The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, January 03, 1899, Image 3

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-l Buehet Balvo. The beet Salve I world for CufA Bruise.,. Sores'- U , Salt Rheum Pever F-rc.:, Tett haped -Hands Chilblatns, Corns, a, kn Erup tianis, sad positivel bt-H Plies, or no Oay requred. It is aAteed to ve rfeot sasfaction o.oney rdfned. rio 25 oents per . or Wae by Robertson & Gilder W. 9. Pelhaw. *. .Coton et. -0 oreoted by J. W ry & Co. Middling ........................ 510. To Care a Cold no Night Take Van Lear's Col psules for La Grippe, Cougbe and ; 12 doses 25 cents at all druggists uaranteed to cure or money refund taf6m - I?phone-Su bere. las a the'follo new Phones to your list: Bardin, H., C. (Reside 130 Evans, [11eff.JROide 128 McClintook,-E. . ( noe) 15 Dickert, G. Y. (Resid ) 129 Mazyck,N. ly(Reside 124 .An lige, 2t W. Floyd. A Contravt t t. ntr Ilijhe le the lowest aiito b H'isbarn a d a porch to the partonage of St. 's Lutheran fl oroh, of Newberry Co y, on Tues day, January 17, 1899, 10 o'clock. ?peciftations to be giv n that day. J. D. EALY, ,G. B. LL, W. a. YDT J. A. IDLER T. A. ING, B ess Corn. I"d Co. s andJ. Lewis & Co.s 1ts' Custotn-m box calf Shoes at $2.50. S Wooten. - SefWs e-adk and T $5.50 hand made Shoes, now $3.98. t&t- tf. At leson's.. We advise all our pe e .to visit Flynn's immediately an get their ph arq 9he barg4ins. 1t -_ To 0acuse .Tobire ture. We, the citizens of Ne ry County, desiring to discuss the, isibality of 4i"nWn'g tobaccef r'the osent year, 1hd0by cli ; meeting all persons &*reto pla4t $oba to meet at -" ~ C. Sv on Satay the 7th day of Js -Arf n kt'at 1clock a. m. - 1. A. C LISLE. JAMES J ANE. J. W. 1WE. JAMES S UMPERT. - WELOH BUR, C. E. SU ER. J. H. CH ELL.. J.PU LL. -- i all-woo Teai-'O19 t&f. t. At J41ieson's. Telephone Subscribe% After the first o Jangary 89.he ebarges for telephrnes will lows: . Residence phones $1.50 th per mo,th. Buitness,pbnes,$2.00 each p month. 1sifenc'6, hon~e -for all oDf t6 wn co ietions$I. 75 eae per pno h. ihsess plNones fat all Ot t bwn. .connections $2.25 each per nio4 . 'e, for hon-subscribet.s ~*each five hinntee talk for any out town connection will be 15 cents. , lsriibers who do not deshi out of ..oC l 'rate will please notify ec. In the absen'ce of notice will pree the out of town rate is desired an 41l be 1Tia'e at fthatr9e.. Central Luther League r held at 13 Pillip's 1 u~h, Janidery 21, 1899./ Devot1ional exercises by tlp si5 The Luther League as a ~'ternal organiz.a on-Mesrs..Edmun'Shelily, B.LPg her, )Bo6s, d.. S. le tien and 'V. K. Sligh. Recitation by Miss Maggie rre. - ]he rmisbi.oji of 'the Cent Luther kiJe*e.-11Bs Marie Bobb,- s. J. J. Long, J. B. Fox and S. T. H nan. ,Esay-Home Mission Fl 1-Miss LIllian Luther. Query box. Comn ittee. Blargakrffered heretofore o mat ter at JJa.pers cent redifeti were merQl tite to what, Is now ing of fered a*lynn's'Cash Store. is sale is palying thg other roercha . 1t SZeigler Bros. F"ine Shoes fo Ladies in Blacks and Tans both in 13 t. and ~Bals.,3&50rniow. $2.85 t&f. tf. At Jami on's. Qid U Cbau a Chi istmas jresent stor every customer in cut price . Sits :016.50 now $12.25; $11.50 now $8. '. taf if Twg Cold Fee . inoi* in fact that we have laid in extra su y of Hot Water Bottles f, tb tand mq~fpr6 of all frige fo6teid'pedFle. That extra supply we mentier means a good deal. We bought lot atu low4 price,. you .can buy,4 slimrf way, At ROBERTSON & GILDER'S --. Drug Store Zoigler Bros. Fine Shoes 'for Muise ,in t2als, and Butt. $2.25 now $1.75. t&l, t. At Jamieson's. ''Nifotunat'ely for Flynn, but fortumr sately for the peo pie of N wherry, on of the wealthiest in the Flynn comnbid has diedl. which throws the entire stoc on the market regardless of cost. Flyn is much distressed at the sale comin -this time of theayear, as. he says th -*goodsnnust be alost given away' get rid of them. But get rid of thel he says he will no matter what the col sequences may be. Now is the gold4 opp)ortunity for all lovrers of ba.