Corrected every Tuesday and Fidty by Summor Bros. M eat... .................. . . ......... fie(d c. Shoulde lS ........................... 7a. I ams.................................. IO( l2A c. Bost Lard ............... ........... 74(sitively cures Piles, or no p ony repurvd. It is guatanteed to give lit-irfeet 4m,favltin or money refunde(t. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by tobertmon & l'er nnll W. P. Pelham1. Aquar.1,1Imlls. Gold Pishes and Pi Pood at, Young's Drug Store. tf Room-s to I) t..e wil-h1 or without boar d. Apply to Mrs. .1. 13. Walton. 1m. t lizgs of Leghorn Cht ickens for. sale at .J. W. Watt's Store. tf The TIp-tO-date" LIauidr' Will calI for y)ou' package ItId deliver it. t It. Utopia AtliancO Will hold a blusiness Incting oil Sat. urdaiy. A pril 29th at .1 p. m. A full at tendane of the members is requested, ILS there Is business of ilpo'tance. It makes no difTerence how bad the wound if yOu uise DekWitt's Witch Hazel Salve; it will cuielcly lical and leave no selar Robertson & hilder. Ice Cream, Soda Water and all ip-to date drinks at Young's Soda [ountaiti. The N. wberry "I;p-to-(lite"l Laut)dry promises the CitizIn list, class work and pi'Ompto servite t It FAr ittt. A five-oom ) one Story house in llele na Apply to GEO. E L-:ONI1TII. 2t. A'I the latest. style patterns on hand and for sile by S. .1. Wooten. tf. 1113or,44 Convention. The comnittee on railroads through a Hut) Comilmittec has secured rates fromll all pointe iin South Carolina, on tie count, of the Mayor's Convention to he held In Newberry, Nlay 23-25. Tickets will bo on sale May 22, 23 and 24, with final limit to 261th. he rate will be onei andm( a half regiular fiire for round trip. Pneumont1iatit, la grIppe, eoughs, colds,5 oupOl and wvhoopuintg-cough read ily yield to One Minmuto Cough Cure Use0 t.his remeldy iniI time antd save'1 a doctor's bill --or the under tak er's. Robertson & GIlder'. Try a bottle of Pon 1( Tlly Cream, manu01)factur edl and for sale by Young & Co. tf l"00 choice Stationery call oni Young & ('0i IPatronize a home1' 0 indstry like the New berry3 '"Lip-to-date'"14 Laudry,' tlt ihm,hi orf Fir, F'rank,l 1. Lane A\ fter a brief Illness Mr. Frank 13. Lane ci ed at, his rooms at the Crotwell H otel Xiunday atfternooii. HeI leaves a1 w ito and1 one)4 chilId besides5 a de votedl miothter and1 other relatives and friends. Inte.rmnent wasi had in Rtosemnont Cem-. et.ory yesiterdayV, aft,ernooni. T1he d1e eensedl was about 30o years old. liy uallowinig t.he aceutmutlationis int the howvels to re'malin, te entire syst,em is p0oind. D)eWitt's IAttic Early Risers reirulate the holwels. Try thorm andl you iiIll aways use( t.hemt. lRobertson & (;ilder'. Yotunuz & Co are atICIgents for Nuinnail ly's ["ine Caieis t Pres4'cripItioIbreciyo care (fuOlI aten tloou at Young's Dru,z Store. tf Newherry "Upt. o-dte ' Laundr1 y is open( totr bus~'iness and1( shtould be paIt 'tUp.,o- thut, Lautiury."' M". IH. S. Rightmli'e now has his 'Up -to)-Dato Laundry" open and( r'e..dy for~ butsi ness, and asks at tr'ial at the handls of tihe people of New I)hriy. lIe has come to Nowherry to - live amni us, and)4 we hope ouri peopl)1 wIll gIve him their work If he does It as goodi and as cheap as out of town launmd ries. Uoe will spend hiIs money with us, and we should encourage home institutlins. A1t least, givc the "Up-to Date Laundry" a fair trial. Some of the restults of neglected dys pe3ptic condlitions of the stomrach) are canicer, con)sumtptionl, heart diseaso, ep 'leps5y. 1Kod10 Dyspeopsla Cure prIe yents all this by eIIecting a Quick curo In all cases of dyspcpsia. Rober'tson & Gilder. Base Balls, Bats and Mitts at Young's Drug Store. tf lection Teachetr. Thte patrons of Fork School wvill meet RS,turday evening at, 3 o'clock p. mn., A pril 29, 1899, to elect ai teacher for next, t.erm. All applIcat.ions mutst he In the hands of trustees gn or before