The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, March 22, 1898, Image 4

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THE COMING CHURCH. REV. I. FAT MuIL.S TE.S WilAT IT OUGHF it TO BE. S.ays the Hans of Feliowibp Should 11sivo No Eceselastlal or Doetrimial Tet-Thic Aduilnilstratlon Should Io Thor ougily I)mocraille-Thi Churhel'a Mtimsion.' IBoston Ierald.] Tbo Rov. Bonjamin Fay Mills spoko in Music hall at Boston thu otbor ovoning on "The Cion-iing Church -What it Ought to Be." In part ho said: "In the first place, tho baris of followship shlould have o 110ecclei tical or doctrinal test nor any bar riors arising from formal ailiations. 'Jews and gentiles, barbarians and Scythians, boml and free,' agnostics, spiritualists, natorialists iund peplo holdiDg Overy inltellectial i theory under tho sinl should b ablo to I conscieitious Imlembers of a righteous church. "Followship will be based upoln the unity of tho race. The religions of tho past havo a1li grown out, of humanity, anld, as One of our poets Salys, they imvy grow out of us still. There should he no test as to att ain Ient, of character, but, only of pur poso. "In the second place, tho fori of organization should vary inl differing communities and(1 cumt an18 csM. The administration should ho thorouglyh, democratic. Th'lo initiativo 11nd( referendum aid imperativo mndito should bo put inl practival operation, both becauso of their reasonableiess and o1 accounlit, of tho possiblo train ing for their use ill tih politics of the near fut.u re. "In tho third plice, tho m1;issionl of tho church should include tho utter. anco of a messago and th I most, prae tical service. TIle message is Siiply tho word of faith that. this is a goo(d race inl a good world ill a gooI uni verso, tho miessatge of hopo that all things 1111st chan1iigo for the better, not nocessriily inl essent ial ebaracter, but inl outwartI colditfionls ai attainl ments; tho ltessag, of lovo as tho koy to all pioblins, philosophical, sciL4n1tiice, tlloologic11 untd praetical, alnd the rovelationl of the mysteries of %.,rth and lwavon. "I do nlot m1eanl that tho churlch should over becolmo idintical with the Stat.o. Th) tim wa-$is whe tile church was the Stato and 11111 school anud controlled all ediuca: iolm landI eleomosyn1a ry inst ituilions. As has11 beten w~ell said, ai part1 of t he work of the chulrch) is donei1 whein the State assum:les such1 service, but it is t businiess of thlte011 chrch tto hav aIO' general concernl for It) well being of hu imanlity andt to miake It) State too holy to tolerato0 ainy wrongI. dustry and coimme'rce, it is her 1busi noss8 hopefully, pa1 tent ly, w'istely, to discover thle laws o.f huinium int er cou11rso ii n mat erial th inlgs. I el ievmag in1 th10 progress andl111 th 1 ui versal aul thior of th1e law of lovte, sh1e shioul d soe which way the1 world is goling, knowv whero it is now and what, tIhe next step) to ho1 ta)keni shoul be1. She must insist upon'i her oeono mies0 being founded on justice. "'In educaeftioni slie will set1 hie-self to banish igiioranice. Slit will he Itho mnspi rat ion for truer' characterI building in the trainling of thlt youngi. She will se0 that tere is btettt'r (cart for the poor, insist uponI thle eonlight-. ened treat.ment of the insamno and all1 other unlfortunates, rtegenierate the criminal and civilize the pIrisoIn. Sh)e wvill promote thle truost brotherly relationship of theo mpildoyer and thit emp1Iloyed." TA'eYIA)R 'T) .JoNEN'. 11ot shlot .,r ihn. luc 1hin Ev'sang. n,t 1.oves Nashvillo, TJenn., iMrch 1 7.-Sam Jones in his~ sermonl MonIday n ight criticised Governor Taylor for hlis free use1 of the pardoninig pow~or. When h0 wals aIsked about te matter the Governor sid: "I thinlk it conmes in poour tasto for Sam Jones t.o talk this way. IIad it not been for th10 bardoning power Sam Joneos would hlavo beeni in hell long ago, 1 haveonl about1)11. ten1 mon01ths to servo ini the (Gover nor's oflice, and during that timo I texp)ot to do whatever is rigIht and1 for the best interests of the pople, [and1 all the devils in oa out of hll canu't keep me from doing my duty as I son it." A thWrill of tor or IA a xnerienced whin a AI9f ou r of croup 1)1)1 tioincia thu h * i4. 0 tii5i.hut huiS lh ltor' Oh on e,ages jople f(or OneC :MiI.n e ouighi Iure l.a Oi adin uetered iSfe and1 barnicusl Jo * idren WV E. POlhuin. THE MAINE INQUIRY COURT SINDS NIo'utAII, ItIC'OtT itO WASil NGTON. Fur e1reesidemu's U1mo to Enableo film" tot Tri ke Measuir. Acciritig aim th Onnmit 1111Aay Fianaly Fiut -Sleitrit Speao. Boston, March 1 7.