115~ I ST ABLISI-E ) 1865. NEWRB -,rR S. C., FRIDAY , J LJ!Y 1, 18).T I E A W E ,~ . O A Y A WHEELER UP A TREE SURVEYING SPANIARDS. WONDERFUL ENEKtOY (M r11E 1)A4111 INO EX-0ONFEDERATE WA1iitiOtn. The Advance of the Americtnu Artny-The Enemy Steadily Itetlros- :iiight Sk.-:t. ishes lietween spanhardis anid o3salnl mn%. liavy Losers Sustained by the Enens,y Ia i.he Emugugnsotant or Frilday-Starvat hn and mhs tret lih tho City of Saint laigo. (Copyright, 1898, by the Associated Press.) At the Front, on the Rio Guana, Monday, June 27-(Noon.)-Por the Associated Press Dispatch Boat Wanda via Port Antonio, Jamaica, Juno 28.-Tuesday (Forenoon)-Via Kingston, Jamacia-12:35 p. m. The American front has been ad vanced beyond the first crossing of thee Rio Guama about a mile, and a tug lies three and a half miles from the Spanish entrenchments. General Lawton's brigade rests on the road to Santiago do Cuba. The Third brigade, under General Chi.f foe, the Seventeenth, Twelfth and Seventh regitnonth, holds the trench, with his counand lying across the road and river. The First brigade, tin Eighth, Twenty-second and Second Massa chusetts, under General Evan Clark lies on the left flank, slightly iin the roar, and the Second brigad., the First, Fourth and Twenty- ifthi oe. cupics the oppo'it position oil the right. flank. Gen. Wheelor, with thie cavalry, is in the rear haet weenl So villa hills and the Rio (1u;i.mn. A. strong line of Ou posts is main tained ahead. General Chaflee's brigadi, with three thousand Cubans under Gen oral Aguirra and several h1undred under Col. Gonzales, wts skiruish ing towards the city this morning. The Cubans had several :,light skirmishes with the Spaniards sta tioned on the hills on the American right flank, and our auxiliaries oc cupied the blockhouses in that vicinity, which wore evacuated bo fore daybreak by the Spaniards. Tho iattor ret rented towards Santi ago do Cuba. No fatalities are re ported. General Lawton, General Chaftee and General Wihoolcr have thorough ly reconnoitered the Spanish posi tion, and, with th- aid of informa tion furnished by the Cubans, havn very good maps of the roads and defenses of the city. Much information hans also been abtained from Spanish pacificos, who have slipnped out of tine cit.y and given thenmelves up in tine hope of getting food. They report great starvation and distrass in Santiago. They say the Spanish troop)s are on short rations and thnat all thne sup sup)plios are being boeld for t heir use. The sick in tine hospitals, tine pa ci ficos say, areoa sufrn g from lanck of food, and they also report thnat seventy-seven Spaniards woero killed and thnat eig,hty-nnino were woundee as thne result of tine engagemeint on Friday last with Col. Wood's and Young's commands. The most startlinag informat ion obtained fromn tine pacificos is lint since the advaince begani almnost, tapart, wiii juist insido thieso arc litneo of ruleo pits. Outside, to tine eastward, aboint two miles beyomnd tine Amnerican out. - posts, is a line of entrochmeints, (ex t ndiing fromn tine northorn extremi ity of tine city to Morro Castile. A lit tie weost of south, at a dis tance of about seson miles from Oen erall Lawton's head(quarters, lies Morro Cast le. The road to within a few hundred yards of the batteries at the rear of Morro was recon noitered yostorday afterncon by (eneral Chaffoo and several mum bors (f his staff. T'he Cubans believe that if tho water stplply of the city can ho cut. off, ,uitatisgo will have to yield at once. They say that Ahniral Cor vora's entire flot, except thu torpedo b at destroyer TIrror, is in the har bor. General Lawton is inclined to discredit tho reports that guns have been tuhl.n from the ships to strengthen the defenses on land. He says it would be impossible for Ad miral Ci rvaia to reach the position of the Atmerican army with his big guns from where the Spanish ships lie. No aggressive move by the Amenri. cans is anticipated for soveral days. The road to the base of supplies nus.t be grn.eat ly improved boiore the onward iovement. can be safely mado. At present it taxes the quarter master's depart ment to the utmost to get provisions aiul ammunit ion. Last night one p tck train arrived with =1eplies sa,nlicient to last until to night, and as this di-patch is being written another train of amnmlt11nition is coming in. A. train of ammunition hasa r."ached (Genreral Ch.ldlee's brig ad(0, and a batterv of Gatling guns and (1 inamiite guns, attached to the Ronghl Hiders, has beeni moved to GenralI Wheelor's ca)p. There is no high ground in the 1reseit. position where Hotchkiss or G,ttling guns could ho put in posi t.ion, blut a li Ilo further on is ground where gnus can he inoint'd and from which tin efective fire can be directed at t:he Spani:h entrench 'T'horo were no alarms last night. Many of our officers are anmazed, as they have looked for resistance to our advance. The ground over which they have traveled could have easily been defended, but the Span ish have steadily retired, not oven attempting to larras5 our flanks, as the columns moved on through a natural amubuscading country. Apparently, General Linares pro fers to placo faith in the