-gains secure what they may require for yel 'fitt;e mnoney at Flynon's Cash Store. 1t VARIOUS AIND ALL AB0t. The college. and e9hools all open thl morning. Mr. W. H.'Carwile is now with Sun mer Bros. Yesterday was a legal holiday I place of Sunday. Mr. S. S. Langford will clerk for Mi A. C. Jones this year. .drs. J. W. HuWibbrt left yesterda for her home in Harteville. Miss Janie Vance, of Olinton, ha been visiting friends in Newberry. , The Newberry Savings Bank-has d< cl4red a seini-annual dividend of 3 pej cent. Mr. Frank Mayes, of Anderson, ha been in tho city for a few days visitin relatives. Mr. R. J. Lindsay, of Rock Hill is I thbe city and will travel this year wit Mr. A. C. Jqnes. The Holy.Conmunion will be admit istered at the Lutheran church nox Sunday mor6ing. Miss Willie Counts, of Fairfield, I spending. Christmas with relative an friends near Newberry. Mr.. and Mrs. W. E. Hardy, of Cc luthbia, wereon a visit to his fathe Mr. W. D. Harday last week. The old mile stone has been replace on the public square in front of th court house by the city council. Miss Lawrence Glenn', of Newberry is visiting Miss Claudia Irby, and othe friends in the city.-Laurens Herald. Misses-Floride and Willie Calhout of AbbeiiIle have been visiting rela tives and friends in Newberry the pas week. Mr. Jno W. Mathews, who has beel spending the holidays at home, rE turned to the Charleston Medical Co legb yesterday. Among the students on the hono roll at the South Carolina College w note the name of C. P. Pelham as prc ficient in history. Mr. Harry Kaminer and sister, MiS Melle, of Gadsden, after a few day visit to friends in the city returned t their home on Friday last. Mrs. C. J. Purcell enterAained party of young folks on Saturday ever ing in handsome and elegant styl( They watched the old y6ar go otit an the new year come in. M isqes Nannie McCaughritx and Mar Thompson and Nina Luke have r( turded to Converse College aqd MiS i0loise Wel,h'to her work (d Te 'Grai ed school in Spartanburg. Prof. W. H. Wallace, of- the Nev berry Graded school, at the conventio of Bulerintendents in CQAmnbia lat week was elected- President of the cot vention. A good selection. Mr. Thos. Harmon, son of M r G6i frey Harmon of this county, who hF recently been adbitted to the bar hi .4eoded to lo(iai, at Spartanburg f< th6 practice o'rhis profession. Mr. Jno. W. Long and Miss Fanni M4son were imarried at Salida o Christmas day and tieyhave moved I :ijtopia and will make thfat theii'horn l'he Herald and News egt,end(congra ulations. M r. Edw. R. Hipp will move his gr< cery store to the building fqem~Irly o cupied by Mr. W. T. Tarrant. M Tarrant moves down Main street to tl building next to J. W. Rleeder's. -M Tarrant has been on the corner ne: to the bank longer than any merchal ,in Newberry. Mr. J. D. Davenport has opened b~ fertilizer office on law ranige and ready. to se,e add to serve his. frieni and the farmers generally. He is ha dling some of the best brands of feri lizers on the market and that have t1 recommendation and endorsement some of our most progressive and liable farmers who have tried thel Mr. Davenport is clever and reliat and will treat you right if you de with him. Deafness Cannot he Cured by local app)ltcaitions, as they cannot res t,he diseas,ed pr.on of the ear. Thla Is oi ono way to cnure dearness, and that is by e stat utional remnedles. Deafnes is causrd on Itufafned condlition of t he mucous )tol of the Euistachuiani Tube. WhIen this tube' Inflamed you have a :umbiing sound or pet feet hearing, anad when It In enlire olomi deafness to the result, and udcess idtlammet loni can be