0 - t - - ir. i r L. h r - Ill ital -. it, I - - yirs. Th. - - io : r v r u - t r n i r or udiver-i.n --- vi t dovt(or, w l }tiv b e.n1riir,'I'l t fo ett' att IItI. TIII I it I #Ii, - - -,. thia goV4r I r'lO S funily liffl T hIero wai i ll kinMdi, In i d giving, and ill I 4(rfiIon l n to h: hr. of u Ito j lt%'5 isi er1. nii raall rn i tl billsuat t e'e ini oir condnilfary. I dis tafn lo say ie-y1 grand drcwny.hi alrisladt the atiatedan r~'-uIt suI who Ab swet lont ef n ticl (t ate us.iv h e i1 t e a s l 1 ''O1ouA1. N4 r. T Ihe D'octor S oeu E~xac4t Sece 1c by t h \\o W a mo1 ~st I1-'amou have'3. three t're b c ot tle as' repre seteditC i 3 D)r. 'T. A. Slocum,. theIt Siocutut Iiuildling, N oIfer ait otte'e. \\'heu writing~ the 1 )o0tor receive immeiteljA and. caireful attIenution, "Not to. take a cure for an etherwai.e fatal disease is to prac.tk&3 ally40mmt suki." Ik'ttle of this New D:.:overy, wihich~ a a: Uni Enilensy anA anUed erveu. mm*..s. mie -. B IRE m. SystmtHa I. of f .x Any Doubt Its er Over the ) isease. CURSE OF AGES ke Doctor, Three Free Boutles aders of Tiis Paper. nm System Hcn eue oan er, Ohive-r raterfinsa te boveor ihreeon with complets ples meof This paper.Alletr From E pilepsy~~, E iti c pls s t. Vitus' Dance, Faling Sickness EDileDticil, I a qu:eprpre:t aie y h reul . It hscue hosns hr everything el:;I 11has fa ied leaegv inl nae, isE aecnd posducet and expr, e nss herfl address 94Pt: t,N York City. isi ila,hnet lug Ctre fo my atd of the frighStf m foto pcisiDcto anes mentionti an. l eth e r s 'Better Be Wise Than Rich." WiSf PCOpIc are also rich w-hen thev know a perfect r&-!2dy for .all .annoyingq dis C.%Ces Of th.e bo-d. kidneys. "74er .:!3 bics. It is H ' -s.ra.tll., which is pe fet Iul its .ction. It so re 7.1tcs the entire .Cys ?er: .:s to l'ring~ vigorous I:n.. I." neer di-sarppoin?ts. CO'treye.rs I h . oitre, or 1 1t k h \ va dis *- 11,v-Ts '.~I$ri1 I 4,eit has :i \!i'higati -: \ %N v , 4kk L.ovel POr Halth - ;\\r health for Z.. ti hips, - n :usne andi * . i ' marilla, Mal\e We ik Stron I eive A- N. Y. d Sa?Japai 1 A 16$ - l' n rtating and - - 1 _ ragatr a^ Here is Something Yo want! The National Maazine - a I - il. oIlliou.t thle in for te hn'te. -'r1 (\-of. nl,.-i I it-;trate I \trtie I . Itright? .\?r.,etI se I)r.dwinte. >iy. TI NAi'jNAL 111ACAZNE, i itv ti- fs. cla st. ito -o o vN. .%:ts4 MiewterEngllah Wamond 1lraud. ENNYROYAL PILLS Origlitut utant Only Genuine. Arc, adwas relAab:e. .AIS eB k enndtrun'l ed SaLA tIo ume1ilio onlle l ie. i tblue rlhtan. Tuko nco other. -ur. neru usie n.," amiIatvona. At Drupgosis. or send 4'. " oim fml ,r ,ticWulro, t,itim niale &r. I 1 'iteller for .nolhoa," in flefer, by returi Mall. ? 