it.t rI'tOIN AND1 WAi.u.AviE. Attia o iall, t ia o :i t a) M k 11 f WC 'alt of S8t,.te Etcseonsaec. To the elitor of The State: Some dlays ligo inl thet colmtuuls of Th" 'Sutt I had Somlething to Say rOgirding the early records of South Cirolinia, more partiidarb, Ih )o of pre lievoitionary timte. Now I wish to Call attention to i !lore re eent period. In its treatmoeit of its historv. South Carolina is like a m1ani who constatly Itegle.ts li!. wife, vet flie's into a1 raging passion at any klispar aging remlarks out,-i'lers in:iy mt111e about her. All the journiils of the I egisl at 'Ire, illnile r t lie prol rietorc. the king, awid as nit Amlit n Stat lip to IP- '.2. m-t- il iti 1 5 ii . is but kn.- ctpy. Th - ho h-ive strainekd their ervcI- for well- "t.l Illontils inl ilrnw ilig (-Il( iln 0 f: td l11es eitvi test if w dim 1 'li y vre beemnlliti l. The library tif Conre Ss (IntM1111: pr1-1 tord copi,-, I aill to'dl di ti Oy fr ilI thi-r. . ()f I 'i 1 j 1i m als oIf olu S mt 1i (' rol ti le-gi - at 1e frotn 1: 1 t o I hi ldu-ive ex ept for 18:32 nil 1 Wo:t:. \V e h , av noe of these inl the State I >e. except in man1111WVript. Soinle voliiule of our re-ciAs Iave little rotialv-es of tlheir wl. N) :N of tIe coltil joirnial is t e (iii e<4"i tilinling t he ta I iroubl-s in lTi:'1 and 1771 To the lirht Ig ef this is pstel A lrge shet of 1uniruled4 pa: per with i a history of ,his histo.y, inl the hmilwrit ing of .1 olitt),DraI toni, tho iuthor of the work i tiho Anwr ica1 Revolit.iil. lba sys uit ill 1820, whilo propiing "his inw ob ls, ho had (t,vSision to iirllii (if .I r. Thonlius \ insttily ri esi'eti1. t!he king's oflivors inl Sol)It h ('arhla1:1 ill I 77M . . \'inst ailly t4)u( hIu t hlit thlre was lit his lmlse the j,mo11u of the coiliil for thati yea, which irl. Draytolui iiiglhit have. It, hal h1een "for Minaiy yvears itowi lot (i-t. Jacoh e,d's olice;" fromt tiere ilr. Winlstailly carr-l-l it lie it, ud in the heginning t)f 1N2) gave it to Mr. Drayton. November ., IS20, Mr. Drayton[ wroto this aicemi LL r 'nlyv in deliverin4';' lhlok to the ,9fth rEli,e divis nlot bellove any historiail blt hilliself fllhas used it. If Ianeroft uid \\ihlr.ith evera iaw our records, they do not show it inl thmar histories. .ut how Clinl leto plo3 t.ravel thou)lsaniids ofi liiles toi blenar their e) es ot o vor t hese toin, irustyV p)ages T.1hiis juurtial is an iriginial of which thieie wasi no> ilcieplca madeli ini lI,~a w~hen lie I-.volti onaryt amleoltialit lhah, it wouill be a itiice pie-in. Cf tunii liscri-pt (riliHn-i to goi ilitte ex. atitiation of thIi s Is1"IrnS). The .aR it of e "Wallat, Bis h i S(oret e i. Sill' If yo~~ Wo(l f pirinod f))il it otle'' ahe l in-iit g ONiH jarliti tilat - ier ill t li o t 'itil is. i m ie I nvit vOt' j' l lt l1t aill\- o.f Oitiw'ie jouratls it dob1 o i e pitrio iv :IViC0 1> phl ir itbtill in tih poss( iioni (of tho -Stal , or it I i t Iffl'er thill forl a 'It''ltit lt uIi'e Tit'so ) s ar r0 Il'O i 11)tIII'te l I ( 4) So)lniv xt t to I It ilg ri f .4o d icist IS. IZ!:'mc tig oInt . -lI