The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, December 02, 1898, Image 2

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IC. t. AN JN (4V0. 1 The Chroniel hias recelvedit a14 lttt.r ro1n Mr. Saiinel W. "oodu of At 13an11a, Ct-losinly I t ,e Vwritten bly Mr. G. S. S00ilid, at New Yorker who settled in Georgiat on a -1,UOU Ucre fain in Lownides Coun iity, and who writ- '.as hs v\11.s peri,en1 to the "DIroverS' JOUrmi-n1I" of Chilago. Schlo field declares that for one who is fatimil lar with the \\est anld Soth , it, is ill CollIWClVeiensbl h1ow 1th1e IWopl of the North pass over ihe SOuIt Ih at m1ost dC s IredyI. i. the CVelmtlltS of becoinuinig at fir ht sht o (tk ck try w \itio tmit alny of the dianhatvk tthat bello. to the W est. -\lr SehllI-id dcul.rcs thitt. m1anly tholl'alld catle aro shippe- d fromtl Georagia to be failttned ini ti \\'et amtil bold in tihr ( 'hica.-m ,arket at, a 12o0d TOlit. bo t e<(iu are C 111 0Y they ht not t-h 11 iloro prolitably hr htt.te in t.hec South wiere the (.ifiate is t-tr atid the footd is juist, ais -otd and chitlaPtIr. M i. 'Stbtolied I h aiows how \atablk. food for vat.! goes to wasto cvery Ylear, in Ueorgia, and how stock atmy te fat tene.d 1upon what, oill- fatr s throw awa%V y. ile says: "I itave several tni tdred Ieadtl Of Str': onl ntat il al ras piarturta it' riow ing aml tat d int il. One froil a binith turn-1eti inlto aftt -f'd. mo'stly 'g'ar weed,' I ave wteiit' Itt the nid of vachi \eek. li h-vr are t lie weignts ftr ftt- wte-k : Stat'rted wit ht 7~a I)OUn S. \t H the en4d of lte it week , wei Il l - 7l.-:v-.mdt , SIV : third, 89-7: Imil-th ,7,.2. lie i, _i , rowving1. \\here voul I do bottcr? Cattile call live hle1 thro0uhtunMIt thO winlter with out htl!p. W hert van th-y di titll: it the WIL'ty1" ir. SthllIichl !.ayVs thuit after living_ int Seve.tll, N Ort hc rn Siatti, t left ChaicagLoza, wlere t, -vas at leibier Of the hoaird of tralt., with braktn health aind detlares that "if otil-half of IthI' enec--y put foritl in the 'NoArt-t it) likt-p warin, t ltl bll l' ta'n d int I ill. Ih in thil- pr(ldne ion of Ihll in.eewarIli, stof life. tht whabtit \w .rh wI' lld - t ill."d wit t wo th'r1 tt tiet result." .\Irv. Gomtle soppleml tl! .\lv. scho fi t tld's hett' wit somt](' vaitUthtlt ft1iS about tho possi lit il-; of t-:a v a rt ir n if) Geot;ia, adi tth.-cat's that the p .litie in j stork raiin! in I;e rgia art .a'll latsily to b t m..i*aUred. His h-tt-te ada t' 01 thei114i-lCi ai f It O f Ct11 1n 1a tt 11i Ilata " atIl't t 1 '. f:1-11 ers and -tt i\ illt - S a tlt n ion t) i(ood 'on1i foral yt! c Iro-ps and t hlfa 'it of a l . T he l lter i; lit' ly i t r I ill. vaIlilbl alidt! litthi I n t;titlil tIte-id byItt iuatr t' ia I 1 tl hiea- qilt. It ' wix ll be ftm l i t e ni t-ht St l'raitl " Ia ve l( looi\ I It))!r I I I h inl IthIis StaIt- ,' ayts (.11 it at. N\ le 'ori ek. tIe If ti lh Nortitrl ai ers itha t. it at.. "to liant .hilatat y i i le t d f4ir ti, s -ll naice ti i v t)nfor. (if 1111 t ll ' be wrd need w it.hin it e Wit1en ever the peoph Of ieorgla imakt iup I,hei, i la t.o tiwr on this, li ;- it Sttt Will b On hell br-(oa I aLd 1 t ' t tuut t , pros lt ity3. Inl uc alit Statl tS te, with (ui' vait.oed r tsour.k.c. and mtr passwd clift ti.e, fari- i t t. Ollpi t Io be prOSP r4 u bty t lt hier if' il ay olt.ilt