The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, April 18, 1899, Image 3

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NEWSHEURY R[AtKi-r. Correctod ovory Tuesday and Friday 13' Summer Bros. Al t... .................. . . ......... 5 ( (i . Sh ouidu's ..................... . 7e. Slalm a ................................ 10(a) 12 . I test Lard ............... ....... ... 74(08ic. Bist, Molaitses, new crop...... 50C. Good M ol asses..................... 25( .15v. C 'n1 ................................... 615c. M Cal .......... . . ......... ........... 00C, (11byy.............. . . . ................ 75c. Wheat BnI........................ $1.00. Ist Patent 1lotu-.................. $4.75. 2td Best lPlou .................... $1.50. S.4rait FlOur......................... $1. 25. (jood Ordinary loui ........... $.50()4.00. ua .................. ..... ......... 5 ( :lc R 1e .................................... Gi(a8c. Cofyeo................................. 10(q;*Wc. Cotton seed ineid, per sack... 8A.00. .ale 1ulls, "or Cwt.............. 30c. Vouontry Prmieuo lit,ter. per 11 ..................... . 5a20c. ggs, per z ................. Sicke s, e a c.................... Pea,s, per bus hel....... .......... 6 Corn, per bushel .. ............... Oats, per hushel .................. 3 (i1c Sweet potatoes .................... 4 0 C. Turkeys, Ie' lb ................. (i() Sc. Podder, per cwt ................. t i . 'i I.e I it .Nasve !i- the woriI for ('uIH hiiles, Uie-r, .iters, Silt Rh(:1ni 10e Mor k'a.' Te'''-tt< C. (Chajpi<d ianodsi Ci-t ibij.Io-,, ('v! ii-. a nd all Skin Erup ,i.'- -, Idie-ti. hv Is Pliallmtie PII , o nive "elotn'act ion o1r 1-mli-Y r-fifun6df. Piit-e 25 1ii's pe lox, FVVi f4li' by l,rtm& (Mderanvd W. R. Pelhi:ml. Eggs of Legh"lor-n Ciickens for stle at To rent., Ivase or buty, a seven to eight, 'Oom house il de tiirable locality. A p ply at Ilel al( and News ofilee. t&f2t RZoomIIIS t o rent with 1 or w ith11oul boardm. Apply to Mr'. .1. H. Walton. hn. t ILoret. 1l'air goldl-tinunedI'i e1ye glasses. I"inder31 will be rewarded by 1etuI'llnin mu t-1)3111 to t, It, \Vmclit 11 11Ult. tittuht nowd For Sii. por terms and particulars apply to f&t Lf Dr. James N. Kibler. m-iegitest ito ce-ntrial 1,-agto Are reiquested to assemble Satu1rditY m1olrnilng at 10 o'.clock in t.he college cltpel where the Ileeting will bj held All tiembers and friends of the Luther League are cordially invited to attend this meeting. It makes no dilference how had the wound if yotl uise DeWitt's Witch 11azol Sahlv.; it will (iickly heal an1d leave n1o SClatr Iobertson & Gilder. Oie lnirml piecos embroideries, hltif pice, it IInaugh's. t&f 2t Wainic lu10 Help. W A N T D-eliable salesmen )to sell 1 ourl Coilmplete lit)e of 1'ains, Varnishes, etc. Good position and liberal terms for vight ian. A(1dress "W. W. Stoddard & Co.," Cleveland, Ohio. S tom Som t.tur 11ip.. Someli per'soit on Sat,urday night br1oke a glass out, of the front of one of t he letter boxes so that it could he0 opened from the outside, and1( reached the arim in through the box and got fort.y-liv~e 2-eent stainps anid about 50 cents in change. The guilty patrt-y will Ilikely be caught in a few days when juist,iece will be met.ed out to him. Pneum(on)iaii, Ia gipp)je, cou1ghs, colds, croup I t i an wlhoing ~-cough riieadli ly yid to (ine Linut. Cough Cute Use0 11 his remet.dy in timne anid save a doct,or's bill --or tIhe untdertt,iker{ 's''. Adver'i'tisi ng comes(. h)igh. We have'C th erefore to 0confIine ourselv'2 es to a small11 spit e in this ne wspapIer, hut we cani assurei' .he0 public that, wha te ver pr'ices thIey ar10 tasked for1 goods else where, we are alway~s teady and wil lintg to) heat, such prtices; we can) alford to do to when we buy our stock for half whalt, others pay for t,heiri's. wit.1) 0ut1 addinmr freight. Make no mistake. J1ouse go to i"lynn's Cash Store. tf iili ine Stolenm. A sorrel horse belonging to Mir. C. A. Howmant wals stolen 0n l"riday last fr'om the Lake pla1ce a few miles out, from tihe ':ity. The horse wats in the car'e of P 'ierco Cii O.hs, colored, and was out gr'azinog whet) it wias stoleni. P art,ics sa1w Ia w"hite, 11maiding the hmorse ini the dirtection of Lthut'ens when last heard frotm. hygilwingt he atculatitionls itn the hoer to) ireimain, lthe et, ire1 syst.m is po ioned . D )'W ii's I aitt,le Early I lisers reguat 1.0 the howelsI'. 