ARP WRITES OF LEE RULINATE8 ABOUT THEC GALLANT CONVBD2RATB CHIEFTIN. 3eCau Inoldents In Lite-General Lee Me. quested on II* Death-bed That No. Funeral Oratui be spoken. I was. ruminating about General Lee, whose birthday ainiversary we have been commemorating all over the South. When we old mon wore schoolboys we used to make speeohos about .Washington and Patrick Heuy, and I remember one from Van Wirt beginning, "Who was Blenaerhassett ?" that was very popit lar. It is time this younger genera tion were speaking a speech begin ning, "Who was Robert E. Lee?" But if they don't speak it these an nual reminders will cause them to talk it and think about it. We cole br te the Fourth of Jaly because it was the birthday of 'a nation and the 22d day of February because it was the birthday of Washington, the fa ther of that nation-a man of whom General Leo's father said: "First in wair, first in peace, and first in the heaits of his countrymen." What a wonderful State was the "Old Domin ion!" What was in the air 'that .caused it to produce such a galaxy of great men as Washington and the Lees and Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Randolph, Patrick Henry and others in -Revolutionary days, and . . later days such great generals as Lee, Johnston, Longstreet, Jackson, Stuart, Ashby and Thomas? There have been many great men. There have been many more good nafaa, but the men who have been both great and good are few. Great ness and go..dness are not twins. Indeed, they are seldom of any kin. When Abner was slain David said: "A great man has this day fallen in Israel," and so might be said of David and Solomon and Constantine and Caesar and Cromwell and Na poleon and many others who were great, but not altogether good. There was some dark blot upon their name and their fame that marred its bright ness. Lord Bacon was one of the greatest of men, but he was far from being good. War is perhaps the severest test of a great man's goodness. It tries his heart as well as his mind and makes protest of all his emotions. No man in the annals of history has stood this test better than Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson was no doubt as gooti a man, but he wvas not so greot so brave, so commanding. Al bert Sidney Johnston was probably as go.od and as great as Lee, but his opportunities to prove it were sud denly arrested by his untimely death. Nven Washington wa, no't so great a general as Loe, for he had but little military training, wvhile Lee was edu cated carefully in the art of war - was the ranking graduate in a class of forty-two at West Point, ivas for three years in charge of that institu tion and had large and varied ex perience in the war with Mexico. In addition to all these advantages, he inherited a talent for commanding men, for he was the son of Henry Lightfoot Lee (Lighthorse Harry), who was Washington's favored friend and military advisor, and whose bones have honored Georgia soil on.Cum * berland Island. It is worthy of mention that our General Lee's grandmother was Lucy Grymes, the ftrst lover of General Washington. * She was known as the "lowland beauty." It grieved her to reject his addresses, but~ he comforted him self soon after by .marrying the -widow Curtis. This widow Curtis was the grandmother of General Lee's wife, Mary Randolph Curtis, And so the Lees and the Washing teas got as close together as they could. Ninety-~one years ago one hundred and sixty thousand people were born on the same day with General Lee, but not one of them stands out in such bold and beautiful relief. He gets greater and grander as the years roll on. More biographies have been written and published of him