takeon out and this t i restored to ig normal condiion, hoaring K be destroyed foar er; nine e wes out of are cans I by catarrh, which is nothhlugi an inflamod condioi of the mucous a We'will give Onte Hundred Dollars for catie of Deat nose (o-iused by catarrh) that c not bo curnd by Hall's Caiarrh Caure. He for otreuilars frece. F. J UHIEN IN' & Co., .Toledo, 'O. Aold by Drug IsI9, 75c, Hall's Familty Pills are the best. New S pring line of Men's Hats Caps, in-eluding STETSON'S, just ceived at A. C. Jones'. Jan. 3d, 1899. -Saledmy'. There was a large crowd in town3 terday. It wasJunuary Saleday. T always bringsthe crowd. There w very few sales by the master and n by the sheriff. The master sold in foillowing eases: Pool vs. Marcus, 14 acres in N Township; to-T. C. Pool for 8100. Hardy, Master, vs. Fallaw, house lot in tqwrg to H. C. F!aliaw for 82, s ThePloltids-were not sold. The Probiate Judlgo sold in the lowing eases: . One house and lot in town' of liel< .Emma E. Halfacre place, to M. A. Il e lisle, Attorney, 8220. 0 The Walter Smith place, contali n45 acres, to J. W. 'ald well for 8300 g e Call for the 85.75 all wool suit o 83.75 at Jamieson's. t&f. ~Why begin paying high prices n Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats and Nol to1 for the New Year, when you can 'y for less at A. C. Jones'. ii Jan. 3d, 1899. . a OWFINMS ELIOTXD. All the Old Officers Retsola-Mr. Juo. 0, 0ogm"a Eleated Clerk and 'reasturr. According to previous aniouncement R the city council held a meeting last night for the purpose of electing for the year 1899 sub-ordinate officers. The sull council was present at the meeting, and applications for the various posi tions were numerous, except for chief of Police-the present chiet, Mr. H. C. ' Hunter, having no opposition. Before an election was gone into the bond of the Clerk and Treasurer of the city was fixed at $5,000 by vote of the council. s The election wag then gone into g which resulted in the election of the following: a Clerk and Treasurer- Juo. C. Gog a gans. Chief of Police-H. C. Hunter. Policemen-H. H. Franklin, S. G. Carter and E. P. Bradley. Street Superintendent-L. D. Wick er. Lampt ig h ter and Janiter-Rial Bates. City Attorneys-Hunt & Hunt. By vote of council the ofilce of Fore man of the street force was decided on r at a salary of $30 per month and Mr. W. T, Jackson was appointed Foreman. I This ended the elections and appoint a ments and other business was taken up 'and discussed which is not yet-in shape to be of public interest. r It was decided that the license for pool or billard tables run in the city for profit or gain shall be $25 per year for the first table and $10 for each addi tional tablc. Auctioneer's license was also.'placed at $25 per year. r Dr. James McIntosh, chairman of the Board of Commissioners of Public Works, appeared before the council on the part of the commissioners and r stated that they had decided on a rate e of $80 per are light for the city for the present year-this being much lower than other cities have to pay for same s -and that they now had In operation a 47 lights in the city. U Dr. McIntosh was informed that the council would act in the matter in a a few days. The council adjourned to meet on next Monday night. Welcome to Newhorry. It is a beautiful custom and We are glad to see it.- When a new peeacher comes to town all -the pastors of the other congregations close their churches and with their congregations j in in a union service to give the new n ,ieacher a.hearty welcome. And it is nIo perfunctory welcome, but a genuine old time Newberry welcome. There aure many good things you can always . y for Newberry, but we believe she excels almost any place we kn.ow in Is denoy inat49nal fripndpj,. .JAeypre '8 io deniomifntional jealousles and i'val ir ries here that you find in so many places and yet we have nearly ill the . 