The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, March 18, 1898, Image 2

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H. If. AULL, EDiToi. VEHY OLEVEtLY DONE. Editor Capers makes very pleasant mention of the report of the Pomaria trial, which we furnished him in supple ment form. His notice is cleverly done and his words of commendation are ap preciated. There Is no reason why there should not bo the most amicable relations between local newspapers, and in many instanceo they could be mutu ally helpful. Editor Capers had an eye to business when he furnished his subscribers with a full account of the trial. Nothing has been published In this county In years that has been read with as mui interest as the report of this trial. We thank EdIitor Capers for his kind words in reference to us. le says, af ter referring to the fact that ho fin ished the proceedings of the trial in supplemlent: "'he I'eport was writ ton by Editor Aull, and that it Is well written any who followed the exciting trial from start to filish, will unhesitatingly testify. Only those having experience in such work can havo ant adequate idea of the vast amount of labor re quired in its prepitration." P'LANT COHN. Tihe farmers of th is sect ion of count ry should always raise all they need for the farm on the farm at tiny time. We have preached that doctr-itno for a long time. In fact, we have preached it, so long that we fCl ahlost some emt1 barrassment in mIntionilng the subject. again. 1But in view of the probabilit.y of war and if there is war the scene of opelrations will be Iear us and possibly on our coast. it behooves the farmers of this seeti n to p'ant, a full corn (rop. It is too late now to plaIn! any mlore wheat or oats, but it, is tilme yet to plant Corn and potatoes. and every farmer should plant a little more thinil enough this year. to un II his own farm, for himn self and all the hands and stock on the farm. If there should he war the surplis provision Crop of the West will be used for tle. army, and if we fail to raise enough in t his section to feed ourselves it may make times harder that they are now. Theu, if there shou hi e no war, you will never regret having plenty to eat at home. AS TO CtOZIEt. We publish a letter from lRev. Ed winl C. Rice, imaking inquiry about. Calvin Crozier's r.mains, and rehlearesinitlg tthe facts of his death. HIe al.osays gentle men in Texas want some informat,ion. We thought everybody knew that a few year,s ago the citiZens of Newherry went to work and raised somethi)ing over *300 anmd had the remaits reImoved from the old grailveyard and burie i at 1toze mont and a bitaut-ifful Itontjient erected to ils meimotory. lis history antId the heroic deed lie performed adil time tnanfil m11tannter in wiIt lich e mlet dent.h1 andi defied the n eg ro garrisont, are till recordedl ini then "Annaitls of Newiberry," wich i wats plt ishted in I i:a. W~hen Mr t. I Hie visits Newb-errty, atnd Ito says he is goinmg to do, we shall take pleasw-e in showing Im the nmotnment it is cetaily a gretat pity that a tel phonie hu te is niot t'onstruict ed betweeni Ow ings and i'otini litni, a ist,ane (if live miles. Th'le buiilding of this line woutld place (Greeniville in comiiiimnia' tioni iith G ray (Court., I12autrenis, Unrtt tis' Lith ia Sptrings, ('ross IillI, (lit tion, New beriry, Ni inety-Si x, G reenwood,l taid a score of other townts -( teenvillo Nitws. WVe recgret to say thatt eveni the fill ini.!r of the live mile I gajt woumhi no(t liut, Netwberry in talking distance oif the aubove t.ow ns. For sonic teasoni our 1p1o0ne hats inot yet, extetnded benyontd the corporat-e limits (of tIme towni. We can i not talk evenOi to l'rosperit y, ontly seveni mtilles below us. WVe hope, htowever, that t,he time is niot far til stanutt whlen we will begini to reach out and talk to all these townis arouniitd us. MI r. 1Reid, at Chappell's, we tare told, wantited