The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, February 01, 1898, Image 3

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N f1W HERTY MARNE. Corrected every Tuesday and Fridd by Summer Brois. Meat...................... a6Io. Shoulders .....................sj543 Io, H ams.................................. 1 12c. Best Lard ............. ........... (@8. Best Molasses, now crop...... 500. Good Molasses..................... 25@35e. Corn .................................. 650. Meal................................ 550. Hay......... .................. 900. W heat.Bran........................ $1.00. lst Patent Flour............... .$5.75. 2nd Best Flour,................... $5.35. Strait Flour..................0.00. Good Ordinary Flour...........$4.o4.75. Sugar ..................... .o.6 . Rice.................................... 6t 81o. colfee................................. 1 0 300. Cotton seed meal, per sack... 900. Hulls, per ton.................... $3.00 Couitry Produco, Butter, per lb ................. 1@20c. Eggs, per dozen ............ 124 10c. Chickens, each.................... 12J4 20c. Peas, per budhel....... ......... 600. Corn, per bushel................. 500. Oats, per bushel........... 35600. Sweet potatoes .................. 5 400. Turkeys, per lb ..................OR 8c. Fodder, per cwt .................. 60@75c. James D. Nance Camp. There will be a meeting of the James D. Nance Camp, U. C. V., hold in the court house at Ne':berry on Monday, saleday in February, at 11 o'clock a. m. All members are urged to attend. C. F. BOYD, Adjutant. We nro nnxlous to do a little good in this world and can think otno pleasanter or bot ter way do (10it thtn by recommending One Minute Cough Cure as a proventive )f pneu. n onia. cosumwit ton and other serious lung troubles that follow neglected colds. W. E. Fine Mules. Copeland & " tlbble have just received a fresh carload of the finest and cheap est mules over offered on this market. tit Don't buy your Fertilizers until you see Evans & Wilbur. t&f tf. Dress Goods and Trimmings at great ly reduced prices at Wynn's Bargain Store. t&f2t Slroyod or Stolen. On 13th January, 1898, one deep red milch cow, with black spot on right shoulder, keen, nmall horns, strayed from my home oi Mr. T. 0. Pool's Tribble place, or was stolen. Any in formation to the whereabouts of this cow will be appreciated Tnos. BURTON, tit Longshores. HARNESS SHOP. J. B. Walton has opened a Har ness Shop on Main Street, next door to 0. Klottner's. Will mako new harness and repair old. Twonty-five years experienco. Prices reasonable. Give him your orders. Satisfaction guaranteed. Auditor Cromer's Appointments. Auditor Cruimer or an authorized WgAt will be at th following places on the dates named below for the pur pose of taking returns of property for taxation: At Prosperity February 2nd and 3d. And at Newberry until February 20th, after which time the law requires a penalty of 50 per. cent. to be added. There are three little tihings which do more pork than any other three little thinga cre. aited -. they are the aut, the bee and DecWitt?au LittCle E rly Risors,-the last being the famous little ,1ula lr stomach and liver troubles. W E. Pelham. WVanted At once, 10,000 pounds of dry hides. Highest market price paid. t&f Uf. Suimmer Bros. Miorom hion4. for Rent. On Main Street, opposite R. C. WVilliamns' Furniture Store. A pply to R.. C. Williams. f&ttf P'rogrammuin for Teacheors Associa,tionm Feb. 12, 1808. 1. Should the teachers encourage school cxhibiitions-Miss Nannic Simp son, Mr. E1. H. Rikard. 2. Spelling in the conmmoni schools Miss Nannie Livingston, Mr. R. A. A bramns. A thrilli of ter' or is experienced when a brassy congh4l of croup~ i.ounds through the - hmon-e it.,utpht. iut, t he terror soon ehianges i' to relief after Oneo Mi ito (oumgh Cu,re lhas lbe,n administered Safe and harmnless for children. WV. E. Pelhamn. Scarlet F'lannel 12i, 15, 20 and 25c., at Wynn's Ilargaini Store. t&f2t. I am still running my Harness Shop at 0o(d stand by first-class harness mae.Harness mado and r'epai red. f4t F. A. SCHUMPERT. VIolinm Isiruction. I would like a few pupils on the vio lin. For terms antd other information, ~~pply to HIUUO OCKERMAN, P rather House, Newberry, S. C. ~ 0,~'' in~ ~ood quality, 5ie., a 4.u4 1 " e: * St,ore. t&f2t (all and Me&A P. Church T~'1he ladies of the A. ' utton hole