The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, July 26, 1898, Image 3

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Candidatos ptre notified that pledges nmst be filed and assesslents paid bo- I fore August 2nd. W. ). IAltY, Chairman Co. Dem. Ex. Coin. July 27,1898. Runntor Mower. Ion. Geo. S. Mower, of Newbelry, candidate for attorney-genoral, spont t Sunday and Monday In the city. Mr. v Mower made many friends while here, and will no doubt poll a large vote in + the city and county when the primary t rolls around. He is emninently worthy of the ofice to which ho aspires, both by reason of legal ability and unblem ished oharact,r.--Sumter Herahi. ittckIlon's Arnica 1slv: ; Tht) best Salve in the world for Cuts, llrtisem, Hores, Ulcers, Salt R.huml, Fever Sores, Totter, Chap)ped 1lands, o biblailns, Cortis, and all Skin .:rup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refundei l. Price 25 cents per box. For Hale by - Robertson & Ul1ierand W. E. Pelhatm. Speeltsl ltstt a on the Sou1theri. The Southern Railway willsell round a trip tickets to Abbeville, S. C., and re- e turn for the occasion of the mieting of the Daughtrs of h.l'e Confederacy onII August. 17th, at $3.00 from Newberry and $3.45 from Prosperity. Tickets on sale 15th and 10th, limited to 19th. 1F. U. Blanks, of Lewisville, Texns, writIes that on., box of UoWitt's Witch Ilnzel :ni vo i was worth *50 to uim. It cured his I,iley 4, to: years standing. Ito atlvises oti,rs to 11'y J it. IL also enres eczemn, skin tilsense.s an<cl obsttnuto sores. W. 1.. Pllmm. Antot her AltdReiht. Flro.b Last night, 21st inst., at II .45o'olock, the barn on Mrs. Longshoro's )laee al. Longshoro, S. (., was found to bo on fire. ''he barn lindl stables aroundl it 0 and another framo building were de stroyed. Loss on buildings, $100 t,o $125, no inlsu ritnce. Loss on farniig implements only $10 or $IS1 no u111111- fi anice. ht Don't know how fire orig inate(, bult, - looks like incendiary. The fire oril i- o nated In top off barn. Other buildings were in danger, but by good work were I: saved. I'>'TliON. a Longshoro, S. C., July 22, 1898. Itowvaro of olnt.nuenta for (trrla tiui. Conalu Mlseury, as mncrcury Will suroly <istro. the sense ,f 1 smull ann( coInplotoly de-r,tngl(e lihe wholo A ts st-n wtien (utorinu it. 1 irolnilt 1110l tts'( et surfact-s. itch ul tteles shnl tver he tlru . -xcept, on prosoriptions from repninbl. pi v- N seiitn. , s Ihu (lsalgee t.he.v will 14 1 itel f'old Io IhoKadi ,von can 1' lIoSibly cdorivo I1rotn t.hotu. IlnlI's I;thtarrih Cu'e, nt fi teturecd b,y 1'. .1 (:heney & Co., '1o1-(, 0., conttats Ito t Inercury, and is taken Iltrnatlly, neting 4t1. - reotly upon the blond anI1(1 t)na(ons surfaees of r Iho s"rste n. In b,uiyliig Hall's Untarih (tt'e i + he sure you g.t. the genuine. It Is lnken Ie tornally, a(t mletdo in Toledo, Ohio, 14'by I, .1. A Chonoy & co. Tet montalts frre. "old b y Drnugg1sls, pri1e1 750. Iet bttlie. Itnll's ie'amily 'ill1s are the4 best. Iltarbocuo at Jalttpa AuguMt Sand. G Wo-will serve at first-class batrbeen . o at Jalapa on camupaign day, Auglst'.nd. e 1"(letRn'sT Rl.:';t- b T. 11. ltIsi.:t. 3t S. n. McCAnul.f. : i A CarrIer P'igeona. Some time during the patL week we lF wYoro4 told that, ta cartrier' pigeonI was Ib caught near' Dr. GI. B. Caldwoll's by a I negro, Noel Grilliam. On onie foot, (If q the pigeon was a silver r'ing with the g ntnihor 39,369, and on t.he other' foot 1h was fastenled ai brass inig. On ono f< wing was a spot of red palint, and on1 the other the followIng wvords woro 4, pi)n tedl: "'If caught or shot, pleaso no t,ify Charles II. Jones, l'hiladelphia, v Penin." Dr'. 