1Try them and1( you will always use thorm. lsobertson & Gilder. If tl or'' is in Newberry a firmi that is kniv in i everty household throughout t-he (conntly itI is .Jami esoni, the c lothinig and shoe m011n of Li,his cit,y. The men,i wo tme n and cil drien wear his clot,hlng ttnd shoes andim the babies blow hIls wIstles. Itn his buisins 105career'i of Ii f teien year's itn Newborriy hec hais ineveri been as well prepared t.o supply the pub lie with 'clothinig, gentsa' furnishings, shoies andl habs as at present. HIis stocek is immtlenseC andl would b)ecred it, aLble to a city of 20 thates ouri p)oplalItioni and1( at prices to meet comnpetitioni. Call on h lii aftor reading his ad. o the 4tn page ofI thtis Iaper'. Somne of t.h r'esuilts of neglected dys pepltici coniltionsi of the stomachel are canceriii. conisumpi tioni, hearLtt (1isease, epi I lepsy. Kodol D)yspepsla Cure prt' vents all th is by :tl'ect,ing a quick cure in al Icatses of dyspepsia. Robertson & Gilder. D)rop in andi see outr Spring suits, iihI onuigh s0ilis 'i'mi fori loss. t&f 2t iOni f th -..Onnoi.. .tn.1 Cono to . ~ 1VARIIUN AND ALI. A BOUT. The City Police appeatred on Suinda in the' new unifOr-Is looking as nea ats peavocks. MrI I.S. I . liobe. ::, IAfter an ex tendtelt %isit, 14 rCliatives in Tvxats retulnit homtte yesterdiy. Sheriff Buford went to Oranilgeiur.g ol Fridity latst, after a prisoler wanted Iere ad returne d with him oil Sa-tu(1 r-1 (ay. Mr. .J. 1'. A4111, of Grcemwood (imll ty, wis oi it Visit, I-he past week to h ik son, t.he editor of The 1vl,ralJ1 and News. hlle successfull -guv1essrs havo not. 3 -it elilled for he prizes. We would liko for theml to (.ill ias early as possi Ille and ,lake the prizes homn). MI. 0. M. JAmtliiV01 hats lWesenlted e(ach 111InIIbI of 01he -olicV force with at lea, straw ikat and they hauve been jPel Illitted to 03ar thin. They will bto uch 111010 comfortUable thi the tim, u0 hationl hat,. The in111CCti 1If Ut Ie metIIAhoditit Churc LIh is still in progress. Preaching t,his iternoon, tonlight, tomorrow after oon anld toliorrow niIglt,. It will !e jeturminvu thle)) how muuch lonl-rI I' vill bi Collt inlued, if Itt alIl. MiInIIIug11 c(-ollm-s t.o tie fronit 1-1ain1 i this issue nd iniliakes annl liollneicklmenl ts At arve bounild to attlalt proopective nlyel's. Pln't. kl l1 put him on 3yourl hlloppinli.t'st be13 Or1 e coingillo to town. I f oll do ', l luliss I l-guills. ''hle North Ca.rL-oliia INollill Vxposi Aon is oil tho -!ideo tr.Ick at th1e Soultl win (epot atlnd it is worth t.ho Lit1e land mm charget il itS LO to s4 it., to g( ,brth 0 ,II WIus an ItIld See th adva Vl ,alge-, offered by Ow sist.ur State. The dust, is gettin(g- to be iti i1not, -d111 1r1 ggest,ion about, Opil'in, If at few Wk!eeks agto. !e.ems to h1av fall !n flat.. It Suvms to 1.1s thatt, tqmle air 'angrnent4 Coultd 1e mad which would JU Ul imprI)I'OVeeIlt on lihe IrseInt, at it.le or Io mllore cost. County Supwirviwr W. A. Hill is iL nidSttetVS jl nol 11OW 1ttenCdinU4 ou4rt i i lind is oil the jilw'Y it.iittng o tile Iliic City IyN11lewrs. TIeiv aelrii,g of thle catse1 will likelyI.V -onSumIe he entire wetk yet, aUld 1be will he 3-i) ic1, thalitt lon1 , if not, long .r. The Llord's Supper will h- ldmillnis att, tile A. It. P,. eilluch nleX(, Sabl >lth mornig it II o'clock. 