprach-~ in histYit i'iesveal s intert rtyuned nt aai hims.l oft thlet offer at hiss l-'h it'd Pte wa:noe the shts frotu thnisu' iran rav laltrngto is-u f"r it' fyll oxptilren. ' e tse l it h ei thartpris 'in aet s. I wh'yon tita for hone lic'h ai fobbish fot strui ita' mnden Ita thae ittitprassible ino hi toobe oufntil th eanthiupng ainhch into was itrste. Shti there was ifm tuit nnt need ofru' aidIt'nkip louto refer atai it ttlttt liesds ubridofd hous thtkng for amei. n i itodon'ti gtu awain sht hrder wa hall'a he ied. "De ( lan a blriss meit ! lt' fdon ofv Th'e gt toe srac grabbelhi ppe haing hisatfigt reve aysig f eawer his hel he tdnthe wlay ltacssl thed saddle. ted hlin rthraon iths tagin. forhe fully comehee the p dferis that ahreateed heyond wnanlfo woos uanialeyae o th tmle down structure thha heen conert irat a rde sable whr th batiu ha b ho lefti thle 111hn11 evc)ry gre back with a sinlgi exceplition that oWted. Th,. twitt-hinig the loill, Wen1t dOWn the hlighway like it 1ihnd holt. It was a h-itif wllop to the fo whe'e he eineid up his sipelrb ste flesitaing lmt a 1tit1to. he turned I the right. and pauiig briMly inl I highway at tihe1 opening of the lalne ti l0d to tihe ho111e11 of M-s li'wve it h4 q.ier, he dr't1w n11"Al. the v his ttlimal on a w,h;vi It wolid bN slp.-i thIt hei had h a Niff ntlily A1.1iiltnz v\j,0'i(,lt'x MAk him Sh\ ..h of that.m pk. i hIe :I alnr"I to be -aitiN iht t Iei wsls ight, fi. 1 \ ill )I h '. h r h w4 0d up 1 he t 3'- a' n AI)I i vool,, I.1 1 Ih e 1ist ,r1 ra id th i , wN hen Im s pr) .r s ou i ' d 3.istc to ''' h subject. ' 3,.. to vv4r pnrer agae V' r ii wmI "but II i str a d dd n td r itn. Wit- li rahl thhir do ht, al sid S1iih3.1 W'.1A. didn't .1 m liie r o,t. xw %.mek or n o t lio% wr I anti ( t ,il t i t(Ie li i ou )j deu inct. "An,id \V114-11 hoi r()Illlll 1 11:1(l appIroplri. "ry lilo Iyo 11' lidut ant 'Mr.'' 1,14 willi u "but Sistef and a(11(sit irhap limtvil. \\,(! c(Isf-d'3 31311 13)(411-11 (it(. (1(mr, Atura after isl. saf dI lieranct kfroIt\ whther o it rIng ack he prio h tit), 1111et. y(I l 1111 havo had li4V i 111 i ti tfring teliottyl osel, lie bltrli. N e g t r1 ltI,ite ind itha thi cwi hilil iwithti hf er ri 3 snv14hviiee asif v s o W-:l madel he too p eativeln he condition diring the peria h1 fore her lile. oblw~sarc bo)O. NegIC4 or' illi-rptil,3 tut-atn:ielt. thenl cild-1 pyr1s hor lift! alldl Ilat of the Child. lics' wil 1ir e w"tlicr Ahe Shall silly itileICO SINAHI v. ol. whet her t ho ordo sliall I c mtade comparaLitively elm she 11.1d bet teri do I13liily thall i Something wrong. MVITflWER'S FRIEND is the one' anld the onily pre-paratiu that is safei to use(. It is a Iinime:i. that pen3etraltes fromt the outtsid. 