0. 11. Caild well 1not. iled a the ahove adioss but 11a1 htearld no01th-p i ng so far from the suplposedl ownler'. LookcI A StIith in Thn,o Saves nine. Hughes' Tonic (new im priov~ed, tas$t.O leasan11t) taken ii suarly f Spri ng and F"alI proenits Chiills, i])en gueC and1 Maiar'ial I'evemrs. A e'ts on lt li ver, tones up ,he systemi. 1Hel, B (lutnino. Giuaran teed, try It,. A r,i druggists. 50c. and $1.00 hott,les. tihn h A lBargain Sale oft Pants. A L of Pnwts ill Our Clothi. ing Windowv tt half l)n-ico. 0. M4. .Jamfieson. C'olored F"ar311aner13311 mnite WVIll be held in Nowherry on1 A ugust. (lt,h in the courtt house con)ldniOted by Pr'of. .f. W. Iloffmnan or t,he State (Col ored1 College.. 01 IIe wIll hold them ini severalcon ties of the State for the bonellt,~ or the colored 1peop)1. iIe wvill talk ab1out, how to mnake the farml paIy, howv to make14 good butter and11 how to applyi/fortilizereis and ab3out making the 1hom11 att,ract, ve. Let ther'e bo a fuill attendanee oIf the coloredl farmers. Yellow Jaundlce Cured. Mufreriung humanity abouildi) be1 sp 'piled with every mleanls po(ssible for its I relief. It is with puleasIure we pubilish It, e foloinig: "This is t.o certify that t I was a terrIble alIterer from11 Yellow .Jaundl(ice forl overI'lO si, 1tid waIs treatedl by s31me of the bes'it phiysiclis .our drugg 1st, recommeonded Eliectrio t Bitters; and( after taking two bottles, I I was enttil9y cured. I no0w take grea:tt, t pleoasuire in recommending I hem, tI o lny person suiffe.ring from t his terr'ible *ualad1y. I1 am gratieftlly yours. .M A. Hogarty, Lexington, Ky. Hold by ilobertson & (Gikder and1( W. 1L . Pelhami D)ruggist. Turnip Seed! New crop Turnip Seed .just received: and for sale cheap' at Robertson & Gil-9 der's Drug Store. VARIOUS AND ALL ABO0UT. Miss LizZIe Itult is on a visit tq rola ives in Newlierry. Mrs. J1no. C. Goggans is on a visit to elatives In Anderson County. Win. II. 1Iunter Is 1111101111Cd a* a andidate for tho Legislature. Ir. 1. Cavenaugh, of the C., N. & L. I L. R., is on a visit to relat,ives in North arolina. 4 Air. Mtannoluo L. ('ash is homlo froin ie diedical College in New York f'or aciation. Ltov. Ceo. A. Wright, has gono to t 'airviow to assist In a met,ing 11eore this weOk. '1'ho County 1)noeratic Vxecut,ive otnnittec will hold a meeting at New 1rry next, Saturday. Ali. J no. W. h:arhardt left on Sat,ur ay for ia visit, to his mot,ber atn other ulatives in Coltunbila all I ,uxington. Iov. F. A. Sale of Italas, Texas, is n ia visit, to his brother (.. G. Sale, sq., and other relatives in Newberry. Township coInmissioners will not,u i t,ee fIrani the Supervisor in another )luaum. Prof. 1ly has changed 1he afternoon I our to 8.30 