to run hiis hine into Newherrmy, bt, has det cided to conneiet withi Greenwood. We st,ill hope for other connliectins. The prteparationts for- wvar conliite to he mtade. New war' vessels arc be ing eqIuiped by the Unmited States amid whether there Is wvar or not, our' navy wvill be put in better shatpe t,bain it, hats over been, tand this wais someoting very much needeId. Theli wtar talik contines, however, to keep pace with the p)repa rations. T1heo court of iiuirty ts to the cause of the explosion of the Maine is hauving a goodl time, going from Key WVest t.o Havana and( from Hiavtana to Key West, but as yet lhas anntountedi no decision. It miay be it Is killing t,ime for' a purti pose. At atny r'ato it scomts to be in tno hurry to matke a rep1ort. Rates ont the Sotheri-n for Stiedial Occai Blonts. 'The Southerin RailIway is offeri ng special redutcedt rates for returni trip) to Noirfolk, V a., fotr the following tnamed occasions, whicho will ocuru In thtat city: A mericarh Daptist Educational Society, May 5; So. Untptist Conventin, May 6 12; Woman's Baptist M Issionary Union, May 6-10. 'l ickets will he put on sale May 2 toO6, lmited for 15days, at $12.30 for the routnd trip fromi Newberr'y. F~or any further information call on Agent, J. A. Burton, who will tauke pleasure in pointing out the audvant agos, superior offered by the bouther'n. WVbat pleasure Is there In life wIth a head. *ache, consltIr at iotn antd bltiiiilnces ? 'F, o- . uda1S experience them who coutld become licr fet 3y healthy by nalong D) Wit'u L~Ittle Eairly if ?~lsyra thi f5Hmous litito pills. W .h. Pelham Deatha Ift iewberryota OravTexa8toldler. Editor Newberry Herald and News: I was asked by Maj. James P. Doug las, of Tyler, T(xas, to write you for information of a Iembor of his artil lery company during the war. lie and mrany-indeed all - in Texas are intei - ested in the fate of the young hero. By publishing this we trust every incident convected with the affair will be brought out, ere it is too late; heen neglected too long r1ow. Maj. Douglas has been requested by the publishers of the "Records of tho Civil War," in Wiashington, to write the histury of his battery, the only one fron Texas; if I an not mistaken, east of the Mississippi river. It was Iin ill the battles of "The Army of t he Ten nessee,"' beginning in some lighting in tlhe Indian Territory, Eilkhorn, Oak ilii, through all the campaigns under Beauregard, 1ragg, Joh nston, flood, to the close, a brilliant record in all that. a gallant band of soldiery could accom plli-h, excelled by possibly none other (luring the war. For meritorious ser vice, and destroyiho.g a large niiber of Federals and capturing their arms, et"., in the battle of Murfreesboro, Capt. I)oughls was brevetted major and with huis company specially mentioned in the report of the comm]iiianding general, and the battery became famous, as the deed was done in view of a large por tion of the army. The battery was the first of that? army to enlist, lit (Ahila malig, for "three years, or the war." A fter the surrelider, timid the timult and confusion, hlCe we rely on you n11Md others for in formation. A member of the battery, Calvin Cro zier, of Diallas, Texas, was in Newherry oil li,s way hjomlie. A negr garrison, With white olicers in clarge, was sta tioned at. NewbOr. (-ne of the negro soldiers i)silted a white lady. Young Crozier, with all the hot blood and chivalry of a true Southerner, attacked the scoundrel, cutting him with a pocket knife. tie then made his way to the cars. Furious with brutal rage, t,he garrison arrestedi a gentleman and was going to kill him. Crozier learn ing of it elrrendered. A so-called triail was held and he was shotat 1111-upl) the next day. This is the story as t.