The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, June 21, 1898, Image 3

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NoWSItiit MAltK6'T. Cotooted every Tuesday and Friday 'by gulunor Bros, a.......... ................. @l2ic. Bust Lard ............ ........... (a)10o. Bost ?.olass, new cr;)..... SOc. Gxood Molasses..................... 25( 35e. Corn ..................... 6 0 ay...... ....... .. ................. 80t'. W heat Bran ....................... $1.10. lst Patent Flour ................... $0.50. 2nd Bost Flour .................... $6.25. Strait Flour ....................... $0.t ). Good Ordinary 'Flour...........$4.50(5.50. Sugar ................. ..... ......... 0&(()7o. ict .;....,..........;.................. 01(a)84 c. C 0(ep20c. Cotton seed meal, per sack..' $1.00. Bale -lulls, por cwt......... 30. Country Protae' fltter, per lb ..................... 15@'20c. ECggs, per dozen . JOe. Chickons, each .................... 12 @20c. Peas, per bushol.......l.......... 0e. Corn, ,or bush el..l............... 55c. Oats, per bushol.................. 35c. Sweet potatoes ................... 5 0oc. Turkeys, por lb .................. 6 j 8c. Fodder, por cwt .................. 75 900o. -11lncklen's Aridn1tf t?tlve. The best Salve in tho world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, ITicers, Salt Rhetum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped 1-lands, Chilbltans, Corns, att all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guarantued to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Robert,son & Gilder and W. E. Peliham. Aolephono Sui,sorlbore. Please add to your Phone list: Wallace, W. II. (Residence) 113. Wells, O. (Residence) 112. And oblige, 1t, L. WV. FLoYD.' A tt e n ti o n , o t to n (. r o w e r g. The 'next regular meeting of the County Cotton Growers' Association will be held In the court hcuse on Sat urday, July 2nd, at I1 o'clock. R. T. C. IlUNTER, President, E. C. Blanks, of Lewlsville, Texas, writes that. onu box of Dovit.t's Witch I1azel Salve was Worth.*0 to him. it cured his i'lles o) ton years standing. IIo Vivcis oft.hrs to lry i . also curts czetna skin (lscases andi obstinato sores I'. 1L. I'lhum. . Subseriptions to Governnent War Loan $200,000,000 three per cent. Bonds will bo received at the National Bank of Newberry, S. U. t&f 2t Just received a barrel fine mackerel at Jos. T. HUTCIlNSON & Co. An elegant line of Straw Hats at Janiesou's, 253 to $2.00. A lot of Knco Suits, 50c and 75e., at Jamieson's. I)emocratic Exventlye Conisuttc,o. A meeting of the Democratic lExe cutivo Committee for this county will bo held at Nc.berry on Saturday, J une 25th, at 10.30 a. in. A full attendance is desired.. W. D. I-1AlY, Chairman. Nowberry, S.,C., Juno Jth, 1898. t.f. Winl your battles against diseaso by acting promlptly. Ono Mtutlu Coughl Curit' t1o111cts Im melitlte results. When t aken onrly it pre vents cons ftiion. Anid in iler stlgt-s it furniho prompt,i-ctllef. W1'. E. Pt 1. aim. Sucecss-Worthi Knowing. 40 years' success int the Sout,h, prtoves9 HIughes' Tonic a great, remerdy for Chills and all Malarial Fevers. Bet,ter than Quinine. Guaranteed, trv it,. A t Druggists. 50c. and $1.00 bottles. tt0mo Go to Jaimieson's for Clothting; he can stave you 10 to 20 por cent,. ou Cloth ntg. 