1ixternal app)Ilications are eternal right. Internal inedicinies ar~e r'a( enllly wronug. T1hey areC mlorei thi hutmbugs--t-3hey' endanger life. Mother's Frienid he.lps the mnsiel to relax and expand( niaturtally-r lieve~s mlornling sickness- remtov the cause of nervousness and hea ae-preVetits hlard and1( risit the painls---and hlp1S th.e paitient rapid recoveryv. F'rotm a letter by a Shreveport, Li woman: I have been using yo w'onderful remedy, Mother's Frien for the last two months, and tinid just as recommienided," D)rugrgita sell It at $3 per bottte. THEiI BRADIELDUA REGUlLLATORZ C ArL.ANrA, (A. Seud fort "ur free i'.tra3ted book, "tnerOre' na3by is ntorni.' TIlF OF 1lALTMIol.K, lt1). Manufacturers' Record er b!ishing A\ M~ont.hly 1111ustria ed .lournalb1 v'ote'd to Southern Agicutlture,. deali with all muatter's related to tiiene FarmIlIi' *, Live Stock, IPoiultriy, l'an andti everyi farm inbteresit anmd pursu'it It is widely roadl by Northern a W ostern farmers conteomphat ing i ing South. it ought to ho in overy Southi family, for it is "of the South, by I South antd for the South.i" EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTORS: Vhaa. W1. I)abney, .1 r,, Pht. lb., 3,1,. Ii. I'n-lUited States Assistanlt-Seerett of Agicuelt.uro, in-1)li'ec'toir Ui States A grieult ura'l E'xperimentlle L tiotn ini North Carina tt, Pr'ie2i Uiveity~ of Tenneiiitssei.e andt& I n dent. of On1ilteid i'tates Agricultu NXper'imenlt Stationl ini 'IT-nnessee, E'x-Commissionler Of A ,iicuhltre Tennlessee, 13tti atho ofI "tltur ie 3 Cn ring of To3aceio" fort U,. S. tel eensusti, "iTbacco I,u, "Sh3i''''1 Hushanldry-." "\het'roi "Gra'sses,"3Zl and other agr'icultui works. The regular subscr-ipt ion price The Southern Farm enzinoe is year, but w offer it andi 1 Herald and N we toge'ther one yi for $2. hiin i1y tiy dnnr,,z-1r7, hll the Ocvagioi wtv tOo pL'iol1 ill. levity. Ife si t, ti:vr 1ii olk's \witlwi ivitli Id4 hIer ill Sigit et'Ily tfi ly) %imp ll t h ilt i ti 1111 trm wlo 4) "'TleI clo t enI t,% it seeils to le. tolie atitd. "was jist after I hat141 llovot that 1)n"p'l' illto any litcket, the( ordl \va% JiV% It to .'t l -- I o l ilt- pniaie ha:l w'o i I -Imildni 't Ihavo it'll the tly 1v wOllowtnvlo wl I:ve p:id hu I W.ts Ic: Iv to sink,' 8:id Mr:. tc it a I o. ' I \: vo oilopt.' 