1 ,(IS T0- i.morsials. Nm.e I'aPe (jold by aWl GL,al bruM V111l 1,A11.. ID.A "CHARILEY STORM." fully retgist .redt . 'I, J. DAV1ENN0'f & BRO6., E L E C T Rl C -- SitLCON ShIii nes Sive rware S uripr isin glIy without Scratching. Itt1 s. 3 st p,4 hi i * e? in st.Up. l'e I t '' "ilito Co.,'t- . Io e ti- S l e. \< 60 Y EARS' EXPERIENCE A TRADE MARKS DEsloNs COPYRIGHTS &c. Anyone sedin.g a sketch ande dtescrl iton may qutickly asicertins our opiniont free w tethuer an setil froo..OIdest agu'e for seurtnur Iiatts . P'atents takeni thlrtith Mnntu &. Ce. receivo 5jeial~t nsoti., ilhout c'harce, in the $citilfic .intrican. A handsomeitly Ilhistratedi weekly. I arrest etr. &uiationt of any sient ite jiiuriia. i'Pertu , $3 a year: four mont hs, $1. Sold by at! n?ewsdealers. MUNN & ose o--rNew Ypk c ine BUG~GY Is y-o 'te . e ii -s ROCK HILL BUGGY CO Rock H S Hadw. R. Blipp, Agent, Neiwherrv, - 8 C TIlE O TARM MAGAZINE I t A S, I M I l Mt t . i't-tt.tlatsl1 trY Manufacturers' Record Publishing Co. A\ Niont hly lilustrted .iournai t': voted to Suthier'n A ga-ieui t u-e, leal ing wIth al Il itterls telatledl to GeVtlival ''arwing, L.iv Stock, 'otiltry, h,i -l i inr, Tuck 'ai-ming. F-riiit trowie.i. a ,ver0 farin iitertst anti pursit. in the z-outh. It is widely relad by Northern un'd Wo"rti farmers cont eiplatling IntLv ing Sollth. It ought to be inl every Southern faily, for it is 'of the Soith, by tio Solith and for the South." EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTORS: Chas8, W. I in bty, ,1.., Ilh. It.., I U.. I, lEX-I'nited Stat es \ssi,,ta lit Swttot ''y of .\-:r'iculture, I'x-liireetts- lnim'l ia in NorthI t'arlhinai. 'resil. It, 1 niveIsity of Totitt'sste atIl I 'resi tie n t of 1 t'nited Sltatt's AI. t'Iu ral Fxptriminll1t St:t it in it'en0ssee. ,3. It. little dre'w, A. 1 , l,. 1) Sx -4 'out111isi ti ' h of ;\ iii t re '.r iClu ' s r 1. 1tho% - o ,, fil ' I gi , . t ; I 1 ring.11 of ITbaco" fo . ' S. teim h Is IXtws I . st v .8tep 00:k.4 'T b c o . t. " '-vi llLiIIl " .era:4si-is." z ani othler agric~~ ui-a works. Tht' rikulkr sihse-i pt ion priet -ir Tlt, Skutjh -r.1 I )artu Mgh,zie is -4 yoar, but we oyfer it. and '1 ho Iterul and News together ono yew. r for $2. AGENTS WANTED In Every County to Supply the Oreat Popular Demand for AMERICA WAR for UMANITY TOll fli ri"0"(Wo ailI StrUy, Coipiled att writte-i by SENATOR JOHN J. IMCALLS, of Kansas. Thw nrost brilliantly wrVittein, Iru profuisely ani