'ITie Syami,hony Orchtestria. Thomas' Symphony orchestra has rec tur~nedl from Newberriy, whore they charinied the auidiences which tt.etnded the commencement execises of Newv berry College, and the german which followed as a fitting close of the gala week was a scne of lovelincss. Tihe )oimpllimencits patidl Thomasi antd his imusiciains by Priesident Cromer and Maityor Evans wyere of the gilt-edge kind.--Columbia R.ieord , 18th. *Look at our~ line of Oxfords $1.50 oqual to most $2.00 Oxfords. t tf J amioeson 's. Ladiles' Patetnt Tipj Ox fords. 50c, at ttf Jtamiiesont's. . Iev. A. J1. Htok.-p, D. I). Emory Col lege, Ox ford, GaL , hias ~onl ferred the degree of D)octor of Divintity upon01 Rev. A. ,J. Stekes, of the Sout,h Carolina Conference, andl in doing so hias hionoired the institution tand be stowed just re'oognition whice it was due. Dr. Stokes has Itund reds of friends in this city iirresp)ective of denomina tIonal lines anid they wvill, without ex ception, take p)leasurte int lear'niing of the honor that hias heen done him by the leadhing educational institution of the Methodists of a sister' State. Dr. Stokes wvill we' the honor gracefully and worthil'y, for lhe will go on int the even tenor' of his way u nchanged1 antd -unsapoiled by this or any other honor that may fall to h is lot. \Ve congrtw-L late D)r. Stokeo, but, l'mory College -is to be congratulated also, for an honor ar~y degree was never bestowed whore it was more merlted.-Sumntor~ Itmi. WVhy will you buy bitter nauseating tonicas w hen GitovE'S TiASTLESS CiL TONIC is as pleasant~ as Lemon Syvrup. Your' druggist la aulthorized to refund the money in ovetry case wvhero it fails to ouro. PrIce, 50 cents. Fruit Jars! Fruit Jars! Mason's, in pints, quarts and half gal Ions. Also Ball in quarts and half gal ions, for sale cheap at Robertson & Gil der's Drug Store.ttf, VAIOUs AND ALL ANOUT. >' iss' Agnes Erckuan left for he home in.Charlestou today. Ilon. Geo. S. Alower . left last, weeh to apond two weeks in Maine. -- Miss Mario Reagln t has returned honio from I'lizabeth College. Ms.t Daisy Mittle is visiting her tis ter Mrs. Sol lirowu at Bennettsville. . T'Lreasurer C. 1". 1oyd is announlced as8 a for re-election in thi. Dl iss Nannie Pool Is er neeted homer from lollins Institute, Va., this after noon. A'dance was enjoyed at the hall in Uclena ]list night. A large crowd was presont. Mliss Ethel 'uySin ger reti rned yes tor(lay from Floridui where she bud been on at visit to re'latives. Miss Josle White left last week for a visit to her sister at Taunton, Nlass. She wiji spend the snnelr there. liev. Gl. \V rig I. returneid on Sat urdiy fron at visit, to his parents in E4dgellOld. Mliss Euphiemia 1MClintock has gone to Ashevillo, N. C., to attend an edu cationtil meeting now in session there. N iSs Thyra Sehumpert, who lts been attending the College for Women iln Columnbiat, is at hone. Prof. 11. I. Jones, I'iincipal of the Laurel Street sehool, Columbil, is at, home for the vacation. lion. Cole L. liease, war secr'etary to Governor I,llerbe, spent a few hoursi: at homte on IPriday last. The hll has been moved from the old Lntheran church and put in po.;i tion on t.110 new church. M. 1. Pawlt'y hasu opened at dry goods store in the building recently oceupie'd by Leslie &. Co. Visit the new firm. Children's I)a:y exercises will he he0ld at New (hp'e Smity, June 25. Sc' eral distinguished sp'akcrs for the Oe casionl. Sergeant Wearn is in the city and wints all the recruilt.s im Can1 get. ii you are t,hinking of going to war conl sul1t, him. Private L. E. F1olk, of Company 11, at Chiekamnauga, wats waylaid and robbt-t of his pistol I he ot,ber (lay a few miles from hlia camp. See ad of Wint hrop College sciolha' ship and entrance examliration in auit other colunmn. '.lI'he examination will be held .1 ely 15th. A warrant was issuc'd this mor-nin1g Itgainst, a manl who refused to be t acci natel. 