than of any other man. Nine are already before the people -and snother now in press. His noble life and publio service have comn manded the admiration of the ob serving world and all the commenda tion that the ECnglish language could give to a man has been given to him. There are no more nouns of praise no more comparatives or superla tives left in our vooabulary. Thus thing to th,so tibutes. It is onough to say that after all these yeti- since his death 4i 1870, tix6 clizdat has been readhed when a Northein'man, thb president of a gorthern college, has at last,voluitarily placed hiM at the head of the dolumn and pro. nounced him peerless-that greatbbt general of modern times and the beat of men. Furtheimore, this Dr. Andrews, who was himself a soldier in the Northern army, makes bold to say: "His cause was not the lost caiuse so much as is suspected. . The doc triune of States' rights, for whidh he fought, as now interpreted .y our supreme court, is in exact accord ance with his blaims upon this point." When Robert"B"m)mett, the -illus trious Irish .natriot, was condemned to death for #roason, he made a mem orable address to the judges and said: "Until Ireland is free, let no man write my epitaph." And so when General Leo was on his last bed and realized that death was near, he requested that no funeral oration should be pronounced. His request was oosened, but since then the Southern people could not be re strained from giving vent to their love and ~admiration. Monuments and statues have been erected, 'ora tions have been pronounced and biographies written too numerous to be recited. Notable men of all coun tries have joined in the tributes and said of him as Virgil said of Aeneas, "Cano urma et virum." It has only remained for one man to write any thing that sought to sully his fair escutcheon. I remember well the second time I -ever saw him. The Seven Days' fight was over. The last shot and shell had been fired. I was sent with dispatches to General Lee, who was resting near the white house, on York river. His head-. quarters were in a large officers' tent, and as I approached a strange spec tacle was presented, for General Lee and four or five of his staff were par. taking of a scenty noonday meal, that was served on two camp tablei inside the tent, and stretched upon the straw and partly underneath th table was a man lying upon his side, with a slouched hat covering hi face. His faded uniform and rusty stars, his sword and- his well-worn boots indicated an officer of rank, and I was wondering what it meant, when the adjutant left the table and met me with a wave of hia hand for me to stop where I was. "Make no no noise, please," he said, "General Jackson has fallen asleep upon the straw, and we are dining over him in silence. Ho is exhausted and must have sleep." It was a scene never to be forgotten-a scene fit for the painter's highest art, and would be a treasure for the modern camera. Delivering my dispatches I silently awvaited a reply, and when it was given I rode away, but turned in my saddle to take one more view of the impressive scene.. Bnt this is enough. Let us not fail to commemorate the eminent vir 'ies and noble deeds of this great man, and to commend them to our children and to our children's chil dren. Thousands of good people have the same birthday and should feel proud of the coincidence and be inspired by it to a virtuous life. If I was not too modest to speak of it, I would whisper that I know an un reconstructed rebel mother who is proud that on this 19th day of Jan uary she observed not only General Lee's birthday, but that' on;two of her children. With prophetic h. spiration she did her best to