-A speoial to the Olobo fromn Key West, by A. Manrieo Low, says - "It is learned tonight thati a special report, of the work of the (ourt, of Inmuiry las been sent to vashing tonl. "This is not tihe reiort an.I the findingo of the court, which have not yet. been agroed upon, I at is it t Ie nta ture of a communII till ication for the use of the 'residen,t., which he may or ynity not nulako public, a14 ho F-os fit. "In anly ovvent, it will priepilro tho ['resident, for whatI t board w ill report anil enable him to tsko mens urOs a1ccor<lingly as Io i ort will film Ilhat tho Alainlo was blown up from tlie oitsi<e. "Tho full nopmrC it. is sit( tonlighlt,I will not bo forntulated andl inl tio hands of tho Socretary of the Nav.y for ,.oml), days yAt." Kvy West, March N7.-No illnim b(Ar of the Cot of 11i(llity canlo Onl shore frot th e town today and it was iipo-sibloe to b. trni onl board the batltilVS1ilh w11t ifI aiythinlg, had hoAn <loii. Not unti a late hour to nigh' was ih h'orresponldviet. of the Associ!te<l r'nss able to ascertain from R oar Ad tniral Sicard tho st atlus of te in vestigat ion. Admiral Sicard saild: "It is impossible at this stage to sally how Soo ti() (Oulrt will be rIOdy to nuak<o its report. Ti Ileilborli are (on1itilling their labors. When they ar. rely to lo examinlo the t oflilers of the Maino whoill I hlavt t <olliind<l here, thy will either do 0 inl tho fedl-ral boilding or 8summon101 tlet,I to the lowi. t "I'0o couirt's report lits not yet. hveAn mualo, anld I amil unlablo to say) wlen it will bo. The Inotion thit it woul<d ho inl Washilngton by Sattir day was itrobahly based purely Ii inferenlco. .t. shouilI bo borno inl Zind that the work of the court no cossiirily prog"resies slowly." 'll're is gco I fithority for the assertion Ihat, tho court, will probably rtu1 to) 1ava111nI before reahing its William M1. E-varts, who passed his 8th birthday recontly, hits had I ret rkab111 le enr(lOer, says a1 writer inl t.heo l'ro)viilenc'e Jo01 unal. IHe is saidl o1) be te onlly Ilawyer' whlo ever so-' (eured at sinjgle' fee of 900),00tt), thloughI this is nout the ruiost initereistinlg fact in his long history, lie dtiendtoed P'residlent J1ohnttson at the time of thle imliteoachintent charges ; lie helpo<d sott I'residelent llaves in thle Executive ehaih e was1 c~t5(ounseel for B eechIer ini lie TlilIt, n cals; lie rep resent eti thle I'itilt(018 States ini th lit'0tlCeent of lie A labamaii clait ons; hie was Secro tary of Stato i utler I layes, anld in his latter yealtrs lhe en)tere4d the Senate fr'om New Yorkz State. It. is pathetic to rearl of hiimu niow, blin1il and feeble, coti hined to h is bedl we'eks at ai (timo andt tuneotneertnet ablout the atfairs or he worl artoutl hlim l. But, oubtt. less he has hadl as much etnjoymnent in his long eureer asi most men, and certatinly tbe ltis 11uu his shatro of re1'mtationi andi htonors. "T'iite is uip." Without their realizinlg it, death stiands beside nltany a n11an, waiting wilIe the lnan's watch brisk. f:ra ~ l ticksor away the few retnai he is overworkitig hiiself, heshould caiil" Ttte"hin self andlI his f.iniity than the few dollars lie will gain by sticking to his work or his bus ineoss. A few days' lest antd a little right treatmlenlt, antd hie will be robust anid ready' frafresh plunge into wvork. When ai ifun is run-idowni, the best inedi. eie In the wvorld for hitn is D)r. Pierce's Goldeni Medical Discovery. It is the great apIetite - maker. It wi Ilihtake: a muan hungry as a wolf' " and it will attenda to it thaot the life-givinig elelnents of wvhat lie eats aire assiunilated intto the blood and carried to all parts of the body, to butild up~ neCw arid( hlealthiy tisstue. It tinakes firtu flesh and stronIg muscles. It builds up the flesh to a healthy stanidard, but does not malike fat peole more1 corp)uletit. It tottes the nerves and1( lnvigorates the liver. An honIest dealer wVon't ofi'er youl an inferior substitute for a little extra p)rofit. "Allow tue to express my gratitutde to youi for thme bwelit I have rceived front your wonderfut Dr. Pierce's Cominon tenise .Iledical Adviser," writes Miss Rachel A. Jones, of Thmonasvil'e Rankt Co., MIsts. "I mulst say tlhat it ts worthi moure thant Its weIght hii gold. I have gained more informati in pent'ian of a few pages than twice the $1.50 whIch yott formerly asked wontad lhe worth to ime. Vout are doing a good anid graned work. I do not see how yout give such a volume away pon eceit of uiv 'in one-cent stamps, to dress the author, DIr. R. V. Pierce, tltfielo. N. Y. F?or Ftrenchi ciothi binding henl to cenits extra, thlirty-onec cents in alt. Constipation kille etnergy. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are a safe, sure, speedy and permuanent ente for constipation. One "Pel let " is a genttle 1-axative, and1( two a mild cathiartie.v TIhey niever gripe. Unscruput lons druggista sometimes offer suibstituite. claiming that they are ".lust as good" ILANONI K KiIMIJOU. Deati of theo Coored Reginter of she Treakiury. Washington, March 17. - Hon. Blanicho K. Bruce, register of the treisury, dieJl this morning at 8:15 o'cleoc1C. His death had beei ox pected for soveral days. He su0 forod from a compl4ication of stomach troubles, which at first appeared not FOrioU, but hast weo ek ho lost strengt I st-eadily, and toward the close of the week it becamie apparenit that his vitality was ebbing rapidly. His only child, a son, HoscoO C. Bruce, 18 years old, arr ived heroyes tvrday from Exeter, N. If., whore he is taking a preparatory courso for Harvard. Tho funeral will take plaeo on Mtonidaty, tho servicevs beinig hold at Mutropolitan Methodist Epis. Lopal church (colored). Blancho K. Brueo wvas born in Princo Edward County, Va., March 1, 18 11, and thorof,ro was 57 years >ld. 11) was of African descent, w%s b)orn i slave, anld received the rudi nents of education from the tutor of is Master's son. 1-to taulght school ora timo in Hannibill, Mo., aned ater bcal st udllet at, Oberlin. In 1869 ho0 beCame a planter inl Mis iissippi anld Wa appointed i -ill )Vr of tho Mississippi loveo board. lie was elected Shorili of his County Ind subse(lueiitly Su periitenlenlt of dication. In 1875 lie was olected onited States Senator as a Iepubli 4an, and served until March 3, 1881. 1o was a Member of overy Republi man national convent ion held sinco I 8. Il 1881 ho vas appointed by .resident Garfield register of tho L'rasury and lator was appointed ecordor of deeds of the District of ,olumbia. About six months ago 10 was again appointed register of ho Treasury by President McKin ey. Next after Fred Douglass, he lid long been regarded as perhaps ho most conspicuous man of his aco. 4iAT ilITAIN MSiNU iCONG FiEUET IN (AiINA. 'urelkmlotag iail COHi Shiplild Thert% ail Pre. paring to ij-pfenjcl lir ' NEsins lin Ilam Or-4nt. Tacoma, Washington, March 20. )licors of the Norther,. Paicific 'teamship Victoria, which lirrived ast, night from China and Japan, 'eport that the British G"overnient. 4 massing a powerful fleot of war Ihips in Chineso Witers, aid that. ho British aro buying all tho coa oinig to thoso waters for their men >f- war, andiu so anxious are they to et it that they senid v'essels to sea, mrd there hail the coalers and bar faini for their cagoes, paying gilt udgo prices, ir necessary. The B~ritish are said to he buying all the ivailablo coal, fr-om the Suez canal ,o the northern coast of Siberia, as hloy (1o not want to use Jap)anose 'oal. Pui mrr McD)onatld sarys there arefl low 30 or 40 British wvarships on the Jhinai stat ion and the floot hats boon lonsiderab)ly auigmoneted durin g the last few weeks. Amons; the latest rrivala was the big marine fighter, Powerful, 0one of t he most destruc live vessels afloat. Dar wuz a rich man, name Doe grees cen likewise a 1)0' mani, name Lathorus. Well, Latherus coo 'long 'bout Chris'maus, en beini' all stove up) wid de rheumnatism, en threaten wid do smaullp,ox, ho net down for ter res' hims3elf 'longsido do rich man's gate; en Latherus, bein' hiongry, holler out : "Christmus gif.'" But do rich manm tell him * "Go 'way fnim heaht, man ! I ain't got oz a crum for you !' En (lol do dogs camei out on chase him off. But, see o prowention or p)rovidence. D)e rich man overeat himself, en wvako up stone (lead en hotter dlon (10 suni in August. En lho look 'round en say: 'Whar is I?' En do devil answer: 'My son, you's in do fire do partment. You j'inied last nighmt !' D)on (10 rich man say: 'I wish you please suh tell Kunnol Latherus ter turn on do hose on me, kaso dis hoa's hot stuiff I But do devil make a-:Oswor: 'Yo' fr'en' Lathorns is up yonder spendini' C3hris'mas wid Mister Abraham, en he (done seon' wvord (lit lie ain't got tinmo ter fool wvid you. You's my meat niow, en i gwino ter br'ilo you till you plum brown I En all becaso do rich man fail tromo dlown wad do money whenr Latherus holler 'Chris'mus gif' !' Hlow many sinnors hicah gwino to do like De grees done? How many isu gwineu to drive Lathorus fumi do gate on Chris'mas day ? B3rer Williams, pass 'round do hat on less see !" MKINLEY AND 111 OAIINIT CONFER. 1Impatiry Exp et il Eotly This W-ek-Naval ofileorts # sit itt WhItoe limaKo-inipo,rl It Dav. laptmteast 14poutedi-secro. trey LoK's Explaatifologo. Wiatshingtou, March 20.