. i.A I, ,EpTot ONI,' TW0 D,AV -114 MC. s livilomehe thal, flext,we- Th (iwrald aml Newm will gIve Iv.t- 4.5.y ulhatl beataful Roc0k Ifill BIng,.y over la, Mrl. E I w. It. C [ipp'hI anld L beL of b1. e d asro IA, Nll-. llipp'tn anid at barrel of floill to bo seen lat SuIIIInr Ib-'s. ''iThese prizes will be givell ILwaty absolhituly. \ 1141 every huhueribow Illity have at biatce Iu beetIret Oeij or. Lilt other of the.e priz4. If You ar. flow aI 4 b11 [meri ber cituIe il aIld JKay I) your baick lles anIld s itre a uIllnce for every $>' you pay. If . il are paidltill p O yo gtLl, a cAlIice- fly payilig enoug to avanceyoI>l sub ip) o om- yeal' fronthe Llitt datb! of1 n. you atru hot at bul,ser-iberl ,hiH In a, goOd L,imfie to Miubm-ribe. I I cohth yollu injort' thall it, wouild %%it flotil, a clitie t , Ii r beaultiful Iu gy. SI-oinbody ih goillg it gel It anid bin inu111 ait Il.y 114m b' inl our haliot, box It.Po i lIl it iy bi l e ,ut i O of M\onday. W hoove- <>I( 3' v el'-.4it'n I ig thi . ht 111 4 111 l Z-v (I ill t.h1 i nol l ulip kcilp, will bi Ie lucky p i'1. I 'la. u rt til I1n4h-1 1 hial, p c14 , i o gliuem Will b! receivid ualtl Mo d , 2iw il 10, aild Lbhat tho collimiltte: wviI Iu lippoint'd at find will Ip o 'd-4 to colnu4 , t,Ie Mied Oil TIay I it , a. (11141 ilt! I r bilL Will h an,111111oi11w4d inl I'4.N"h 11 1fl-l knd\ e -L UMO t Ui (14 ' ('fill Culic al4l takte 1.hi., huggy hbonw. S1 you halt% u lol, Ivg irl -r'il .or11 r ut , at lid to it aIw . T d., 111141 oolcv orI i l li\s , 11d110 kihe oplportuiit ' N1. It Ility bli tho oppoi ll it.y' (if yi' 1ur1 lifl. to get, onle Of liht, pri-.'.ic l, huiggii-N I'vier brought. to Nuwhli-ry, It., it l til 'lhe lt:ruld mid Nvwr' . ( oi righit in I11111(la 'V ' l . iA 1%': 111MI Al . W te arl. I" I -ti ati l Il, I i t! ii44 r I ii n i 11 t,t-C i h I I li ! 11 h it 4' Iiio lu I g . by Itat. I 1 \. lItker.. \\ iav\,tl rcvik4-1 t'libl.,ript,io ln hoil Iu. l rl I Iktna 'l , \I t ' Itil It farl- .itili trI Ptorbdit, mni t %very nImil brnllg, at It-n hi he'Iih 'r 1 or it (l141i r'iv'- ' -.1141 i.t i l Io - \Ve li vo here-oloi' e puli'lb'h'd .4111.i 401 I'lls II cI 1 i i l 111 1 11II 1 4i,vo ll 1-1(ioll %%'4 lichilv it, gi\v 111an 1t111w . \\W twe it-11 mo l th Is 11r1 I3A 43,1II a ;d wV It-l 141 %\ Ill 111vi I lieil. 1.1-1 all I w h %\. I i '1 d 114Ai t l talli ii Ilp mll J2411 A1(11 41114 c'ho. intrl e .1 I I I v . i t 1a 1-t111-r ii 1 4111 it lit . (ii \V . Seli IlI, ('l l.llIv e . I ." l.