'Trho eas15e3 will be hcilrd by thec Mayor tomo rrow' miorning it 9 o'clock. A. C. .Jon(s announces His sumln:er" cleatranctt saile in th)is is.u', I'or the next two weeks lie means to sell the goods, that is if low prices will move them. Rev. ."13. Fo.x, I'h. D., will hol Services itt the jail this aft.el'nloon at. 6 o'elock for the benefit, of the prjniiers. The publie is invited to attend the ser vices. NIliss Mary T,iwi MNcCllintock( came1 110311 yesterday.~ from Florida where sheo 11as beenl Leachinig in t he Slate (Col lege and1( iihe ii ts 1been reelected for niext,year. Thel c losin e3 0xeriOses of thle (lark school0, .Jalapa, wvill be hiebt oni F<'eidav n ighit of t.h is week. Aln Inte resting Alr. WXhilen0 will speatk at tihe I ut theran13 chuiirch neOxt SOutday afternoon' and1( n3ighit.. Thle pub113 is in3vitedt to3 both1 services. Ilie is tra1veling! in tie int eres3t of t.h e Sundllay-seihool o~ the State. Te Stat 0 'T'acrl :\i Asociat ion wvill mleet. at t llris Sprin31gs ;11nly I I . A Iiightful metn ., in ant licipationi. Ilvery Lceaneher wvho (can Sihonh3l( a t.tend Lbhis mee0ting1. At aI of ther I-'.xcelsior l,'ireo C~omp1anly last nligiht the elect.ion Of Al i. Ild~ uarid Scholtz ias Chiefd of tile D)epart31 ment, and AIlessrs. O tto lettn3er 3 and 1. WV. White, as Assistant, Ch3iefs, was recommended31t3 to) the3 eit.y cou33neil. P rof. K. D). Seun , who13111 has een Leach ing at flisin Ig school33 at Sto3k er hiis sc10ho binhg closed. lie ha beenll(3 21l(c1e( Pincipal~ of li.he St.. Miat.t. he w s J radled Sool for. the linxt :!ssion. 2igh t mni les in t,he coun31tiy Sund31a y morn31inig t(o hold an)11( inqust over .he11( )0ody of ani old( colo3red woilmni. A I 13.3' investigating he found1( 1.hat1 the 3ihl wVomanll had1 been33 siek for' ia long time)3 .1a3, hence0 3no ingnest0 . Mesrs. 11133t & I 11333, and11 ,1. Yr. CJut L31'en1th of. t he No wherr3t'iy ha and3 3111Niesses. [tagsdale & l.agsdale of Wilnnisboro 31av1. 1been rtinled 1.3) defenid 113e prisoneris no0w in jail cha 31rgedl with thIe 1n33rdel' of the negro( woman in 13 111 Poma3331i1 sect1ionl some31 three3 years ago. A priminary3 w313'i'ill 1be hadt L.Omiiorro eforo NMagist raLt-e (Cunningham1 1)1. P olicem00n ( Cia3t.o kile a11( 3 little d (og ,his morning3 a1(tft.eir it had13 bit .teiNi Mr'. ['. 11. NlrIn on111 the1 hand i1(. ~The d (og ,vats the pr'operty oif l)ick Taylor. NI re. Mart'tni was3 walikinig altong the sItreet, Vbeni altt.aoked by the3 dog). She1 hadt' vithll 1tlenity thatt she kept 111e dlog rom31 bit,ing the child1(. It Is foaled It, vas a1 mald cog. Thie do(g law needs1 1to 0.Oinforced. Mr 3s. Mat iil and h lit lo01 chid left (31 dlown train 3 this morn1 nIg for CJh3apIn to try the e'lil(ncy of Nie. Ucard's mad stone. T1hoeceapett line of Laies't3' Oxfords aver shown La Newberry at ttf Jaiesoni's. . .ISPENSAIIY Olk TOP. Nt Saysa a% Newberry Latwyer in Wolaington. Wa'hbingtoi Post 1 "I do naot think that the disponsaty (u)1stIon will bo a ti big factor in our State caipaign thIs tall,"-said Mr. \V. 11. Ilunt. a p romlinent liiwyer of Newberry, S. ".0. t ihe INIM-ropolitanl. "A great many pieople fave hostile to the mainitlernanto of the disp)ensau'y sys teln, but, I belit-ve a auajorit.y would Vote for' it to . toil. 