artistically illistrat , an11d Iostt ilntelse-ly popiir book on t e s1ub1ject (if the war with Spain. Nea-y 200 Superb I ustrations from Photc, taken especiall ,y lor this great, wo. Ag-euts are iakintr $50 to $100 a we. sellint! it. A veTitable bontaiza Iot. li,. canv'a r's. Apply for descripntit1, tq,rtus and territory at once to N. D. THOMi-SON PU,BLISHIN O ( St. JoUis, Mi., or New York Cit. Florida Central & Peninsular Tai-i- T.dotu 11-i7i 'Effu t J an. is., '9,. 4,-t N" W-W T\ -r ......................................2 4 0 , A rri ve Co in i t ....................................;? ;;4 , No. :17 N'. 35. No v. CIt'll biu t . .......... 125.pi 1 n II I .1L 11 ('E ,tesrn Timl.t..) I,v. 'iini ........... .. -t tI1 12 171 5>n ins, Cet tri- Tio.) 1.v 1)en1111tirk .......... 13 111 2 2-:1 1 6 58 i Lv FtirfaX.... ........... 2 21pin 3 Wam 7 ;in. .' '1tv 1r.wth ............ - pin 11 1 530 9 2 ItI a r Btti IwiS hk ---.. - ... 71 nut A r -1jtcksmVii I(e......... 2p int 9 01iunI 1"oill; Lv . ;t(kNons ..ii . . 11 40pnt 1 I5ik Ar L .kv 'ity .............1 m Ar Livil ()tk ......... .....; i n A r T 1t'hut se ........ 3 ueII \' ItIve-r .11111w-ionk..... . 'p l A .' 4l si1 .... .......... ...... ;9WneII A N' -%' rit t *.... ........... 7 Joyll W iti l ..... ..............1220an 11 fildfin mw.,v ille ...........Op l \ r 'ishtr H- ....... . p. I Asl' O(t h.......... 2 -:lns n i tIs A' r . W to nisiod ............. .Inin Ispi .\ 5 '11Orl1it.ir............ 14.. ng 5 Alss N .41 No. :si. No.. :. I .V i:isslt..........i 44 1 -' 11 l i ttl:s i.v()u:ti,ts.........T ' 5 .jis 47lJ,.tlse Mta i.v V0st,sssl .1 2 *tis 22si 1) ?.iStils I.v .I.s'kss ''till . iris. i l It tus i1~ A' 1i'iuiWistt . .:'45 ' 1 4 ime \ 5*-i I~ s . . .5 5 ~sss 12. 40pmIn lsj I. V e ~ise stuis 1 is~;sg 5 42s!ss n el55 V liii t.'t. . . .*~ss.1es .44 iiian l~ IA' i4'55is5ii~. .2 iljusi 7 h0is, i 111 U' NswIst.'.3''2 2:sl1il Ilsasssissit Nis l T i' il i )U N ':,is). stii i Is.v W s iel is' s 2in preS a el Js'~s,5, 1.vti: e r si e .te lsh'IS iSe o~4a I,vSIs i s In sviliiliiil 5.vil55''l i 'itgit40 WtIiX.erIw'~ ' I, I,:slks il y \ i r ii ivain :1h ............12 said an 1, v un iuinth ..... ... slu 'iiti t' pin v | -':1 1 : a 4 . .. ..... . . . . ,.:.-, (, I ,v i n - ir n a r k ...... ...... Ireju A. 4, ~e.44It4li I IXi I A, .Iss 4c,ss n ist ii lJppo f~oit,h(!1t1'i ht, N ylii C~', 7th se v .. (IiiiIs'9e.ti 11, . Ui*pin It i .iitI.'' .I i 11. 'n 5 454a 5ICpr 2 7'tss A l ' .s ' ' . nl u' I: 4511 4.1.... Nevies 53 la i 5;' ii s 145 jeli h.r 4 Isslsi . . Ivl i *pi \ r N wi n -r .- .......... l.. . c i I' '.