honor his coming fame. What mother could do more? BILL AaP. Troubleso Totter Buffered for Years and Could Pind No Cure Until Heed'. *areupa riti was Tried-Sorefuga Cured. "I suffered with tetter en one of my limbs just above the ankle. I tried a greet many remedies, but nothing did me any good. The disoume wasn very trouble-. some for 12 or 16 years, In the spring I begau taking Hood's Sarsaparilla and after taking se'verai 6b6t,les of this medicin.,I was comupletely enred. Hlood's Sarsaparllla also increased my weight." T3'. P. Runoiwrua, Statesboro, Georgia. " Whon my boy was three months ola he broke out .with erumptiene. He was treated by a physician and the eruptions would heal but would break out again. We resolved to give him Heed's Sarsapa rilla, and when he had taken two bottles ho was cured. He has 'had no trouble with acrofula since, but isp'erfectly well." JonrN R. SMrrn, Shady O'pring, W. Va. If yen havo decided to try lods aasa parilla do not be idued to buy atny other. Heed's S3arsaprllla is thecome humorists. The little boys and girls who play ogether seem to-like it all the btt(r vien'hey grow older. A -lady writer says the coming woman will have her own bank ac. wiint. We have been waiting for ier several years.. A kiss is the meeting'of two souls, iays the pbet; but a third sole, on be foot of the girl's father makes it oem more like a collision. ~rest lisease by the, timely use of ]'utt's Liver Pills, an old and avorite remedy of increasing popularity. Always cures SICK HEADACHE, sour stomach, malaria, indiges. tion, torpid liver, constipation 3nd all bilious diseases. rUTT'S Liver PILLS T e - i announces a new ol I-. bance to supply the missing CONSIDERED B Y A GOOD OMEN." P well-known publicationi. The may readily suggest itself. -EndshMach 1 98 SUBSCRIBE FO - - )0, Sending Your' le t to Atlanta. IE MISSIlM0 WORD FUIND P a conteet The Constittton will pay out the full prize amount that has accrua,d pIe and these contests have becomew so with ouch absolute fairness to at.i ltht ., but none have becom,e equal to iThe IN HAS.PAID OUT -oa 6,000 IN CASH t sets a-side 18 per cent of the subsc'rip t guessing at the missing word. and I guesser or guessers in the contest. iute fairness, And the fact thai The asers' subserIptions for this distr,lbu , be divided at each interval Is large It is not a catch-,entny ser adee pen and simplo and is AIi mlT' in t. uentsa mrtertotus con tent. oiftist whcaks t yard fter en s-ant re was only one mucoessful guesr ud in addition to this in one yenr S5.00/A sfui guessers. itusing word is supplied or not. it costa b n.o succssful. the guesser grets NEWSPAPERS FOR ONE YEAR ur guess with your subscription for IT e he amouant of the awrtrd will di it may be as muc.h as$,0. REATEST WEEI(LY NEW\SP'APF'R IN E, SEVEN-COLUMNS.TO.T IIJE.PA :JK )1R COLUMNS every week. It hag nit ; its ne*s reports cover the worlt. anti ad in al.most every bailiwiok of the Soueth. arity feaad taay magasine in thme ocanntry. 5 readIng oftThe oeneittion is a liberat e * usniton, o every farm home ia America. a nd are Saactaj Decte to bae towhs in is D.m.e rase in Peluries, and Is in se ,d ta the National Platforna of thme Parss y. S OF, THE 00NTEST.....-3.. tlstribution arpog those who nme cor.-cly ti *d.** o? ''n"'.*h. itwiI.e t' ts be proportionately divided amongs the un.etsi R(fDErT WOkRHNDING~ A E4t'4 sertptton to he eky s.onttiin tif Isate miSsing rd meit i b fowr)I. ' ir,be ors~ wilb enl edo slro' te setene uS in fuit-Jmsit eay tie I >RD~ERS 'TO TION, ATLANTVA, C \. k Shatteted Nervous Systel, FINALLY HEART TROUBLE. Restored to Health by Dr. Miles' Nervln V-.. MI. EDWARD HARDY, the jolly man ager of Sheppard Co's. great store at Bracovillo, Ill., writes: "I had never )Oen sick a day in my life until In 1890. 