'lhoy point, to the fact that silec its adoption there has ieei a 11u11-.ed decr-ease in the amnotnt, of drunklIennelss, and arg;um that, it hias, been i, great t atpoe-ance !age i nt. "T1'hrti are svt'eral canliatear . for G;overtibr: The pre--ent in(tnnintnt,i .Gov. I?lt a'b: lion. O. IF. Suhnlnpert, of Newberry; I. H. 'at-son, of 'Sahlua; State Set"mtor Aicier, of I)partanhuitrg, and Joel I. l[tkuon, who !s runnilg onl a irolii)ition platform. All but, the last will louhtless (eclrI liheir inten tion of sianding by the iiitp:lensarv sinc the United tates Stiplmite Ct 1t, has sustained its validity iin the m:.tia ; :esen tinl points. "The war has, not done us any visible goI . in Sout Carolina, bunt for all that the people :aret kee; a t"ri; t Ie, ., a! 1 wianlt-to aay ri, lovt Ii - t.hat thoe'r is1 Very gene"al approval of Ireaidta.; .\le.. Ilinley', our.-e. o Te ii ajolity of om people think hie las: act'edul wi tiy :and ini the aot digtniii w ta,, and hi'uar notiin a:. b it, ii i'I 1-r :t1Iltltiah "I I i.-; taon duct." li la rl(a; 1 it a' t*it. Alrs.A lh 1l ui-ta nin l> : i' t ad, id., rli t- t vt-:tI,t 1-a"aw c i ala ed, whIitbdi ; t"t' h. (0 bt 'lli:r'- Ahe waa rlat aa ! ' 1 is. ': t.laiy phydn+iant, 1; T .1' t . re i oltl twr sho w , be , h- lam 0a o - S ilp1ion ( . .. t1--li e in* c, l t"1i t het'. L)". lt ; :I"r.b n t t t it ! t - ' i . m . I.'t, r:1 1t -f t , t i aI1111i ti i', . j :t , . .aj '' t, h 1 l - -I " t 1 1, 1 1 " It .Ab 0 1t'. ; ~ a i . ! tl 'i' 1 at jt( bat It les 5a0 cent llti I . Cliltlrn', Iny n A v ItIgl ii, Childrean-s )ay at thl I'r,sbyter-ian iilmt"rh of Newberry was ecelratel last. Snntity afte'enoonl by a lileat:anait exercise pr'I)epared wiih special reft:r imewtt t(s l.'ol"eign ! i ions. T rhe rder t"ou:,isted of .:aur [:mit:, t"nt itlt'd 1. (Our ne'ighborn". 2. ihalt, we may hope for oua nt"iJh bor"s. t. \Whmat has been donte f1r our at'igh hors ian hlu , .hlapan and Kort"a. -I. Wi iit s bitl don for voup neirh t bo--s in lexico, aan Africa. 'lhe Souhthern Il'oasbyterians Iave G( mllissionarles, with .:3 native h-'ller., in China; 21) nuaisiouti-e", with 4l, iative helpersa, in .apan: 1:1 missionaries in Koreat; 9 rui.sionatlies, With 5 native pIrtaehors, -inI lcxico; 27 missionaries, w'ith 22 t ive hl r :, in lirazi!; II miaisiiana-iis i't, i'o;..zao free-i stitte. . ,go ..i ,ofi wvas laat., lvy invtita: tioni. I 'a.i. ( -0, I I. ( 'riaa r add(Ire;-tad the s;chooul in h i:, uual felicitious ruian ner i, givingx w'... et'aaa-cl :tida wvairds oft tionas fIi'aaa (a t;aal IIly!11. a it~ aildl Iter wid I aa' i--,'r 'd liv'b :.-lat,al a:. I .hi, vi.isorsfom 'm-al ahmelwsIt if te far itsI su e l.e d 'a-ir \\-. I:. I ' llali w if i - a li a . ,m li a("! - ti: wink . I; w an-e of tw::)ho l islr *yd t is innf'" r Ie i; a s (faa l a'21nf ''- '~- a ::a aan (t m~I- a ioa\ -{ ' bli o i - t: - , h i,iu ' a1. lsl aap i chur'ae in ah I! 1 he 'hi.tfii h w~a'; adb id I :a Ih'l-an to the SmaathI can Geaner. ~-a al xl recenatly heldi ini New ()rla-n:- . '. \ .* I.. I atit -'.' I'- 1 4 I , 1,' t12 .