The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, March 21, 1899, Image 3

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Corrected every 'Tuesday and Friday y Suiumer Bros. eat... .................. . . ......... 504@ . houl ers ..-..................... 7c. 3a1 .......................... 10((0121c. 3ost L ad........d...... 74@8fte. lest Molas3ses, new crop 500. lood Molass..................... 25@35c. 'l l ................................... 65c. Na il Ia .......... . . ......... ........... 600. iy ........ . . ................ 75c. Vheat Bral........................ $1.00. ,it lou .................. $4.75. fld Best 4lo ..................... $4.50. trait F r......................... $4.2-5. ood Ordloary Flour ...........$3. _4.00. 1gar .............. ..... ......... 5 o. i . .. Gi 8ic. ff 1... . '. 1 0(20c. tton seed mec-l, per oaok... I.00. le Hulls, per cwt............. 30c. Uoultry roduce, tter, per lb ............... 15IW20c. gs, per dozun ............. IOc. Ickelnq, each.................. 12a)20c. s, per bushel....... ......... 60c. ., per 8 bushel......... 55. ts, per bushol............... 35(4c. cot potatoes ................ 40(050c. rkeys, per lb .................. 6(( 8c. ddor, por ewt .................. 6(d)75c. Muei's Arniua talve. Tiw hesi H'malve in the world for Cuts ruise, Mores, I fleers, Salt Itheuni iver tores, Tetter, Chapped Hands ill"blalms, Coril, andi all Hl:kin Erup .n411, HA po.-Ilivel y ciureC PI'lems, or no( y reqiced. It is guaraitred to give rfewt -isfactlon or mnoney refunded, Ice 25 ventR per box. F-r sale by bwrtsoi & (Alder m nd W. E. Polhaim. 'Wo Uoroi C oid lin (O Night )ce Vain Lea-'s Cold Capsules for La Ippe, oughs ajnd Colds; 12 doses 25 tS at all (rut1ggsts. Guaranteed to ro or money refunded. t&f6 Ehe Commercial Bank APITAL 50,000 vilg added a avings - Department, 11 pay ititerest on all deposits, at. Le of four per cent. por an(um, (der regulations of said Depart lnt. JNO. Ml. KINARD, Pres. .. 1. Witimrm, Cashier. watttd. 4500 3ushels Peas inl next tenl days. l1rhest cash price paid. 2.St"umMiI BHicis. Onl1ied Mtinlg;. The olliecrs and members of New erry 1Lod1e '75, K. of 1'.. Itre called to cot' a, their hall on Wednesday night, arch 22nd, iomptly at 8 o'clock. A 1 at tendane is earnest-ly requested. G-rand Chaneellor Wmll. Goldsmith, of Greenville, S. C., will be present d livel ill) address. By order P'll'R 1Rol-:HIrrsoN, C. C. .['itos.M. E.FivrN., K. of It. and S. Another now lot of Millinory ar ing today at. Miss Bossio Risor's, W1lWthi misore revcintly occupied y1% tho svborry Clothing Co. She will be '.gad to hatve tho lad ies see3 her st.ock beore buying. Torms cash. tf. ~,Those Spring Suits for mteni and boys atiWoot.en's ar'e beaLutiCS. See thema. - Hulinte~ss Chanige. r. W. G. ayes, who has been man oiig the J1. K. G ilder Book-store has ~4~ht, out Dri. Gilder~ and will run the lne,s for himiself. Mr. Mayes is aL erksol younitg imtan, courtlteo1s and1 po01lite, Shas lots of friends who will wish succ'ess in buisin ess. HeI will keep> tBelook1-sto(re upl to (late, and1( will he to serve the public. HeI wvill in a Sdays have an aidvertisemtent in The a i$itll and1( News. I Ouise ntui L,,i. For Stale. )or' termts anid particulars a-pply to New Spring Goods pre'Ltty and chicap, at Wooten's. tf laesat WV. WvV. Fulmer'"s fromi a ..allon to .50e a gallon. In live '~lon lot,s wvill giv'e special figureIs. As to Sprinkunig. h~le season of the y'eari when (lust is