1 got so bad with nervous prostration that I iad to givo up and commence to doctor. I ried our local physicians and one in Joliot, )ut none gave .n.any reliof and I thought [ was going to die. I became despondent md suffered untold agony. I could not oat, ileep nor rest, and it seemed as if I could io6 exist. At the end of six months I was !educed to but a shadow of myself, and at ast my heart became affected and I was. ruly miserable. I took six or eight bottles )t Dr. Miles' Nervine. It gave me relief rom the start, and at last a cure, the groat >t blessing of my life." Dr. Miles' Remedies Dr. re sold by all drug lists under a positive juarantee, first bottle erine I oneits or money re unded. Book on dis iases of the heart and korves tree. Address, DR. MILES MEDICAL 00., Elkhart. Ind. BENT FIR~EE to hiouseleepe-as Liebig COMPANY'S Extract of Beef cOOK BOOK telling how to prepare many del icate and delicious dishes. ddress Liebig Co., P. 0. Box 2718, New York. 9LUE RIDGE RAILROAD, H. C. BEATTIE, Receiver. Fifective Ai 3 2, 1897. Between Arderton ind Walhalla. :ARTUoUNI WNt.T11OUND hiixed- Mixed. qo. 12. Stations. No. II k r 10 55'a n ............ Anderson............LLv 3 36 pm kr J0 29 am............... Den ver..............L v 4 C pm krI 1am............... A ulun...............Lv 41I! pm kr 1008 aim............ Pendleton...........Lv 4 28 pm kr 9 60 kim.....Cherry's Crossing.....Lv 4 34 pim kr 9 87 am.. .damns' Orossing......Lv 4 4t ptn %r 910 is Lv6O'pn ir 9 09 an "'---'-'.. onec ..... Lv h 40 piu kr 825am......... West Union .........Lv 0 10 pm kr 8 15 r m ...... ...W allh alla ............ Lv 620 m k. M. Lv. P. A. r. J. R.ANDERSON Superinlendet. 'onnections at 8eneca wit 1i so. R R. No. 1. Lt Anderson with So. Nai.way Nos. 11 and 12 ITLANTIC COAST LINER FAST LINE 3etween Charleston and Columbia, Upper South Carolina, North ;Caro lina, Athens and Atlanta. PASsNEIn i-EI.ARtTMENv, WI1LMtNoTON, N. (., Nov. 27th, 1897. CONDJENSI00 t-CH EDU'LE. loINGo Waar: in Eftect 1Dec 2j. GorNo EASrT. *No. 12 i897 No.658. 7 00 am .v.Charlest on, 8. C..Ar 9 5 6pm 8 20am Lv........La nes......Ar 7386pm 9065am L v.........u mte.......Ar 6~ 'Opm a Of5 am a r....Colum bia.....v 5 00 pm .1 8 am A ....Prospe rity.......v 3 18 pm I 2 10 pm Ar... ..Ne w borry....L v 257 pm 250 pm Ar....Clin ton.......Lv 2 10pm I l) pmn A r...I.aurns ........v 45 pm 4 20 pm At.....4reny ille...Lv 10 8t1 am 8 10 pm Ar....pari anbrg.... i i 46 am 6 a pm A r.... W inenboro.......v II 41 am 8 21 pm Ar....Charlott., N. ..Lv985 am 6 0.' pm Ar..IlIendorsonvil lo, N. C..Iv9 18 am 7 (0 pm Ar......Ashevile......Lv 8 2 am - *Daily.. - Nos. 62 and 588Bolid tre.ins betweon Charles on and Colum biat. H. M. E MERSON, Gen. Passenge Agent. J. B. 1K EN LY, T. M. EMIOI8O., Genw'i Manager. Trafileo Manager. TIlE CIA RL ESTOm LINE. )ouble Daily ' Trains between Charleston .o'' lumbia an d Augusta. QUICKER TIMRE. IOUTH CAROLINA & GEORGIA it ItC PAss5ENGER DE PAItT M NT. CHARLESTON. 13. C. Jan,24 1897. 8CJHEDU.r,. DAILY ' by Charleston-.--..--......710 am 580 pm j Summerv.... .............. 7 48 anm 6 10 pm G.eorges................... 8 80 am 7 04 pmn Branohyile .............. 8 31 am 7 85 pm Rtoweaville ...,............ iS a5m 7 50 pm Orangoburg-.... ......9 2 am 8 20 pm St..t.e.. .................48 am 8 48 pm Iort Motte............ ....10 00 am 9 03pm King.v....-...................10 am 9 20 pm .r..olumb.a....................10 55am100pn ..v Columbia.-..~........... atCnvil 740am 4440pm KMatthle----s............ 7 40ain 4544pm St. atew.......... 8 02 anm 6 09 pm Orangoburg..