defenses of the city and intends to make it "latst ditch fight" of it. A few-though only a few-hold to theory that he does not, porpose fighting at all. General Calixto Garcia, with 30C mn, who landted yesterday, is ex piected to reach the fron t t oday. Tbc Ameirictans aro in excellent spirits, ned t here is a remarkable laick of sickness. Thus far the wa'zter supply hats boon good, anid there have beenu no had effects from thle changes ex c0pt a few cases of d1y sentoriy. Tlhere was a brief rain squall last night. At 1no0n today Maijor- Coolidge ro ceived orders to cleoar thle roadt boe youd t ho frontl, where the streamn dlonbles back nwoos it, for ihe ad vanICe of the aritilleory. A dlynemnite gnn ad a H[otchkiss gun will he put inl position. General Wheeler, who made a re connioissanuce for halft a ile h b,iyond the skirmish linies t hiis mforinlg, fint ing that ho was nnable to secure thle udesil view thirough the luixuiantii ropical folinge, dlismonititd and1 climbe hd a five. A Major Genuerail of the U'niftef States in thle forks of a tree, su rvey inig thle Spaisli out posts t hrough his fieldI gluisses,' was a1pe tale that gave seome. idea of thle woenderfiul enlergy of the daisingi( ex Coni federate (cavalriy leader. TLh is feat of agility ini a moan sixty-ftwo years of age put to b.hush niany a younger oiltr ini h is st aff. ( haninn i~mSim sho oh World. Miss Annie Oakley writes: "'My self and manily of t bo Buiffatlo Bill Wil WVest Co. have given Allen's Foot En4mse, the piowdlor to shauke inito the shoes, a most thorough tril, anrd it doies all if niot mioro thanci you claim."' It mstantly taken the st ing out of Corns and Bunions. AllenE F'o:t- l'eso is a certain e ure for hot, achinug, niervouis or swveatinmg feet. Sold by all D)ruggists and Shot Stores, 25c. Samplde sent FRoE. Ad dress Allen S. Olmstod. Lne Roy- N. Y JAMil "I Sunimr C The balance of oi Hats, Ladies' Oxfords, CLC In this departmen bargains ever offered $6.00 Suits cut to $4.50. $8.50 Suits cut to $6.50. $11.50 Suits cut to $8.75. Watch our Clot values in higher gradi we will sell for much I ture. We have Big Lot of From 50 cts. to $' lower than they have The balance of ou at reduced prices. Our entire stock o closed out, ranging in Our entite stock o out. Good Sheeting, 31 cts. Good Shirting Prints, 3 cts. This sale means spot casl we will save you money. O.1M. The Newberrg MrAT:i (IIAIRMANs$il. SIX AItti:sl A 1ugg Ntth'Irnat Thei r1%4 H Vio Chaitr- 'he IteI Taike 1tnn. ' hose <'Iharg ---- ta he man, il< [Register, 29th.] Colonel Willio Jones has been up- (Spec pointed colonel of the now regment, ILake City andi as5 be is chairman of the State ing six Uniite Democrat ic execut ivo comnmitt ee, it arrived hero is possible that he may resign from oniceocd the last mentioned posit ion. Some H. F. Stokes of the friends of Mr. Colo L. Blease this place', Y hamve spokeni of him for the chiir- W ard, w~hor manship. con titry', ant A Riegisier reporter interviewved Scranttoni, S. Mr. Bloaso last ig cht and1( asked him ) picity ini thI if ho would1 b)e a candidate. TIhe parli t Mr. B3leaso said: "'I am not a can.- lest on tonigi dlidate for t ho State chairtm anshipj as Conniss iom10 I think Col. Jones shionidt conatinuo thinlg palssed to hold t hat posit ion and aijmly let the e3xecutivo comumit tee elect a vice Thle follow chairman to act in the absoncelC of were arreste, Col. Jones. Col. Jonjes has mlanaLgedl being? imlit ad.ni rably so far anda has thle work Postmai*stor wvell aidvanced for' the camign-I~l to Chaiirleist. With' his advico the vice chatirmnii 1H. F. Stoke can perform aill the duties tand on McKntight, tho retura of Co'. J1 'nos thte chiir- Wester*. mIansh)ip will belong to him1111 as i These mao right and propor- ties fromi C; ''God grant that lhe may retur in issud by P< safely to his Statto atnd faimily with T. M. Oil renewved honors."' beent r.etaiu Thei roiporter then as~ked1: "W~ill thing is (hi yon beC a canitet for vice chiir- little ex~citon: m)anship? " Mrt. iltcaso anisworod: "WoVlI, not exaictly a candlidatoe, bult as I have miuch and1 familiarized miys'elf with ekJR tthe dluties of tihe place, if e'lec(tedl -'' e~ would accep)t, andi perform the (lit les ~ to tho hest of my ability, arid on thet return of Col. Jone1s turnit over the position to im."l2 To nnaachmer wanea.e uIn Broad Rilvetr Schoiol Di1stricjt to commenc tinOIO Augutst or st Sept,tember. As1I Term'a to c'ontiu for' eighit mothls. A pIlications reede(e by 'i thr e,f the untdlersigned unt il t,he I t, of .Iuly. 1) A. D)ICKleT Ch'm. W. I". SUln, See'y. MuSn a tII I ,n.C f 2t air'Spring Clothing, Straw etc., must be closed out. THING t we will show the biggest to the trade. hing Window for great a suits and odd pants that ess than cost to manufac IiiIdrei's Suits 3 that we will make prices ever been sold for before. r Straw Hats to be closed f Ladies' Oxford Ties to be price from 37cts. to $2.00. F Dry Goods must be closed Checked Homespun, 3 cts. Heavy cottonades, 10 cts. Regu lar price, 15 %ts. to every one. Come to see us and Respectfully, Clothes Furnisher and Shoe Dealer. t M 1)I"; Al11 I. CiTv. cumcpolpmin Ap .,n i nals a Ito Clarl xtson-Iht LEN