1Uev. D. G. h'lilips will preilh t, this cheblileli on vriday evenlin-Ifg. SaUrdaty 1110r11in1, a(d ittbt.h morning. The public is cor lially invited Ito all these services. I r. Thollas 1'. Joh-nson, son of NJ r. WIll. 'Johnittin. gatve 1a b)ounltlous Stlul >er. to .110 giiaduatill ei of New ery Colloge, of Whieb lh IaInember, St.h h IoIe of hiS peItLS 1 hist, Fri lay nigtIl, which was greatty enljoled y his fellow cha;m;I1ttuh Te ein i !ollposel of lilel n men1, (111 Y wo of whom atre Newherry bop;, tiat u0h kindne.s wi1, ill U.AI dist,int, Il tire, be !allhpy r*IemI'I1r1'etICUS of their itM e mrke 11li itescu 1I. M rs403 .II i lnie lllurtain,41 Pl 3in14b' Ill.,g14 V 44<3, which 4 s1 tled 3 1o4n1 herI lL lun.11 she hy'sician4, but1 4. '3v worse. Il., told( r I i ~33 ihewa a holss viim4 ofr (o. '411 her'. 114l'er druggist sulgge.3t'd 1Dr. Cing's Ne,.v Di)sco4very for1 Cott 4441m. iin; sh' bon44ght, a bottle 1411 4) her4 delight filned he(rsel3f henef4'1li d romII 1,he4 lirst 414334. Sheo (3on i41(u.-l its3 (4se4 3to1 'fter taking lix ho0t 1,303 hero'4w I unu'sework, and is( a43 n. elI 4 51he evere wI as.*I'l4 r riIIl4bott1hs of h1i.1 (1reatI D.i'.covr at4 IPelham101's & ilotles 511 ('e'n1s 3144 S1 (40. WIISS BEWLIE RISER, MVill inery !!I Iin theO storo recently o) (4Cupied by1 ho Nowher'ry (lot hinig C o. T'rmls 4i,rictly cash41. tf (Como1 to l.heo cut prien solio Wed1 losda(y, 'Phursd33ay and1( Frlidavl at I2:4.',3r SO,a at.M l '4'rlinny. Ow Ill! LO the1 I't 10Ssin g diin s at O1.110 121Ihurche onS 0.h4 circuit(31. Brot,ber04 Tiller34 requested.0( me1 to4 (o for 14111 to4 Trnity1.3' Thle p)rogram11W3' 144 aranged andli th.10 who' 11took part'1 were tra1 Iied by3 Mlisses |341mmal Riser and4( NIlaggic NI art1in, b,he w(duIction4 (If whIlichl showed biot,h t,1he IVisdom n effor01)t.s' (If t,he tw young3(411 ais and3 also( con3 (41fer'red credit, 11n (and1.1 .r1 t,h iie hindest331 foolin4s and h(41 1ighest33 typrec0(iat4,ionl for t hose whob 1o1k parin'. l :,ho excre0ises3. T1.I44e 41nusic( wasL tin. Theii ant1 ire' exercise fr'om4 beginning413 t.o finish1 ~'I3 was 1 an' xcolln ( e41. fort4, and1( spealks weoil for Tr'ii, Sunda4441lIy School whc is ( a5I large one( 1(nd( well di (recte'd. 1'Cvery 0114 waslighted h 11 nd1 341( 1was( gilad 3f t,be.prWIiilego to be4 thorn'c. F"ivo hundrd1( bed( Hp. 0ads13, special for' this bHiig sale1, aIt.,I414 M inaugh's. t .e!2t The1 bet3. linle of' men4's~ (3dd4 pants1 over showvn, a4*tN Mimnau11gh's. I & f 2t German Millet, Pearl Millet, Amber Cane, Orange Cane, Lawn Grass Seed, Just received and for sale cheap at Robertson & Gilder's Drug Store.. A SAVINO TO T1111" k,1TV. The flp, rik u4inc x)t-lit rinamica at Foiu md a Itif 11. r Uvoit- Spi-iikot Well ''or the s ot'dit ofr lilts '4win. ()n January Ist, 1,"6, the Town Coull. lI of Newheer, in order (t paIy itt.s h-ht1, to Mr. IDavid liiery Wieeler, j&lued to l in hololds to) the extent of t wen ly-fon t housantd h ollars, bearing inltvrest, it tile raute of 5 pr 'ent., pay able il t went year, tinless sooniel call-of bW b I he to n council. Tw" IIo thousan doI r I(i(t tV,Of these bondS WereI pI i I 1 189. 2vI V ing a Ilalm I (113 by 'le towll of twvI ty-. wo t housand au'!y his year, INI v. \\ heel1. oiered to sunneder i he" b"ds mt. lp t the cminvil, willh tho nsttbt if tho. ("OkInvil c.-kOd not, titm, Ih .t m up, that the fon of thu hondls be s, c htanged, that he cotld ne;oli itt. 'heim. The at ter was refer ed to t he Mayor and the Hinane- commitlev, who went t) worik to try to .<a0Ve 'Alomlle illoney for t,bt town, and the result, (;f thoi' Oi'-s is that bonds to the eXtent, of twenty-t.wo thousand dollars have been issiued and sold for twenty-two thousand two hulj drpe( andI lit,,y iohlar,s, free of all .x - penlst.. to the town, that, is tihe pu ebaser.s, lessus. 1Eudolph, Kleyholte & Co., of Cineinuati, Ohio, paid all ex penste-S of print ng and litho aphing. ''his Is a spl,qndid salt, and th1 h.-Ft pu'. of it is, t.hat the lnew h:0nds hear. inter.'est it, tile low rate of -IA per vent. Tnhis .