I Mo., Slow ~ Y o. bel ;iII . hWto .! he bn - lor t' o. 1 1 W1 1 t oil\ i 4111i I i l w ' 1 t tNI l K 1op i w - iti 4 I XA I Al"i 11 W N 11.. )l..'te :ii h:1 I . A 1 1 i . ! -. * oi v. I. \Vtil. I 44 I.. ti - '' du 4 . , I. 6ii I I .-i' e4 il II 4'4- t.1 lo4 i' I- le l . I t, 4 1'ii. II n li m- hear444. 414I, .4'1h I '4 i44 4. -. I! - t 4l4a t , .14 4' 2a i nli' h';4h-' lI4 Iin 44' 4444 144'n n j.. 44. . Ii 4' 4rle14 :' o-' 4 l 4 l 4 444 b4 ul!!thesonb4-4bu re:44 44 h4 to4 in- 444i. . 4:,. i41 14 - -4 144' 1.41 till 4 44 i~4l 4: 'l \\a 414 442 b14i , I : ' I4''4 I t4',- 444 'I'ii' I:I444N.4,44, .4.444, 4.~,4 ~4 ~~ 4 ., .lI14'pre4,14, .4444'. I4i 44 .'44~' !. 144 I4'444. b'ut~ 111444', il ~44.t44~' 4 J li 41 "'rii '', (h S t. 14' 144 1)4 il '14 54 l4l44 ..li 44 14 1 44 ( Auttu 8 144 15 I,i til.'| 54.4444 i44j44 PariIs,o 1144 be 10.It'h 'tI4'e 14 1'.mm tuab'Ofy 'mushes P4I,J4o the h etr3 ,e Bi ish S ct rt 444ry (of St41: at 'if. tii he 14. 1 \\re l64. 1144'S-. 4t,seet II,.. i.ta~ ty is.' t ', i ', %1 ltoir 141 ,-- t t' 1 -,- ill I i t h ,-t . '' *a1 It s - I I14 l' r. si II I nH .4 IIo.o 4 h \-lj'u1 I 44t 4 t N - ti :t.n- t ::rores 1, b.' -, 1 4h s Iih., 44 4 ,4 11 ra. . . Vi S, wilsl 1 ' Irm Iv. 1:h . I. . 1 h- .riIi Iom t .n ut t i t it I t, .ninr :I oi- 1i b ih . 1 ,W ns Willj4~ ' 'A'1 I11 4111 ljI Il Ie'. 1 t~~~~~~ hif i a .: . \a, 44', ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t I4 I '1'I- I 1. 4'1'4 fs u r a , ig , el III.., It hS ".,u e r. h s tr .l c 1m - 1131 1 . ... :i II .It w of -. I Ii u't )It' i it Iu \ y ll t )t. .4' r:.b I :S- (4.t . Ai , th I t. . ' i :l1.141h..t,IwhgI b i,,4a I hint on t fo m Ibli's A ho c.. . .h. . .a , ralr h ' Itctt't I i 111t4 I')vv. I - I. tota Iu of( I lit- h Ill 1111 - - ll. Ia> o foof im, w I f1, 441 . u l- I Is f Nl l I )iws - 11 1 :,' i ' Il ' i I .(I I --- lit d a oI'ts' I l--e i' g,sail, lnIe ......... tI t . .... ....... .. '.... .. 4..' al 44 I.n t4.4 f41 11 t fr41i'n I t')h1, \r IIa hII i te fo r 1.the enrr'ent4 y' ear,i'4t 14 . i.l til484 r hiit t I''iitlI.i l) . e asille asIloll 'ws 4'. 4 1111 144' . ...'......'lI....... ........ S .. . . . . :- t a~~. ....:...! .\j.a.s-. n 44'.44'1 1'1-01 1 J- I'1114I IS... . (1 n a n .-. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I e ia| l1Chin i iifoi I ht gt. ;I A t' I f I'ml It".u 1 1' ' 1.141411111 .. ' ............ ..... "4 ' .11 o b r 16-1ld arl ivv 4MIcers...J2.J16 \ali nilso : a11 l 'l 1 . 82a7iah I (ollpi.e1r of, I Ivert 11h14 m I de.srpton - m mi-~sl .) .i tollio sa II 4..in.- r. t om etimei hI II-r.- is i o regi in.-',ial C'lmnj.bui... 1:i t iiit., of j 11it .' t. i 1.4r % is vory bt b n m,me i-ef"Ir n liy f I ho millie s th- . o Ie illd e i v , list. I ..c i -- I k f lI lit S uamisht W r i r n . 1.. 1 1 1 m .ll .1 1hili 11n0e. h It 1 ' . I m.. '.01. 11 ti-I.I ItA lit I Alie'i- - i IIm'.s iII h, I iv6h.m wor, oin lam, i i 1-i , tg'. vrous le ivalryl rlil it'l 01 ri 1tl- il .IS Ff - r. -'Otin tr ' f, t hae n cid,s h Iti f,111 vt) 1114h-t, u'n-nl .ii .lr li .