The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, January 06, 1899, Image 2

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B. 11. AULL, EDITOR. 1it. i11IYAN'S SPHICM11. Tho speech of Hon. Willixam J. Bryan at Lincoln, Neb., last. night. was di reeted aliost, entirely against, tho im porialist, tendency which ir. Bryan r-e .'ards as th0 greatest danger that, now threatens t - country. 1-118 attack upon this attempted per version of our tational policy was very strong and will be endorsed, we believe, it majority of tie people of the United States. Mlr. Bryan is often very happy in his oxpr-essions and wits ti his best last night. Among the many striking things he said were the following: ''It lits been the boast, of our :ation that every rig ht makes might. Shall we abandon the notto of the republic and go back at century to the mn01 ar'chial motto, ich asserts that might iakes ri4tht?" * * * * "Our nation hats a inIssion, but it is to liberate those who Iare in bondage. nut to place shickles uponl those who are struggling to be free." * * * * "l3e steadfast in the faith of the fatlers; you' light is for youlrselves aS well as for yourv country. In the words of the dist.inluished Gorgianl, Ifill, 'Who saves his counvtry saves himself, and all things saved (1o bless hii. Who lets his country die, lets ii[ things die. dies himself ignobly-id aill things dying, curse hii.'" "Imperialisml finds t,he inspiration in dollars, not in) duty. It is not our duty to burden oi' people vith increased LI.XeS inl O'der21- to give a few spectulItots an opportuiln ity for exportation, it, is not ouri. dity to stacrilice I lie best, blood of our tination in tropical jungles in an at,teipt to still the very sent.imnots which have given vitility to Americaii institution,s. It is not orit duty todetny the people of ti he I'h ilippiiies that for which oil' forefat h ers fouglit, from Blinker IHJill to Yorktown."" This is not only rhetorie: it is hogie. It Is a clear warnling to tlie people of this country not to depart, fronm the theories on1 which ourl.' government w:t founded and on which it. hats grown great. r. II Iryanl contends that, it is conl trarv to the spirit, of our gove'nI1entI to hold tny foreignl peopl In vassalag" aid thait by doing so we imperil the liberties of out own people. On this idea Ar. Iryanil is as right at a man etnn be.-At lanta ,tournad. Ar. I I yan is riglit oin this subject as he is on Ilany more. We stAitied ot togive the Cubihans freedoiml andf(1 now we have just trnlsferred tihe rule of Spitil t the domtlilnionl of the 11nited State' -It will be a great. phace for spec(ilators. We would not he sil-Irrised, lowover to see the doetriti of (.x)ansi(on i,re vail. The Green woo .lournal pays at ve high aid jutstly tM1it .d complifment t.o Col. A. 13 Andrews, the first. vlce lesident, of.tle Soituthe'nl IaiLway, aid Our' -0nt,eml)potary does not, thiik he ats a superior il manifest-ing a readi ness o (o that, w hieh Is col-teolus andl accomillodtilng. 'I'hi editor of llthe Joual its ne'ver. et. Col. Alidrews, but we can give assNrae lwhen he does ilect, him t.hat, there will he no disappolItllientt il h is expectatioins, for we haIve known Col. Andrews sine he was a millere yout,1, Iland lie was awtys tile pink of -ourtsey atnll the Icnitdliest of genitlemnen. iIe has tendoer' r'ecollee tionta of old I 'end(1leton, wheire we Iirtst mtet hihn int t.he long aigo. The above Is from the Gr'eenvtille Alountatineer and( I wi le we dlo not kno1(w ColI. Andrtews ptersonally3 yet inl dettlini wvith himt for thte l ast sev'etral yetars we haive always(3' foutd tit cour ttta teous anid obliging and desir'e to Ladd( ourttemhd.ise maent to) wh'at, our1 conttmpotiries have sid oif hitt. We hlavie ailway's fotud ( ol. S. ii. Hlar'dwi'ic, the aissi