Shall the Philippine Islands Bo Annexed? 'I'he Stylus. With your permission, we offer a brief discussion of tile great question now agitating tile political world, tile disposiioll of tie Ph,iilippilne Islands; not with any hope, of course, of being able to elucidate the subject, but simliply for the u11r1pose of exclianlging ideas with your readers. We believe that no national question to-day is more illnport:nit th:,11 thlis: Shall the!e isll!tls I ecded to tle 1'ni ted States? and if' s, what shall be Iheir posilionl in) thev ('n1ioni Il ir. rejection womll evidently mean11 SOmeI ineCxcusa b'evailato on tile part oIu gmvrnment ill asmuch as their cession wa slig gested a.nd d41eman11ded by its inl st rute I cd re preset.Itat ivc> a,t.d, c n- il se IIIe t y N., a rT-Opt.n iIIg (f 1 lit war with Spain; thwiei ml the othe Iha d, ;In exNpamsion of ()urI imlits ynl l e \\'esr CoIIt i neit- conrar to) ourt) eaurd ra ditional views; (u enta gIleieit. it may.1). bv, inl the J jI(Ollsies a1n(1 c(intenition" (fl, castertl nat imns ; vin lagdgovet,-neIvntII powers;prb ably) a2 lairger S stning army1 andiit navy; i:d a pos- iitbl increlasc (d' I tx1 1 itiol b MI aniy fresetnCIt COmII ptttionl. THuls th honomi r, genkiuls, :m staliity of' I nit. 1.*iiion , a Id t hIte iu1criall w 4lae oi all its peop4)le, are ilvolved. We a 1re no I st Aand in Il n the ) vihmre of anl unlknown okc0an1, anId I1 Vision is c b l f pnile a ( ing Ilit 'ii2 h I d S C N I M:l4 l s t'i 1 .1 l'()I- g I the1 bo,tnkvlle,s \\ x;mse b14 fore., u1.1, m andt of1 sainig wVinit stormlis nui.y not) bull'et ie Ship of State,if lanllieltd; 11o whlat rocky Iree's niy * iperil its existetcie. Tle fIaI liter shloin mayIN, for aughit we( knowv, he boinnt, bleak, and ddesohite; 4r it 11a) ue the bahny ports of aicb bod ing peace.k. :tiid plIItv. We do not, thlteretore wnl thmi ourl. s 1tat,me are )n\w pausing inll plxt ani dre-ad ; and tHiat coitry o)pilils are ield by Omske equk lly wise 1a d pi,'friotic. Btt inl propl rti l to its impor tallct., we 1th1n1k eit in eill il IIIom these statesim.en to studyt1 andt. en1 deavor. to sveihle pribdem inde pendenitly ofl our. Irave of22 thet e rhlerthem,i here is:2 noel ph-a iure i worCjthlss baublesan theiti' dece11ptS ivetae goof ntrses; psionil has yieLe a!l&t lngthgtofjudgmenl.; likre wlighc irriepresible ihnivn eti ely (lthrough th irs t w o pe- t' tie lm111 and substalce of all the Opposition to tihe allnexatioll of tle Philippiell Islands the following propositions : 1. Tle l iii iii1los arie incapable Of Self-government. 2. They are tiiiwilling to be gov (.r-ied byN thle Unitvd st.