f tockc raisini.a is prW it ;al ifl (;vor gia WI ly woI llhl it t not,( l able i KuPith ('al-oliait? The fact. . we b Ive it wmdd be profitlab lin it th is State, amld havo lon)'- beenl of tlln- ()p:n1 I thlat. Itta o e,tock farm tpe aly t ducte0d ill N(!wh0rV V o nt ('111 cOild heI nade to 1i. N'. We haVte nWidr 1t4td why SOMe Of uIrla fIat imae Vsae ioot tid wit i. E'vcrything we eld for tHi So-temu-.e fatm tandtif ther'ae wailt ftirt tlan htockti .telli. when' th i n t'2ithe wa'litttd'a. gnit ttheol figtt. atol we it w.s foulu itiat (ihe as iagttng a butcen olyit atetbe hiaetsleftind mu ttn fiihe wold tile iav Wltlh tde. tI'rot We wititat to iesify, and wtte feeilit t.ha fae god I sotfart wouhly be ta agooa wotayillt t h ery Thatekata toubl tin the waylct I) tha,it takeiilsitsomt ofpta wthe e hi h utosat. fWtte wouild Slat Ihea to keep sme ane tart..ttn n i t a dout setems tt at,t ea will huv t e n. t,en,awtouir't iresent schodes. \ A10 ti.fret abtowhe'y h\tu. \Veii speak) itr r.l-ly ea'. fto Newher'ry Ituuch ele wer111e a trul fre 11Vighyt'i andt made its orto co efromu Cehimbitn on the klid ot accomtdai t . ionst i t tut' in the freigtht, tan g ie verytita ittle ut iinduc ment,. rITefegtwrhvery I' tr litt -log(i U as ai 8411Te(1 1eac 1 Witnunissiershavet aboVut, competa e ta hira dorkean th te Sttpanti necede Ito i th t topsiioIs ft'he te tcasl in)'Ci every. fart.ieular. Itt wi ot btereesar forz 'lt.he Unied V St.e tom dota many. of tevlteersN. wIil b mtered olut..'- )tgMoe U I'scovered/A bylt. a4)4 woman.vty ot nothe rateatdsovrdabe ma Iadthat,too,r byl aiadt. ti co~'uty. "Diease fastened ihts lutRiches upon~a hle anIfr evn easahtwih stoodl its seaerett ttt s,f. but etvita Qorgay weeunemieaddet sleep.iSh frnally o<leoveedka to of Dr Kings Ne D. iovery forCn sutntio, an wa somuchreleve Iteso Fron It,. Pamul'.t WVe are havinl"iteg irtgIt wI in tvr weath oi. The weuithi.r is just. right for butch) ing hors. We . w11 e ijoyingpld ding iland sauage. Mr. A\11drews, o;f Patir-feld County, 1*s In this comimnit,y bilying vlati,v. MIrs. IEilingtol, of PaILjil(d CouOity, is visiting her neee, NIrs. Ella I3den Atessrs. .1l1 nstole & A'leyers, of Now b.rry. have some very file "drovc bo"S." We know whereof we sipeakI for wea lreui nnle ourself a present, of one. Our schoo! is prog)resii n:I n iely. WeC have Anli ciroltlinenit, of mlloro t.hat thir t,y. The School observed Flriday aS A rbor. Illay. The tevaerl anld pupils plai ted somne Lres, bul, h aven't, ittied theml yet.. 'I'e followi,ing is the Honor Roll of St. Pl'l st11.-ol for t i mol ending N embri- 25, 18118. The requiremienlts :Lt'( that. thet studentL 'hall linaintainl an1 av ()ge ofl t pr (ent,, a1t4 not htve lilore t'hlanl live ahellees dur-i g the i\'on A 1fie i aliintine, 111a '\ta e A J-. fledenhbalig-hl, I Iatrive lktvlhalba-h, terley lilinhaugh, I,euh Hednbanh,k.ssie,inlg, IN fus Eptiir, Ile'm iibler, L'iek Kib h't', AU't ur11Loal, Iha lie Slighl, tIueile S'ighi. Wouhl ik to hivar frot Chips since hl atteinh-d the State V"air. I knlow he hat, inachvl to t'.ll :boult what, he saw dill-in, I:; i wc ilk's s at. the Fair. Do L.'ll 11.1 all 'ollf, if,. Ch ips. .\li. D it. Klihl r has been ill and cmill-d to l-r lid (or Soveral days, hi1 WC l'l ghil 9) St.t thtt she IS il - prioving. Wc are nmw getting. ;5 velnts for -ot. toll, tho, firIt thli. svasonl. There is bt.t ;;11: I lbliort. t(i stl-1 ht ha- takcenl about all in lilt-vt Ile obligal ions lade tile li :-t of I h ye:i'. N ov. '9. 