sItant, ge'neralI passenageraogen t, (of A tlanta itlso a very' p)leaisant .atnd courLtcouis gentttlemiana withi whlomt to deal. Th'iere :-houblh be a good autIItndace at the mneetinig tomIorro'w for' thIe purt pose (of discuissini( t he advisablilit,y oIf eta gagintg in the cultur;e . of I obacco There Is neeesity f'or the airmters to div'ertsely' thieirI crops5, andtl not, to de. 1)0nd( en tirely' 0n cottona for' a mtoney erop andt( if it ctan bedonte withi tohmeoCI wihy let us Itry thaitt. Tobactco Is like cot,tonI, there is Lway1(3s a marktet for' it for the cash whether t.he price he h igh otr low. We sutppose the purp'hose (of the meet - log is to see if a stliciettt tnumbiler of petrsons will go iunto it 'to warraint, t,he em0ploymeIInt, of a matn who untderst and(s cutiivatinzg atnd ctuin~1g. Ther1'ie shld( be a good attentdatnce. Mir. Wmn. P. Hlouseal has assumned editorial chtarge of our' local contemipo rar'y, the Observet'r. lie was one of thte orilginal founders of the paperCt and( a1 member' of tihe irmn of Watilace, I bor seal and Klnatrd for seeral yetars. lHe Is also pulblishter of the Luttherana V isi tor. We welcome himn to t,he secutlari field and( truist our' relattiotns may3 be pIleasiat. T1he editor' of The Heald anid News will ver'y probably be absent after this week attending the session of the Leg' lslatur'e. We will send a letter for' oeh Issue covetring the work done, anda our readers will be kept fully posted. -This 18 a good timei' to sut bscr'ibe for ta live twice a week ptapera if y'ou are not altready a subi)e'ber. Mrfi. F. V. Capers. edi tor' of tht Voce htas gonie to Columbhia to1 take a position with the Br'yani Lintin g C'ompany durii. lng t,he Legislature. lHe has htad ex perience oat that kind of work anid will be vauiable to the Mtatte pIrinters. lHe does not, sever his connection with the Voicet tand will send a w.eekly3 letter. Whby begin payaig highI pices for' Dry Goods,.Shoes, ilatst andl Notions for' the New Year', when you can btiy for lees at A. C. Jones'. Jan. 3d, 1899. t&fti Tie Keowco Courier is right in its de11mnd that'state taxe" shal0 bo re luced and that the appropriations for -higher educatioll" shall be 1mch re diuced or cut, olf entirely.. Otr people are not, In condition to afford luxuris. in our situation free common schools are necessary. Thousands of our peo pl,) have no ot.har opportunity or hope of sec'ing t.he ordinary rudiintits of e4d ucat,ioil. Wo have been trying to do too much,10i. VU havo )I elaborato com mon bcllool syst.em, it "higher educa tion" tystem even more elaborato and in plroportion far more expensive, it pCnsion system. it 1111uili System. -ol)ething will IIV0 to io if we are to pay our heiest debts and allow the people a ch,IneO to 1 v0 1nd do business. As it is nuarly every dollar the farmers make goes in taxes of on,3 kind or an other anid there i6 tno tunley left, to spend with mer01-chant" for colmilonl Col forts, to say not'hing of luxuries. Coun tryv and towns sutfer alike and tile bue den is yet further inereased by our efforts to establi,h railroads to develop the (oiuntrt.y. Soiethit hlals got to give wILy. i'very senlsiblI mat knows that when he is hopelessly stalled ho t1ust, take oil part of tho load. That is otir sit.ut,ion. I'lw teamil is Stalled. Tepeople atre t,ryin,l to putlll 1noret thanth ir-t,en t. will allow. We ann spare the higher ilistittini0s bett.or 11aln an1 Mlythig else. Tedenimina llttionaul Inusti tultIons etni do thleir work it, little imore cost to the in divilial and no cost to the taxpayer. "'le State wits mtade to carry the Co lh11u1bitt canlal for years anild at last u?ot cletti of it by gi -ing it away. Wo be lieve she would do weil to clear il self (if the vilipment of colleges, uitiversi ties lind acitdrniies she is loaded wit.h ill tih am1111L WILy, if she cll b) rid of them on ln[o ot her terms.