1 iit I b 'illiatI I 1 11, cudnt'tIav nli-tt 1cl it .11:< it M1rs. I 1 il it 11 t I '. i i,.I ro ' I \ o ill lit, zi W I 1. -t - M ,1 1 ti I - II 1 'k y al \\ 'i it it to e of litet'e it -- C\ltight i Cap (180il'g . I, t ti i lif ' o t . I :lt - ewip : s,irs k hs c 've' lHs '..A I sha ll titet ivy hato iA n0ar: hmas A W] \vith honr unitur tr a A!"'i -:ow I Uo:- oly. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Condenn"mm elawdWie In EObet ST1ATI,N lYa. I'ov 17 No.11. 41 12t 1 it'l CA . ............ 6 :. a t 12 'i p1 in " t .-1... ........ 7 2! .% m I 2.) p m -iru e% t .......... 7 4J a in I 55 p in Ar. Ittitigovi ..i.t 4 in 2 1. p ni Ar..)illo 14 40 a it 2 4) p m Ar. ..i- rI a InI 11 3 IO in Ar. it im-ibe I. i a fin 4 1.) p 1 pyylh &- U-- Ihally f h a. 8. No. 12. ew. ivit ! t p mn i in I " M o :ti tJ 1) lit k0 A a lm 'i. ! 1 l t 4W a inl IT __.q1n. 1 . a II Lv. 11 -1 I (I!" i4 It -U.r, :I Y At r.I i.' 7n114a 1' M _j j a -..-- 31 p mt' It5- a nit Il Ii t 'I ...... 5 )I p fil 1 401 p m N0n y- .......... 1 ml I 1 ->, p i New rr ............ p m 2 i p t Ar. Prom erity.......... ) p In 2 14 p in "r ( bti l . .. . ... ... . p m tl h ar0e\ en 4o I o . nit.v gu t P v 2a IIhpily P t M''I A 64.iiit 1 0 . anle.. iep 7.'O 11I 10 'li . .e " .. Jone) wille . 122-5p II5I. 10 .4n ' *-0 ".. . I'ne 't ....." 12 14p. ( 4lp It 11M . Ar " :1it,i:hturg...Lv 11 1.a 6 15p L' Ail .n ( -1a v 'par:nnhurg..i Ar 11 2.n (loop . 2 4: I I.0p1 A r ShitOll.~ . L 8 Na liO05 -"I'. p. m.n A, i. m.ria 5n Pullman pa'ave sleepig tars n Tran5n Tins1P leuve o spatatnburg A. & C. udivision, Ror hthbo~und, :3 . m ., .: p. . ~.,I 6:1u p. mi., St eib l im 'i) sonthb~oundi 12 :.; a. nI., 8:5 : l. 1:4 a. n. tVst ihne 12 inilted.) es% no' Ihbound, :45en., -:;;. .1. m.I andt ?>:22 p. InI. (V est ib.uledi 1li .i 'i; q'ul dnund, 1 :2o5a. in. 4:00 p. m., 12': 9J n . t\'esibulte .1Lmiteld). ig T1rains 91 au-It ll nry e ont Pullm)ai ~s leeping earn heT wren I.lumnd.a andt A.Ihevill, eniroute daily beti wo on Jackslonv ille and Cincia to ~ati. FBA NK 8. G AN NON, J. M. CUL~P TrdV-P. &(en. 11gr., Tr cmeM r. .,Washtington, D. C. Wain~lgton, 1. C Gen .Pass. A g't. As't Gen. Pan>.. A g't .t Washingtion, D. C.Ann,a 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE 0. TRADE MARKS i DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS & C. sending a sket ch and descript Ion may iclkiy ascertain otear opinIon free wlielbier an inlvet'i Ion is pr.obably patentable. Co.mnnn t hmsl at rlctly c'onmtiit int. I landbsook on Pa.telos r ent free. Obtuest ntLeney5' for seuring' tat ents. - 'atenIts takenl thr .:h .itnn & Co. receiVo *j clii( not Iu, withou nt charrge, inl tho $t Citific Jimeriean. A handsomecly illustrated weekly. I.nreest Itr. of aniy selenti ie. .ournal. 