The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, February 01, 1898, Image 4

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My Nelgbbor. (Margavot E. Sangster.] My neighbor met ine on the street, She dropped a word of greeting gay, Her look so bright. hot- tono so sweet, I stopped to music all that, day. The cares that tugged at heart and brain, The work too heavy for my hand, The ceaseless underboat of pain, The tasks I could not understand, Grow lighter as I walked along With air and step of libert,y, Freed by the sudden lilt of song, That filled theN world with cheer for me. Yet was this all. A woman wise, Her life enriched by many a year, Had faced me with her brave, tnue eyes, Passed on, and said, "Good-morning dear!" ENGAEMKENTm OF MAIRRIAGFI. They Should be Deflsite ud lirlef, not Condtional aend Protrateod. From the Now Yerk Sun.] This letter :ropounds a qttestion of gravo imputance to society, and invites a discussion which should be of general interest: "To the Editor of the Sun Sir: What is a father's duty for the har. piness and welfare of his daughter under the following conditions: After a four years' courtship a gen teman says that 'Iis finances arlk n11t suNoient for him to marry at pres ent,' but that he will continilk his at tontion and when the futuiro devel ops his resources so that. he can sup port a wife he will then marry the daughter. Of course, this is under stood betwoon them; and it is further agreed that if in the mevant ino either prefors another, t ioe engagementit isvIT. 'and he or sho cai marry th one of his choice.' Such a fatuous con tract is suggestivo. The dim future is dark with uncertainty, as applica ble to the conditions. Ilonco the question. "In a recent editorial you strike the keynote of my qnestion ini say ing: 'The superiority of the tuntul tuous youthful passion1 an)d impulse of the daughtert to tho experience and judgment of the ptronts wrecks the happiness of too many homes.' "Patorfamiis." In the first place, neither a girl herself nor her uarents kshould tol erate a fonr-yeari' engagenoit, ox cept under very extraordinary cir-. cumnstances. It is injurious to the girl in many ways and serves nto do sirable p)urp)ose. The proilonged ac quaintance does not tend to the bot ter prepiaration of thte pair for mar riage, but rather to produeo wveari ness in one or the other, wvhich do olre6sos the 1)ro1babiitios of eventual marriage as the time is extenkded, 1t. is an unnatural relation. As a rule, no man ought to "court" a girl until he is in a situation to marry her; ho has no righkt to ask her to become his wife unless he is already ini a conidi tion to assume the responsibilitios of matrimony. Because a mauu hase conceived an taftootioni for a woman he should be all the more anxio:ns to save her from tying herself to him in an engogment of indefinite dura tion. An attempt to bind her by a promise of marriage at some remoto timfo ini the future, determina'le by himself only, is pure selfishness in him. A betrothal is simply ani engage ment preliminary to marriage, and it should not be entered into by a mani until ho can see his way to its fuil filment at the altar. Hence a betro thal ought to be annkounced wit.h scarcely .o es formality than the mar ringe itself. The Jews wvho adver tise their engagements in the nmews papers follow a proper andl desira ble coulrse in thus making a botr-o thal a tmatter of record as a s-erionst anid definite obligation: "Getting engaged" is a grave matter; there is in life few compacts with consequen ces more far-reaching; no man wor thy to be a husband promises mar riage without the detormnination to wed the girl within a reasonable time, the sooner thie better. The old way for paretnts to reqir-e of a man dawdi ing about a daughter to "declare his intentions," thtat ms to say, whether he was mnonopoliz. ing her company and driving oil other fellows with the serious inten. tion of marrying