IL. mll. for his bookkeepilg nd writ,ing on account of the hot eat,ber. At,teud the Teachers' In:stiituto now I session at 1.h( opera house. The ex ecises are public and everybody is elcome. Miss Ella Sproles, of GreeIwood, nd Miss4 AIy Ionald and Ir. 1'red onald, of )oniabl's, are visiting at Mr. I W. White's. The county calpiaign will openl next, uesday at .1alapa. A barbecue will t c fuirnishedt by Messrs. Forrest and 1. I isel' and S. . \i Carley. Dir. \ (_". J-1nes <piotes some prices I :1 stallpl goods t.h is week that aro gel ino stunners. .l'xam ino his quotations 1 111 then el'xim1n1O his stock of goods. Iev. .1. II. Hood, who has It1.r111(ned '111 his vacatil IlIn mch improved inl calth, will preach at Ilead Springs 1urh next Sablbath morning att IL cloclc. Mr1'. J. T. Smit,h recently of Cross .i1l has colnu to Newhe!ry an! opened 1 E store on lain st.reet, next, door to oung's )-u;g Store. We are glad to Lre him Iin Newbert-y. A pli'sanl, penv n party Was given at 1o hospitable residence of Mr. and is. T. C. 'ool on last l'riday night in onor of M~ isses .i ones, Chase andl Ward ho i'e iss Nannie 'ool. Confederate Soh(Ii Crs arc diret to 10 not.ic publishil (lsewhere in re al d1 to peiisions a(1 1,11 election oft wns llip and ('ouut.y boarlsof I(nsi11s. 1ct.iigs are alppoinite( for the 311th of 1is monit,h. Mrs. Leach, the Widow of 1.he hit.e en. .J. M. Leach of North Carolina, is it iL visit to her sister, NIrs. S. I'. IBooz '. Gen. Lo1n11 will ho rem)embered y manly for his Valuable services ill re ming 'ur StatO froml radical rule in 1 MIr. WV. M. K(oonandsn r 11.11MI,I 10.I . 004n, of ChiappellIs, came11 down to oewberry (il LTe:day (of last weck I.e 0 with) NIr. M . ( . lon (1, who11 has been 11i1o sick for seva'l days, but11 we tu-o( lad to0 say3 he is impro'vin4g anid t,bey 0110 to ' 11h121 to carry 1him to) his wmori home lit, Chapplells 1,his wVeek. ('ounty ChaIirmIanl iliardy (desires that1. h1ose cand1(idaltes whoi ixpet 1),( o 1 .0oer bie approach0in31ilg prninu- come'' 01 for ',a'd and1( sign t.he pledge and1( pa1.hIle Iext Tu1esdayl~ is 1.he( hzist day( for Iiling ledges anid M'. I i2ard(y will be( present. 1. the nineeting at ,ILlapa. .r the llomeo il I"ir l'roteet,1('OionI I aso(iationI of S. ( . , aftor a1 pror0.ral(' pol1 wVit,h a1 vaccinate2Ld arm is olf agalinI a tIhe int,Lere'st (of his company2II~. \Ve' (e5peakd for NI r. IHarmon11 Ia succeessful -ip. Why not,. keep ouri money03 1a1. home nd( priot.eet, ourlves I0. The4310.1 l Is Mu hal Is dohl Ia1 good buisinhess A ll who4( Olant (3111a1 and0 safe inlsurlance shouhl1( din the T1(11mo Mutoal. 1lth Mtoor'e, of 1.1 iaFay4 o, Imt:l , says4 I hal1. for' 411r Ly iers 14 to o perft I.I ' '-b 2 ,tver' gr1Ip~o Tea'ichIer)' Ins441tiue ' Is beinhg beh14 inI t,h(e opera'2 house Ithis eek3l by Pro4~f. W. 11. Hand,il IPro4f. 14. I2 Ilughes and( NlI ss Nelle Ch 3apmnan. 'he at,t.endance10 is firly3 good, but not,. s maniy teachers31' are' present, I as should 43. AX leettu'Ia wvil he d(llivered tonti ght, 'r'of. IIlughes Iectur'ed. Tomorr)Plow ight Pro ''f. Hand1( I I wi 1ectu.1'. ?31st, (of t,rust.ees and( 12 pa.r'ons wIill be3 old, andl Li,hoSsof 1.he1 coun it.y'2( ar X e 0(cted to be present11. All of t,h ( eixcreises5 are' publi) and111( 54ucce4a-worI nth 11(owing. 