-Presi dent Mc(inloy di not attendehurch this morning, as is his oUstom, but instead spent two hours and more in confereneo with sveral memnbers of the cabint. Assistant, Secretary Day called about 10:30 o'clock and roiained until nearly 1. Secretary Long aid Sacretary Bliss were tho other imeinbers in pesot. They ro. mained lvss than an hour. Coi m1an111dor Clover, inl company with Mr . Flint, who[t has b on acting for the goverinimont in t ho negotiations for tho pourchaso of warships also callod and was shown init > the President's pri vitto ofie. The neibersof the cab inlot, )ni leaving the White I-Ious:, said that thero was no special sig nificanco in the moting this morning. The report of Maino court of inquiry had not boon received nor was it definitely known when it would reach hore. It was expected, however, early in the prosent week and as s0011 as possible, it would be handed at. once to the President and when it had been read and considered by the President, it would be mado public. Secretary Long, in speaking of the report, said that, whilo fully realiz ing its iiportanco, the country, in his opinion, would willingly accord to the President a day or two, if iecessary, for its consideration. The indications seeim to b that the ro port will be iado public by tho iddle of tho present week. HOW WAR MAY COME. Spain's 'osition ini he Maine Disastr Madrid, March 17.-The follow in semi oi licial note was issued hero today: "The report of tho Spanish con miission on the Maino is not yet known; but the statoinent of soveral techni cal olicers, who have mado a close examination of the sceno of the dis aster, show it 'vas indisputably dno to an internil ecidwnt. American assertions to the contrary are there foro deplored iii official quarters ats toti(liing to mislead public opinion and rondor the situation still mnoro dillicult from the standpoint of maintaining friendly relations be fween the two countries. It may bo regarlded at cortain that should the Amorican technical commission pro sent a report. declaring the disastor to be due to an external explosion, the public here will refuse to acceput such a finding, and any demand for an indemnity based thereon will be indignantly repelled b)y Spitin.,, Nov is the time * P *t h at every one U P V shouLid take a spring tonic to g strengthen t h e system and pre pare for the extra demands of Nature. Every spring the system is thoroughly over hauled-there is a general house cleaning going on within. The impuri ties that have been accumu lating for a year must be got ton rid of, and the system iono vated1 andl prepared for the siege of summer. Unless Nature is as sisted in tis~ task, the strain on the system is too severe, and a breakdlown is the result. Some peolo neglect to supply this as sistance, and as a result they are overcome by an enervating, de pressed feeling, their energies re lax, appetite fails, and they are totally disabled for a season; EverybIody just now needs a tonic, and Swift's Specific S. S. S.Y%0Blood is logically the best tonic on the market. Th'lo general health needs building up, hence a tonic is needed that is entirely harmless. S. S. S. is p)uroly vegetable, and is the only blood( remedy that is guaraniteedl to contain no potash, mercury, or other hlarmiful mineral ingredient. It is Nature's remnedy, being made from roots and( herbs gathered from Natumre's great storehouse. It thoroughly cleanses the blood of all imp)urities, tones. up the gen eral health, renews the appetite and implarts now life and vigor to tile entire system. D)angerous typhoid fever and other prevalent suminer diseases seldom attack a person wvhoso system is thoroughly cleansodl anid tned up with S. S. S. in the spring. Geot S. S. S. and b)0 pro p)ared. Sold by'all druggists. 5ocial Gayeties. To be eutertaliing. when onie ought to be asleep. To cat aweets Iand tsaIads wheti thie stotilach craves the \ sittiplest food or 11010 at all. To laugh when otte wahlts to cry. All this and much niore society de titandsof her followers. What a straii onl tile Iterves of delt. cate wo vnen .nTihe dreadf\l headaches. The crushiig paitis hi the back and loits. The l>lues. All such symptolis ii. diete serious de raugenents of the delicate feinale or 'Wonder, gnisin, atd must that they tbe overconte at b)reak . Once. Remove the dowii? lcauwe. Strengthcii exhausted nature. Bradfleld's Female Regulator is the standard remedy for the weaknesses and irregularities peculiar to woien. 13radfield s Regulator is tiot a mysterious iuixture of mythical origin, but a stand. ard reuiedy conoiouided in accordatice with seicutific priticiples fronit approved vegetable medical inaterials. Bradfield's Regulator endorsed by physicians who have examined it, and has beun in sue. cessful use over a.quarter of a century. It is sold l>y druggists at one dollar a bott'e. "Perfect leath for Wont " wnailed free ipon application. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ga, ATLANTIC COAST LINE! FAST LINE Between Charleston and Columbia, Upper South Carolina, North Caro lina, Athens and Atlanta. l'ASEYNG 'EP.aM ENT, Witl MINt; T1N. N U , Nov. Zit, 1897. CONDINSK,L) ilC)Ll1 (oj*No \ In Eleef tIh-e 2-. COINO FCAST. * No. 2 1817 No. 63. 