-r * r-l.i-li f i 1 l it largo tIllfil i r ittl i5i: 0-a Iii \ n's ,.j,g oi iam ' j i 11 . Ti., irgo list of lil i-i s'' Wole .str 10 igle tirilis f tle. \Vleoi-il on seinit utyi s-ve-ry win-re wiiil sici it , ,tlI,, Iy l ' lo ' - itlo- rir 1 VI a..I larb ri: E , ats mn hi r. nil-whos ) mllr let-iHolns lit. f . il I riI (111AS, f i t Iw .ill e in in iis tiie lst Il i trlilar itis tirl lous i It IN of tiw l of tho vo ti ry - -find t con gliah-ra!e number isiin o Ot Mlarcho 1e--Jvo of abInl, l W ashing tonl 1lil st, bgforo ths wILIa broko oit, thmwervillpproximatel[Y 100 o(licorm I'll doinibd svievicie of varioms in-ds. i ng'on asil fisignmIIIent, aro lyve nI(h O isnghlt af1dr b.1y.fIN' arm m e. ThO, 111illib-r Who SOVenr- them11 has1 grilly m' renlsd in lato ymars, aIIdn SO also ia thm of anuam rmmy ol VTS permammilly lueatvd at tithe Is eip itit. Tits outbrealk of tho war, h w.-e, insblitly ill]td ll rly aill t ie doisel,us i liS back t o, t hi conu iainmial,. tees girul Witi tho Adjti ant -1ne Limral's last atrm list thero aro also pritoed tho ens It ieaong otlicers of tho rlaI1lit r vstablish enirdt het woon arch 14 -and Angiist, 25 is officialily ro corded in his oivice. This covers the wilar period. Only thre ololic4er o signod, ono wats dropped, t.hirty-five diod of dismiso and twenty. four woro killi'd or dlied of Wounds reeived in) haittle, at total of 8ixty.thr-oncsul ( ie(s. This inluldos allso aill caslual tios it) thm rv(irod lint. It, is noct stat(od if tho viaancii-s from en14ual1 tiv.4 havo be-on filled by promotion0, hut. donhbtless mlost of 1them1 havo tvlit. Thero is litt-lo iluict.Iationl inl tho IMired list., but, whilo narrow, th filetcit ion is neovert,heless geonoratlly lin tho dirvect,ian of ox pansion. T ho inerontso from... 1897 to 18M8 was onkly ten The illis t ofintir. otierws of (I':Oluateir veern of) ther civ ill war, )inCed ont i the etirte liti by ctl of Military' Acagdmfor ili aV numbeer o loiitsO I asti iis lopvnintr following' Year,'01m l h CVl~vrhv 1)01 .... i ..... .......... r mo e, it i '.l'Ii reirel lis, i~1111( 0ti ref 82 imart bi.......s..n 10......... (15 It wtill beii n..''l 1ot thatC phried as daeetresog t8o4 Til eronel of anhex petarlrtin tat th1 orth-comingh Army -ot Igtof f ll sho,v~ aJ grete mernt that thae fpeedman re itynr.cWe causcs hvin ther oign h d p r hvod chsd cotoonrayetrly hc point istot ncrosr irlemo,iti Ovgm yerpoms inary takiuar alTars hao'sSanumbe ri llarso tEries tiht wilood,osdeal dmnShtalngtens thenetres, ThsrToed the is macphf onels,3 CrLetesan-aoloetit, Ene''rgtiznenandtsadi0 con TheSu eo June somyst uctiv fact relBin surte ptronnelth Yourfrie Onlm y Hmile ~ 1a a st .o "@Ot,t Vrieed Uhick.n . A well-known soutlhern divine has in li, villgrepation tin old colored iII w ,% l h.' great contidenco in hi" p11ator. Ono day Uncle Willie 01am into Iho doctor's study. "S.N ame4, sath," ho >aid, "butI'so comto to tlk wid you on a p'int dat p.-tors ilt% a ipowerful iight." \\ it is it, uncle," inquired the doctor, kindly. "Wstll, sahI l's' been gwino to yo' hi'vih fora. long timle, an' ben a Iryin' to do a ight." Ye1s n.le, % ou have boon very 161jIOL." "I 6.-r. st$, -ih, bit. hits been hut bard wik sometimes, an' do (Pil tar.