'P'erims. *3 a * year f fou mont hs. *i. $old by all newn idealers. MU~NN & ." New York ~BLUE RIDGE RAitni, H. C. BEATTIE, Receiver. Effective Maly 2, 1st97. Mi~cilM Ixed N o. 12. St at lora.. No. A r II Ial a n.....A n dt erson........l.v~ 3 5 p A r 0 10 ant-......1 ttn' er..........v I 9, p A r I I t a in........... A uitn... ...... y i.; pig Ari 10 '.'2 i1..-..... - IllOi letn....... I 1 pitp A' ') 111am.t....Cerry's Cr i.. I,v 4 2 ;n: A r 10 07 :11'.. dania' (r'sa . I.v 4 -31 pll - Ar 9i 19 ?am1 ,......S 0 ...... ic.. v 1 17 pn A r 9 2 a 1....... es t 111....1v 5 l0 it tA- r 92' a o .... Wlhll..I - .117- p i A. M. I,v. P>. 51 Ar, ('onneet inns~ at Senelica wV it i So. 11. 1i. Noi. Il At AnIderson wilth so. I'ailwav' No. 11 .nd) 1I Ohle1eefer's Enllish fla,.ond flrand, (0NNYRO YAL PILL.S nd1 Original and Only Qe tI pr tf t & s r IS Lr - N.uc.t M -( L - . Seu da a les .a T~i .~.., ..~* J~R M~U*GRE!CSS0 .-mL~ r.velaa enr I A\egc (jibe Prc parc tn! Vjr As - -;1m1ittin 11he Food innd Regtula 1hig the 3to111hs anid Powvels of ncss and IlIest.Contains neither Optum.'Morphine nor Mieral. NoT N Aux c w'r i c. Abb tQid J4GNZ ZMIEl. XeorG Ad - A'br3h- L IlL !Lra. a ivy. I/ Aperfn,t Reictly for-Contipa tion, Sori' Stom'ach.Di,rrhoca, Worms,-Co nvuls io ns.Feverishi ness aud Ios, 0 PA L Tac Sit%ute Sigtnature of NEW YORK. E1ACT COPY OF WRAPPER. fHorida C: .ntral & Peninsular iin: I- I- tVt A I r. i2, 19. .'. N....-- -- - --- - ........... .... .. 1 0 p mll Ni.; N o. :1, I st r i ot *pn Tia.i. a.v . t"o ,no i . . .I l:-, u .2 171.t t i, r i ' t a ) I k . ............1 pi 2 2 -amn SF rin ... .... ..... . 2 it ; i at .V ':ikva:-tl.... ... . .. 3 7pnm -,;,U.ji, r 1ir nawIl LV i'k ... ... sipmv 7 -1 tin \ r. k1 t .......... . 7 ;opm !I ItnII 14. S 4 : 1 % . . It V%1a11 A ' I- (I ' it.y,---......--. t.111 1 \r I ive ( i4 k ......... ..... I* 'Al 1 \T TailltimscV . .........:-Rp ' rI. ve tI .b. n im n.....5. tn Ar lobi .................... . a \r Now Oiv - .........7 - m W\ \V khlql'' ................... Ii1 i m iI;rai A r I 1lvne vIIt ........... -2 I 1 Cadar K - A O nat .................... ' t. a . A %\ Ildw ooll ............ . '. F.:n -2 1. piml A r. O ul "? 1 t:n ' -........ .... , " a :; -1 .7 I.-p m A rTAIIII)It ................. 