iniitiills i n m itlS wliavlt ha t i oldn Jutit ot iet i .a w ilVt 'it in I V'i liti Otlilt itt t'e its (ughlt t 1 . i.n Ie a; y u'ri hidling this Vluilie r4word t\\.. - w v wherk) 11bil ol v. r ov (lt-inli n t. \\'h--t hor tl-, rato overtoo(k hlim!, lul n\ h1 lw-ramlw of thwil. rcwor,lS, I r'whilt(' tralsh." HIis breriol, Joe, mi1ado t,hie( salo 'tanfein't lere wvlir ks ueeks o all mn th 1w >), r Whitte tra-1sh" cliusingo h0 imatism. chaned to read your advertisement, Itild was iipresed with itl so mneh thit I decided to try 8. S. 8. 1 took Oleveni lott les atI was eltirely relieved of lll paii and il red peirm11anen1l1t Iy. WI"hn I begin to take S. 8. S. I was unalible (t sit. or stand with any ease, anad c4nkil lnot. sleep. Since taking the 1-st dos I hav had n.. retur n of the Rhenniiiatjim, and I take great plens rte in r'eoendbeaing 8. 8. to) anty oni' e)h lits the miiisfortun to11 nifer w%ilhI this disabeling disease."' 8.5.8. is the only cure for Rheu ~ Ilmatisim, which is t he mlost, at ubhbornt Sof blood dhiseaRs0. 111 is)1 not, itendedI ~ ,~' lto give relief onily', hbut by comp jlot elv nleult raliz/in12 t a4~':cidl cond1(it ion oft ~A\ / (lit ('veryT1 ~ tr ato t ha disease~ uandu ridli the systm of) i it. lforovera.~*. It is Purely Vegetable all 111>ne thleiiald (11)llarts r,awardc prov )a'a thait it conitainsa Itparticle olf miineahl ingredhOaint. S. H-. S. ii lii 4)1 v o ll 1( r4111'elltly ita P1a lit peta iiilxt it its. litioks sen t free by~ Sw ift Spo cithic C2ampanyv, Ath Itau, Gai. TABLE~ I i4linn Trni , t:. spart, .tunl will be~ the "a i Is's t paer rubilaisheda a ." &;*i NIamiiltoun AI Excu !ANGE OF SHIPS V 4a ..: it .. wtaI s.a P TilE G' INWiioTHFMIE - ri1- o Ttt-. I. ts. IN 'ILS OF' iTh'l \'At CanC'i It ii, 'a. a v , e :u lah': tal experi. ence ,.a :al..taL.. hILLY OF IIATTERF1Y B CORfRESPONDENl- AFLOAT' I CAPRlON AT EL CANEY ON SP'ORT ANt) TR[AVI'I, h tai .00 iut a spoIrt. AiICTIC WVAYIFARERS 0;' nes tac . Ats' TWO-FOOTED FIGURHE-!;KATINO liv W. ;. vaa T. St I natK SES BICYCL.E POLO0 Ily A. ii. GoswaavuiO uel.H Til? CAMLIRA CEunI N . PRiOlIl.IThMS AND) PULZZLUS :.tionaI eacti mIonlthin lthe RoUIND TA BEI E SVua&srptlon,, $1 00 a )'ra r uirmTHu,. Pc.a.- m..ves, ark N. '. the Phouix riot. Public isontimont hero is ovorwiol Iingly against "Red" Tolbort's brother-in-law, Collins, coming back into this community. T414 Muitell Hunr) Woripj. ( Exchngo.) ' Our pooplo haveo it iail foth roes. It, rp "r J inno o ...... .. 5a li11 a 1 2 Ut 2ni NoA. 3 !n(' *_-NIe .\ YORK AND FLO4a 11).b I Un.Id)t.lid Veml i5aulml 1ain of " Di 1 hns tn ..wi1g-. 827npilig 5 ar3 . Oi - " 'r n n . .. 1( na01p25art Cal.." 2 til 1i)in g (Olr,, I-22111111Z Illrollgh WVitlIOU2t (122il2 e o )tweenP2 Ar. Aik wn . ...... .. ind New Yo -1)t p 7j 0.jc "so tvi ll, ........ Cohli, ( 111o' ti 15 87-rlott' 8 7 1174a ' Augu1ilig . ... .... P11111.1111 Dr i g-1R4 o m Isle lo (:2-alaI v.t~iAilceItt1 New York, co12 vl.etillgwith th;i, . '. W l tit. Omm.ily, ill(, l'hin, .. .ROf 5 d A4 ik 11 55 a 12 7v. 1',M~-11enIt ditily Imssvit01ge2r servico botwevii Florid. aN1 Ndw Yo2-NIc. Y No.: 7 b llT i.