that, (liy. - .1. M. LOMINJIC, SendlIey, S. C. W. G. MIETTs, Slngley, 8. C. t 4tQO. M. KINAIW: Potmaia. S. C. VAIOUSIJ ANDI AkAj ABOUlT.. Mrs. C. L. Blease is visiting friend in Columbia this week. The Mlayor"s COII'IltiOn W ill meet at Newberry on 23d May. H1oni. C. L. 1leaso Went to Laielns today oi professional business. See notice anlnual Ieetinlg slockhold 01r8 Carolinla Manulfactuving" Co. The annual inspection of the fire de partment, will bo hield about, May 25th. Two mad dogs were killed in the southern part of the city Sunday morn ing. The conmnienaiment season Will soon be here again The years CoImle and go very swiftly. The fire laddies ar making excellent time ill their Iractices for the Columil bilt tournament. The attention of water consumers is ealled to the n(tiec of Supt Voss in Mis stlle Todd, Who is 1Leachinig at Litt,le Mountain, SpILt, Saturday and Sunday at home. Let everybody, especially every old Confderate v,te an. go to the reunion in ClAarlestonl the 10th May. Mr. A. C. Jones calls the attention of the ladies o the new goods le has re veived and is receiving. Siu pertiltenden t \0s is having the Witter hydrants painted green, which is m great improvement. Tlhe Newherry boys who were in the 21id re, Iment, have all returned to New berry aed are looking well. Mr. Jas. A. Bowers of Atlanta is spendng a few days with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas. NI. Bowers. Mr. Jas. R. Davidson, who has t gov I'nImient )o ion inl Charleston, was on Lt visit to Newberry the past, week. Mr. Levi Kibler has placed on our dlesk a freak in the shape-of all egg We shall turn it over to the Musenl of Newberry College. Dr. and Mrs. X. I,. Ptlhan left this mIrni)ijng for Atlanta where they will at.tend the int erilational Sunday School Convention in that city this week. Miss Mary Burton of the Graded School took her grade out to Ia private p)ietiC ILL 1anusianl Sl ing est y. The little folks had a pleasant, time. Tho soldiers who have jilit, retirned hom.1e, having been mustered olit of service, have some interestLing ex periences to relate to their friends of their short stay in Cuba. Mr. Daniel, a jeweler of Newherry, speaks of locaLing at Saluda. All good people are Welcome to Salta(11 and we are 5ure our count,y offers a good field for aly Caterprise.-SaluIda Advocate. Mr. M. A. Renwick has a fine line of straw hats 1111(n gents' furnishings, and will be glad to have you call. and when you do 'ou will receive the best of at telition. It is it plea11r1e for them to show you the goods. 'lhe uridIge and sidewalk on Boun dary street, at the intersection of Cald well nceds attention. There is a )deep ravine and th eirbstone is don. Al derman Mlyers will confer a1 fav'or by halvinlg some1 rirtl1' (lone ~oer inl Ward .. Messrs. C. A. Bowmain aind WV. A. Hill reCturned2( yest.erdayt~ from Charles ton, where thelLy haave been attead ing t.he UnIi ted States conurt as ju rors. They werel' aOcept ed as5 jur aors on the L ake.(Cit.y lynch inig 'alse and1( were down there tbree weeks. Sunday night wanlderinig about, the st.reet,s onut, of her1 mintd. She is from t,he Broad River' section of the couant.y and will likl be1' ) sent,. to the ausylun i to-day. P~oltiman 1Frankllila made( the arre'Lst. T1he Newvher'ry I Ier'ald and1( Newvs of fered a Rocuk Ilii h uggy to) the man w ho could make thle nlearest gue(ss as5 to the number'I oaf seed inil lapumpkin on plubbel exhibaition ini tbe town (of New berrly, Mr i. 1. .\ Sechumper"t lives close to t,hie (div idin g Iin bl etween New herry and( Slud(a anld we are glad oIf his good lutck in the guessin1g.-S aluda A dv voente. $pec'ial 1tte- Ov. a' tihe U. N. & i,. 10.0tiroadi T1hie Columbia, Nowherr'iy and L au r'ens Rilroad01( is olfferi ng specil for speLciali occaisionis meintioned below. F"or occasioan aiinntual Session Bilica zl Society at Charlotte, N . C., Ju cne 20) to '230l. One Iirist-class fare for' t.he ro0und tr'ip. Ti'ckets on sale Ju ne 18 to 21, lImited to .July 1. (Grand(l141 Lodg I. 0. 