her if she would, or simbly to gratkfy his vanity by so ouring her Iprefe'rence. If a man expresses his intention to marry ai woman att spine indefinite time in the future when it is convenient for Jirm, it is not a betrothal It amnounts Rliumatisw Is a blood disease and only a blood renie. dy can cure it. So inany people make the mistake of taking remedies which at best are only tonics and cannot possi. bly reach their troulble. Mr. Asa Siith, Greencastle, Indiana, says: "For years I have suffered with Sciatic Rfieuina. tism, which the best physicians were tn able to relieve. I took many patent medicines but they did not seeni to reach muy trouble. I gradually grew worse until I was un able to take iny food or handle mnyself in any way; I was abso lutely helpless. Three bottles of S.S.5. re lieved me so that I WWS soon able to mnove iy right ariii; before long I could walk tieross the roomn, and when I liad finished olie dozei bottles was ellred coinpletely al ai as well as ever. I now w%eigh 170."' A Real Blood Remedy. S.S.S. eitres Scrofila, Calncer, Iezena, a 1 any' forti of blool troubles. If vou lave a blood d ismasc, tak e. a blood ited i c ine-S.S.S. (vrgu an/m/ pure /' ge'/a lab/c) ik exclusively for the blood and is recotlnileti(ed fr. noithing else. It for,-es out the poison matter perniaulent lv. We will S'eNdt to anymnede ouir Yva111ahl e W books. Address Swift Slpechic Co., Atlanta, Ga. A F-'nIse A 14a rilm. IA1'gonitut..] WIenl the 1 British Ileet was at Slion Nof a1 1wtrllant sh'p was S0411 0011iin OV0'r Cho hill wit hl h:.r onsign lipsutlo <lown. The ships in Ilh, 1111'bor ail obh'10 IOW(rol lifWNh1:1S nid ield to l'o lblt to give as s I N101 1o Oh sITp1t.-d ;-inko14- sh p. W h o-1 w rt l1 o I n t w::1. n T $2,00 I Iw Atlanti Weeklv Constituti wI ich everyone m.y have a WorYd in this sentence " FAT FIRST IT WA The sentcnce Is taken from word Is a familiar one, and TO IiHT THIS CONTEST YOU MU Ilor One Year,Ony$ mittance D)ire MD~ ~ GET YOUR CHANCE_AT At the end of perIod covered by to, the succ(essfull party or parti in the conitest. The plan is a jiiom toar and havIt e breen conduclrti t hey have bieen wtidely copiled ai Consit iutioni's gre'at oigtia at IN ON13 YlAR THE11 CONSTrTU1 NE A RLY in thlese mihisi ng wtord COn tests tion t und re'ceived from sut>seril thiIs uit is g iveni to lthe succes The firnrd Is dIst ributed wIth Ita puts aslide 10 per cenrt from all tIon fun ld shows t hat the amiounr enourghi to he worth striving: . furl propost tIon, hut thle pin .1. time mutrils lyy the. Post. Of1ce Unp ii '" 'The b ik frorri wichIrt the uenternce tin taniir la ii n cl a iheeb' of them rconrtest before' a comipr'teni In One of these contests whor re.eived more than $1.000 has beent m strliuted among 8u ite'meribler that, whet her thi nothinrg to guess. and even th iG MFATEST 01: ALL WEEKI K..eep that ini view' and( sCend not1 he1 IleSs t han i $50011 in cash, T1 ' W1 l' NI.V (' NSTITUTION IS ilI Ti I W\Ol.Dl. It is a T1WNi.Vl N 1. W:'PA I R, conta:iniing l(IG I lTY' eulas n eel Newspaper in Amiti its coiespondetrsi and agents are to lie en andl Wetsternt States. A 9 A .11 41 '1.1 N IC tt prints miore mnrtter than im t \N itt If 'A TO it i us a schtoolhonse int Ir tit f a Mi'l : l.t IA I, tFICA il iR iCS comniid It espect; T's i ii u At NI I'. FAIt at t*:Rs' iwrt'A ETr.i drtien i p . mhm:r'mse t aren ru nder abl)e1dir the~ si ib at tnetls tire addrirsit(I. iThe ('orst hren im mimdvmu'mnte' he rin' ipimti enmuni T'3. FOLLOWJIMG AHE THE_CONDITI Ten Per Cent of the I'l Ti ('ONSTITI Gu(~essers' Subscrip- rei'.",a fo s"b 1i1n1 I,OCs to the mius:Ing word. Fun ii to he di videid. wIi be r g ive ih .word. the marte in ethef words if this unesserm. ~SL-'iption F ur nd Tl~ ('CON DITKI amuntsot to $20,000 at the niissing for thiltperiodCthe, tho (un j t gomto the tu on-r, sutccesOu g ui e s sier rf tiifi e wmH be$2,000. .freahcr< wti get a i rat 'I 5. 