-),aks well for ut crdit. of th towIl, and is a !'WOuW to the hiusines foresilt. and 22: laguent of the gen tellIeen n1 ho compo;llIs- the city connei1. Wval,tv.oSuil Yom. Mr. .1. 1. Davenport, th gi1an21o and icil, halts Ilhirty-five or forty tolls of gunilos a ateid'. onl hand yet, alld wolid ike very mIuch to supply your. Wants i2 that, ine. Give.him a call. A stallitig i oh-111, lif 1 11 INI I . .Ihn1 (iive. al' PIrIndvlphiv wns tt S.hJsect, ns uarrit(d by lit,, t.s I'4011Aw: SI was ill a imt (11teadf il I-ont(lition. My skill w-Its ab1must YvelItw,t' vs si ii kel , tonlguk. cluled, p)a4t CAoIintitaly it; In2ek 2 sinde S, 24 a'lle itt -Aradu 11t ly growil-g wunker (lly 1.y (ty. Thire--l phy lInllzus hat givk-i - l, -Op. I" P1ti 1 e.y, a1 flirind atv'tist<ij 1r'. ilIt 10ee tie lit tvl's; 411d 1o Illy greplt j ) 11id 81 jtl'r-e, It ' fir f-t4 le 1i1I ad kit l citell. imil2 Vellitlli. I (14mrliulled th#-ir list l 1' tlet Weeks, allot 11221 llow. 2t wt-l 1111a1. I 1i. W thPy savi'd lity lit', 222nd rl'bhed thle 1-iv lf ll(lherm viclitl." No ome slouh ftail to try tit. lu. 5ut pIter bu2t leat Pelhaim'.-N & Ittbe't so2 & Gilder's 1)rug Store. Minuhs (.A s8u itis clnn' ,t be matched il Nowberry 1or l1ss t.han S -50. .tf 20 Ppi'r i lig to lt lun (41lh111IjLs. The firemIllen of ,he city of ('011,1umbhia are 11na1king1" preparations to givil a gland illttv-State firemen211el's tom-na l.clnt, in that city early il .111ne, and it a1 lileeting of tie lNxceisiolr Fire comn pan1y last, eveninlg it. was ducideIA to Or ganize a t.eltim and go into trainling lit, on2Ce for2 t,ha11 occasion2. Mr. P. . Vo s was8 8ele.cted as C'aptin an :td T1rinerl' and1( will have c'harge2~L of the team111. If the weatther' p2ermIits the boys will have thlel' ir fist, practic le Lthis evening 0on Min 2 Streelt att.8.3 o'clock. The 1'0x I liOrs nowIV12 4'. 212e an up-t.o-da te ret'l and1( ae0 21s well eqipped2C( as8 any1 1team in the Ste or0 212 aIdjolilnig Sta2te. 1'o( walth elo11t for2 at r'ec:2od-beaker an211 Lthe Arran1lgse2et:, wil1l heC 2made0 and1 1an e'x1lll's111 22221 1(2 tIle ('21141121 021 212;21. occa1sion), Carry'vIllg dhown 21sCevra2l hu21n2 d 2'ed frolm N e'w herrly. ! .ct, ( oI 122111222 1push1 the tolln-namen4'2t, am2( 4,e p)eople will be th2ere. Thlis is 1no ban1krupjt. sale to got oill last yea'2r's old shel41f worni f.oods out of styh'a, out. of dat11(. Nothiing but upi to2 (ite' goodsl att Minat122ugh's. t.2n, 1., 4;.. May4 2(o- 2a, 18929. ) n a1C01oilIt, of 1112 ('2222federa'2te. Ve t erans11' lie22nion, the 80eaboard'C A\ir Linle wvill sell 1. i,ieets to) Gharlest.n 21nld re centI Ier 2' il21e2, traveled' ttI. T1ickei.ts on1 sal1e MIay' 8thl, !th and11 1th. good1( to re 2,urn2 May :31st. 801heduleI s, ke. ,'app11y 2.1 T1iet A goents (22 abddreLss, I ,. S. .\ i,b2'N, (iii' li''ie. Ag2ent , A Newi 2(4n4ket stor". 1e(l. W. 2i1Ct.l'2.eber(& S('(. 212221 1r '.om1 as8 tIhe goods1 arr'liv w. ill (op24 an12 41p-to-date1. l'ac.ket .t.ore 1in thle sI'ore room22 r4ec'ently va2cated( Ny .'lr. J1. \V. I leeder'), 224exL door22 1(o W. T' Tarra'2nt,'s. A\s soon 22s hie Is r'eadyl for' h)2 ineCSs his 1(olumn121,'.so wa2tch1 221ut for lbargains$ L ta Co4mnittee of 44 4 the4 ihr Iiils .4'2gu22. Social21 -MIiss ( tssie K ihler.' le'2sie4 Summer4h, C. TI. 8(2n1ne,' I i 2t.'raryV-Xr2s. 1P. I tOber2tsonfl, MhsI 10lh1I itii'. Piof. WV. K. Sligh, l\essr's. .J. E.X Holand( and2( D. I". Goggans. De).'votional -i'rof2. IX1. . etzxler', Mliss Mrl. J. 11. D)erriclk. Vigibtlnet -Mliss Sena1 t(iser,' MIiss Agnes Summer2lCI, Me('58rs. IJ. 1.. Harre''1 a .d ..l'. , Inhaug. 1(224'(. 