The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, March 31, 1899, Image 1

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Io' LP85 .~.TUT'u 1~~Yv7 -'*' 11,1SIE IL8650-~ ---A 'X:r. A- -v FREI Sailors 15c, 20c, $1.50. No charge for ti Linen Skirts and Cr Sycilelian Skirts, Silk Skirts, Pique Suits, Duck Suits and Skirts SPECIAL Boys Suits from 6 to 12 y< " 12 to 15 Lot boys knee pants pric( it ? COME AND S .mNEAR TALIC O A TI 111RD PARTY. It. StIgn' hm Thait Ant I Imnperinljjqg Wbo nro smiand Mt, amey1n1- Organize and flow . -I fo altiOr Sun,) tio Nobra4ka City, Ne)., March 23.- lo" "Tho dittiger to tho caliuso of soundl( l money lies in (ho a1plithy of its friends," said J. Storling Morton, ( former secretary of agriculture, in aner interview hero. 18i "[The frlee silve men areOl lnways ripl aIctivo'E, al wiays working,'' he con - tinned. "'Bryani I is the stumplj 8ai every day, and1( Coin Harvey is having go great sne-ccs, apparenitly, ini raising to a1 camlfpaign fund. I se0 it is claimed far thi'it t his8 fund is coming in at the 1.* rate of ~8800 a daiy. WhIen a fund. of t.his~ kind1 grows as5 rapidly ias that He it is oividlent there is still ai great tot deal of the free s'ilvor fooling ablroadt dog in thet countriy. W'e have tiht monoy no question0 to fight all ovor ag~ain niext . yea r " dri " ii can't saly that11 1 do,'' roplioder Mr. M\ort on. "'Demnocraitic prinecipJles 1 a might wini. T1hoiro may be0 a1[t1 n ow party to arise out. of then present si-r nation which will adopt theso pin- a ciplhos and be succesful. This~ party pm wonid bo composed of demiocrats and1. re'pubilias opplosed to annI.oxa1 u imon anid t o the present extravaganceo ini Ihe expeniditurie of public montey iin naition, State andt city. I think<sa M r. Bryau's hold( upJon the hysterical thi and p)aroxysmall sectioni of thbe domn erat iC palrty is als strong as over. t IHo rprsnts tho dlisContent ini allwi pairt ios. Heo is an1 attractive exhtorter d and1( works his heiarers upl to a sort of n frenzy, as (10 the roligious roviva-ol lists." Crni "Do yon think the Bryan (1omoc0 racy wvill cont rol the next democratic th convention " 110 "I did think so, hut at times lately I have hlad hopes it wvould sis1 not. Thoro sooms1 to a little lotting Ro( downVI in the freo silver canso." for "What (lhanice has the (democratic party of winming ?" -. we "' li1tle ner t hat 1nam1e. D)0mo1- us crat ic principles canl wvin, but it HOOmls vol 25c, 35c, 50c, $1.00 imming. ash Skirts at 40 cents. lars 71c, $1, $1.50, $2. 75c, $1, $1.50, $2. 50c. at 29c. special. $1. at 49c. EE US OFTEN DIEPOIT. if they nmst be advanced under It, will bo t'l A1pt.fOr 11m1. phll in "HtherWo bveni III any stp t1ken to Atlant m nev part V' ment ill( u Not that I know of. A coven- idel Iat ni Could bo hld. It (100 not tikE national pa 1g to form1 It Ia Iw party wIen there al demliocr-11 i general nyhe1 (avalI." G ~eor n so ipringlield, Ill., March 23.--Gn - "Mr. AM d 1o111'lmr. Palmner, the gold demoI- spiclously tic can,dida11t1% for presidvnt, in in tho lauma ) d(Ies not tik tt t( time is years ago '0 'Or a new paly- ar0'1 afteor amii oJ'Tom d to a1 new', par1ty,"' wait to e' (d 1h. "'TI h deorattic party is starting arlo od enfough for n,o0. I amx ljopsed T. B. N t hose 5J lmrious democratsa who lanta an 'o the coii iage of sil ver 16 to "'I favor tIl nationlpr h icago, Ill., M reh 23.