\i Il. \t V.atai it. I -o n- i) th /. : I . a-n laaaah oft ('ulu witt . is aniw " tbin as It, gives ai compaleate' huwyat of ( 'naha ia;Id Ia-a e! a~I'peo land aa et in ls aaanan I;iaet het ofora!aae unaali:;ih ad ' ' a. I -' a w:ts. thaere longI iinea;;h t, wriu noada faoam hais own' ) kno'wbI' '- tanad ob,r'axvation. Thsis a aubjict I int ai, iet :t ina oaur pled veray amaeh-l atl thh: aino anda if Ilu n te r aa d I l be -aar ib e, f a t th i as ao . is :al sioil hand:ajmelyx' ilus rin ad. T.fhe c'iiizens of I lana ao-t hot ighta ait, theE sfchool housea anda org'iaani,d al I)a'macran it10 lu. coni:iitti of the fol fowinag fallii'oas: I ''residaent, \V. I). I Iardy: \.'ie.' l'a''i .Jalien; fdxcentaive uit ha,i i.' t1 (. -hia)unera't,.Ii'., T1. If. I>)'a i; aand .I. /,. Saltiar. Memberht-a (0)'o'y :fa a.inentie C.onaaaaitt.ei, I ahy I). Shocleyt. aigita f }-Iha t, . (ollv'e) a Waruiai I Iaaa a'aIl ei.hin ai men'ats, gener'Iatl dlebility, dysprJpslia, skin diseases('i, liver' comlatint', fet(., needQ( aitten1to. TIhare' isna't anyathaina be(tteri for' a blood1 pui-rc thana Our Sars'ft a'aril Com ~iund. iNotiuia c'iaflly m) iaide of theIii beHtf i drgt. like e'very'thinlg thaat wI' miak;', anda wi givo yoa a biggeri b'otIn han y on usuaEll y geltad ch airgo hnt 'lhe for it. IBOBR'.I'SON & Gli LDElt, Ilnieaitata on ihn rcnr.iar. -SUN1)AY-SU%1OOL MIETINo. Thrt Field Neeretary to V1lit Ne'wberry.. '1 wo I'uilil Mteetings. Mr. 1. F. \Vhilden, Hold secretary for the State of South ('itrolina located in (harle:zton, will be in Newberry next Sundtty in c.he Interest or the Sun. day-schools. ''heru will be at union ineeting of all the schnols at the ILuth eran chiurob on Sunlay afternoon at 5 o'clook, when Mv. \Vhildt.ln will deliv or ainl address. 'J'hiS will Ie Ospeeeially to t,ho Sunday-schools. At night. at.. other meeting will be held at the sine plao when anot.her address will '-e de livered by ilr. Whilden. 1'hils s t eaauso in which all the chiurches and all tho people are large ly and deeply interested and there t,houh ! b' at fu!l i tuieu e at both of these services. 1ob Mlol're, of 1'aF.Vtto. 111t . xIIV Ihat rot eeu:.ti tl:: Ion Itie huat i'oun11d l eW1'ilt's l,111 ':lrly I1t i'trs to ho per feet 'T Ity ne'Wor grip . Try ihem for slnt!m1h n11 141 It Ve' tr441h1114.'4. V. Unrd or 'I unka. itealizing our inability to attend Divin1 ser-vice yest.urtity and having always att.ended chureh regularly and being desirous of spirit.ual attentions, wI solielted the services (If 1{ev. C. W. ('reigb ton, and he very kindly consent ed to visit us, Ii aceordanee with such Iromlis Ilev. UCreiig to tue to the jail at, six o't..oek Sabbath eve and de liverted for our benelit and consolation o' ofr ih(- 1m10t interesting- .nld inst rue tL+e and friendly diseoutrses we (1"er had :he pleasure to hear. In addiLion to the minlister's interrst there came :i-og with lin about fifty friends, ald broughlt with their a unh1b:r of soni books aud the e itito congregatin juueined in sweet. sonug:s. 1h1le text was taken frot St. I uke, 4I: 18. In cunv;ideration of such int 1t m.uii fu:.ted we her4ry' dr5iro tto eNI)re42 1ur4' m)I ost, hiart-iult, g iat itIl e for ihe attention and 1oinor sh!Iwn 14 IV the fricnds and shall nevrr forget Itov. ('r'ei!,hton. We arte dloing w:ll and i' specially cared for by ou1r honorable Sh-riti l aiid his es,tmlaohie i Ir.nd ie pollit) and cOai'-ous de;muty. \Wiil app r,ieiate the kindness of ot 1s counlItry paprers to copy. I 'im>:mius. Ne wherry, S. C., .1 Int1 ' 2. 