('lI i I al get a'tInt'll4it E . I I t.l 1-. '' ' . N ' , l l I ' I, 11 1. .\I y (i'ar -I I I : I I4, I lll n i h I but (1 t1.- ilt' I l' l al and co-.1'11 l Ill Itr1w, 1 111. )l. .1. P o' lt., i lt p ill a t to b14 ti p bli1 l. . 411 1 w Ill i -' 11 1 1r. Of K l -'I li1 r, livig ildl al ill it., till-r' lli i (Ittrilg Hilt %%l t.b wa 111 h wrl h11 e .3 I I l i .c y(4ti1.11 ' i4tr in 11'11. ait ' 1 4f.'ls li.lic . w\ho a1 Ilirt-cialt ' 1.r111rF 11..h111.4.1 Of si' h at h1tory l'u'. h11i111 ' i t). 344' '" \V itt. 1 1 0 ' l 11111 A I 4' l l '3 . \\ 44Ili IMI11.h k It -vhe all-w its wrilorw parl icipla tk-d i ll to.-it I n 'lotI all I Iof I het, batte I4', inl whIIivb 1'rh.-Aaw '., voliIIIIII I wa \11" engaged throuigholit that 1 ahillIgI1illar114 volffit. 1 SiX under1.ain tho (in'. ose of thi, his r it3 is ine11 t o.1411'1' 11upply a.4? delb I and t at i a .114jl.111true11 ni' .1 th'le 141nt ing 'eSte 1n44.il 1(itary 11 14 achievenient that arel withou'4.t paralle4. l s114 the11. wor l' h3. I tory-S.114A l ll onor4'4. toF he 1 5.tir \\ iving1.11 ~ad dead- nI h'. \u t.14. 44n11. .he (('rvice.' 44 'I 'lll1who ai ed 4 '4 . heil linurket.(3 fos hop.e133 goldi( r o i so111 ier31 ' aptain .3 11111. 114' .\ . I . aIbrver1 '1( L pat it ne1 er drew1 f a i'Ir14.1 4d1 May .1j:'.1441'4 I yo r llrt he crw ed ith (oie h (3ud I'wll d11al in1" myll1. power to1 swel 0X4our yI sub1cription 1(I-t. 3l Q. \\'. . wvo ,>uliIl aill article ftcum1 M r. v(u. wol wI moi i er ali Isiti , 1aptit II[ i-it e -. \V aIrI iliel i i .d to thlIk ait, NIr. i'tiet-aib.e i ro til forvo f wlh at, ho lits to saty Il tik, h0 evi clitly lost 1 hii tile lpt.1 ilad v-ekiovts to a Lyle that aI-thiler wetkeae i his defenlso. I Mi. 'eele will prrilit, us w- <1) o ol, 10 1n1C lt vxIIIIt,L il his altit'lE th pil-u, of Ile Chri.st, whoill lie preaelu Vc Lavo lake,, the liberly of pruliing lit' at icl(C M-o ien b ata uitI il 1.here Ii ay1 thiing fIIrthew to he t'aidl om Ihlis silb .t it alm ,-L he frae frol pr'lsolal 4 pi hWto, it 1101it r's llot, f' oill wIlatt .,oL I.y (-()ill!. \\N v did flot mi dorw Lit ! Ili iLiol el of Ii . .J , bul, w,e -ItrI 110 a,,t) Ilt(l' t " i -ellit at i -l"e ollid ab m of J1..4..., 4and We thall t-ofoi e 1. pui)hi nytUjilyg of t,hat, kiillI it dch' I Iow L I-e1g I.lt'en thll pto-iiuoll of alily one'. IIy 1-' f Ir to 1 . IS. .1.'s Iti-'tite iL ,. I.aIh'' If it lv I: lit t,i'li w Ily naotitid 1, sI, all TIIO e sIt! 1114t oll tha aiial va iri. \\'hei Wol wil wri. of itl.it''., I' l . lw 'ai.re flil ila Lilt! mh e Ct io l of 1r141 ownll %words. il! s lait'., 'oll-' tl o.