-t koops at (uilin' and quil il' rotind iuo tell io most. tniuvers th blrf oiton me." "What's wrong now r" 'hits dmn chickens of Kunnel lirown's sah. Do cool) he koops um in btt-s up agil the lot '3 b01.1 lib bin oil anl' do palms oft do fence, so dat. dey gets ober in my garden. Doy'H'fat afnl' sisy sah, an' doy's git. tin' long ter dat. ago wha' you can mighty nigh smell um frytn', an' I hain't tasted chicken dis yeah. I'so powerful fond o1 my 'ligion, sah, an' its comfortin' to me, but, sah, human nacher can't stan' obory t'ing, sah, anll' I spec' if do kunnel don't. take dein chickens away before dey's plui ready to fly, my 'ligion's gwino ter slide out. from in under me, sho. 'Ligion is a powah, sah, but dar's silipin satisfyin' about. a fat chicken dat 'ligion cain't supply, an' if you toll do kunnel muy feelin's on de subjick, sah, p'r'aps he'll take dis yor great temptation away from mel(, sah, an' wallop do ole sarpant, sah, right in his tracks. 'Scuso me, sah, but I ain't axin' too much, is Ir" The doctor had the chic'iens re moved. To those living in malarial districts Tutt's Pills are indispensible, they keep the system in perfect order and are an absolute cure for sick headache, indigestion, malaria, torpid liver, constipa tion and all bilious diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills THlE SWflLI FRM MAGAZINE, O1" nALT'mIMORE,. MDt. Manufacturers' Record Publishing Co. A Monthly illustraated Jouirnal do voted to Southern A gricullure, dealing with all -natters related to General F'armilng, Live Stock, Poultry, D)alry i, T1ruck Farming, Fruit Growing, and es eryV fairmi interecsitfand pursuit in the South. It is widely read by Northern and W ost ern farmers contempJlating mov inig South. It ought to be in every Southern family, for it is "of the South, by t'ho South and for the South." EDITORIAL (1ONTR1IBUTORS: ICx-UI nited States AssistantSeerotar'y of Agrilcultureo, 1Ex-Drect.or Uijated States A gricultural Exp'rimt, Sta t.toon in North Carolina, Pre,sldent Ulnlveraslty of Te'nnessiee and Pr'esl dent, of United States Agricumltur'al 1Experimnent Station In Tennessce. J. H1. IKniselIrew, A. M , P'h. D,. Ex-Commlssioner'a of Agrilculture for Tennessee, author' of "'Cultre and Curing of Tob)aceO" for U. S. tenth lIumsbandriy," '"Wheat Gr'owing," "'Orasses," and other' agricuilturaal works. Th'le regular subscription price of Tihe Southern Farm Magazine is $1 a year, but we offer it and T1hie Horald and1( News togetho-- one year for $2. ciTEADY ATOM HOM*c. make $25 per week. Nither' sex. I'll stiart you inI the Mall Order Busness day or' eveniir. No Ped( dling. hl. Y oung, 383 Htenry ..Street, llr'ooklyn, N. Y. SENT FREEB to hit usekeepors Lie-big COMPANY'S Extract of' Beef COOK BOOK telling how to prepare manuy dell. cate used4 dellicious dishe-'n. Newu York. S06bekeas,ei Easttah Diassead Resand rNg3J,YALJP!lL8 OCTOBER 14, If At Four Score. Or. Miles' Nervine Restores Health. UNOLE EZEKIEL OBEAR, assessor and tax collector, Beverly, Mass., who has passed the 80th life mile stono, says: "Dr. Miles' Itestorativo Norvine has done a great deal of good. I suffered for years froa sleeplessness and nervous heart trouble. Would feel weary and used up in the morn ing, had no ambition and my work seemed a burden. A friend recommended Dr. Miles' Nervino, and I purchased a bottle under protest as I had tried so many remedies un iuccossfully, I thought it no use. But it .,avo nio