The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, February 07, 1899, Image 2

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E. II. AVIA., Ictivotl EKil tOI1434 (.Oltil(SP'iN I)ENCE. The Soniate adjournod Oil Satridaty to f mcet, Tuesday night at, 8 o'clock. This (e Litter is, therefore, written at Nowber- 1 ry as I came home on It. , has been tile cistim for iany years fo' v the Sonato to take a recess from Fri- it day night to Tuesday over tle saleday t that, come during tie legislat,ive ses- I sion. This year tle recess was short ened inasmuch its the Senate Ime on S %turday. The [louse took a recess to Monday night. ' ** We have been asked tile questionl sev erial tihes as to when final adjoirnmIilent would be had. That, of course, ean not be answered with certainty and if c all Imatters now before both lioulse-s are to bo disposed of it would be impobiUle I to reaeh aldjou r'n men t before the fir:'t of Mach and at the irate heretfore traveled tie end could not be reached i that soon for there are rma1 )y Iatters that will Ilake conlsidtr-a1ble discussimn. When there is debite pro"lre.-s: is shov. v There are a niiber. of matters mide i special orders for this week. The ex- t p-crience of al former legislatures is tiat towards the close of tle se.sion the members get in a hurry, anIdil I a Itcs tre disposed of with i a rush. A r1t then this beinig tle first session of this it Legislatire there are linny matters I that, cen nie postponed to the It-xt w-11 sion. That, will inl all rohabiliy b. t the fate of many of the me asurs now on the calendars of hot h1 houisets. * * Hoth houses seem a little s!ow in i tackling the liqu'or question. As I t have heretofore stated there are sev- 1 cral bills on the calendarti tonhing tlwq liquor question, but kil to this timl t there tins beei no discussion oin the i subject.. The house hadi all the hills as specila orderis for Ilast Thursday but11 consideration w\-..s post poined to this week. At. one lime I thounghit there was sIrong pIrobaility of some iort. of local Ie option lill being passt'd I am tolut ready to ebantre that, opinion now for ! believe th1e4 dispenisary law will itadil Very Imluch in its present Ihp at tit least for another yvt. 'The prohibition) leaders hau comlit out in anl adhIrets aganst a vomlipronmlise with tihl Iical optionists as silu'gested and advised 1.\ Mr. Pett.herstone in his p,ub111i'libed statement. The oealt option heolde are% nol,strong eiough wit hout, the alid of tile prolibitionists to paus a loal opt.ion mIieasutri l aid tle prohibitionists are helpless to pass any prohibition bill without the aid of the local option ists. The two elements I do nothelieve will unit,e and eveln if the' shoul it now sems aI little doubtfull if they could win. A member of the house told me the other dity that, it poll of the house had been made ano thitt there were 60 or more Iemliers who wotild v'ote for thie dlispenisary its it iiow stands. If that be corirect, there is riot I much prohabliIty of any ebaunge ini i Ile law. There is talk ouf itholi ing the county' hoards of controo, anid nat may be done. TJhie discuss ion (If (lie qutes tion will lie intLerestinrg. as thecrc are many good speakers on atll sides of thle l1 ior quetistioin. As I have said, however, t here does not, seein ta ine now to bIle iiuich probaiLility3 of any13 mal terial cha11nge ini th0 litwi. I do niot be liev~e the prohibit1 ion ists have aniyi chance of enrry inrg a proh ibition mi eas ui~0ritn if they insist on riikiig a str'aighit prohi ibittin fig h t hey will galin not.h ig. bu(t, itt