1ieb1lhoond, Vne.. A\pil I I - - I'ro(f. II. TI. V..1~I. Bowman o1 f - 11n2-on ( 'ohlego, S. C., d .ed atL 11,be home oif his br aother, nnnrI (!hnlottnville.2 this1 aIf tneoon10 . A t'tIIt.fM INLtV *ilCAt1tNoI. lThe Negio-- in hI tlm Vaughtiil le sti linvo The Ir FIII ol' ok Negio Mlorit. Fo a yea or me1 or'e Lt,he tingr'oes in the UIpper porIt,iol of Liis votilly - knowin as the \'all"Ihiville bectionl-haive been) determiled to have t doctor of their own ract., which for a iihile itused soine little trouiblu ittid excIte lint in that community IIlaong t.he IHowever thelr wishes were gratified inl the fall of litst. year by impoltinlg olo .1. W. '1. 11at.t.ersonl inlto the commiiuntity froi the State of Ohio, il whom they 110w h aVe hir11 1111 ILd Iu' seikin justice at, the Ilands of the courts. Prom tit (-videlence brought at the Chappell ye.ster"lhty it seolms t.hat thle negroes of the \'ln igh1an vii lne section sent $18.01 to Cinvinnati, Ohio, for a tivkit, to brilL the lw-go doetor. to Crw-s l11l,01. and oil hl. arr-ival blIlta h ed:-% bin11:i;.l0.5 With Whlit'h I0 bd)y drug's to piLctice wit.1h-said tmonovy to he repilaid to tI cit!iZes, ntid After a' of thrve o11ths duration of that. nei i1,111hood, for e ilshl, Ie !'ft, the voimuiity vet'y silddetily and ItaIout dd ilf Withk himl thet drul's, ewe , mizatinlv inl Greenlwood itho t,~ atif :ing the pol-sonls from wht th tihooey Was obtained for Is pa-save to Cro." 11111 and with which to btly the d ugst aftee which ti ne-goes had hi 'Ltl a'rrest.ed for breach of trust, wit.h Itridilun1le t itiont, and tOhe preliminaryhe-igwsbhystra bef(pre iugi.<rate Chappell. .1. S. 'arks, E,ij , of tilie fitin of Cald Awell & I'M-kS, Of (G reiI wood, ep -k-S,nted 'atil'son, tie niegro doctor, and (". 1'. lli t!, Nzq., Ow the State. Alagistrate Chappelt-11 boluld the iegro $200). 91l.w'." This'? We t iitr ieiit it 1) a,diud ItDo warRtir folr An. i\ i'f C. t I 111 utI cinato becule it by lil i's -I. it i Iit .. I iitii iii,i1' et '1. . 'l. co: l i1N .. o ,lr s o e o .1. clit ~ i., o WI! Il nit1: r .% hao . iic lown p i 'h il n. e t 1 cat-, nildh li fevwr to h1 11t-rit-et y no I or. e i ih .n-s il .ibS1te 1411ns -.lilt fi I.u e 1 'ly 111h1t- soq) . out all) ol , ili 1111h 1.1114. 1' by 111hi 1 1). \ 1-:.-?, ,'1r.,.x W (tslieu ld .x''lco 0 w%Al.D,.,4, 1\1.\,N % MAtRVI,. Wholt-Atlu DroUgisle, iou toeo. 1 l. lhitt'is tnIil re C li I nkcn in i'tlttiy, It ing Ithre lo, t h blom ittlo iti ti ri . wl iteez o ite s e ii 1' ( -I * bottl.e. .-A I by a11 AIn, g I s r,q slinnonliuls fr, e. i il'N iti ily I nS Il fr t b t i tIViI. Itp lity It Ul ie , Nuo b. v. Eitr Alow ine t5pacc iln yoi. out to 'iiori a few words to tlie brethrln ut iheo huches composing the Union No. 2. 133re(thren, I take this opportunity to inforil You that our next, mleetig will umivene att, the Cross Rloads B3apth-1 Chukk-Vb, VaugI-0han11Ville, S C., on PHriday3, 28th i inlsteadti of IiLt,' i Velr, Sil vet, SI.reet, as We inteled. .CVery 41hurvh shloubd std from two to fou 29 ait 11 o'clock, srmon by Rev. eJ. F. AMiller, of' WN"lelh's Zion. AISO Sermuon aL, I)ig ht. Su(dly mllolIingllr, 10 o'clock, c ncer,s. I o'clock, intiisionatry lIlsmo by lod erto 21 . "3.' fib,or h is 22 a r'aoe New t'', y curc of.2 Un(tiI Iinl' he3'n hn at Anth, 21.h 1nd limtedtob. d d\ pll 2--1i . (1i.' .11'St ls fd erator '(ill 11(1happells. C.Ii stI i 5h ai and i,i slerd t Minl tnh's i.12 Iolletion of AO lillinery is 1 her of er-L I onaitil set ion,*22 andiu ewbres the vfryii lte s.t'.les, salpes 2hd color.n in7. Exiitretomae moetio. fpie is ai pinsant, Ieaur of and er liied Torm 2 tri nh .im N.owh.rry Clotihhig C. CX pi. Its for Ithe followin ho i eion at41, $2h special 'ats1ent . oMed 1'i ,1 Grande.ioi Linige' Knightsiof' liorto 1Sout~P h Carota Cohunbiia, (. ,Aoili S9. EmAi'e for round.2 ti $1 i25itfrim Onil IialiA pril'i18i'9, liitets oi and. gTriennlLilS A..lo I~teron. nlSn rounditi. On'ii sale 11' u Api2thlir and) 20tih, wliite toia i i ''wlls wGrad Lodg411'e;il. O.'