restful sleop, a good appetite and rubtured me to energetic health. It is a ;:rand good medicine, and I will gladly write anyone inquiring, full particularsof my sat lifactory experience." Dr. Miles' Itemedies g, are sold by all drug gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle Nervine benefits or money re funded. Hook on dis eases of the heart and I nerves free. Address, DR. MILES MEDIOAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. AGENTS WANTED In Every Oounty to Supply the Great Popular Demand for MERICA's AR fr RHUMANITY Told in Pictnrc and Story, Compiled and written by SENATOR JOHN J. IMOALLS, of Kansas. The most brilliantly written, r.ost profusely and artistically illustrated, and most intensely popular book on the Rubject of the war with Spain. Nearly 200 Superb Iiustrations from Photos taken especially for this great work. Agents are making $50 to $100 a week selling it. A veritable bonanza for live nan vassers. A pply for deseript-ion, terms and territory at once to N. D. TiOMPSN PUBLnISINO Co., St. Louis, Mo., or New York City. Florida Central & Peninsular ' imeu Table in Efrect Jily 6i. Leave Nowti ry.....................................2 04 pm Arrive Coluimb a................................. 3.14 pim No. 37. No. 31. Lv. Colu.nbia........ . ... .........12 p n 1 47am (Eastern Time.) Lv. Columb1......................11 5am 12 47am [Central TIme.) Lv Den mark ....................3pm 2 2"am Lv Falrftax-...................... 2 2pm 3 16am L a a mh..............4 47pm S 80iam Ar Itarunswick ...................74 -lain A rJacksonviille................ 9 2p -u 9 20amn Lv Jacksonville..... Ar Lak e t'ity......'.'.'..,.''',.'.,,.'.'."', 1 1 2 am A r L ive Oak-.-.......... ......... 1213pm A r Talla haase.-.................. 2 a. pm A r RIver Junction...-...... 5 15pm11 A r Mobile----- ... .........: OSam A re n --.----.....7 40 im A r Waldo ........................12 3am 11i25am A r Gainesvlil--.....----......... 2 30pm Ar Ced ar Keysa..- ............. 03p A r Ocala .........................2 5am 1 33pm A r Wild wood ................... -l am 2 28pmn A r Orlando-..................... 9 l0am 4 50pm A r Tampa........................ 8 10am 5 20pmn NORITl HJOUN D). L.v Tmpa...........No. 3.9. No. 361 8vTma------...........10 pm 8 00an L v Orlando.......................8 l5pm 8 30am Lv W ild wood ......... ...25a 05p l,v Ceder Key-.................9 100apm Lv Gainesville.....,...............91 50pim AWaldo... -..............4 53am I 55pmn Lv Live Oak.................... 7 45am~ Lv Lake City ................... 211am Lv Jacksonville..............8 Sam 8 00pm Lv Brunswjok ....-............. 7.746pm A r Sa vannah ...............-2 Ilpm 12 0ipm Lv Mavannah...................12 111pm 12 14pmn v Fa r fax...... ..........2 02pm 2 l0am ......en.. ark....~............... 212pm 2 Ma m A r Colin bia.................... 4 10pm 4 45am Ar Newberry................ 12p Trains arriy.eand depart in Columbia at Bland inlg ftlreet Station. Nos. 3i and 311 carry Pullman sleeping cars hetween New York and Jacksonville; a so between Cineinnati and Jacksonville, via Asheville, connecting wvithm t-ullmiani parlor cars between Jacksonvilie aind Tampya, and ruin solid tralns'tfaom Char. lot oJckonville. Nec. 37 andu 38 earry Pullanndrawing room IiiIepingl ear between Tampa anid Now York. nrg, No y . .. '~p f1~I2 a Ar. Asheville................... 