fast aproaching andl( ~ inkling will soon become uecessar'y. hmehod (of sp1rinlIng last seatson as the most .satisfactoiry we i.hink we yoever exper'ienlced andl( we believe ~at if 011r bIusinetss meni would put theirp ends toget her that, a mor'e satisfactor'y Tid jilu. st Cea p arrangemnent could a1~ m1ade to keep the streets sprinkled 11l t.he time. TIhe wagon methnod will av iurpass the culstom of last, season thal of each pei'son .spr'inkling bofoire ihs oIwn door11. Some one0 take it, uip anid see what, ennI be (don). - utl fring humainity should he supl pi rle.d wit~ h every men possible1 for its . ei-f. I t is wit h pleasuire we publ1isht -,the fo.llowinig: "'This is to certify thait Sjwas a terrible sufferer from Yellow 4J ,u,In lic for over six itnonths, and1( was Itrented by some11 of thle best phyisliians em:r d rinegh., re(ommitientded E'lectric Pitters; andt af(ttr )ak Ing two bo,tt los, I -Ws ei irely en)redl. 1 no0w take great pleasuire in re'ommenitidinug I hem to any lrsont51 sufTeirig from this ter rible - natladyl. 1 am11 gratefully y'ours'. Al A. IIocgart.y, LexIngton, Ky. Nlbi bv Re,ortson & Glider andit W. E~ MtI ha nmu,.gist. Guano! Acid! Cotn Seed Meal! It will pay you to sue us before -bnving t.f tf S3ummer Bros. VARI111U111 AND AI.L AtIOUTl. "A Broozy Tiio" at, the opora htouse tonigh t. Miss I-'Iizlabeth Copolaud was callod to Colutbia Sunday to murs a patient. We are having dolight-fl weather, I havinig a little too much March wind. Chief of Polle Hunter' is now the happiness man in town. Ask'inii why. Mr. W. A. Faint left yesterday for Kentucky to accept a position in that, State. Jas. Y. Culbreath, Esq., wont over to Edlg3lleld yesterday onl professionati business. M iss Sallie Copeland, of Clit.on, is visiting Aliss Elliott Duncan at Treas uror 0. F. Boyd's. The hour for the meeting of the Lutheran Sunday-school has been changed to 4:30 o'clock. Those who enjoy a heiarty laui should not miss ''A Breezy Time" at the opera house tonight. Miss E0stelle Tot spent Satirday anld Sun11daty at, home, hut, retirned to hrt. school at, lit.tle Mout,ilan , on MIon liy. Regular service in lic Lutheraln church next Sunday morning to he conducted by 'resident, Geo. It. cro 11er.. About, foUt' dlaYs m1iore Of pretty weatheril a ld contracetor J. 11. Wicker will have the grontd redy for the new d e pot.. M rs. Noah Taylor who was shot sonc a1g(o by her hIusband was sulfleiently im prove,d to be removed yesterday to hier father's. Cotmnunion services will be held in the Lutheran church on M'aster Sunday. Rev. Z. W. Bodenbaugh will condiuct the service. Roht. 1. Welch, wenq., wet ovi, to ld(gelield (it Sunday to be present Molldity to attend to solie professional business. Tihe tobiteco seed that were planted in the beds are coining up thick and will be ready for translaLiti a1boUt, Ap'it 15th. The many friends of Agent, J. A. Burton wereglad to see him out yester daty after two weeks' confinement, with te grip. Dr'. .11as. K. Gilder left yesterday for New York where he will spend a few weeks at tending leetures on special corts'es in Iedicite. IL's all the talk now, that handsome pyiimi hint rcuggy. Somebody will get. an atzrceablet A pril fool in the shape of at Ifock Hill buggy. Capt. Geo. .). [ast,. of Haigl-, Orangelurg ounty, a mCheber of the Board of Newberry t'ollege, was in the city yestertly. The gold mines of our county are very plroinising. le (ne ot the place ofr ol. .1. Y. Cudlbreath shows very en courging signs.