11: A m 5: .i lORI Ii h l' NI). '\ 4 . -i Nti. :41. Iv 'tIl at I . . . S t 0 1, 1 il a I- 1.v 1111h1n ) ..--. ....... ... .4 ii l III,n- - .v W twooll . .. ........1 . it to ., .v C d( Ier K ............ . 7- i0ant L.v 4,ati 4 'kI tu ..... .... 1 t n A r Watilt. ........... I 3am 2 ;'Or in I Ta t . a............. I 16111m1 LsI ivi. 0 ; k .......... ... .-10,i I.v 1.11kc ( . ...... .r ap i L,v li u w e . ........... ;. e 3. pm A r, S! t I i t I .. ......... r. "_' II i.m 1.v S: I v:n b .... .. .... .- :p, 1m v 1a'I fj%8x ............... .. ' .- il m ,! . st ill L.v i ntinm t rk........ : tt. p 2 ittalln At r (Col 1 ::.. ....... i I I .n m A r Ne'wlher.........2-pn 10:i:a,I izi;: Sig r.v1 Sitiat. Noas. I ; aaa 3; -ar lintin a - .;ian g ('ars bti -en~a' Naew \ tatk .n1 -1 -iak ie;a tO.l o~U t Ia-: ee:- Cinte n tti t an .hla.elon [U -, -1 m .-tat ,at conI.eIti iI3 tillt'i i'nt' I r'a . t wraeia a.aael onvil ha itat ween Totem. .In-: 'amvjOt. ' itaa.a C -':aa htz iWa-!ogton .un'I N-s W Ycrk. Faor fitther. itt kr.ina t':naply to :aColum ia, 8. C. WM. 11UTI,FU , .1' , TAP 8:aavan itn It. (at. ATLANTRC (0AST LINE FAST LINE Between Chatrleston an d Columbia Upper South Caroliha, North Caro lina, Athens and A tlanta. * at UNa' tEa N ',N.'v. i a a .5t W a i - i: lav :t 11 -0 l 1 in r . ...... ( i. .~ a I i.t.piti * .il .. h - 'li t ii* \ t \ -t -- -. at. K V a' , T BUGGY ROCKHit. UGY., Ru r a ~ ~ ~ a. a . I iin al.'.-, a,a H CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TIAI CIENTA%PR COMPANY. NCW VORK CITV. SOUTI LN RAILWAY. Central T ite veitw C() IIIoIusi and Jach souavIlle. 13-a4tern3 II 3ine het wees 0.i 1tiiaz anal O3 he..r l'43jnte. Effective Janwiry 13. 1A. Nvrthboult.36N.& Ly.:Xvily It aly E.u Lv. J'vuleo. F.. & P.y.. 39) 0 n8 0. y 12 10, " bnyN uIMIII............ 12 01 1 12 09 p 1 U 71, ! Ar. Cohunbi ... 4j 131 4 -Itr a 7 BO p LV. (CharNon. 7 00n Ar.t'o nn in. . .... 1 - to1 10p).... Lv. A ugust a . . 2 Ii) p - 80 p 540p G r iittov.i ........ M li p 10 15 N 1 0 p " Alkmn. ............. 2 20 II 10 u 5 65: " Trenton............. ; i p 11 px e s I J01nst 11........... 1 ) 11 201) 1 441 . Ar. CohunIinUn. dep't. 4 1 p 2 10 a 8 201 Lv C I'hin ihand'g s... 5 l', 33 55 n 8 4) p W innsh(r(I.......... p 70 a o 3 i p t C'h"' r ............. i i p 7 45 i 10 17 p tIlvk 111 1............; N 8 1; n 10 -15 Ar. ChalIrltt............ ; 1: ! iI 1 5 1 4 p Dnuvillo............. I 1 21 1 1 op _ _-- - _-- i -- - Ar. ichmon<I(..........I *Ia Il;,y Ar. Wnsh 1 t)on ......... It 4'! 