'Ohristian denom-ination's represeat6d i here by. strong congregations. It is o nice for brethern to dwell together in 3. pMace and love and we are glad tO" t-o it. They are all laboring for ond pu pose, or should be and there is no sense ,. in tearing at each others throats as is y too often the ease. r. In accordance with this custom on ce Sunday night all the churches except r. the Methodist were closed ard all the it pastors joined in a union service at the at Methodist church to bid the new *pastor, Rev. W. I. Herbert, welcome. isThey were all there, Rev. E. P. Me isClintock, Rev. G. A. Wright, Rev. J1. 13. lFox, and Rev. J1. L. Williamson, and n- all '.took some p)art in the service ~though thel sermon was preached by se the pastor, Rev. W. 1. Herbert. There ofWas also a large econgregation p)resent. --Mr. Herbert stated that he appreciated .this greeting of the brethern and hoped ,le to have their sympathy in-his efforts tc tal perform his duties here as a pastor and citizen. Mr. Herbert is really a Newberr3 man and has only come home. He hi oh a son of the Rev. T. G. Herbert whc 2. was at one time on the circuit her< lvand is a grand son of Mr. Isaac Her ebert who lived and died in the Utopih A"y section of this county. The subject o tehis sermon on Sunday night was 1ov, ~s' from the text "For God so love'd the Sworld that he gave his only bogottoi ur- son, that whosoever believet,h on hirr ny might not perish but have cverlastinj d life." It was a good subject for thi new year and also for the new preacher We believe that, too many preachera make a mistake in preaching too muel ~nd condemnat.ion and not, enough love re- That they d well too much on the terror and punishments and not enough o love. The bible tells us that God i love and we believe more good would b ls- done by preaching this love, just as th hat preacher did on Suinday night than b ere d welling on the punishments whic [me follow sin, and the terrors of hell. the Mr. Herbert is a very pleasar speaker, he uses good language and a o. 1 times is eloquent His sermon Su'nds night was far above the average an and had much meat in it. He gave yt 100. ..mething to take away home with y< e d to think about after you got.ther fol. The Herald and News extendui M Herbert and his family a heart,y we mna, come to Newberry and is willing Jar- help) him in any way it can. uing Deceber1' IRRIED). Deemer27th, 1808, by Rev. M Childs at the home of the bride now Greenwood, S. C., Mr. Eugene Smi bf. and Miss Lula Girk. They will ma their home in Newberry. for December 28, 1898, by Rev. John buy Long, Mr. Herbert Hlughey and M Dalelia Stondemayer, b)oth of Pei ftf Levington aCounty. U( lngC a partner comr :k in the Flynn's the dead partner, Sacrificed! GOODS no money refund EN'S CA roof put on his barn and stables. The little children are quietly wait ing for old S-inta Claus tu come. While times are very hard and money scarce we hope the little ones will not be forgot ten. This year Christmas is a very eventful day. It only comes now and then on Sunday. it has been an old custom to celebrate Christmas day in a Jollyflcation way of shooting guns, hunting, driuking dram, dancing and many other sinful ways which is all very unbecoming in celebrating the birth of our blessed Saviour. Now we trust. as those two holy days combine this year the minds of every -living soul will be concentrated to God in thanksgiving and praise. Not only for the Sabbath, but especially for the gift of a Saviour who was born into this sinful world asa Redeeming Power for all our sins and shame if we will re pent and believe on Him. Now we trust that every soul who reads those words will direct their thoughts ae cordingly and let this be a Christmas of prayer instead of sport and vices. It is well to say that