~.~.......8 2am 627 pm flowesville.-.~..--......8 838 anm 6 42 pm Blraucohville............... 8 65 am 6 66 pm Georges----...........9 86 am 8 34 pm Sum...r...................10 22 am 7 18 pm4 k.r Charletn --...........i...i (0 ar. 8 00 pm WaChar llen-........... 7 10 am 6 80J pm B'-ncylle..~...........9 Io am 7 60 pa flamboe---.............. 94iam 8298pm Dllema i....-.,......... 92 ana 8 42 p.e Bl. vle........................10 10 am 8 68 pm 'l Williton -.--............10 27am 9 17 pm 'J Aiken.-.-....-...........109amn 9 57pm I at Autgusa;---................. 1 51 am 10 46 pm c av ugsta ......,.........-6 20 am 3 20 pm I en-------.............708 am 4 27 pm Wlilien--............... 7 49 am 5 09 pm B.a.kv... o................. 8 08 am - 3 28 pm i& Denmark.-.-.~............ 8 20am 6 44 pm flamboe.................. 88am 658 pm Bfranchv lloe............... 9 10 am: 8 10 pm kr Charleston-................11 00 am 8 00 pm ~A5T ExPRlCSS AUGUS'rA AND WASiOT4ooi WITif PULLJMAN BElTWnEN AUotIsTA, AIENZ AND NEW YORE. ,v Augutsta ......--.--.. .......-8 06 pm iAikon..-.--.-----.................... 844 an g..... ...............--............251 air DAILT EX0I'r a UNDAY. .,v Camden.-- ............. 845 am 2 25 pm ' Camen uno10"...."...9 86 am 8 86 plm t r K ingville -----.-..........005 am 4385 pna - ,v..nv.. o....,.,....... 0 26 ara 8 00 ati Camdon Junction -..i.. 00 am 0 40 an Lr Carndon.~...............11 55 pm 8 i6 am Connections Att Columbia will: Southern tallway for all points in upper South and orth Oarolina. Solid trains betweens Char >ston and Ashoville. Connections frozy o.' on fouthern, Railway to Augnatat dkken and other pointts on "Tt Oe hariotor -ne" at Charleston with Cl.yde Line 81eami rs to 4ew York and .Jackeont:viie. L.. A. F.MEIISON, Trafflo Manager. P.. 8. 1l0W Ve,N G8enerai Managear (General 001eos: Ohiarlestont 8.4.. @iehes te a mati inBe. ANNYRIVYA5 PtAitt.8 cuh9sren :r. wt*tss'? SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Yentral Time HtW een Colanbla anti Jaek senvill*. Eastern Time Uetweem Co. lumabia and Other Points. MAUVtIVE J AN U A I 17, 1898. Northbound. NO. 35 No. 80.. 5 Daily. Daily. Ia, Savannah........... a 8671 kr. Coluubia ...........41lp 445% 10Q .v. Qhar'ton,SC&GRR. 7 5 001)... kr. Columbia............10 to o P .. ,v. Augusta. So. By.... 2 lop 9 P 401 " Graniteville ....... s 10 1 P G0a "Trenton............. 8 W 10 W p 0841 " nston..........8191) 11 lop 0401 kr. 0olumbiaUn. de't. 461 p a 17 a 8 av Col'bia Blaud'g at ...a1P 5a 8491 Winnsboro. ....... 07 6 A 9491 Cheater ............ GNP 744a 10 14 " Rock Hill..........7 p 820l 10441 kr. Charlotte...........Sl1P 9 a it as, Danville ............ lp I P kr. Richmond . . . 0 2 p kr. Washington ........0 9 P 94 " Balt iuore Pa. R. R.. # it $51) 1100 " Philadelphia ........ V1 Now York ........12 4 18 1 31 houthbound. Mo. 1 No. 87 No. 8t t z ltuu Daily. Daily LNw4York,4Pa.R. I1 P7iladelpp ....... ,V.~ ~ ~ ~ 1 a1al0hn0rp ....... . QpI p ut4 Wash'ton, So. Ry.- 0 00 p 10 48p I 11 V. Richmond............... 1200ut 12 8 8. Danville ..........1 190a b a 816 E4l6t ... 17.a 10) Rok Hill..........4. 109 112, Chester ...........5 046 to 5a 11 an Winnsboro........6 44a 11 41a 12 14 kr 0ol'bla land'g at 4 0 a 12 afth 1 874 L.v. QAolxroIa Un. dep't. 7 05s I lap 8901 Johnstons ......... 40 9n a 511 Trenton1 ..........8 i6 8 p 0 1 (?ranitevlle ....... 0. I 8p 6.... kr. August&......... 10 00 4 P 7 46 Wv Col'bis. S.C.&G.Ry ......... 4 00p '7 001 kr. Charleston ....... ........8p 11 00 Law. Col'bla, F.C.