1,S'.1'. ' . onope.: . - I w .llow a it ' - t (IIve c il. i i b I i I I liial1i1y S hIi(dII I e l st1p.. 11ick I wit h ' v vIIII I v) ny' I Ile for its r ih-f1. It i: with11 11 ; p 'sur ni i pui sh 41 I 'te I'l i l II.: ' -T ' is-Iis I erti fy that S w a I rI I slt e r illere Nr 't ' l t 0l .:a1eh 1o oe six ' Snn ts, d waS isae y S mnw of the bcst phys.i% i t 1i Iir Ii a y I ItI I i v il i ,\11 t1 t, wqi ent l l . I bt Iw dake rte ph'nsbe tiil 'e'eiill(n li S )ien t j !tIC pvrs"i -lid led li g f his telltrib'i -Zold bY 1obl. rls(m &: 4'ihdt-l ai,d WV. E,. NOSMI111 CAOFIN ELEGTN1A1tV Itll'si,4, or 1 siew it Daltilm o i ALt-ikliim N si' ui i' ( tcil . a s, lits te I'e uis'ni of N 'w tii haior Voo. , Co' layor A4is 1i4i1n of tho Symimse 3 ii ux -alls, S. I)., Nov. 2). -4'11a1 rcturnI'ls ha.1 beeiitcn r-ccei vv( from Lte \ariouj s c '.a tivs on 111te conititui-ional 51111(1 hn1114.n t 1 s iinlitt(ld li t, the Iv it ch clionl. Wmnl s1l.Yra-0 Ws dveatted by .nd ithe South Cau'olina d, pensa.'ry s-ysternl by uI:,: whilv thlt! inl itIint i \e and retfe-rendinil has beenleaIri rVh'd bY a (uju I rty fa l ittc e vvr 6i,00o. T rOPantELANrD Bnronns (votI8ole at1( t ee.IOn.(I 1tiC ' 0 lis 1ta((.iiy ;VN h a i't :in iih lVtionI 1 w itlle seld o si tilt ed, 'ite ot hvs' (styi of I, er gg(ogtps I tes 11, (h C onlt ishamberot', i the Iitswn otiewes y ( s' is. i.,4 fo Mayr I uitR Ahlirm)in (of ihe,111 saik '-wn, tos Ito.r f iublit Wors, 1tokIi sev fo sx a.) t, i mIt elis at Sbri'coc p. mi . Th lowing named persons wu. (ev ao'1 s I'maIers of aitletinto .t ID. W.' T.' ibler, ('o i. f,argfrd an I Iettvvibtog 1. fril 1. to At 25. G oods 2 od t owr ri. than5 lifer'io g)ods aret sol Te baestte t is alw y ji cheapet--e. 11tock,is ttnrel tse, of'ry (alo odsI itressh fl(l > 1 ds, t') thi00, fiOh log to at illIa w i d o~ t s. eeusC bod r XtJnsiry , brelle,rMac 8nos (1. Biliousness 10 caUsed by torpII liver, WhCI provents diges tion and permits food to ferment and putrify In thto stomach. Then followv dizziness, hcAach, Hood's Iinsomina, nervotsness4, nudc', It not relloved, billoms fover S or blood polsonhig. Ilood's 12111s Stimulate the stomarlh, rouso the liver. cure hleafhelio, dizziness, con. stipatloti, eto. 25 ce nt. Sol by all druggists. The only P1111 to take with Hoo's Farsapari"la. AMITY LODGE NO. 87, A. F. M. A RXOULA RCOM M UN ICATION of Anily Lodgf-, No. 87, A. l. M will le held IIIxt Mllnday evenilg at 7 00e o'"lok, in Insonili Hall. Vialtiug brethrell (11rdially welcollned. A roill latnace is desirt-d as tho allu-0 eletion of oflleers will he held f and the M. M. Degree conforr, dI. A. U JON ES, W. M. .1. U. M. KINARD, Hecretry.' Remember :r P That the Book Store is 01 al the place to get your 0 (hr1istmas presents. We I have a full line ofI Pictures, 1 Dolls, Musical Instru ments, and Books, w it For tho Christmas trade. p V4 tv Fancy Goods )f all kinds. U i ve us a call before buy- i ilg. We will take pleas- J11 111( Ill."lII.Vi1('~yOU11,d 1ur0 inl showing yu what wo have, whether youl buyN or nlot.i J. K. GILDER BOOK STORE. N Arriving daily. Our stock of 14 I)roH.4 Goods and Trimmings is v now vomplete. In our J1 Notion Department - You