ESTABLISHE D 1865. Y. . C, T[U ESDAY APRiL 18, 189-T. ICE A WEE K S.~~~ C..5 A Y E A DA.1PR.1184 In the Pub] but by plain st less money or LOWEST Wednesday, T1 Three Day's Offering: 100 pi Special Salo 20c worth 35c. 100 pio werth 5c. One case Shiirting prints inch White J.a vn short lengths for ti lengths regular l)c quality b'C. 1001 quality S1e. I caie colored Lawm a 200 piecos 4-4 bleached cloth slightly bleached cluth now 51c. I caso Frii prico Oe. 3 hales I ho John P. King H the John IP. King Sea Island ono yar SOME OF THE NEW LAWS I4m-r 1IAVE 1%EEN APP11ROVE1, HY 'il14EGOVER,itNO.R. O )1ost I rnportant Gi1veni--Woirth ,st ndyling and Kspienhg for Futarts Referce, Act to provide for the countiy overnment of the Various counties *t.this State. otion 1. Bo it enacted by the al Assembly of the Stato of Car,lina, That the offico of supervisor as n( w provided hall Conitiio, and the sue 6f the presolt fupervisors lested by the peoplo at the ral election, with a term of wo years andt until their sue 11 he elected and quali fied lipervisors shall recoivo execut th) bond as now aw, except in the Coin. oli, Greenvillh, Ker oro, Newborry, Orango Marion and Colloton, y shall bo six hni In the county of o the salary shall h ' f fty dollars. In. muter,wvhero tile salary Tdlred dollars. In reenwood the salary p hundred dollairs: iervisor shall sponld P a tile roads; and( in Chesterfield, where the ai tix hundred dollars, Sshall have no clerk. 10ll the board shall In the county of Of the salary shall bo dollars; in thle county' ~ 4 the salary of t.he b)e four hundred ~two commissioner's Sthree dollars per ~ ~~ed thlirty days in in tile countty of ~the salary of the t the Governor J. rst day of February the recormmonda ra of the Geoneral pseveral counties em, and before the at 4 ary of each succeed it4 - ifter, appoint two -so county, who shall ~Oommissioners of o~b ho shall act with the governmental attet nty. The said -or mmissio[nors to &er adq , b11oard, to be avn n ty commissioners. at,itl les of Lancaster, eoig&W land and Berkeley hie arfqi of said commission ,ra *h e on or before the st day of 11,l 1899. The super. ieor Ahall b~airman of the board f county c0 inissioneors so to be oritted;(l tid said board at their ~eetin ifor the organ ization ic Favor that w atements of stor more goods for PRICED bursday and Friday. ecos black and colorod Dross Good .P.s Dross Camubrics all shaldos for thiii o10d quality for this sido 2Ac. On( is sil -1c. On1o ca4o -10 inch Vhito I )iec's whito and colorod P K's r' A Dimites cheap tt 10c now youri H1ild 30 yardi fo' $1. .1 eao Au< L of tho Loom othtrs ask you i 61c ai, on Eslaud oino yard or a thousamil c 1 or a thousaid 1(,. I caso Trillie! may lect, a c!prk ; x xcept iii A bbo. vidle, whoro tho board shall havo no clerk, who sball rucoivo such salary ts S11h1111 b fixed bV said hoard at their first moting; 11th samo shal vot ex coed the 8mn of two liiudreod dollars; vXc'pt in] (lhe conlitius of Spartan bu11rg, .Pichbat-d and Charle14stonl, wbro his I'aury hall not exceed throo hundrod dollars; and inl the county of Sumter, wheie his .Lldary shidt bo out hundred aid lifty dol. lurs; and iml Pickons and Flurecit the clerk shall receive at su riot ex ceodig seveity.five dollars; ild in