4) years' success in t.he Sout.h, po Iin ihes' TIon1Ic ai great,a remed110(y for hill s an l Malarial 4. 2112 IIevel-s. I 1(etter) )rutggist.5. (f00. atal1 * I.00 bot,lIes. t(imio l'u 1l stoc1k of IHut, .(3rick Pa'Itten a114It. . J1. Wooten's. fit ruit Jars! Fruit Jars! Mason's, in pints, quarts and half gal lons. Also Ball in quarts and half gal Ions, for sale cheap at Robertson & Gil der's Drug Store.tfI '1'll0 closing exorcises or t1 (larmany !\eudony took laetw latst 1"eltlaty uightI t it tho ttcadlly. It was our 1prpo to tttend tbeso excrelsos, but could not do ,o \Vi' thanlc the prineipatl, Dlre. Jano " --ong, for t cordial invitatlont. '.'he-- 1)it sesion.l , t.he shool has 1 )(:on a very ntu. cessful one, anid so well )icat;e(d were th,h 1at.rol$ and t, vith tbo work done tbo past ye'r that ni l.rithuy nIgitl Mlrs. Lon;g WIa re leited for anuotber yeau" She will not I1 oiUIt, aceit. \lr. 1". W. li"r"Ins, 'ou nt-y Snu eint,euen t., an notince(teti ,e tetion of the p atrons at. t.he close Of the xoeisi's, attnd iongratullateld t.h pa- t 1'0118 Ont se(Itii'lng," so "'rornit t.'aC1htr ltI l1"s. L.ot) in b41ing o) folr't, att as h atv ng such good peop lo for whomn to aitwt'. 'Tho exercises on lri(day ni;,rht were t -cry red it,ahl al ike t tho i.attimer aid ho ppils. We eao only give the pro a' nine, bit, it. will give all ile (i f 1.1ho xroiele t, ebarnvieter of t.he emte1'taini nent,. We give it in ruit s r('nderedt. t Pratyer. Ililble andl Classic Qtotations -- by chool. Song-: Hielp it, on-by sehool. \Veleoine--liinio Siighi and Kate \ allts. Ilaste not., RIest Iot--Ilt.heL Ieaitzst'y mdll Carrio Adhly. 1.libert,v :'Iuli;;httninlg \Vo'1ld -- dattic Adams. Young Amueriea--lit.tle boys-" Our 'ilag Mary ('1nnon, AMangit; I.'h( nuasOnt andl Alaudle Sligh . Trelliu.r Joseph lin:'si 1''ort.une Alnmir, ;iins, i\1 i11 Aiamnls, lullie C'alnn<mi, ,aura, Addy and hin t:.g ie I .ut.on. MotIh r's Ioy ,.1imilnie ;ilns. Sir \ lt:ieirhl at, t.l:e I llork \rthur ILit.zscy and ;r'ge Addy. Son;g: Iatht.u Ilyin of l-pI ublie Gossip IIxchange--Iit.tlt ;girls. ::y s Sho h Iw Ie l l.iti, - ('Iwri-. ie Ilizhardt. 'omlan'S I ight.s -Aii Siins, 1ier ha Adbdy and( ot.hrrs. Sir I 'hilli Sylnt'y on Z p'i hpien's Iial. 1o l''iel( -Sau n11il ( 'atnno, II1n-y \dam,h, w. If \ViI tt,t, tiiii'r Adly. i~o ..4I'V ALly llgp' h ' l A. ii illl(. P'ocabhoutas I,nr At:. dtIlt atndl A\t.huw I. aeit,zs fy. (, 'le Nt!wvs -.:tum- I tr'o tl. lliingry i't, : ii lii ( :i1 111,!, (' il 4 h (Onle1n of I )thet:;u11 tli: l .bI - .\lM ay. '.iiz- al int'd1, A\ttt nn i lw in , 1\: %,ielninoh. I lo>ys' .i h i e .I tt:nt:' I tu.h:aI t.. ,Joan of A\ rt' --! ;Itlt h., A:b lv. "'S. Aim H igh- ('ab:b) il(izil:t'-tl.. Go d Idvi,e-- ':i " tl'1i <'an . Cenn l'ae \h1 ,lytn .\(t . ' f, ho I't't, t . ~'i..s I ' *ll Ilat.t,ic (i- ns and i Kat.e \tl:tu -;. % I) wvhat You1 ('an -:. hiI-y (':uimin, (1 t1aggie'.I'houttsoo :ultl .\itn e SligIh. / Juvenile D)rill. '.1l' ll l i,111(l"tant,L ( " . b t.. . . illit ' 1iay Il1nZhatI ll, : i 1 I iann i' 1: l n.ll. ]1to Agenu : I)ialt:,i..