- Ipi l'ii nti tie4% I ia i55 4 sit il est C '* ensb 4 ine t telin si .3'5It . 1in le 11 .-, 5 , Iig ; i .ss - inek "ali te. n No4 hesl 4 4 ei, I i sn ui -tn 'l \i u,land ti \, 41 oih, lii s 4i4 m is 55-5 r. t 't .1ksl5iv ilsei. Ifess~ . N . C.iuiaNe r B 'uATT1I:, lr44avwig . -Ii 41lai ,'ne Wn-h tw -n''i ' a N9'gegw i rtIs w Innet itgs.' i (' 4n 3' 'Hto wl'ss'I 499 uthw I .. ,... I '.4iite 4. 4~9555 i ~l '.n le. .' 5itehnh- i.iesil .Ion ',, i,s, '4-1 W an s Ietno 'r,, l,Al-g . At 'h'ta Ao Na unlteli 'N n.g ne is et .1 4 I -a 111'. n .\ t g hts lii, It|II N I Ati .4inttille- ilrth o n npl y Nis. , stdi SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Central T,1n1 ietwon Colullbia and Jaek seville. Easteras Tiuo letwestu Vo lumnbla stai Other Points. Effoolivo Jatuary 10 1899. Northbound. No. 88 No. 80No Daily. Daily. Exuun Ly. .Xville, F.O.&P.lty.. 8 00ll 8 0op 12 lop " 8avannal ........... 12 01 ) 12 Utip 8 67 p Ar. Colunbia ........... 4 (1p 4 46a 7 139p Ly. 0har'lon,8MO&.ltlt 7X)a 5101). Ar. ('o1tb1a.... ...1 . Gv. Atigit"ta,8 o. Ity. ... 0 11 Op (raniteville ........ 2 lp 10 15p 8 SAkon. ............ 20p 10 lop 5 5p " Trunon............. 8 N1 11 kKp 0 84p " Jolhintoig.......I p 11 20 p 0 40p Ar. ('olmblInUn. dop't. 4 51 2 10 a 8 20p Lv Co'hht lbl'41% 1 g 6 161t. .65. 8 49p " \imsihoro..........46Wt) 7 00 9 IMP " Chestor ......... (1 7 45a 10 17p " lot-k 11111........... 2 p 8 10 6 hr. VoIo..... 8 161) 9 l6a 11 84 p D ivillo ........... I i 1 21p . . lop i 00u a 10 1p ........ wit4hil3lgitoll... . 41142 it 11 06 1) 91 4r) I ltIllor, Pit. It. It.. 8 Wa 11 25p 1 40 p I'lilmllc. ist ..... O 10Il it 2 W4 a I Lkd j) Nvw York.........12 4i p 0 :e5it 6 0p Souh Edild.No. 31 No. 37 Not. 35 l"XH1111 D).tlly. Daily. v. New York. 2. t.1. 0 1- 1 it 4 10to p 12 it I'lIlitiIIllti. 2 .. p 11 061) 85 1p h m 19 p 1120 p) 0 22 a N ishtl.so). Ity.. 6 640 Is 10 481) 11 1r6 i .V .1)111d......... .....12 1011t 12 01u11 DVJitivillo .............1 6ll MrI 1)2 ......... ...11 4.1 i 2' 10 10 20p .c 11.. .. .. .. ....4 -7 Is 1W '.Mt 11 14 1) w.........4 64 it 10 5 a 11 41 p it' "ill)o..... 6 114 i 11 41 a 12 172 a 010lin no.1 ' 1111 9 t 6 M ( it 12 Cm i7 1I 01 a ,,V. . ('4111111lt I'n-.dep't. 0I I3l it I It) 1 4 OL) 1, .1Char, ............ 8 25 p1 2 Ulp 1 O4 p il ............. 8 40 5 ti (lb 1 ) 25 a Ar. i h n ....... . 20a i ..6.) 7 .0 (1r \'aievillo ........ 6 42 a 8 1) 9 0 t " ilud,h........... - 1 a 4 Im 1 8 OOa "V. U33I'Ilw, York.I. 4y..........13 B.23 6 1) 5 ". Cl'hIcIh ..hi .........2 ..p 17p 11 (ia .~~~.~ (-lbn 5..?&31. 