4 4 4. anb crti'tons, it to. Nt 'Nt'Yit ANMi4IIt you mne not - n'1 t, r 1oe.p uim lienhlrr perioid (desimgnratth .........----AODDRESS AL ~ATLANTA CONSTI A NEW INSUBANCE HILL. This Itfers to Companies Doing Hlusiness on the Legal Reserve Plan. Columbia, January 27.-Mr. Kib. ]or, of Newberry, today offered an important bill relative to life inaur anco policies. The bill providos: That any life insurance company now doing business .in this State, or w1hich PtAy hereafter do business in this State, on the "legal reserve" p>lan, shall, on tho domand of the in HUrod aftor thrbo full annual pro mjiums have been paid, extend to said intisured one of the following op tionis antdi as inany other options as said company may offer: Pay to said insurod in cash, with in sixty days after domand, the full legal roservo computed by the ex perienco tablo of mortality then in use by said company, and interest at 4 per cent, less a surrender charge not to exceed 1 por cent of the amount, insured. Second. Loan to the insured, his policy being del)osited with the coin Iany as collatoral security, at it rato not exce(ing 6 por cent, an aniount equal to the cash surrender value hereinbefore muentioned. Section 2. Thatt all natural pro tlitil..H comlpanies inow doing busi ness in this State, slhalll be requirtk to prIt at tle top of the first page of its contract that, its premiums are not, tixod, but, that. the future os,t to the insured will depend upon the oxiprielnco of the company. Section 3. That any assan eyn coma1 m not a frat.-noal o Ir with the loge systemi now.d llni ess ii i tbis Sit. haive prirta\d li te Ii rst page of' its. p ij' ''A n 1 ' r.t i (-i. 3)n anl1IOUnCes a nlew oli i.i chince to supply the missing SCONSIDERED B Y A GOOD O MEXN" Is-Ed I ch8 HE MIS-N WOD N - f - )Imp andouthese aontewt hav beom chwnte tsupbslute fainsstnagth IONS IDD OUT---m abwlutfknow,nd publicatthat The~ it mIAy re0.0ly susries nnthat t --oEdde ach 1,ra '98arg dpSte inyvut Yder .nn w-lh thra nyone stcsutiwll utor ; atide ful addi inlt hi t i ne yer$5.00 11cessful agutesecnes, hvehe,i oug wt uccesolul,te i esser a gts i ,YN NEWSPAERS ORUONE YM t te amieo0tecnt of t awaurilp and giesmaynb as il missing wor,a00. AGE,ofartcti SEE-O tileS-O-Ile.AG~E OURIA C r)OUMN evscers week.1 Itha,: no rlicasse ws xr rptots for till wori, u<l' dyto bove arm eace inerli 1,g N'r. its otma' nea t men i nul i t (lch-. e nn nd a i s p iey attad iv to thre I., wh .n Ilaptd in h Nlaftyon Paltintormsi.I lif ill ne, coiiTteN PUT h mIlkPRC N f the munn ,It~11eit it ileretwn s ron pathontern thce ssulgIIo r N, and ditr ibtion to tls i w o ne ye.r cityt:1 If nul n conesa ers terttwrd e h 1 entie fnd. If ore hnn supplies nt be mis Wordght seahfand every gu- suct g.-i-i r'Y NESAPtotoTER WFek cONsttto. It A-R yugesen with yohe subscriptiondn per 1 we t .vilt of toeta u r--va r .- w ande Peron may baes as uutyh tims .as2 l hel . fonrIne alheseteery iliw-jcs any tiwt Sout-. 'ears) ri ng of...............i..."lenl . n-:isl O, OF TE_CST-~ -2 TTIO N.'IT A T) PiLA('NI A.tehllIll'i to nothing, for ho makes no abso luto promise. It is moroly a condi tional agrooment, and it is loft to his own pleasure to settle the condi tions. In the poculiar instanco referrod to us there is not even the pretenco ot a betrothal. Tho young man ovi dently wants to play fast and looso. If he is unable to got tomio girl ho profori to marry, ho -will, perhaps, marry this young woman, in the courso of etoriity. 