188. Aerordinig to at celcibrated anao:ui.t l,here r', upwards of 5r.t00l,tl little glands in the hiii1n1:1n stoun,ih. Thee ghuils p01r ont, he digec:.tiye ,juices whiel dis ulve 0' iige:t iihe 1od'. In di-e , ion iS Vant, of juice. wttkue's of ghiIs, ne4."+'d of 11e11 to 1+:ter' lie hth f t b e"sr o rgr:ui. T1het he-;t amd llo t natui;II help is that , iven by N1haketr 1)igestive ('tia:l. "\Ntitu'ai, becauu, it :upliei t"he mat erials net'ded IIy the glanth, IO 11'ep+:tan i he dIlgst,.ive ,luIwIe'e . i .ecatISe it, St'rllgt.hltnS and in vigurules ihe olatnds and1 he, stomnauh, they are able to (1 the ir work alone. Siaker )i'Zest.ive ('ra ii eures ind1I;.tiun (atrta:ilIy and +'rnm m.1Wl,y. It loes so by I atiual lmleams, amd t"heie in lies the secret of its wondiciful and unv'aWied SUccess. At elru;ggists, price lt cen, ts to $1.00 , cr bouttlc. 4414lit il i t 1 4 441 s. We ae h:avinig plenit.y rin now.44~" I Iealthi of reonnunlit,y good atl iesent. Ilantie l', dPp), )f li .lena, pidt us a4 Visit NirI. 'ITomi (illiamr and4 :--i4ter, Miss wvil.h theirl sii:.. .\ Is. Glymphll, olf Gly'. - Jvi cl 1le. :14 )'t1h ' Iuran. spenlt Suriyi withi their fa'tthr aI lelena. Nli 5 1Fannlie Mayi, I !'nderson,)1 who lhas been) I2oi 1n thte Ne'wberriy Mris. G . W. I 'earson~ is on4 a vIisit to her dIaulghiter, AIl's. W\*. I . ()xne. Mliss Anniie NlayhIin1 ha:s 4r(4m-nel1 heri sisler', Aleis. I lalfatere, tof St. I 'hiip'ijs. NI . W'I. l. Oxuaei is thet happijy man41 ha:1' a l itt.le Vol Ir at hi is hou:m'. MI iss Careirie I twk ins has ret iurnetd homeilt agin~4i a4fter4 14414 s ming somlle tim4e4 Alessrs. J1imi il1nderson1 and Je!l I 1rowni have bet n 1 on14(i a vit , to Bbtii's. T,ere iv.ill bte a4 lpi1i at.1N :alihinton on4 .low ith 1. '.'he publijc is cinlially bskIet.s. A 12ood4 time44I i 4411nti4itd ( 'ome!2V liiny l1.:t,i,. 5:a.-. whose f une as aL heilijlant writer, a4 14nan4 of rensrIkabdlI4e schoilIarsip and iI,han tha:t of thb dlislir guijshid )Zen4ator, announces4.t2 a4 newI boo4k on4 the subliel oif the Amuienn2:i-SpanLish;!-( 1uban1 \Ear. Wling Co0., (of St. Loui441, Mo., and41 iLl an e'xhau.sti ve dlisculssin of 11he tLaa. (IIof the war14. 1and( aun erina1ly exhau4tstiv II tory4 (If its ineblients1,, and14 a4 billant,: anaiiIlyi .r of t.h famtouls ebiaraeres 44n 41duin it.. It. proitlito be) 1 he 114 ne44 by,1 I his wVonderfly1 int 4r''st ing nat iional Thell presen44t work is wor4tby ofi his genIiuis, andii will bel aL monumillent to1 his famie. 'PThe 51ubject, no1w so) 42ngr)sss it popular114 mind1 as to for1ic:ast fIor thiis hoolk a sah-4 I hat will be ll un irsl1. It, wijl beI sohl byv subsciptI)ion onily, ieadty for algents.. WI: adlve'rtise it inl anot11her Ct) 11nn. (G;entlemuen's V'ice 1(idl TJaii O fords, som)ihiniig nice4' for 51nn1unetr wvear' :a t itf Jami11 eson 's. If voat wnni thea:LH htrt.yrlou hii I-lats Mfr. E%ditor: 1 wasi) pleased to see your notlce of the latonted deatl of Miss Lizzio Johnson. Please allow ie ts her patstOt' Space to add it few words. I an ail the Irore anxious to do this be causo at, th titie (f her death [ was sick inl anot.her town iind was deniled the sad pleasUre of conductitng the fun orial se'rvices. As wats renarhd she was not only a mnelher of the S econtI laptist chureb, but sli was a proininent. an il tilute t ial meber. Slhe wits m11( dest, and on obtlru,;ive hut eve' flt for good aniong her brethr'it iilt] sistel-s. W'heni not sick oI' absent froin t ity her tihl'll coi I rely on her ptreseneo and help at any of its services, Sunday-sehool, itayer' Inlectin. l, l>'renelling se i'. e. She beld an ollial connectioin with ouiir \Volnan's \lIssion work from its inception and alost sustained its life (lur i. Its darkest period In her hell) towat'<s pastoral support, she was. both liberal tnll .'aiable. My infornmation iS that, her ..ontributionl just dioub1le(1 in tunount, that, of anly other iolividal contributor inl ()lr chtirel. 