there has beent more grain sown this fall and winter than we have known for the past. 15 years, espccially wheat, without saying a word about cotton growers associa tion. This evidently moans less cot ton in 1899. We can solve the pro, lems of raising less cotton in .a few words. The whole secret is to raise more to eat, and make less debts. The farmers need no further advice along this line; they are fully educated up to the fact and will put the whole thing into practice another year. The young folks ofthis and surround ing section enjoyed a dance at Mr. Thos. F')ps' recently. These warm, rainy days are very fa vor'able to the graiin crop, :but- we feat it will result in some spoilt meat. In conclusion we extend our besi wishes t; one and all as a ChismttaE gift aud may peace, love and prosperity redound upon each one's head is the sincere desire of your humble servan1 Cnips. How sad it is to think that this wvii be the last time for Chips tQ write foi the publie in 1898. F'arewell blessec old year and good-bye dear friends hop ing that we may all be spared to me the new year with renewedl energy ani blessed hopes for a iprosperous 1899). December 22, 1898. CH Ws. Ilurgetit Tribo SImproved Order Red Men,of Newberr; held an election last Thursday nigh for ollicers for the ensuing year, whici resulted as follows: eSachem-P. J. Voss. Senior Sagimore-J. M. Taylor. aJunior Sagimore-S. G. C'artor. P'rop)het-U. Klettner. Chief of Records-W. A. Young a J. M. (Iuii nn-Collector of Wamnpumi J. HI. ar- eprof Wampum. a Shooting scrape. On Saturday night a shooting scrap took place bet,ween Jesse Gilliamn an n Will D)ouglass on Main street. C rather we should say that, Jesse G illina was shot three times in the head an n neck by D)ouglas. We do not kno about what, the qluarrel began. D)ou :las was arrested and is now in the Joel .- up. Gilliamn was att,ended by D)r. Ja HI. McIntosh and is st,ill lIng. TrI1E WORLD) F'AM iiD n Bee-Hive of Bargain as MTANDS AI[HMAD OiF A LL G. U~1R IM ME'NSE P'URCH AS'S Ei ' aFnbles us8 to offer. indutcemennts 1 iyond tibe reach of all possible compe ie No offers of competition can stem t ed tide of customrs~ drifting from t to upper to the lower end of Main strx where the Bee riive of Bargains 1 0 furls its banner and challenges or and all to SME~ET 0111R LOW FillIH ie 1,000 Bargains ar in within the reach Lso of all. e a Living, Walking Advertisers "n( Our Talking. ast Remember it's last6,000 Miles to the nort. storo that, Soils 'good ,,S. cheap as we do. who So (10 your trading with ""- O. K LE T T NER, The Fair and Square DeaF Ut )els the immediat Cash Store AT 0 Shoes Sacri SACPIF3 ed during this salE LSH ST4 Columbia Busini COLUMBIA [hstablislhed The vz.- and incron ing business ntoi 601vicO of thousands of exports which n the ranks of the young peopl . Tiey i and consequently live in luxury and a come from that class of the young poopl litorary edue ition. The iim of the ..COLUMBIA BUSIP is to prepare young ladios and gontloiut Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Com Arithmetic and all Coi that apply directly to the businoeue affai No old tino co)ying methods aro recogi and Shorthand courses are the most nj best businesm men. They securo and istart to finish. Our graduates ire full) , position and are sulpplied with places specialty in securing our graduates goo done in this matter. The College has r any time. Board very cheap. If you Shorthand education, send for our free sired. Address, W H. NEWBERRY, M. A., Pre irof. S. J Y)4.rrick Weiin. The ischevous litt.le fellow, the God bf Love, has been busy during the i'ecent pat, in playlinlg havoc wit,h the heaIn of young people. lie wounds, however, only to heal at, Hymen's Altar. P1rof. Sidney J. Derrick and Miss Mary V. Hiller were quietly married at tie liome of th bride's uncle, Mr Jam es 11 Hendrix, on Wednesday afternoon, December 21, 1898, by the Rev. J. G. G raichen. T1he happy coule ileft, the same' aft.ernoon on a tour t.o .several cities. They :will mnake New berry their home. T1he best wlihes ot the Dispatch i's extended to them for -their pro<per'ity' and happiness thirough life's journey.