4(: n 11 I6 M 12 47a Ii.tn,toro............. k 4: 9 1 6 01 a n4------- -- t su ltv i> 2 0'' p Nei I o1:3-!-NJl,W~ YORK( AND) F1,01t. hA rltt ......1id Ne-4 ilotled Train of "U1)1)1 I" i"lg-RM)"'lii I ipn Carti. 01). k hroli ghl....... 4ith ot :, ia, IO u eil l4 A xigite i'r.....I, .d New Yo5rk4 via Ja1cky 'llu1t, (i'.ni 0it 1,t2illibilat, (Churlot to aitI .111i"'.. .lllm ...a.wi..g-110oal 4Sle2o:p hinIhll-AIt'wev . .Ai.u nd Now York, C017 v(cc inhn thi II.1'. 'It Co ubia, for ho h Ot ...f A .. 8 Aikon travel YA44-11(111 t ilih icmsnlger servico botweimn N ros. n t!M-............. 8 - nd Butily es 25 a :,i ail ite IVvi ng-....... 111111*pt 8 Pj 7 Ili' tteei A..,ititnd ...ow yok. olid V 0 ibilt s(l, w.l.& .iit g e rs and first . ~ a.^ - 0r- 0 lort --- -- - -7rlott. 1 'IhIIM l M.I'. IL1 r oll 5sleepig 1ars 5 et5 24on ramui. .l:t-ionvi. ., bavaunnil, 9ahington 1IA New York. Piiaunl Slheping Cars between Charlotte md Ifielimon(I. Puillmian drugwin groom hleeping cars boe wt. AGreimboro l, Nwrfork. viaoul coJne it itl Norfolk foli- O)[D POINT COMFORT, wiviag there i ihio i Charl breokf tat. Nos. a1) nmili4-U S. Fligt. I%ail. Through P1ahInto"I ( PMU1ii 10lra1inglffet sleep.ig cars be ,Nxee* arshukonvillo ad Now York and Pill lat ;ceen t cursi btwelen Augusit ud Char Otte. J_Jalli 119- enrs hi'vo onil idem1 heroute. Fliied. Drt--awIng-lcum betweten JacksClli's Ind ColuMbitt, enirouto (lissll?, butween Jackson ribI. slid tainithuti, via A s vilno. MfANKX$.0,N N 0N . .CU1,p, Third V-P. so. ,gr. n M., Washington PuumanTLR sH. H A t W IC A da wi1-fn g-o (4. 1' A . At Ianta. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Oct. Id.S 1"414. al w A'n IreNS No.L. I-No. n Nsv.35 ahnuhl 3-U .Ft. Ma . Thro0u ah Pullma dlrawin rom ufe se ing car 6 s ott. Dini c ar s serv a meai enroute urluna',n 8ltiger between Jackso3 nvi Trd V-Pac.&e. Mgr. T. ? L Wali ton. .tihhn-t on.ii1i.4. l ' A .. 1A p lanta ii. AlIn ila. Oc:t. ll 1,14) p . 8'PA3'Ids 1. Onn. D faily _ _ N o. 17. IN o. 11. Tv i ak.J ..... . . .i 1 0 a in " ' *rt ...... o 10 a m 10 40 an'n "V A iiv.ery....... 6 i a m 16 25 p i Ar" 3 Nuon.I-..... ': m 14 a) p m ".v l!l.nwcA....... 7: 40 ac In 6 55 pin Ar...wge......8 t') a mc 12 45 p t A r. I i Iieo N1 1 m 8c 10 yX p Al r. An .1 I I'lt 141 IM ,'f l III, WIIIl . ht4 in I o , I3'It.. ' Itll l 1311.13311 Alli ' 334I 141 NtA.3na, .I A'lll,4Ii 3 i 4on Lbb In el .3., .a N i.. 34 l y 0 ' l.!A at A 6 hu' b 1i4m i r '411 hivil h A TO ALL POINTS North, 8outh snd Southwest. sohedulo in ellect Deo. 1i, loud. 8OUT,11111 U N D). NO. 403. ISO. 41. Lv Nw York, via Poin Rt.R1.