8uch a proposi sition is an insult to a girl, ovon if it is IccoIlpaIied by the stipulatioun that sh HliIll hiave liberty to do the samte. It is not a botrothal, an on gagelnwut, but similply a trilvesty of one of the most serious compaicts ill life. Four years' n 14"Our months is long enoulghl. If li 1111 really is enaluored of a wonin overy litmito of <delay after winning her before he atikes her his brido is irk some to himl. Why (loes a Ian ak ia woiall to bettrotih herself to hi? ls it Iot that 1ho will. i al iintenids to marry her? \\I , thenl Shouhl she con'esent 11uless lhe is reldy to provt hi is faith by his works? Htwlre, girls, tf tht) st'llish or eraven tearte(I ft'llows, who witlit to entilang le you inl lotng engagemnts si-uply IN keep fromt youti truer and br.ver a td better switts. Mcei tit re '4 NUtgaIm-. Fowr Uk-.oti ar'y. Dr. Naiiten di isen-ses ill tlit Feb - ruary M iet'lur&'s the ft.t tio of ox I,raIi,n in t i)t tirtcI tiI of t lt North l'.e. His coelh11n- is that theoh ".OanI bht r'tacht-d withouit t,)t 'reat ttiienits," i-her "by a ship uirin. with the ic' w*r the Polar e .",r "'t y bep a ,~ al' J lil fromi the' (rO n e' li . till 0i ai the l-'ar N r hi d r fr fI I ti li fe, 0 , W q1 0 "'' aI, n ztIl il e . itit hi, lit iis numbr -t .ivnlarly notabill. , bito raiphicat serifts of "Gre:Ial 1) ra t' I. t'oln,"' shot wing himin a ti e on i eitereil (oigrt4ss, at tho inie \ bin lIe was in the ftill ok ls gIreat (ithat4 wit hi Dou ga:- itt hI timt o ) his first. ioinli iat ion to I lt, I 'resh, litev, ati It otIier historic I iNenit i n hi life. Ai itrtile by Miss Tart-bull gives the lus Itry of the sov 01r1l por'sralits. MAi-. Ihn)II1's " Noillin isoinces'' titinlin, rnl ieIN-ts his ob servatiols of litOseran, 'i hmas, and GarfieltI at iho iinii of t he bilt t It of Chickailutgal. ,h1ey also givo v n t i %h;rts i tle t' Knxville. Ilint. of espI ecial iograt ph11ical val ue is thle viv~itl <tetai~ ild im count of Wa'ishintgt on's lost, illnies, atildonthI, from t.he miiniseripjt <diari of hIis truste<tl pr-ivate secrtet ary ami tonistat,t at tenttlaiit, Toiais 1Lea'r. 1 is remaorkable t hat. so in te'rest ing dlocumiett shonl never ha vi beer putblishte<l in tell before, in a way- t mako:u it. ivatilble to the general rteatd ing public. '.lhio best, sItory by Stephlen (Craiin flut e havt~e seen'i, niot exct-oding tIe faouos "l' i l~ttInIhdge oif Couraige,' liTero is itlso it clain.1i'm~in humltoron: I rish s,ory byv Shan linllttck amul it abhsorbinig-instlamnt, of t he Anthlon2 I lope nov el. bult.non otl'1 i theseXt, ii iiovel and. thlrilling inici<lots, suir paissts Mr. .1eertt V. linm iibloni's ire coi of his ownI reatl texpe'ritn ict "Firing~ a LoA cotmot iv'O. Tm:ti S. S. M~lc(reon: C'o., Thue valor dis lead-t his utittt of the earnage t# of a great battle-, is recogn~tized as heroie, atid . aroulsets atdmira-__ ntecessiary reek mn who contis death thirouleh soitte ittsidi otns disease is pitiale, butt nott ad unirable That dread disease, coitistu pt ion, slay. iore tueti and wttnett thatt are- slaitn b, watr, fatnine attd pestilence conthinied. 11 is til ntterly uttitecessary slanghteIr. Cotistuptioti is enle.C Otte of thle stios cenittent sp)ecialits in the world, D r. R. V Pierce, for thirty years chief consuiltinig physiciant to thet InvalidI Hotel and Sutrg Ical Ittatitte att litTfalt, N. V. spr niontices it. He tdeclar s tha;t thi v veart ago lie discovered a medicitte that enr'es ')f per cenlt. of all cases otf cottsuituptiton. It hlis great mlteil wvork, " Thle C.niiomm SenseC M%edicatl Adviser.'" the statuies, ad. dresses, experiettces atnd pho-ttogitphis oi iinnmerable consutuptive-s who have rc covered are glveii. 'ihit wotitderfuil tedl eite is known as D r. P'ieree's G oldeni Med ical Discovety. It is the gtvatest tof at knowtn bilood.--nakers andt lleshi-lbuilders. I gives edg~e to lie appetite, mtakes, digestint and assimihltIon perfect, renidets the live and kidnieys active, tmakes the blood puiri and fills it with the life-givinig eletmet that build new~ anid healthy tissuie. strengthents thle musenl-ar sytemii, ttte.s tha nerves, pntups rich, red, heathyli lood it every vital organ, and ac itng 'directly ot the lungs drives otit all i ntuities and dis ease germs. Thoulsandts hi:ve testified I< Its marvelone merits. An hitonest dealer wtil not try to periitde you to take a worthIes substitute for the sake of a little