. ii.,n waf o. ('aoinn, LoubaI.C, rl2 9 Itound trip $2 2 frm ewery,$ 27,r li mit iout a d l at. 11( J Onile Aprig 17 118, 19 and 0 li m aliteid an0 19,li1 ic t.20 Leaue f SoU aMina, Caden, Tha Free Itiral De-tivcry WIecoitetsend in till's ,Cfmutstv. Tho' tpri4.4l Aoent 11u14 otgIreAn U ttlatter taplostg t)over She 10)Mt11. d\s wo illtMiolled inltlT lieT- i ld nil News on IPriday petcial Agvent P. I'. Ha1cl of the postollice department , has been at 1'rosperity and in that section looking over the field wit,hi a view to IcOIli itti g tilt) ldoptionl of free Iural delivery. Ile has decide to re commend two rout,es from Prosperity subject of eoilrsi) to cotilrination by the postoillice aitihorities at, Washington. The lirst, rouite will be frotm 'lrosper ity to the I-Imore place on the MleNary 1010 t hence-to Geo. Morris', tiheice to .14acob Pellers', thence to Zion chutrei thence to Z P. Hendenbanuighs, thenice to LI. h2. Hoczer's, thence to A lin [law kins' plAce. thence to (. 1). 1lMIteIs, theice to St.. Laukle.', thetlce t i GCo. 1". 11 .nter's. tid tluleu baek to 'ro pIlity. Ti secomd route recotniliinndd IIIlso i starts froml 'rosperit. and goes to Cook'r; roller mili (old It(.ndrix inill), thence to Jacob Hoozer's, theence t.o UpwIll via W. '. l'ugh's am \\'alter NI. Wise's, dithe to Stockmian posto(liet, 11ad theln back to Cook's imill, thteco to 1'. 13. Wal-ner's, tbeev to MrIs. ilaw kill.', thenceu to 1B. 1". Stockmanit's, t'ence to Pi'lgrim chureb, tieiee to .1. W. lartuian's, thelce to r'os perity. These roties, if adolpted, will be gontl over every other iday and the inail de livered at tbe places nameu,and Itiso Itt boXeib along the rouLites. The people of l'rosperity are highly pleased wit Mir. Iacth anti thiit he is the riglt 3an for this pilie. lit a lts m11ad(e it t hortouigh inv\'k-stigation of tf1. dilel'nt, rPutLs anild prss hit self as highly pleased wit h that seetion of tihe country. lie was espcially im pWeseed Witi l .he it in libe' of binlitil farims and tle thrift showin oin thIem-111 atid th lliainner inl witel t.he L i Illue rs welit, al1out, their work. lie links Uhat, that, section is an ideal sect,ioi in which to live. lie and Congressman I'atilme Ilav golmi on to Slighs with It view to loc.t ing riu-al del ivery in tliat sectLion. ongr-essnIan Lalitiiue leaves today for \Vashing tol to look after the adoIp Liko of the recolninentittiois of All.. liach for this diktrit. We are iLanxious to bee lis rural de livery give a fa.i trial, and we believe it, will bot1n be fottI tiiat, i, i at Site cess. Fl.twetim for Hal. The iLdies of Thoimip'son Strm!t. A. It. P'. chiui1ch have a lot of beautifuil pltants for sIle it ver- resonabl prices at, the r0sidelice of Mrs. .1. N. IMartii. 'I'hey have pahmnl, ferns, begonitas Ititd cin nis, atlt very finie varieties. 'N tie Centr ail i.iithIor Iiimngmn Vill iicut, in tle I uttheranl ehtue'l io t, Newherry A iril 22, 1899. )evotional exereises by the presileit. low to mtake- the Ceontral Luthet r Lea~igute it succeiss: MJ esss.. .1 . J1. lK ibler, I1 LI'. I ,it,ber, lI evs. G. S. IHearden tnd A. J. ilowvers. H.eeltt ions by Nlisses M agiie IliI rie alt(l .1 essie Sunuinerci. Th'le d 115.' oif the niienheris oif the chlirchl to( I.he Leatgue: Misses0 N MaitC Hoibb, I.,oise5 ( Itpntn, llevs. S. 'T. Haitllmtant ad W. K. Sligh . I-ssay: H-orn MI iss-ioni "iei ---Illsses (lert--ude Sintipsim itutl (ii ssii. K( ibler. Query boux. COl Mi i'".1.: The~ (umm.n y Allnancmme-. Thei. Newhiairry 'omunt.y AlIlianice wiil mteetS on Satu i-d ay, d istant t, att It0 o'cltwk It. ini ,v wtIh the Cannonil)i Cureek AlIliantce. All subh-Allianice.s aire r'e qes ted to send d elegates, atlso a sub trutei. . st ocklc) der of li OXb xchan igc, ias iiIamuty liruslee stock holder is toi lit ohlectedl. 'i'The quiestion to he dli scussed is: 1.1)ow to rest.ome worn limt Ia itd. Ilv~er'y 41llianceot shld hIie reprlesen ted at thmis mme-tinmg. 