*11 00 11n *9 00 n Witahington ..... ............ 4 40 pm 4 80 am Richnond ......................... 9 o pli 9 .. L,v Portsmioul he 8 '6 ll 1120 a1 Ar Woldine via 8. A. .. I I - 0 pm n1 50 a Ar 11end,enon. " ...*12 67am *1 i m li 11leigh "... 02 10 i Ii 3 84 1 i 81tIihern ilS " ...... -123 " 618 pin atulet, ". ...... 57 " 063 " W1 liningtol ---.................... *12to *( Monroe .............. ... 6 43 9 12 Ar Chatriotto, via 8. A. L.. *7 60 10 25 p) i CiU ter, v in . A. r ....,,,.., 8 atit 1 56 pm Greenwood ........ I 85 6- 1(07 n,n A010--A . . - 113 in 3 4 1an Atlanta, 8. A. L. (Union Depot)(GentraI Tim) 360pin 620 v NetA Im rry *7 60 pin *12 14im ArUllitoi 66 ....... 90,m 1 7 NOlRTiBOUND No. 402. No. 3s. LN A tiltM!a, (Central Tinio) tl 0 piu I h "r thei - ..'''"".. 6 p 9 pp (Irooflm~ood is ..4)3 J 'Chemter 7 """- . 2a3n Ar lotroo. via 8. A. 1..... *9 .3V l 6 - Ar 0hm lotto vil B. A. L......*10 2b pm *7 30 66 liillo-............ ...... 1115 " 7 4.3 At. Wililngtol -...............*12 U5 Jim " Moulithern lnes...........12(limn 110fim Ar Raielih via 6. 10 ain 11 18 a A r W , 3 28 fat 1 to -ii A r WoI. it, vIt h '. A . . (t1 n 2 E6 1;.4 ar ertanouh . . 7 24 am 5 20 Hichiiond ....... A C Ij ...... 8 45 " 7 12 Wimhi,igt 'i.vintPonn. .. 12 31 li m i1 10 N1ew York. " "6 " *023 *. *63&att I,v Cl.n ton -. .- 214) Mmi Ar Newher.iy 2 . pil 8 20 ll) D1y. D ly, ex. 111ndiay. Nop. 403 aill 402.-"Theu% Athania Spd,csinl" Holild VtitilIi Tratiln of' Pullinan .eper anid Coitchem be wi-in Washington andill At. aiMn111, al,o 1ltina illeiers botwoon Porls. mllouith s ni Chester, 8. U. mfem. 41 aindtl .--- h*-. H- A. I.. Fxpremu," Sol1i Triitin, Coitch N liig m Pullmian Slo.pt ,n hetwmnm I6rtsmouth ai6t Atlante. Cotipany ,3ilt1epolr8 bet v 60n Colitm.it itd Al lini,a. It ith 1al t.s makCe ilmt:cdiite c-nnIeio ;oll.I Athinta 1For MIoiloml(.1., blobhilo New (. lIINs, Txa-, Cilif~oin 3:1. i-xICo, 4 1111a noogia, Nashville, Meml-hhi hi-acri, FlorIla. For Ticketm, Slei - 4414 3 1) 1iinorm 101, ap. ly to Agenito i rIW li 1 ( ltinmst. , G P1. A., (or .A. Newhindi, Gen. Ag(., l'aiks. I in,.-I. Atiania Ga. VC. Er. J111 N, Vie-Pr4" . a tid bet'i 1l1a(g' V 1. C, AliE F., 74en1)1 i cri; enien1~t. if. W. it ( I.Oy 3.;it. Trr ', Mainagor. L.H. A .4 EN, ( 4eri 'i, s-en-er Ag.en imN1;iRAL OEl-1C1. J'ual14TMint~'Ta. VL61 TH E C11 A It, i-TA 1A -,. SOUTH UAROI,INA & EOIUJA '. I o Time Table Inl ( t*.(t .1an. 1, 1899) (Ist boiunld-DIaily.) Lv Columbia ....................... ; 45 i. ,tr liranii vili . . . . "I ail I v 11rinlhvilf 1-... ..... 