The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, December 24, 1897, Image 3

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-M,__ 1 Why wt1l you buy bitter nauseating tqijt w hion Guoyii,.s TA8'TLESS C'M FA N10 is #s pleasant as Lemon Sy-up Your druggist'is authorized to reun<id t*le money in eyery casd whore it fatll o cure. Price, 50 cints. Spridg.* 1898 ni,' style Stetson Uite, a 0 at A. Q. jqne. t*f tVr. . Tetephqpo subscribers Please add to your phone listj YoudU r..W. . (residonce,) 110. The 6xchange will observe Sunday 6u hous 2Ithinst. .W. Fi,oY. it.. Mrs. b. B Ford, Ru Qel's, 1.. sufi1red for 1yt years r sJ,s)a anti chronio Cou ation ad was lint v eureu by usiog De WIO4 Little F arly Risers, the failoia 1' tl tIis for all bto,oI and liver troubles. V. A Beautifulline'of Ladios, ChildrOn's 11nd1 Geutiolons Hukerchiloft; an.d b1.of 110rs for hie christpla's trade. tr#A coived at A. C. Jones'. &f f Progratune for Teachers Association, Jan * . 8, 1898. lst Topic: What the teacher owes ha ppils,-W. N. f1actk and Aict's Agne, Isrchmtan. 2nd Topic: Arilthmetic in the public schools.-*'rof. W. K. Sih and Miss Sizzlo Dominick. - .n elegant line of Aen's Tios, Bows, 4-In-H1and and Scarfs, now and stylish, for Christmas at A. C. Jones'. taW tf. SOpeiiIileningsa krmiisms We will be in our store overy \ evehag,-except Sundays, to show our K friends a well selectod stock of ''Wathes, Clocks, Jewelry nr-% Silvor. Ahlso Silver Novelties,"which vill be .sold at prices to suit the EDUAnn 3CHOLTZ. FINE CANDIES, fresh stock,-for Qhristinas justin. Aeautiful box of HUYLER'S wcald inak, nibst ac. ceptalle preseni,1o W t heart, wife or fr All Christmas Go A at lowest pricei Pelham's P At. oc, 10,00 poml. (1r.K H ighest market price t&f tf. 'os, Store House for H1r 4,..A On Main Street, oppositc It. C. Williams' Furniture Store. Apply to R. C. Williams. ftttf SAYI SAY! SAY! People, did you all know that *Saul Bros.. were selling cheaper than any one else in the city. Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Ladies' Capes, must be sold' by January 1, I898, on account of retiring from b) m Nowv berry. We are slaughtering goods at all prices, this is no fake, but the truth. If you don't. believe it come and see. Lawv Range, third door from the corner of opera honse. - SAUL BROS0. The Right wrIace! A fter looking all around town Santa Claus has discovered the rig'ht p)lace, andc knows where he~ can procure1l his sup1) ply of Christmas Presents for .those whg, areo ex p)ecting somethin~g extra this year. You will agree with him when you have looked over our stock of Perfumery, Cut- Glass, Dressing Cases, Fine Vases, Onsand Saucers, and11 lots of little Novel ties like CALENDARS, JEWEL BOXECS, PIN TRAYS, BUTTON BOXIES, anld other Novelties-- too Ymany goods and too many prices t o mention them here. You wvill have to visit us. You are' invitedI. Robertson & Gilder, Druggists. To 'Cure as Cold lin Ono Dlay. Take Laxative lBromo Quinino Tal: lets. All Druggists refund the mono; i t fails to cure. 25c. f&t6mi . VALW A4 IO tisNellyo 1ol?al1 Is 'l01in640o Vhristik. (oni Princeton. hIr. V.C.. byfium is upendifig thc *holidays at -homeo. blies Thyr6 Schurnpert Is home to spend'the holidays. new e10W cq0o1i was sworn. in oi W e)day in rK,ijg. M, .. W. .df'odges has gone t< Oregoville to spond the holidayb. Rev. Luther A. Oates, of ' Delaware City, Del., is on a visit to Nowberry. The city council will elect oflice-8 or the 31st. See notieo In another column Miss Annie Bynuin, who Is teaching in Fldrence, will spend.Chlistmas al home. Misses Clara and Mainie Gibson, o1 13isho-pville, are visiting at Mr. A. .1. ' ibson'?. Dai P.. Blapkwood, 'f Washington, D. C., Is visiting his sister Mrs. Thos. -F. Harmon. Dr. James P. Kinard, of Winthrop: College, is on a visit to relatives in Newberry. Miss H0elen Mower will arrive home today from the Woman's College, Baltinore. Rev. and Mirs. J. W. Humbert re turned to their home in Yorkville on Wednesday. The Herld and News Alet will be closed tomorrow, but the paper will be out next wOk as usual. The Nowherry Methodist Sunday school will give the childre it Christ Mas tree at the church tonight. The colored people will celebrate Enwnuipation on Saturday, first Janu ary. Rev. E. H1. Coit will speak. The College haz closed for the holi, dayvand the Graded school closed yes terday. 