7 O n am t ..... Charleston. S. C.......Ar 1 15 pm 8 24 a m v............... Lalies .............. Alr 7 341 pm 1 3- atn m v ............: I met e .............. A r 6 I p t10 I I I 1 ...........ColtuIsIIbi i ........... v r) 0% V I S a A ...........Prosp'rity...........I v 3 13 pm 12 ( pitt .... ...... Now beir) ...........L v 2 57 pm 125 ) m A %r...-. .... ( i i m..............Lv 2 P) pi I 10 pim r ...........1,a ( e s ............AI v I -15 pm 1 20 pmn A...........G rea iili...........L v 10311 1an :4 ' 1 pin A r ........Nstrta i -irv.........v i i 4r ai F1 an A a... W nautrt. Lav II II am 820 pam Ar...... t111oMI. N. U ......I,v 9:1 a 6 05 pan A r..Ilendersoivile, N. C..A ~9 IS aln 7 (0 pin A r...........Ashev1le...........I.v 8 21 ani Nos. i2 ail -53 Soli treins hetween Cltarle ton Iatl ('t' 11 bl-i. MI . MI. I-iIs iN, G a4nt. I'ii sQngew A cent. I. N ItN .Y, T . I. l.:M :Ityo 4, Ge'tI Miaiagc:r. Tri IIW 1 t naager. BLUE RIDGE RAILROAD, H. C. BEATTIE, Receiver. I tWee-ive Alry 2, 1897. 110twes-n Av:cormin rr.dlWlha MNxed. Mixcl. No 12 8tationa. No. 11 A r I I i ............A 1]1et-sonl............Iv 3 35 pan A r 010 ti .............. )e(,i, et .............. ,v i )Im - At l r : ' ..... ......... llfitt ....-- .........I v .1 ,; p ma - Ar Jo 12 1m...... ... P i l ...........I .v.-1 1.1 p Ar l1 1 n...Cerry's 'rossiner......v 4 211.1ta A r IU 07 an......Adaitls' Cussing......Lv -1 ' pi Ar 911 a a ........ n , ........... 1v 1 .7 I A r Il'in aitan.....Wesl ltio n .... Lv .Sit pam At r 9 20 atma....i. Wlttstl la...-v 5 I7 pma A . M. L,v. P'. MI. A r. J1 11. AN iPEITS( N, Staperit'Itemint. Connaect ions at S'ttenea wtiIti St. It, It. No. 11 At Anadeisoti witl So. l'iain V Nos. 11 toad12 T'lE C(IRA Iti1TUNj LINE. D)ouble 13L)tly TIrtans het ween Charleston (oimbulla and AuagusIia. 8OUTH'1 CAIROLINA & OOIWIA It. It U UaaAi.sToNs'. 8.C., Jilt. 2., 1SO7. MCItEDUI 10. DAILY. Lv Charleston.............7 10 am C 30 pm 8n m r 11...........7 -10 amt 6 10 pm1) Geo 2 .....................8 SIt an 7 01 ptti Sian il ..........8 3l ant 7 35 pmt Ito we.. 'Ihl.................. 9 15 umti 7 50t pmt Oraing(tbuarg...............) 2 am 8 2'0 ptm St . Matt het *................ 9 .- am 8 -18 pma 1ltrt M001 -................ ....10 0i liam 9 03 pm K ingvitlle---................10 It0 atam 9 20 pmn A r Coltin b a ...................0t 55 am 101 10 pin Lv Coinmlbla-.................. 7 00to m1 00 pmn K lugsvllt--................. 7 -10 amt - 4-14 jin FoaLt Motto.................. 7 5ai m4- 55 pmn 8t. Mat the ws--............. 8 02 aam 5 09 pit Oranageburg ...............8 24 am 5 27 pm 1(owestv1le .................. 8 33am 5 42 pin lira neh avjtll................ 8 55 amt 6 65 pm Ge re ............... y 5- am ( 1 Sipm A r Chiarlestan..................11 0 tn. 8t 00 pmt L v h re n............7 10 ai) m 6 30 pm li'anchayllle--............. 9 15 amt 7 50 p)1 Inamberg -..--........~ ..14 amt 8 '28 pmt De ak... ......... 6 2 ama 8 42 p t 11.iek vIIIo.-................10 10 amt 8 68 pm W ililistn................... 0 27 a m 9 17 pmn A ken -------...............11 09tam 9 57pm Ar Aangusta...~..............t I 1anm 10 45 pin Lv Ailguasta....................6 2t an 8 20 pmt AIkae -. .--............ 7 (8 amta 4 27 pit Wilso --~--.......7 -19 amn 5 09 pm Iflackyvll...,............... 8 (8 ama 5 28 pm11 E5 Deitnmark................... 8 20 tam 5 44 pm11 I1namberg -............8 335 amat 5 58 pms Brn h li --- .-....9 t0 amti 1 19 pit A r Chlasrleston.................11 a0 am 8 00 pam PAST ExiPaESS AeO'oUSA ASP0 WAsataNoToN 51ITH l PI.i.SA N 11NTw 1EN AUUT'tL8A, AilKEN AND) EWv YonK. Lv Augsa.-............................ 3 05 ptm t.v Alitik....................... 14 i Ar DIt a rlik-.--.--.. ... -..-................ -1.3 pin Lv Deanark.......----................... 25 an Lv Aiken..............................7 23tr Ar Augusta.........~..-.-..-..... 8 10 uam Lv Camelen--.. .................8 .15 amt 2 25 pit Cama<den .Junct 1aa........ 5 5 as m: 55 Pma A r K ingvll lo .................. 0 05 tam 4 35 pmn Lv Kingv Illo..................t 25 amn (1(0 na Caina Junclt Ion.....t..1 00 a m t 4(0 am Ar Camden.~ ............1 55 pit 8 16 atm Conecios t.Columia withI Southertin ((ailwaty for tall poits tipper SothI and North Carollina. 80ol<d triaains betweaen Chair 'tont anal AshanvIlle. Coatnae'tiotns fronm ('f ,tnts (on Soutthiern Railway tat Au gusta. Alken tatic otf hr p05ntss on '"The( Ch airleston' Linte"; a~t Chleston itah Ctyatle Linse Steama arta Ito New Ylork tand .Jaeksanial. L.. A. (i'MElISON, TIraite Mitaar. 11'. 