thie samre Limrre that is the only3 l ogical pos itioni for it man i wvhe is a prohii itioriist. frpm pnriciplt' and( wthio itooks tup '' it as ia corei'ct luls It,ion fi'rm the staitpdloinrt oif mor'als. There can be no0 'ompr)iomliise with evil. And lie argtues tha it prohii 1tini woulId be a failure if only a eont y herec atdti there hadtt prohi Ibit.ioni whl liqu ih(Ir was sold in sonic way in atll the coiuties I around. T'hat argu men t, is anrsweired by those who favor a compllromiise with the local 0oinists, that even if we hadt priohiit,1 ion in the State we wouldot have liioir sold aicross the line in i Nortas C'aro(linia arid Georgia arid (lie I, argutment en thiis 11ine aga inlst. comrii li' miewould( make the iliht a national one0. Tie Lbhing is becominrg someiwht lit mixed iando the Itm. .aitionsi are that the (disp)enisary will galin fromi thie i xt.ure I arid remarrin iintct, for itt least ano(their v year. So far its coiitrollIing lie lignoir the dispenisatry is tan imrirovemierit, over the old barroori and has many goodi features hbut. I cannliot get, my3 conisenrt toi ondorse the St.ate going Into the liquora business. T1hen it, is becorinrg ita,iu'e political riiachine arid is bounid to be-. come1 cort,iilt sooner or iProhi a bitioni I have always thought is niothiung s but a dream andi Idealism that is enitire- t 1'lyimpra'lct,tiale aiid if thiere wias it n geneial priohlibition law for the Stitol It wotuld oniy give enceourageent to, e and cause to flotirish, blind t.igers all over the State anti we woubIn have no money with wvhich to enifoice it.. Many of the p)rohibiitionists atr'e honest arid sincere ini thbeir' ef'ots to better the mnoral. of tire State anord to suipprecss d'nnnieuss but they3 are heiad1ig in tho wi'rng directioni and eindeaivorinrg to bring about temperance by Staturtory' enactrmiert which is an uitter imipossibil ity, whet'eas if they would spend their energies in an elfort, to cr'eateo a publIc 1 sent,iment agatinst liquor drinking thoy I would ha vO pr'ohiibition wit.hout statui- e tory enacetmenr.. Yotu can 't mlake peco- e )1e tmoratl by pasoirng laws aigairnst in- fa mortalIt,y and neither cani yotu stop b people from drinking by passing laws a nrohibiting the ale of iuon. Thi I ustlIon has given troiblo Siluce the ays of Noath when he camo out of the Lrk and wont off and imbibed too fr,ec ' of wino and will continuo to give roub1l. a s lg aU s 11 i huali aptiapoteilo re jubti ats they ave. Theli old barroom ystem in t.his State- is not, in the ih11t )t wo cannot havo that without it hango In otir contitt,tion The dis onsat- revguilattions are goodl. Now 'lhy not havo tihetm and(l let, the 1nai. idual Sell the stull anid pay a rovenlo ) the Stat". Then you takO the quIes on as far as It is possible out, of poli, es. * * The 'Metropolitaan police bill hats been -epealed, and alilzmt, Iultnanimoulsly. her was onie vote aiit it in thte enatte. thatt, of Dr. I1dertoll of Flor nWO. A bill wiebt prwovides for the taxing t Imortlligas and other securities bhih htave been ell ag tlaxati h11a1t I the lokl -w t is cititetid Lt.Il t it.)i Itt a ti ll - u atldj of taxable prop rt y oin the' hook: that ltts beein esup tg taxat ion. I f it v ill do that it shoul( l Tl aaed. Thii blden of taxattioa i-I ollt h Cat- olin would be no btwder -or-th talking bou:tt if all the property at the -StilItat b1re its pr1op1tr sihtare (f he bourdtin. The bill is itrodtued h rlr. lc('ulloulgl of Greenvillo. * * I~epr:n'tative Evans. of Newberry. as nhrked hard on his siittionl bill, tld has managtl to get it through thil