Oucklene'Arnica Salve. The best Salve In the w orld for Cuts 1ruises, Bores, Tlcers, Salt Rheunt Fover Sores, Tetter, Chapped IHands ChIlbllai, Corns, and all fkiu Erup: I.ra., and positively cures Pli s, or no p-y requre d. It 1a guaranteed to give erfect salsfaction or money refunded. Proee 25 cents per box. For sale by lItubrtson & Gilder and W. E. Pelhatu, To Cure a Cold In One Night Take Van Lear's Cold Capsules for La Grippe, Coughs and Colds; 12 doses 2 cents at all druggists. Guaranteed to oure or money refunded. t&f6m for Rent. House and lot, with good garden stables, servants house, etc. Ap ly at this YNlce. I&2b Hachelor Maids. There will be a regular meeting oi the Bachelor Maids' club on Saturday, 7th, at the residence of Mrs. w. H. Carwile at 4 o'clock. The monthly dues will he collected at this i.eeting. NELLE MlPAr,L, Secretary. Aloved. I have moved my Grocery and General Merchandise store to thc store room recently occupied by W. T. Tarrant, next door to the National Baulr I will be pleased to have my frionds and customers ci-U and bear in m'ud the place. f&t 2 . EDW. R. HIPP. Mules/ Mules/ Mules/ Three, four and five years old. Will sell cheap for cush or on timc - spcured by good paper. Stables in front of market. f&t G. J. PURCELL & CO. The Tinnfer Made. County Supervisor Schumpart was ill his oilleo yesterday and made ready for the transfer to Mir. W. A. Hill, his successor. The transfer was made and Mr. Schumdert goes out of oflce and Mr. Hill goes in. Mr. Hill held thc oliceo for two yeai's and made a very eillolent ol1icor and he comes to his du ties not- as an untried man., but as one who has had experience. Mr. Schumpert has held the oflile for two years und has discharged hh duties fatihfully and conscicntiously, He hasbeen uniformly polite and cour teous in dealing with those who had business with hii and has made an elflicient public ollcial and leaves thc oilc with the good will of all. Mr. 11111 is also courteous a itc and the business of the ollice v. a A-ov on smoothly under his administration. -11alf Week of Pure Fuu." The Whitney Players will hold the boards at the opera house in Newberry Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdy wit, Wednesday matinee. This company comes with the best of names. 'They have just finished a fine en &gemeni in Atlanta to big business and the At lanta papers give them hIgh praise. A company would not come to Newberra for a three nights' engagement unles they gave delightful performances Th'ey will stage every play just as ii was done in Atlanta, Macon, Mobih and New Orleans. Change of bill a every performance. Prices, gallery 20c; down stairs 30c Ladies will be admitted free on Mon day night when accompanied by onm paid 30e ticket. A Notable society Event. A most enjoyable recept,ion tha called out the society young people las week, was that given by Mr. and Mrs M. A. Carlisle in honor of Miss Craig of Due West. Mr. and M rs. Carlisle were grace fully assistedl in receiving by Misse; Nina and Bessie Carlisle and Mis: Craig. The parlor was decorated with chrys anthemumns and wvild smilax, while th~ ball and drawing roonm presented charming holiday effect. The decora tions of the dining hall were both tast and lovely. The elegant su1pOpe was served oi tables most daintily set, the burnin, tapers enhancing the beauty of th scone. The brightness and warmt within formed a striking contrast wit the bleak cold without. It was nearing the wee sma' hour't when the happy couples wended thel way home with pleasant memories of most charmin g evening. Two Cold Feet. Are common afflictions, so cozr mon in fact that we have laid in a extra supply of Hot Water B3ottl: for the aid and comfort of all frige footed people. That extra supply we - montic means a good deal. We bought lot at a low price, you can buy li samo way, at ROBERTSON & GILDER'S Drug Stor BRACE UPI Shoulder Braces fc men, women, boys an girls, all sizes, the beE makes at low priceE Wear a brace and g~ a shapely figure. Pelhamn's Pharmaci VARIOUS AND ALL AUOUT. The Legislatuir tnects next Tuesday. There are very few changes in New berry for the now