-lI me by '\aj. Douglas a month ago. Will you be so kind as to publish this and secure all the information possible, and forward, with a copy of this also, to hiaj. .lames 1'. Douglass, Tyler. Texas. Aliaj. Doiuglas is one of the prominent aw-l well-kinown i men in Texas--presi dent of railr1oads, a leader for forty yenrs in putblic enterprises, a brave, chiah.ous gentlemiat, loved and hon ored: so m11olest, that. It' i with dimenl ty to get him to speak of his colmlaliny record, for which llt Texas honor h1im and I.hien. I am i happy to ',te that by marriage I am a cousin to iim. Thi battery organized In llallis, Texas, J itne, 1861, wit h 101) men, 50 froim Diallas aIid t1at, coun.ty ald 50 from Tyler and Sit,ith Counties. I was ncquainted with theli t all, and of that gallant band of the very llower of the noblest of Texas, none were more brave and noble thai t,i s yothi of 24l years, alged 21) on en list ment.. I knew imi as a clerk in lthe dry goods store of htis brother-i n-law, l's. M. MK aek Pole, of D allas. i fe, t oo, wvas a major in "'The Ten nessee A rmy3." Ilis widowv and sister of Calvin itviie in Gal vestonl, Texas. Niemnoi al day is near, and I trust, the citizens (of Neiwberriy, especia!ly the lat (lies, wi'ill not, forget the graive of 1-.his noble boy, who died a st.rangem far from home,-gav'e up his pireciouis life for (one (if thteinselvecs. We honor the brav'e, the good and true, t*yji lIed in Samn Dav is, of Tennes see, anid others. I could givie other nlot,es of this gallant, young Texan, andi for all that callIs for love, admuiration amdl praise, in gled wvit,h feelings of in ell'able sadness at suchi a fate, none arc mote iwort.hiy of ou1r honor in memory, am id onur t ears and love, thiin us l~ 1 wvith swveetest. andt sacred emotions, than the mune of Cal vin) Crozier. Miounitville, S. t. ., Iaiarch 16, 189)8. Eye Siioia Fro,m luxington, Lisne. Gonod min g, Al r. Ikditor. M!ay I comeii in amid have a chat iiith you all? Yes, thank you for th:J pr'ivilege. Tilling the soil is being pushed on r'apid(ly. Some of our farmers have at ready put, out, a chane of fert,ilizeirs. Alessies. George Sltudemleyer, of Cha pin1 spent Sunday with Mre. Joel l)e H ine. Ni e. and Nlrs. Willie D)errick, of P eak, specnt Saturid1'ay night, and Sun - (lay at Mr. G. M. D)ickert,'s. Nr. and( Nit's. James Cannon sp)ent, last week at Nowberry and1 participiated in the court, which convened last week. Alr. ECditor, Mirs. Open l'Cye asked ia. a quest.ion the other day wvhich took me by surprise. She cameo to the door and smiled one of her sardoic smiles and asked me what was good for a sore tongue. I told her to quiit, talking so much. lIut. I was 1b01ind t,he highest portion of the garden when I gave her t,he pr'erption. OPE~N EYi:. I desire to a'test. to the mierite oif Chamiberh in's Cough remed'(y as onie oif thle most valuable andl a-fileent prep arat is oni tihe masrket. I t broke an exceedlingly dlaigeronls coagh for nie in 24 hours, and in gratitude thierefoir, I desire to informi yout that I will never bie without it an!d y ouabottuld feei priould of theo highest esteem in which your Remedies are held by people in geti oral. It Is the one remedy amiong ten, thousial,d. Mucs to it. - 0. IR. D)OwNE,Y, Editor of Democrat, Aibion .1utd. lFor tiale by WV. E. Pelhamn. A now lot Lilly Blrackett,'a Shoes in sp)ring style just, received. anesns Uitijl opia 660 I teull. The weather has been - ry delight ful during the week. It Is much flher than we generally have at th.j time of the year'. The farmes are pitshing theh work right, along. Somle are burnlg ol new-grounds, while others are plowing theli lands. Some of then will soon be ready to begin planting. Mrs. Celeela Nichols and daughteri Miss Bertha, went over in Saluda Coun t,y Alonday to see Mrs. Amanda Riley, who has beeni real sick. Mrs. Hiloy Is one of their relatives. Several persons from our section at 101old (outl*t somile days during tI.') week. Messrs. .1 no. W. Rengin and [I. C. Luke will attend next, week as ju 11011S. Alessrs. Boozer, Nichols, Tiaylor & Co. are mloving their Saw-m1ill from Mr. 1. 