lou,(- in the fta(e of an un11fatvorable re ort ftom1 ihle etolljtatittee. tollowing it ha text of tite hoill: Section 1. That ont attl after tle 11p a alI of this Act the County boattrd of oammIt one.ra sha ll have power ald tathoritY, inl their diacre t , to uitilize he(. counlty ellain rpaog inl whole or' inl art itt aly kitndl of work ealcultted to Iomiaote or, conlsrvo public hallth ill lie count y or ' 1 nt atIN cotn.111t11lity thereol a hich it e ( .a tecits (if the colnviets ta suIth giug w Ire lrotno1unMlced. I wa daId It have Kay wvith lls last -ve-k, and itn !zatt I tn alayats gh11l ta c any on.. :1: N-:wbe:Ty. I hnava tl\tad ('k , anld a.ope he wil 011mie linl"i - I a 41ay with tie. I wil UY tat Iake i' pleaat and(1 profitabh o him if hte will comle. I aitice wiat "WVit Nax has ta tay It t ia aout i l ala i F i a4 'il\* er hatl n w 1 00 n t . t heritieu .tiD1w-s inl an ty I vf,positon thalt, wVil are\'- txero Newhellrry Co-1n11 ri-m j-,t IMa thi-, hill plroplo !e () do. 1P r-l, brino-all ofthJ hla-1, uit-; ;I Nov.ihoryv.v er filr it --ivo. mlit ma i Irt ) o e ch w t of I'hl .ounity, 1attd I fee-l sur- if "\\'hat Next VitI talk to smoo of his tailhbor! lk. wilt lit 1 that, allwy do at c n Ide lit id!ea riditallouls. Thill fa' tt is, W aava ton manttly petIty h11 ita tlyway Tlhetrt. is ta l)bh a tllgistratt. inl No 7, olIi it Na 1, ote itn No i Iand otle in No 9 it 111ldit ion to I he elne a'., Newberry. Thu .1trikes ile ats i prttely gtooh list ribltitio wert the vouilty, antId w%-ill gI-ive aill thosq 4awl tunity' to1 ighat foir jutstice tad tat tha Itama t imeta n iii give htnte trule to aaveri >odyt. lIesidtes this is nao newt~ idea r. lIl~ease. tatlkeat (at it,1 beftore th ItoI ea sttur l me at, tad it. wvas atgreaed to h all tlhe tmeinahats ofl thea Newherrtt'ty detla ma t ias the' ItropterIi ting to dat. Drt t'\' b av or't I , t s haatertiy asth a tha rs.x 1.\ i.t her tt't hisg. Toiret nwIbeea at reduc iPt itnini the s:aryof at.anyiLat cout lii r,iatait l li s1 diot; e stn h 'Ierea c a ina' aath itsonection ofa "'a0 e'j~xt" M. fri tt isatoether t wron lahi tat ism ltofaa outtr dtexatotta tt'tyer i.I ad Itt' ago itzn hext' shouh *. * nyat n tctn.nwndllel axn gor iha e aoin nets 't in ' is cout v.aate at. t i aliTe tattit-yal oft itat thaprior atr aey foid l. e I0andihe itta tto atcta ta.naaation., lien ttfire anV extrssa $20f asl. btten ptai at clallatIt.ttk.die A is ll h'as.passed t(heW t loeu s diectin h'eat.a te fetilizeri taxt o in to thce it.ras itt . i( T hi-,(1 is.a p o e il. I, i ary int (It m n , aI ( t i fa ,t. itnt'i a 2 at val' ttptataney toll as tai inoth tat'ttates(fh re1,a ttry, S aand moneyi tates0ar l ealef intstitt t.ionsaappl apiiliad dirt,t eaa ar daoing tn uwat,tld0't thet bainst. uto init,tiat u his.l tlaitf ItS a Mowe atts oitntoduce aottr' mtphertat,d h i,Sill as to'the fitance ox h dat . It r o viisth t al.o e a piiatedbai fo State~~o instttioal t tlft in thet tr y.eury apad out'gc agsitin ort b igt'cita urned ovt bu l t he inst'oaittion.Thswlsnpi t'loat.t ad tkeps Ithe SI tag ba's mst'L at the attds wi st State Trltasue sx i't as ofste. eoti a(vantt litttoAtam otn t Mosesl ihan n eleotact itnats 1 Cout lehast,t ad n la rdg isat,iveexpeio, adw aega Bach1iman Uftipo mt nion Academy UhIpm If February turns up like January, there'll not be much demand for seed oats th Is spritng. A negro by tho natio of John Smith, liviIa near Ailr. J. .1. Gallman's, was arresteld last Wednesday evening by one of the State Constables for violating tho disp1eiiltry law. In our list of mI0voes we oitted thr fkWling namIt S