- il" I fl. 1 1 1l1i4' .."a of .' s4;1 't'lart 1i l Ca''il loi a I'I AM4I-1, I loaW Will'4 have. allI d1.'4aimchar,tycd~'. -x4''-.l, ( '1'1,W f)'11. I I in Iatt.o) l m ha \'c ouh i. nuit IIIInAl0l l . atrillleg i of vi-a .\. I' lim io l' 'l wi ' ht urgltea on il M mIlity. Av i;, -i flyt1) 114#11. ( '()14!. 1 I -iatt Risti 4 .mil . .4 11. I'. TIliias, r . W los aat II 1. .. i ti4 1I)1 lill.% I . II. .I., a n I lit - (lot's 411 ( Ilow ilo". '? W. 4 %%n '4 a l '4 \ I i(Ja -11"t -*01. 11, WoMu he iitelIt tilig 1.4 lme 4 1(4n4, it I Lit 1, 4 Ifiiri ,r.of .h isk wolthl-ho r' l M1 t'41-l' i1 'll til'tll( 11111- IaI a , M ill'[ it It .- a 'l'i t.4 ' Iit' 1t-lt Ii4 l i4' 1t'-'' 1 -t-, t\ ml o w It I m I' I'41 row ), w i 1 hiel it .1i 4 4 't'il 1444,414' lil " ''.1 I 'lltil .41 sill. r I , 1i t ~ . 1 v til A j 414 144tI4II I -. I4 i I IN lit ) 1, il t ', lit444 4 ' I . ill Il, rc' kill I4)II1 silll-1 : 14 4 4 ) i I IW lit I jlit I p ofI1( - 1,a1 I I I It' I l ' I1-4 *' 1A4 li. I I?w il .I t I l'4 W01 i,11 1 .0 y " i I 'h t 4' 4 111 '.\ 61 l jit- lll- . :, t 4en ' toIwI.\ , I , 1.;II-4 11 ' lorcill I4)4 I ),4 II -I r,> X (411444 Il,. ly 41,,1,,4 Il "Illo 4 111 1 4414 i-l 1114l I l I it, 'i ill 4 11 4 1 1 1 4 Jill I p i L f IIlli ' \l id' it| - h t ' 'h. i1.11 e 4 i l 14' 44re r ber441 41.1 41-- 11 I':. prt-h11 w111 lilil va i ; th- 4p lp . ti'-dg l111. 1 (;lmt ),mvI vI'l14I-' 444lat 4Ik44)l4 1111i I-lit. \ I t - '.!. acc uj- 441.'ai Il i -, ''0i. rct' 1 4' 4lit ac. It I)I tIca'll 111 61 , 4' i i.i' |111 1 lt." lill" 1' li ; il' 14 1' , 'ili. willi p tch. 4.1 .1 i.a 1 ti ll' lip t It' |, bili k-i l i t- I|'l)ila l Illm. g a I i it T h '. t-\ ' I I l il " w il \1 1 i l , a \ i 3 ' itll 1 1111414'4 . 4444 4 .i, 4 -144 ;ll . I l l- I l lt.1 I Ill ' 14' 1 14 i t I 's -4 p 1 Il it'it ,1 ' at4'4l -li1 I I III , i' ' 4 l', 41444 I I 44I . I 1444 itt4 , yo !Ill it il w ul' Illot . o w. lit-11 bi - 41''.i r t . .ill i 14- Ill .11tI't b1c I il t lit t.h , 11 4. %1 I 4ch 1 1 h i I it) lilm wi v \'I. I.wg I 44 W it - 1-1 Ia It lit-1 ftir , 'tlcil li- I ' 'II l 1)4.1' b t'l |4'111414' ||4-4' int 11 t,1 Ia,' h41','' f ie'i m i ( !it'l''4 44,44 44ll til li' I .. 111 4i4 a o di-on i,, hev i 4t444 (li'444''4tl 4! f ,,ill , 44) .4Il,. 4(i1 b,l hi'\I4 l if44 . .\b- .41. los b l 4,114t a' 114' "li'11 nh' 1444 li ',i '.4, 4,: ,4)' 4) .4)44 444 Mi 144 ' 44': 44. .i'li ''' 4'l 1,4 ..41)4 'i',ti litt 411l ''. 4llj II ''ts ', 4' .4t. , 1)-'- 1 .'