1 (15 10 45 a " ]-n 13imrv Pn. R. 1.. H 1 1A i 2.p 11 05 1" hii1klelpin........ 10 U)a 2 ip1 3 1 i :t york.........1 ' 4. p 0 ::;i a 3 5;t t Sout hu~onnel. No 3 No 17 No. :1 5 SUluly. 1),illy. v. New York. Pa. R.R. 1N tIl 1n. ;03 1215nt3 1 13313t11n )3or I . .*. : P y 9 l p 6' - Lv. 3 - 1i IiI3hmond2: II vI . 1)anv'3ill.. -. Ii >4 6' 0-1 3 1I11. . . . .. 4 2: n , r3 33.~........ , a 10 II>. 5 1 -li - '311j .ndr.... 53 33 3' 4 -t13a 12 3 Ar ( f bla193udy st. . . : 11 : 4:. u :. .li n t u . . .. .. .. .; 3 ->n 3 Ar. Aiken................ ,la - 33~q (raite),villo...... 9(a :3 p 7 0n: Augu_ a..._..... 0 .in 3n - 1.>n 8 00 n, Lv. (30'hin, s.'N -c ...11b - Ar.t'h rit..__..... -.- ... 3 8 l p 11 00n33 3 .Go'i. l'. '.&13.Il. 5 43a 11 55 a 12 473) r. Ja< k . vice. ... N3s :31 nn<3l :r2--NEW3 Y<>H3K AND FLOR 1A LIM' 'I'- so:id1 Vestibuted1( T1rain3 of ser'vaion, 33ud2 ('3 mput~3 t3333333 ( 3rs, and13 D)iuing t-t. Au.-si3n.~ F a .33-md New Yori v< &i & )i Wa3shIgton433 Pu131313man33 33 awing--la Sloo. neetin33g with,3 thIi t 1rain a3 t Cohn hin for jthn a3e,3' un)I3 atio (31 33of A n3ust an.3133d Ai3ken traIvelI I .<eebent 31111 ly 3asege.r service8 be0tween, Nos. 833( 3" and;Wasin1gton nndSou803thwest.orn hot w.e(n Au' is3ta3 and3. N Yor33k. 51311 Ves. tIhule1d tra11 with (13133 dining 333( a nd it class4 conehe norr f Charl3 33333813)133 '1.ho ~e ar333n133n,!( , 3333)nvil, anvannah3333, Wash33in13gtoun an33 i '1*1t> S3.epin g (3ar.s betvween Chl33ott o 1 u31l3333n drawing3 ).-room31 3WepJing), cars be 3333 w (en reen(,bor and N33:331>3rfol1k. (lose conne013 t~ 33t Norfol33k for utLD lP 11NT. COMFORTr ariving there..3; in3( time for bronktast. >333. & n333d ;A'1. 8. Famst Mail. Tlhrough, Pulinan333 133 daing 133(oom11 buie ~l 8eeping ears.~ 1he twe JV(33.-ks1on333ville nnd3( Nw Yor13k and33 PutlI. 111an sI*eel)n--- . ar bei w81 ee ~'n Aitgusta and Ch33( ( ar hotte. Ihnoj33. 33ars3. 3-eve 331 333333 enro3tit3e. aidc ( oluIn33 . (33nr4oute d(ll -33 het we3)en Jackson-3 VIll and31( C.ininnati33), vinI As133 Ievile FI. A NR .. GA N NoN, 1M.CIp Thir i V-P.,& (40n. Mgr. 'T. M. Was8hnto . ~ A NEER - AUE 't3( I31)oI 1c~ a.3 14th, 1898. Eastern Statulardrt T1rn, 10At. Loc'tIhMli x'd'as Northb1otsrd. F'"gl D'Iy en3g'r '33-'' MMl Lo'g A.M. I'.M. PM. m. A.l F3 At. 14T1ATIONM 7(3 LvCim3:rlce(1tonAr ,. 00 4015Lv I41tir031 Ar 21lp ) 18 0 ?0 2 (32 Go1l)1 1 1 .1I 8 7.10 2 ..Icy3 I '1 - '< 21) ..Jala3 p3a -- ~ 8 10 80 o8 73W3e3 833 -333 2(i 3s I a5-&'1 Pro'spI)( l,y '2 0 4 2 Im 8.