that have since ComeH to ouri. miln(: Mr. 11. S. Metts Imovet from -Jolly Street to the Newherry Cot Lon lill; Mr. 3etrley Cromor haE moved from Mr. L. ). Fellors' plaeo tc tihe Sam Werts house, near Excelsloi eadiemy; Air. Preston Cannon ha moved from Prosperity co the old Can. non place in the house vacated by Mr. liailey Wicker; Mr. Robert Wallact has moved from i Mr. S. P. Crotwell' place near the Johnstonc coloret school liotise, to Mrs. Wesley Slighh. place near Mr. Mark Gatt's; Airs Wesley Sliqg has moved from the ol( Ruid place near the mineral spting, ti lr. Dhillie Sligh's place. Now if ther< are ary others in this territory that I have missed, I will be pleased for them to give ie their names, as it Is nevei my puirpose to overlook any one. Miss lessic Dominiek was ealled from her school last Welneb(d1ay morn ing with tile sad inforattion that he mother was seriously ill. She immedi ately %. dismlissed her school and went home, but (id] not arrive in time to see her mIlother alive AIrs. Dominick was the wife of Andrew P. Dominick, of 'rosperity. We were not personally aqaintwed with irs. Dominick, but we knew some of her. eliildron, aind t Iri r good Iman ncrs and behavior goes to -S),ow that they had a devoted, true, never tiring mother that always kept a strict watch over them. An(] I tell you. dear parents. jui.t as true ai the liible tells us that otr sins will find us out, so true is it that our children speak what we arv. May the blessing of H eaven descond upon tle bereaved 11ubanld and children and comlifort, t h brokon hearts in these sad houirs which we will aill alive to experience. Mi's. Capt. .1110. F. Balks and daugh 't.r . ' i-.s FrCddii visited in this section la-4t Fi ithay. New ideas will a4dvance thcmselveE Oe'Wionatlly. It is (uite tiew to Chip: t. laveit a woman editor in Newbert-r ('nty. Bat why not let the wome ex!-MiI their intellects. We extent oli. wvishes to I-klito' Mts. Beartd of toe 'rospterity News. M I'. S. .1. K inard has beetn quii to siel with l.a Gripp for the past two weeks h3t we u i41:id to state tbth she i. s ute;what imiprovinig. TIwt' g*aitn Crp is not looking ver; pr'(om isinrg. 'T'lie putblic. roads are in a perfee II'ess. Thy need attention, and Iha at once. A1d still they move: R.. G. Iob moved this week from his place 0j Rtidgo roid to the honse vacated b; Mrs. Wesley Sligh. Ir. W. Al. Bohl is moving froii his old home placo tq his upper place on Ridge road, vacate by h is son I.. A. Io1b I .ook here, Kay, wiill theo ed itor uallov -us scr'ibblers to make a gui'ss at t.hi iunipk ins? See her e, if he will, Stil your get antothier one of MI r. A ble' -10 p oun ider's arid lay It in vour' otle uni lt il old1 man1 Ch ips comes0 ot, and wi iil eutii it and count the seed, then wi will he sur ie to guess it. 'Well, I wIl say\ ( hips, the Itock l11ll huggy, ani K'ayv, the $1250t set of hairniess-thert whlioopie. a'it uis go to) the ptinhi t,his .tnnttner like tig Ikey (hn )i.Iegislaturt seerts to lie a ver' del ente bodyI). They are't takinig hioh oif t hng very (conside rate. TJ.hiis is ex inetly r'ighit.. Things done In a sLtr are'u ne'ver clone right. Thleire haLs beet somel g(ood hills olferedl, 'nore than we timei to c~ommeni(Iit uipo'i. We th ink t.hti lo01a1101tiomn lill gotten it b ly MI r. Maul <lini, of Gc ernville, solves tbe lIgo prohlem. We don't see why it shouildn' meecit lie iippirval of every f.'iend1( anti i'ncety of the pireserit (1isplensary haw !. gives ev''t'y county a separ'atce chot to say ini whait. inay 'Ic liqiuor shall11bh d ispen sc'd. IBut if I cani under cstar t lihe hill aright,. the gratndest Lthing con nieced with it is, it wIll keel) so muiel Iiqu'r h-igi shut ion out1 or Lt,he hands o t lie State tiolith-iinne, and1( ir it didn't, di anttthing tor e than Lthis. It would eer' tain 1'lyipove a lessinrg to 01(1 Soiitl (.'a vol inai. 