11. Boulwaire's place, where they have been sawing, to a pluce something like a ile or more distant from where it was. There they will cut some tim ber for Mr. 1). L. Ilaiim. They have a nice potiy-mill nd uit, true luibev. Our school has beenl at its hwst, dur ilg the lIst two months thatt it has reached this session. The attendIne has been best on acvount, of fewer inl derances, nild work las beellInmuelh more satisfuetory. Only a very few of our boys have had to drop olf oH Ile count of farm work time coming. We hope we Can keep up oul, good attend aice to the vind of the session. Ourt classes are mahking very st,isfactory ad vanceleit, of which we are very prouid. Mrs. I 1'. Cannon has been real sick with fever since Ttuesday. She halts mllade but very little imliprovelent sinlec taken. We hope her attack will soon be cLeCkeIL Adll her 1uSUIL! good Ialt,h and strength reatored. ']'le lAkdieS' Missiolnary SoCety 1101d its regular mi onthly mNeCting at the residence of Mrs. 1. 1. Cannon on Fri daty evenfinig. We learn that tile condition of Uncle John LIAvingston's healt,h does tiot im prove very iuichl1 and that lie still re mains inl a feeble condition. We are sorry he does not improve very miateri alfly, but, hope lie soonl will. Messrs. Simon Shlppard and - minabeiet, of Coleman'r, Saluda Coun ty, pa31ssed tilrough ouri- section Prilay and Saturday. ilr. Sheppard was in troducing the Qualker bittli cabillet, and Mr. Enabellet an ilse.ct destroyer. They believe that "cleanliness is next to godliness," if we judge from their work. Arthur Dominick, one of our stu dents, hits been dethined from school a few days by quite ia severe cold, which contii31ed him1 to lie bed during tneSe few days. The Sunday-school at, New Chapel is flotiishitn' unlider the superiitendency of Mr. W. 1. Herbert. Several niew features have beenll 'iloduced under his ellicient direction. The Young 'eople's .1 uvenile Socic y of New Chapel held its regular mjonth hy ni.cti1g last SL 3Ulld *y just, aftel' Still daty-schiooi. The exerecie-i are alwatys 13nteresting~ 13( an istruictivec. Afarch 12, l1898. Mii. 11et ite3 St-hsool 33 'mn. (.johls and3( (.coughs are1 al' t,he go in L,i 15 ('on313l33t 3l it,y. We hearli thait, ltev. ,1. ii hood is sp)eakling of bulildinig near13 Mr . S. .1. ('roille''s. Th'le (Caldw~ellI postolil .eiac has r'elenit.y bee31n movedl firomu NI iss A ddle Cald well's to MI rs. 'T. C . Ih-o'(wnI's. Mr . John13 WV. Alewvine, (If tIs see Lion, SPent last, Satt,ur'day n1ighit wVithi fieis inl tihe IEbenezer' 0(o31umuni3ty. Th'le news realebled here Lthis miorn ing that, Cubia had14 asked for v'ol unteer's from3 the U;ni ted St,attes. I .30k out, boys! gatheri up your brass button and 133 bie read1(y. Mr s. .1. T. I ishop an id daulghitor, NIiss l 'anuline, of Wh it 3ire, wVere t.he guests oif Nit's. M. I. McGriaw and1( family last week. There hat ils 1been some11 cottonl sold r'e by3 som3e1 of (1m-3 farmers00 at1 six cen1ts. At thlis ra3t0, we t,in k t,hey. sIoln t ai 0 '1se It so extensively tile Woe arie so1rry3 to learn thaLt I t. J1. C. .Wilson, who we thought, waIs imiprov-' ing la1st, week, hlas taken a relapse and1( a11tl tis wr'3iting is ver'y lowv. Mr 1. Geor'ge S. ituffI, who1 hIas opened a1 store at h1is homIie, saIys lie gets lb gr'eat (1eal (of culstomi. Tha13t, is r'ighlt, pa3tron3 /ze (our3 friend and1( help him up 11 the thil of indulstry. Ilov. HI. W. Whiitalker' and1 wife, who mloved from Nor'th Carolinaa 1last fall1 and1( located 3near3 Nowherry03, worshiped)0( wit,h tihe I,Leban1on congregat,on la1st Sunday. We hear' that.ltov. Wh1ita1kor wvill Irechl alt L4ebanon3 on the ne0xt four'th Suniday. We aro glad to stalte tha3t MIIss Mat tie Birowni, of this 'comm31unit.y, thio teacher of the St. Philip's schlool, who was comlpelied to close 1her3 school for' a few (days last week 03n accouniit of beling ill, Is no0w well and1( wals