0 W p 2 45P Ly. augusta, 8o. Ry........... 2 10 n 9.80 p 'j " Graniteville ................ 2 8 10 15 p "'renton.................. U 08 p 11 00p johnalon . .... .... 19 11 20p Ar. ColumbiaUn. de't;........ 4 b> p 2 10 a Lvt Col'bia Bland' Vm... ....... 5 11sp b 1; aI Winnsboro............... (07 p 0 28 a Chester ...... .. .... ... 6 4p 7 IS a " Hock il1.................. 7 241p 7 Oda Ar. Charlotto................ 8 16 p 9 00 a Ar. Greensboro.... .. .... ..10 431) 12 10 p Ly. Greensboro .... .. 10 601) .... Ar. Norfolk ...... ...70 a ........ " Danville..................... 11611) 1 06p Ar. Richmond ................ 0 40 a 0 25 1. Ar. Washington ............... 6 42a 91 1 p "l3ltimoro Pa. R. Ri........8 03 a 11 ll.1 p SPhiladelphia..............10 15 a 2 61 a * New York.......... . 12 431p 0 23a Southbound. No. 37 No. 33 ,10ally. l)aIly. Yrk, Pa.lt.R--........ 4 1!0p 121hnt hilf1021ad .. . 1 55 p 0 (45 a illmore....... ..,.. . 920p 6 81 a Lv. Wash'ton, So. Rty..... 10 43y it a Lv. Richmond ................. ilont 12 O11 Lv. Danville ..................660It 0JRip Lv. Norfolk .. ........ ... l. Ar. Uicensboro............... 46 I Lv. Gronsboro............ 7 .,. 7 2p Clarlolte ................. 9u", 10 A)p Hook Hill.................10 201 11011) Chester ...........10 . 11 7p SWitmboro .......11 41 12 2 a Ar Col'bia l11u1I'- 0........... 2 4him 1 87a Ltv. Columbia U. dep-t . . . 6 4 00 a Johsat1,nsm................: 2 :::: : a. " Trenton ..................... p 025 Granievie ................ 8 p 7 7 Ar. Augusta.... ............... 4 5 t 0 Lv- lSar(antburg .............. 11 4us (0 151) Lv. Cfvlbn,8C.&(4. y........1 Wp 70O. Ar: Churlestou ................. 0 4()) 11 WA. .Col'bim. P.C.&Y....... 1 50 a 2 47 a Svalua 5................. 5 6 .A _______ __6 5 a......25p 9 15m Excellent daily p sonegor service between Florida and Now Y(oik. Nos. 7 and 88-Washington and aou thwester Vitted. Solid Vestilit trjjiitin it dining care and firmt. close counees nort 11 of Charlot e. Pulinau5drawin c 4 10 Tampa, Jackson 90,elavanl, Wasaington aud New York. PullmAn SlaePin ,Cars between Charlotte and Richmiond. Punllmsan drnwing-roomn sleop)ing cars b. tweens Ureenotboro and Norfolk. CIO.-jo connseo. Von at Norfolk for OLD) POINT COMFORT, arrivin.g there in litl for bareakfast. Solid train, with Pasrlor cars, beiwee" Chaeleaten and Amievill. Nos. 85 and 30-U. S. Foit, Mail. Threngp ulmnan dra%%,uhig room bitt, letaopinwg esrn be tween Jacksonville antd New York and Pu3-. Canifle Ig crsbetween Augusta ansd, hap L t. S lar an r . . ........... et ee Jajp rnyli en olmia routo daily between ooksonvtllq srujXcinlnnt 4 via A"hevil 5p LHANK S. GANNON, .. . U P70 Third VP. & on. r. T. M., 4ashin gton. W. A. TURK. S. H. HA11DWIC 2 G. P. A.. Washington.. 0. P. A.. pA9L SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Florid___-a adNNr.. No.s7a8-asin1oan 05theea i L.Hnite....hd.Ve...bul train wit d pining eArslnd firs la...co..ches nor h 4o Chrlo: Pu.1~lman drawig roo eleingcar bo.n A.a Jacksonve.....llo,lSa anah Wasingtoni and____New. 1YoNrk.2 lhnan flBeep.....ar.. betweein 1Chiaot an dcmon.......16 s1 0ar PuW lmant drwn.g-room sopingh6 car be. Ar.e Greenalsboro..and.Nofolk. Closo1 cono. arivng heo..n....me for breakfast. BlHid iuita.n,with.'ar.7 icas, between~ Arl.Iest,od.A.hvil....74 t1 5P Ns8 d..