'Tlit hill cit .\r. [I. 1U. E-'vans' to util ize' conlvi et, labor' in the pr'omot)ion 0 I le heal t of thet ('ounty, 18is a mattLer 0 no( 1;ttlIe imipor'tan tce. ECvery cone wi ha:ivi'I hemtd cexpre'ss himilself, speak: n loud pr'aise tof the bill1, andl we he Iieve if Mr . ECvans even'l fails to get Il patssed iat this meteting. cof I.he genierai mI ttict', it. will go L,br'cighi wvit hout, an3 troub nl e aL. its rne'xt nieetinrg. Ciii>s. I"ebrinary 2 Wi89). Elli,,sw ,linuice' ('tred. SitIll ing htiinanity 'suhould bei Stip, plied w it h evr.v mea'ns11 posslible for Itt re'lIh-f. U( is'v wi t leaire we ;'ublIIs! thie fotllowhig: '- P'i is ti ceti'fy thalt I wa is a Ii ribhle sufflererm from Yu elloit .l aumnlieerfor over' six mioI t ha, and( walt treat ed bti n 'im. of Ite Ittst p)hyslOlam in our est.y andc to no avaIl. D)r. bell ouri c druggit, rceona unendeld Electrkt Hi tlters; ami i afte'r tiakig two tottles, ] was emt ir'ely cure'cd. I niow take greal: ie"surec ini recoinaneningIi iemi to any pe'rson sufemlng from this terrik mtahidy. I aim gratefully yours. MI A. Hlogarty, Leingtont Ky. Sldcic by Itaoherti & Ghilder amd WT. E l'elhamiInDruggh-t. One of the oldest and best Guanos on the market is the Navassa brand, for sale by Ediw. R. Hipn. tf War Breaks Out at Manila A TlIVLING INCIDENT L-AD-1 '10 A GENECAL ATTAUIC. A Fev Fillpinos Disregarel th1e Aiorican Pickets, Are Fired Upon sttui s, (jou r it ICngaRement Ennedt, Etdin li tie Fijins being O3riven Off witIa Heavy Los, t he Anierio-ans Le10ing Twenty Kill. e el see.ti 124) Washington, D. C., February 5 -Ad miral Dewey today cabled the navy do partment as follows: Manila, l"bruary 5.--To the Secre tary of the Navy, Washington: Insur gents hore inaugurated general en gagement yesterday night, which has continued today. The American army and navy is generally successful. In surgents have been driven back and our line advanced. No casualties to navy. DF.wlwY. O'IS iXTI,)S IlS LINES. Washington, February 5.-The fol lowing cablegram from Gen. Otis has been received at the war department: Manila, February 5.-Adjutant Gen eral, Washington: Have estaliIshed our lines well out and have driven olf the insurgents. The troops have con ducted themselves with great heroism. The country about, Manila is peaceful and the city perfectly quiet. List of casualties tomorrow. OTIS. ANOTHERl DISPATCi FROM OrIS. Washington, F'ebruary 5.-.\Manila, February 5-To the Adjutant. General: Insurgents in large force oponed at tack on our outer lines .. U1last cvcn ing: renewed attack several time dur ing night: at 4 o'clock this morning en tire line engaed: all attacks repulsed; at day break advanced against insur gents and have driven them beyond the lines they formerly occupied, cap turing several villages and their de fence works: insurgent loss in deai an wounded large: our own casualties this far estimatod at one hundtred and GCV ent.y-tive, very few fatal. Troops en thusiastic and acting fearlessly Navy did sp)lenididI execution on flanks of eneir -: city held in check and absolute quiet prevails; insurgents have secured a good many Mauser riles, a few field pieces and quiek-liring guns, with am - mition, during the last monfli. QUlir 1IJSTO!ID. WashinTion, February (.-The fol lowing dispatch was received at 1.15 this morning: Manila, February 5.