-\ iir Sims,. \rt,ur Iait.zs y, Snmni. . ann11 11 and r ':tu1 A tns. l.)t"att .hhed of Sir \\'l ei I t'ot1. I Il -y \dthus, sani S' lui. ( thre Add'y In( othrs. '.I'h,is World is ;l '.0 -'11 1h .:ura A\ly,, ('arie A1\ 41Y, : I-'.[ I,tit.z :ry. Ilii 'Sist.r's liIan I,:uwra Addy and \rtbul I.eitz:,(y. :i T['he tn tber of thtt. (ir;w' t"bi NI .L ile \ 1anils, 1 illi .\!ay i cirzhatr(It, .1 in111i( luzi au-t, at 1. Il'aul .\dhans. 'I'he 1)runlner Ioy --- tUert,ha Addy. Naa lvIto a a flugh \ ilson, 14 ulii' I.t't; idlanuts, \11 th L r cD eit,zsey, I leri,h a t l Sy, alil nile Sloan, \langie liauton, Sa.nmie 'an1n1, Annllit 1( Im, ltenry Adluns , t .illie M\ay Iluzhatrdlt..I Ouilt,y or Not. Guilty Atnni1, Mimi... PresenI' ,o lillil4 :4\4ay 1)zhard1 i', A t.h n 1" e 4 i t 4i1z.c and. t,h ('r4.0 Son :4l Hod W hit.1'04 :uII'4 IieIh l'ris-' 14144 and 1L)4i!.1hn Ahlen,. .. \n i I ., e I4 Vu,'.4.'l (anidll. -414eury4 Aidatus80 ColumI bCia :un41i' l4uha - Ii t I t Ably, 44 441n1' : \tso'ats o I) ( le Ix i' . Ih) Addy,Cl. (orgeI,l Ashly .\:41111r 2,i z-: I i'n t. -41 I~ t. 'I I h \\' i I:- n .. 4)111 Il4li. .bry Guzhard., ,113 at' 1111:int.4 in I''arwel, H)41 1141h'ool. uno Moa 1ni( .Jnt to, by4( alaly in t his 4 144n fhlr (1 0101 for (nvn yars1hewit st.:od its41 severest~IO testi, phr heovtale Illei.ned1 illwlit.l1 Ii t hret inot.hd atain Bir.t JON, Sohat Ahe Over In Salu(ta. Woc runi over to Greenwoodl (ou1nt.1 Aid down into Saliuda liat- Silturday l'hansk to the Southern fot giviig u ,m:ornin;; tratin to thop %1ceountry wt atn go ati( spend thu day atnd returt hu sate day and he away froul homa ntly ono day. In other words if yot lusiro to go tnywhero you do. not havc u 8tart thu dlay before inl order to ge h-eo ie o erttg (ms heoin t.imio. Nmv wo. e:ut goi ahuos nyvhere frot New herry to (,,reen ille, panOle t.he day, and retunl ho011n ho sanl ate.rnoon. if this tain Iouh tart fromn (umonia wo mould have tit 'Iil'la. mtorniu papers ort brttal ast Iandc with the afternoon tran 0i1o ho ( t., N..&. o,. we havu the afttliom ta er for t,he evenin;,. Hint6 wt,ed ()ill, to saty so net,h ii ofl )ti ,rip and not, to write i r ively i be ratilotdl s. 't Oietasiml' wa 't'il trelr's I):ry at, TIraywirk ('hape'l ]\It"h ,list Ch -elt , jut ajrii :voss tho Hine in Sa ltI County. t'resident, CGe, 1". 'Cro ner, of Ne'herry College, hadl bee"rn inl itLd to maku at speeh al wo w1n1 itll himn. It was not. et.irelyV to ;,o to hih-en's Dlay that, vro went butl to pII; visit, to 1.htw old homle and to see lilt ollo I.he'ro that, induieed n:; to goan 1.01 onl"y so but11, an olpportun it-y was r;iv n to it Ialt, of friends of form. Alys t.hat we had not siell in at ;r\ nally years. 'lI'here Wats in the parly from N w ertry also the HIev..l. W. Siaki., w(i Ins go(iin;; up) to take: It s1eeuh. \\ all writ.ten our mnoter wo wodub but ) for, breakcfast, andi we had Iuch neaklcfast. all ready when weu arr ived liah ,oihueie fteeul r"y know hrow to n'epare, andl It. wia: reat.l injuyed. It, is at genuine' pleas ro for Its to ;'et, hacliLto thet o hd holll l tneet, the friemis am.t t':.n he seeS of ith 10hiiy' iMany iban! sau taken p)lae since thost' day: at, there are still some famliliar f:t-": Ild t.hey alw(ay. givu