-Lex ingt on D)ispattch. Decemnber 28. 1'rof. andu Mrs. D)errick have arrived in Newberry. The 1IIrald and News extends comLra'tuiatIion)s, atnd wishes t,hem at hiappy journ13iey rh life. A fNNUAL MEFTING. rpL1' ANNUAL MI'CI'TING 01'' A.the st)iIohlers of theO NaJt,ioniL Banttk of Newberry, Sout,h Cariolina,. will he bh in t,i. bank onl 'IiCITuday Janut atry 10, 1899, at ii ('clock a ms. Tr. s. D)UNCAN, 1 (lCash ir. 'hD '~1#T1013 SRB U' IN O N TIllE li'T' MOND)AY IN Fe'bruary, 1899, 1 will sell before t,be coturt, house att NewYher5ry, all that, e tract of land consuaiing 10ighity-Se ven d Acres, mnore or le'ss, atnd hound1ed by ' lanuds of D. H. Wheeler, Beonet Connel n ly, .lamses 1'ulmer and ,Jamsi W Vaita. d TIy.aMs: Cash. I 'uschaser to pay for wpapers sand sitam ps. MitS. L, MI. COUINTS, ~Administratr, x of the estate of J1. L. ~*Counts. i. D. DAVENPORT, S (O111cc underlasw ohliccof M. A. Carlisle) I will hlanle tIl hsOesonl ti .e various b)ranll ''s of tai(<hu d e Grado Fertiizr mauftr Sphate Company of Columbia, SS, (I. I f' you want~ good ci op& Granby Fertilizer, Congaree Fertilizer, a High Grade Acid Phosphate Columbia Diss. Bone, dGerman Kait. Will.keep a suppIly ofa t,hese on hand, and will sol , them n m iost liberal terms Call and see me before0 yo buy. . ID. Davenport Clo! Death of of the entire sto4 up the estate of Clothir ..DPEY or ||Positively FLYi Asachana Chapel and Union Academy hipG As was stated in our recent letter Union Academy school observed Arbor Day on Friday last. When we made this statement we didn't know that there would be anything farther than -the setting out of trees and flowers and a general improvement of the school yard. Still we notice a few days pre vIous to this that our little Chips were learning speeches, but as Friday is generally speech day at school we never took the least thought of an ex hibition to take place. Our teacher is so full of work that she intends to sur prise us in every respect in the way of expanding the minds of our children. We went to the school house about 1 p. in., and when we got there we found a good number of the patrons had already come and together with the larger scholars they were all busily at work setting out trees. They all seemed to be very much interested in what they were doing. The work went on until there were twenty trees and a number of flowers transplanted and the rocks and the trash removed which made quite an improvement on the school yard. After the work was all over the bell rang which called us all in the house. Then came surprise. The scholars were' all seated on- the front seats near the rostrum and Mise Bessie 'ose and asked the patrons tc please excuse any mistakes that mighl occur in the exercises as she had on!, taken about four days for practice. Then the following programme wi taken up and carried out to an utter surprise of all present: Song by sdhool. Welcome address-Thurston Gall man. Concert., recitation- dolly - Ltsa4 Beard, Lula, Maggie, Beulah and Ma mie Bobb, Lillie Belle Epps, Blanc Gallman, Etta Franklin, Lula Long Julia and Lillie May Moore, Essie Wil son and Lula Kinard. A boy's complaint about butter Robert Moore. Our flowers-Dosia and Edwin Epps Nolan and Lawson Long, Ella Kinar4 and Bernice Moore. Jolly M iller-Lawes Gallman. Holenlinden-Vassall Gailman. Tableau-Too hot, by Freddie Gall man. Essay-Trees, plants and flowers b, Dosia Epps. Awful-Joseph Wilson. What I love to see-3ernice Moor< Tableau-A basting thread, by Ell Kinard and Holland Wilson. The