--N%*jsI S lii Solu le tlTrcsai of Pillmne Dr awiig-Rtoomi Blffut sopiilr. O-s lt.iAuuti A Fuon aid Nw Yoik,. via Ve , i0ittlit-d trl4ill NN-It illiivt rs (-2~421111d firtit clwL4 k-12111"'l rom21 (1 j i, 0 TI'imilm,. .12 3:wIcs-mvii1e, I-qIvII11111111, W jl.sjjilgt,)jj 222221 Nvw' york. Po1.11v11 - yvinh Co9 lumbin,1ei Char lotto Alld( iviloil20d. nhtI n ra Puhn nn g- o raw 84-ing c rqm be twn Cr he ev n Aoro 22n2 Nr N1cw York, con i12222 'It N01-170 1 i 01I) POI NTL COMFiORT'., ativing wthrthill trali n to . b l ub-i fi fh. Xnd. 35tion :01-U. . Faan Al. hrnl.g Px111e--nt h11liy pa11 s e1t lnfft sevig bers e tFenoida mi2 New York and Pull N.11 le7-pi and it- ia i Angt is mni,n Sout1h 11 lot ttd.. 1)n wingur%-r v Wu k1V2I214 V11-on Car. Pt w en11 Au u S WVI A m N w11 York.l .11210C4olivilV - atnhld otrmlain, w2it 2lit dii eP.wee jfi scls vulle find Uliingo, vittAsevinl.a FRIANK(1.. (4ANNON, .1. Al. cuJl, Tmrd V-P.-, (ill. Agr. T. n ., Witshington. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. cltl -scg ti iars beten hTart o Oct. 111, IJ,94. weI oNud No. 17 No. n. Nos4. h3 ia.n . ..-U .S . . Mail. 0 a m Dini . . . .r ' 2l m22 1nroute. F(tNK . A NNON, 1. .7 1.J M. 22CULP, ) 1 A r d V-P. en 8gr T.2 2., 122 shington. A. A. T:22. ...~ 421HAR1DW1C6--, A " (4-a-.W: ir-.. .2 P.222 41, Atlanta. Cauln1d.clult -'n2 EtTlot iOct. 6 i9.o1 N.12 Lv T-ATIl2V2 NS. )21 6 1 Lv. Chrlest It1 2 n 0ao " -r< 2\.2 8 0 ttl1i0ty ) Ar. (hat. 01 2 Ar. He)o . '4 222 Kt42i F:l eviile. 1. . Wa2 i 2 02 a). Lv. de:. 224 ......... * : h22p ni214-, 55ga m " N iAI.y - ix....LI- .... 8- 141' 22m1 2 55r.ct p22 A. 'rs2 .12 1i;y....... . m 2 A4 pl A " . Co .m) . . . . .. .. . . 8 8 7No.1 7i -I..' 1 ' . ' No..lN2ld 5:'p I .1 22. .. .( a: '-yu ... ArTM 843 01: 7 SP 7 .2 . . .322 2 22. . 2231 8 1 0 On 1 2. 2:'' ....N ,o n...... L 2 8 p 8- m. ' 0 (-in 8 21 2 i ...... 8n tu .... " 12 22; 72 6 2 10u 2-57 .. ... l'Ion2... "1 05 71 102:23 : ".. . Jone:n1ille . "l -225I6S 10 -h ::.. '3 4 :.. .. Ine !lt...r.. " 2 1 1-4 31, Ii 103 Ar.- Sat:Inphurg. .v 11 5a !1: 1 8 n 00 A . Sprtanburg h.. Ar2 22 01 2 6y7(l A1r2 .. A phevillo. . v 20 a 8 5 86 37 an (:22. on1C A.21 and C.1t diis m. 41 11 (Vesth-il (0 L1 Iited);1.8"' souhbun 2 ::.62 a. m.l I 8:15 p. m.,2 - 1 : ( n. m., AI (V stbu Ahn t . Ta nina's.nv 1eenvillo A. In U.~iIlc dtvinc-n storhbou d, :1a. m., 2: . l a nd 5:22 2 p.- m (Testibute Li ted'outhb,ound, 1:2a. m.lo 4:14 p.m.,12:0 p.m. p destibued 2 L ii) 'l rnnndnd1 ar elegat. P)ulmat '4 L e 'ARPIC TO ALL POINTS* North, South and Southwest. .soieditle in effec' li)e. 11, 189'. SOtIlIt( UND. No. 44-3. No. I. Lv New York, via Penn. 1.R.-*100 ant *1'0 pim W itshingtoti...................... 1 40 pn1 1 30 unm ltt.ido-h m11 ll......................... 90 ( 1p m 9V'b 1.v Portsmtioth ",8' i i 4i Ar Vvidot, v'nt S. A. L. 0 1"1 It Ar tlend, mon. " 12, ill A I III ...tleigh. *2 "; um 3.1 1,111 Southern Plnps " ... I23 5 IS pil II,........ 7 " (Ip b3 0 W Iimingtonl ...................... . 1246 M onllrot ................. ........... 