'hei' Writer has iniiiisterecl in sacreil things to those who possessed actul wealth, midl also repulteOil boral it', but, it, is h is h1ona-st impric ion thitt, taking the eireuin(stane. into consile ration, Al is I ,izie .iohnsoin was the ilO5t liberal Suplowter of his mlinister ial life. 1'h('" :;lis caine not. fromi a deposited Surpus or fromt a lu'rative Iinco.a, hut IIniit a young womi11an who worl<et eleven lhour"s It day betwecn six looms, in decliiin g healit.h t iin withl a ho<dy inuch of ti"w tiie so full of paitsl thait she couhd -noet rest, inl comfort, eitli' llgh rt < ' . \loclest, gentuintue 1114'rit inl hun.1bb'1 andi llnpretoni ln;' walks of li f., to lue sinite with tin usual beaut.v an<l b"illitney tili I evor hol( iiiyself r'alv t I4 I mly hat in iii. ai 'eted illlmif tiol. Il'st. in p('ace, noll wolln:11. Mayt at l:ier ifuli I'h-o i dt-n t' su1'talin ih.-, hi'ren:vell an<1( S0 oro -- ini; f;nti .I. 1). Alanos :. .toh! A Stittcht ino Tiinto (avits I im. Ihufh Tie i(new' 'V't)iitIt '1v inm iiOved, ta"t 1 l -i;ant.) take' n in eirly Stipt14 : au(i Fad prcV1' l.- Ct i ills, D)e1l u e anI \fal'u. ial 'eWrvrs. Act' on the iver, toll 's "p the system. lr tte r t.hanl itlilline. G;u' anteed, t, ry it.. At t rug isty, . t. ai(k e1.00 bot ties. ttin On)2 lintl of lys' and Chibren's Cl is the I st, ev"r shown il Now herry. JlamlieSu n's. lnit' i attd uti A Over t ie Sither. fThe Southe1"n .ailway c'omllpany is ( ti"l nin.t iu!ciatt liteuctlso rates over th i' line for t.he followiing oe(ttions: Il)il-e IS ool for Colore I'Ioplo, Knoxville (iol le, ln1oxvill;.1 lo' n .une 20thi to Jy . th are from New bery, *8.710. Pickets on sale .une 20 -21, limited to July .lt, Nation,tl Il'licnt.ional A ,sovitIion, Washin toin. 1). C , .ly 7--12: one fr for the ou (1l trip. plus $2 n in iila'rship fee. T.Ii'ckets onl >al !.1nly 4Ith- 71,h1, 11lmit. ed to l1111. Rle<duced rates hia also been an Suplieft toieihs (o eI fi f(JIontr Wahigtn I).(N i.,. ln 13-i 1 Jnior Vaccir nit,dAme ica ehas s Protsile cty. thn e v5;Amei-a A roiatio n bhe a slanement,e. Sinc,lo n Mas. Gilderst Drug7 W Snton,eI. (i,Spe ttf7 9 Iftio ,Wahng , )., ()etoberII lu 5 I liilfI WonnsJ xliary ii of Mlliionaies W shigtn . (ON., Sctober ou15. at, t.h iSo1utr deot.? XVi I-i t )IIl, (e lTa' it T )11,0. , Oi I ,1ioiahiS.ns 'In.I iheI Ci-iy of To.el Wilithl'C01ollc SCholail'hill alil t' rancC Ex0aminatiwil. rp , H1"1AMINATIONS FOl TItI , - uaad of vtaatlt t=cioariship S iII W\inthrop C'ollege- au(1 for the(- adInts siotl of new studOnts will b u hl(bl itt; th i rollnty cottilt hou e on( July 15th at t) it. iI. A pplicants 111u11L ilot, be un(er lifteen yettt-t; of age. When i.chobaihip s are vaecated aftter . July i.tIh, t.hey w ill heIwmarded to 11 hoi niking the Ihiht , avtage at thi'i 'x-. fItinittionl. ''hetu cost of it.en1dan:('le, in litliilij hoitrd. fu'ni iihv id r('n,. it, liit u,l atshin: i ts ily S"8., i per mott. I'or fi rthrut information ond it itti 1o,1ne, adltlrt'i, I'I'.iden' t I). 1t. ,John-. son, I;o('k lill, S.