8. II(W .N Uernetal MianageCir Gtenerial Oil11eos: (aleIstona '. C. Doctors Say; Bilious and I ntermittent Fevers which prevail in miasmatic dlis tricts are invariably accomipan ied b)y derlangements of the Stomach Liver and Bowels. The Secret of Health. The liver is the great "driving wheel" in the mechanism of man, and when it is out of order, the whole system becomes de ranged andl disease is the result. Tutt's Liver Pills Cure all Liver Troubles. SOUTHERN RATLWAY. Central Tine lietneou Colnuibla andl Jek. souville. Mastern 'ine Itetween Co. lumbia and Other PoInuti. XFICOTIVEM J AN U I tY 17, 1893. Northbound. o. 38 No. SO: 4 84 Vally. Dally. Eftsul Lv. J'ville. F.C.&P.Ry.. 8 10 i 8 00 p 12 lop " Savannah..........12 20. 12 20 8a7 1 Ar. Columbia ...........4 16p 4 46 i I IV 1 Lv. Char'ton,SO&GRI1. 7 10 5 1101) . At. Columbik............10 66 a 10 l1p. Ly. Augusta, So. Ry.... 2101) 9 Qop 0 p "Granitoville ........281) 10 131? Q08p " Tronton.............8081) 19 6op 6 p Joinstonis..........8 19p 11 lop 600 r. ColimbinUn. do 't. 4 p2 V Col'bla Bland'g a ... 665 8 40 " Winnboro.......... 0? 0 58a 9 fl0p iChester .............0660 7 44a 10 1p " Rock Hill...........7 20) 8 20a 1044 p Ar. Charlotte............8 i5p 9 16a 11881) Danvillo............. Ip 1 85P 8 M& Ar. Richmond ..........0 00 a 6 26 . Ar. Washington ........0 42a 905p 945a " altimore Pa. R.: 800a 11 85 p 11 0a P)hiladelphia........10 a 2 50 a 118 New12 k32 p 0 28a 8 53p 811thbound. M4p. 31 No. 37 No. 35 Y.".. 12 lp o 0p 12 .ut Philadelphia . 2 0 p 9 p 5 0 Baltimoro..........4 0 9p 10 12 p 8 a Lv. Waidi'ton, So. Ry.. 0 00p 10 48 p 11 6 a Lv. Richniond ......... ........200nt 12 Win Lv. Danvillo .......12 20a 5O 501 6 P Charlote 1...........984A 0 611 10 2a0 p Itock Hill4.......... 485a 10 20a I 2 p. (18tO .. 5 04 a 10 65 a 11 48at " W6 44 i 7 41 a 12 82 a Ar Col'bia BlIand's8 t. .. 0 40'a 12 50uu 1 87 a Lv. ColutrwtaUn. up-t. 7 05 a 8 25P 8 80 a SJohimtom ..........8 40a 2 58p 6 1 a Trenton...... 8 ba 8 25p 0 . ........... ......... 28 a 8 88 p 0 5 a Ar. Angt 0...........O a 4 85p 7 45a Lv. C( l'ba. S..t. ........ 4 ODO1 7 00Oa A r. (Illarloston .......... ....... 800p1) loos .Col'bla. P.C.&PRy. 65 20 a 12 47 a Savannah ........... 92 8a 4 431 a 80 a r. JackOlillOe........ 10 p 9 20 p 9 20 a SLEBUJING CAR EVIE No . 81 and 82-..NI.W YORK AND PLO& IDA LIMITED." Solid Vstibuled Train of Pull an Drit.g-..oo.. Slepi g Cars, Oh servation ante o t Car.4, and Dining Car running through ithout claligo a)otw14a12 St. Augustin , la., and Now York, via Jack sonvillo, Savuta , Columbia, C7a0lotte anta WJohns11gton. DrawingRoom Bleep. Tug Cur btwen Augst. Ga. and Now York, counolivig With this trai.. at Columbia, for the ACCO1ugutatiO-- Of Augusta and Ailce travel. Most Oxe00" dAlYLas9engur service be. twe n rl tit .l o8k Nos.317 and i82-W-11W Ytoi anD FSouthOetern LbilMtTd. Soid VeVtibileed train with fining Pullnan drawing-roomi sleoing Car ob-o csvt and itclsomatmenth o . C and oDtnin Tanjuk, Jacksonvillo, Savannah, Chington an ow York. Puinan sleoeping cars betwen Augusta and lRielittond. Nco. 5 atd t -U. S. Fast Mail. Thirou h Pullman drain rooi bufft aleeping are be tween Joiavlle and New York aYad orllk na o 37ad8Wsing tn AndgSusthetenCirn lo man Aing o sleeping car s betwoonak Jacksonvillo ,d Cineinnati via Ashvillo. .S. GANNON, J. At. CU oP, Third VP.wion. bfgr. T'e. X. parhuton. W. A. TURN, S. H. HARDWIOI G. P. A.. Washington. A. G. P. A., Atlanta. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Condensed Schedule In Effeel J U. Y 4. 1807. STATIONS. I N Pv. harleston...................... 7 10 a M 1v. Volumbia ........................ 11 0a~iii Prosperity.................. .11 00p i Newherry ................... 12 22 p m Ninety-Mx....................... 1 25 pm Ar. Greenwood ..................... 1 45 p m " Hodges ..............p......m.... 225 p m Ar -.A Abbev IllIe ........................ 2655 p in Ar. An e on .......................... 5 p M Ereonvilleo........... 4 20p mt Ar. A tlan ta ..........................0 v. Greenville ....................... I m "Piedmyont .................... 10 535 a m "Williamnston ...........11 18 a m Lv. Anderson .............. 1 5am I~. ~Iselton........................ 1 6ai Ar. D)onnalds............ .......... 12 02y mn v LLLviLL........................LLLI 46 a m Lv. Hodges . ....................... 12 20 p mn "Greenwood ..................... 1 00 p mt "Ninety-Six...................... 1 25 p mt "Newberry ...................... 2 26 p mt "Prosperity...................... 2 87 p mt Ar. Columbhia .............8 0 p n Ar. Charleston...................... 8 00Opm N.8 STATIONS. DNi1a.N S0 71a Lv....areton....Ar 800 T100& T 80 11 80a '' .... Columbia."8 85p T 88 0(07a 1215p ''....Alston........245p 853a 10 04. 