'JimH0 mmmi I Nit mu-u (nmi m W\ill inmeel at the ( 'ourt, I lous-e at Newivherr iy on .'ionid ay, 24t,ht A ptril, at II a. m. Thle lpuriposesu of the itnetin g is to arr'ange. for' Mciemoriatl I)ay, andt( aill) the trip to Chairleistont. A full iat tentdanuce oif the mieimb rs is earntest.l3 dlesiredu. 'Thet .1itO. NI. Kinaurd C amp atnd theo Sraty toiln t tltterfordl(i Cha t'r are- ini vited t.o meet, wit,ht us. I.et5, there' he ia fill atte' ndance of hothI CamLitps and also of tIme )aiught hors. C'. I'' IloY l, A\'Jjutiantt. 4puecilittem (Ovir ihi 4'. N. & I,. it.slronmel. Th'le Coiitlmia, Newberry'~ timd Lait r'eus I tailroad4 is (ilfer rig spe)el1al for spieciaii(C$l enionts iiencLi onied bow i. IXior oicatsiomit annut al session I ibldical Soiciety', att Ch1arlotte, N'. C. , Jumne 20 to 2:Ibl. (>ne fi rst- class fare for 1t-he iounrd trip. Tlieket4 Ott saile Ju ine 18 to 21, limited to July I. Occasionl anuatrl State (Concel Juito r ( )irer, at Col umubia, S.C. A pil 17 t o~i :".ii i*re . fromt Ne wheiry $2.25: l'r'ospermity, $2.00. (Onm sale I5 17, himrite'd t,o 2tti. O.cens iont Anliinuail Convenitioni Smut.hb 'arolIinca Sitnmday sichotol .\ ssoeiiat.i(in, Spat.'alnurg. S. ( ., A pnril 20 25; $.'i.75 for- roun rd trip. TIickets Ott sale ItS, 20 tatu 21, liitied to 21. Grand Lidge~ I. ( ). ( . I". of South Carolinai. Colinnhia, S. C., A pril 261 -20: $2.25 fare for liriud tr-ip. On)m sale 25, 26 and 27, limitedm ham May I. lFo~r futherlci in for-miationi see the nge nt MI. inarugh'; 'mnits for fi f>(O, oh hs ausk von nt in dollar bil II. t f 2 I te i an romi 8t.. P'ituli's. re are flow having beautifil Spritg weather. '(oUri and Cotton platitIng is flow the order of the daty. Seark- ti ftles, for our cooks to get. something to cook. We expect, to dine li t.he vdit.or of T'.he ilearld and News before long. NII. Marion Q 11oland's school Itt St. 'aiul's lts closed. i r. Boland Inaude uts at good tvieher; at bettel' oneo ha1sn't, set. inl St. I"I'aul's vehool house in at long tim3ik lie gItined tIhe love of tho pupils, and tile pralso of the pitrotis. lle would have made us a good super itiendent of education. Mr. TimAdeus IVptingv of Newhetrry 'ollege is stllyinf with Mr.4. 'lin Ice the deat b of her hoi. More stelih!,r at 'omlillil. An 0mi t'yof Satan i tr he housemlm of M r. .lam1es (e )I (n last Sui:V while lte self or tens'lves to th (liiller tVa:l was preparvid IbLfovwe goilng to chlihe, takIllg two pi'1os thoit, one dollar in 3noney. anIld other th1ing.. It seems to me that hee I l'oitiaIlites ought to get .\Mr. (Chappell hlid of those inhteak 4,r11, 01r 11 tuIPoy at detet-O ive to Cat('h tht' Chipls, doln't Itlt ohd m1anl K y Ph-% out, of youl what youl w t1, u.p C'olmnihlin for. Lt ,. him tellI what lit- wvnt for if hek wunts to. I havv IIs n1111-h to Sa * . If this gOvO11e me nt1 s a or er t va'g *, 't , t a bitt-. 1n am It Iw 1 hont st, mIIIn thain Mr 1% 'hips toat 't I.) it. It. . S I ih pa Ise ta o I r I [lil i . I 'I i litltt ii1P r. 'it~o i i hiire Fr'iyt n lpaywih 'ogrs til . 11a ti . atlli) St.. I e'tul's1e lvre n F(t S'lay. The e Itr S h( a nst. to mIII(Il) bership by confir-IlutLion. I I. steem s 1..haIt. I I. lIS. .1 . Set, at ta 1-t1 for ,.olmethling anIld suceveded ir vatchinl abig ti hu of lie M\It. INunlltuitmakli r, (if lixilto ,a wvdh(Wd Mi6Ssthsi KOIll, one( (Of oul St.. Panl's 1-i1rls. Mrs. i'sh will ;oon h Ive Em.ItAh pt-Is to cat. There are y<mn,zI 01ne, onl t,he vinivs. (uirl rkilh potatoes, "The Ib,s Ti um311ph" which wo boughlit lit. Fuhilk.' 33 s. lie triimphil'. . over t Le the vari - ties. Wv have had it time t-he past. wveb pshing" the cotton plaiter aruind he urvets in ' crolked votton t'ms. I t h1ink if Fa iri y 104lle or Nit", ol som1e of Ille aood ladies woul rei.ii 1.he(! tditor thaLt hit m1U.St, 11r1at, Lthe woul e no h-silta y on i pa-t.. Now, Mr. I-Milort. t fot don't, setm to I-alize titt, we siribbletiis vat.. Y Ii " we ma, ini ti lolgel_rl yol puil, it, 4,1 tie the oe Vi will fa.' . A pril 1. 