are selling~ cut flowers, ower seed bouquots, potted plants, and 0 soe at S. 1B. Jones' store. The ha o sc pretty'plants and will be glad lg you and will take pleasure in w on you. Call and see them. Af for yuea of untold sutreriuf from pile B. W. Pursa'li, of Knritneraviin a wats cure( by using a single box of DoeWi t's Witch Ihial 8atve. Skin diseases such as eczema, realm, p.nples andu obstinate sores are readily euredi by this famtous remedy. W. E. Poiham. Wanted. Salesmen to sell our Olin and Greases to the manufacturers in Newberry and vicinity. Permanent position for right man. Trhe Can fld Oil Ce., f&t2t Cleveland, Ohio. '12 inch Bleached Table Linen 50c. Doyles and Napkins to mnatch at Wynn's Bargain Storo. t&f2t ' Igh Graide Ilood and Bone Fertilvzer. XXX Blood and Bone Guano. Aeid Phosphatte. Dissolved Bone. .&Wlbr t&f tf Evans&Wibr VARIOUS AND ALL ABOUT Miss Keith, of Walhalla, is visitinj friends in the city. Gordon's Mistrels are booked to af pear here on the 9th instant. Yesterday the weather cleared o: and the wiad blew like March. - Mr. Welch Wilbur and mother, c Helena, moved yesterday to Newberr Mr. E. It. Kibler has been appointe Supervisor of Registration for Ne berry County. Rev. George A. Wright left yestei day for Chester to attend a Bible soc ety meeting. "The Midnight Fire" at the oper house Friday night will be amusin 4nd laughable. Mr. Jacob Diokert has - moved t Helena and will occupy the house vt cated by Mr. Welch Wilbur. - There was a slight snow in Newberr. on Sunday. For a while the whit flakes fell thick and fast but melted a fast as they fell. Hereafter you'll have to got you shave on Saturday. Sunday busince at barber shops has been ordere stopued by the city council. Mr. Tom Connon held the luck number that drow the $10 gold piece v the opera house Saturday night, give by the Arnold-Welles Players. Davenport & Renwick are offerin some special cash bargains which I would pay the ladies to examine an take advantage of. Now is the time. "The Midnight Fire" at the oper house on Friday nig lit promises to be very amusing and entertaining entei tainment. Then it is for a good caus( The small-pox scare has cost th town something over $600, but abou half of our population has been we vaccinated. That is money well spoi We will feel more secure in the futur< Col. W. B. Ward, of Spartanburf who is on a visit to relatives in Ne% berry, has written a sketch of his lif from December 6th, 1860, to March 2. 1865. It is a complete record of his wa life. Mr. James A. Mimnaugh, Newberry hustling dry groods muan, was called t Columbia Saturday on account of th serious illness of his niece. le rc turned on Monday, as she was impro,, Ing. We would like to see more of our pc( plo using electric lights and water froi the artesian' well, and now that th prices have been reduced, we have n doubt that. more will use these moder conveniences. Mr. ). A. Russell, a son of our town man, M r. J. 6. Russell, who has bee in the railway postal service for severi years, has received several promotior and again a few days ago was promote His promotions have been made on th ground of elliciency and faithful sei vice. We are glad Lu note these pri motions of our former citizens. The Building and Investment C4 has closed up its business and on Thur day will pay off the stockholders an burn up the certificates. Trho compan has been wvell managed and much cr< dit is due the p)resident, Dr. 0. I Mayer, who has worked hard for th company. It has been a good thing fc the stockholders and has wound ui WVe would likec to see another starte here anid as sooni as possible. They am good things for a town. The mlone( make a strong home one. Cata,rrh Cann.ot bo Curedi with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they ca1 not reachi thu seait of the dilsease Crirrh 1s blood.or comslltntlional d lsase, anl in, ordt to euro t. you mnust, Iake int ,- rnl Ie medic 11all's CutorrhI Curt, Is taken interonnly, at acts directly onth blhoo atnd ,in ,ucous 8su faces. Hall's Cntarurh Cure is tenot a Qumat meodicittle. It wats pre.hcri bed by ono t.1 L best.jphyslianis ini t,hils countl ry (or years, ar is a regular pretscrIiptIon. it is comuposi ,4 the bestM t'nites kno11wnI, conl bi 'ed with t.i bost blood ipurlilors, acting directly on ti iXnucotus surfaces The porfet comiInation the two inagredients is wht prlod aces sue wiondeurful