us such at walrn mi he;u lit ish ly m,i woltder w )ve to goI amoung t heml. IriI'. \ . .11 I "ultt at'e is t the su)erin 9ndlent, of t het Sundaty-sc?hool at, Tray. ick Chapl.l. Tlhe pa:iSl0 was not, ptrts il,1tt h 'C1(li) 1(It tol lshe n),1. '.I'hu foretnoon was 1 t 'nf Il it,h rec'itat.iurns atld songs by the chil ren ituni tnellblerit of tile schuu'. i'he\ udwt I] ftea Verldn;ke sp)ecial mnetion if we walntet' to YT1 wverei oleasedI with thte (rt.irt) pro" raml, and wvhile Lwrn, wer e law\'nl.t,yte ciltt,ions1, es its the iIn ll , lO.t I-orning hr 1 oon sed away. The. tlle t'el eretit. tupon L,he t i upe rintee eutlan t .hos whol trainevd tlm :u111 l)e : t.h nms(.lves a-; wellI. A\n Irlt.,r"nlission for diinner" wa. takel nd Mlr. I inware ::aid they woouho have it ohd f:ttshionl Methodist dinn"r". \V' o not Icnow aboult Ihl.I, bult, we"t h:\" eenl to M\el hIotist., lI:1ti.s :und I..ut ihe"r n )!at.he;rings", in that, Section aind inneors wtre; always abhout the 58am mIle abuendallt.. This was nu e"x,cept,it ttl While M r. ('re tncr Inatde it, rlh-a hat t,hlere wats Somlt.h"ilng inl a1 ml:nl wV lo not, thi.nk it, n trs m h wh ltu)e youl ~ive the dinlner. 11, wa": Comm,y l'tnnpalgu 8enetule. 'The following Is the schedulu as ' .rlgecl fo- the count.y ctul)aign Iuct, n lis acloptlt(1 by thu sub-commnlitteo of th I';xecutlYo Coninittee. No. 5-- .alapa, A tist, 2nd. No. li LI,n shoo's Store, August 3d. No. 7--WiIlliaus' Stor- , August, 'Ith. No. :i --M\t. I'h-asaut, Augut, 10th. No. 2 -'. W. KeiLt's, August I Ith. * No. .i--W h it tire, A ugust, 12th. No. 8---itopia p1ostollie-, August, 16. No. 9 --G i ao\ve ne('art 11-own & Mose. Iey's IIIineratl ::pringAugust 71.h.. No. It--.l1oily St.rect., A1ugtst, I8th. No. Il---I'tllitria, A ugu lst 23d. No. I Newh1'rrV, AugtList 2411. No. I NI-w i'1I 4' ttoll M ill, at ni;;l.tA uusIt, : I1t1h. I'ON(:lfl4HIN .\, I. 'A\N I l AT"1I'.: ('ulistat es fulr 4'(Ingress will aldress lthe+ pe'olI of New\herry ('oln)ty as fol fr lo\es: I .lln s h ores, A\Ili;ust,''.at.h, 10..:0 it. mt. NI'w\h(rry", t'. I I., A\ lg. :!:)tl h, .;ItI1p. lu, I'ttlaria, A ngust, 26t.h, 10).30 a. ml. I'r'o,I,e iily, Anlg ust '.7th, 10.310 a. tin. W. I). II.\lil>V, .luy 1ith 188.('eun t.y ('hah-m"nal. .1nlly 1:1L1t, 151)5S. Te1tItr 1'ate1 amntl t'tracur tt) L,t. 'I'hu trusl0, e of II:tt.foritl Aca1ymy will hol a mt11't in': t, t.he sehool house in I)isl-it, No. I (Ilart.foral), onl A 1 gust. ist, at \( It. Il., at whit-h t ime hitail ifor the erretion of a new :chool house will be receiv(il, 11lans amd spueilie:t t.ions ImR IIe u n al. Ii, t.iie. AI11alicat.ion. for- th(" losilion of teae.h er will be eon:sbll,redI a. s"unlc Ilu-, ulp p'liealions t.o be inl hamis41 of I"rnstees b y . uII I Iy 21 h-1 . I I I:. lIIt.\ i' I.;, ( lerk of Il(uar<l. 1'ii* fu l i 'ttYt. 1t Th'1e 1umh-r1':I~IIlId I"rust'et.of the 1l ee na ti(:hool will h1/hl it mecti:1 Olm tiat, tu'thay, Auguno-. I:. 1S'.t, at. .1 o'elO ck p. Il.. InI t he (li of Colo, Is lIleatse, 1.,t e . . I.r' fri l hO while an et l 'lorl-1 sehl I1 bl, A pI) i1"at ions liny be h:1n11i 410 eI I-!! 1..m; of the, "r;te l'tuist.n s. (110" )" l I i. 'l'he~ -lm ,p wi )- . w illelf a'I I e" ch', T . I- ' l i.