able to reOturn' to 11er schocol algini last Monlday. Jud(g.. InIg by Ours'elves, we suppose her pupIls I re' glad to get 1(o school algain, for we had a1 trial of stin3g aIt lhome two lonFg weeks in i"'hbruary, becauise 0our teachll er' waIs not able1 to attend to school du.. ties. We learn t.hat MIiss Wylle Bishop, 1 110 left her1 former hlomel abt, Wi tmirie 1last Septemnber. to visit, r'olatives inl MIaicon. Gall., thas recent,iy 1)0en hiappi'y weddeld to Mrt. .John E., of M.. con, Gas. Miss Wyllo visitedi In tis commiiunltry last spri'ng and1( won many13 frionlds duin3g heor short stay of a few weeks. Silo was aldmired by almhost all whoi( bcame acquainted wit,h 1her, and especially by t,he chilhdron of our1 schlool. She assisted great-ly In (our3 school exi hlitionl last May by per'form3in ig so-do lightfully on tile or'gan. WVe appl'eei ated hiei' kindness toward( us and( re3 gret that shlo wili no0t give us8 a chane to welcomo11 her' ini our3 midst, again so3)n Wa wvishI her a long and hlappy mlaried lIfe. Why wilIl you buy bIttor' nauseatIing tonic. when (Guov.'~ 'TALss Cmiiri,L .i'ONIC Is as pleasant as LemlOn Syrup. Your druggist Is authoizesd to rofund tile mod010y 1in every ease wvhero it falls to enrnI.. Pricen 60 nalt, OPERA HOUSE, C. A. BOW.M A , M'C'. One Performance Only, MONDAY92 MARCH?1 EDWIN TRAVERS And his w.dmirablo Company Present Ilg william Gelletto's Famous Cloriedy, Tho Private Secretary Prices 75, 50, 25c. Seats on Sale Saturday Morning at Scholtz' Jewelry Store. Our New Spring Millinery Has just arrived and we can now show you a beautiful line of HATS, FLOWERS, FEATHE RS, CH IFFONS, RIBBONS, VEILING, tnd everything found in a rashionable Millinery Estab Isliment. We have secured 3omo of the latest Novelties ind Prettiest effects in French Pattern Hats, and We feel certain our selection and prices will please you. Come to see us and we will take great pleasure in show ing you through. Davenport& Renwick. Cannon & Mayes, are agents for the Mansion House Steam Laundry, OF Greenville, S. C. AINT IT A BEAUT? We might. ask of any man who first 1idires the snowy whiteness and beau iIul Ilinish that we put uponl his dress > shlrt front, or on his collar. (1d( c'ulfs. We don't blame him for be aig pr~ouda of it--the only thing we re tre5t is that we can't send a lBoswell iround wvith our' Johnson to hear' the 'ncon iumis paused on our fine work, so we could say that "we (done it."' Agents waLnted in the surroundilng sountry. A LONGTIME AGO Some one asked: Mistress Mary quite contrary HOW does your garden grow? Such a qnestion is agravating after the gardeni is planted and there is found to be something the mnatter' with the seed, We don't believe there will be any trouble if you come to us for GARDEN SEED! Garden Seed!! Garden Seed!!! . . GARDEN SEED .. W~o kee~p Bru ist'~s Garden Seed and1 they neover FA!L to GROW W o W1110 110t K(661 lThci, 1? 'lDEY DiD ROBERT$OrlIGILDER S- Pharmacists... Comractors aund nJullders. Estimates furnished on applica. tion without charge. If you have a hou9e to build or any mechanical work to he done iL will save you money to see us before closing con.. tracts. A record of 80 years in the business. Reoferences furnished it desired. F"irst-.class work at lowest prices. * J. 0. CANNON & SoNs, Newberry, 8. 0. Wv4o1esa1e Prlces FOPit T'E2 ...Rtall Trade... ---AT-. A.cJONES FOR THE MONTH OF V>MARCL 1898<xl It is my purpose to give the people of Newberry the privilege of buying flye thousand dollars worth of nice New1prinig Goods Dress Goods, Dry Goods, No. tions, Hosiery, Gonts' Handkerchiefs, Shirts, Hats, Unbrellas, Trunks, and Men's, Boy's,Women's and Children's Shoe8 at .ittle in advance of whole sale prices, during the month of March. The fact is you could not buy a single article at wholesale, lower than you can buy your goods this Spring at my store. My connection with my Phila delphia House enables me to secure