-Ates. 3. if is tlvnwis to p;articipate ill casterl citanglIreelts. \\'e do not So intich favor vither :11n1Rxing" or rejecting, as Seeking exactly what ltle present Stage of CiViliZatiol den nd an doingill it, whetherl coalpatible with our ini ditional principles or not. Thatt aIll tun ait created free and e iull, an11d nlone Should be governeit-d wtit h mit their consent, appear to have been) cmnsiderefd rather "ad captanl dut' rli I toricA )hI ass IIatl p - tical pri llciple'; )I'f goverineillit, as we ite by revie-winig lthe progr-cse of ouri1. governinent.) few A I'.\v I IS ways le-d and dragged the mnajority. \Most (d, theclnit were inl favor() 1f H rit idh ru le ; it h ie - tit uit ion , I itefs forcedI h by ail1 Iew theii In-j diall tribes wcrt-e m I I Irgar-d d frie anld cxperiment1 Stat.ioen inl Teinnesseeo. Il-Conunissie of A gricut ure (for Ten nessee. autLhor of "Cuturoe anid CurIing of~ (4 'T)obaco" for' U. 8. ten th 0ensulS, "' Tiiobacc o af," "Sheep "(G11sses,"' antd other1 agriicu ILt.ual The regiular- suibscri ption pice of The Southern I.'armi M\agazinie is $1 year, but we ottor ii, aind The1i Herald1( and1( News togethe 11'onlo yeari for $2. ELE 3TRO SILJGON Sh ines Silve rware Sur pr isi nglIy w it hou t Scratching. " i43 1] ,< 411 (i 140 1 4.t 114x , 14ost-pa;hl. Is eS 4 . ill stiinlp. Thet It4 Si 1leiCon c . 4 Cliff sirelt. Newt vo4 rk en .1 ho44p e, in~ tenI .4i4:n.e et T hAYS 4. r ,I,41 ini fr - 1.. - . L ' SCLN.. n0- K. An 14ta4, Ga; 50 Y EA RS' EXPER IENCE IA TRiADr. MARKS CopyRIQMT8 &c. Anyono sending a sktch andecptnma invenion i proal atnablot. 'ohmmuntca. litons st rictly conltlnt tl. llndbook on) Paftentsl sont, froo. odest agonecy for seculri4r i4atomni P'ateta taken throuigh Munn111 & Co. recel'vo $ cientific Jlmerleaii. A hanidsomfeIy Iitnstrated weekly. Enireoait cir cnlationi of any scentiflo j4)41rnal1. Tornms. $3 a year: four months, $1. Sold by alt n)ewadealers. MUiNN CO.seow, Now Ynrk "Ot :>f Sight Out of Mind." In other months we forget the harsh winds of Spring. 'ut they have their use, as some say, to blow out the bad air accmulamted after Winter storms and Spring thaws. There is far more important accumulation of badness in the veins and ar teries of humanity, which needs Hood's Sarsaparilla. Ti is grc at. Spring Meivcine clarifies the blood :,4 nothing else ('an. It cures MCroftia, 1idnlev disoasv, liver tronblfez, rheumnatism anmI kindn-d ailmentis. Tinvi it, gives pIer.fec'(t health, stre(1gh ant ap petfite for inonths to) comne. Kidneys - " M1y kioliv s'i ol1h41I tile, aiopilar book 4)In tie s Ihjt,ct, of the wat' Vi h1 Spai n. Nea. IV 200 Superb Il ustrations from Pholt os tLk,11 eS)ec Z,ial' for thiS grl'eIt, W01I. A:.nt; are Ilnaking $,50 to $110 a We, k :i elli it.. z\ verit-Iblo. bollamia foi-l 1. Vu In va)ssrs. A pply for decr i it.4n, Lutis 1111 terit0Qry at, once. to N. 1). TiomI'soN PUBLIHLING CI., St. Louis, Mo., or Now York Ci. Florida Central & Peninsuliar TimrTable lin EAITet lrit. :m. ,enve New b h r ...................................2 A r ive Colu 1ill l..................................;. ;z No. :17. -o . N o Lv. Coh.b11 bilaj . .......... 