--Grenciville News. We told the I)VOple this Cight and ten years ago whenl tbe Grcenvill News and other papvrs ilt ptlic mtenl were- adIvoVft ing' more hi'Ahmr insbtitui tiols, and some, of oul friends con de(lilled us as an enilmy to tie faumers and(i agItainst the interests of the ipeople. \Ve w(O evel bJoycotted. 'Pl'hr is no dou1bt in mill mind thllat we have too 11t11y hiliber ilhtitltiols. Buit whlit arte yoi goig to (10 aboit It. The people devimilm- theml atnd nlow the var hre. It took 11t011ney to build tlll and it takesand will take Iltuey to :-lstail thtem11. To raise this money takes tax's. Y,outl caln't havi' higher in stitlitionsl withoullft payinlg for theill. We told .he l)tOl)jt, of this Couity that there wis no dtllitilI for (,Clison (Iollegiu anld that, if it, were built, we wimbi rot have a half dozIn st.tidenits Liero, bhtus.e t1e farmiers w<mb,,I not h. able to send their boys uiro. \Vc W0ere pMU down! US nll n Of tihie filr Clemllvonl fr(;m Newhtrry. \\' see it state1d by .\It. DI1,0(nahIl that It costs $155 per'yer fopt ' ahli pupil at, (lem Sonl. ThIlis, It we 11nd1eistLind it, is what it costs tbe Stat e!esies whIat, it costs the i-stldenit to stay th tre. TPhat., Ie con-iderls very cheap. It ma11ty be. (le.nsonj is I gota col bI, and we S1 ip-c i-- doin-4g it -11(ood woIrk, hut whi; tile Si at I pays $55 to id cIlIa sin .L0 b at, lemusol, C 1 twho Ilre abhe to edl oat-o I 1illsol ves, it Imays:t a i hild to 0d14i11to in UIhe rtidit,enIs for t.h t,holisllds of chi hlren who lood help. IBeside-4, while it costs $155 to edueat.e a hOy at Clemson College, Newherry College luld \Volford and D)ue \VWst will give iS jst as gotd eduation for' less Lt,a t)onle-tir d tils a inii,iuil. at,hiItl'Sill t,hem numbher of stuil enits as New'herry ('dllegi , enn) s;eely get, alonig wvii h ain aprioiptiatl ion of $25,II00 fieel ichiily i'lowedV't if slo' hadt it gr'os tdoes gioodt wor'k on a less inciomiue. I ltw is it I ttt. it, coIsts so t.mehl mtotre inig if addhiitionail Stat' inlstitutl ions has0 nt,1 alecled thie hpalt.trtnalge of riivaiteC inistitultionls. '[hle Peoplle dlemandied thiese State' int,ituIitionsl. Thei&y tcost, tlonil'V to) build utild it, tiiktes ltley to keep thlemf gting. Thel ppleI muist )ay3 t.he imoney3. do tint. watnit, to teal' ,hemt dlowii, tbouIgh we t.hiink sotmet of Ltil itnit, hei runl at. le'ss texpetise. \\e didi 110t tinkll it, wise to butild ltemI. Now thlat they ar ibu)1ill, we do not, wanlt to pull th1 iem dow'n, thoutgil we t,h in k it beyond Li,he funct ion of governi mnent, to tax the p lhe for hiighler edlu 'ation. Thelure is til use0 stille'r ing firom1 this pain1, all Itoughi yolur bitdy, you~tr liver lift' ur itibbi n1, ha)ve it hadl cold, ii gi ve you pro1th pt and i 1 sire el ief. 'They aet <lirecily 13 n you ilir i Aver, SI'ltomac and11 KidneItos, tone1 tup thle whole sys Itlm itndi imake yout feel like0 a ntew be inog. Tlhiey iare uaante edul to1 IIurne or price r'efutntdd. Fo~ r sie at lHobertsoni & ( libillr's and Pel ham's I)rtug Slores otnly 50) ets petr bottlec. Stop that Hock(! W'fiotri it i' too lnte. TJho timIo to takea cold is; w betn it is julst be'gint initg. A bot t!o of ltobertson's Componnd Conghl Syrup if Itaken at till right. timto will save you a sover illness. It g.ives inistantt relief from that diStagreelo( rawnless~ of te thiroatt thalt comets wvith a cold, and i in no11 way unt)pletnsattt to t ake. It's pri(eo is only ' 15 cenits a bottle, 1(OBi'TSON & Gi I)UEW$' D)rug Store. Rememllber we can sat,isfy aill your oUhnr drna atornmv tnnt. Lettr from% Nortt Carolina. Editor Herald and NoWs: Accord ing to promis I will send you a few lines. I don't, think I over fully rea lized the full meaning of the word "good-bye" until