-Saliuda S)ecial to t he State. The Alba Heywood organization is the linest miscellaneous company on the road, and will appear here on the ight of A pril 3d. ini a benefit for the I';xcelsior Fire Comnpatny. P ink Harrinigton, coloredC(, was want ed ini Cotl umiai for steal inrg. Shteriff' linufor'd was noti lled andi( in twot lhours lie had hiis tian anid turnued him a over' to the C~olunmbia atuthoiities. Alba HeIy wood, a remarkably elev'er chaater't iersonator', wi thi his ex cel lent compan o~i''(f arti sts w ill aippear' hierei on tbe eveninog of Apr'il :3d, in a benefit for the E'xcelsior' tire Comn tpanity. Nlatgistr'atte Chiappell1 has the n'lie i'eceintly (ocupied by Hon. C. L. I3lease anid MJr. Ilease atccu pies t,he otlie jutst opp1osite that. of Ma gist rate Chrapplls, t.he first door facinig t,be top of the steps. 'lThe attract.ion at t.hie opera hiouse for' l"riday and Sait.irday nights shioul d catch the K, of P. 's arid the Shakes pear'c Club. t"ridaty niighit, D)amton atnd Pyt.hias; Saturday night, one of Shakespaear'e's plays. Mr'. A. T. tiirown has moved into his hiomae--t he Rfodelspergem r house, anid Ageiit E. Cavenaugh. has maov'ed inrto the house ont Calhbouna street varcated by Mr. B3rowni. Mr. C. M. Wiest has mtoved into the house vacated by Mr. Caveinatughi which he resently boug ht of the [uthanl'i church pr'operty. Th'le pierformanctile of t.he Alba Hey wvood Comipany was very pleasing. The conicer't. part of the pr'ogiram was the best, that has bteeni presenatedl here for somelt ti,hne. AlIba Hleywood in hi is impihersonat ions madnoe a hiit-st. P auil (M inn.) Daily Globe. WVill appeara here Ott Mondaty naigh lt 3d in a bienefit, foi' t.ue E'xcelsior' lFire Comnpaniy andh ever'y bodhy should atteind. D)is'ove'red( by ai wVoan . Antothier great, dIiscery'e' hams been mtade, arid t hat too, by a atly in t hiis counitriy. "'Dlise'ase fast ened its cluitihes uponi bet' aid for seven years shte wit.h-~ stooda its severmest tests, bt. he&r v'lita organus w~ere under minted anad deatIh seemed('i hinmtiitent. l"ori Ithree in:onthts she (ettughled ince'issan it ly, iatnd coui nt sleep. Shte fiInailly dIscovered a way to r'ecovery~, lby p'l urchaing oif its tat tie of Drm. King's New D)iscove;ry lfor C in sumptionbi, ando wasi $o much~t rn:h-va'd ontakinga. firt'. dolse, I hat shie silpt. allt nmi gt; an md with tw bottle's hta bteeni absolutIely t'uredt. [He'rnam ins MNrs L~uftier Lautz. 'Thuas writes Wi. C. Ha tn tick & ( '., of Stheltby, N. C. TrIal bottles fret. at. Robaertsont & (i ldlers' anid Pelhuami's Druag Store. Reogulamr fiz/e FLA, aitd I.1). Eeyhi tie guarantten d. . i.~'r an One of the oldest and best Guanos on the market is the Navassa brand, for sale by Ediw. R. Hipn. tf UICAND 011ANCHE,l.1OIt GOL)Sllii. 11o IlIt Vi1it Newburry Imilge KIullite of 'ytithia Teiorr,,sw Night --St clnl Mtinsg Cani. ii. Grand Chanicellol. Wi. Goldsiith, of ;lrkeenville, will visit, the Newberry lndg'o Knights of 'ythilas tomorrow 1h.iht td walnlts to tut every iloibulr A ,ho ,og. A speIal moet-ing ha bwmn called for that, pur11poso and we hope overy ievimlberl of the lodgki who ,an will nuakc it a ipoint to ttLLld thOe t itm()rrOW lligtlL. Ivt tbere be A %-Orvvt l:iprovemli nst. Aldeiniin Cabaniss is haiving v great inprovement made on the street lead ug fr,m niMra. Werher's to Dr. Pulham' 'etidence. Mr. John Litidzzay hats ivtl ,evverval feet i1n frolit of hi1s roei lnce and t1e seet, 113 