blue and the gray-George Gal man. Children's. wohk-Carrol and Col Wicker, Freddie and Lawes Gallmnai George Holland, Jamnes Long,-Hollan Wilson, Alonzo Kinard, Olin Plestei Willie Beard, Wilber Epps and Curt Rikard. Why do people smoke-Eddie Enlos Tableru-The little Cook, by Juli IMoore. Cold water-Nolen Eppa. Dialogue: The key-George Gallme and Eddie Enlow. Jimmie Butler and the owl-Nol< Epps. Song by the school. This ended the exercises on the pr grammne. Trhe patrons had selecti the following names which trees we dedicated in honor to thenm: The Ho T 'hos. W. Keitt, the founder of tl school district; School Sup,erintende of Education F. W. Higgins; Gee. SCromer, President of Newberry C ,loge; the Hon. Arthur Kibler; a s then one to each teacher who h ri taught since the foundation of t 5 s6hooi: Miss Lilian Glenn, Miss Enu e Scott,-Messrs. John C. Turner and e A Mills and the last one to our prest y efllcient teacher, Miss Bessie Doi h nick. The school was formed in.cir< around each tree and Miss Blessie act t as dedicator of all except the one t herself which she called upon Chips y act. This ended the work of Arn d Day at Union Academy and all wi u home seemingly p)roud of what u done. May each tree and plant 11 . and grc w andl as the trees grow in s . may the children grow tenfold mnore - knowledge and the cords of union b o the teacher, patrons and dhildren al closely together that they may all 1: school of union by the ties of love affection as well as by name is the p: r' ing words of Chips -during the in school week of 1898. . th Miss Mary Sligh returned home Ce Sunday. We are glad to note that Mrs. G J. Livingstone and Mr. W. M. Bobb, ss were quite sick last week, are at ,,what improving. I .e e Closing Out NCE to settle ficed! :OED.. h at )RE. lss College ! , s. C. 1894.] -prisos of our country require the ust constantly be recruited from LIways receive the largest salaries nouco. But these recruits must 3 who havo a good business and lESS COLLECE.. in for just such pAacos as these. inercial Law, Commercial iiuercial Branches rs of life, are thoroughly taught. iized in our Sohool. Our Business )dorn and are endorsed by our hold the studooet interest from quaitlied for holding any buainess whenover desired. We make a d positions and will not be out o vacations. Students can enter are interested in a Business or catalogue, mentioning course de. .,- COLUMBIA, . G. Sensible and Serviceable Christmas Gifts. h&ioson's is th k to Buy Thor. We are ILmakihg a display of the set - dcable, as well as beautiful t,hings for Thrist.mas gifts. These are goods for >crsona il wear and adlornmtent. We show the newest and best crea blons in Neck wear, .11k IIandkorchiefs, Goldi( and St,erlag Mounted Susisendet s for gent,lemen. We havo cyerythir g appropf)riat.o for the holidaiy trado. \Ve take this occasion to extend e'ir Christmas greet,ing to our many cus* t,omers9, and1 wish them as well a happy anld prosp~erouis New Year. Christmas Goods! We are receiving new goods almost every day, and offer them at reasonably low prices. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver and Silver-plated ware, Spectacles, Eyeglasses and Cut Glass and Silver Novelties. Dolls and Toys of every description. Come and examine my stock. EDVARD SCHOLTZ, The Jeweler, Opposite 11. (, Williams'. Slop tliat Hack I Before it ms too late. The time to tackle a coild is whien it is just begin ning. A bottle of Rlobertson's Comnpound Congh Syrup if taken at ihe right time will save you a sever illniess. It gives instant relief from that disagrooale rawvness of the Sthroat that comes' with a cold, and is in no way unrpleasant~ to take. It's price is only 25i cents a bottle, and is manufactured and sold at RiiO BERT'ISON & GI1LDER'S Drug Store. Rtemembher we cant satisfy all your -o ther drug store walnts.