Williiisbirg not excoding fifty dot lars; andl(] in 0;itngeburg ono hundred; in tho countils of illcastor, York, Goorgotown and Ooeco the sa'ary of tho clerk Shall not bo m1ore than 0110 htndrod dollars; amid in Doichestvr 011 iundred and fifty dollars por aiun. Each of said comilissionl ors hball reeivo tho snim of thrmc dolhars por diay for vach a(liy actuall in sorvico, n.ot to vxceed tweity fivt days iii 1ach N eir; except ill th( county of Spart anI'l rg, whero th< nmbor of riltod Sprin)g Smlts luntil you I= Governor, after tho appointment anld qualification of tho Commissioners provided for il this Act, shall con. tino inl olico its county boards of equalization and township boards of a"sse0sos 11util their lucieessors Shall I be lippointivd, aind the Governor of hbis Staito is herey)v ant horized and (1I11poNwvrvd every two 3ars to ap point suchll boavds of cololty 1assessors hild tOWI)Mhi) a1SIS0s 8 ats ar1 n10ow providvd by law fir tho iippoiitrmint, of county com114irs mid town slip commision(ers. Such boards S11111 sorve for two years from tho time of their tippointmetit, aind until Ilheir successors aro appointed and quialified. Their trms to ho co t0r111i11111 with tih Governor wio a11) points bom, ind they shall receivO seh paty as is nlow provided by law. Ti chatirmLI of t110 special b0ard. of atsessors s111111 be ex ollicio mm hers of th county biords of etuli zation. Nolhitig iin this Act con ai1ned S111111 hbo conilstruod to filf"et 1he special board of isse-sors lis nlow )IOVidud by la1w: Provided, thlat inl sessors providvd for in this Act shall bu town. hip commlIIl issioners o.8 11w constituted for G reenivillo Count y. Sect ion 5. That SetsI andJb 11( 2 of an Act approved t h March, 1890, ont1 itled: "'An Act to amenl'Id Sectitons 2,3'i5, 2,370 anId 2,-102, of Volumo 1, ilovised SIltttes of .1 893,"' b), and4( the sam111 ar he l4reby, re4peled. Section G. TheI) counIty bloard of cominssioniers shall have the4 saIme rights and1( duities withI refereneo to the reparat111ion of jur l 1ists as8 aro niow dovolv'ed by law iuon1( the prs ent county13 boards of conunIlissoners. Section '7. The proisbonls of thlis Act shall niot apply to luumborg, Barn Ilwell1, Chester, Failrfield, 1Hampj ton, Spart ianbu11rg, Ch eraw andh Chioro 1ko0 Coiuntic 5. Section 8. That all 41 10tb: and parts of acts8 inIconsistent withI t,hiis act be, and1( t he sam111 are horeby,V repeaoled:'( Provided, t1h pov isions of t his act 81hal1 niot~ apply)'1( 11o0the I cunties of H3a1mberg,( 11 rniwell, Chiester, Spar t anbu rg, Fairfield, Cheroket', 1(o1 sha1w, 11am11pto and1 Beau io,for:: P ro. vided , fur th1 er, that t hIe. provisions1 of tills act,111 shll apply to) the counlItiIes of I,an1cas8ter', Geo rgeton O .I ichan and4( 11( OconoeoA D)'98, at wi h ih 1101* he)bo rdl on1 and1 atfter the0 1st day of A pril, of County Coni;nissioneors p)rovidedl for ml this act shal11 go into. ollico ini said couiIs0; an11( in1 the4 counity of Aiken on t ho 1st (liy of .J uly, 1898; and1( in 8said counIties the4 jies Hshall be1) listed( and1 draw byI 1bo 11 i And1(it or, thel T reasureur and the ClIork of the Cour't, wiithu 1 e0(xtra pay1), a111 they airo hioroby (dec1lar41d to) be th11 Boardl of J ury Couuai sioners for such pulr poso4, with all the0 p)ower1 dIovolved by3 law upjon1 such boards. Tho above act was4 passed( at t.he reguhlr HssionI of 11t h( General Assem-i b)1y of 1898, and1( b'camei a Iiaw wih out the apjprovai of the0 Governor, by opIerationI of a provision of t he Coni stitultion of the State, on the I 2t.h (iny of Janunr, A. D. 189. A T( meet and succe( . goods at prices / than at any othE OUSE WI I In 10(-. 