bilig conizddl' Lbly widenel"d ill thu hwind, which hals iermtofore been a liarrow, roughil plavv. ihien comleoled it, Will be ia nice job ttd will prove it great, impr1ii'oveii ent. IISS BESSIE RISER, Millinery!! lu the storo recontly oeupied by 0ho Newborry Clot-hintg Co. Terms trictly ersh. tf A 'riviste School for llelmon. The public mney for the 1Helena chool h baOin l bn xhausted 0he chool a weik or so ago had to he closed, lOWvLe', the citi znsof 1,u1at, pla hav0.' ott(n tog(ether!I atnd on lo1wlday OpelO 1y11Q, 01' ath1e' it llivatn school, with dliss Minnie Salter its teacher. So .ln21at colillues to have i school. Antte litt Itliable nill for. NIanige v of Iranch A)lice I wish to ow-1n inl this vicinlity. f youtr r-cord is 0. K. Iere is at t)ood pnn.Kindly menti1Onl thiS p)Aper1 vhen wribing A. T. MlomIs, Cii(nAlllt,i, 0. I11ust'ritted Cattlogue -1 (1s. posta-g'e. L.-IL. IH111n(pot lt nI ti i i pi lga. The Herald and News acknowleges oi invitation to the anniil hanqIllut in ionlor of t'he State Mledical Association it, arris Springs oil A pill 7. Th hotel s ow under new managemen t., lCi l. L. Fox, being propiicto1. and has eenl enitirely renlovitud and fixed up mld the season this year at this faious 'esort, pro.111ses to he olle of 1inusual litercst,. s"ver-al lissociat.ions will hold ,hi' anua 11111 11e1n118 thiere and will 10 entertained in good st-yle. It is a lnost pivasanlt anid heailthfull place at vhichi to -pend the summer. For a <illick remedcky and onle thait, is ifecv I. safre for ciiiriim let.u w recom nenid One Nitilitt' C:ngh Curec. It. is Xcellent for erou1p, hu-iess, tiek iing in the throat an i coIughs. 1Iomet lihing I' xl. ih..Ir<iutsry. lssrs. \'oss & ScholIZ, mageis of .he opera houise, are put ,ing ihemselves 0 sec trouble to secure high-claiss mntertillilitts for [lie amu111sCInelit, !Ov .nZg pub01liii ad should he pa2tron)11Ize,d 1and1 211ouralIged iniLi(1'li theirundetakigs. l'heyi hav'e hooked for' the !l t.h and2( 25th (o11 oif the best 2ompieiIts (on t he '4oad(, whIich will produce1(2( Shaitkespear ie's NIeichat Lof Ven ice and Da mon and1( Ira2w, as8 th ey wil lbe somiethiing newi i -lhe at tt ra21(tion.1 is one( of ithe best mnusi 21a1 far'ce come itd ies on Li,he12 roa. weak Ilungs, pin in2 thte chiet., dI ilint breoathinLr, er(1)1 IIup or he1'rseness, let. ns suiggest. One' AIlinut( 1.o'ughi Gutr. A I ways13' reOliabhle andi safe. To( O2inmui i,niter. Theii E'xcelsior F'ire Comipany' has beeni endea'l1voin g for several weeks1( to get a daite w.iith LItv. Samn l'. .Iones, the has failed to get at sulitabile daLte. IIe could ihave been seeu 1(ed for' Sattadoay n igh t, A pr'il 1st , hat, thIie company li could(01( not,, or Lihough t, be2t, not. to bin g sucih an0 at,ILt,raci here' on Sat.ti day13 nig ht. IIis t,imo is o comp0 lely t1 aken up that it w'.ill he implIossible to gect himii before the last of Alril orni the firist, of May'. T1he annIOIfoucmenti uiill lbe 11u11(1 in time to give ever'y one1 a chance whlo de~sIires to) secure a' I0'hoice scat, before the dIte of theo lectur'e. ing atfterwvardi If youi cannliOl. 1( it, itke Kodo1)lI D.