18111. Slhe Effot1. fo 11he1 ' $ I f rR.Pn4. $I Lr e A1I0i" locf tno waIsIl gven to011 thle jtiyinL t,heI liae City O casel herett' to'iht Th(' t)obraki dwhtec.-atr0 mtil th ' i denc. I e e,ir t ndwhlo t lu,i l en i s pri h c lf3 ' 107f- -A pival t ais t.e i m3s! 1( fal rad :uuuh-I(5 I .h t Ilc ('igh wasl at.' his'3 ((33 n te hto t.1''(5'eX 13311 hs lnch texin . Three I willne1I(slte1tilled to( (Tll a'' oli is iet.. o id er st l (fo Marti iso the ile ft tl the walt'.fi al, the'.1" hous oI a(3 neighb1 muned (I'1Il litts nuron o th hi tt.Iu 'n ise,k wife1. Nihre itnsses 4test-ViIed to iieachlof DurVein to h e"~ i insI-exaInat,heIn [thei ligh'tY more( than)1) flne iconsitenc 111in liolck, for( instane,. (1w1re le inutlit It Is Not Consistent Vith hutinln retson for any thinking weil bliticel Iind to collvilive theml pelvem that they en boy goodR In any Otore in Soluh Carolina a ccap as th aly en bny theI of u1s itudy the probmill, throw Ifl,lii ck) to the will Iild i ili loll i! ( asily arrived at. I have biolight, F'ive Thollsatid, ENgglit, 11midh'ed anid :-ixtyven,n (f5,8137.00) Doulars Worth of I)ry Goods, Shoes nd Clothing right. liro *o Newberry sine .ltotlay h't. Thu (,otimantl & Maybin s rk It 51 ets. on l.h dolla, and t,bu 1'awiey stock on 1'riday, March let, whivii oives im now, with thm stock bought, in Asleville, N. U., at 33c, on .he doll r i. fout; lh1-ge stockCs liider, 01n0 roof t, Li I Ill ) it I an l down st,il'S like brici s inl a waill. ml akd!. vi I l tbined kilp tIl d(_WnI SlItir'S 1-.b0 let,LOCkC in Newherry it, 11) %a 1a , -ost of imloro Oln :33 per ent,..; thanl tho uisual vati en bu. honl-fht, by Iny m11rchatl ml South Cartolilla. Then valn Noll non) Al. how I'lynn mIls ie lest toods for ;ss tim ian y storv in Nowberry Iol 1mW Th crowI and you will Willk t iaight, to Pl. iIi's. Com e etrly if you want, t,) *ecur bariais'. s everl tinstotmer L,(tl away (lhly thOt vi llot, hi waited on1. T irty- i, v liiilred 1)0lj.l's worth Af t.he liaest. Iovoltles in Dress (1oods, reu)in ldits. L.awns, Diucks, ". Ks , aId 'iminniii!s, .nes ind Eiml broiderles l,; reeived lu4d will b Sold at a stc ifice it FLYN'S uash Store. I1lb Book Stor I lmvt' bought I lit Book Storo froml Dr. J K. Ildtr, lind will bv plvaseod o ltvo tho 1itmi'lic call inl at, fniy itml i nt1 111 illsiet. miiy sto k. W iV l likople- itt plItsiurt in slhowing yon vAit I have. I havo) it Ii Hinm of Statitnery, Pivitures, l''iiiy Aiticles, Albums, insici iustrutltiils, Bllnk Booct >f all <lesen tils. from limdgers amsl Iiuriils io Pockiet. Memiorandiumi, l"' tunu1,11 KIolik tid supplios of all kinlds, Wanm-1111's Foluntainl PoInl, .;11ratt10eed to givtq silltisfactioti. Coiv 1i<1d look Ivor olu t nlow lot of biooks, smlt of wheih 1. monit,ion be Imw: Tho Work'rs, by Waltor A. Wye lioll'. Tittile Tilivs of (ipid, by Paiul ''orl. h'lio Sorrows of 81atan, by Arie Th Ilatlo of the Strong, by Gil bovrt Pirkilr.. Cyria do U rerne, by It. T. Kingsblury. Chikies, by Ilossom, Jr. ChoI i r Invisil , ilhil"trattell l'y A.111111.l W. 0. MAYES. Up to Dae. My stock of Dry Goods, Shoes and Notions for the ladies, and Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Gents' Furnishings for the men and boys, is now complete for the Spring. YOU will find my SPRING LINE better for the prices than you have ever seen before. I have the quality, quantity and style. As to prices, all you have to do is to call in and examine my stock for yourself, and you will be well enough satis fied to make your pur chases without going fu rthe r. I wat y'ouri pait r'onauge, and if giv ig yoni g4ood gootds at lowv prices wvi I ill a t cuttHomeir out of you, you will certainily becPomfo one of my cusitomeors. I txplect to keep my stock up to dlate lthrough i!Ialolnuons and shall endi(onvor' to lea1o you)I at any time, WC'(OMEI To SEEt ME OFTENg M. A. REN'WKK Succosisor to Daivenport~ & Ren.. wvink anid 'I'hno Nowharry iolting Co.