--Senator* inonley, ani nry M. .TeIlher, of CJoloraido, saidl and1 ilinm Ily that the silverites were thedeocato niocrattic 1pmty anI id thait thei~rte was the1 Chi caig need( (of at new najtionial pa3rty. issue',voi 'The1ssue aIre closely oongl iWnor 1~iwn," said hie, "be't.ween the demo. Albert I. ts an repblicns. he i &s"id-: "If )t) hetweenl the wo partie wil clings to r silver and1( greeiiba3ck.4, wvhich lhe republican i uiblicans will at temipt to retir a no11w na3ti t witor. Tih(re will ho nio now ganuiied on :1 year1."thtaon ILayor 1Halrrison, who is in I l e reselirrot 1st of a1 hot 'mayorality camlfpaign, rall remn b oniighit t.hat hei di not believe wdlv rea 1,0 W3i ui'(.(1 f 1 ~ ~3itycrats and Iam a sillO pur111)3 sji 1 vor 1130' . > ayig t.hat nIIiayor said, "andiu the silver 01u11 for thle o 0 for prei(IdenIt inext year. 11 is no0 iS lBryan, andhe i'lbe raing( 31tod. Of course, the gold demo- lwesa Is, whio aIre an11xiilary repubhills ntimnelves 11(d not ohbject. to a1 now Party i'national pir y "could figuro P in it. They3 have wjitinepa in1fluenc(e( ini the dlemlocrat Cic)party." <11inet ione 'x-Gov. John P.* AlItgeld, whlo Iin- lo - ai 5 thiat Mafyor IHalrrison is not a1 tor, socrota >d freeosivor. man)1, s(10s no nleCossity cotton exec aL now palrty or now issues. Woodlward, 'Wo can fight it out on the issues & Wright; hav,"' lhe salid, "'and( it will koop plantor, am1 buIsy enough. The money or sitl- loading law' issuo is certainly ai live one. anid Whil - id AM No B/ARC I 1--ith Chu-en<bale Quilt.s 13 Linen Ioyiis r4. Ai, - Jick kSatine 5. a yard. Plai<d can<d PI )in llub .est <Juality Lawn 8 1-3. It Madras 12 1-2c. Batiste 12 ..2e. I1mported Org;mdies 15c. F4ig1'e<ld Dimities 5. and ( le 1bas"is of the dem ociat ic ('arly to tn'k of 1000.I- said that III oss t h1 (., March 23.- In com1- reptIlican alnd poll J. Stvrling Morton's worn bridgi-. and Iho time is ripo for it 11w ciled by tho IIwx rty, Clark Howell, nation- plign, a tird par tic conmmittvolliill from bo forwIled liffor ill: olm of, th(.111 biin )rton does not figne vow N10,- issue w1mid d aS at vItd-r, -t ats'i-d. d C M M gl 11.l hing of a now party thr.e !ry Iou!d he ni wVithi dlisastrious results, i~~a liat experienice he shouldi itch h is bereath hoforo uNaxi~i tiil prni(l lt of ho tto I f S t <-' lise. jII rI oa tho iini ofso ryi wjounl d~ ne ant gal poresien ofai thek BA tnt-tI io I o orgaiaionli ofa n' yow pndt naoa )trty on I the baisa 'of1 sondt s~i ?n i a tas."f at Ngeaont is a.Onys oa >~.nt. opposed (ll Bryant nd Uagiliaili d ltfr ini o n theda' slier h tgod ) with an c lin ic.and ib-fdit Inotsa 'ahsk. I i demorati.''tim Jo urna oa say' men1,Mt ''i 1. )ai -ai II is under ayI a'glta'/litoi of 1110 1( retary o flSi a to i. gtca foy ofmran uk oron thearJonr CI x a roini3Qt a e n lawyer,1 t sco. t lli >aty flos Ampgrilism: ona aty rnighot bor- . arsisi of thn Ngreemrn d11 motnkey stnrd s .hall Itt~~y , l ry witho es ti)land lib-I~ i )J*.,' By1rg ;yst t. TheISouIth4 -ipublicans heretunitoIin ofthe tim is o Wootwra ripo 't~V~aa amaigni..c' base beaa iOI iiin-a r f iit rocig tat. t. a~ o pposedat t oi', annoxatLI The'I)llax a writoo iAI N :K1 rice $1.25at 5. i la d $ 1 .00 a doz. ]rI a er sizes, S Wtc. a Y'an(- best quality. )v. 1 2c. )c. rZs Ba nt th Iid party, theity fiEt.MONT's 1it P s in both ti. l .tlmoc r tt Ii rt iePs i),.u.j1,.,. . s, th u partios recon prosidential e1141m1- New '01-k, mi-reb 25. y w'Wild Probably N%'ill 1)1iltt It thl I ltionl. Not ver 11. 