0. F. of Southi Ciarol ina, Cohimbnaia, S. C . , A pril 20-29;: $2.25 fare for round1( trip. On sale 25, 2(6 and 27, limited t.o May I. Occasion 1Int.ornationai Con ventionl Biaptist Y'oun g 1'eoles' U nion of A mer' icn, RichmliondI, Vai., Ju11ly 13--1(. One fare for the roundl( tip.l~ Thae A tlanti< Coast Line i'uns tI hirough Pull Iman bu fel sleeping cai's to destinat ion. Tii'cketa on sale Jully Ii i.o 13th. Occasion Un ited Society of Chr aistiar Endleavor', D etroit, MIich ian1, July3 5 t 10. One fare foir round1( tipj via A. C. L~ TIckets so(1ldJly :t to 5 icluisive. Occasion A n mtad M einag State l.a> tist Con vent,ion, codlor'ed, Humnter', S C Ma y 2- 10. iPrue for round111 tr'ip fr(on Newberry $1.50, 'irosperit.y $4.25. Tick ets on sale May 2, 3t andl 4I, limiit,cd t< May 13th. Atarnuni Council Pr'motestant iMplscopa Church Dloese of Sout,hI Caro'ina Choriaw, S. C., M\'as 3--6. lPare for r'ounh tipl froml Newvberry aind Pr'osp)erity, *2 Trickets on sale May 1, 2 and 3, limitce to May 10th. Occasion Southern B3aptist and Au.s liliry Convention, LouIISVIlle, Ky. May 11---13. One fir'st-class fare for th round trip. TI'ckots 0on sale May 8 t 12, good for fif teen days. For further Information see the rger TE Cavmnagl. Fifte m e , .uig MIes, lFinistui its~ 'our~et' ati. Nt wberry ii-eillo-gii mand imr, Atmigna-rd hubj4wts f4or 4784a1 ualnMg )I el ep%--rho fiomi Awarded Thc S-,.nior, Class at NeCvwerry Colluge this year numerI-8 lifte'(len y1IIg mIen. They have. linished their ilatili examil - inlationis amnad rcomne for- the degrees;. They have only their speeches to write aInId Ilicir ussays to finish. I'le honors have blen givenl to three young inell, there beinl in this tca. no first and seoid lionor..s, and as at resiu t we will have no salutatory and vialedictory at, co encemet. Th1e yountIg men k lit) cee the borors arv: "D. A. Quatt-lebaum. Newherry; W. A. Iast, Oraigeburgq.; .1. F. Stillwell, Newherry. e following is the roill ofl tho class with the subjecis asbignud lor t.ideir graduaiting Speeches: It. N. Boyd, Newbeiry, )isarmament. J. 0. Cassidy, flarnwell, "The White Woman's lurden." . a. Hare, Saluda, Universal E1m J. W. Jelnnly, B'arnwell, AIislit, Pro fessional Men. T. P. Johnson, Newberry, lnicipa! (overnmient. S. 1'. Hoonl, le2xingtoll, Shams. W. 11. N iley, Hamiton, Int.olerance. J. W. Nelise, l."beiezer, Ga., The Hlome. Robt. Norris, Newbevry, Nl iti tarisil. 0. C. 'etersoi, Cha-1rle0ton, His mnarcek. 1). A. QuattlebanumI, Newberry, The Ty.vranny or Aestry. W. A. lttst, 0ra,ngeburg, A glinallo. Auner-leSchumpert, New berry, Man ifest Destiny. .1. F. Sitillwell, Newberry. The Edu eated mali. Al. I. Wheeler, Lexington, EiLaer prise. All of them will be required to write the speeches, but only eight, will speak at comimenclteement. These aru to be Chosell by 1.'he class with the apioval of the faculty. 'ach member will have to prepare an es'ily and it is a requirl-cment to gradl ittion. The subject, as we have already stated is "The White Nian's B3urden." The commeneeient, this year is the third Wednesday in June, Which is the 21st day of the ionth. Go to Young & Co., for Finle Toilet Sotps. Lf Hath 1irushes, Hair Brushes, Tooth irushes and Nail lAriAhes, at reason able prices ab Nit 1oing's 1)1-ug Store. tf COOMNPITTHESC AlPNINTECD. 'h1 ho Arranimement for MciiMni Il y lie ing mad.