(pepisiat ( u ro. It (I inemis whaItL YotI 01at, anid cuti'es 1 alorms oif I)ypep Siln andl 1Indigestion. Dri. Jas1. K(. G ilder lceft .yesterdaliy for New Yor'k to spenld severatl w.eiks in tih hosiltaIs 11121 thlius to better'Il li hin se1lf for' the( pra2ct,ieu of his proafess ion. P(I or severl' year's Dr). Gilder21 has been(211 div~id ing hiis Lime1( het.weeni thea drIulg storec itud his pronfession, he e2x pects to g.iv al01.1 1 Li 11ime to li,he prae-1( (of hiis profession, though lhe still retins18li I 12 I t.h aeit'rest in the( drtug sitore'. Thei firmii of I tobert.soni & Gil der' remains1l1 just,Its before, but, Dr1. Gilder will not decvol.1e11 i li,ime to 11he storIe, but to0 hiis prtofessiotn, wile Dr1 1. 1Hob ertSOni will give his Li me to thle store. fr'ienlds Wil b1 J. 1h1( to1 kniow that. he1. 1s gol ing to dte his0-( 11 entLir 1time11 to h is For frost, hites2, burns'1i, Indtolenit sores, ('/elzema, skiln dliseaise, and(142 epec illy l'ilels, DecWit,'s WVit ch 11 azel Sal vo btlndh fIr2t ard be-st.. I,ook (lilt for (l is honiest pii2l who try3 to Iimi1tate( andi of a goodl at&i't:e.0 Worth less goads are' not, Imitated. (Ot D)eWitt,'s Witch Ha/Qi Salve. 1111ri. i Its ts1tijijitt %tiu'I y. Eltineer Dick Ni,!(CujlIougl 19i dead. lie hits been inl t eitiploy of tle Sout h ern road for :10 years Itid has many friends in Coltmbia nit d elsewheie. lIe died inl C 'hairlotto yesterday 'from a stroke of pa:tlysis. Ili < reiains were brought t , Colinbia last night and will be 1itrreId at Ei,mwood today. The ftmeral service will he conducted at, the homo of mris m. J. Conway, Iis sister-in h w, at, 302i Main street, tit 11.31) r.his t,orning. Chief 110ine t 11;olInd, of tihe local lodge, 1. L. 1E., lits r-eCeived orders to have as niany of the brotherhood as possible to attend the funeralit it body. The first intimation of Mr. MlcCul. lo1gh's ill was rc'ved fromt the I'pets of Liridity. The Ob "Ie ler ri il Ils oab, as usum", to,ti-thly Illuoiring oin the past'seniger ill. ,rriving att. Taylorvile inl due im114. A I parnt1-11tly hie wats Inl his uisuial Ialtih. I h. laulghbed turl talked with ho p-old'. of Taylor.%i le, and was ei wli;i' :, along the 'Y' between 31 uld :1 :0 W4'< 'tek. "AL 3.30 . was found in an unlol -.iolls uono.jol iviiear. th- track Im, two itte Thegres. They reported tle Imat ver ait the( dvpot, andit soon I mnubr of )i1014le were at tihe Spot. When the rtoman anI)I:; IbaL g-age Ilmster camne ulp, Mr. AIet' lough triud to speak to bmlli, but could not. Ilie shook his ead, givin' them this iIgn of re'o'm Oltionl. 11. -as takeon to S;atesville onl le Ittle1i 1in 1train IIl Ittelided by Aie railroud suirgeon. IIe elaipsed >Aten into a -eii-consciios condition. is 1ight, side WaS VoIIlet,.' pII-It yzed. " eCr. Ale'ulloug is faiiairly know )I tle Southe-in its '"Ulncle Dick" AMe u'tlIlong bi. lie is oiie of tih olitst en Lineer's ol the rOai(. Owlg Lito had helith htle wIts tiSeireiT flom1 tile Air Line division the iirst of Pebriuary o lighter (uty on the Atlantic, Tel oessve aIId ioI0. 1 It wits ole of the m1OSt popular men-1 inl the cab."-Thev itate, 1111. Nir. NieCullolgh was a native of New berry, having Ser1ved his appIet,iLCe ihlip in tile old I [lella Shops when lo UMtted hlr- Si M0 yers ago, itid 1111d maniy iAt-ives, friends liiid acquilint IiLts here who regret to hearv of his J1. Slwr111, Sedilia, Mo., CoindiuclAor oil d'l iti St tl 1 C"-I- Jln!,wrts ha his litil. itig hter% wis very low with oti. aniid iier life saved ater all phy ,iL-ianis Ili lailed, oil by iising oine Miniute Cotig h Cure. A 1tappy Marrinag. The marrilge of Mr. Pleetwood A. Gohh i. of \\'aterloo, . .'