125'pnl 1 a 4 0 (1.1t4 11n Timne.) 1hV. ( '(JltnlmlblP ........... .. 11 5,M11 217tl fo 0 Lv Dileniark ........ ... 131)n 2 2'itm C. I,v FaIrtax .... ............. 2 lm ll,stlii 7:,1. Lv kv n1a111111.............. -.1471n 11 I r BI wick ....... ... 8 48a 7 I ii Ar .1icksvll IIIe......... 9 25pill 90011111 1 4101m Lv Jackmoniv ilts.. ...... 9 0pl l -tpm i At r i uv ci't y ........... .. 1 0 n Ar Live 0111c .. .1 13I)1llk A ir I.lve Oak........... ..... 2 4p A r Trainhat3..... 5i \ r Rilver Junlction.....)Ill Ar Mlotbih.................... OiAtil A r New (rle ...........7 . A I W a. I2 1. .. .... ..... .. .. _ .'a - A r 4.hrin1esvi'lle 1........ Al' C12lar K.'3's ........t At ( cla ............ 2 31111In 5',' A r W 1ldiwoo(ld.........:; 5'3am2un~~I A r OrIanto......... I 11 5 Jpn N.:sN o. 31. N. 2. Lv (45141 1(n'n 412 001pn IA'4A21l4l1 IIII 111an A I' ~l1Ii(4 4144114 2 :40pItha Lv l.Ce ('13 r On1iti Lv I 44~mIitI k 2lilpiti 2 -01liseln 'jll Al ei't 'a ............ 7-i4n 5 uo I'(111124I2 N144i1 T 4 'O N44 l1'.I,Sl''4k.14 .Y:('k444i II 1) 1. 4 N li . 38ei NiI' 44.4411 N <,.:2 ('4,v Gaines' I 4s lii. ......1 .i j '4111 '(,4 I 1 sf N',v 4 11 441h2k............. 2 44a ( I . ri1 Lv ''4 '1' La e 'it1--------.. 4444 e4(i 0pni ~ :44j Lv4'1 1112 r a I w 41e 1....... t I n g n , I"41 1441. lnn' Ik --........... 2t, 11441n 2t0ti Ui't 'I'r ins rriv ami tie a l 411 C 41 ninhi n. W3nnl ng ste l1Ut.ti n, .;4,:: '1' i 4. A rr Pulua A.epn 84 .I , Ah't we . U. '. .tne Jackenil4lso ten adCinmia, ina,nvtenv n A le nt.ein . Wli pal 45or 'i . ' i.,weN''. iIh S4 ani I TaIea, an4i run,~' Holb41 tra I- (14 I ha. lot t o to14eksnvill No44 '127 4'.Co8ea Uilla 41awni ton *Ii t l' r e b letit ain co sl v '" U ,, ; ai" ob44 rva14. . . tr.:1 . Iiiil i,, ha I .a l For 411 lAt'e Ilut('rinallon4.~ ' a p y I to 4 C44'4 44444.1 hil '~e',t ;44 t1i linih. 1: ..I I( N, A.SlP A', \4. E3 . 1: , 2 . AI . 2. ATTIE4 Rti,b r. '.V'2IV .i nekson2 43 il407 .in Betw444 en .Carlso and44:lf ColtuIa 4 Upper: So~.ut arolina Iot v ro441 W1aIi'ss4i4 i . 4 tis,il N I I' No '2t 241.tTIIiiaIe 4. 414 ,; 4. 3n IA I i- ...Ch r's.r. . . ' tu 441 .........00 .1 bIl o I 2 "' i Itd Ao1i'tot4 r....ltrIi o. N.lwa ?..... 