I left the dear friends in Newberry, oil Doe. 1:14h. To pre4ss at doar friends hond, to say" goodl-bye" and feel that It is the last Limo on eart,h, is 0nou1gh to melt a heart of stoe. "Good-bye seems but a sinple word, Oft carelessly 'tis soken, But, deopost feeling it has stirred, And hardest hearts has broken. Even now. as I think of those dear friends who in my three years stay lit Newherry were so kind and thoughtful 'nd in many delicate ways contributed to my happiness, tears till my eyes and deep down in my heart I say; "God be with yo. till we meet again, Till we meet at Jesus feet " We suffered intensely front cold on out way from Wadshoro, Anson county, to Norwood, Stanly county, which was 2-1 iniles by pi-tvato conveyance. But as a thoughtful mother was at the end of the journey, waiting with a warm fIre, ginger ten and coffee, we suffered up setrious consequences from our drive through the cold. Christ-mas hits como and gone. Santa was very liberal with us in the way of 'goodies." So ma11tly friends camlio to welcome us home and so mlany brought nice reinim brtances fotr Christmas. Among the presents received. we are indebted to Mr. and Mrs. Wynn, and to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Harmon of your city, for lovely remembrances, which werj apprecitted. We extend to thin our thanks and% wishi them a happy and prospeiouls new year. Wedding bells have beeni merrily ringing here and the freets are white wit.h ice that has been showered on pasAil- neWly 1Mlrried couJles. Miss Hosti Laiiply who will be retnombered by .oany in Nowberry, is now Mr-s. Geo. Mielton. 'Norwood has built up wonderfully the past yelar. It is tihe terminus of tie Yaekin H. R. an( is a busy little town. A sil spinilg mill has been er-ected amd is ill oiloration, and is a great cur iosit.y to the peopl round about. who never saw at votton mill before. The mill i- sim1all blut a trily heaiutifll onel d1111 thUrotuglly equlippe(d with the latest I prvem(I DCairy. i l ut those Who 1:1,VO worked inl the dear old mill at Newherry, with its kimI and ind1lgcent oVer*S(rs--witl Its adv %antlge of frec doll and ju1stice, couldl%'t, bear. the stri-ict, uland over-bearin 111111 of a ii-il! North Cirolina mill and its "hossos" I wouldIn't I ry it. i-ve saHw so many big fat o'pussums 11s I1m.tve beell onl tle ,4treets the plIast few (!ay!, an old dar-key once s111d "possum al' mit lm mighty good, bitt 'possuli sop finl' '11ter, golly!" I t.hink, front in diations, there r plenty 'posstils 10I the prospe-rouls farlers have also the Fop and)( 'mters. The people all seceml happy and wo don't he r n1c111h talk of hard times. Mr' IGlit,or, your i 1toriials alrc so ni1ce. I l ike youtr senti meatts. No uise coim ip liing and1( gr-ow lng over hard'c L t,ies. TPhe worlId Ii wht, we make it. -Most of1u glt!t. er01 1.han1 we deserve't, I ex e'oet , any1 waIy . No use01 in look ing) bah.vart.711i 0r d1ownwalYlrd, but, eve(r for ward and11 upward. 'The past, is gono -forever gone No step ea bltle ret,raced !"' Thenva wity waste3 tim1e and1 sp)end( idle miomets: in) useless regr-eti? Let tihe rif1lme make. mientds for' t,he mnistalkes of 1the tot . Seaitt,r 51unshin1) ini every thu-k coeneor: let, someta one be the better for our hiavinag lived. Oh, how happy tbe world mtight, hie if each and all would do htis or bher simple duity'. If we coutld banish51 all vain though ts and)1 sellishsbness, and1( dJo as oura blessed Say lotr commandsi1(1, "'Love thy3 neLighbor)0 as thyself" Mrt. iCd itot-, 1 am11 goinig to soon1 gIve y ont a sketch of t.he life of Ni r. Hlenray ('iddaler 1) Mills. lie is at wealthly old gentlean of t.his place0 and1( the mo,05 inlt.orestin and111( eccenltr-iOecharacter I ever ktnw. lie Is itn(( old ad muach loved friend of my13 father-'s faily3, and1( htas k 1hidl proised51( to hlt.lp m110 write the skoeh, which I am surae will 1 e rado 1 wiIth intLerest, by .your1 readerls; and1( problnly someto of htis 0ld wvar comn i-ad es iwill readi and1( recolgnlize in) it thtcir old15(1( sdier friend.