resu,lts in curing Uatarrha. cautI r< . .J CilICNEiY & CI)., Props., TPoledo, 0. Soltd by D)rugglsts, p,rlco The. Clarondale Quilts; 11-4, only 75e., Wynn's Bargain Store. t&f2t C sinpume-uL ,o Ir. HIallmarn. Rev. S. Tr. Hallman, D). D., pastor Grace Lutheran Ch urch, Prosperit; has been invited to deliver the bacca aureate sermon before the gradunatir class of the Mont Amnoena Seminal and the North Carolhna College, Mour Pleasant, N. C., at their annual cot mencoment May 29th, 1898. The Dol tor has gracefully accepted the )pro fered invitartion, and we feel sure thi the sermon wvili contain an ocean< thought and he of rare attainment. Prosperity Advertiser. Free of Charge to Sufferers Cuit this out and( take it to your drui gist andi get a samphle bottle free of Di King's New Discovery, for Constum] tion, Coughs and Colds. Thiey do na asck you to buly before tryirg. Th~l wvill show you the great n'ierits of th truly wonderful remedy, and show ye what can be aiccomtplishedl by the regt 1lar size bott. lThis Is no ex perimien and wotuld 1)e disastrous to the pr< pritlors, did t hey nott kntowV it woul Invariably cute. Many of the be; phmysichlais nre no0w uing it in thei p)ratice with great results, andl are, r, lying onl it I u nmost severe caises. It gulantIOe. Trial botttltes free at Iiober Lson andt (Older's D)rug Store. Rleguh ie50 cenlti and $1.00. FOR SUP T. OF ED)UoATION. jHe resenitatives KIhler andI 'jonle Spoker A' is stated that Representative K(1 ier w Il be a candidate for sup)eri tende~ t of education. Mr. Kibler' h alwayt taken mnuch interest in cdue tional ffairs and always looks Out I the wel .are of the school in the leg is] ture.. It is stn,ted that another member the house is thinkinug of standing i the same otlice. This 1u Mr. Troolo Aiken. Mr. Chris. Robinson of Pickens, w ran last year, will certainly be in t In Aid of the Methodist Church. Friday night next at the opera house will be an occasion upon w4ich one of . the best amateur entertainments ever seen in Newberry will be presented. The ladies of the Methodist Church are sponsors for it, which carries a guaran tee of quality and an Qssuranco of the elimination of any features which could ' possibly be objectionable to any one. d Then Messrs. Bertram and Willard, the authors, under whose direction the en tertainment is given, are not strangers, and their work has received the endors ment of the different churches in every important town und city in the State. a "The Midnight Fire" is said to be one of the best of their many dramatic writings. It is one of the realistic, ex 0 citing kind, and when the audience is not being held in spell-bound, cympa thetic emotion through the tender heart interest, it is being convulsed with j .laughter. The triumph of right over 0 wrong was never more vividly por a trayed than in the story told in the "Midnilit Fire. "Bobby," the mis r chievous hoy, "Mrs. Jeremiah Potts," s "Fritz Poppenheimer," "Pat McPhin, a the Irish Policeman," the two'negrocs, vie wilh each other as to who will create y the most fun. The fireman is shown ,t both at home and at work, portraying n in realistic mannor the thrilling rescue of the heroine from her burning home. g Tho fire department will appear witli t reels, hose, ladders, and all parapharna d lia, giving a perfect exhibition of their work at a fire. The Rube Road Whang a doodlers will di-course music, and a catchy specialties will be features at the fireman's picnic in the second act. The following ladies and gentlemen constitute the cast: e Jack Clark...................Lawson Kibler Harold Malcolm ....Eugene Bvrtram George Baker............Smith Langford Major Blunt...............Bassett Willard Jun Merrili.................Fred Dominick Fritz Poppenheimer......, Zack Wright Pat McPhin..................Julian Kinard 0 The Stranger...............Fred Dominick i Abe............ .....................W . E. Blats r Bobby Potts .........Ed ward Houseal Helen Merrill..............Miss Iula Jones 5 Jessie Clark............M iss Sara Wheeler e Roxey.... .............. Miss Lois Fant Mrs. Jeremiah Potts....Miss Ella Riser Dinah ................................... Ed. R uss Admission, 35 cents; gallery, 25 cents; P- children, 15 cents. No extra charge n for r"served seats. Plan opens at 0 Scholtz's Thursday morning. 0 n The Board of Stewards for Newberry Circuit are requested to. 