will findl vorything up-to- tO danto. In our I Domestic Department ?I You will find overything at the th, k west prie'O t hat they can be th Hold fdf0cn6h, Shoe Departmeint. W~e hmave a nico line of cheap Shioes at prices that defy comn We Invite A 1'>verybody to call and look at ourI goods. before buy)'in g. Weo guairiatee polito attent.ion to ll. PKWo have adopted the CASH ati SYSTICM, therefore we can give lit you closo pI)cos than ever bo fore. Yours to pleaseO, Of' Davenport & Renwiel -- ~-- - i tol CANNON & MIAYES, " Mansion House Steam L. aundry,= NEWBERR Y 5 C. I .J. Oel oa r Ad bet ni our iatundr'y mel(thods. We use Na iothlinlg but the puir&est washiing ma- con oriala', or anything that will hurt (1Id lie finest fabric. Your shirts, col- h rar, ouil's or anything sent here to 111( ac lundored will Iast as. long as by TI omo1 meiIthlods, andI wo (do not fray an hie edges of your lineni, or br'eak the wh n.Itton haols, buIt,-I'nd it homo1 in its natitlo beauty. A. A. O ATI ros pri.. r..:. P LANT LIFE, to be vig. orous and healthy, must have Potash hosphoric Acid and Nitrogen. 'hese essential elements are o plants, what bread, meat and vater are to man. Crops flourish on soils well upplied with Potash. Our pamphlets tell how to buy and apply irtiizers, and are free to all. GERIAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., NOw York. ..BUY AT JONES... I often hear this retark tinide by' y lends, and the reason of it is that the o)le are learning inore antd more Pery day, that it pays to trade at my ore. I keep a good-selected stock of iolce )ry Goods, Notions, lats, Dress Goods, Shoes, el'vets, Capes, Jackets, Ind vrwear, Hosiery, Glovc:, landkerchiefs, lil)bons, 1aces, Einbroideries, "Irunks, Ialises, Satchels, Umb1rellas, )d sell I lien at close on to Wholesalet rices, imt thf-re Is lo wonder we arle Isy. The Merehants of Newberry, 11metimlie ago diecovered that iy store tis a wlholesale Wtore, for the people io bought at retail for family uw aid is Is why you har themt say so nviiy (118'llt things about m11,1. I have a -ry kitnd feeliig for the nill; life is 0 short to wase it hav,ig IlIl will ,ainst my neighbor; but it i.4 aigainst y priniciples to make big profits, and ill conitinue to 1rlve tho people MORE 0IIANGE an any other store in town. r have 4t re0cei ved a large lite of New Capes, -w Makiitoshes, Now Drcss 4onds, -lt, Ot1tiln an4 1ti lan Ouels and in). te you to cmut antld See them. LMCM JUNES, Thle Peoples Stort,. New berty, 8. C., Nov. P, 1.8118. otice of Final Settlement and Application for Discharee. 01P"ICE 18 1I-1GREBy 0IVEN til. t le tuildersigned, Is A1dm1in ,ralor with the wi!Pl unvexed of L.-1. iia C. Bo zer, decensed, will maike e fitil set (lelkeIlt of fli! F.ktat of thf Id (teeised, biefire W. V. Iodges, Idge of Probate for Newberry Cout 8, Sout Carolina, on Monday. the nieteeth day of [Decem er, 181J8, alt i ('clock in the orenloon, and immre tely t hereafter will apply to t he said dige (Jr i'robalte for his~ dischaarge fronm liability uin account of,0 ori Oinonec mi withI, tihe 31( saidEtate. All pe~rstos h av ing (1temsands oin.. 13 said Etate tant pr(esent suchl, on then Cout1 of Probato for thle sai 01nty, or he baurredi frlom elaimtinrg mlinst the uindersignetd JN 1. M. KIN AR D, Iiintistrattor with t,he wviii annuexedt 3f