-Thc untiaittem m meec. Agaitu Nvxt Tuentty. In the t01port of the 1i1eet,iicng Of the James 1). Naico Caiep we note tto ILt poinitent, of it coImImittee to malke ar rangenimits for Memorial Day. This Commit,tee aet yesterday aft-ernoont and appointed several sUb-coimlitees. Tm.e comnitee to seellre a speaker or speakers is -Al. A. Carlisle, .1. Hl. Ale Int.osh, andt( Nl's. O. L. Schtumpert. Comi nIttee to arian gei for an at~ p potit comm Iiittees on dCcoraitiont is-MN J. Seot., AI. L. Spearma'thin, and Ml iss Moriat, Martin. Commiittee to look entcertain menItt of speakersCt is-S. G. WVelch , and 0. L Schumptiert. Coin ittee 1o arr'anige for mu isic~ is -- 1.4. X.1 Jones, G . A. Wi c rit,, antd IN. Cav - C omm ii tte fr'omia -5. J.1 Al4 'taughr ait, LV. S. IL:mig ford, Iiaid T.X 0. Stewart. .. C'otmmiittece from School and College --Geo 1. . tromer~ an d \V. 11. Wallace. C'omit 1tee front Iirie depairi tt Eduaird Scholtz, J. WX. Wh'it,e, O). Kliett,ntr. Th'lese commhitteei-('s areo requtested to meet necxt TIoit sdlay itfternoon at h o'clock in the clile'e of NI r. J. D. Datveni p)ort to comp 1lete itlhe dta il s for t.he oh. servance of this daiy andt to tapploint, 1ad dictional comitt.eei LCs it is the puirptose to make this Ale miorial Diay3 one ini reallity. We itope t.h e comint.d tee wvill secuire at x-peaker' wiho will give us an add ress woithy of p)reservat.iont. Notile Wte~t r senal tLlht (Ionu.entel5. I Iy d ireetion of the Ior oniti(f (Comm is sioners of I 'uibliie W-\ork s, nil con.matn r's arc hereby not ilied thai, it i,u a striet, violation of the iriles to allow non toni sitmerCis 1to ha ve i-h.- use of watter'i. Vito latlors of tik rnlae will lhe nit, oif with out, nolticeO. Itespectfure'Iy, Subtscibe for th DIIel ineattor lthrough iie---it. will cost yout less. tf S. .1. W 'ooteii. Contif. doratise V'eternnm'o iC iurlon - !Iiharicat hun, 5. U., May i t -I a , 1 591m. On aecount of the1 ('on federat,e Vet erans' lit union, lthe Seaboard A ir. Li ne will sell t.ickets to Chai'lest.on aid ie t,uirn it, very lowv rtes, basedW( on oneo cent, per mile, tratveled. Til'cket,s on sale May 8th, 911h and 10th, good to re turn until N-aty :llst. lFor in fortmtion in iregarid to) rates, scheduiles, &c., aipply' to iket, Agents or addre'ss. L,. S. A LAEN, Gen' l 'ass'r. Agent, - ''rtsmlouhi i, Va. Buist's Prize Medal Garden Seeds EtlOc papers for 5c. Peas and Beans in bulk, and Red and SWhite Onion Sets, for sale cheap at LROBERT'ISON & GIILDER'S S Drng Store JAMS L). NANCE CA MP. Ain EIlvi miinile littin:g Ean Imantay---Tim .-os,1111 Dnad ghnhternm Aet WVIiIn tho V'n.rninm-- n'rnp ra,t i,nna for t li e n Itetltion n411i M111 mnorialt Itay. A ineeting of the James 1). Naneo Caltip, U. C. V., was held inn Lite Court, lhouse yestfe'day It II it. inn. tty invitation tihe Sous of Veterans and tihe Draytonll tuther-ford Chapter Daughlters of Veterans Imlet with themnn. The Imlectiitg was a large one, there being between seventy-five atnd otn hundre11-d person)s present'.. Comminnander .1. \V Cary presid .d and enilled tho mev(eting to order, with Ad jiutznnt Hoyd at his desk. Meuss. T1. Pi. it.ts and M. Iteighley were Oectedi nn-iber.s of tie Clinnp. Adjutant, 1"oplh , on the part of t.he colmnnittee. appolinted at last, meeting, to solicit aid for (hariez'ton.witI which to entent,aiin tihe vetratnis, repo'ted tiat he hiad r-!ceivei *1M.7 I but, had notcomn plet'd tihe canvss. ()n uotion. the coimmlitt'10 was corl tinued and in0 ruetud to make a com plete cvannvat.s1 nd to forwarld tihe Imoney vollected to th proper auithorit.ies inl Charleston not later thanm next NALnday', May h. Comlinade I. '. MleClintook "tated that 1 was ploased to se that tIe sois and daiunghite'r of veterans had beenl inl vited to mneet n\ ith themn, and moved that they be as, ured that, they % ere welcolin and at liberty to take part in all tine p'oce'ed itngs of the Camip. Adopted. Comliidnu lr .!(hn )I M. Ninard, of the J1n1o. M. Kinard Camtip Sonsof \'eterans, on the part. of the Sonls. said that they were pround of the invitation and privi loge to participate wit.hl thu Veterans and that they would % always tike .,plels unre in heining ti0 pre fO'ward'l tie Work and indcrtakings of the Confed er1ate Veteratns. Adjitant lBo\d stat,ed that one object of t,he mneeting i was to arrian"re for- nine mnorial Iday, May 15thi. and that on that. day mnnllay of Line veterans wouild be in Charleston attending tine reinion: however., he thoug-iht. thl.