- 5 ----I..81l .. Il 3 J [3 93) 30 . Mounnl3 111 1 3 ,14 .41 V )allentine1 1) 32 1 ~ 3r3..bnphari 2 10stn an Gree r 333!1 I htvee hr N<I.i eI 33'j3. 33 8333 for)33 al oints13 PARRdR'S3 HAir? tALSAM ~, ehA,,, 3 gal e' t33( he hatr, - -r1a), 1(3 Y Ao iro rr o CU -.) p duter~fan han, * 2,an.* .e nlt 1)ru3I.fe. n Ak SL a. QM ITE TO ALL POiNTS North, South and Southwest. 0:IlII U N 1), J.v New Yori, via Pt11 AC I W:%% n b " 1. 11g t onII......... ...,." 11 tell Im i d .............. ...n v 9Nr moth' rt Wibts 4. v4 L uv a- l'414414331 4 ' a' . 3'. ) ...... lot i %J IS'44111-Ilil, NIS-.4 z t . ri45 hr o t 5 - t ,444 A .. 1 . ......... ~ ". . A. Unit-h " iree wpo l * 5 tn,0 ' 111c i,vt '.1 544........... A,, l i t:: V . A . . ... . . . e ('o'! . . 4,. 111 r-- 7,t n "d' \ r. h a i l.... . . A 1 \ I W ili4 (4 vlio & . ..... 1 Z -...h....irr . ...... ...... \ . lr it- h .)l : f l . . . I I )---t . - . .. r4 I I 1 ...... A . ... 5 7 ;2 V - 11 It I . - II v Ci:5e W it .........14 13. . A I1 . . . i a . ,1 "I II ' (tI !1 ll !.P r., * .1-,143 -.o -t - ' e . ' in .p, et 1 41 Ni \ :Iu-lrit o PkI ).; ( . Cv;w -l s liN.-kvan W It,hot , L"I'lt all' , ab a n i.. ](.l t Iw1.; hit t'Wilcl 4. - 4.:..S. A. . rjov 4 - l l r I --i;* -.; I-. t-p-l :- be.wenn 4:k intb at san . I1 thl 1. . is n11ilk . ainnII-vii - . i -. . itil la llil l t N141111 o ll ' \ I itM111) ,4 4 a i. TI-2.1 , I uliforlini, M'Ni 1c", 'h tc or'im, -Niashvillke, .\tqil haii MIIV. it. Fi; ltl.. Iy to A et .. - r \% It ('1 I - n I , .A. i At- niti Gat. S .I. . \-A!, , - .11 . 4. h 441t 11t1l a . - 1l N . It t; I t 4\ : P. ' 1:#Inc i n r. S. A I -. LN . (jeW l l';#a-t-i-:!ir %gt.- . GEN-AA, 0I-*1 -. : P .t-A M<01 Il, VA T4. I - VI'. A M E. 1 h .Al \ 14. 1 S k . AOUTI i OA IC ,L N A K.- G 1-.'f ,43t. i 03j hr.e. Ti T O. IC T lh 4 I Iv-e, .1:1, 1, L91 v C U m bbI -. ---................... 4 . r i e .... ... .. 1 . :11A ! .v Bram elhvO!). ....... ..... .... A 4W 3 . ...... .. ...... .. ..'. . v :-.-ttitnll ,il. th.... u.. . ) I'- h iH ........ . . . v. t I I itt 4) ...... ....' I r 4 ... .. ' 533 r4 ll* tim 14 )IN , V ' ........ ... .. . : 44 Lf C 4h;..... .. ... ..... 1 ANOWI I C If1. CA 4 Wi5 I 4. NA IPVO. '.14 3....... .... , .....04 .1:.. 'IIi 5, ~~4 ...... ...... ** ...4. ...... 4 It*: ........ . ........ ..... 1-i NO ' 4i CA i '44II ntli s N (4 seh. o !-).I( 4..004 '54).h . .~ 44 ('o a r.,1..4 . ..... ... . .. .. a n 3 m 431i.3 134(3 ......--..-.-.......1i nm 504 g i -4. 33t i 3 ' ..... ....... ....r . a 4. (4 n .n- .... ........ 3 ) 2 .1: C NOta w ) CA..... ~............,..... 