-. ... 1 Fas Mil. 1Throughl een Jack.onv.....and6Nep York1a10 Pu5l. Ite Pulmauseein casbetwn JaOch-t nvCi,la.Columba,..n.rout..dail betwen A.oklsiondC.n..nat..v.a..hevil..4 u RANY 8. GANN 1ON M. N CULP Th__i Lv. & . ha'i.T.., Walintn W.A.TUK_8__ AstD ICKp1 (t S. P.I A., WahshICint. ...1 A., -AtlSnta (507 12iSp .Alloss....... lIp 11(1s 102, onden4.ss n .hedulepin EfOeet prtNor. . N . 11.OO v. C o u m i .. . . . . .. 11 0 a m "__r___e ArY......Ahvi... Lv 0 8 2a 405;n' "Peber ....... n7 .1. a m us. "uNinety 8a...........n7 .CaPsos a ius13 p m Ar.8 Had. .8 ..... ait (-. a(mii10op m raGrsonle ....i....rg, A. a . 4 vu pon Anr.hAtlantd 17a. .. ..~..~~ :17i. p m 30 g n :TAT aN. in . Musiln. Dahiitly rat.leGreenvi~e........ 30tp n (10 t ~mlioa "o Piedon ........i. 5:3 55 ps mi( 5:0 40 a m " Wllamtn.... .ot slu10 p m :265 a mti. :A8e0 p. u. Ves il0I0, p mi 040).m Tra iltn~~.'~us .... ssi elegpis 1 10 a mn e.Aepicasbele.n . ...~.sia mi Ali~le,s eIstaily .....~e. Jack6-ill un .lManci ( Newberry...........t tris with Pu80llmn Pr: osPrt. ....4s. h., Tiaflip m 1 40rp Walsntn.C~. Vnhuali,U 40. W. A. TU STA T 8 H. Ii)CK 6 psa 7as 'k't alLvos. 'ss..Careso 4 t.in - / 907al 1215i 'N....tson.... " so5p 86n 1004t l)i en' ....saiu....r 155p 746p 10 0a 05 4 ....AU ion.. ...." 2 8 7 '.0p 10 822 14 ..JnCill ...r 12 21p) 6 58p 1 908 21 4 .....Paclet.... 51200 6~ 142y 11; 12a)8 10. Sparbr. .2 Lvx .l 40ai 65p 1140 8S 24. Sparabrg...Ar 1 2a 6p 025 7iJo. A..7...Ashill... .Lv 820 805p ~ 0 "P,"0 1 p. iii. i,Ia m.2(: ;2 I6 87 and 8 onsA. andok ivii 1 1 northbound 6:87 a.lm. 1:37 p. m., :1 7 . m. ' i' Tr ins lave Gireenile A.12n 1.dviin (etbted Liited). southbo. 1ud 15a. m.,o 4:0 3 m,10p .O( sibuted Limit ed) Tran 1 an 10 arry eleantPulma - I leein crs be C oteenia Colmbia ad Asheille Nos. 18adI.So ris wt ula )lRANK 8. ANNON J IIIC .I CUL..P, W.A-TU/J H 1 ASADWICK, Gen.aPass.aAahlnAe't then.iPas. A agtl W_hngiop.t. Pal Atras gothat,. a ]tso,eGa I,atenSanad ie 7 0LCharleston A r i 0 9 40 um te L'1' eSAL * tIf1T lo A tantma.Cl 01: 1ett A0'lsaI.,:A1lie, WI) anmm hIi ; lt ec .t -w York. liN,, &htr%act114,oand,Nt w tV ongk.t 1%orIonk , 1-tilneiell-lin,a .'wee, mt e ai l 4It-et Jul,. 1-, 898. 8eiLl m kA . ho.4td. ho. 41 .v Nvw York, V lt 'eani. it.t.**~ '(fusiii0- ain " 111hiatiel pidit ..................... 12'1111 12 06 a ti 131itimore....... ............... i :. * 2 W0mar " W a hlllnigtoit...................... 4 40 " 4 80 61 i iond.......................... 66pm 94) * A Noilot Iha b. A ..........48LO tm111 "9 5 rotet8-*outh '* .. .. 845pm1 920 vWle ,va. XA . *i i4p-am*l. Ife lend-AA01. ... ... 1256 at *1I i r I) urlsirmi, Vom . . . 1.73!ass lI It psi 'v )11rha, " ..... t7 i Iijni1 Io mtl kr Italeigh. vint 8. A. . *.. 1411 0tsa i-) pit 8anfori.............................. 3:1t " 455 Houthern 10' 31 ................. 4 23 1% 1 m8 " 111am let .............. ....,..... 0 7 " . 1 6 s " W ademboro....................... 6 M 8 0 Monroe ................. 