WO .vl Rt '. Vo IN lkq. 'I an ii l uie N.in44 al i t Ii t i t .it i i' j t l*i it. t i i it i- not iel h t w In' i l lo4 i ti on , It I I l iil t i per on:' l f,. lin :l i ;n to ii' l of lii lm I ate .t Thel~ fe olee l'i x ei h\ N If I leeat h er liioniulIt t io$ r epn 'en t it i eel.- ii \'e c lit lorte lii i tts t tie -, tee b, sp e iee.il iiee te ii:l.e' tise - - t;:t'e'e' prilIIr[1-.. .i ili nel liv' li11'V li i tt, . t I i i n' :l e till tI I l ; ;i t.t I T l l ' I I li. t11 1 1 e i(V . t i: t I n 'll e.\en-ete ilec a ct itn oft11e. le ' e ti ' f t I l I 1ee i4 tt . l i' 1-'4' :1tt' I' lee'e vte ':ttl'eete,I i lite ' jete else)in ,''.'It le e e el I e Ie , il Uti l le 'I tie 1. 11iti te "it ' t I t ' tL ttte II''i'\- ltlil et ;ti :s e' f ,-tli I ''.n in I I-:It III' I..1 Ic:t II e i e 'It Ii' it l'it lit' l Int l'iti 'i't,tiiy tal el liii. l.t' i te t Iem h : t iw et it. ti i t ee wli I in.li .tite ' IIe IIft the 1 1 eli' te:.nIlahiee', lhltbl t. tin.hIt woh'le'have r't littVe liti ft' eite sirielt ieet-,et e Tlae' ' i siteiI d . 'll:t;t i. uke s it tee ui'Ilet', l':"liii'" tl t li\t|} e' tt eteigti ji'. Ilct.'If i' st ile.': ef eel a iti te ttievig iijl , nI nat:t lt ei wi t e er itet:n-y a ltas on o lela a tda andl~I iniae a't .5 teent a tlu)ilt'NIi'stiolie, ;les t l t'' teet' vitet it' aic buttl fete ito l'tvt', eite' nautslagoter tohtty ofiMt Iul a. %ZOAnWl\' Wn, ) 101.1+ ,,1\ f MIVil IN'ow.,,W \1 NI% t.a \N , O t A ' p h ' , x ongh Witho 10porw koledgaltof to el o to mhrkethe vovaryo wh o hasl o otionfbuy goyo' ihoe no how dolc ulk ti.t o Pin ood ualo,k nat, Sot nm - ooabl prio we ant nolv e lilgut o o n ld aetc.rym o wi]1 o hav o th olbratd prices to suit the purse of' tolday. ispect. fuI ly . & (G.S. MOWER G0 RECEivING DAY! DAY! NEW Dress Goods, Silks, Flannels, Canton Flannels, Hosiery and Underwear, Notions, and Shoes 'for .Everybody. Come to see our prices and goods ! O E killed high pricos in T)ry .Goods, Nottins and Shoes COME TO SEE US! AexUIJONreto Roberttson & Gilder's WNill T. Jones Malngm. ROBERT Y. SUCCES Leavell 6 DEALI MVarble and Granite Furniture, Mattresse UNDERTAKING IN ALL Orders in UNDERTAKIl of the day LEAVELL - - SPEI NEWBERRY - - - CASH BASI I14., wo I husinlfsm < No goo1s paid for. C vo will 1111k int.mrost, ats wc omr goodfi wit profit -solhllg for t.ho ensh). Cal 11s4 s 1a d it, will proli NEI CLO The a Whenn the cort gracefu - P BEST MOSQUITO NET 3.3'. WC NEWBERRY - - - 25!YES, ONLY 25c!' i2iJ. Th . fllowing ofo l ni . 2cannot ,4 ~'t be un< jEohl,8~~e w>e Iu ) u y I4 E00.I1 Jone d ,ag 21- " 4 buxes (iorni saI''on 2a "' C2JA. J,i. i$iey's.~ Men I P 2 0 " '/; an, ( :yatll I''ode M ony~l 4e Il6j