added pirofit when bahv Is sick the mtother nietds to owni copy of Dr, Pierce's Commnoni sensc e tdienl Ad vitter. It tells the hiome-treatmitent of all the ot dinary Illa of life. For ai paper-coveretd copy sen, 21 one-cent stamnps tio cover COstt of mtailng ont toteorld'a I)I:issry MQedical Asoctatitoil Baby Mine! Every mother feels an inde scribable dread of the pain and danger attend ant upon the most ctitical pe riod of her life. Becoming a mother should be a source of joy to all. but the suffering and danger of the ordeal make its anticipation one of rrisery. MOTHER'S FRIEND is the remedy which relieves women of the great pain and suf fering incident to maternity; this hour which is dreaded as woman's severest - trial is not only made painless, but all the dapger is re moved by-its use. Those who use this remedy arc no longer dc spondent or gloom ; nervousness nausea and other distressing con ditions arc avoided, the syst'em is made ready for the coming event, and the serious accidents so com mon to the critical hour are obviated by the use of Mother's Friend. It is a,bkessing to woman. S1.00 PER BOTTLE at all Drug Stores, or seut by niall oi receipt of price. BOOKS Coltlthilivintzillable infoat-matiof Elintew'-t to till wolltn, will bo DOnt FREE ito any ittro%, ulo applicetion, by Tb 11RAIM.11) it l1.1TOlt CO., Atlanta, Ga. BLUE RIDGE RAILROAD, It. 0, RATTIV, Rvceivor. No, I1 3 I.',... . v ii: pn, v A II 4 . I M .\ r. Lv ..t)Ik ATLANIC OAST LINE FAST LINE --' 'J L7. Care'i ' Ne' h Cairo A/k.'J A; d M l- ta. S C....... .. 9 - A ......... i' r . I . A p6 it _ .... ,....... ... tig a2 I0 nn ............ C( - 1 ......n.. I . 1 pIll - fl A r n , * r .. .......*.Pr o I- ty . . .... m . 20 Inm A .... ....... Ne he y .......... I V 47 1 lit S ''ti n_i j h .... t.. it , oj............. Lv 12 11 1n1n 2t> p r .....i. s v 1.111 . I. .9 mIll S21 pim At . ....... . , e v it i - .......... -v 11) : ia m N o.,.5 C arles tot t ..i I 'll J. 1u. I ' t.Y Tu . N 1 (,p: , r It ,,ll A F Al, 11dul-solIlvlit- N. (..I,v 'som t 'n't .. ann r . 4 T . \.......... t 82 ai TiuiE E 'H A 111.1 W'I-t LiJg. tlonble )11ly Trains between tha Ietop .olutn bla ntroin A g ....... suUTril CAIU)LINA & GUl 'UhA It It U Cii.^ Ill.-E3TON. S. IC., .Jan. 2-1, 197. I.v (I harlstonal.---.--...7 10 am 5 31 p suIt, ltrv ille-.-...--...-...7 -91 31m l6 Itt ji thtr ................. 3 T.11 3u -) I pua ..................8 31 an 7 :h p ---....---....... 9 15 'unt 7 5i p1in Mt Mat li 9ew . ....... .g-d LInI 8 I -18 pa Ir ( Ml tte---....-I.-----.--. i Itn n ii 3- 311 - CI33t,l ................... i fl,, I 1ni.0 11m1 ..--................ 7 Il 3 1 in I I ,;, p Orn lml:ehtrg -........-8 21 nint 5 27 ju i-'wteyvil..---.-..... 8 3 13nm 5 L' pas Illrn nehlvil-..----..... 8 .95 a111 5 55 m~j ( r e -.''..-.-......9 :(5 urn C 6 l suin3 ner~vle---...........1 1an 7 18 pmit Ar linrittto ............. _. I i i, Sg Ii j.3 Lv CharlesI1ton-----....7..... ..17 10 n m 5 1* IP-ntanchvill--.--........ 92 15an 7 .'0 pa h u i eg.-...-. .- 1 EIl 8 2-; pina Ihmnaark----..........- 5 2 am s 12 11 IU.el ileI --.-..-......10t 10 ur m 8 5 y H of to (l... ...I 7111 ip' A ik n ...... .. a ~i A r AlICustnI----........... 51 nam 10. -15 pul Lv' A tIgIlta.--.-.. .- 21 IIam 3 '11 111 --.-- ........7 II 1 19 nm DI 09 1p -.................... 8X 313nn 6 Y8 pml 19i1injht-rg ............ .. g 3 11;; 5 8i I1rai,neh, l ih----............ 9 I 11 IIn (II 0 pl Alr Cha~I rlsol...----.-.....II 00 ni11 8 0(0 pn FASTI -.xl'IIS A 1-Gl817. 'on I)wa8i3oya WvI- Il 1Il,,AAN IlETWEEN.3. AU.3'8'TA, AIEI:N ANO NEw yo7%-'(. L v AIlgn ltn --........ 3 r 5 pat I.v Alkitn..................I Ia Ar Oetou,ark. . . ..)1 1 by Dentulark..-.----- 25 n1n I,v Ajikon,................ 7%XI Ar AllJ4lidIa..... . .8 II l nA.0 I: EXCEP'T 813 lA Y. IAv (;ninllea -......8 311111n 21 p 1,v H litli ihe -.--.......0 2.6 111 6 111n1u & 11i,,lil .)unlelItLa.. Iii 313 ain I n Al r('n indt1 .