-Adjutant Gen cral: Situation most satisfactory; no apprehension need be felt Perfect qu.t prevais in ei,y and vicinity. List of casualties being prelnired, and will be forwarded as soon as possible. Troops in excellent health and spirits. S Discot ered by a Woman. ' Another great diRcovery has beei 1made, and that too, by a lady fil thh country. "DiseasS fastened its Clthe upon her and for seven yeais she with stood itu severest t-sts, but her vital organs were undernined and denth seemedl11 ii iinenlt. FEor i iree tmonths ehelicoughied intcessanmtly, anvd couildnt sleep. She finally dliscovered a way to reewn.rv , by p rchasiing of us a tbot tLe of D)r. King's New D)iscoivery for C ,ni sumption, and( was so, muih reii'-v# d on taking 6 est dloe, that, she sht pt all i1ght; at' e it h tw' b ott les has ie.. n abusolutely curedl. 1Ier nauine Is Mrs. Luther Lutz. TIhutt wiles WN. C 1Hani b'ott.les free at Robe,trtsoni &~ G ilde: s' anid Pelhami's l)rug Store. Reguar iz 50e and114 1.00. Every lbot tIe gua tran teed. St Pa'sEi, Itemn.. '1 he fewv days of warm wecather ate making the s-nall grain look green. The work at the parsonage, wi hiIch mention was mario in my last c >mnu-,j nication, was let to Mr. Perry K{inard for $25. Trho work has been comp ileted. T1he St,. P'aul's Sunday school will reorgan'z. ion the first Sunday in Mlarch. On the third Sunday in this mronth there will be an elect,ion for Sunday school oflicers to serve the ensuing year. I believe the legislatosrs have about knocked us, of No. 10 T1ownsih ip, out of a magistrat,e. So far as I am indivi dually concerned it don't, make any difference. I can't see the wisdom in making the change. I doni't, see the economy in the bill. Perhaps I will see later. What public roads I have seen are in a very had condlit,ion. In some places the water in mutdholes runs over the Saxle of buggies. A good many of its clod hoppers cont template planting rice t,his year. A numbeir of farmersa In Lexington C'oun t,y raise the ulandl rice suecc'ssfully, one man madeo $80 fronm one acre.I am told that atny level, freshi lantd wvill tnake rice wit,h good seasons. There will be bitt little guano utsed1 in this section this year. Guano and the negro have been a curse to this count,ry. We have seen the two p)tupkins and the nice buggy. WVe don't want to In t,erfore, hut desiire to sutggest, that after the puimpkins have been opened and t,he 800(1 counted that, yoti distribute some of the seed1 to those of the cor' respondlents that hop the clod, and t,he pumpkins to those who doC not hop the c10(1 foir a living. Today Is saleday. We won't take it in, we had our share of mutd Friday. Cl4 DIoePl.. February 6, 1899. Programnn,o of TF, a.cher's As.ciatton, Feb) ,uary 11,1899. The Philosophy of Numtbers-.-Prof. W. K. Sligh. Geography and History Taught To getber-Prof. R. M. Monts. Postalozzi-President Geo, B. C'rom or., All Winter Goods AT COST . . . Ioginming today and 1oti1n1u. ing until 8iturdiy night, Feb ruary 18th, I will sell every thing in my storo in tho wily of W inltler Dress Goods, Silks, Velvets, Jeans, Cassimeres, Flannels, Bl-Iankets, Tmledrwear, Boots, s hoes, M acintoshes, Overshoes, At Actual First Cost! This is a great, opportunity for tho peoplo in towi fand coull try to uliply their needtis ft wholesalo prices, and if you wili need aything in this lino in the noxt throo m11ont0hs it will pay Yon to bily them now. Special bargnins olfered in all the other hoes in ie storm dur ing this sale. Com1o and 800 Us Soon. Teormss: OA.BII I A. C.JONES, Ihe Peoples Stor,. Newbery,S. c., Feb. 1. 