4444 m SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Central Time 11o11tween coliumbla and Jack liuyllic. Eastorn Tinmo 1iotweet 0o Itunibia and Other Plointi. Efotive Janiuary 10, 1890. No. 88 No. 30 No. 82 NortabouUd. Daily. Daily. Exeun L. J'vle, F.C.P.Ity-- 8 0 a 1 lop 8avaatth....... . 1201p 12(K)p 857p Ar. Colunbiti ........... 4 6p 4 46 a 7 ltip I,y. Chaar'tona,80&t1i4-( '- 00 a tI . Ar. Columbla.......... 110 a lu10:. L,v. Au10)a, 91o.0Y 5 4p Uranituovillo . 2 39 1 10 15p 0 08p Alken.............2 2 0 10 101 6 mip " 1Trenton .......... 11 p 84p Johi8tols ........- 1) 11 2 p 0 0p Ar. Columbiii:n. (lep't. 4 51 1 2 10 a 8 20p Lv Col'ilia lint 'g S- b I5p 5 65 at 8 P 1Winnsbor. .. 07 P 7 ( i 89p S Chester..I ) 7 45i 0 171) Iloek 11111......... 8 17 it 10 45p Ar. Charlot .. . 8 15 ) t 15 i 11 341) Daivill... 111) 1 22p lop A r . I i i0 im i d ... .... .. 4 . i t ll a. A r. n'IIslill ttiml: ...... . i i (1 1 9 15 i tll ali r I 11.It. It.. 8 ton 11 2." 11 0:,Ia 1" hla1dtIlpIia........ 1t i:. 2 a 1 o8 N W Yak...........I. 4 13 Ii i t 3 6:11 Nuatltjaaiai. o. tiNo. :17 No. 38 1,X,ittt 1 a iy. iily. Ph ii iaa.5........ 2 I p 1 . .. a,,A . . .. all 9 I'l) 4)I 21 it 1Jv. N%'11 411'tol, Sao. UY. 6 51 1) 10 431) 11 1;) a Iv. ichlaid ai1..... 1 1. 1.1. .0p............1 t N)iI 01 ) Charotte......... 151 10 20 1)5 Iwa Iii"aIaaa I v %1oa Iit 10 141) ........ loti 10 it) 11 4:1 p W ilsoa ro .......... 11 41a 12 4 i (I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 31a:1j l:aalr a 1 2i Vqi 1 1.7 i P . Couai:1 II dep. I 1 .7)(a Iti 1 2) 11 4 m p JOIlll 11S ...........2 511 0 Dopi ' alIt"" ........ i 4 it' L ) 00 2a 9p 1 -. Ailwo ... 1 a 1 ) 7 3 it it 35 M Il4 -Ai t 4 lll 8(~i 3 26p 0 45it At-.~ ui' i. .5p........t .. 8 17 1 Wit 41 it'11 265 it It. 47 a " r N o w Y o k.a a v a l. . . . . . . . . . 0 . 4 a p 2 3 : ! ,3 p 5i.Et:l ~ I N(AtSERICE. 3 it 0-NW YOK AND P7,No.1. T uthb ond'F,li(l s it .till y.d T ail of Iv N w York. jil 'ixi lt .lt NIll t I n : : pi 2 n t, " h l ltllihi ...... C--.m Dining p 3 0 F .:toa , IiIIa . )di. Nw'v yol-, VI itt "" Iamt( ($1111plot2- a ava1 i'aon, a , ly.. D)5'mvi5 4g-Hooy 1 5 a ,.liililtk.i ... t tit 1111 Aiken i 0 . PAve~llulkt dali1v Pliss~enger Service bet, w. Fl iitdill . .i N(..v . k. Limite. t ),to in . . on alld ..Out.hw stcr b t'vin Am-1i' aAl N o 2oid VS. tia t a :I itl wilh (1ltilili liirm luld first chiS.,; cLliv'lt h till aaC t dh 'tt t . t Ti "11'"11iito l i ""OM 81caIoping earshtme~on "I T rI n 71It . l ., W a....ingto .ar. AIvwYoik..k. l'ollitaCM- bes~img(alttatweent Charlotte (11-liilai'witig-rOom 814a4-i19 cars be t"%e i (iritNvi'll . . i.. . (ios( cone,. t""11 lit N41'-ollc fiat' MM11 P0INT'(CO)AF0RT, "riAuig ttta..a i 11 ii'11an{is N v . x.' )'In,( ,.'k . S. kIx.;llih. a 4al. Through tVUln laiff"t sle(p)inlg car4 be tti 01cstilIle and Nauw York un i Pull 11111 (i':'I's et :.Augista ud Char', I0ttI o. Dilltlw C. . a .1a.a 1 e9 -i at II4II 1 p rotxte. ana (alllli ii."aaa-Ootl"us t 4 1 V ll(e e a.n Jack.ion. vill" anld Citi'itiluti, vin Ashtovi lIe. FRANK..4ANNON. .1.u. u lP, Tvird V-'. & ..Mgr. T. bt.. Wshil to24. " . A. IZ: IC, .. 