1899 We nover - WAIT. A Alas nbood-Ofl petitor ESPECJALLY NOW You will Money. do, but Sledge f The sparks flI A BIG THING---IN These are a few ot our Sle000 yds. Prints at(. 3, 1 ,, -w. >5000 yds. Drill (best) lit . . " -. 1 Shirting, ieavy -le. (j IHnmme11 'arcaills. ES! GROCERiIES! la thisi lini o shMiut Ithe door' 0on a11 po0ssile cornp1ot itilon. WVo are saVoM 11tan 1 101101M Wha ~': ive our1 cuistomersi the aidvanuita go of our ox >ul are surlo to linid it horo: ssos111, \is ls, - .e ARik HRDWAR OUSEd' FU NI I longe. ?A Rd ARL , u IviedI your better hal f kniows bi aristmas and ~E'AT W THE--BUT I T EUNITE .D 8' TH AN. BEEwHIVE OF Push and Vim are constar .the sole aim o1 stomers, Upon Whoi E H1VE Will Convince N iTLY ALIVE T 'HE HAPPY CHISTIA )partment overflo) HERE ARE OTHEl tions sink to naugl e knock-out quota er, The ction. You get tf We get the MonE GREAT PLEASURE R From buyintg your Clothing from the Be gains. Remibor the entiro stock is order to raist money to pay our in I fere a.- batitrgains for everybody; I EN, YOU1HIS, Meon's Suits frow $3.50 upwarIs I Youth's Suits from $2.50 upwo Boys' Suits from 75n. SH' Onr Shoe, Domand, w' that not on1a low, but th. still further manuld, wVo < [Ver onl entro e a1'zt. 1(ss thn cost.: Shoes worth *.d.5 at $i.75. - *. .. at $1.25. 4 % II G GOODS! r Bargains! iille or* straw andl ow to cook--and a. happy New Year ORLO:_r FTatlonSorVe YO U'Eel B BGAINS ' itly exercised an'd devoted Our Succoss Depend! ou How Thoroughly We A: 0 THIS FACT 7., SEASOL ving with the Best C RS" claiming to sell ht when you hear tions of ffir U"du ie Goods--~ y---perfect satisfac ESULT SETS! THIRTS L Hivo of Bar. sacrificed, in dobtednes. BOYS, In this lino we m1aintail rds ! Noto our pricos, which art upwards rd. quotod elsewhero. Salld nut sbell. 'Wo snatched D ES I price, which prove sOlid1 S are in Great do love to shoot-so bore hich indicates Shirts at 190. 1a our prices are Handkorchiefs "to,","""lit TRUNKS I T necronso the do. At theso -prices you c 0o(d dry goods box and b a Trunk from us. Fr< .4 . now until January 1, 180 we will sell yon TRUNKS Worth $5 for $2.5( Worth $2 25 for $1 D OR this eparmentyou ill bl Chia spentfo thficieprent syo winee must go. to one and all, whii The Fair and ! E KNOW KNi fer re foods for the least as cheap as we the crash of our ore Deoler, tion everywhere I GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS! 1 our reputation for Price Cutting. always u"ch lower than similar goods profits-q uick salos, toll the story in a I lot of goods from a factory at half 20t to annihilato competition-and we goes: *nts at 400o. Suspenuders at Oc. 1t 4e. Neck Ties at 10c. BUNKS! TRUNKS! .Worth $3.50 for $2.25. .65. This is your timo-not ours. *t fi OROGKERY, and GLASSWARE! I n b find Thousands of suit- s everybody, at astonish- b us why we slash prices. b money and the goods *~ si S eand black, Ig 3auare Dealer. 'Baby M i"n e! Every mother feels an ind-e scribable dread of the pain and danger attend ant upon the most critical pe riod of her life. Becoming a ruother should be a source of joy to all, but the suffering and danger of the ordeal make its anticipation one of misery. MOTHER'S FRIEND is the remedy which relieves women of the great pain and suf fering incident to maternity; thip hour which is dreaded as woman's severest trial is not only made painless, but all the danger is re moved by its use. Those who use this remedy are no longer' de spondent or gloomy; nervotisness nausea and other distressing con ditions are avoided, the system is made ready for the coming event, and the serious accidents so com mon to the critical hour are obviated by the use of Mother's Friend. It is a blessing to woman. OX.00 PBU BOTTLE at all Drug Stores, or sent by express on reoeipt of prioo. BO0KS Containing Invaluable infornation of EEintorost to all wolnen, will bo sent FREE to any address, upon applicatilon, by The BRADFIELD,lEGULATOR CO.. Atlanta. Oa. HOME MATTEs IN WAs1INGTON. The Preaident speaks Highly of Gen. M. V. Ittle-r-4eoator MuL.antrin (sa a Pen sthen fror Col Almtoa'a W14low-Gov. Ellerbti and ais War claitn-Try wug to Fll that, Trtasury Frick. (Special to News and Courier.) Washington, December 28.-Son ator McLaurin was among the cal lor-3 at the White House today. His mission was to discuss several Presi dential postoflice cases of interest to his State now pending. Incident. ally the Iuestion of the future mili tary moveients of Major Gon. M. C. Butler were referred to. The Pres ident sp,ke in tho higbest terms of t he military and executive ability dis played by Gen. Butler, and stated that he does not proposo to dispense with Goi. Butler's services tin the near future, unless obliged to do so by extraordinary circumstances. He 3aid that Gen. Butler's military training and experience in national itffairs had enabled him to render the Clovernment exceptionally valuable iervices in camp, and also as a mem >or of the Cuban commission, there :ore it is the present intention to re tain Gen. Butler in the volunteer iervico as long as possible. Senator McLaurin was enabled to end Mrs Belle McCaw Alston a immely Christmas remembrance in the hape of a pension of thirty dollars >er nth, (through the energetic afforts of the*Sonator. The claim in ifa Aiston's behalf was filed-and >ut through within less thiat a veek. Governor Eliorbe is expected here nr a fewv days to appear before the reasary oflicial-s in behalf of the south Carolina war claim. Senators l'illman and McLaurin, in urging idjnsting of this claim, draw a dis inction between the South Carolina and the Virginia case to show that ni Virginia the claims weore paid out >f State funds and t he amount due s to the State. .In South Carolina he claims havo never been paid, but Lro, still duie to ir dividuals who fur. iished supplies to the troops upon he personal guarantee of the GJoy rnor on the face of th.o papers. It s admitted that they present prao ically the same question as in the rirginia case, but the South Caro ina Senators are urging tho.Comp roller to go into the merits of the aso and decido it according -to quity. In most of the Southern States the rolimin ary expendituires were met ut of Stato funds. There were no inds for this purpose in Conthi arolina, and the Constitution pro ibited Governor Ellerbo from in mrring a debt without aut hority 'o the Legislature. Governor lerbe appealed to patriotio indi duals, and they lent him the oney en his promise that it would a repaid when the Governmnt ttled. These ci rcumstances hiave men pointed ontto the Comptroller, at as the account is rend1(ered ofli ally by tiholto, he nmay hold the tie as in the cases of the other bates. Almoata~n Ismination Tho Girl-[ want .hat that will > well with my face. TEhe Milliner-I'm sorry, miss, bm.t o knenn't ny pairned nea. I nought 1,7 tI o* .ut et I.tne in Sia Raligh1, N; ,D9ceinbi 20: The Cape Fearl Yadkin Valley Railroa\1 kii a dtion to*eg in Fayetteii nder? foreclosure proceeding'q, C miisei6ners Martin:and M appointed by the Court for thI rpose. The road was l;ought by-P Atlantio Coast. IUne for $3,1 00. The bidders were Presidentumel Spencer, for the Southern ilway; VillinnrL H. BlaokfoKd, for;) Baltimore bond holders, or Sonirt 'Air Line; and Harry Waltol for the Atlantic Coast Line. Master Conasioner Martin was auctioneer, ahe started the bid ding at nooi The first bid was $2,100,000, t it was raised by $50,000, $250, $10,000, $5,000, and then $1,0jum1ps for an hour and a quarterlben, the road was knocked dowp the Coast Line. Blackford tred at a bid of $8,. 103,000, and oncer stopped at a bid of $8,100. The property was thereforetocked down to Wal ters at $3,1100. The outconof the sale is a Pur prise, both as the price paid and the successfu.m petitor. SA1 HM ON UAPLAINS. Says Th. y 4 a 1op to the Church AtImeat. Savannah,3a., Dec. 28.-The Rev. Sam 'all, the noted evange list, is now aplain of the 3d en gineers, Un States army. He arrived tod and one of the first things he d was to give ont an in terview. A ig other things he said: "The chapins are a sort of sop to the churc sentiment without much substantto them. They just taka a ministdind put a uniform on him, with a sikr cross on the shoul der, pay him 0;0 a month and turn him loose ol 1,200 men without any of the iplements of the spiri tual war!ar(:to fight with. I've been disappoted. "When I et out I am going to suggest thafthey do away with the chaplain. Juppose there may be a how], but is better to raise the issue and Ive the whole system ro vised. Win we get down to Cuba PIll. wagernost of the men would rather go;o a cock fight or a bull ring thar ttend services. To tell the truth!I am beginning to think there is theap of balderdash about what th haiplains do accomplhsh outside o ieeting the sentiment that calls for heir presence with every body of t eps." EP' EMIo OF LA GRIIPPEC. Thirt y T ,and Peoplei suff. r fram it in Phi lidel htn. Phila >bia, Decesuber 22-It is est imate .hat between 25,000 and 30,000 jfpus in thi'icity are suffer ing fromn4.p and doctors report the epidemic (6 the increase. -At the board of b~ Lh today six deaths were reported t 1ave occurred within the last twen four hours, directly due the grip, nd 12 other deaths were . traced im4cctly to the same cause. All the hlipitals have an unusually large nur4 er of grip patients, and in several ~stances the sniferers have lest their reason and h)ave to be strapped their b)eds. Of 140,00 school cl4dren nearly 10,000 are sick at nle. City councils could barely ridie a quorum today there were so m ~ay abseuntees from grip. Iteporti receivdd from eastern Pennsylv$iia anid sont bi Newv Jersey point to hn epidemic of the diceano in those 51'tions8. Gre t Inriprovement Repo 4s a Wetc'ome Change In Her Ocidition State ont by ,a North Carolina Woman. "Nea ly all my life I have had.orie cold after another and the trouble seemed like oatarrh in the. J.ead. -There were die-. ohargee from my ears, and. my hearing became affected. -I took a number of Unds of medicine but I grow worse in itsad of better. O'ne day I- procured a buft. of Hood's *iarsaparilla and began tha dug it, and soon found it was doing* me good. I gained strength and was greatly ;benefited in ,many ways. I con sinued .Its use and now the bad feeling in my head , . gone and .the. earache with which IJaufered aga dis,appeare4 I iam sow able to do my houowork ithout' delp. I shall keey Hod's 8areaa lla in she house as Ion as I live." a s. T. 0. RHYrNn, Dallas,' Irth Carblina. H ood's *Sa. Is the best-In fact tile One True Blood Purfier. Iiood?s Pills a e fPrnce nu