-----. --............i 65 pin s 5it NonIl In ia. MatC inji i th~ ) o~l nlthern . p1ini1lw il for 1 11(111intax' in v . up e Ioth la North a oho. .t i trains hlet we- Ch3, Ukn ndoTler in itt on '-Tt3tche hat .4,";ni . hrlttto wIIl ClyXIh- Line grtt.6 .. A X.\jov .r l t Ta le ta Ur,,. nnntIrees; tom lIstn Ycatlr, Co.r 3 AORIE AND NA SR POPLARM 1 .NoFL OWIERS ra SWEET toES, ourkt.Colof . r- ~~ cre vre dicr ouht rning SWEE PEASdo., of new Pktd VU, of intetIdIng RIeo copy of 3898 Calt g o andt FloralCutr PIlC i IPIIICOTT. 3I9 Slrth SImtI So.. lalooapolthI , 4 . ENNYRYALCiELS OrigInal andl Only (IenuIno. SArt, &Ilways reliable. LADICS BSt brgit stC Ic ar' .I%lish DI a --..boxes,P'O. nIett 111nh hhoithort. Tako ..$4no othenr Iln',use dangrous atb,Ijti&is tolatand 1mntilaons. At llug;\sts,or,Mn4 d. lintar am, ftor laclar., testim1,nIi ll o UhIocAy U0 emica10..AladIson r'i tee' Sold by attLoon nrULsll . ...II.A. . .e SOUTHERN RAILWAY., CentralTnNtween Ctabla anud Jack sonville. Eastern TI'nne 1otwoweal Co. lunbl:anid Other Poleitn. EFFArti icVE JAN1U % 1Y 17, 1803. Northbound. Noy D8 No. 3 x m - . Dally. Diy|xhn Lv. J'ville, P.C.&P.Hy.. 8 15 a 8 00 e 12 10 p S Sava nai h ........... 12 20 1 12 i aj 3 57 p Ar. Columbla ........... 4 16p 4 45n 7 i 9t Lv. Ohnv ton,SC&GRI 7 10n 150 Q.. Ar. Columbia........... 10 55a 10 101).. Lv. Augutla, 8o. Ily.... 2 10 ) 9 80 1) 40 p Graitevillo ....... 2 80 y 10 12 1 0 08 p Trunton............. a 03 p 10 60p 0 114 p John1141ton1s8........... U 19p 11 10 P 0 40 p Cr.ColuimbiaUn. dop't. 4 61 > 2 17 a 8 20) p tV Col'hbia Bhad'g t... 5 1.5p 6 55 a 8 49 p " Winnsboro.......... 1 0) p 0 68 a 939 1) " 'lhestor ............. 6 bOp 7 44 a 10 14 ) " Rock Hill........... . 2J)p 8 20 a 10 44 p Ar. Chuarlotto........... 8 151 p) 15 n t Isd p Danvillo........... 11 61 P 1 85 l, 3 18 a Ar. 1 0icho ti .......... i00 n 0 25 ) ........ Ar. 'Wasihigton ... 1 4:1 9 1 U5 p 9 45 a B:lt imloro Pa. 11. It.. P 00 a 11 15 p 11 05 a " Phiadelphia......,. NS a 2 50 a 1 18 ) " ,Now Yo-k. . 12 13 I 0 23 n 8 3 1 Sout h boud, i.V. 31 No. 37 No. 3.5 U.. - nlhally. 1)nIIy. Ly. Now York, Pa. H. t 12 lol p - 80 1 121 nbt "4Pladlpial . 2 Is p 6 6 p 11 6i a " ilh -ocil...... . ..4 50 1 f) 1)0 1 0 b1 a Lv. Wash'tonl, o. 1 31 00 p 10 .1 j 1 1 a Lv. llelhmondi... ....20nt 12 0m Lv. IanviIlo ........... 12 20a 6 a 6 1,5 1 " harlotto........... 54i ) 5a 10 2 0 1) wk 1111. ........... a tO t 12 p ChIest I............. 6 01*i 10 15 1 4.,nm " in ........... 41 a 11 41 s 12 32 a Ar (,'In d 1 ' .. 33 40 12 . . 1 37 a Lv. C iltn. wia Un1 - ep'1. 7 u' a 1 1 ) 1 ) a JOhnst401ns.---.... .. 84 -0 2 53p 5 1ai n ............ 863 ; t 3 Ob 1 3 15 ia (4" -11r ilvvillo ........ "13 nt 1 : 8 i 6 57 a Ar. Augitta............. 10 I 4 1. i 7 45 a L,~. Co'hhi .'. . ....... 4 0 y 7 00 A A r.Ch A l l ........ ........ 8 00 p 11 (4a Lv. 50'n. FtC &P. 1y 5 50a 11 i5ta 12 47 a ' a a n h ........ 0 :;22n .1 -111p 5 M0ai -mA'lN t % A , aI % *11 , . a Nos.l a1d, 22--"NEW YORK AND FLOR IDA 111NiM 'ED." S Nlid \estibuied Train of 1'ull 3)13 wing-t Sleepiig Curs, Oh sevi -M and 011mp1artmmint ('ars, and Dhinin Carls ruingils t roigh withotut ehapng. hetwetll bt. Aug,p3. , Fin., ad Now yor1c, vi Jelt 1oIville, C:vanni, mbiiiia, (Tarl .tto anld Wahigtn.Pulilmuki Dillwinig-Ro".1 SIUM> ig C:1r e1 lWey AuguAtn,lGa.,nndlll N'ow yor C, COMWnO"itIg Wil h this t Inin at ColInhIn, for tiho tccinein3da1 i*t1 of Augu11a land Aiken tr uvel. Most execlialn dait y i11lMgne SurviC4 bU tweoln Floridl ad Nevw York. .Nos. X, a nd kill W in1 onl anld.stiit hl vest c,'11 Limilitted. solid \'us(iblIil trainll with dinling vars mid first tts i ieeus nort, or ch:irol 0te. P11llimtI d1wist -o(Il 4leepinig clr het weenl Tanaitn,.hknil, baana, tVshinigtonl and N.