1. 11A 17 p 510K a .hi Ak-o- dr i ... . . 4. P. A.. At25 l ta. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. C0114.l ).v ol cita \tii ln Etrao i o St. Atu:u :ine . I, IN'm or,iiaJa k shiATTONS D - e \M). 17. 1No. ft. n r bitt w n Ain an N Yrk, con n.:toin it 110t-6t.Clu ba fo the acc mua tinaa yof Auu t a Aik1 - Ia) . Fridta andi Newt 1Y2rk.r No.37a and :.Wahngo adSouthwesterni LimA nait Dainglomluft leigU betwn IAuaustand Ne Yok.Soi e Arbuled tain wU Iiig 1 arn firs, cls atia, bokonile anah Wash 4 ino and New Yorok. Pu lanial drawiner[o slepngl Iars b0e ta~ ween ireenat a ndN r olk Cls connec aiv in 1 l 're inti e 1o breakfaIt, PllnnAtit n t 1winga om uffet 20epn ca be twer: JuesonillaanNe York1 an Pull man slinars bet8w.0 Auut and Char- i (oe Diin a nnsaereal mel1 nroute Pu lilman ~ .hrsn ar betwen ).)akson illo vilkja a tincinnati, ia Asheville W. OA. aUt. 8. H. 1 Al3DiCK,a) Ita a. Ciuni. . . A. Ar~ tn . BTA pON. a. N t. bal 311 aal;a,enA.aiil 3. o. 17. No. 11 Lv.I lia ..........nnrv A '& C. aiil fLv.olaui1tnb ia . in,:, p... 1, 6105 p. i "~ t res 1 ity . 6 t a mn 124 3. ia'n " Nita tae ry.......... . ti miad 1. 25 p mon " i to w : 1;. i.... 7 -tp n. a nd 1 5:2 p inu Ar. Ihwotie ..lld su N1 ail m :2 5 a. ma Ari!ns . 8 5 a m 10 car lgut ptil in~ Alr.t A ndr.ln USwuz Jkgalu 5n l nA.tin a 5 O 3 'fTATI VP & 4a,Mg. 'Lin.l Daly Wauaiangto ).NC. a.hiNo. .0 E'OeUMvIb. NELR p &i LALI E0 N "... RAL illnA. ' 6hat Ta't pn 0Iee 55 tim tla,. AiderX. s t 4laudiiu 'i 45 a m A 7. --t -aC itr a t- 7 r -I 4(a1 i1. v . be T - in- a+ x - -- . --laa y m 12 5 i Iho - ---.-a....l8t3tip iA r. t Char -alIlt -: 1 l R n 12. Co.1m17a. n - 7 t 71 '2 tilt ...A:Zln . ...L 230p1 8: al al c.. "2' 1 3 71p 71 .11 ...Iaonetil . 12 25 8 6 .'a.2' . ...Sliaeoi t .... .it "It2,9 . It p~ A r. Iiyn: ta hr ...L 114 S at-I ~.* . I prninr..Ar1 221 6 ' WP A' r . A I . 7 8 0 II a 1 I I 'i$Ar('aa A."t a' F. tr in i:lv aapat a iaurg A. & .d vso northbotm< al, :7 a.ll m a i:, i. , 6:1 p ( 't' t'ia titi ( (aa IJ i ie ; o th un 2: a. m 8:,1.'ap. m. li tat(4 atitSgia1 m.r(esilu - L iiie . Ilil 1 rah11 ittraE Ge v i e, A St'iaandir o r tvsie nort bou i,:.15 . rn , 2 34 m . nd 5 -, pm 4:80 p. ., 12 . . m. t ati l e I ated) 'l ain 9 and ll( 10 arya elegll aa t h ulma er ut day e een Jailstonville dUni G en. ane. g't. And 'tr G on . ass. g''t LISA. j ' ,,yj3 TO ALL POINTs North, South and Southwest. Schedulo in it lect Dev 11, ] SO UTl.ilt( UND. No.43 ho.1 Lv New York, via Pein R.H(.411 00 aIn *9(golml Wishliigtol.............. 