6 4:1 1112 " W 1111i: tonl....................... *12 0 I ' hr (hairltttA, vin . A. *...._.._ *7 " *'I ym "Ihe&timi, v - I .... )8 un it-5011 v columi, U. N.& I.. . ............ 1610 pn k r ClIMonl .......... 9 atm to 12 IT # Greonwood " .... ..... t. *1 117 gilt Abbovillu ......... " 110 . 3 ** Elberton " .......... 1247 pin 2 41 A thetsi ........ 1 1:1 * 34 " W inder .......... 1 50 428 A lanta,it 8. A. L. (Union" 200 52. NOICTilSOUND No.4 04. No.8. tilln(a, (Centl a i *1201 .1 *7 tin - WinIer... . .......... 40 11111 140.)3pa Alhenm -'.... 313 * 11 19pm "ibertoji " ........4 15 & a2 8am Abbevillo ". ......... 6 15 " ' atan "Irmillw ooi 0 ....... 41 " 2 1 Ilum "C.n t o: -.............. 4 30 0 *2 bb" tn) -o rifimii C. N. t . 1. .. 7 45 " Chest er s i 4i 2j i k rIIa 101 t-. vitt H. A. .. *10 25 pi7 5 0 ,v Monroen. vlin M. A.1 ..'1-40 pmn (15 ** .llamlet, . 11 16 " 804) 14 IIr \V i ton . .......... ....... '12 E Pt 80l,h Liiern Plitex ..........*2 * ) 1 10 Hum Iialh".1 .......... *2 10 *11 25 1 "I .i11eon,. * ............ . *12 0 nm v._. ' ........ 8 2Y anm 1 (15 pmn 1,7 _t4_T_-1ji v7 0o pi 140 It alm iim rWnOa yaMil.t 1 ti *2 5 pin Itichimn"n .......A G ...... 8 *10 " 7 35 - " Wa hilge'i.v l* IstA .t. 12:11 " 11 30 "6 "101:111n ore " ." 6 1 4d poo I10Nant "11111 1'h 1b1%, .6hh : 4 "Im50 u 3.0 "1 Ne, W York. .. . *f 23 *8 &1 " r 1lsois0'ol2Ih ' 0 1 000 7 25-iii5-2 Nerfolk " ''. ".*7 35 " *5 * I)Ily. t 19iy. Ni y - Nap. 403 atnd 402.-"Thom Atlanta ipeoil," tolll '(44tiblo TraIimn of 'ulliranI bleopere Jnd Concelits bUtweOleN11 Wa1u1inglon and At. milit, ailso 1*1tilim t4leeliers botween Ports. imoth tind Chester, S. C. Noe.41 and 38.-"'Ilh . A. L. Exprems," loild Train, Coiems and Pullnman Sleeporm ietween Iort8inoili and A tlanta. Compliay lleepers Iet weoen Columabin and A tlanta. 1; tim t-alim nako Itmediate connection at ktttlat for Aliontoiory, Mhobile, Now Or. vilim, Texit", Callfornima, Mexico, Chatta. mogn, Nitshville, lenithis Alacon, Florldit. For Tickots I Hleepers, and I nforilmat.ion, ap. .y to hI. A. Now ntil, (len. Ag., Pau. Iep,t lihtibmll Ilimnme. Atianta, Gax. 11. A. N 0i, XN ID'Geii Agt. 'ss, liepl.. Atliana Ga. 1. ST. J()l N, VicC-1'r44. Gmm14 (e'i Minl &Igor V F". M it-ti, up' M erinteidmnt. If. W. It. ( .( V lit, TIfraiflle Manager. T. 1. A NDIMSON. (el' PIuakeenger Agen t. GFNERaAL OEICEM: P'OlTSMhoUTI. VA. Til E (Ii A It I. NT h 1.1 % E. louble Daily Trihai between 'harletni Columbia amid Augilin. QUICi.It TIMM. 011Til CARlOLIP-.A & GERUIVIIA I. I( G, CIAnLa ToNR. . C., JAmn. 24, 1897. 8CHEKDULE. DA1LV. ,V Ch ntrCist o....................1 ut a 5 S4) jut Summ am ev1j,...............7 -11 mn m; ho 1 pm (Georges...................... 8 an a m ? 0I e,m lirammnehyliilo............... 8 33 amn 7 35 pml 14.owvemvtil ................. 9 16 amn 7 50) pim Oirangeburg................) 2 aim 8 24) pmn 8HI. hiltt hewg................) '.8 am 8 48 pin Fori~ St. 0.1.............. ..10 00O am 9 03 pmn K ingvll le ...................10 10 ant h9 20 pm Lr('olu mnbha ...................10 55am 110 0ipm v Colnuba ................... 7 80 nm 4 00 pm I(insgav ille.... .............. 7 40 am 4 44 pml Foint Motte....,............ 7 Sl am 4 55 pm Mt. Mhaitlhe w............... 8 02 am 5 091 ptm Oranigeburg................ 