year. Mr. . J. Purcell has a lot of good mules he will sell Cheap for the cash. Mrs. J. 1H. Norwood has returned from a vIlAt to relatives in Wilmington, N. C. Administrator's sale of personal property is advertised in another col umn. Attend the imoetng called for to morrow in the interest of tobacco culture. Remember E. R. Hlipp has moved to Tarrant's old stand, next door to Nit tional Blank. Mr. R C. Williams, the furniture man, calls your attention to his large line for 1899. The attention of water and light consumers is called to the notice of Superintendent Voss in another col umn. Cards are out announcing the mar Huage of Miss Rosa May Jones to )r. Paul 13. Marion on.the 18th inut. Miss Jones is i daughter of Judge Ira 1. Jones of Lancaster. Nvans & Wilbur are handling stand ard brands of fertilizers and ask their friends to give them a call before pur chasing. The quarterly statement of the Con mercial 3ank appears elsewhere and is creditable to the management, and is a good showing for the stockholders. There will be services at St,. Luke's Episcopal church this afternoon at 4 o'clock and Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and in the afternoon at 4 o'clock conducted by 1ev. W. S. Holmes. 14,0liou, Vance, who shot and killed John Harris on the Weber place icar. Old Town on December 26th anid made his escape, has beenl a.rrCsted at. Saluda. Sheriff 1uford will go over for him to day. We call your attent,lon to the quar t prly. statement of the Newberry Sav ligs Bank, published in this issue. It makes a good zhowing and is very creditable to the Inattgement. Editor E. 11. Aul, of Newberry, was in the city last, week. Mi. Aull is one of the mo.t successful newspaper men in the State and gets out It paper that. is crelitable to the town he so well relpesents. ie is Iresident of the St,ate Press Association and is regarded ver.$ highly hy all newspaper imen. Greenwood Index. T'llb NEWBiERRiY DISPENSAItY. Time Prollits nood Sibles far ihl, Qvv3,-44-r Eud aug Deco mber 31, 1808. The Newberry dispensary (lid a big business the last quarter in 1898. The total sales for- t,he t,hree mionths were $10,837.77. At the beginningof the quarter there was stock on hand to the amount, of $1,061.84. The total purchases from the State dispensary, including stock on .hand, were as follows: Stock on hand end of last quarter.....................$ 1,061.84 Purchases for October........ 3,803.80 IPurchases for November...694.25 Purchases for Decembe... .... 3,91 i.1(i Total stock.............$12,471.15 From the quatrterly report we get the -lown igures: M istake on 80 proof rye....$ 2.31 Shortage allowed by Stat,e .. 2.60 Breakage charged to ex pense account..............:, 2.0C Total sales for quarter......10,837.71 $10,874.6l6 Out of this amount it, Is stated that, i total gross profit, of $2,5761.49 for~ th< -quarter was made whieh when the ex Ipense account Is taken otf leaves a nel p)rotlt for the town and count,y oi $2,104.10. Gross profit on satles...........$2,576.41 10xIpense for quart er............ 472 ::t Net Profit.................2,104.14 The expense account is made up o 'the following items: Dispenser's salar~y.... .........19)9 91 i Clerk's Balary................... 90 0I Rent...............................149 54 3 Drayage......................... .. 12 0! 'Stationery and postage........... 1 34 SJ. A. (C. Kibler, Co. Board...18 64 J. J. Mayer, Co. Board.......... 20 4I Jacob Senni, Co. IHeard.......... 12 0i r' Jacob Sonn, op)ening whiskey... 12 0! SBreak age .........................32 (1 Cleaning water closet,........... 7 Rlent telephone ....................(6 0' Icc for October .................... 1 2' Br1oom .................................2 H el p Christmas week............ 10 5 Wrapping paIper anid freight... 5 8 'rTotal.......... ............