&P.Ry. 5 5Oal i 6a 12 471 favannah.........982 443p 80 r.Jacksonveli.......1 p 28p 9201 OLE.ING A l 8.. tVIC. Nos. 81 and 82-N W YORK AND FLOI DA LIMITED." Solid Vestibuled Train Pullman Drawng.Ro Bleeping Cars, 1 irvation and Compartm nt Car, and Dinin 'are running through without change bstw6w it. Augustine, Ula., and New York via Jaci onvitle, Savannah, olumbia, Charlotte a Washington. Pullman Drawing-Roomn gleej ug Care between Au usta, Ga., and New Yor .onnecting with this rain t Columbia, for t rCOMMaetion Of AU.g..t and Aik n trave Most. excellent daily asenger service 9 meen Florida and New York. Nos. 8? and 88--"hin gton and LOuthwesto Anitd. Solid Vestibueed train with dinin Pars and first class coaches north of (,'harlottq Pullman drawing room sleeping cars betwes amp, jackonvile, Savannah, Walngto tnd New York. Pullman sleeping oars between August aw R ihm'ond. s.8 and tt. S. Tarst Mail. Throu ?ullman drawing room b nr sleeping ears b iween Jacksonville and New York and Pu non sleeping ars between Augusta and Chat otte. Pullman sleeping oars betwcee Jacl onvtlle and Columbia, en route daily btwe aeksonville and Cincinnati via Asheville. P. B. GANNON J. i. CULP. Third V-P. & ?en. Mgr. T. M., Washin to ff. A. TURK, 8. H. HARDWIOK. G. P. A.. Washington. A. G. P. A.. Atlanta SOUTHERN RAILWAY. 4eadensed Soaledule Its fWoe JUI.Y 4, 1897. STATIONS. No.I W.Marleton .............. 1 10 a . su rit.......... ............. 1 0 a ' erity ....................... 12 It P n ewe ................... 12 2p " inety-tsx....,............. I2 Lr. reenwood...................... 1 46 p n t4r. de eto.............. ...... ~1|~$ 2P5p tr. Abberson . . . -n tr. reville ............. tr. elton ............. p . STATIONS. ~ aiiy v. )dreenvll ................ . 1 a n S edmont ....................... Va n " Willaiaton............11 18 a u .v. Anderson ....... ...,.~11 0i a av.elton ...................... 11 85 a tr. Donnalds ............ 12 02 p n1 .Abbevil..................:. TW~a a~i ev. Roges . ..................... 22pn " reenwood ................... 1 00 p n " inety-Six....................26p n " ewherry....................25 pan "rosperity.................... 2 g7 p n tr. o lumbia ............... 85 i rv. Oharlestona................ pn IfWa 4.... olumbi.. " ~51| 0 07a 121p 4...lston.......3 2 88si 004a 195 ...antuo ..... " p 7 $ ...Union.l...." 7Q 0 3 .... Jonesville.... 12 ISp 54a 2g8 " ...Pacolet..."12 14 0471 I5a 81O Ar.. partanburg...Lv 1140. 45. 88L ., partanburg...Ar 112Sa OS I dopi. 7O Ar...Asheville..... L 20a "P," p. mn. "A." a. mn. Trains 9 and 10 carry elegant Pullmnaa eein cars between Qocmbia and Asheville nronu' daily between Jakonville and Oinoin ati. Trisleave Spartanburg, A. & O, dviuion ortboud. 287a. ., :47p. mn., 6:18 p. mn. Vestibule tLimited) ; southbound 12:20 a. mn. :1 p. n., 11 :87 a. mn., (Vestibule Limited.) Tains leave Greenville, A. and 0. divIsion orthbound, 5:45 a. mn., 2:8~ n. mn. and 6:80 p. mn. Vestibuied i4mited): southbound, 1:2 . . :30 p. mn., 12:8 p. m. (Vestibuled Liited). Pullman Service. Pullman palace sleeping cars on Trains 85 and 5, I7 and 88, on A. and 0. divisIon. Y'. H. GREEN, J. Mi. QULP GuSuperintendent, Trafflo Mg'r, Wahfugtona, D. O. Washington,l. O V. A. TURK 8. H. HARDW1I, Gen. Pass. Ag'6. As's Gien. Pasu. Ag'6. SWashintton, D.C0 Atlana Ga O oin eff oto or I7t,h, 1897. Rastern Standard Time outhbound. Nortlhound .oo'la Mix'd Pass- Pas Mix'd Loo F'gt, D'ly eng'r eng'r D'ly Fgi "tiny D'ly D'ly M'da: "day W'da2 'day F'dlal nly ol .M. A.M. PM. PM. P.M P.C STATIONS. S80 6 1 46 Lv l.aurenxe Ar 1 10 10 8 9 0 20 2 10 ..Clinton.. 1260 850 29 9'0 Out7 222 GoldIville 1238 580 1 1010 707 230 ..Kinard.. 1231 820 128 10 2 7 17 2 86 ...(iary... 12 27 6 10 12 080 ''28 2 41 ..Jalapa.. 1228 5 1184 1110 760 267 isowherry 1210 726 112 1260 816o 81 1' roeority 16 1 e 10 6 ; 008 83 321 ....8lighe.... 