\I'. 1 -11 , 'I''iiIstllt.I IS WI' il. 1-imr Ac dtlt m y 'I'h ' ..itt ;-: '-1 Ilttit \" I' u". t,'a 'Is. l o 1 I; lie:I,, IIII t : tt i ' eloelt' l:''lr ihe W he-- 11 lt mi S o ol 11)eiolpen abhout th1'I" i' N1oIImllmr. Applieants will ansin .heir Sppeamu r to e 1t,.1( ..lh-itu b1Y .1))y : taling. thm N. 1. W'I-:Ir.l.::it, ('hairmau. NEW BE1R , \!11ntain. 1'tl lt c"a' \\'t11 e11 . TIht' 1l r1an: :)n11 t.rll:t1 1s of .Jolly t1re1t I s htoo1,!. I >i ,tr1"ic1't No. : : :t. wVil mnl t. m l I-'r"i1:a\. 1.I-11 ::9th , Io 1"le+ t, at b-"aeber. 'Ilh" .1lpliennlIs 1)11s6 h:aml in Ii leir apIpIliait ion:<t I) t hie I it iie':; On or" hIe r that I lat.". Thet 1,ruIIt1".s have the11 1ig,ht, lo a bjert, lo anly app11lie:an:. .1. ('I. W II.t0It, .i . I)I. I,ZI\'1INFA;"Ti N, ' l'rtlbt."es. te,wio-e" \1'anate<(. 'I'h'+ patrons: o)f 11ini0m .-ea<l('rny, I )is Iriet, Nt..:!'. will m)tel, al, school bu1ih11 ing-. ..n l''ri:.1,t. Jul ,. , 0 1 98 and. .... .1.., Teacher Wanted. A irist-grado teache'r is wanted for the T'ranwood ashool, schooL district No. 47, for the publio term. Salary $25 per ot,th. Board can be had 'at $8 pot' llont,h. Applications will bo ilied with olthor of the undoraigned by Au gust 12tI. ). W. BAi;Atu, .1 AS. .. ZtuAU1N, 0 J. W. l1'1"'IN . 0 t Trustees. lI TI'aat'h.,r N%'Mn ted.y A it ussistutlt tcuher in the Littlo Nlount.ain Sehool is wltnted. Applica- G tions will be received unt,il August 5, I 1898. lFor Information as to the school C tatmi piy write the ulerligned and ap- ( plieations for tho position unist bo sont him atlso. ni J. U. J,ATII A N. S . f. td. I,itt.le Mountain. i NOTICE TO LAND OWNER8. A A 1AI. AN)OWNiOtH Atit MO - I . by 1 not,illied to remouve from run iii ng streais of water upon their lands S all trash, trees, rafts and tm11ber during the tuotth of August, in com1pliance e wit.h Set'tion 127:I of the Itevised (I Stat.utes of this State. .1. M. SUiJ1M1l'I'i1tT, I( at. Supervisor, " E "TssI COZmac+ DUI' V iS'', S. C. Op'ns last. Wednesday in September. Attendance last year from teln States and ttlexico. 'l'w;o courses letling to t,hs et'gretes of A. It. and 1. S. Total t'exlnses for tho nine tonths in the i "11 "n rivate fanilles SIacnous and "lioio," ("omlIt.(' and t(lupp(ul with mlodern convetniences of hath rooms, &. iutiro butilding hret by htot, water't+ystetu. Wf'WWrite for entalogue t.o ( W . Id. GItIlCiR, l'Im.sI )1';NT. v NOMINATIONS. For Congress. ;1(.;i"OG S IS III1'1301 ' AN. e notuned( as a candidlato for n. riss to 'e1rsent thlis t.he ''hird (on ~ressiomal I)istricl.---subjet, to the Ilu t'mocrt.Ie I 'rimtirt !lect,ion. SANN(>11N('I' 't) TIl'1 \'Vu'IClIsl . o. of tle :h-d G onaressionttl I l1stric. (ti at, I Litm tt ''andl it,ats. for i-eiotion ( it( Congress, sub jetI. to the rules of the I)t'-movrltit party of Nouth (:a.tllna. A.. IC. lATI1111t. J For House of Represen tatives. { 14 1,0 . 