advantages that no other house in Newberry enjoys. I am liberal enough to give the people the bonfit of it. Don't buy on a credit and keep your hueband poor, but let him go to the banks and get the money and save 25 per cent. on your pur chases. You may flatter yourselves that you are not paying this differ ence but it is there all the .3ame. This wook we will continue to noll all of our best prints at 4c, our now 12 1-2c porcalos at 10c, Lin ing Cambrics best quality at 4c, Coats Spool Cotton at 40c a dozen. And all of our Cassimers, Jeans and Flannels at actual cost. A large lino of new Pants at 50oc to $3.50 a pair Just received. Como and see us often. A. C. JONES The People's Store. Newberry, S. C., March 1, 1898. PHILIDELPHIA OFFICE: 11th and Market Street. The Latest ISTYLES! T he Lowest iPRICES! Shall be our motto this season. We are in a position to give both. Our buyers have just returned from New York, the center of fashion for this coun try, and are now ready to talk to you about the things that *go. buy in the cheapest try. buy in large quanti ties. pay cash. We therefore command the very lowest prices and will give them to you. We wanat to call your speial at ten tion to the fact that we do not sell trash nor shoddy goods. We pride ourselves in offering re liable goods in every line, even our cheapest goods are of standard qual ity. We prop)ose to lead in .point of style and qjuality and to meet all com petition in point of price. Our Stores are full of nice, new spring goods. We want to show them to you, and will do as much for you as any house can. Come to See Us. Yours truly, THBMOWERC. - BIG STOCK OF GOODS' TO BE SOLD AT REDICULOUSLY LOW PRICES! The season is getting late and we still have a big stock of CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS and FURNISHING GOODS THAT WE WILL SELL REGARDLESS OF Pl?OFIT I We want to turn the Goods into money, and if a big cut in the prices will do it, we will certainly accomplish'our object I We have a very nobby line of Suits, Shoes, Hats,IScarfs, Silk Handkerchiefs, Etc., That would make elegant Christihas"presents! Come in and we can show you better than we can tell you. We mean strictly business I THE NEWBERRY CLOTHING COMPANY. C. E. SUMMER. J. H. SUMMER. G. W. SUMMER. SUMMER BROS. The Leaders of } (Dealers In LOW PFCB06 AD Fifft-Cla689009, Groceries, Haru"ware, Harness, Dry Goods ....Shoes and Clothing.... Our load Wagons just received. Car load Carriages and Bugga to arrive in a few days. Don't buy until you soo our goods and get our prices. We can save you money. Don't forget our brands of Flour: Obelisk, Favorite, Blue [Bird, Waterloo, Old Hickory. The best Flour sold for the money in the county. Harris Lithia Carbonated Water TO RElElIVE ANY018A80FO INDWEiBT10N IN ONE M1IiTE'S TIME Oil MONEY RIEIND, If takeil after each Meal will Care the WD1rst Case of Ildips8tiOnl. Read what the eminent Dr. Devaga, of Chester, S. C., bas to say of the water: I have used Harris Lithia Water with the most excellent results where I have been able to get my patrons to drink a sufficient quantity daily. The carbonated has no equal in gastric disturbances. It is an excellent table water. It is a pleasant laxative arnd is a sure cure for* Flatulent Dyspepsia. S. M. DEVAGA, M. IP. This water is for sale in Newberry at Robertson & Gilder's, S. B. Jones' and W. E. Pelham's, Harris Lithia Springs Hotel will be open at theo beginning of the season. For rates and other information write Harris Lithia' Water Co., HARRIS SPRINGS, S. (Y. For Men - - We Make it Warm! BSELLING 'THEM CLOTHfNG AND YUnderwear that fits snug, holds its shape and keeps out the hitter cold north winds I Run all along fromn 25 cents to riCes $150 prgar m-nt in nd-cwar. Suits from $2 to $7.50 and up. yfLY ELECT THE LOWEST PRICED) I' that can be had. | T'ake the highest priced, we know that 90U --- aa-3d-s o can buy anywhere 3.3J. WOOTEN, NEWBERRY ----SC