8 24 amt 6 27 pm l(owevCiIItoe................. 833 aa f 42 111m lira neh vjioe................ 8 55 amin 5 55 pmn Gecorges..................... 915 am (1 3.4 pam Sntu nimer vil10..............1022 am 7 18 pm ot (Chmrarismn..................1 00 an. 8 004 pam v Chatmrles to n.................. 7 10 a mt 5 0 pin IP-anmchy i1................. 16i amn 7 5. pia lamanlberg .................. 9 41 imn 8 28 julm ilienmarkat......................9 51am 8.42 p.am laehk vlie...................1 10t amin 8 518 pmt W illmston....................10) 27 asmm 9 17 pim A iken .......................I 09 ini. 9 57 pm r Auagusota"..................I 5lamt 10 45 pit V A ugusta ....................0 2) anm 3 20 pm Aliken...................... 7 18 atm 4 27 pit iliston .................... 7 40 am 5 09 pim 1iIack vI ...................8 08amn 5 28 pmn De mtark.................... 8 20 aiim 5 44 pim liam b r ............... 8 33 nma r 58 pmi Itrantchmyl .k................ 9 10 nmn 0 30 1)m1 .r Chairlston..................I 00 am 8 00 pm AWlT IxnlnSR AUG URTA ANDi WASIiNOTON WiT II l'ULLMAN IIKTWEEN AUGUSTA, A:KEN AND NEw YORK. ,v Auagusta............................3 05 pmt V Ali.n---............................... 3 -an, r1 lDenimmatrk......... .......................4 50 pma y Dentmark.................................. 25 an v A ken.............................. 7 28 am r ug sta........................." ,8 10 am niAlLY E4XCE'T SUNDAY. v Carnomn-.................... 3-5 a m 2 25 jpm CadnJuniIton.....9 35 am 3 65 pml .r K ingville...................10 056 am 4 35 pam v K imugvie...................10 26 aim 6 004 am CamdncaJncttoin... . 0am 6 140am rUaCamn....................11 65 pm 8 i5 am Coanections at. Columbia witih Bontheorn all way for all pointis in tipper Sout h and [orth Uarollina. Sol11d t,rnimn between Char. *Rton iand Ashem(v ille. Clonnaectonsm from olto ont Southearna Itallway to Aiugumsta ikean amnd Olter points ont "The Chlarlesltn use"; mat Charlesoton wit h Clyde Line Sweam. rio to New York ando Jacksonivtie. L. A. 1~EMICiN, Trafle Manager. 11. 8. 11OW I'N (1eneral Manager Jenieral Oflleos: Ohtatleston S.C. ....*.eay Augusta and Asbh. er.vi11o Short Line.> nm Effect Aug. 7,1898. am. arenuwom............. .....4 10pm -"-"........ ..-----. -6 --... 6 am p .nn isil...'...'.. 4) 1)1 Ii 05 ami Oism ----I. . OP jm 10 10 aiim .....ota ...............5 1 1 ____ etirsonvil....... limgp --t .mivaAmI - II......3 24) a m .SILlling .I 6 isXr - m i (icail. In .1 (4 lm '1 li. P il -.lgmm.q am-..... 24*3 il jI 45t itm - 5 up min m N110rAi'io k - -- An i.rm ""..... ..---....... 00p -m - -- 15 pm i SII i:m'''' ima 4 30 pin Snvan mm ""--- I.. .--..0 4) tin 7 3'l pm Char lei "'""""."""*----...... 7.. 35 pin -ltiltiom...................01 p Smb.mnmrtm"""."""............14 ) ni - '"--'4(... .'.. , 55 pat 8 -40 Itm -'li'ix..........J N p m prnp - - -ommom.............. ...... 0 51I him 'I-. Allto te """". """".'.....'" I t01 a..mi --.-----........ i 10pmn lI n.m,.Imalm mrm Auiguala amakes eldRo biomard A ir J.It,oun d o l onso 0m4f 0mm l( n n(11st (Greei noo for all -' m -. A.I.an hu . ando (4 Itallwamy, and 10 larmamg wIith i4fanimrn tllIPlay. 'Pmos Iorm1114 atn reitive to tickuets, * hl OPlI... amirew.