- lIe (onec had the hon11or of fer-ry ing Jfetfea-son D)av is's 7aiily aicross I'ee D ee. NI r. A lbert, Thomas is v'isiting In Wadesbl.~horand 11( Morvieni, of A nson, Co, thi we i'oek. and1 iwe ar-e ai wee bit I m loly, and11 somettimetas om11 thtoulghts revert, to th e dl'a r friendb. ill New berry and we aus we7 1ar inllu ld home 1011, wie lomle t,imels wish to 1be back In Newber-ry, rulnnling looms No. 671 to 6Y7( \\ill close for- this time, andl wiIte atgain atoon0. Mr i. I-.ditor naec4ep1t, our ver-y buest. wishes for a1 happ)Iy, prosple (ous Newi Year,~ andi may11 all reader-s of 1The1 lIeral and1ho New en5 Ijoy t he same10, is the1 arnltest, prayer-ful isht otf No NAM1-:. A Nairrow E-noape,. fTanakfuil wordIs iwriein by Mrs. Ada IA. I nart, of Grotona, S I): "Wans takena iwit ht a badi cold wi hiich set Ilerd ott lny lui'age; c-aongh setI In nd finmadly termnI ntiied In Conamsumptiontr. F"our Doctors gav- ite upj tat mty H.avier, (det1erm ined7( if I calabI hot stay w4 ii h y friends on eath I, I wa-nk1( nmet Imy aniitt ones abovea. My hu-bIn ad wats advised to got Dr. Khain' D)i'orary ,1 Consumplto, ('aoaghs tand (C-I.!. I vIa '- it a trial, t'ook int -Il tlyh1t ha thlb. it has1 cured me,0 and14 thalonk Godl 1 am saved and1( low ai well and1( hiealthy woiuan'." 'Trial bot tIes fre- att Rtobe)rtsoni & Gilder's and( Pelhtam's Dm tug Stories. Itegularsizo 00 andiu $1,00. Guarat toeed 0r nricc re(ind.d li Begiingio 1899 Ak11te good re'solutiolls 1n1d keep 'them. Resolve To DO the hest you can. (let the bwt yOu CauI. Buy the best you Can. The best that you can do, il order to get the best, is to buy the bestin 1899 at the Muwer Co.'s. Beginniig, not in 1899, But long years ago, we have kept the best goods for the many who have placed their custom in our hands. We shall continue in the New Year now dawning upon us to be always prepared to serve our cus tomers well in our line of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Notions, 'M illinery, Shoes, etc all of the best (u1ality, aind at the lowest poszi ble prices. The Mower Company With grateful thanks for pnst, favors frorm the gen., (.rou1s public and wishing ill a pros;perous New G. & G. S. MOWER GO. CANNON & MAYES, AR El AGPENTS ["OR TIIN Mansion House Steam'. aundry, - A -- NEW BERMY, C. will be0 th ,: aNto wh.itenes1cs of Christmats bhnow~ Lhat we will lay upon your sh irt h0Osom, cot Uarsitc a nd cufs. TJ7hose who know a~ go01 thing when t hey see1 it willI apprlcLialto the faultless work that we put oni their linen ini color and perIfct linish. Sample it. AXGENTS 'a'"in,ever" "ow TOWN TAX NOTICE. OCMIS HERMBY GIVEGN .l. t.h at, Iad after .latnuary 10th, 1899, execut.ions will be issued against detlinqujient taixpayers for town taxes. By order of Town Council. C A. IHOW~MAN, Decemiber~ 22, 1898. .&T .C.N ANNUAL MEFTING. TH1E ANNUIAL, MlEETING OF . th tock holders of t.he National Bank of Newherry, Sout.h Caroli na, will ho heldl in the banIk on Tuesday, Janu ary 10, l18.99, at 1i o'clock a mn. T. b. DUNCA~N, Cashier. Christmas Goods! We are receiving new goods almost every day, and offer them at reasonably low prices. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver and Silver-plated ware, Spectacles, Eyeglasses and Cut Glass 'andj Silver Novelties. Dolls and Toys of every description. Come and examine my stock. EDUARD$SCHOL.TZ, The Jeweler, Onnosite It (A Williams' NBW GOODSI Arriving daily. Our stock of Drtis (loods mAd TrimInings is now eom1pltto. In our Notion Department You will find overything up-to dat. In our Domestic Department You will find everything at the lowest prieo that they can be Sold for Cash. Shoe Department. Wo have i nico line of Cheap Shoes at pricos that defy com potition. We Invite Evorybody to call anid look at our goods b0foro bluying. We guaranteo polito attontiou to till. IV'We havo adopted the CASH SYSTEN[, therefore we can give you close prices than ever be fore. Yours to please, Davenport & Renwick RemeMber That the Book Store is the place to get your Christmas presents. WNe have a full lilne of Pictures, Dolls, Musical Instru ments, and Books, For the Christimas tra,le. Fancy Goods Of all kinds. Give us a. cal I before buy ing. We will take ploas.. uro in showing you what we baye, whet.her you bly * not. J. K. GILDER BOOK STORE. Wagons, Carriages, Dolls, UBIET AND SMILL FOR ONE AND ALL. Ships, Steamboats, Cruisers and Small Boats, Swords, Guns and Toys, for the. Soldier Boys. Mother Goose $tcries. Kris Kingle Series. Books for the Little ones. Come and see what A8TN HAS FOR YOU, AT BARALN SIRB CLOSING C We are Going 0 JANUAR And in order to do -o, we Clothing, Shoes, Furnishin to ho closed out, at pricoB Big litic mcn's hetivy top shirts at .20 Wool undervitS reduced to .25 Ileuvy cot ton undershirts reduced to .20 Ueavy drill (rawers .2o Big line men''s and boys caps at .15 Vomen's dongola Lhoes, iunbers 3 and 4, at. 50 W1omen1's heavy shoes .50 Bii sock of Men's, Yal to be sold at at big cut ii pricos. In We want to turn tho stock into cash h) do it we will certainly bo successful. Yours r THE NEM BERRY Cl R R Y DEAL C6ommns anc From the Highest Grad ......To the C Prompt Attention Givei ....Marble and Granite Leavell & Spene NEWBERRY, --- THES~TANDARD WHIE Ec1ui pt d with (4. & .J. Clincher TIires. I 2 T"Newv Pairts for Repairs for'salo al McCLURE'S $1.00 a year - - - FOR Among the) speCi A NEWV SEUIAL P>Y R1UI 'TILE LA' By Miss Ida THE NAVAL SID)E OF THiE \VAI A TE LEO RA.PI OPER ATORl'S AND A DV ENTURE~S Contribut ions by the1 highest aut] Science, /nven// Embnlracing arliebi A Plnngo in tho D)iving T1orpedo Submarino Navigation Thme I(ito in Modeorn WVarfuro Tle(graping WVithiouit WVirs Th'le Marvels of thel Sea SPLENDID 8/ft Theliy will come' froni Rndilyard Kipling Robert .lni William Alien Whlito John A i Hiamlin (Garlanid Cutcliji IlI SteIphonl Crane Morgan Rc Shan F". ,ullock Clinton IRo W\e shaull pub1) lih at unbh)or of vern also a numbs of those shior., crisp, (dri ouir rendoErs4 hav e c'n in iknoiw as : spi Yi& 6.. Etrd 200 East 2( NEW YORK ClITV UT SALE! lit of Business ir I 1899P avo a very largo stek of Hats, and Gents' g Goods novor heard of before. ooI quality Imny I ioe, 3s to 5t .'75 Nin's high cut, brogans, solid leather .95 Nion's boot. grood length.anid solid $1.35 ,;ood white ulialnded shirts, rc duce(d to .16 ilxtrat good quality whit unlaniid cre( shirts .30 ith's & Childrenl's Suits fact overything in the storo is to go. y January 1st, and if cut prices will Como in and hear our pricos. espectfully, k ER IN I Caskets ! Ii6apest'Wood Coffili! to all Orders' O:AT ALL HOURS I Bilhlld Furlisllgs! M~onumientaI Work.... ~rs' Old Stand, 1899 RAMBLERS AT *$40.00. EL OF THE WIORLD! 'ull of now featuare.e. Call and see theor, RU LI, Agent. M.AGAZINE - -l-10. a copy 1899 al features are kARD KIPLING M~R LIFE 01F LINCOL~N) MI. Trarbll ~, BY CAPTi. MIA H-AN. I[F'E -IRE A L EXPELR IENOES oriti-a 0on nlew dlevelopments in Exploration hf deQscriptivo of Unsolved Problems of Astronomy Life in tho Doopest Mines What. Peary~ is Doigi h Arcticoigi tb The Telescope-Picetuires by Tele. graph RT 8STORIES Isuch writers asi rr Sarab Orno Jewett IOctave Thanet yno Sarah Barnwell Eliott bertson E. Nesbit *s llen Glasgow. striking stories by new writers, matie episodles from real life which meial fonture of McCluro's. URE COMPANY,. ith Stroot. NEW YORK~,