't at Circuit - Parsonage, Saturday, Feb, ary 5th, at n att 11 o'clock. 1. II. BOULWARE, Chainrman. 5 . The Newberry Pontoffico. e The time is drawing near when the term of the present postmaster will ex ' pire. There are several applicants for the position. Who will be selected, . of course, we do not know. There is 3- one negro who is an applicant for the d position and who, we are told, has been y promised something by "Boss" Web 3- ster. Tfhe Heralil and News is not I. fighting the cause of any of the appli e cants, though, of course, personally the >r ed itor h as h is choice. . What we want to say is that the ap d pointment of a negro as postmaster at e Newberry would meet a very wt.rm *y protest from the citizens who are pa d tr-ons of the ofi1ce, and we hope for- the sake of peace and good feeling a'iong all classes in the town and among the ,. pa1trons of the otlice that no such ap a p)ointmn~t will be made. It would be a er very great mistake in the appointing p lower and also on the pairt of the eol k ored appllicant for him to accept the 'Ioflice. Postmaster General Ga-ry should stick w to his resolution, formerly p)ublished, a not to appoint negro p)ostmaisters in the ~South. The Southern white people will treat the negro all right so long as he behaves himself and remains in his t position. Hie will be protected in his rights of person and property, and wvill be encouraged to do what he can to better his condition, but he is not wanted as postmaster in towns the size of Newberry, nor even in small or or larger towns. g As a friend and wvell wisher of the ycolored man who is said to be an - applicant, we hop" ho will not accept the office if it is tendered him, but in the first p)lace Mr. Webster would make a mistake to recomnmendl his appoint ment. Progressling anid EuntorprIsing. ~- One of the most progressive and en r- terprising merchants in the city is Mr. SA. C. Jones. lHe is up to date in the a stock ho keeps and not only so but in Is the managemecnt and arrangement of u his store. ' Hie ha- just put in a new cash.systcm .and gret.' wrappled and( cash kept and d change made at one pla1ce so that there at is little liability of a mistake being m!kade. Hius store has the appearance isof a city store on' the interior and by t- selling for cash only he can sell at ir small p)roflL. Theo Coing Womn, who goes to the club while her husband tends thLi b,a well as the goodi od1 fashmiouned woman who looks after her hiome, will both at times get run dlow n b- in health. They will be troubled with n- loss of appetite, headaches, sleepless as ness, fainting or(dizz/y spells. The moiEst a- wonderfnl renmedy for these women is or Electric Bit te. Th'lousands of suffer a- era from Lame Back and Weak Kid neys rise up and call it blessed. It is of the medicine for women. Female com or plaints and Nervous troubles of all of kinds are soon relieved by the use of Electric Bitters. DelIcate women ho should keep this remedly on hand te he build up the system. Only 50o per bot tle, at o bhertson Ar Gilder QUAUANTINK K8AIMLISHED. Tito Uounty Doard of Health,Quarantine Against the Colored Colleges at Orangeburg. The County Board of Health had ap plication from some of the students at the State Colored College, at Orango burg, to be permitted to come to their homes, but since a now case of small pox has broken out there, and one more virulent than any heretofore, and inas much as the city of Orangeburg has raised the quarantine against the Col loge, the Board of Health has ostab lished quarantine against both the col ored collegos, andjany one coming in the county from 'either college will be immediately arrested and put in the Ioqt house for the requirad time. This is a wise proecaution. We are still selling quantities of Saluda Croup Oil. Robertson's Compound Cough Syrup. Electric Liniment. These are the medicines for the season and Robertson & Gilder's is the place to buy them at. Tio Foinere IloneMutual Fire Insurance Company. Mr. Thos. F. Harmon, the general ageut of this company, tells us that he has written more insurance during the month of January of this year than during any month aince the company was organized. And not only so but the company has met promptly and settled satisfactorily every loss that has been sustained. The point has been reached when people hunt it up for insurance. There is no reason why we