., to Miss u trieu I ,, i in sin, of IIi ia. Oi ThIu Ii I day, Marth i- h 61, 18111, w:ts an event, of U I iWult I n0lt i-1est as wIts it tested by tIle large jtlilibor of fr'iends from fit i Itild near IIo hi d g at.hered to Wit,ness two life streaIims iii blended into olne. Lolilg ihlower'i of hiAlty foirL te younlg anid geni tLe bide(l. TwVilin ig smWila x 4esiooned raniit purpi~~ violets shedi tiieii' incelse as when tIle P .st, pair walkedl in i'den. As thle lIria''iced linigeris (f Ni rs. Il'caree, romuIiis. the i idalzl pat,y ee-red tile liitil Viiutlt, (If \\' at e rloo1, w ithN Alss ll~ay .\i tile, NIr. 11. Itawlin.-on with M Alss .\!ai'y itwlinisoni, t,ben the bride. and .\iethiod ist church'Ci, wholin Ilani iimpressive madetl tile twaini one0I. Thei bride1 twias gownedii in witIe orlganid ic wiith satinI trimini and filwing veil t.hatenfvelop ied h1(r piteLi form an i!d wais eaulghlt til wVit,h coron et of lilies oIf the viallIy, andll iln heri hiandt lilies atnd ferns -symnbol, (If l ino'cncet atnd poi-i ty. Af(teirLi te firtshmenilts oif ottkes, ems, ete.,. In houn iLt1u pro'ftusion)l werei enijoyed by tile litige numbe ofiI'(f gtue.-t. who wvish for' tilem al lonlg lif o (f prospeity and11( ous) anid valtualhie, comipeh,siing an elegatnt, silver' Li atSi( service, si le sp)(oon, kniive's, forks itnd( (aring I'Il~ set,, glasswarelt'(, vaises, biie-a-br nae, ioo nume11 rous to mention. AI~ir l nii MIrs. Gol~d en left, oil tile ioin iig trin for Wiatei'loo, tile homle (If tile gr'oomI, wVhose iiinily woit,h (If courit. 1', "Gie meI ia liveri reguiliai andti ennai Th'le driutggi4t lIiuodedl im a biottle (If D)eWVitt's Lit,t.le l'larly lUisirs, the faim onis little pilIs. ilitit's rar (ha e Capi fail', nt-tagiih la, Thlle Southeri (U iI'i5gl'sen r A ssoAiati on toi tile (lonifaiderillte V(e(tuas ' I li IInion it,. Chairlest on, S (C., on ihe May It1hih to l3thi ''The late ,aimed is one CentI. ia ih-i' ni eaoich d ir. t,ion. Itund tri,i fr'om N Iiewher'y, $3.*0' l'rospeity13, Ti'lket.s fi t)im potiints withiin it radius of 01 one 1 audred Bilies fi'oii Charl'Ieston to bei sold Miay I9, 10, Il, 12, and1( for tr'iiins setduiled toaiv e in C h arl'es lImnit Maty IS. 18P9. TIick ets f- Im po'int is hii'.ondi a lad ins of oi~tne udel miiles ton m Chiirlestoii to bie s.lid .\. ay 8, 9 itnd i10, w it,h final( limIt MIay Pl, 1899). One of the oldest and best Guanos on the markc- is the Navassa brand, for . sale by Edw. H. Hinn. tf 75 GIVEN AWAY, IWUK HU4111, IlUiY AlISS.LUTIL1 1111 1110 34 '1 11bl iiot ol4r Tho Hieral aind Nowt4 has alwaysi imi avertoi to comb-intion offorv. I fee(t w IMVP n10VOr don11o it and dit atI inltw'd to. Wo lifive, however, iido an air tugemtif. with tho Rock Hill Buggy m1111tity by which wo can offer 011 t ~thei buggics to o1r slibmcrib. Iiabso)lutely free. Vo want ovory subscribor on our )okt imd every now nubscriber to IVO an opportunity to gain tbis capi 1 pnze. (hItoo l Mr. 1.1w. It. llipp soon a i-. arrivv., fromu ittock mill Tho couirt ions oil hl I lkhi. hn1gy i b% iven are: \\'n prspose to eur :11-o w iirge )I i iliis 1an1d ('ury -rS0on Who Ilys %,,n)11 yvar'. Sulbscrip. >nt to) Tho llmralin Nvws, hw %IMI noV aItnd the firstc ubIy if Apri! Ilhe givenl iwa hiII I l im 111 . -r of twod inl thetwo h(innIpkinls. bm Onio who comlies nI1a11st to tho 1i-ther of Sevibi inl thw two plimp 4s will bo given tilie tgg. EA1 le"s to bm writtenl in inlk onl the w'k of an tivi-lope and tlte nuim thN persoll written on1 i slip of| pli.e and14 ptt inl thw vvelpt., tih IVvI4>1w solaled aind depositted inl a: ill,t box, whihli is to be lo(kd aIInd ,p4 lot.