1. ill % PVVd that (the s,iI l mn (Inin matt int net t*ptt ltfrn M'i milalo illtw ill rit tonor w 1 hill bo livlr 1 i . toi bn 1 0 ft, in fitt t 'pon I'l ill I ra, it 'har ()Iioy ho tjutlor lllie Cs gitS t outuliIsoforitoey tmlint trs n anti ex.CiljuIitg i i: "That,at Ia toovit 'hard )lnoyl th( nto1 fo Preiden totIti itoil I~tih t, i tt er omJOtt on trho thory tro ha t -isvolto ag I Ito titeir nlrefrred~rteI f E li "it in Drestocoura I.le th*yo. m n i ltji. ''lo" i 1) ti iton lhlwoul b, I rim Ladies' ready mllad 81 ,00 and~ $1.5o.. Handke P' r I d211 i ait tlljo g IPure Line(ll fIlndkeel 66cc4 66 4'66s thanl d k erchiefis 9 41. , '44. vt(' r ieal (* I I 1 i (H it ( binI oI s I f Ui414 1 red oI t 1I T h I r h wn . I b n L h il l, ii a i%. . I Iter from Oli- I N14n14hul mil( So p it 1 'Iich I h(, caIls fet 1 a111 pme.r If I it 1pe414 0 1iznI ofI i Z. lo I o s t4 1 1 prn 'I o r a 4 1 1 n 1ost, up 1hm 1Iw 4d1, prot's it, -iwal it law i of 1900. He of nyll action by v mna .orI cogrse or b 4( isla nres, atin rgly 8sup. in4june(l 'in 4a114 th nationa10144 shoubl1( it he4 Ns.\1tem. \Ve' ih lll 1b4 for tI iv m full St:ates judges4 by Ih p1oph agais the1114 increase4.i( inl tiio pri J i'444 eut1. ug (down of 4.\j,'IS4H I. willI grow~81414 he 14gais expa(n Isiona l betl ween ~ now ioing (of t14 h 141 Philppine(s S"ome44 soig. suchl I4la(rs ojr islarnia4 as8 ar4 thi en )4. sary. ()1 f rinaval staions. I, faIPs. 4h-(e. "II weV were'4 to go in fr* al Stateo, wvih14( numers 1(n I i to them I an144 I. to 1be d14. n th op oito for its1 rel 1411 t. ~ I4(be'f, for1 its 41(4a1 of (c1nt4 4 ct, wonhzhe no <,nb. f l(8 aigo. Tht, N4o.a '14.4 hg , I'l) 1:4. 01ondition of - am14( (4as4ier ((X la. SIjI4elal 1to N%4'vs 4m:4 I .C h!1e?C(4d41., Neal1 has alreadly depos4)iteud 1. We wiltdolar to14 1.4) up4(4 for a part1 4(1 ove!rtake 118 iIt i,- onde(r.41on 1 that( his8 tfri(' maar14d. atidin4g huim misi m1a1144 r4, and4 giiantl es il th11 Stol1I wi:I 14484 littl4, if n(I4 ing, in on r [by 1i b . y irre4gular4 i rau-. o or room11 wi- ha4 In . n brou I.4Jght to h14( monste81r ( "4. N''1 said. in is Ipslimon4a1 contmhto!4I4 and1( 114 he (no''0 Is i(1 fo4rhmt 144n 14 (14d Ilegisl-411 (on' rhis, st1: atemen44't." tr,ol of the4. ~ - - 4 lax. WXo Grill'. I'u h 4444 l0 (:ob14: 12 <14 184 f cents '4, all (I!'gis:lak GuarantI4 P Ip o al 40 enr' I4or mones (444m(mt. ,. yr n~im , Y.BU A Y AR LES 5c. v W rappeis at, 50c., 7 5C. 5O., 410. 50cl , 75.I rchiefs: liefs at 5e.,wamlranited at1 1e., ajf 42)C a lei5c., C., 10O., 15e., a iid 250C. Stuoro. v on I he S Iv i : St ND)A v 5(11001. W1'lICItI1in. 'gl. 'm .an I' e si CoavelntIon 4o be III-.Id in r l Sitrisi.itaig April .10 mad .1 Ind re Tho I.x"ceutivo CmIninitto(i of tho in t9. ~Sout b ( roli'1 S111day Ncehool Alsso aj th. ('intion41 lujis ih '4,'l the4 followin'ig cir i r , i f Wb r w h ir !i w ill jo t( 1t II S I II I . 4 )r , . Ii Mar h Aw, i, ). *)hI "IIp will b C hohl th iyr att Spaiirltiuiurg, A pr1il 2(1 22. A Ilde roan v i ed retig1r4 p aci 1this (on vi'inI ion of 11he vetera.iwn and r4 1( . o. ,j .~* Jacob, of Ch~Iicago, the( - Chaiizai of the4 ii inftaionajl e4'.\'i lLvI.IThis lI(a'gei4nhnt ong t. to I l'5( 1 o11(1 1( ih t atPIelance(. (of wVorlkers. (ro4llI '1 %( es will (14. It is 114 he privil.'g or ai f eti11n44 to hea',r suhel a 11an4. iTered th 11 lundy secl-.oolwreso ing 114 he414 (tt Con4venhtion iat Spartan.111 m h.lbug. Those4 who aittend1( th(e Stat (Il'verdt 144n I4Iay go to Atjaitt , 14j111e I pub1. ,sdh.a ..o.vstosd ao i x spec4(ial low%'li raes. Ii. is b Ie that. ouh Carhilna 41111Will seiiI 1 hitrgo~ rillrnhor of activo of 11 ndayi(44 ehool44 workE'rs to b)ut b of i bes II' n '4Iv44n t ions1, itSar ad41'uhlr g i ng. 111os. II. Ijaw ('.'IIZy-..., 114114 to Iih lateu in u- I leitvo Com Bi se ol14 res ~~ 1''', ( '*.-r4, S tI I Jt:((e II 14'ver I' . 4's, T'e'lt'r, ('hI:.pg4 d II 44 1(1 41mn a ' .l on.'itively~ ('4'* H pI'14, (or4 4no or4 1 is4y~ ri q ''d4. Ii gs L~4.Js4 'od (11 ( glv 541 25 per'fe4it u-Enetbe 1 or 44' '4vI.'(11d( (' 'tI to 1>r1ice 25 ('en~ ts I per '~ h 4' suFor by m UIt4os & (Gilder anr1 W. liX I'ol,-L