11I49 8 40 109 189 -84) 8380 Lc Mountatin 11 46 6 80 10 2 2 8 67. 84-5 ...Chapin... 11 86 6812 9 19 2380 0 12 83'S White Roc0k 11 28 667 9 1] 2 40 9 2u 4 01 Ilallon tine li 5 48 . 6 8 10 987 410 .r..,m.... i1 683 889 880 960 417 ..Leaphr.,t.. 11 621 811 4 IO 10 4 40ArOolumnbiaLv 11 8 7 41 i7. G. CIIILDM, J. 11. 4OL AN, Ruperintendent, Mfaster TFran. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENOE TRADE MAdStn CoPYRnIHTS Ac. Anyoe sen'ing a sketoh and descripto may quickl ase m ou opiion Iewhter an invention it .oably pntabe (mmnunia tions trItl onfidenti. Iandbookon Patens sent, ree. oldst anyfrsecurin atente. Patente taken trouh Munn Ao.receive sprecal notide., without cao,in the Scdentific (teau. A handsomely1 illustr 44weekly Largest eli'. culation of any ecet~ ournai Terms,8 a ora four month, Si od by o~ pwsdeae. U iN&CO.*0wr-a--7. rew3ak To Atlanta, Ci riotte, AugustaAthens Wit mington, New Qrleansand ow Yor, B lihmiond Wabbi gton, W n rol '..r.9smouth. Sohedu'e in efleet Feb. 7th, 1897. 80UTHiiONND 0 N.403. LRO.AL Lv 14# ork v " P elphia........... 1 12' inI 06 am "14ltimote....... ....... 8 AO 250am -N Washin ton...................... 4 40 " 480 ttehmond...................... 8 6 p 9 08 " Lv NorfoIk,VIa8. A.,L........ rorteinouth " ..... 84spm 919 Lv Welden, via b. A. 1...,......*11 8pmo11 65 am I ArIllendorson. " .........*12 56 am *1 al pm Ar Durhan, via a*. A. ....t78am f09 pm LvDurham. " ...... vto 20pftl 00 am a Ar Itatlegh, via . A. 1 ........ *2 16 am 8 84 pi "Danfordi. . ......... 80 608 "SouthernTPines............... 4 22" 65" ,Hamnlet ...................... 6 10 " 163 S6Wadesoro'....................... 5 1 811 Monro0 ....~......... ........... 048 " 9 12 4 Ar Charlotte, Via 8. A. L...... *0 80 " 10 26 Pai " Cheoter, ia . ... 8 10pm I 4t -in -Lv Columbia, Q. .L. R. ..--....... to 00 pm A-r Clinton '" ......- 9 45 am 12 16-4'' - 'Greenwood 4 1086 " 107 am " Abbeville " ........ 110 140 t Elberton " 12.07 pm 241 4 ' Athens " 1 ' 845 " 10 Winder " .......... 169 4 4180 " 1 " Atlanta, 8. A. L. (Union 0o Depot) (Central Timej 26 2 12 - NORTLIHOUND No.402. No. 88. Lv %tianta, (Central Time) +12 0 am *7o7p Winder 2 40 10 42 " A thena -' .....a 16 "11 26 " aberton 415 1288 am "Abbeville " ......... 615 1 40 ' Greenwood " . 41 " 2 Cl.nton ......... 684 1 8 05 ! K oUmbia,. N. LR 1. 70 " 'Chester . ..... 4 A r0harlotte.via S.A. L.....0 25 pm *880 Lvbon 14e, via 1. A. L........ *9 40 Pp 06-. " Hamlet, " 11 28 " 8 16 Ar Wilm iina4ton .........~t 80 am*1280 pin Southern P " .......... 1214 49 20 m Italeigh ........, *2 10 " *l 85 " Henderson, .. .......... 828 ' *1 00m " Ar Durham '. ......... F21 '' 09 pi Lv burham " ........ l20pn til 00 m Ar Weldon, via R. A. L......., * ~ Richmond ...... . ......... 815 "1 o'0 " Washingt'n,vupon n. a.n. 12 At "''s, ' aln.ore .. ' 148 pm 1 48am Philadelphia * 8 50 pm 845 " New York, " " ''13 '' e9 '' Ar Portsmouth G T 'e .-~$ a p a Norfolk 0 " " *750 " 605 D* D'y. t D'y, ex. 8unday. jD'Iy ex Monda Non. 403 and 4ON.-"The Atlanta spoelal," Holid Vestibule Train of Pullman Sleepers and Coaches between Washington and At lanta, also Pullman Sleepers between Porte. mouth and Chester. 8. Nop. 41 and 88.-"Tha S. A. L. EZpresp,9 SolidTrain, Coaches and Pullman gleoperv between Portsmouth and Atlanta. Company Sleepers between Columbia and Atlanta. B th trains make immediate connection at Atlanta for Montgomery, Mobile, New Or leans, Texa'-, California, Mexico, (1hatta C- nooga, Nashville, Memphis Macon, Florida. For Tickets Bleepers and Information, ap pt to B. A. Rewland, ben. Agt., Pas. Depft 6 imball House, Atlanta, Ga., Charlotte,N.C E. ST. JOH , Vice-Pres. and 4en Mana er 6 V K M011E Cen'l Ruperintendent. 