Li. C. Rb< z/er, deceai'tsed. November 17i h, l89)8. iministrator's Sale of Dank and Factory Stock. >Y VIRTUEC OF AN ORi)ER OF I the) Jude(1 of P'robate for Now beirry iaunty, I will eel I at publI c out 1ry, Newberry Court House, Mouth Caro 3a, (3n the first Mon'tday ini Diecembeor xt, the followh, g B muk and Facstory ock belongIng to the 1'itate of J. 11. iff, deoceased, 1(0 wit : F'ourteein Shiares Stoek of "TIhe Natihnal BasnkI of awherry, 8. C ," par value oIf oneO hun (d dtollara per' sr.; Fifteeni Shares Stock of 'h Newhierry Savings mnk of New herry, S (.,'' par valuei of ty do(liars4 per shiare; and( Mix teen area or st(i(k of "Thei Newbeurry' Cot SMills, par value of one hiund red liars per- share. rermn-, of nale: Cashi. D). H. RUJF'F 11mini strat or. or thle Persi'onal i'x ecu or of J1. H-. Ru ff, deceasedl. VIE OF FINAL SEWlLEMENT, W1ILh MAK(E A FINAL SET t lement. in lhe ptersonal (estalte of hi. Rull. dueeasedi, in the (tflce of the lige (f Probate of Newbherry Coluty, '1 hutrsdlay the 29n h day oif Decepi- C , 1898. All p)ersons having clims iltst, the esItate will present!tt themi on before1 t hat11 dayI. Those5 1Indebtedl to (311. estate I wimakl Rettlemnt on t hat G; as I wi.l ly fo3113r letters djbmis y as administrator v'r said( est ate. j D). a. RUFF, miiustrator of the estate of said de N OTICE.x Y VI RTIUE OF THlE POW ER given us ini theo will of Mlrs. ElIsa bi A. Williams, dlece-ased, we will at pubitlit ott. :, o3 nlesday Iin ntember', 1898, all and sinagular, a'1 1. tract or plhatat ionr of 1land lyIig b'eing sit in theo County (of t burry, State of South ('aroli na, lalning One H- tudred atid FourteenU )A cres, more or less, and bounded! anids of J. II. Williams, Mrs. D). H. eider, Mrs. M. Pogue, J. B. Neeli KIMs: Onie-thild (cash1 aid the l',91 l3ptyableu in (one und two years, it I'tr, at from dI y of sal', uI Itlnser to 3 for a pers. D) H. WVIL LJ aMM, entors of the Estaiteof E'izAabeth A. 'iltlim,s, deceased. ..COME... IN TO SEE US1 Wo invito you .because we ca mako you welcome. There is noth ing half-hearted in our methods. We haro pleased many peo pTo this season by selling then tho best goods at lowest prices con sistont with good values. Becaus we have the feeling of inward satis faction, we want more of the peoph of Newberry to tako advantage o the opportunity we offer them to ge the best.' When anything is desire< in Dress Goods, We show thom all the lates fabrics and figuros. Dry Goods, 'Staple and Fancy, in wide rang< of quality and prices. Trimmings, A great variety. to match anc beautify the most elegant cos tumnes. Cloaks and Capes, A beautiful line--elegant ma torial-splendid finish-fash ionable styles. Gloves, A lino that we recommond with satisfaction. Corsets, Popular models at popular prices. Hosiery, All grades at lowest prices and the best that can be purchased. Millinery, A specialty in our business made famous for taste and elegance of its creations. SHOES, "No Shoes like Mowers"-a now and true saying in this commu n*ty. It's origin is founded on fact-becauso our Shoes m-e sold on merit. We have Shoes for Ladies, Men, Boys, Girls, Children-Shoes for all-the best., the cheapest, the most elegant line of Shoes to be found anywhere. Come to the Mower Stores and buy the best. Yours with satisfaction, G, &G.S. MOWER Go. SALL Millinery.,, Come in and