1898. PANTS SALE OF PANTS. To close out balance of winter pants we will sell men's, boy's and children's pants at a big reduction $2.25 pants for $1.05; $3.50 pants for $2.78; $4,50 pants for $3,48; $5.50 pants for $3,98. A big lot of children's knee pants to be closed out 60cts pants for 42cts 85cts pants for 63cts $1315 pants for 82cts Our cut prices on suits and over coats still continue a lot of medium weight over coats for $3,98 worth double the amount. Come and make your selection before the sizes are broken. Respe ctfully, TPhe lead -r of Ilow prieces. .i. 0. DAVENPORT, -D)EA LE11 IN (Ofilco under law omec' of M. A. Carlislo) FARMERS, I have just received one hundred tons of acid and fertilizers, the old reliable brands, Granby Fertilizers. Congaree" Columbia" Old Reliable Acid. Standard" Capital" And the imported German Kainit. Call andl see mie beforo you buyI~. Will save yo!u mhoney. JU..D. Davenport 50 PER CENT Yes, that is wha1 many lines of gc All wool Dress Goods' Now going at Same worth 65c.. now Same worth 75c., now Same worth 85c., now Same worth $1.00 nov Broadcloth, Waterpro goods at half price On Capes and Jackets more than half off, Many other goods too Remember, we goods at L. M.S (Next Door to le --DEA ALL KINDS OF MAI G HEADSTONES, IRON --A Metallic, Rosewood ai CASKETS Service in this line DAY C Next Door to Her, NEWBERRY, - Dispensary an Excell( Quality and Fri, Fine Whiskeys FOR FA All Gradles Cheaper thi save Money *and Get i Send in Particular Atlentic NO. 2 PFACE Columbia Bus COLUMI [k~stabli: Th'lo lastL and increasing busines so1lvi<oe of thousands of exp)erts whi the raniks of the yo'ung people. T aru.1 conisegneint'y live in luxury an, como from that class of the young p litraruy ednc Itioni. The aiim of t hi ..COLUMBIA BUS is to prepare young ladios and geni Bookkeeping, Shorthand, ( A ri thm retic and n'! that app)ly dlirectly to the business No 01ld time copying miethiods are ri and Shorthand courses are the mos best business men. They secure, start to finish. Our graduates are positioni and are( supp)Jlie'd with plat specialty in secring ont1 graduates done in this matter. The College hi any time. Roard very' cheap. If Shorthand1 ednention, send for our I sired. Addre', W H. NEWBERRY. M. A., I' REDUCTION I t we are offering )ods at. vort1 50c., - - - 25c. going at - 321c. going at 371c. going at 421c. going at 50.c of and all heavy woolen we will give you a little/ numerous to-mention. give you good low prices. 700TEN. PEERS, raid and News Office.) L.ER IN TLE. Ptnd RANITE MONUMENTS, RAILINGS, ETC., ETC. LSO id Cloth Covered Burial and CASES I Promptly attendcd to Rt NIGiT. 3Id and News Office, - - - -- 0. d 0. P. Houses Nd in both Ces in the Line of , ines and Beer MlILY USE. mn at 0. P. Houses ! You he Best by Buying of' Us ! Your Order. ni Paid to MYail Or ders.. ETREE STREET, inoss Colloge ! BIA, S. C. i uftlrplri4es o& our cou nt ry requlire the ch musIt cons.tan1tly be recroited frc mn bey always receive thel laIrgest salaries :1 filuouce. Unt thIese re'cruits must 'ool who halve a goodi bin8fess anid ~INESS COLLEGE . '1mon0 for jiust such places as these. omml tercial1 La4w, Commercial C~omminercial Branchles ifTairs of life, are thoroughly taught. 'cognized in our School. Our Business muodern anid are endorsed by our nd hold the students~ inat'rest from rully qualifiedi for holdi'g anyI business es whenover dosired We make a good positions and will not be out as5 no vacatana. Students can enter 'on are interested in a Business or reo catalogue, rQentioinlg course de res.. - - COLUlMRIA,. .