Phould not build up a home com pany and keep our money here. This company is well officered and it is a safe and cheap. plan of insurance and the money paid for premiums Is not away*from home to enrich other sections but is kept right here in our midst. Then why not give it business. Cigar Sale! I have a few off brands of Cigars that I will Hollregardless of cost. These Cigars are all sold by manufacturers for first. class goods, but they do not suit our trade. Call for "SANTA BANA," "ATTACVA CLUB" and "BEN BOWS !" if you want Cigars at a low price. My Rogular Line of iars is Up to its usual excel!ence I We do our share of supplying the most fastidious smokers of the town, therefore, we cannot afford to keep anything but the best in our regular line. Than - ing you for past favors and ask. ing a continuance of same, I am yours to please, S. 13. JONES. Pomarla Nows. Cotton is at a stand still, 5 1-4. Small grain is looking well. Very little plowing done yet. Mr. L. A. Sheely will move into his new home this week. Mr.. G. M. Dickert has moved from Newberry to Mr. D). 10. Wessinger's place. Mrs. Carrie Balletine has moved from Mrs. Minnie L. Koon's to Mr. J. Preston Kinard's. Mises Sallie M ay Aull is spend ing this week with her charmning cousin Miss Gussie Werts of M.. Pilgr'im. Mr. Andrews, of Wallceville, a cat tle buyer, was in our town yesterday hunting "beef," but sorry to say we were just out. A United States P'ost0Ollice Detective was in our city one day this week look Ing after our oflice. Glad to say hie found it 0. K. There could be an im provement still, but guess we had bet ter keel) still. Don't pay to tell too much. Mr. (I. H. Co1unts, who sold his stock of goods and exp)ected to "travel," has bought out Measm's. Kibler & Fellers and wvill open uip a first-class grocery store. We have a change every few weeks. Who will be next:. The "small-pox scare" is about over with us but our "vaccinated arm" is in the sling yet. 'Tis strange how scared some folks can get any way, and from almost nothing. We acknowledged we were sold but we have plenty of com pany. MAY. Jatnuar'y 27, 1898. Other Things besides SPECT ACLE S There are lots of things in a Jewelry Store that don't contain jewels. Lots of small artistic articles suitable for Xmas presents that you would nover' think o)f unless you sawv them. We have a beautiful line of small Novelties at extremely LOW PRICES. You can come and spend a pleasant hour in looking around at our stock and buy when you get ready. IEDUARD SCHIOLTZ, The Jeweler. xcelstor Etchings. The usual servicos will be held in the school building next Sunday afternoon %t 3 o'clock. Our school has a full attendance of pupils and moving on nicely. The grain crops now look nice and promise fcr a fair yield. No small-pox in this section and very row of our people have been vaccinated. Mrs. Enos Counts and little child have returned home after spending sov 3ral days with her mother's family. What has become of our friend Josh rrump? Would like to hear from him Igain. Mrs. D. B. Cook and children visited relatives in Prosperity last week. Congressman A. U. Latimer has our fhanks for a package of garden seeds. Miss Olive Shealey is visiting hot' sister, Mrs. James Livingston in No. 9 township. Out' pastor, Rev. S. T Hallwau, D. D., paid us a pleasant visit last week. We think the Logislators mado a great mistake in extending the time for the payment of taxes. Extonding the time will only cause the people to be more careless as to paying their taxes and then possibly place them in worso circumstances. No extension of timo should have been mado. Miss Gussio Kibler is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. A. Singley. Rev. Jas. D. Kinard and wife of Lees ville have been spending a few days with his mother's family in this sec tion. Mr. Editor your editorial last weck on hard thnos and grumbling about It was interesting and true. Notwith standing the low price of cotton if the people will just try they can make the times better and they can do it with out grumbling and complaining too. We have no faith in the Cotton Grow ers' Convention while we hope it will result in some good to tile fariers yet we have more faith in the far'mor's who will plant less cotton and raise their supplies at home and lot, 5 cents cotton rip. We are told that some person or per sons carried a nice shoat froml Mr. John