-k'd until1 the alward ismd. VOry person who 11ayS ts u lich it s a . 01, ono y 'l,s substl i p( ion, to I.. tilled to ono vuv-4s. Th'lloso who o inl atrrvars mal pmy back d'-les to IVO 111 gluesS for vch-11 ".41.50 they qy. If you cnlillot pl back e >u cint givol u1s yourIIII Ite' fr Iick WS anlld llivo onmI gless for Illhis ,irl Which y(Im payI, aill back duilts list, b(I arrani(ged ill ordor to ellitle )m to i guiess. Thlloso who hive A id in advauce Canl luva' ia gless by 1) ing for anotiher year for vhieb 10%y Will bm giv4.n credit. \Vo liv'. Wilr'd pump Ilk ins 1)1aul' it. will give ir out of tht. comity submscribt-r8 flan 7ruiyto gm'SH F.-m he d Mow aIs much0 - lb t tho wil.bhr of 41d in tho pumpkins its, Iho who io themii. Thos(l who havo roeently svttlvd ir, their papewr by calling aigainl and y 11 no11 u g11h ( to) Iti thlilSu tbserill oIi to April ist, 14000, wvill I al-. )Wd to giess lo. W,( will ailto givv is a eccoid prizen 't of huggy hrniss vitlued at $12. 50 nld i third jpE of i barril of 11our, nd' 1a fourt rize 0/ of 011( year's Isub13 iiript ion to) he HIor11ad anud News. Ioug hUl is guel'sses were4 nearIest. thi' 11111pkinls. ut on1 (exhibitIion ati idw. H. II ipp's 18s) if yon)l desbir4 to s4e) 11h0m. ot ofte(1'I havte to securo, a1 nice( uiggy and11 at thu Oiil 11am(e tim ot ai ood1 newspaperjb'I at thle r"egut1lair u1hseripto and1 111 registeOr youri vole. all)1 eWIl) send i 110 subscritiit nit) he1'ir guesse and1 wet will 5(4( th11.1 A ft erI theit guess-48' are closed(114 ai com1 Iit.to1o of dliitelr'std pe'rsonsq wil wvard thel prizes~'. I. 0, DAVENP~ORT, - !I.\l. IIN ()licounndeor law 1 oli'e of M). A . (Carlis3le) I have julst received ne hundred tons of acid and fertilizers, the old reliable brands, Granby Fertilizers. Congaree" Columbia" Old Relible Acid. Standard" Capital" And the imported German K(ainit. hi iy. Will .:tave y u inoney J. D. Davenport HiOJIC'T ('I . Il A1 (t iN. TIho Vott-: Met of Newberey Chllego Agp. v4-ar lloro ti 'ooopt S,Xiin t joint. On last, Priday ni4lt. the annulal joint debatto and oratorical eontt-1. of the literary societies of Newherry college Wias bhlh in the opeat house. There IS L Ir-Te aui ncl"Ik-0 1we1 nt, a'i s -iS I ways the ciase whenI I-hero Is anlythinl" of a publie natulte that. pertallins to New berry college. 'IPe young lien actit ted t.hemselves haidsomlely and re Ileetedt Credit, to their colie"e. Tho ollilIliftteo to decide on the erit.t of thu debate were )r. W. G. 1louse'al, Prof. W. II. Wallace, and Rev. E. P. McClintoeck. A fter the do- bi bate wUS over and tho cotumnittei) had b reached their conclusion it wa8 an noulnecd by Rev. E. P. MeClintock hI behalf of the colitmittee and hr- dd It in at plewalt and huppy 11' ,anmer, itn at favor of tho negat.ive, cotn%plimtitL n at t Ihe samu timwithe -tpwUvbls itmil argu% Illents of the spieakeris oln the o0hev k4de. The mu111sie wis fitli.Ihed by a spii 4 tring la;d made 1 pof college students 1I and wits Very good. i Tilte followin-g is the programme as Carricd ouit: II. K. Bloyd, P-residoent. I M ityi. T Thu Solee of Nat iorml 'rogress. MIusic. Risolved, That, Scieitille investit-it tio is ilh gerous to the (Alhristian ill - If ligion. Pirst A1lirmi11ative-W . A. lI st.. lirt- Negative- .1. IB. Derrick. .\lusic. Seucondl Affivrmativo-.A. 0. Cassidy.I Second Negativu -1). A. Quattleatitm. l M lisic. M0xcelsior- Or,ator- 1). .1. S. Der-rick. T Artilicialit-y o' the Age. Mlusic. A inotincement of )ewisioni by Judges. l Illedilction. }' Wanted 5111,04. 