$172 8 It, will be seen from these figure that even though we hear much of lhar timnes, 0our peole have sp)ent, throng' n the (1ispensary a litt,le moreo than to at thousand dlollars for whiskey in thre u months. T1here is one advant,age in ii however, they have contributed of t,hi amount a little morc than one thmousan dollars to the treasury of the town an Sthe same amount to the expenses of t1 county. While this looks like a big whiskc sale under the old bar-room system great deal more whiskey would has rbeen sold In Newberry during them three months than was sold by the di pensary. A nd yet the dispensary sali do(1 not represent the total liquor sal< during these three months for thom was agood deal ordered for pivate ui The N awberry dIspensary has dOe a fairly good btusiness all the time at r has been well managed. We hal heardi no namnJlninlt in rardw to t. AN EVENMING W1111 THE UED IEN. The occasion the First Asn1e0 ISt14qumt of Iltuegell TrIbe' improv.dt Order 41 W* Wild M.4 The first atinnial baquet of Burgell Tribe, No-. 'A, inmpooved Order of ited 1,111, wilm held '-a Kletiner is Hall onl WoedlitHiky evenlig last, ntid Wils I mloot J-byouls oe. slonl. The 4prald was a nitost .'eittant one, atid r K'etti-er, who had tIe ire. parait i-vi itinvi urruilz. moitts I-i charge otn 1,eialf ot the Trible, rve Ived the hearty thauiks of all th ueibeis and their friends. 'I ie hall, whielh is tht mvetl:x p'ace of unrel Tribe, pr sie a SIeIn wheih lis it V.-r I-veli exct..o it in New berry. 'ulh a psupper % P. hive -iever Hvin l pret. i aI si tti or tesimi, andl when all h:-ut 11lihed eating, Ilioe tof the nany good thilgs could be 11ISSe,0. E'eh iember aid invited giiest, prfevioui toi lterig tho a111 IIH, w I'r. viled w it a btIdge of the natinaiiul colors inmerilied wit the name of (he Tribe atid the date. When all had been seated it the tablci, mumbering about 79, Mr. .'. M. Taylor, Stnior 8 gimore of I he Tribe, in a ifew happy remarks welcomed tile guests of the Tribe lit i manner he fitting a true Red Man. Dr W. 0. Houseal asked the bless Ing after which supper was served and the nmany good thing,4 part%kei of. After the supper ther was a I11. of eloquottce. Mr. P. J. Voss, S teiet of the Tribe, wus toastllasr for the evoning, and he preAided In a digiIfled and pleasant mlannler. 'ihe followinig gentlellen espolle( and spoke on the subjects of Itehieati. tm, tihe beit-ll'. and o1 Jeets of Red manimm, benlitlH derived fr-omi being a mitmber of at frateriua! orde'r, etc., ete ) and am all did so r!-m tkab'y vell aid it synopsls of each axddre3SS woild do the sleaktr an it justlee tnd oecupy colsiderabie Si", we Hlall not at I lipt it, bit sullev it to ention each spaker'.a name: .1 11 Iiir, P. J. Voss, C. Lj. Ileave, J. H. M\ tyer, H. It. I'ln , J. 11. Clilluppil, T. J. M.Craiy, .J MN. D.vis, Theo. Ianielsen 1nd R1ev. .1. \V. Speak. All the speecies were good-411rt, eli 11eill, witty ad to tie point, and allogether it was i, most delight ful ovelksio, anld all preselit left the hall with at better knowledgo of Rdmanismlsill uIld t.1e grand principles they represent--f'rien4thip, freedom and elutrity, anid all felt, nearcr an.1 darvr to eacli ther for havinth Imlet to. gether oil such an occasion. Mlay 13trgell Tri'oe livu long and porosper and maty her nietitrthip roll inerease to the extent or' making a hand to iid eirele embraciig the whole town of New berry. Ivan Ilolke Mlimh (,,1d. "I had cat-airhit in the head and could 1ind no relief unt.il berlan taking Hlood's Sarsaparilla, which cured me. My sister has been relieved of rheuia tisin by Hood's, and my little brother took it after serious illness and it, re stored his strength. It cured my fa ther of effects of sunstroke." SAM CAIN, WVhighams, Georgia Hoon0's P' .[S cure nau11sea, head Mids ltuens L. (Gltder IIa-ceives ini loetnor or altss Fatsto of Kentacky. One of the mnost delightful events of Christmas week was t,he reception, last Mondlay evetninlg, tendecredi by Mt)iss Gilder t.o her friend MI iss F'ant, of Ken t,ucky. M iss Gilde1r was daintily gowned In pink silk mul1l1, and14 earnationis of tihe same lovely buo comnpleted her toilet. Miss Faint's elegant, gown of hcavy black velvet, was a halndsome costume, and the beautiful colorinlg of the wearer was5 shown to much advantage. T1he spacious and elegant, residence of Dr. .James K. Gilder wats ablaze withs light, and beaut,y, and( p)resent.ed 3a scene of rasre loveliness not, soon to