- 1411 4' 1)4-l). ' ' 4.'' I, il il.it 14 ..) 1'1 it ', t-' R , ' 44 ' 413'4)t' tIll , tu .h)' hu) 11.' 414 . ' 11. .4. uil'. 'lo .44414 i4pphit in44 4h4- 4 ,W. \\. ini i .\v l c r. . 1u , 4r n . hit . th ,.144.4.l44 1 i )1 i:4,4, j,r 1' , b 'll 44 14 4' 11 hIt (4 11> ls I 4,,g 4144441 414 4. 44n) 41 I 'II it\11 4.1 I ci ' 4''i 44o 14> ,i (lt! I 4 ' .'ll ) i. \ ,44' 4.4.: ,\ 14' i4..Ili ia, 44.. 1,4 NI'4' 44 gl. J '\~. jto 1.344 4 4,'& t i ~ i44 Whol-et's It, halts pleasel our lie'l ly 'LLl r to r'iove fvoil ear.1 our. Hih,!.er alt. ow-wo-ker-i Mrs. S A. Danll: lBo it resolved, That we bow in For rowitg sibisson to the( will of Al iight,y God, wbli ei.plori'g Lho loss to hill u-hIIrevi, fiind Itrnll famnily. 2. '1 ll it, at pItyt- in 01m111 inut,( h111W IW Ill 18 - h l to i 1s Ik - r t'l o t-ya0011h. s :1. Thalit, We e.xt4mil Its himr her vti( falsI ly onet hr art.fel, ly-pI.thI i JIMA)y, sinIld that, We send to thm it. copy of teso re4-soit,lonls ItIld I'l.itt, te town paper-i hu re .,~> Io .I ':t I . 14 W - i ........ ... :3 ' 4 I' (, ; :N'. - H t . 0 ;;11 ''' 444ar 74-:.4'. tI 1 . W \\' \\ -Il.t 4' con tn ble... ........ I I1l A ,\ lrr , Iton-l41, gih......... . !1 S 1.' \ Ii in . I a 1 y 1 x 1. 14;'17 4 \' w l .'1 i* -. l i .l: - _ I 4. ; II I I'.I . e 'n i u y Ii e........... I S il'ar (44 ,'as II r, 4n. b... .......... :! ll N; I\ 1 I4C1 . ' i IrIep rI. ........ 1 5 : 10 -. a I f I 4 ill o --h , c 114hl . ... :! . ~; 'T 'p i * 4,m ll 111-. 114 ..... 19 S , l-elb- , o ,g i: :11 .......... N . 20 \\ NOe t 'o uy 1a a ... . 1 \\1' I 141 . i -i 1 1 14 a.. .......... .:! 0 .I'.' I -un'il, tha i 1. a11 . ..... I , I, v Ic(Ig I4' t ...... .'I1 44. .,(44 . t7 I I i 4l.< , "1 . '. l .... .. . -_-I 1 I \V \ Il t I 4 i I, . pe In I 1, I !. ht, \V Ih I ) I N -n h I i i, b ! I I . .. . .. 0. ' I I I .\ I . . - t 2 bl4 a l'im in-ri:y; .\.:-1ri tng . \\ ' N i lh .l, ctati -r ..1. I ; IN it i , . 1 111- ni : 1, 4 . ........ W1. V l, ......... .. \\' .1 4 7441v b ..e n (4 : . .... II :.3 I \\.' i i l, 4 lie t.b 4'-4. 1 1 ... 2 II A i % 1. I 0 1 . , 4 o411..t. 1 .............. :.4 - N\ .v1. in .114i44.4lil .. ... * Ih- -, 4 -: 4iliili-.. ... ..... .1 I I \7'lo ls airin ridge4i' - il .I \V iopp,.. co n .bh ........... :7i! . " "4444 4 '44 - ..... .. . . 4; iI \N I ('rh p 11 1' a .11 rat4 e 1 ....... 5, - 4' ;. I' .1 Nipp co , bbj...:l0 I. .I I I 1. . 4ch -r l V riun jur . ? 1 1, \\' .I ('low .-., [err. .4.... 1 0 44 \ ' l4 it-i,* I 'o nyl o rl .. l -i 1 '. ' a b w , '- "'. . l 'l l .. 