see our lie of EriniedHats Also Hats trimmed to suit you. Our Sailor and Nalkiqg Hats ARE GEMS. N YN' CLOSING We are Going i JANUAR And in order to do so, we Clothing, Shoes, . Furnishir to be closed out at price Big hic men's heavy top shirts at .20 Wool Iuderihirts reduce(t to .25 Heavy cotton u1nderslirts reduced to .20 Heavy drill drVIawers .20 Big line men's alyLboys caps at .15 Women's dougola shoes, mnumbers 3 and 4, at .50 Women's heavy shoes .50 Big stock of fen's, Yoi to be sold at a big cut in prices. In We want to turn tbe stock into cash b do it we will cortainly be successful. Yours r T111 NEWBERRY Cl IT WILL I TO FIGUI R0IoBlER'ihT -YT" -01 High-Grade Marble am Furniture and House Mattings, Carpets, Rug --AIA" UNDERTAKING IN ALL Orders for COFFINS I of the day LEAVELL - & - SPEE NEWBERRY --. Th Dest FOR THE LEJ Come and examine t convinced. Great bargains in Men's $10.00, worth much m Mackintosh Overcoats cost you $5.00. Bettei money. Men's, Boys' and Chilc that everyone can affo We have something in E wonderful for the pricE Well., as to Carpcets, the strictly all-wool Carpe beat in the world. @@eRememiber, wet sell you Como andgsee $1.00 a year - . FOR 1 Among tho specia A NEW SERIAL BAY RIUDY THEF LAT By Miss Ida 1 THE NAVAL SIDE OF THE WAR, A TEEclRAPH OPERATOR'S AND ADVENTURES Contributions by the highest authc Science, Invent io~ Emibracing articles A Plunge in the Diving Torpedo Boat Submnarine Navigation I'he Kito in Modern Warfare olographing Without Wires Vhe Marvels of the Sea SPLENDID SHO0 They will come from Rtudyard Kipling Roboit Barr William Allen Wh ite John A Hill lamlin Garland Cntolitff Hyi stoephon Crane Morgan Robi shamn F. Bullock Clinton Ross We salli publish a number of very ilso a unumber of those *.hort, crisp, dran ur readers have cofme to know as a spec TWH, Sa Sa McGLil 200 East 2t11 (EW YORK CITY JUT SALE lut of Business Y ., 1090, have a very large stock of Hats, and Gents' ig Goods s never hoard of before. Good quality boys shoes, 3s to 5s .75 Mon's high out brogans, solid leather .95 Men's boots, good length and solid $1.35 Good white unlaundered shirts,'re duced to .15 Extra good quality white unlaund ored sbirts .30 ilk's & Chidren's Sits fact everything in the store is to go. y January lst, and if out prices will Como in and hoar our prices. espectfully, OTHING COMPANY, :)AY YOU M. WITHI LEAVELL J Granite Monunients, Furnishing Goods, is, Art Squares, Etc, to-. OF ITS BRANCHES I 7illed at ANY HOUR or night. RS - OLD - STAND, - - -- - -S. C. i~ OOS LST MONEY. hem and you will be Overcoats, at $3.50 to ore.. ~or $1.50 that usually ones for a little more Iren's Suits at prices rd tc, have a new suit. ~lank(ets that is simply s asked for them. y are away down. A t for 50c. Can't be good Goods at a low price. MAGAZINE -- - 10. a opy 399 I features are ARD IP.~LNO ER LIFE OF LiNCOLN. ri. Tarbell B3Y CAPT. MAHAN. LIFE-REAL EXPE~RIENCES rities on now developments in 1, Exploration descriptive of U'nsolvedl Problems of Astronomy Life ini the Deopost Mines WhatA aery is .Doing in theI rho Telescope-Pictures by Tele graph IT STOR?IES nich writers as Sarah Orne Jewett Octave Thanet risonaE esarnwell Eliott Ellen Glasgow striking storios by new writers, iatie episodes from real life which ~al feature of McClure's. RE COMPANY, t Street. NEW YORnu