14. Itl,l'CASI', !';SL ., IS lJ liheb atnnolnneed as at candtidatte fow t he it risll.urtt ill the lppr'oachilg )etlntlerati( r 111iLuI', and Is pledged to abli( th lt , an 11d slpport, the nomli- - n('(s (if t h' patI. 1IA l'T'. . A N. '. iANKS Hi51i lH;R: (!by nom liottd as a enndlidate4 for re (Ilvction to t ,he lower louse of the (1en tttl Assembly, aund is pledged to ubide Ie r t,of t he I )emocrat,ic Prhnary 11. iEYANS IS HIi;itilYN e._ atnn0ounced as at candiate for th l e of of It1(prse t.t ivc e, sub j(ect, to t.h( rites un( regulat.onr s of t.he S)e 'tx i.y. il'; ''I{ItiN0,I)S O 'O(I,. I). A. - 1)i(ekert, 14'spe("tfully3 annotunce him a t a itei 1 fr t.he feIgis atur_e , be lconsini, J)totigmk t,h ennvass.l) ~tttito Al11IUNIi IS Jli'tCilV A N 6 nmeedl as at 01( candidate for theo Ilus ofi i i t elwesent.tI .i ve u jc,t th ruhIi' iidual1 regultions fte. Demio-lI I Tilt ti (1ll ill illi 1051 lit tf itiY Slecin t o t he'i il i sltrVa i i da,entimr Edcatio. ] G.Ai0 (H A I l 1 11)b 17A Ni)I I'h Tei nonn1eed asi at candtiidar teiorthe Iiiigistiwo fro NNNwbrr, ON mty~,F aisiti pledgedtl o )5( to abide reul1o {N T. WYCI". W. liCitCiYN \iiItnousllted11 hs aIenidlida' for (oit.h l'tnri ay It'litin . IllCit|CiAYNY NNOUNUl'iMY AN .o dinC oun't .Trde,subect, W For Aud)itor.lidiint eV an unnted as5 a candidat or re-elect,ioniIt as1 lobt .Ifudgei anAd i I)(Im eiait tlt'emary. ieprlttl' For County Su periten :iAi IlldN inyso0f A I) tilittlt and tilaid LtIOWfte renit, f the1)emo I J * ItilI (I1 IYL N N l l C hI Y foI, r T CO$TI AT CO$Ti! '-0: JUMMER CLEARANCE SALE We will begin a clearance sale of all ur Huhiner Coods at, "aetut'al cost" ti Titesday, Juno 28th, and continue as mg as they last. The earlier you ome, however, the better selections oil will get. This salo includes all Summe' Dross oode, Cl')red Lawns, Organdies, )imities, I'erenles, Prints, Skirts, Ianwe Undervesta, Mitts, Summer loves, Corsets, &e. And also Includes in other depart tentseUnderahiIrta, Colored Laundered hirts, Mon and Hoys' Straw Hats, a irgo line of Men and Hoys' Pants, La les' and Chl1dron's Oxford Ties and lippers, Men's S ummor ('oats and ests, Linon and ('rash Suits, White iok Coats and Pants, Men's light 'lt Kid and Putent, Leather '4 an hu(s. And we will sell during this sale verything in our store at, greatly re neced prieeH. "We never allow anyone to sell for 's than we do at any time," but, we Ill discount, all former pices (luring Itsa sale. 1.eComuo and see ts often. COPELAND BROS, oadors of Low Prices and Reliablc Goods. lain Street - - Newborry, S. C. lemember! I have moved to the Store )posi t (I I,. UU. Williams, vbIe'e I hav ia well selected took of ewelr'y, Spectacles, (locks and Silverware, 11(1 will b1o pleased to see uistOm1ers. Watch, Clock and Fewelry repairing a )pecialty. EDUARD $CHOLTZ, The Jeweler. Its a Sure Sign When Candy lov ers get their heads together that the verdict is going to be in favor of Whilsinos Chocolates and ConfeCtions. They are famous wherever there ex ists an a.ppetite for pure, delicious can dy. Whitmiaii'S InstaiitaiooRis Ulioolatos Ia perfeot in flavor anid quality, do stanitly with boiling water. J. K. GILDER BOOK STORE. Janieson's Summer Clearance Sale Begins to-day. Our ent'Iir (s tock of Spring Clothing, Straw Hats, Low Cut Shoes, Etc., Etc., Watch our Clothing window for special bar gain lots. This sale mn~is spot cash 1.o every one.0 No goods sen t out on app)lroba.tionl. lHesp)ectfully, JAMIESON, n)islhar nm Shne I)olr.