4 Ia i 'o o h 4o s ib e .. I .,t '' 'N u e' I.-r . . . .. \'I I \\a.1e-,. . p ui -O W ,\ ll l. iu p .. - I I an-. on ta b 4 . .Cs-o a s, lun-b II .. .,ul in'o u I. \ . ib . 4 nor b-4, ~ .I \..-..'1 -1b4\\' ' s''-i In - I \\ ,ah%,,q 4 W, 1~ - r ' -'~ - ,4 I 44 b 4 1so II ll,Ieii 4 . - rei44.t .... I 114 4. W' 7.1 44fo i " "' ' II"e .7 l- 14- . ha v..... . . ......... 44 .41 I l b i l'as\ ure1 tent 4:1. ... 410 144 I2 :: . \bu 11. .'. 44 n 444 (. 4 4, 44441'I :7t0 ko- '.4 ,\ Il j4''V1d 44' L. ('onoty S:upervisor. P LANT LIFE, to be vig. orous and healthy, must have Potash Phosphoric Acid and Nitrogen. These essential elements are to plants, what bread, meat and water are to man. Crops flourish on soils well supplied with Potash. Our pamphlets tell how to buy and apply fertilizers, and are free to all. GERMAN KALI WOPKS, 93 Nassau St.. New York. 'We Hily. WVool, w1s1<1 .sil ul1nWRIA11, with hIIrr1- om Withldsi find< hitlem auld pity tho hlighost Inrket l>rice. Call fol HV0 11M. t.-f t,r. SUMNMER. B1'(!. AT COPELAND Brosl iit -)TolNi.,!, IS CisVD'l and pavc(oll vi i Nmw Sprint, (;omis. v\e hae I #w iins of priS (;()()ds of vecry dI.Scriptionl andm lare Selling" ih inl cheap..W L,;. 1n ever01 ire Ni l nobby, lit!w line of ('lothii" for Alvi andI Boys. Mv\ l h' siiit.- fromo :. to $1-2 . li3Ssuit-, I'roill id t o ". \\- hav1 j1It t . i 1 11(dI a lare u--I I nt of Ias-Felt a id Straws 'hhnubiin- '-.44 u sI h'. -.( - .4 44, . Tr inieee. :; , 1898 Pad.1'~I$57,310,489 $24,020,523 I lnnsu~rn both Avi [m Rats SCa~l 0)N...... SArthur KibIer ), B hiiy S. ' UTERICK I Tl el -MI Subscription Price, $1 .00. 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USE THE PATTERN-CHECK AND SAVE MONEY1 Single Copies. 1 5 Cents. us Patterns and Publioations. -ER, but good as over. sues of the Publications aid leirn tiko withi the Patteriis from Goods and Triminlugs. - - Newbery, S' C, .ER IN lCaskets! de Metallic..1.. lihapest Wood CoffiN! ml to all Orders M s,AT ALL HOURS! 16.'ibl (90 Grullito Mom11mmital8 Work 1 . . S. C. 1899 RlAMBLERS AT IEL OF THE WORLD! AU LI, Agent. --T HE f Greets His Friends in r And asks a con tinuance of I their ;PATRONAGE. He will be glad to show you his goods and to sell to you. GALL TO SEE IM BEFORE BUYiNG. N OTI CE. ILthat Caisper lIUeo is untler conI tract wi i )~ ith me an it for bh tl any * e th full i t t aly ( f th va.ltau l'uuomia,a S. (C., \liairch 291, 1811H.. *It idtt,' :.cl o '..F r Mialo *' P''or termtto o1a L par t-iula atpply tO