4 :.j' .114'4li i.. ..........4 4' 1 44 in 44~ 44 4.43I-,. 4 ............... 4 3314 pn 314 '. - 434 i. ................4. 3 p n At . r ' ---4.4. .--......... ... U 3 p ( 4 434. u 1 4 )~ 513 by 4443h.. ......' .......... 4) ; 3133 54- 1.v - - --- . --. .. . . . 3 10 34: (41i .. . .. .... .. ... ..11441 a b' ......4................ i3 13331n i i.------........ 44.. 34,-----........ 334 44 \ r I t 4. 1 34 n............... 5.4p,34 ig - 41C', n 44 4. .. ........ ....4 54i 4 n 3r4-3p 4 4 4.1 44r .: 4. vi e............ :5 331,. 5,4414, \4 (,33.144)34bo- 3 4.45. ) ,1 r4414444 44si "... ....... 3 3434 n 4e 0, '.41 44' -4.'3v i . .......... .. * . a rt, 3 ., '4r N' l4.3'4..---- --- ....4 4 4 a 54 3t. p411 3344444 a ----------..-..-..... .i3 2 442134i A. rA 343 4n............4 . 4,, U 3 Ar 4.4n tuark........44 ,43444 34 L,v DA1nark1...... .. . ' 43 A r'A3ik n.... . . . (44 Al' ngusta~3..........7 7~j l\3 '-l,4 M TiON. w.43.en 4 34.-4b 43. 44 444,4 ., h .& 4. 3n a 4444..44y 444 ..4 - (4 : 13 .n 44.4L' ( - in 3t. J.-15 p3n4. Tr .. b-alv3. 54 Co 343m4 3a 5. 4: 43 in 41.3 44444 ville, iS''.4..b.l,4 4.n44 .1.14134,. ' (4, L,. A. EME14SON, Trrafile Ma14n4n5r 1 ()IIarleston4 5.,'. GlIarIslu ail(I~ NsIl u (lj lj. hwy CG Augusta and Asheville Short Line. Schl ueI4I in E'ffe'ct *Jag . 5 ,443r.53. Arl rive Ge: w4 a.,4(3..... 4 p.43 4 A1 li43ierson l.....3 n 54.,4 5.44411 ' 3 -..... . 3. 11 4,.:44ni G ree n v il....[ nni .. .u u p 1111 (\ 4 Ashe. vi j. 1 4 3e.,4 44 1 rin3h1n4g4.......1 34 3n 3 in2 4 AnI4(-344 g3....7 (4444 4. A'41,4v3'3 34. . .. 4. r 4 -4! lla t. i re'1a.........1411 p i3 ; N e wto .......7 2 34 p1n .....-4 A ro r,o .,.. . ,, 7 (2 4444 A ra i v4 A 1n e 4gb............. .nm .. . --4 NArIolk............ . .a n ... - 34I'f 3r bsg...... .. 4 43o3.. l'44: 4 M- ........4. 4 4134e m .....4 A 5 . .< 1 l. . . . . . . . . . ..... 43 4 34 . 3 3443. irr x............ . . 4. 4.a 4344n Ye34V 3s'o... ......4 4 3.44 h S 34" 15en4,34 ............ . 44 *1. 4 n 55 . 'ny Pe"r Inay4......... ,. I - "n ' earo.............. 54,f,5n -1 " ASe;nI(e ........... .: jim 4'413 4l''4Allen<34.ale. ............... 4 an 134 p. n34. tr3i frolil .,n0423 n 34 nn43ken elI 84 o n n e3 l o a t3 3 4 a l h o u n ' a i 'll ., ( f o r a l l P o 35 " 4)nt ml4. 04 .4 A. rL. nt (7, 44444 4G 15445WY 33' t-~ "Un'int3ry wii 3out or 34444 344i'ekOSR' dte , cherh "e, 33(h1 re4', W. J. 5Z 3G, (5 n 3l'tQ A ' A 33gusta34. M . M,. NOji r'll PoS. Aot. Tr M E A.IE51SON, 'T.Iflic44 M45434nger4. Heaghe ad Neralga cured by m IE'PIPIL."On~O entado.