('.. or ('al1 on I,. \\'. lIIil;ins, ('oitlly StupetrinIvteen of ;'dnticlion. lirancItlI ti ait & . 00.cgc. A N 1-:N:\INATItN I'>,I AI) misionl into lw, 'reshman 1.1--, andl fow adinli 'i(n to I he N orrnal :h'll - arshills, of the Sonth Itru-iinlt (.olltege; will he b i t t itt C o t or I h i-, vounty, riday, .(111y 15\th, i . The xitu nii t aton[ ill be 'onI 1t(d b t lit) ('onllt.. superinteil'uIn1t of Schoob::. All wi::hitliL to .ltan(I thi.- ('x:unina tion will be on han that ni1r 1.1(ing, I art:+ l wilhin' intoriation re d - : In ) thel i abov teblaV hp il ln call at my ollif'(. . . I I( ;' N; , ( oin y n1i innten'dI . J1. B. \\'alin hla' op nt'd a 11;lt to ih o1 on M l t i rol, ntt tlo r to 0 . l.t'lltit ') . \\'ill I lt h( lit htt ils.; tui( rt'Imir obl. Tlw1'ntV i i'e F'or .House ofR p e n of - tat ivs i L.\ T . I ' < ). F.'. ! \ t hy n(mii1 4 in tet' ' l :u Iitt tt 1 rt i' Ne'.t*tn t<o I ( I' 1 i (t . l ,' I! i t.ii.' A in' llt . . -. . l : i! t ,t It ; t till 1f t iii , n' 1 . 1 I '!. leett; . f' ilI I Ii,, .1 i .';i " tii ii ', i I r ' i . 1 t! I, \ t i i - dhenxto?bd t { u1 i l 1'\ .! I 1 'I' I 't i. .l NN I 'N .Im -! li 1-* uid is ph ddto letbh i. t t)a n tliralt. p.-i' ar y ... llt ( ) II4 i'oun11ty u e i ; of I e ( .!I l''1 ' r' t:t,'"' alal ~ ~ ~ W will abd11ersuto 11;(. ) -N. F" III ' \li.:\ Y .\ " N N I i'N i' : , (; 1 I I a on ':1id u or r.-N!"i t i n11 It !':;"uhe re u t I of1 t II1111t ll nu s i-:t b-' p fh>r I'(. ; 511)l il lt AI'l N Y ( I-':l ND :-; i(tr.' ! T il,. 'BICYCLES ! BICYCLES ! BICY LE8! All sizIH and prices-fron the vury best to the c heapest. I havo The Victor at $50. T'hero is no 3icyclo that is hot ter thin tho Vietor. I also have the fauons Wiverly, a $100 whmel, for )). Oh, yeo ! And 1 hatvo tht) (riwford att >rices froni 15 to 820. Como and look at my lee'.; lshoforo you buy. I keep all kinds of b)iko I cn ttitl will do any kind of 1epa1ir.S Oil :0: whls18 on short :0: n1oticin. J. W. WHITE. Come 1o See Us When in )iod of anything iu tho I )ry (ood.s, 1)ress Goods, Whito ('o.ds, Notions, Imntbroidery, Latcos, ibb1n,,l l I Ititn(dkerchiofs, (Iloves, t:''or: ts, &tt , alndl also whenl you watt att vlhiug inl Shoes, l-hits, Clothing Itt)\s' and4 C'hihtlrouns ' lino Sttit>, 1'xtrat h'-o 1 1.9+ , Shirts, Collars :atd ('utY' , llt,siory, Nmeckwveir ia Il Nw Spring Goods ! 1\'t aro oll'l'ring this week a now o ''real-. Shirt ing PI'rlnts, 1u. l r.\tl'iV, I ii1 )t ins,T'ri l inritgs, Shirt y, In It. 1.ui. I ca.' Sea i':nu l 1-I I'ereales, p)lrett,y w : t ' win' str ll t . i w1orth 10 1 e, S :na e Shiltnl 'rints I. r . t: 1): I-1 tlte.u niI14 :tt 5<-., wtort.h nI \ iIIn TI'ow.clbs at 10. 15 7tmlt 25.. T . ,hh. I h11117I-,k i. :_. :i;,, -Itl ami 5 e., 1 tl II I.i l I d ; t'II an hi1 ns' lSail (Ilot.hin"g n .o1 . a tttlulenthtm 1!c K IWI' l'.tunt at, :'., :;;1, "11, \ I,i , II,I- t, .\il'n':. l: t.rat 'a lt:l at I . l '' tit, a y on . \; t\'' VaIl all Ie(";it 10 (0 25 ;1 1.1;.1"ntal1rrha--, 111titI with (r I y u w ui pay,l( t for sanne l, Ill. o f IIi l lt ;tt.t I I'lal 1-v '\'' hin; 1we say. ('ot t! t oil *ti. No 1rotibia to shlow COPELND BROS.' l .ill Street - - N wb torry, . C.ei e thcEr Things beside s SP~ECTTACLES .11 I 11 ii .hw r-Soe tilit, don' Lot si of sma l t i.tiar,ile V sh -n sand lov e a et t ii le i r irhndat turhek vn<rdbcy w la or of ny SurEJSign ahncaddv whrver therehexr heads aptteogehr hat d theou verdic dand ia n appet11( Il0( ite fo mrd l J.en and GeItfLMDERin BOOK STORE.