\v York. Pu111mn1e1,11, err's betwemn Augustal tand Rillilm ld. N1o2-* ) wt :3 d Zl- ') . S. F It.'At 31Mt. T11r111-mlizh Plotut m dt-nwin roo 1* 1yistft (14.e in: blr . h ti . n Il*2)n1d 'Nw York land 01 Man" it n oar b -%ss Ati.;ustat andihar lotte. P,1iulln siepingi ar b. w I iec at UVillk, nid Co lutvbin, k-n rolti difly bet wevn Jacko .1 i ill Cinlcinllim.. Vint -sh'evillL F. A AN NN, J. M. t!1U,P, Thir%i \V-1'. & Uen. Mgr. T1. M .0:1u1"to. WV. A. TSN . IH. HARDW)\ICK, (. P. A.. Was.1hington. A . 1. A.. Atimta. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Condletetned !cellule in CiFTcs JU3I V 4, 1897. sTAT7iIOxs. _~Ij ST Airi 1s0on - ZSD a i .. . .. .. .......'*to 7 10 e. m) v. Colomjb) .. . . 1 ( i I -9 Pros,lerity . 1 11 p ti Newlbvrry ... 22 1) m " N initty-Nix ... . . . . ... . . 125 )li Ar. (41t tnwoud . 45 p m Ar 3.v1e................. .......1 2 V5 1) )n Ar. llI*z. ............... ....... 2 5 )-r Ar. A. wtdvi-min .1 M Ar. Onkm-loI................ Kr. AnderI.n............30p33 STATIOS 1)DniI __7__12a. WiIIn**.ion . .. . . 11110 a m ~~ l1*d~12 11 p am3 rv IIh." .1 '0 p 33u 2 ?5 p m I t' *43 ~33' 2 55 p in Zr. A 1* iI.3*i.a ............. 3 p) 3 STA 31 TATNSS.:Fl LV.* 1.Nnin. ... 1..~.~..... 3) .. 10l S0 a m "o0~ 1inh2nt................10 451a m 1" Wiliamlo 2tj..i.............. 3)018 7 IO 10 And1 2.i . . .*..... ... ...1 1 05i a1 in 1064H1Itoti~.............1* ,le . ..1 ~il lif, aT 112 13*Ar. n d S ................. .v 126 0 2pm 2v, Ahhevil r. ..... ....... 11 -.'4 a IEv. 3) H o 9e .. 3 . 3.......... .... . P3: 1 20 p m ".:7 . .. I:* Pasw iy .. i.,............... 2 ) 3i . I n *r. c lmnhi .............~'I14, .. a33 ( 5. 3Iv12rm) 00*1Char*ile ,on....... . - ---i;. 3* 1*1 *3)) 3). P9ll7n 1a 321 ......A3) buon..... "* 8 r 'A00 '215 g11" . .nn li .... "1g 5p) 1 411p G0 ea 2tp . . .... Union .w... *'* 5p. 730p 10VW * 22diq"* .... Joev . . A a2: a, 6 68p I0 5 :(!'23 Ia " . ' . . .. P coe ... I.. i 12 14p )6 47 1 2.'> W 0 pr nug vi 5 '1120p "P," p.3.93. m. "A,".3. nM Trin 9 i 10 enirry Arein Pul0lman 13epin car het2 we3en41 Coninhn2and Ahevillo IIo1thh7wil, 2 :7 n. m., '37p 1n. 13 72 . m. 3(1Ve a tihnle * Lh ie )-Mnuthboun3 1.:41:. m.2 :1 2 . ... l :37 a~. I1*.m. ( .ti ul-imi*t 1d.1 2Tais. lenvo Greenvi, . an 3. ivisio (Vest.ihuled ) Li ie isutbo mI 6:: u. m.2 1:0 . m3.,3 1 2 p.3 m. (VesIbuled 3 Limied) sleepng crs o Tri8 'and 86 7And 'n, onA.I an C.e divYIsin. 4 W.ti fre. TUlde * -o.e f.or Ai *. RDIC(33 Gen Pas.O3t A*1( 33'rt. As'Mt*elas.A' Wpclahini;t, D.lltl o. a .I At l , a $cRAILROAD Timbeerct neto ber;t.h, 10 $. 35en tndard1 Tno~~~~I Dn1ihhound. . Neworthbun i-'g-t, Irly eblr t our lil v. .'3 y IPyDl a h I''day4W'd To Atlnnto,-Uhi r1o06,.%gUstA -1nington, New Orli-stneand 2wY 10sws iohma,nd -Wasii,gton Norfolk, Aoruotihi sop0a e In efleft, Fob. 7th, 1097. Ui0h1MWNN1Ua I&k4".4No . 4L SI hillad61plPtik............. ......0. -A J1 IIn i b A W6 " i l i o o ...... ................. a. to $a 2 60 1, p W atolhingtol...................... 4*40 1" 480 si i h on .......................... 8 60 pm 9 0 6 6 LvN~orfol,%I 8.A I....k....*8i36 pii i'a r-olt.m-otih " .... .. t 45 pa i 0 20 1,v Woldr t, via 14. A. L. ArIo ntdnion. " ........31250 ut 1 .19 In Ar un aip, VI 13. A. 1,....... 17 3. il1) t 19 pi"' LIv Dierhan). " ...... tb 20 pint1 0 U Ar Ialeigh. via 8. A . .... ... *2 10am *3 81 pm e a o e....................... ...... 3305 "1 608 1 "Southern Pin18 ............... 422 1 565 " H andl ........................... bm 1 " 68 " " NW.t.esboro ....................... 5 5 " 8 1 * M onroe............... ........... 0 4 " 12 I6 Xr Chaltt , via 8. A. 1 9.W.8 0 46 -P,pk1 6" Chelter, via.4. A. L . 8.'~~. i I 47 pm fLv uoltimblit, U. N. & L. It. 1t. ............ tO (0 P Ar I t 6 . .......... 9 5 01m 12 10 " Green wood ... ....., 1r s 1 07 vill Alibovillo " ......... I I "d 1.4) H EIbc Itol " .......... 1207 pin 241 "1 A Ihells "s ..... I i)15 * 14-5 Winder 1 69 "6 4 80 so Alan S. A. . (UnIon 2 lIeint)(Central Tin _0 5 NOltTtjIO( ND_1) No. JOA. No. 88. Lv ti1 i tral 'PUne) #)2 Con *7 50 pi '' W111der.' . ........2 111 pil 10 l11 6 Atheas . . 16 31213 " Elbe tn 6 4 .1 12;43 am SAibevillo 1 . .. 