125p 4 ....atuo........25p 7d46 10O20a 20 4p...... Union........"105 780 I0 54a 287 " ..Pacolot..."12 14p 6 47p 1 25a 810p Ar.. Spartanburg...Lv 11 46 0 20p 1 45a 888li Lv.. Spartanburg.. .Ar 11 28a 6 05p 2 45p 700Ar.... Ashville.Lv 8 20. 805p "P," p. m. "A," a. mn. Trains 0 and 10 carry elegant Pullman *' 'oping care be tween Columbia and Asheville, enroute daily between Jacksonville and Cincin nati. Trains leave Spartanburg, A. & 0. division, northbound, 6:87 a. m., 8:47 p. m., 8:18 p. in.,1 (Vestibule Limited); southbound 12:26 a. mn. 8:15 p. mt., 11:87 a. mn., (Vestibule Limit ed. Trains leave Greenville, A. and C. division, nor thbound, 6:45 a. mt., 2:-11 p. in. and 6:80 p. in.. (Veut ibuIed Limited) u6 sothbound 1 :26 a. mn., :2p.m,1:80 p. mn. (Vestibuled Limited). Pullman Service. Pullman palaoe sleeping cars on Trains865and' 86, 87 and 88, on A. and C. division.] W. 1. GR ICEN, J. Md. CULP Ge. Surintendent, Traffic M'' Washngtn, D O. Washington,'j. a.1 W. A. TURK B. H. HARD WICK, Gen. Pass. Akg't. A' Gn. Passa. Al't , Washingt.on, D). 0. A tlanta, Ga, C0k . ru Tble n e ber 17th, 18917. astern Standard Time Southboundl. Northbound. 3 Loo'ls Mix'd Paass- Pass. Mix'd Loo1 F'gt, D'y oeng'r eng'r D'ly F'gt. T'day D'ly D'ly M'day - T'd ay W'day 8'd ay F'day only only A.M. A.M. PM. PM. P.M P.M STATIONS. 83800 1I45 Lv Lauroe Ar 1 10 10l 8 9I (120 2 10 ..Olinton.. 1260 850 280 . i0 0 6117 222 G4oldville 1288 880 1 10 10 7 07 230 ..Kinard., 12381 8 261281 102) 717 286 ..Gary... 1227 8 10 12 10 8" 7 28 2 41 ..Jalapa.. 1228 8 1160 1110 750 267 howberry 1210 7251120 12650 81 1 l Prosperit y 11178 7 10665 1 00 81188 321 ....Rlik(h.... I1149 0 4010 80 1389 81in 880 LtMoun tain 11 46 01181 10 20 ;2 8 57 8 46 ...Cha pin.., 11 85 6 12 0 50 280 9 12 8 !b White Rook 11 28 667 9 121 2 40 9)91 4 01 Blallot,tine 11 A 8 '60i 8 10 9 87 4 10 ..rmo... 11 688 8 85 880 950 417 ..L.eaphart.. 11 6521 816 4 In 10 4 40ArColum blaILv 11 6 7 46 'V. 0. CHI11LDn, J. Rt. NOL AN, Snperinatendent, M6aster Tran. 60 YEARS' XERI ENC E TRADE MOARKS DKsIGNS COPYRIGHTS &o. Anyone sending' a sketch and descriptIon may qluickly ascertaIn o piion free whether an inrention is probal vtntable. Comm unica. tions stelctl H andbook onPY'atents sent free. uleet ageno f rseur g patents. P4tOnte taen tIhron b unn Co. receive *pec14 ntOtf-, wIthout, oa e,iin e $Citatific JIarItau. A hansomely illu'itvt Weekly. Lrges . ec lation of an soo ti ourna'. re f~Ar ont thts,91. 51 byalLpewed 10 MQN?$ 81Br0adway, ranoh oe, st.,Wash or. To Atlanta, Oha riotte Augusta. Athens, Wil mington. New Orleans. Chattanooga Nashville and New York. Bos8on, tiohmond Washington. Norfolk, Philadelphia. Sohedu e in ellel Jan. 2.3, '898. LvNe or,via Penn. R.t~*H -ne0-g~ii .................... 112 1 mn12 U6 Um . altito -.----.. --- ............ 8 46 2 O iu Waphingt.on..---............ 440" 480 Iioh muna............... 8 66 pm 9 LvNorrolk,jjij8. A.. - *-8dm e'ortan3outh ij6 * r t.. .. 8 45 pm 920 Lv Wed Vn, via . A. L......,. *1128pmiiam Ar Ilensittrao".....o......*210amt *1 &;pal Ar DurlIm, via 8. AL.210am .8 . p.i' 4 kJanford..................... 8 8 s - 8 03 " Southern Pines................4 22 " t o. " 4 Hamlet .."..'-......... 514) " 0 ft is Wadesboro .-.--............ 6514 " 811 "i Monroe --. ---............ 6 ja " 912 41 W...m.ngton'''---..--.- . *12 '5 s Ar_h arlotte, via S. A. L .... JW -~ i1 SChester, via i. A. L .. 8 0pm 147ii -&L CR.nb C it . t ..... 0 pii 9 0 Znff1 Ar Olnton - Greenwood *0 '"" 1 12 un Abbeville '" . "'"..... 1o 100 Elberton ' . " Athenst * .. 1207 pn 2 41 * Windbr 4 '"- 1 15 845 * 1......... 169 " 480 Atlan 8. A. L. (unIon Depo )(Central Time 20 520 NORTHlOUNI) No. 402. No. 88. w-A p'.tia ,(Centrai Ti un iAties ".. 2 40 pm 1042 " Elberton '"""........ 5 * 11 21 Abbeville "6 ... 515 .111 6% Greonw ood 4 ...... 41 " 213 is 01.nton - ......... 031 * 265 's ArColumtbia, C. N. in. .. t7 45~" ** UlheiWer e . 8183 &r Oha lotto, viaS. A. j7L...I0 im~f50~ Son ie,V1a B.A.L,.0pm 0 - U~Wilmington-* .A L....... ......-4- 8 p " 8othern Pine~"..... 12814 ' 9 215am Saeigha.. . ."....... * 1 1185 P* liendetson, " .......... 8 28 ' *1 00 nYn -r Durham .* 782 ** - p .v uram, 700 pm I 10 am a&r Welidon, via 13. A. L........ *.T-a n *.00;:~j 11iohiond..A C L . .. 8 o 7 3 ** jWashing'n,v-aPenn. R.u. 12 81 " I:30 'i Baltimore o ' " 1.1; panl I Philadelpb is '' 3 50 pill 0 i Ne'w York. " " * *023 ** * *i A.rPo tsIouth * * * ~7 30am 5DI Nos. 403 and 402.-"The Atlanta Spoclaft" 4old Vest,ibulo Train of Pullman leepers %nd Coaches botweon Washington and At anta, also Pullinan Slee ers betwee Porta. "'out,h and Chester, 8. . Nos. 41 and 88.