be forgot t.en by those who were so fortunate as to att.end. Thell partlors5 and( III hallse perfect, bowers of mistletoe anid huolly. Huge bushes of mistletoe were suspend edI in every nook atnd corner, which made a very artistic effect,. An enjoyable feature osf the eveninug waIs the graphophone wvhich alttract,ed smany of t,he guesi1 s; but the most; novel one was-"T.he F'loratl Love Story,'' which puzzled one and( 3al1 and1 atfo"ded much01 p)lealsure andi amTtsement to every one. The lady's prize, a violet, statnd fIlled wit,h tile bilest oSf violet,s, wats wonI by Miss MamtIie letnwick. T1he gentlemain's prize, a leather wvatch ease wit,h silvor top, was won by Mr. M. L. Snearman. Theli dlining r'oomi wvas beautifnlily ef fective In trailing smilax anId red( roses 2 and1 candl(elabra wit.h red waix cantdles, . here and1( thsere made(1 a perfect, fauiry () land. A most delicious sulpper wias H served in ia dainty and tasteful mannerflC 1 for which the hsostess has always been' inoted. New~ SpiIng line of Men's Halts and Cosps, inldinItg STlI'CTSON 'S, jus5t I.e ceived at, A. C. Jones'. SFor High Grade Blood Amoniated Fer tilizer, ACid Phosphate anc German Kainit CALL ON 'EVANS & WILBURj OUR PROSPERITY BUDGET ALL TI NEWS OF A LIVE AND PRO OREM91'E TOWN. How did you enjoy Christ,mas? Clud to greet youi again and wish for all a very )rOSper-ous8 yea. HleO whreh springs etnrnal in the humtan breatt has asserted itself and all have gono to work with renewed energy, hoping to im-prove their fortunes in the year 1899. May their fo,dest wishes he realized. As it has been two weeks our notes go back to the Christmas times. The Old, Folks' day in Grace church was voted a success by those who attended it. We were glad to have with us old ianl Chips. lie paid good attention and behaved himself real nice. con s;dorig the fact, that Is he pretty ob streperous. Como again old boy, Ili ways glad to see you. Owing to en gagem)4t,s ma10dI p0rior to the program for this day lIleve. Kirkpatrick and liatilmon wero not present. They were away at their churches in the county. Rev. Blanton gave us a very good talk and one that was enjoyed by all. Mrs. mise's paper dealt with oi-(t,1m1O Sindity-Schools and told what they sung and how they did when she was a girl. How different it, Is now. Among the students who spent vaoa tion at home we note Miss DLla Bow ers, of Elizabeth; Miss Maybelle Stew art, of Cot,verse; Messrs. Jas. Luther, Ma-xey Harmon, Perry Simpson, I. M. MNoseley, ICrnest B Cdenhaugh, Ed die Counts, Ira Nates, anti Brady Har mon, of Newberry College; and Jno. Iatt, Kirkpatrick, of Due West. There were a number of the students of Newberry College passing through on their way home whose names ex (aped us. Prof. Thornwell Haynes and wife of Central. who nave been spending the holidiays wiLh Mrs; Haynes parents ro tuirned to th, Ir home on Wednesday, the 4th. ThCy were at the family re union of Mr. Bowers. AiN6's Joc Langford spent the hol1 days uner(10 the larenttl roof. She re t,irned to her s'ool this week. M iss Mainli Simpson whlo sjent the Christmas title at. home returtned to her school on Saturday, Dec. 21. Miss lessie Howers while standing on a chair arranging some decorations for tihe famnlily reuio0n ChristmIs gob a fall which for a time was thought to be serious, bIt oVing to prompt treatment she is now able to be ou, again and does not suffer any inconvenience from what might have been quite serious. Mr. John Browne, of Cherryville, N. C., is visiting his brother J. F. Browne of our town, the agent of te Southern Railway Co. M r. Allen Crossoa, of Saluda C. H., spent the Christmas vacation with his mother in our town. Mr. Jas. Schumpert, of Vidalia, Ga, has been on a visit, to relatives in town and county. Mrs. J. E. Schumpert and Child, of Vidalia, Ga., at e visiting W. A. Mose iey and F. E. Schumpert. The performance of the D)ramatic Club was largely attended by the cit,i zens and it was so highly appreciated that they rendered It again on last Thursday. Receipts for the first an)d second nights were a little over~ $:0. T1he fund will be divided between the Sunday-schools of the