05 nIl Ar Charleston ..................... .,v Coti'hinMli ........8 5 Ar Charleston ...................... 87 1i (Wesbotid.) r,v Charleston ......................7 0) a-n lir (44ill' h1 . ................. .........I 0-:fty. Lv Charleston...................... I0 ptij %r ..a .v .. ..... 7 3 .v lIranchvllb .....................7 (i pin Ar C11 i..ilk ... . ...10 10 p.U NORI If CAH1 INA iVISION. (l11t lit11)(- D)ally Except Sil 1- a Lv C'ollimiblat............. 11 20amt :1 M 11in Ar Calmdon .......... ........ 1140 ill)) 630~ ))Il Ca' tiWli:i. . .7. . 3)11 Vok'olun bla .................... 9 0mii 5 p A rCad en .............,......11 5 401) 3 i by Uniite..................... 1: p1 a Ar i. nas.................... I 2 -1p Yo3 k y t l.................... 49 ipm IIhaiiik,-lbu rg..................O V 55 n 8o k i y........ ........ 4 2 in M ar.o .......................2 2G 3 pm I 1lh.v)g .................... 1 0 1 at I 666e 6a bu..................... 1 43)an Vo1.1k.v1 il...............311 26. a 4 m 61 \r ok ii.i.................... ..41 25 10m1 Ii an6 w ha -iuIa)..........12 1.11 pm42316 Ai lsI il, e...................... Ia . 1pm 3~3)1 ('a AnIlbNI .................,..... 3 m~ 8 .Il 61m \r lai.uen 3b I....... ............ 5 2 1 m Ii0 a 166 v ('ohlv lha .................. ..4 iim 5161p61 \v rAilguNlav 11........ .... 2 502' p:m \1r A ikut............................... at10 4i) pin ( 8)I3 st hou tul. ) Ly A ugust.a......................... 0 1411 611 r i 1-n2e l.......... ..7 9 tu 6 61 Al4l4lShy h........ 7 .94 75 . ta 6.'Awr466 -:'iesa AlmeI6irr Aiig,l wasnlI oTo .~ II 1, A 616 4 ii 111st 1............ ....... . ............ ... i 20 p: \ t' Ai ik, 1n................ ............... 3 I.9 p en,~ Sr IN m rk .. .... A. 16 IS.)6 , ....... ..... ... . i.. 4 1 G t I e:I m rktI au l ........ ................. .... .... y 7 o \ -' A iv. l .................. .T ............. 7 9 a16 1 6 r646 .\ 1 41 4.6....................... I) .. 7 l 31 .:1 'n In'4e ,'h rlesIII. . .'t n4 . 3he 646i . li) 611,nhv ll 1.i,4it 147 8Ivio Colui t.j (421 .) ' l 16666n ou Iht 6. '.6 m11 . 4243 644 1 ; V i, ll0Il illl(31e . . 44 3*i f612 0 4ihIin n V166 ect6 IIhm.486 , 119 \ Itv 444l4'64t'.l.... 36 p1 m 4 .53n (u1. 666' 643. I 1? 3)1)1 t On th61'4,46 it4 .44. ...630-p ~ 4 666 6'1444 61 4 66 . .) 3 1 10 .0) a mI 31b6146 66. h.6 3r p64) 2.44 , . ni6innli. . . . .I 4({3ii I446(h',. ....8 .11411 -46 66464 . 3 $4i)) 4v, 15 1m lah6l16 I......41 41 6 7 )) I'61 I314)64I - 4 6'411466) le 3um 4 66 ,I64 8, A 466...3t e, 36m46 4 ii 6 .64 3144m w644 h 3utnr ita34w ay,56)'1 60, 64in 64 .,,-mn ,.. in ' 43 3a 6y) t ).6 p1k)t