-re would be enonng left to 4celebrate Lite day in a proper nmatinner. ComiNAde (. I Si um in pert moved that It Conmmtlitt ce of tiree he appointed For the .Iames 1) Nance Camp and that, the sOns ain1d daugi ete's he reqiuet.ud to appoint coimmlittees of two eai from thir, respective organizaatiois tocorpo itte tngetIhe' and arrn'annge'fonr Ilenmjonriil day-May 10. 1 o witS opposd to post poning tine day bucaise it, had been custolaryn to obi'rve that day and iS sociattions connlectu'd with ti,e day that he t,hoight nMId it alpopliate, tnd it should not be cht nged. Rev. Geo. A. W"right stated that, he had been thinlking for some Linme that they had not heen giving eioial dany enotigh promitnenee. Ilo thought that, the day Fhonid he given unp entirely to tbat plirpose-ob.served by the schools, so that the younng nmlay be brought up to know mnore ahot the meImorics of those who had plassed away and thloste whno Intad fouighit for t.heir' conu.ntnry. Th'iere shnould( be nnot onie speechn, but, severalt, on tluat occasion, and it, sinouhld lie a day whnen we can ali bte pnresennt,. Comnnrade Jn o M\. K i nard was,iiy in favor of post poning the celebirat ion uinttil1 all cotnuildie p rsent,. Nearln'y ali tine vet,enatns will he Iin (Chna rlestnn and tinat, wonuld thu-ow a dlamprn otn t he out easioil. 'Tere' should ihe some pubi lie speai ng-onne or! twio shnonnid he inivited herem forn that i tn-pose andu thle school1 ihonuild aztteind in a bo)dy, wiebl wuii imnoprenss Line (chiI hildn. (Contnraide i' I'. .\eic(I ntock sta'ed th at,Lm th n Camp hin. a recond as good as any in tine Stt , wmen it,came tinsp.-ak ig, aund one0 of tine best, t,biy mad had was fnrm ai son o a vetnera n-1,bhat of Coi. iHonhatm. lie fearend t hat na post pnonmnltt mneamnt t hat. thnere wounld be no coennration of inmnoriali day; hnowever ine wounld not, opnpose a pnostlnonmnent, as lhe would likhe to lbe pnresetnt. Comrande Mi. A. Carlisie thounght, it wouldl he best to nostpotne ntmnnonrni dIay on tihis special occasion, as so1 nmany of the voterants would 1b e Iin ( 'harl eston, aund they woulid nil) like to particiPate in then e'xer'cises( n mennmnriald(ay, atnd saidl that, It, woul ikelic~y lbe time case t,bat thu sipeakers L.hey woutldi ini te lien- wounld be inn Chna nrlestinm at, that, tinmle. Comradel J1. N liass mnoved t.o atmeond Comrannde Bieh umpiert's mioti on by Iinsert, ing May 2:3d iinstead of May 10th. Ad oiptedi. Theln connitteos apphoinnt,ed by thne nreipecti ve ori'ilHI/'tions to pr'eparne for' mectmor'ial (lay are' as fol lows: Jlamfes D). Narnce Camip- M. A. Cat lisle, M . J1. Scott, aind Drn. S. G . Weleh. Somns of Vecteranns-irn. J1. I. McInn L.osh anid M . I a. Spen nma n~hn. Hu~intineifond Chlapter'-.\tlns. O. L,. Sebmpon nrt nand \iliss Moriat mMant.inm. Th'le qunestion of decdi ng ovenr wich r'oad( tine camp Pwoul d go to Chan triestotn to at,tund tine neun 11ion wins hnroiught iny undi tine reprnesentIat ies inf hot,h tine Cost Ianne atnd tine Sut,henn wenre g iven tine privil eges of the lloor' to pre'ss tine claiims of t.hneir roads. Agont .J. A. Jlnirtn, oin the pat oif theo sothrn', stated Li.hait they prnop)oed rn'nniing an oxt trin nu dimowni wichi wotnld pass5 Newhen'ny abont, II o'clock a. m., reacin Itg Cha urleston abount, p. mi., andtu that, a coauch fonr both theo y'eteransH andi sorns of vetern'uns woul d lbe left, at, tine depot fonr tine purpioste omf decor'ation,. etc. , anmd tinat thney would look tno tine comfort, oif It' nei passeinger's. Agent, 1m Cave'naughq, for tihe Atlan tie Coast Inem, .tareid L,bat If tine eampn followedl the ennstomn of rntanti ng that is Iroad was eintitied to Li,he trip Lbhis yearn, u t.hev woint o)venr t,he Sot.hrn lawi year. lie said ti.aL tho Coast line Woild runl a-- e.xtra taira onl May 9th.4 from (reen. ille, isin.g Newhorry ahout, 10 or 10 :10 a. In., arrivinlg at Uhat-lest'onl