F. Wheelor's I)a4ture a few nights ago and nothing hr.s been learned as to tho thief. Only about two weeks ago some one lifted a nice fattening hog from Mr.J. H. Dlominick's pen near the house and nothing was learned who the guilty party or par-ties were. If something cant be done to catch t,hose rogues many more of tile hogs in this section will be found missing. Sunday was at cold day. A light fail of 8110w in this section almost during the entire day. January went out rather cold. The Heiald and News was right in what it had to say as to the Columbia State ald 1ion. Geo. S. Mower. Mr. Mower is a solid, sensi)l( Lan and Newberry has a right to feel proiud of him. The State can only sce one side of anything. SHaMA. Who shall ii-s Governor. Taling about the coming caimpaign one of the most remarkablo modes of beginning such a cOntest is that adopt ed by Senator Archer, of Spart,anburg. He is nov an avowed candidate, and they say he is not a quitter. Ho lets it be known that he is a candidato and expects the record he is making as Sen ator to be one of his campvaign arg ments. Now thlere are a great many peCople who look on Sonator' Archer's candidacy as a pOlitical joke. Th is is a great mistake. It is a seirious mat ter. Mr. Archer is not a p)olitical humorist. Hie is not a Whitman, or a Moon, oi' a Pope, but he means to run, and( he moans business, lie is not a light-weight either', andl he who t,inmks so makes a serious mistake. Uoe is a good debater, not easily p)ut down, and full of sarcasm and viciousness in reply -somewhat Tillmanesque. The p)lat foi'm is announced to be one of economy, but thamt will not, ho the recal and( vital issue in the app)lroaching campaign. Of cour~se Gover'nor Ellerbo will be a candidate for re-election, and is to be so regardled. His friends cont.end thlat, the wave of antagonism to him will soon pass away, and if anlything result from tile fight Otn him it wvill he a r'c act.ion inl his favor. Not,hing much has been heard during the Logislative session regarding tile candlidacy of Col. R1. B. Wat,son, but ho is looked u.,ion as being peormanently in the ramce. Ex-Solicitor Schumrport, of Ncwberr'y, is spoken of as a ceritain candidate, and somne of his polit,ical friends say thlat ho has given them assurances of Is intention to make the race. Should ho decide to enter it, will give a dlecided flavor to tihe contest. Col. Geo. D. Tillmnan is also regard 0(d as a very probable canidalte.- -Col umbia Cot'. Tews and Courier, 31st. Cannon & Mayes, are agents for the Mansion House Steam Laundry, Greenville, S. C. I.' ADMIRATION is always excited by the inmmaculato ly neat appearance of the man whlose linen is done up at this laundry. The young ladies of Newborry al ways say they kn. v when linen has been done up here, because our patrons "always look as if they had come out of a h)and box." (Give us your packnaes Dr. 0. W. Holland.' Mr. E. Ratholtz has just completed a p)ainting of the lato Dr. 0. W. Holland, lormer president of Newberry College, whbh is a very fine like nos of Dr. Hol land. He will present it to the lbrary f the College. His prices for this class of work aro very reasonable and he will remain 1cro for sometimo and will be glad to 3onfeoi with anyone having photo ?raphs they would like to have en arged. The picture ho has of Dr. Holland is % very line piece of work. A LONG TIME AGO Some one asked: Mistress Mary quite contrary How does your garden grow? Such a question is agravating %fter the garden is planted and there is found to be something the matter with the seed, We don't believe there will be any trouble if you como to us for GARDEN SEED! Garden Seed!! Garden Seed!!! . . GARDEN SEED .. We keep Bruist's Garden Seed and they never FAIL to GROW We would not Keep Momll1, IF TIEY DI). ROBElTSONIGILDEl --Pharmacists... S,TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, OUNTY OF NEWBERRY COURT COMMON PLEAS. R. D. Cole Manufacturing Company, Plintily, against Howard Neely, Defendant. Summons for Relief--Coml plaint Filed. To the )efendant, Howard Neely: Y OU AIl1EUEBY SUMMONED and required to answer the coi plaint in this aetionl which is filed in the ofice of Clerk of Court of Common Pleas of Count,y and Stato aforesaid, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subseriher at his offico in Newberry in said Couoty and State within twenty days after the service hereof; exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the comjlaint within the timo afore said, the plaint-iff in t,his action will apply to the Court for the relief de mllanlded !.n the complaint. .)ated Nov. 27, A. 1). 