6 43 0 12 ,A' Ciarlotte, viat 8. A. I...... *7 50 " *10 2 pin " Chester, VIII 8. A. I,.......... 8 (8 t m I( 5' Irt "Urve ooti " .... ..... I35 "- 1 47 Ii At hens '' ......... 1 73 1 : 4J IUm "Athantit, S..(U,,;(UnIIn Depot) (Central Time) 3 6W pi 20 Lv Neu berry *7 50 pm *l2e4r m Ar ulinton " -----50 pin *1 -I, t* NOR-l1OUN D No. 40.. No. 8.. Lv A t.Ianta, (Central Tine) *l CO pm *80 im Ar AIlicn "....... 3 6 pI i pitt roonlwoodl r ..... I , '' 213skm Cims.ier 7 6311" 4 2 Ar Monroe vii 8. A. I. '9 *. pitm N Ar'har lot to. vn 8. A. L....1025 pm *7 6 " Ilal t -. ---............... 11 15 7 45 A r WVi m in gii..n .--............. 12 05 p it " o ther Pie .................2 ( X it 0 nm Ar Hatleigh. vIa 8. A. L .... ... 84t ,i, l eti,onl. " ......... 3 2%ai: i 1200 '-o i A r Wc:df f,- vin .. A. ......... 45 m l pi .%r vort,n4-ouith to ......7 2 ain 62) .Richm d......A C -..... 8 415 " 7 12 ' lnmilogt'l.vilPe iin it. 12 31 :11 i i 11 - N ew York, ** * " 2j ' t Ar Neww.noy ......... 2 I *) ni A rNe hr.i . 2 -11 1)m 6120 nm * ID1y I 'ly ex. Sundaity. Nit. 103 sind 402.-"ite A tinita yietl), ol Ve tit Train of Pl1iin111t 8Ie-p4r. and) Costohe-4 betwi-On WainlgtOnl ani At Mattn, all'o "'ul11 In "IfUeeper hetweent PorlF mlouith 11114 chesfoer. S. U. litip. 41 mid 38.-- 1 It# S. A. L. Ifxprisi.s" 10lh41 Train.1 Cmit-h(% and Ptilliman sjc-p4.;-t bistween iioth aml A lant. Com)&p:nljy I-0eteperii hvt weot Colui",,# 4q atIuj ,, %i Iit. 11 1It traiiit t InI i(tImmediate eIilectionl it Athmnta (0r A101n1901mery, Mobile, New Or. lenis, Te.x:i , ('tl fornill, Aipxicfo, i1 i h ia. noogat, Nitshivffle, M1eit Allictin, FignIithn. For Ticktetsi, 8letelers, a nid Ii nrmtion, aip nl1y to Agent'. I %Y Ir t i'lei-i. , I P. A., or 1B A. N ewttand, Gen. A gi., Pass. I io,.. AtImnia Git. E ST. J)H N, Vice.Pr1s. al,k 'l M ant ger V F. Mc13WF, (een'e ll e8itit-ndent. HI. W. It WALWVEt TrI-fic 5manager. L.S. A I . EN, etin'l Ptiieiger Agene ENEltA AE IC E: 1.oThlMOU't,%t. VA. '43'l. E CIA 1 1.3 NI 41A D.16 E 0Jouble Imaily Trini btwenCharlesII QU1ICKREi TIME. O-iUUTI1 CAROLINA & GEOUli.JA I PANSENO0141 )E' A I 7i P' 'I. CHARLE8'No, -. C., live. L6, IS. SC1h-!DULE. YLAIL-k. Lv C'Im r-lestOl .............. ......... 7 W0 in 6 :- pill iit nt erv' I lIe......... ....... 7 it am i t t pi . cl00 rgels .................. ........... 8 '3q afi ll) r y 1l1ir chVillie ................... 9 4 5 am 7 !n piml H owe1ve0 .................... 9 15 $tnt- 7 pit Orangeburg.......... ........ 9 y tm 8 14 pt, st. Matthews............. 9 'd mtin 8 4b In k'0lt. M t ........ ........ . ..10 01 int I t 03 im H1ngville ....................... 10 1 tit 9 24t Im u ( ottniliblin ....... ................. it 1 5 A m 10 It) 1.m1 Lv Colini' ................. ........ 0 50 am 3 45 i n Kit gsvilli....... . ............... 1 3 Him 4 'ig pri Foil Mot ti........................ 7 .13 It in .1 -0 pin Bt. Mlittlho .................... 7 ! ali 4 64 pin Orangeburg ........... 8 i all o 17 pIn howesville...................... 