--"The 8. A. L. Exprepp,9 4ol1d Train, Coaches and Pullman sleepers etewn Portainmth and Atlanta. Comnpikily Sleepers between Columbia andAtlanta. B th trains make imnmicediato connection at Ntlantia for Alontiois,ry, Alobile, New Or anis, Texae, California Mexico, ( hattR. looga, Nualiville, nemph'is, Macoln, Florida. For Ticket Sleepers, and Information, ap. l to 13. A. owland, Gen. Agt., Pasm. Iepst mnball House,Atlanta, a. E. !T. JOHL11, Vice-Prs. andnti s cel -anagir V E,. A0BElN;, Cen') 8uperinteiidr-nt Ii. W. B. ULOVER, Traille Manaper. T. .J. ANDERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent, URNBnAL OEFICEs: PonTsMOUTII. VA. 'harleston aid Westrn Carolia RWyD. Augusta and Asheville Short Line. Schedule In Effect Oct. 3, 1897. eOavo Augusta......... 9 10 a Un 1 40 >)a1 karive Greetwood...........12 17 p . .. A mierson ..... ........... 6 1 Jim Laureis................ 15 p im 7 00 a na Greenville............ 40 1 Im . Glenn Splligs...... 05 pm n SPaltan uirg......... i 00 m la i bluda ............... 5 83 pm ...... Ilandersonvillo..... 0 03 p m . Asheville................ 7 00 p an ,eave Aslh viijle....... 20 a maa Spartanburg ........11 5 a im 4 pn (4loin 4 rti ga...10 00 a in Gicenvilo ............11 tia ni 4 Out m - Lauarons.........1...3 0 p am 7 1Op am arrlveGreenawood.2... 28 p m 9 03 a am - A nderson -~-.............. .. 7 80 a mn AA uigus a..........60 0 pm 110a m icave Calhaoun Falls...44 p mn Lrel.alog............a 0a m icmoni......... 20 a mn icavo Antguisn----.-............... 2 s5 j,an krr tvo Aiien dale------................ 5 00 pm Fairfax 930a,-..---....m.. 5 15 pm Beauafort-...........0 8 a.un 7 *20 pmn Port, iloyal ....0...0 n0anm 7380 pms Savan nah ..... .................0 pm - Charieston-.-----....... 8 08 pm ..eave chaarlestona.......... 0 50) am Savannaaah'-'-----...-- 400m Port IRoya..........1 45 pal 8 16 am Beau tort............ 1 52 pmn 826 pmn Se ase ..........805pma 9 25 pm "a ir aax ...~.~~-........-..... 1 83 an Allenadale..........-...-....10 1 7 an krrive Augusta.-...-.-...........212.5 pm iOavO GJreeanwood...................00am Lamrve a jes.'...'..'.',.'...""""... 03 an ieavo Sprtanbuarg-.............8 0 pm arriveUren o" '"'.,''.'. ''.."'.'. 1.40 p. an. tain 1 from Au siista~iakJes close onniee i on at Calhouan?.'aV o l onso eaboard Air Line. 1 ral1031 i Close connection at Greenwood for all 4oIntR ou S. A. L. and C. andi i. llway, aand t Spartanblir witha S9outhiern Rlailwamy For any informat.ion relative to tickets, ates, soixedules, address. WV. J. CItAIG, Gen. Pass. Agt,. E. M. NORTH. Ho). A gt. A ugusta, tin. T M RM E R>ON, Trale Manager.* liorida Central & Peninsular Time Table in Effect Jan 1. ,eave Now beorr.-~-.~................2 25 pmn Lrrive Columiab*----.-.------........ CO pmn No. 37. No. 35. v. Co u'nba.-...............2 5 pma I .7,? --.......................... 55am t il47atn iV Den mark.---.-.............. 1 8pm 2 20amn iv Fairfax-.................... 20pmn 8 5a .v 'avanah ---.-~.-~.4 48pma 5 lIlam r u s e --- .........8 00 i 7m 453am hrJacksonville-.---..........30p80pm 0am yv Jacksonvii-----............ 9 aUpmn 9 15am r Lak e City................ ... 1 2 r Live Oak------...~........ 2 J8pm r Talilahasee---...-...........8 pan ~r River Junc tion.- ...6. 15pm LrMobile....,, ........... ....805am hi Waldo.---................,....12JIaama -Oam . hr Gainesville............,-,,, ....1 , 55pm r Cedar Kyua ..-.-...------...----.- inpi hr OWldw--o-................... 2 0ami 2 40pm r..W..d.wood.-..-.----..--...... 85aim 3 43pm Lir Orlando .........~...~...~ 9 8am 0 00pm Lr Tampa...~.-.-~......... 8 20am 7 10pm NORnT nBOUN D. No. 88. No. 3(1. iV Tampna-..--.............. 8 10pm i0 0aun v..nd......................, .'ipm 10aams, ,v Wildn-od --..-....... ...... O 6amu I 10pm ,v Gtainesv....."".'"""".'"""" i l5am ir Wlaldoev 'i""".'"""""""..- - 32pr .r Taldah....""".""""".... x-main 4 is.atm .v.............e............ 2 am .v ,ive Oa k,.. .~......, .52a iv Lake City.-~..-.......... 62Oitn v Jacknsovll-................ 8 am 7 00 prm Ir ktvunn wgek............. ... .y 4g, ir Havanniahli........ .......12 18p)m 11 23 an naIrax................... 20pmi 1? 8 pma -..-.-....................2 0pm I Siam tr Columnblak".''''""'......2 47pm 2 40nm rNow berry...-~............ 4 15pm; 4 24im ."".-.-..---......... 2.22pma Tralna arrIve and depart in Co'uminla at iltad ing Shreet Station. Nos. 3s cad 811 'mar ulimnan sleeping cars beiween New Yoeak sati nekeonytin; a so between (lincinmnati emt nockeonvilie via sheville, conneeling W wih tillman parlor eo te between Jacksonvllo ni Ta pn a, and rn solid trains f.rm .( liar Nos 87 and 88 carry Pullman drawing room cep inr oar bctween Tampa cnd' New York onaleo'ng at'.Chaariotte wp.h Southawesterna J'or further, inforamation 1,. M3. FLEMING, D. P. A., Savanna hi, Ga. N. 8. PEiNNINGTON, T. M., Jaeksonvllo Fia Wat. BUTL.ER,,I T' P. A Columbia, 5. t. R. B StAY, U. T. A, '- Colombia 8 0 4. D). MACOOJiA, (. '' Jacksonylli