25 piecoS Poigen goods ti 5> pieces Bleached table linen 150v qual1it 35c inality now 419c. 100 dozeil Lilnn I IS' gauizo Vests a rattllr for )C. 100 d y I Ov. Bed Nrs, wo sell moro bed i vbviirrv comibileld. 'ho godt are right, t: Special for t ihi Salo 415. each. 100 wort h SI. 100 White Bed Spreads spv ito Bed 8preids 81.25 worth $1.65. ment of Sprit: CIothing is now oi the 1 selt my linm I will savo 301 ulmonev. NEW WAR CLOUD GONE BY NO DANICiR NOW OF ANY Fi*1' Oj'I4 1 sA uz0.1k. 1.4-Avo Tli. ('nmiry (in the ' th In x1riciet to li-tore Peac anid to ite.. 9 port uln tile Pd,.1uiimg Trouht. Washington, D. C., A pril i.-Af ter hearing this morning from the British and Gerlm eflinihassios the State department was enlabled to announ11C0 positivu-ly and finally that the parties to the Berlin treaty iad agro0d upl>n instruotiois to bo A z given their Samoan coimnissionls and that it was corlain that the commission will leave San Franl cisco on the 2,t1h iint. for Samon on t the Badger. The instructions to i the Comn in e11(, rs are identical. I The tilee governmeints have agreed I, upon a form which coim prises 1110 dif"ereIces which hIavI exisedS Iu) to this point.. Tho conuission willbe Ib ompowed to deal with tie siialion v as it ik and will i roumii in, the ait- e 1110111 ishmads u 1pon' its arri-kal. 'lh is applies to Ictsne cSSary to phice tie affairs of the islands in pollacfil and1 0 sat isfictory volditionls for tie til (mI eingJumd whatever the commission it dovs in this dirvect ion is inde1drstood to ho of a temorai'~Iry chiairactotr and snhject. to th Iappli)lrovail of thle tho ie i As to Idie merits of the bitter conit troversy'I1 b 'ei thle re'presen'ltait ivs a of thle p)owers 0o1 the islanids up tob tho unfortunate ouit break of April Ist the0001 conuiss5~~iners are (exlpected to mako an ipartial inivesl igattioni and l repr resuilt.s to thleiri respe)tcti vogov EVERYB D and wife should knewv a'out the pre- C paration that for h.df a cer tury has a been helping ex pectant rmothers b)ring a little ones into thle world without danger and the hundred and one" r *discomforts and distractions 0 is applied externally, which r< is the only way to get relief. fi Medicines taken internally n will not hielp~ and may ti Sresult in harm. Friend the critical ho>ur. It rob)s child-birth of its l' tortures and pains. 0 Blaby'scoming is made a uick andl easy. Its action is doubly bene Sficial if used duiiring the whole period of preCgnancy. $1 per bottle at all drug stores, or ~ sent b)y mail on receipt of price. R~ooxs FitFo.., contlaining valuale infor matiiionI to all womenCi, will bc sent to any address upon application b)y The Braldfield Regulator Co., Atlanta. Ga. .ded not by an ; when you cor 6r house in New) THOUT m la1test, thiIIg for y nlow 35. ;) piecs lid cottonl towels it i. )zonIs ladies' ganzim prellds I1'al fill tho lopricevs