440 IF 4 Ihitmonti-........--.....9(Opum 90i I,v ]POItsmou1tili " 8 T. 1" 921, Ar W eloin, va i. A. L. . 111 Ar 1lend, io " .'2 I A ... i 0 lligelyh "...2 10 a It li let, ......... bt7 ; m " W mi gton...................... *12(t)o M ollrot ................. . - 9 12 Ir Chitarlotte, Vial 8. A. I....... 7 60 " ) Chi.ster, vinl H. A. I.......... 8 (8 in it' 5 "kireenlwood< . " ... .. . .. I -25 " 1 i A1h ns ' ....... 1 13 pn .3 Alltlint, 8. A. L. UIolnl Depot) (vitral Time) 8 5( vin (. Lv New bWrry *7 60 pm * ''41 i ArcIn..n " ---......... 980jm 1(7 NORtTH3OUNI No. 40'. No. a. Lv 0t0lta,(Central Time) * Pin -0P lin A r A i hens " ...... :1 pi It 9 11m Oreonwoot .. 6 41 2- 3.Iiin Cliester ......... 7 5' 4 4 .Ak Molnroo. Vil a . A. L -....... *9 30 pm 5 A rihuloi i'v 8. A. 1 .'10 26 pnu *7 60 Haniet..- ................... 11 15 " 7 Ar W n141on. ........ ......... *12 M Hoithei rn 141i ..... ...... 12 (8 a 111 1 i4ll VF 10a009gh. Vial 8.-A. L, .... ... *2 10 aM 1118tot li4eideisoll. .6 .......... 8 28 sti 12 LO.Il r W e it 41, via S. A. I. ........ -15 ittl - Et p r rt11.ouith 4 .... .. 7 'A am 620 Ichio ti ...... AC L ...... 845 7 12 " N 11,sdji l 'i i,v ltletn. 12 81 14 1 U N ~ ~ 4 4 V V1'110 23 06h A. fill L Av C .111 ......... 2 10 *6 ;)nam Ar Newh r.y 2 - I p 8 20 11111 v. 1iy, ex. Stinday. No. 1 li3 1n) 4o2.-"'-t he A tlimiti Specti 1, _;olhlVetiu Tr-aini of Putllrimailt Sleopere nd1 (onches het wieii Waiington and A, h Ini, ,jimo l i a ic Slot b l.e li Port . oIlllth ni1141 Clster. S. C. 1411. 41 id 38.-" lihe 8. A. L. Fxpres4.,'' -'111h1 Tr-1 , Ci l.wltg ltid ileept-IN btwee raVjI floutsnoth muid At latntiC. Cois it parI-.y -leepers. het ween Columbhia aned Atlantis. It Ihl tri.h ' unliko im mledicito C,nn11elionl ..t Atimta for Aonioillery, Mobile, ZNvw - leals ,"'.s. , Cilifornit, MexIo , " 11111l t 'Imign, Naisiville, 'Mnil hitm Macun, Florid-t, 'or Tiekvts, Slevpf 4s. 11 nld I i'lt i n nI)fil, a). ply to Agetl i I Ir It Cih mml I- , U P.. A., or it. A. Newlanmd, Gen. AgI., ltvxx. I lo . Atmlta Ga. 1E. T.OHN, \'ice-l'irt s. mind -eit'l a i p r V 1. M.. 4pfIl -m.41 T 1l4.,r Ieavi i .1oumh 9: iam run 3' 1d 'I ("lOtunhe..d i 3elt 71 h, Vort. 0.1 144.111 irlli r414 A S I tli-'(ill 9114sl O1''R Augus041(11t. (and101shev'ille or t 1( Lie.41 (3ye A'i ugust 1..... .... .. r .t0 ad fo ,,011 A r41 0 v G A. 1,w 110....... C21,m. .... ( inIwy .. ... 944.'I t( ..... ......... 1141 0 t o ( k 03 tut W.nd r av llo ...(A I C' , p J'n A ....... e V 1 10............. . 0 y tEIl: ........ H a ve -\sh 1T) . (I. A .... 0a m . ..... . 1'p n it~ an twAua... ..1 -h m 3 5p1m