town after the expenses0 are paid. Mr. F. 1F. Kibler, of A tlanta, wvas in town the past week shaking hands wit,h his old frilends. Come again For rest. Mrs. J. D. Quat.tlebaum, of Blamberg, sp)ent, Christmas wit,h her p)arents, Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Langford. Dr'. and Mrz. J. R. Langford, of. Swansea, paid a flying visit to Pros perity. TIheir stay was shortened by the doctor being called home by t,ele gram. Uncle Shelton Garrett was in town last, week. Many of his old friends were glad to see him. He has passed( the 87 mile post on life's highway and is journeying towards the 88th. lie is fairly wvell, but had a very sick "spell" last year. We are gladl to see him able to be out again. Judge J. Marshall Sheely anid wife, of I rmo, spent a few days last week wit,h relat,ives in town, lie says lie is holding down his bailiwick and meting out "'jestdss" to all offenders. lur Malvyin Davis, of upper Newber ry, .spent several days in town the past w e k the guest of M r. and Mrs. A. [H. h..wkins. Mr'. A. HI. Miller, of Columbia, who has been there in the wood businiess since last Se'ptembier, spent, the holl (lays at hiomec and ret.n rned to Colum bia on Tuesday. He is a memnber of the fh an of Sligh and Miller. All the students who spent the holi day at home have rot,nrne-I to their books at, respective institutions and will he wit.h uts again alter the .June commit :eements have come and( gone. R1ev. .J. W. Arial has arrived and is now actively at wvork in hischarge. R1ev. Kirpatrick palid a flying visit to Winnsbo)ro last Monday. Grain sowing continues and1 fro-n the p)resent, outlook there wvill ho more grain sown this year than for many years past. Would th is not be the year to put up a roller mill at Prosperit.y? We havc heard thIs spoken of, and trust that It will be done. T1here have been two par. tics mentioned as likely to build, arnl we trust that out of two,. one will ma teria'lze-or better perhaps let t,he twc combine andl put up a good nill. Wha say you, gentlenmen, don't, let the oppor01 tunity pass. Trho piano recital of the gradled schoo wna a m.anna uccsanuin was unry lamr. ly attendod by our musie loing u itlizens. Miss Alken sh6wed t.batt she had given much paina-taking etTort, and was am ply rewarded by the pupIll and the ap preclative audience pt esent. lr. G. 11. reagle ati wire of Green Ville, spont, a icoiple dayt; in town dur Ing Chlstmus, te guests of old man Kay. ..heLeagitue and NI Issionary Society of Grace church will give another dime reading about the close of Jan uary, the program 18 being arranged and will be published later. A business meeting of the League will be held on L'riday night In the Grace Lecture room. All mtembers are requested to attend. KA Y. Natomeal Unson,. A local council of the National Union, a mutual insurance company was or ganizedl at Newbe-rry last night with the following ollicers: 1'. 11. Aull, Ex-President; I,. Caven augh, President; .1. 1). Davenport.. Vice P8resident1.; 1. I. H-nt,, Speaker; '. C. Gaillard, Secret.ary; J. A. Ilack itwel or, Financial Secretary; N. P*. Auill, Chaplain; 1. W. Wjest, Usher; J. W. Wat,ts, Sergeant at, Arms; W. A. Fil Iuer, Door Keeper; Dr. W. G. Houteal, Medlical E'xitniiner. Trustee4--G. G Sale, D. L. Boozer, W. G. liourd to have a new suit. Blankets that is simply es asked for them. =y are away down. A :t for 50c. Can't be 11 good (1codS at a lo p)ric DON I. BND! Till,' WOLbD FA MED Bee-Hive of Bargains STAN DS AlIlME'AD O) 14 ALLA. ( 1JI I NI NIM PNSE l'UI 1 1CIASMS NN U ables us to olTer- widcementits be yond the relaeh of atll possible competi No offers of compet.ition canl stem the ulde of ckiudt,oInoers( drift-iur from the uippor to the lowe- end of Miviltin street, where the Iee rive of Iargalins un fill'Is its baifler. an11d a01011enges 110 anI(d dl1 to 1,000 Bargains are within the reach of all. iing, Waliking Advert isers do Our' Ta'n12 2us ( and' we,I will povo any t, t2.1Ing we' adve rtise. Gepelarpd Bries., Main Street, New berry, tS. C. if Itocktland.20 C.o.'s an.2 I J. lb. Lowis & C'o.i Gents' Cuistomi-maide, bOX calf i Shoes at $2.50. . . Wooln,