Iaout, t30, and that, a speciall represen11 tati ve of 1.he u road wokld bu onl tle t,rain to pursonally look to tht, otmfort, of tile patssenagers. ilIe staItAl a[lso t.hat two, or aS tu1a101N' More Ccachcs is would be desired, wout ie brought. nll) the tidy berve and left aIt the dlepot ror decoration- -if tihey wished it. I ty Loinlg over thle A. C. l., we start You )m yokiae journ-Iley and land you In iharleston anid britg you bactvk safely. A )ak lilt was talkoen Itild the vote tood 1i t4o .11 it) favor, of the Sout herev road. Thle tetinlag thell aldjoillred. F"aeo IU i. Send your md-rest to It. E. Bukiut & Co., Chiengo, anad get at hfiel satlph box of [Ir. Kitipg's New I fe Pil:s. A trial will vonlvillm. you ol It lir rielm. 'l'HO Vilk ait ea!'y ill le-ion titd aire part ivullvy ell'cl I ive inI (he cturv of t' 1stbat i,mol atit Siuk l lemimie. For lalatria attid livr iroutiles they have ten proved in valtiaible. Thiey are gularlntated 1t ba pel fetly frct fril every deleteriti sui lst al ive atd to bte purely vegetable. They dana t N ealkenl by their ateiona, but by giovig te tao the stol.lielh ad Ihw o wo eatv itivim. oraite I lit sv.te lni. Igia In r sizt 2.4. per box. Sq;d by Robvtsol ct & (hider iad W. '. Pella , 1)ruggists. It is very plaitll to ts that elynt has Lilth advatagof Ittivl stor ia New hurry. ''het lick way he grobbled up Uhe twil sto,-k. of G4odilm & NIII.Nhinl Aad I'l WIaVe slahojW-, his ahewdtw. Ills phice is erowed witI. biYers, anttl we advise ot reaiers, if they want. to save the dollar, t go to P tlynn's Cash Store. A Neiterrian Wedt In Florit. MIarried, inl ()vaIa, ont tle Itb of April, Mr. 1rantatk M. I,ong, Of New herry, 8. C., aid "i is 1Ieutlahia NI. Ilurt, of ( )zello, I4la. Tie a11rtriirage of these two popular youn tg peopale wlas tmade tconaspicuoutas becaulse of tib critical illness of Miss I3t1t, who has for te last, tih irty daIYs been conited to her bed. M iss B urt, had at severe spell of notvous pwostra tiona, and dtring her iliness there were Limaes whenie her life wais despilived O f aid the physicians lost hope. 'he rid-e, wi was Iao frm il mness looked very lovely inl her clepire (1r-SS Of ittie bilk, whicIa Wats entir-ely COVeled wiL Valincienines laace, blue and whitlIe stin ribboln it proision, with at ta tac of bride's roses on her watist. She made at healti fI pict ure, and a host offriends, fart aId tarCIl', wished het at very worl of allth at nd it happiness. Site wass, int deed, a botny bride, and carried out, tle old satying of "Somaiething old and otmeting ntew, something horrowed aindl sometihing blue, with at silver six pence itn her shoe." The groom, INIr. lFrank N. Long, is at tamerchait alt Cordeal, doing at splendid business, is also postmIalister aitd is well knownl ats at mllost ionorable and talointed younlg getl I eiman11. Prienad Fatnk looked VxcPtionaIly well in his Convt,Velional suit, of blavc broadcloth, white tie, etc. The bride was tiae recipient of some cost,y a nd beautti ftil gifts. Ni%t. Iaang las b....n sh-ow d wit,h coatgat.uhlitionas atnd sinocere wv ihes for Mrts. Loang's futuarat hteath andii haippai tness. Thotse whot k now i"ranttk best, say~ thte bLata a' is asslawed. A fioe' conagr'atulattionas, smuliles tand a few t.ears---fotr ga ood luck - tbe gutests tok thiar t d epatureot, ileavin tg ia he Itappy ' coupalet to light,L thaeir trothI antew. 'l. Tat. hteavxena's 1 cho is. bldess;inrgs may fotllow thteta tharotngh life wvas t Ittavertt acf that ellaieinting piaest, leathier' lot,tol atcctio. -trondenttsedi fromt thae (Ocaat, i"ia., venatintg Start. W a tt'ar On lata'Imlatreat I ta,tas Itaownret fora teny :aste oft C'atar ha t hat c'atn ntat bet curecat h. Ilatnh's- a t t a. at teure. F". ,J. CI I N a- Y & (00., l*rot.a,''o'lee. 0. We tthe umlert.ia'g ea haave .anown 1-'.,.1. Oh - my' fot th lais t v y'>tr. nnaa' tbcline' ahatta pterfe('t y Itetteraht in, a :tt bear,tna t aae taons tatnd tttn.unetla tta'e to tatrry tatt taay aebatg a,tm oa ,w hvate l~ thaeir Item. Wr.s t;& t'aat Ax e tWh's: alta arntel.''ateatao t WAca at, tIs N 3 .ttrvAai Wholaa le~a t t af iine ists, ToltaetlO. C hatt. ttanals I'aatarath Crt ta tikn ternally, nt-t Ingt thret'a. aupontet thae bhletee atd tanntetus sear lita ec If the sysltens. l't' a.c t'a,r ttetlte. Sol at thv' a n I l)rnatl s. IT etemtaitts r t. ltaltts -'atmialy t'e arts t h e ia n-st. 