5 14 6 (.4.oo..o... 6. ... 5.1 2 19 ......... 3 1 " 05 ArClumla, C. & 1, t. t-........o ...r ..... 4 15 1 4 3 i Xr-t Ia 1Of te*v 'iik 8 -. ......-I5) 2 " - f * " 1 VI 0111,0, Via H A .......... 1 1-10pol 10 ) " C .tn.......... 31 " 8 156 Ar Wilmult o i .... . . .0 itm*20 p0 )heer .... 1214 " 1) 2,) Xi t lin t Io l)*410 2.~titi *8 80 1 A 1)at et 4 .......... *7 16 23 1 M ,5 a A rW ininalon .......... a 2., m*12 C0 -im 'A'~Weisa. iillI .A. ...... li2 14 - ': 2.O m 111(1. sol. "... 8 2p i *l '10 6m AV Durha111in O. ....... 13;;j' 1 t ~l,y 1 -0,90a i At, Weldol , v lat . A .L......... *1I 5; u ill *3 00pn ' 1ch tuo1 .......... ........ .. 8 15 "1 f . "64 "4 W h l og 'n.vtsaPeie 1. 12 31 66 11 1 1a "111WtInl ore "-e" 1- 1; ilm 12 -* Amn "6 Ph lti Ip 4 66 h*.3 pin .3 15 66 "Nev York, " 62.1 " 4!J Ar PoricanoatIh " " '' 7 3in 5 50 p.a Neziolk " '' s" *7 5) " 0(05 -y ii I. x. stit<Iay. j D'y ex Moifay Nop. 403 ttid 402.-"'lie A tima SprecI'll," ollI V(--.uI1l l TrAtl of P1ninI1)11n Hleep-ri I aald CO14 o %h4tw11 Ws11inmigt and AI 1a4ala, also Pllit I al k1lef peri be.twooll 1OrI. Mo1th ail Chester. .. C. N"ta. 41 nivil 38.--'"I ho .4. A. L. Fxprepp,'9 So '1'rI111t1, CoieIcs mid 11 tilirlal,Ir SlcqeperH betwet 'or(silonthl) sml Alatin. co upaly Sleepers be( weenl ("o]ti Coll III tI A1ilanttil. 1 Ih traliq manke lilledat4. (,nnection al lit AtIaliita for Alo tpoip I T , Mohi le, 1%(-w' O'r lltis, 'Texit aifo na hi x1co, I 1111tta. t)3gh, NNshvil11, 1it i1 Sincon, Floiltl,. 1'4)) rITSi ell,pi, 1-p rs. 11)(1 i i t icm, ap. p111 to it. A. Newiinhi, G n. Ag).- l'as. 3.'l-'t 0 RI1l ll Io41 _A, A11t111 1 , i ilotle, N.0 1F Wi. J.0' , VIL'e-'ri-s. 1id~ En'1 Mantviter V F. MINIcllf '. (n'1 sipel63inenh it. a U. . 1 I I It, Tr1-the Maiager. T. J. ANI SON, (1i' I'lasselger ApenL. 6 IN RA onFICE,s: )'O)RsMo(urH, VA. Cliarlastcll aiii Wsterin Carolilla Rwy Co. Augusta and Asheville Short Line. S(hedul" in Elyet Oct. .3, 1807. .1.clVo AtIIglia ... ........ .110 i it I 0 y a Arive Urt W00d.......12 ) i . A n'44r1 n ............... ......... 1 10 .1 1.11r-.- --... I ml 7 00 a i Gi emn1vl14............ 3 10 ) 1 n Mennm i )I nigg...... 4 0! 1m Spa t but g-......... 3 00 1 Yll it ill a810 (1it........ ......... :33 m I-nd --"4 i ll ..... ( 6 p mi At ev 7ln.........7 00 1) 1)) L t- v v .......... 820 a it Z i a6 ta it mrg .......I1 -15 it ill 00 p in W 1t ) m )ri1 g -.....' 10 a nt . ........ ... G eenville ... . ...-11 60 t I 4 Oi in .1a imis........... .....I :0 p inl 7 10 p nm A rrivcG r4en61wood....2 28pi t( 90 am A ild6r'. -- -.--...... .. 7 306 ain ._.Atnus 1 .......... 5 (01)1)n6I 1 IO I)n 1.666v6 Catlhonj Fa1lls6. .4l P m A r. 3ye Ih-igh .......... .. II.2)a N'ir ioik ............. 7I 3i. a14 -le n n0...... 7 2-I u in Arat4v4 Au ).w1e . .. .2da)) Al .4 -----A-- lt'(1..... .. 5 100 pma - ---- --....... 515p Y e ........ 9:1)10 1 n in 0 pm 11anl)l ...............) :i 64a-1 n0 pmf I'I I 6 y' I--...10 t.0 a m1 7 :3o pin Savan 6nIh6--.--............. 8 10 p ( h:t,i h st i .--............ 8 08 pmi 1.aov. (bat1e64 n---------------.............50 nm0 - i4:i-'1...--...... .... 15p ;5) a6m e II (ort .-....... 1 i))61n 8 25)101 13..%6 ce.... 3 FI 66) 8 25 p11n A nI.4 A ligiit i12S30 Leav Viornoo1 - T.C16V~ S -i-b,--1-)-g- 0 pm Arriv6e Gr6 mw)4(((110 )4 1.34 -.666 1 61 - -( - ----- -11.t . -. 9 011 pm 1.ltlo,. tt, A rll r lit16161-(661 r Cnnet. (466 atE' 1alhou1 61 166411401f)Fallso' e pointa6616. s)) . A. 1.- 64nd4 U. 14666 U i1R 1I1y3, 11.4 16 Y I i fi )1666 re14 layie to t'ekts, EM. N\OIITI 3, Sol. AgL A n6glista6, (4a.I Florida Central & Peninsular hue( TIale 16n EfIeet Jan6) 1. A rr3 Ve. Coltleru I 1.4....""'""""'"'""".. 2'5.. Lv.Coi bl6-. :37 No. 3'. T.v. f 'oilli b)6 . . .i . '6) I3:6 (CeV t ra 6 1'in "6 " ""''"--........I 2a) 2 liat6n .1)' 1666 169416-k................. 1 6 4'1jp 6) Ar lIru 0s14 ..h-k1256.6 ArNTa:lhis ArCrunn61, -. ... . .1 2 /4n.1 ........1-.V0 Al0.14444ra hv .vn) i1t14 no lvQ . I su A. f U . ' .