11. W. 11. (R OYPR, TrafMc Manager. T. J. ANDElBON, 0en't Passenger Agent. 0ENRRAL ORTOI: PORTSMOUTH. VA. Charlesto 8d Western arDlla Rwy(,Co. Augusta and Asheville Short Line. 8chedule in Effect Oct. 8, 1897. Leavo Augusta ........ 9 40 a in 1 40 p m Atrive Greenwood...........12 17 p In Anderson ................. ' l";;1 Laurens............. 15 p in 7 00 a m Greenville----........ a 00 p in Glenn Spilngs...... 4 05 p m spa an buig....... 8 00 1m Yn W Salnda.................... 6 83 p n liendersonville..... 6 0 3) in Asheville............ 7 00 p m Leave Ash- ville............. Aio a m Spartanburg .........11 44 5 in Go1n 8nrings......10 00 a in Greenvitio ..-.11 (0 a I p Laurens........0pm 7 10m A rriveGreen wood.2....28 pm 9O0ia m A ndoreon -----.~.--....7 80 a mn __A ugusa8........... 0 pm 110a m Leav Calhun alls.4. 44 p m Art ive Rtaleigh ..........I...1 20 a in N.'rfolk-.........780 a m A tetA ersbur..............6266j Fairfao..........2..a.m.--6 Ye . assee ..........90 am ~6 20pm Bleaufort.......... asX. a' 72.0 pm Pert Royal.....1100 ama 7 801 pm 8avan nah B...-.......... 0.0 pm Charestn -------.-.~.~~~ 8 08 pm Leave Charleston............ -.- 6 0m Savannah.""".-.........6 0 am Port Rtoya.'--........ 116p m 815oam Beoau:ort..........52 pm 825 p. Alen a l's ''" '"""'... ..... 10f 98 p m ArieAirusa. """".-- 10 47 am ....................n p ALrve A greewta.....................56p Lauren.,......... sa I ru ive bpartanbli""'"""""""......7.' am Leavea8,.artan bur g.""..'"''""'"-.--- 0p m Laurons..""''"""'"""..... 4 8pm ......e .renwo...............5 pm onoe io a Cloun ial or allak poilone Close connection at. Greenwood for all points on 8. A. L. and U. and Q Rtailway, and ai Rpartan burg wieh Southern Railway.' For ainy informat.ion relative to Liekets, rates. aobedules, autdress. WV J. CIlAIG, Gen. Pass. Agt. E. 11. NORTH, 801. AgtC. A ugusta, (ia, Florida Central & Peninsular Time Tablo in Effect Jan L. Leave Newberry Arrive ColumIbi'":""'"'''''".........25 pm --........ -..................8O0pm Lv. olu blaNo. 87 No. Si Lv.aCter Teia...'j .........5pm 1 47am (aColnm-i~....-.....-...15am 12 47am LDenmark Lv Fairfax."..'""''""'...... 4pm 1 20am Lv savannah.."'"''""''.....27m8 lm A r Jacksony.....--.-............. 0pm 7 45aml Lv Jacksonville.---~....90m9Tn At Lake ('t "..'''"'"".....iO0pm e 1Sa' Ar Live Oak..""."""""""......215apm Ar Tallahassee.""""". ""...2.8p A r River Juncti'on""""'"8p Ar Miobile ""'""""""- 8am A aldo """""""""" 7 40 m AriGan'ld'."'""""""'"""".121 am 11-0am SrOaa "" """" 8 45pm A rQW ld wN""'''""""280am 2 40pm ..Ar.Or.and..'."."""""'"""...8858am 8 48pm ArTOrando.....""''"'"'"'''.990am *00pm A aia... ........-.......820 am 7 00um NORTIiOUND, Lv Tampa.....N....o. 88. No. 86, L v O....a..."."......-...............80pm 30 00a Lv Ceder Key """"" " Gmi1p Lv (Gaineeyviie"""""""'.."'""" ... lOam A r Waldo.. """""""'"""--....B 8 tpm Lv Tallahsee."""".'""'"''"' 425am,n 0p Lv idvo Otik."'.""""""""'""62 am L~v LaeCity"-."------........425m Lv...acksov........."."'".. 6am.7Om LV Brunswiek.."""""''''""...... 7 0pm Lv Ha vanna h ....-~....~~..3 2 l8pmin 25: 1'Far '''''"''''''""''''''-''lpm i 8pm Lv D enIna,i'"""................ 200pmI damn Ar Colwbira......."""'"""" 47Pm 4O2am ArN 122m Bland lg 8lrei tation.pNog 8~ Cn 8mbi aty tuin rI or g c ar b eteen e w or an a n an pa,rand oa'ole bte Jaoksonville lot.te aksollIe.I tas f omi C har. aleplnd r8 ctarryPullman drawIng room conneoting at Charlotte wita andNaewYok, Limited. wthSuheta For fute Mto lt Ni. r. PECNNINGTT i N. BOTLERackso v,l, Fla. r B.8EAY U,T JR bT 14:A, Columbea, C4, A, . ac ON L . , , *