'aluda Aprei it--Thtealenita sok $1(1, fort a teolephato linat froma Sa laht atn ap~piltition fact a ebaartera will be madetit at, otnt to) the stecretary oaf 5: a: a. Sevaal pteople itt tbe cotrt~ ay alongta lice line wvill have "'phones" pntt itn theira hoees. Thea: ttl diistancte: t wiillah ablouat tir ty maailes. Theia aibovae is fromt te Saldaa corraeo pondienact oIf lthe News andtt ( ourtier. We are' glad to know thiait.t)ur Saluata neigh bors1 arte praep)arintg to get, ina talk intg dirh tanceta with aus. Now tbey shtoulid got to work and heli) uts get the iprt'looed raliIroadt i touaghi s,Li t,ht they' couha na ot tonly' talk to tax butt comaet over otccasiona alily to sac uts. wood)C and,t all the twnax itn that, section, ad we will be glaid to talk wit,h oar Sadlu nteighborstt'. I Swt"eet eftesh ingt, sleepa las givean lay If1oad S Sartsapaillha, wicah feedcs the ner:tveS. tonaes toachti andat ('ures0 ail dlyspepatic syr. ?;ptOms. Adver' atisxing comesa' hi gh . We htave iiete'fore to conhni re ourset'veas toa a staaal I sp acet in this ate wspaper,t bitt we cat assurte te patbliI thLit, whtt tattevaer prtices~ thety are atikedl fotr goods else wherte, we are aliwauys r'eady antd wvii ing that g ( aLsauchi pri'cts; wttetiana it lford to do so whent w(e huty ourt st,ock for half whtat othaers pay3 fort t,hiarI.'s, wi th onat adding f t~reight,. Miaike no mnistaker. ,1ns. go to h"lyntn's Caash Storeo. tf MISS BE$SIE RISER, Millinery !!I Ino thet storo r'econtl.y occuipied by the Nowherry Clothaing (Co. Termea Rt.ricLIy annh. tt Mt. Ired I. Iebla, speciald ugenit of s r'lral free delivery of the postollie df,- S p-Lrilent, wltome d'ictrt exten di front t' te )elawa'e to the Savaitthalli ivers, spent. teveral dIays in ' reveit. ly, altving 'ome it tlt! ilstale of Coi- I grvu-.Itat I',atilitre. to Inlvestigate tle Inti,er of establishinll,g fr.e rural ma il ielivevy', aftcl. wiichl lie decidedl toI recotantetd wo routes froim 'rospelty, I Which were fully d11("cribcd iln oir lros- v perity letter onl 'iik%' 1%,tiral free deliveofy me1ans' thet doeliv 0r1y of lettI's to fall-ilm hols-s inl tuie I) mmuntry inl tho satine 41annervi thlat lettvirsa tle delivert-d in the b1tvgte, towins illand iie doo-fro d r t) do. TI ed (I'nser the populatio aid the bet'ter t le road, i the more favoalle tht conditions arte for Iura1 inatal dclivvery. I ''hese boxs.,11 must hw put at. al uleva- t Lionl anild a g -t ,i :-ill vil) 1 the1 VIIr riet. to ac ital fil-.Il ithou t, 'ttl it, oulit, )f his carriage. Watrmliers who live at at listaiue frmlla tile 'out' Etill t1the . ar 'atngenents With their ne1-ighb"'rs to 1 havlke their tuail left ill ome box along .J tle routv, but, they ttilst. :ptprise the lpos"litster at. Plrosperity of ;heir air Niangea1enIt, aid of ttei' (It'sir- 0t v 14teir letters left, ais arrallodgd 'Tle ur-11al carrier all.o '( lb-) t letters i1l(1, ill o'il Ito awt illdtatte 11,ter writeiS, lie tak Si atloig pta)IlI_'v slatainis, po-;tal - ards and staunmipt-4 civ.lopes for stlt' to t.he I)tItrnIAs. A a0ton1 whO has I letterI to 11nail, but, nit ' 14ant) to pu:It AIont it, SIUld dIposi, his lt-' in his mvwn box ait t1.n-iadkidt',with twvoent, which tle tu'arier will ader.tand are left ilti-'e to pay tlhe poSt.age on t Lie let 'Thee im no pe ii plal reliret- for the f-t'mer's letter bix. lie itist 11nate hIk ownl box inl his own way, taking enr'e to nike it. water tight.. Mr. Hlh St'S 11IM inlTee 1II)It'atp'S to Ie tile Sinlil possiblt (ttligel fr,tin 1it-eves Itaild o'ler t,respasser.. Ile foalt" but, tire-e com tlaits, inl foi' niths Lit,y r, fr4Iom atli tbe stat.ions i1i the 1-ointry of Ii whi'!h there are move t,an 20h. Two hiut thed stat.ionis contain probably 30,1100 letter boxes. The experilitmnt ait. l'rwsperity will problably go into, vlfouet, oil M41nday, .