8 34 tnm It 33 pim Bra i ehvil't. .............. ...... j 1 m ; p11 Georges...................9 36 au m ti 2 pmt Si ntie t vyille..............) 22 ain 7 17 ptm A r L4hta ri est on..................I 44 ti an 8 it p m '.v Chta ih stoln............... .. 7 1to a m 5 3t pm Bla ne b lle...Ie.............. 9 It a m 7 .11 ptt 1t.mttbirg...-............. ..9 4: attit 9 li ;m D)eniniark.................. 9 52 amt 8 31 p.n lultack v ille............. ...1 10 a mt 8 4 0 pmn W Villii'tin ... ...... ........t; 27 itt mt 9 0 pun A iken ...t............ .......i 00I tamt 9 57 pm A i A litg it.......t................i i 51 3 0 -45 p Lv A tigi.F ia....................6 2tia int 3 10 pm A i3aen....... ........ ' 2 itin 3 M pn W i Ilist on........... ........ 7 12 in 4 >4 pim B1Itek v11-.....~.......... 8 Iii :- m 4 (3 pm Ieimti rk......................i 271 at m , 19 07 m i& Ainuit.................... ......2 10 p jini l.v a u wiiivitiik.-............. ....0 7 an2 u 1\ rhAik-i'.''.......................... 7 l00 it ni8 oip A.v Aii iiu ti.................. ............. 2 a1)ny Lvr Ci)cn ma.~......................-t .ilm 3(t put l.v Deniinnrki............. ................t' a A Cikont...........t.............,..... 7pu 0 l.\ r i litville lii ........,... .... 0 tii ne Is inu th.v at n aiioteivi lilt.......... . i i nc tt J'nin.i.n Junon . . ...1ra4 Miino (4eonIehctis atolsi bon w9. (i .uhr Cibla.1torn all pointts in tiiprah andt Aeugunad n A sihev ie iLons f~rom Aoit u iiCithel(itt ni.wa -t~ ito nut .\ke iutit ote int. n."..-.Carletton. ,ie";tiCharls......wih Ci inei Iteam-r (ra toiNvitYork and .hsiksony5lie. - J (4eit. SA ii8,. ira Mnae haletciltIl....t3ni C Tclta y i.n eA ugn.ini ........... it . P Itt 1, y, Aii rlit Grest wont.... P2 iC in l.. ttrens..... ..... i... I i 1 n 54 GI,eillti............ 3 p iiiu it ;t at 4lenn 4 tingP...,.....7 00 ii. a S init,i. it .~...Ft 113 l m i. i i i1Mav. mli..................5013 lit A lN 111............. 7 t a im L IIv i h i o-.. I. 8.. 16 20 -t I 41 Ai innhltt g .... .15ai I Ii ilt........ ..0 00 i I itre.......... IP m it A4 1. i lstn ....... t--. .. ..t ?1 0t aim A l eIt ailo. h......... ....t it tan 7m~ OPf N olk .....u............ ;....... in p l(' httu,.......................1950 it 4 M i v de 1..........-........... 5 0t p m S ot I ntxi-----. -.. ....... .... 5 HI5 itmz 4 ltt ''s 11h ..... ...... -15 aIt m 8 10 pmt I ' (liuo0............ II hila m 4 IF0 pm or oi.... ..ItO a a, pm11 0ChniVu'oAi ..........................19 10 rn 1.4 a. vtt nrti na i........... ......... t ie nmtt i.tit' i n at ro t ......... t 1 I s fo al Iti 0t om 0 Atr ltu " it A u g LI-~ - ............ I 0p '-tClose cotnnecion nt, Greenwood for till pin' It. N il. A. 14. nnd C. anId (4 Railway, air di It at. Mtn tainnrg wvith,(t Iother ial ly ny. or' intformaIitit relativo to t'cketa' It rates, teht. dicat, triires W. J1. ('hAlO, (4 n Paa. A gI., E". \f . N03t Ill 90l. Ar I.. Tr A EMI.7n9N, Traille Mntunger. H Ieadachle and NpeIlralgtes cured by Dr. MILi*t PA IN ILLS,. "Ono cent audoso." Headacho baid? Got Dr. Mfilea' Pain Piliti. Pain htas no sh.ow with Dru. Afiles' Pain Pille,