1897. [sU'Ai,] A. .1. GIuSON. C. C. C. 1'. LAMi,TVT W. JONES, plaintiT's Attorney. Filed 29th Nov., 1897. A. J. GIBsoN, c. c. c 1. T1.o the D)efendant, Howard Nely: Take notice that the complaint in: the above stated action, together- with the summons, wvas, on the 29th day of November, A. D). 1897, filled in the of flee of the Clerk of t,he Court of Comn mon01 Pleas for Newborry County, in: the State of South Caoolina. LAMmIEIIr W. .JONESi, PlaintiIf's Attorney. New berry, S. C., Dec. 28, 1897. STATE OF MOUTH CA ROLIN A ((OUNTlY 01? NEWHEltiY-1IN COMMON PLECAS. P'rosperity Cotton Mills, Plainti f, agaffist, Southern Water Supply~ Company, Decfcndant. Snunnnons for Relief. To the cDe)fendant, above mianed: YUAltE HI1itlEHY SUM MON EC nnd req(ju ired t,o answer tihe com plaint in t,his act,ion of whlichl a copy ie hlerewithl served uponI you, and to ser-ve a copy of your- answer to the said com plaint, on the subscribers at their olice at, Newberry, in said Stateo, within twenty days after- the service hereof; exclusive of the day of such ser-vice; and if you fail to answer' t,he compllaint with in tihe timue aforesaid, the 1Plainti C in this action will apply to t,he Court for t,he Relief demnandced in tile com-i plaint. Dated D)ecemberm 3, 1897. Newberry, S. C. MOWERl & IIYNUM, Plaintiff's Attorneys. To the D)efendant, Southern Watr Supply Comp Iany: T1ako Not,ice that, the Complaint in the above stated actioun, toget,her- with the Summons was, onu tihe 23rd (lay of December, A. D). 1897, filed in the oiec of the Clerik of Court of Common Plea for Newherry County, in the Stateo 0 South Carolina. MOW10R & BY NUM, P laintiff's Att,orneys. Newberr-y, H. C., Decc. 23, 1897. WATER WORKS ELECTRIC LIGHTS. I have secured a fir-st-class wvorkmnan in lumbnling and electric work. I will be ready to do any kind of work in above branches when the time comes, I shall strive to please in every way, andl every job) must give satisfaction. Will 1)0 pleased1 to make est,imates frec gratis. I am fully equlipped1 to dc Enameling, Brazing, V ulcanizing 'Turning and all other bicycle work. keel) a full supply of b)icycle sundries Stoves b)y the car at all pr1ices. I have receivedl many kind favori from tile people of Newberry in th( past, for which I am truly grateful. I ask for a trial in these new b)ranchel of my business. Yours, iW. WHITE. Rust," the dread of the cotton grower, can be prevented. Trials at Experiment Stations and the experience of leading growers prove positively that ' Kainit 1 is the only remedy. We will be glad to send, free of charge, Interesting and useful pamphlets which treat of the matter in detail. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 9g Nassau St., New York. No Reductions By other Houses will ever un dorsell or roach the level of Our Low Pricos. We Underbuy and Undersell thom all NO EXCEPTIONS. Whether You Are offered goods at oat or at half pie, come to the Bee Hive of bargains and you can buy the samo goo'ds for a more song. Yes! Our prices are very little our Competitors need magnify ing glasses to 300 thoM! We knock thon blind I Here Are a Few Black Eyes for competitors: 4-4 Bleaching YourB at Only 3 3-4c. per yard. 4-4 Shirting Yours at only c per yard. 4-4 Shooting Yours at only Goondarhd Cof <Ac. por yard. Bes SandrdPrints Yours at only 4c. pot, yard. Good Palr-ed Coleo 1 Yours at only Sod Greeod Case 10o por pouind. Yours at only 9c peOr p)ound. soap-Goo 00wa~\ushi ng Soap) Yoni's at only 3c. per pound. All other Goods at corrospondiugly low Your Dollar Is worth twice as mnuch at the Boohivo of Bargains. 0. KLETTNER, The Pair and Square Dealer. M. Ferst's Sons Co., Savannah, Ga. T. Q. BOOZER, Agi., NEWBERRY, S. C. Will sell you Whis key, Rye and Corn, at 50 per cent. re duction. Pure whis key at reduced prices. Now is your time to buy. Only the purest stock to be sold at such re duced prices AGENCY UNDER NEWBERRY HOTEL. M. Ferst's Sons Co., THOS. Q. BOOZER, Agent. HIGHEST GRADE FERTILIZERS ACID PHOSPHATE EVANS & WIL.BUR. Don't buy until you get our prices. Headquarters for Groceries, Hardware, Boots, Shoes, Dry Goods and All Plantation Supplies. Evans& Wilbur