\aiy lst.. 1l r. I'. \' . 'apers (of I'r41 perity.:? ha lts het, tn ro.eConm ilended for regiu lata ' al 'a-riJer. Mi r. A. . ThiliI , of iNarNs ' vilh Tex., Illit ftuild i 1tnpo valuable d .( covery Hia.lit.4a yvt bieen 11111dh in thIl K1411ndiko. Ftir years Ile antt1leried tl Ild iagmly froirl oumlIIl im), nevee - pillienie Iir1st ilass4 fa'r' fim titndt trcip. <>11 s:le \ Aril 25thI andti Ititud triip $2 25 fromia Newhu'rry', .i2 fr'oma I 'rlspaertyt. ()' xitli 25, 20, and1( 27. to) .\ay 1-t. Ocent-iion Sautiit h Ir laupt ist, antd A uix iliatry ( 'itven'tion 11.I ouisavaIl, Kyv., Matny 8 1I. ( )ne firs't-ehitss fatte fora roiundi trip. 'licktsx oin siale N ay' 8 12, g'ood for' lif f1en idatys. ('onver'se Coalleje NI taicaul I"est.i vatl, Spatantt ibitrg~, S. ('., Aprttil 25 27. ( )aae lfi'st.-clais far'e farll'heI' trtid tri p. Ticjk cit.s on saile 2.1 27. litmiteda to 29ith, )cansi on A unataiitl I(ttanvenionit Triavye!l er'5 I'Ittectivi Assoiationt, I,ouisxville, roiundaa trlipa fr'om Newherry'',. TPickets on satle Mlay I5 and i1l, ltititid to 22nd. ( )i'cntiona~ Anuatl Ale''tinag Germlan liaplt. iteliet'ena. ltinoe, \'ai. ,.3'a 1-1 :.9. '1.'t f. re foir iiihe roundu ta-ip from Newh'errya. Ti('ket1s 41n '3 Nidy l'I to ( ieitsion. General AssembtlIy I 'resby ti14 ('htia'. in i iled Stiata's, llh. mondtl, Wt , .n17 ;'i 8. $12.85 fiare for' roundati trilp fromil N''wherryt. iike(tson l"tor aa- lutea' inatoriaatiotn i'ansutlt, Agitt. ,las A. Ilaartona. German Millet, Pearl Millet, Amber Cane, Orange CJane, Lawn Grass Seed, ~Just[C reclved andl fcr sale cheap at Robertsoii & Gildar's r)rug Store. Guano! Acid! Cotton Seed Meal! [Ltiwill pay~ you to soo usi before huvlinig V.f if Sttnmr Bros. t is Not Consistent 'vlll Iahil tit'd lo i Ild W.I co i Inve t Ib) -- L"lve.s Illat, they canll blix goods6 inl anly [or. ill Sotit ' Catrolin ats clitap ats hlev val hiy Iheum of Its Study tho 4ohlvil, throw priejidii.. to tih wilidu 1ld Ia vonllAnishml I-, . .1"ily arrived fit. llave himight, W'ive Thollsanid, Iighlt, h-idut- atid (.$t5y- ven , 8 0) h4lar, wvor-th of I)-y s inoth,, hoesii a d 1othing. , vight, hol.t. ill Newbe ry sinll1a a lalty ht,. t1 e ( MOLI 1111111 i & Mlaybin lock It 511 ets. onl t.h' dollar atind tho 0awley stock on l0vidity, March 31st, hiebl givcs tue 1ow. with i h 0 Stock oght in Asivill , N. C . at 3:1, oi Iw dol lar. fotir li I stocks 111der. ono )0f, thitt. 1iS111) ll aId d0WnI 0tirs liko ICkS in a) tW ll1. 1 kin , 1 111 1bin d, 111 lil down suairs VI m h slock hll iwlii-ry lit, anu alvcrage cost of moro lal111 per cvnt., h1--Ss than i let 11n1al1 00ds caln hc bnt. bo ilthy a1y. merehlt I S41111 h1 'r1 ia ThVnl n1 N0o W01 or howv P'lynnill, t he be.-L, goods for. -thll any iore in Ni.-w herry F'ol >w Iho cowd anld yIl will w% alk s(,rai (ht I I,' nInIt's. Cooi varly if yoll wanta. L,, 'Clme bargaini-a as sevoral ellstomlers 0 away' (l t 11hat an t 1h W-Lited o1n. lirty- I mdred Dollars Worth r the latest, novellies io Dress Goods, 11-andlos, L,awnl,, Dncks P. KS , and 'rvinnimings, I,avos and Inmbrolderles is( re4ccived 11114 wiill be Sold att ak sam diit- at uash Store.l q0Book store! I I halivo bought the Book Store froi )r. J. IK. Gildhr, itild will bt ploatiod 1 hanvo tho IIle call inl atI illy illw iin d ul I4i)pk ct lly Stock. W il I Ik greit ploiasulro Inl Showing you 111( 1 havo. I hILVV It i n114 of StltionIVry, )icture, Fancy Artic-les, Albumn, isical I list Imnen(.1ts, I111k Books if fll desenlp 111ionls, froil I Ledg.8 anlld 0ura111LI to Poceht, Aiouoriindums, -:1,1ima lkKodilk and suipplit-s of ail in