are ricg1t, Whito Bed Spind cial for this sa11 M. k paickild fir Oxfords Olid donl't. b1y yo111 To tho Edlitor of Tho Herald and SOWs, Nowborry, S. C. DE,a( Sic 13. . . (Jordlon, Comm]Ilandinig Jilited Colfdrato Vdoterans, rl petfulll.y rE1mpl(t.o lists of Jiame14s of our dead1( Orous8 with t he locti on of t heir 1h1st ~sting pliacs furished14 to theiri -0onds iand relajti vos through the( iediumtt of our campsl1, thus rescuing moir naittnes fromt (oblivionl and1 halnd gthem downi ini history ; Ih icon()1 (d4rt.ionl oft hle dIi ierot tm1 Piovemets, hms1 itnd means1l1 to comItploto the mI 1)11vis8, 1 'residnit of the)4 Con fed.I '1at( States8 of Amecrica, and1( to aidl reat,1 leaderst', sold1io3rs iand sailors of to SouthI; and11 asM there1 iO n lotl r' aid( forl our! ve'teran1 aind their trmilies, outside of oursolve and111 our wnl rs5our cesM, to) perfect a~ plan for mud tual alid and1( benlvo:Ilnt asiaCit onE; to makdo suicit changes~ iln tho rico may 81uggest, and1( othor maIitters f gElnleral inlteres't. G ienral EJE). W~htooler 11as (c4n. '1ntedl to d1el iver thec Oraltioni, at th pen1in1g (exercisos onl Maty 10th. Total numbe i)r of cam11s ow ad~ 1( litted1( 1200) withI apllliicaltions1 ini for eally one( hund(1redl tantd fifty too. Vecry respectfully, Ad'jtan it Geneorial and1 Cho1f of ntT. OTCI y trickery or f le. Its sim ply t >erry. . . BAIT OR Ladies' Trimmed 11s to pa thep O il line4 h igh pricos, abroh r and))~48ii iIdP11 Ptrasl w hv jst,ore aal1: t o,hl ll>. : ' r l a e. 100 UnInrll1s n i t >riv,ol $ . h .1i It EH S Ild 8 1 11 I I IAN, mv jn1elvd, n IM (t dow 'n I I to inl sh ( 2Jtii-u, . (1., , ( ord 1.2; 11 th possossionl and voino to lI lv storo -irilge s to toiv, n1aug DVSIENMARV F.'UND DIVII%.; WIDnt 114. C n11te.8 %Il iOt iot M% k-i De Ileloenclem Fromb tilm g14:1e., Co ult nhill, S. C., April 1 1. (IrOllor Genvieral Dvi-rbIIun lis finally '['do nl1d te1 I l 111otinlii of thw dis penilry I)rtit. for 1) and '98 I Pxpelidled onl pliblic Schlook t 11a..m up1 tho dh.ficiolncy froln 't 3 :11n141m. tit) Constitution of 1 7 .1"EVorv cointy as.. to gt .,:3 per. capi0a fim its School chilnl l on the basis of n (rfollin t n1u 189>. If Iot i mo iy thi 3 i nlill tatx anII( polls tin, dispei sary profits aro to hm us-ed to 11111 $3 por capiti. 'V'hm alkIoI11 vits fig gregato $17, 108> Th sarIPH of soine counsilies tirl: Abhovilit . ...l . . . . . . $ I 93 A n1)dertSonI ... -............ N oth il,, ( r1evinwoo< ....... bati rvil s ............... . ..o N owhorry . ........... ...... milutr 'i . . . . . . . . . . a..hin..., ..i. .. .......... ... . 1.P ..... ....g. ............ II ,;i th l WI I ti C I Y ork ............of t. . . ..4t A I --j:! 1 lorry). $N,f >, wh b is I hi. highe It of all. l shh Ia l rtitt Bi{ Chrlst n o toh l ~iI !n"- lig.I)a.IIata1~j:5 ri law ~asli. ebali a ha rec'en)I t ofal d1ex it ia;i bu i iFs on ' 3; ho a-,is of. en. Rnt"r'ti (h1m1to Co io Ove C ihanhia, (S. 0aC, 10 p ri) 1' o C n. Ise adviartising )etter goods for REBATE. Sailor Hats. AM save 5 por cnt. sobuying thoso 'evdour. 11argo Iot ofthA n 100 ,11 'rss b o'e. 1() Umbrollas Wld '(1)) Umbr"Ilas aI n Paras->s $1 2, 'hido of lily itoro 100 folt long (ws Ill Sims a ]id stylos, ill pricse , Oxfords :I. and Oxfords $2.t0. Whelro thero's v