1. WV A N'' T )-Ilibe saie-men to sell ouri. complete line of 'aints, \'arnisis. 3 etc. Good positionl anli liberl terms for rigi t, miani. Addr-ss "-W. W. Sloddard & Co.," Y Cleveland, Ohio. DinIh of Alir#4. .1 -m. It. 1litueir. P A fter it long illness N.\! . 1 ,i.zie iIt- I te r, the wife of .\r. .Jvs1-. H. Iolt r, of m Il'rosperity, died it, her home in 'ros- 1 perity on Sol umiiay evenling about, h1aif past- seven oclock. She halu been a patienlt, and e cheerfl suifferer. for k manly Imontlihs, and tntered thil e dark mi sht1adow's of the ebatimber. of de lit. wih- 84 out fear. anld Witt th ie hope of a briglit an1d joyous eternl-llity3 bel ond tihe clouis \Ve had knowin her for mtlany years and she Was poesessed of a t1,ppy dispo- i sitionl and was the iigIt and joy of a Li happy hoie. always cheerf ul-thoughIt 14 she hl heen sorely bert-aved ini recent, years.1-8 by the d(lth of two SONs, both bright yooung tinent, and also tue deatt of her iot,b10r. i WVe ennno(3. t und erstandi the 4 din tgs of it providence, ut, wve knowilse tht God does y al t (,h igts w Ll ai it t, i nt,it for us t4 m murmurt or) co phin er it(lt'l t t' s a 1,(1imet coingi'o whente shall ese. I t,b wesdom ofec t,hts t, ot ~i she(ltti leaves t fateft Iusan aSonVe tot' mourn1 tthdet o dvted ifet ~ and mo'the andtiL ai3 loingl~ dall htt tileli We ii extnd fi t ihmo t n es I!11, t liand most. thill weg realtIi l th t humt i( ('I t h comforeth nod.cohery ofu(T,he fal itt h Itlr of iif u ise.To' Htim we di- t1 Noexetstem for'comforow. II.113( nn<twl Seroe lit eckt i. Soi this bCounty, htilt will (left, eresverall year3 skg to nme tis o i n A'5tl rkan wa,ne rIit lt 'O t e tock55, fell1 rom iit.reer of duritepst Perie Mnoedalrn upOpr paoy rt m fvir 5ndclibe aPteast eand Bi hcens n blp , and Rwt ,edaov mnd Whtiv tean Oioan S,his,t whor will egrt chaearn afhit eah efore )t[dscover of One L1i'Inte CFnRED Hr. DOMINICKer gea,y Nofexce o it,v now.~ '.e' .1' Iot a a Cotaty.Olio (3ENVOY t Thu '90 M. tk. fi' -1,IIp'6s.i~ any Bicye-h < ver bit Qurlit.y bter thaq ever. FLEETWING. 6( 'l all I FN i li t'lle(JI. lle(I, .l H. FA ,R Allo Newberry, S. 0. -AlInolllC ellleItr YI COU tI1 1 IV ! have bought out the entire stock of Daven port & Renwick and the Newberry Clothing Co. and will be pleased to have the public call in at any time. I have just returned from the Northern mar kets, having bought a select stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Ladies', Gents' and Misses Shoes, Hats, Gents' Furnishings and a great many nov eties of the season. Come Early! before the stock is picked over. Yours respectfully, Pol A. it ENW, 1K, Al DavelnpoMt & inick's (ld St and. Guaranteed Analysis ! Best high grade stand ard Fertilizer on the market. Guaranteed analysis. A\ vaiihIiY P hos. A ci<, 8 per c, Potash. - 2 pr cnt, See guaranteed analy sis on bags before buy ing. EVANS & WILBUII. Stop thiat Hacl(! ikfore it IS It bil. 'Th lirno to tack'li ch itPt s when~ it i.4 just begin-. ninig. A bon's of itobertson's (CoinpIonndc Cugh;i Syrup if tiaken at the1 right tirn 10will salve you a sove'r illness. It, gives instanrit rel ief' fromo tht d1isatgreeabil)e raiwriiss of t ho an:il is ini no waty liEulesant to take. It's prIice is onily 2. cois ia bottle, ands is. inanniufaclinred andi soldi at hit OlM tSON & (G I LiDE lt'S D)rig Store. I eineIneNr we( cian snt.isfy atll y'our other I dri / H Iro \v l.291/II r Newer. -~~& 8..