13oth institutions will resume exercises on first Monday In January. The young people of the city will give a Christmas Gorman at the opera houso ofloxt Tuesddy evening, 28th. It will be a most pleasant and enjoya blo affair. Miss Bossio Gilder will be home to day from the Woman's College In Baltimore. She will have with her Misses Miamie Keller, of Baltimore, and Sylvia Ware, of Michigan, two hand some.and accomplished young larlies, who will spend the holidays. The Herald and News is the only pa per In the county that, published a full I nport of the Cotton Growers' Conven tion it Newberry on Monday. And we published it the next day after tho corvention was held. Moral: If you want the news while it is news read The Herald and N -ws. There have heeni 16,000 bales of cot ton reeived it N.ewberry since first Sel)qt!mber,. \Ve make this statement be C in ''uesday's paper the receipts w J>ut in at about 10,000 bales. We ho( not been printing the iceceipts for se%'ral weeks and those were the fig Utes )inted some four weeks ago put in by mistakE) in Tuesday's p)aper. A fte. .hearing some1 friends cen tiInually pr'aisling -Glhamberlain's Colic, Chio!orat andI iarrhoea Reml)edy, Curi t is FlIeck,-*oI A naheimi, Californhis, pu r chlasedi a bottlie of it. for his owni use andI now asP enlthussastie over its woni derful woirk asP an one' can hii e. The 2-> and 50 cent slzes for sale by W*. E Pelham. iHam ahgs, Valises and Trns suit able for' nic IChr21 ist.lmais lpesents, at A. C. .Jones'. t&f t f. Onie More Canmce to RegisRter. St.. Lukes, S. C., D)ee. 20, 1897.--Since the p)ublication of the regist.ration no tice of the 29t.h tult,. based on an "'oif hand" decision of the A ttorney' General to the effect that there should be no0 registr'ation under' thle under'sta nding c'ause after WVednesday, 8th inst, I ha.'o received notifIeatIon from the Attor'ney General's ollice of a change of this (''slonl, and that the priesent Superviso\ of I legistrat.ion are au teized ti en the hooks oIf registra tion oni JiI 'y 1, 1898. It was clear' that the un{ taitlng clause applies u p) to iand bi) -1l, Janulary 1, 1898, but It was a ' n whether or not there should1( b tr kation on that dlate, it not he! 'first Monda) ."' The Attorney G1 has finally con str'ued the Rlegisti\ Act ias athlor Izing registration '\ 'try 1st. The req(uir'ements for rc~ 'on on that daite ill 1)e the sam k t year' andl this year, and. those i , ''ing then, ias well as those r'egister'ecn in 189)6 anud 1897, are electors for life. The hours filxed by law for recgistration are fr'om 9 ia. m.l to 31 p. mn. So the understanding clause exp)ires Saturday, .January 1, 1898, at 3i o'clock in theu afternoon. Yoturs faithfully, .. - P. DNA'G. ilow to i'rovent l'neOumonlia. A t this time or the year a cold is very eaitily cotntracted, and If left to rtun its coturse without the aid of somue r'eliable, cough miedii'he is liable to r'esultI ini hat drIeadI disease, plnumonia. We knowv of no better remnedy to cure a1 cough or' cold than Chamb,-rhai n's (Coughi Remetdy. We have used It quuite extensIvely and it always lyen entiresRatisfactionl --Oiigahi, Indl. l'er. Chief. Th'is is the only "eme'dy that is known'i to b)e at crtalin trevenlt Ive (If pnumo-1( nia. Amnong the many Ithoui.'ands whuc have uiseds it for cols anid lat gri ppe, we have never yet learneod oIf a single casr having resulted ini pnetllumoia. Per sons wiho havo weaktl lngs oIr have rea sonl to fear en att ack of inetmnieIa, shIonlId keep the remedy at handl. Thu 25 and 50) cent sizes for sale by 1W. E Pel ham. -To rent twto 'oomUs, in honse witI respiectabie family. Address IP. 0, Ilox (8, Nwbn.., S. r. If Ali Aimugt i('en,Ios. Coluinbia, S. 0., Deo. 0, 1897. AlMarlisle, chairtau Newber ry County Pension Board. D.ear Sir:-Your attOntion to directe tf) se30tion I of Pension Law 1897 whicu providws for'ai meeting of the townshi pentsiol boards. You will at once giv notice to your township pension board t) mueet on the thirdI Monday of Jat ithe 17th 1898, to consider all new appt cations and revise the roll of 1897. Ti township boards will give their reasoin for dropping any name from the rol The pension boards elected in 1897 wi serve until 1898. The Iules of the stat bogtrd of pension with other blanko wi be sent you at an early day. Any e; ponso in postage incurred in transmi ting these blanks foir the townshl boardg will be paid by this oflico. ). H., TOMPKINS, Secretary State. W. A. BARiER, Attorney General. L. PEPTON, Clom'p. General. State Board of Pensions. In accordance with the above eirot lar the Township Pension Boards < tile several townships are requested t meet in their respective townships o the third Monday in January, the 17ti 1898, to consider all applications fo -pensions and reviso the roll of 1891 The Tovnenip Boards must give tt reasons 'or dropping any name frot the roil. The places of Meeting arC: No I-Newberry court, house. No M Bothel school houe. No 3-Maybinton. No .1 -Cromers Store. No 5--.lalapa. No 0-,on-rshores. No 7-Williais. No 8-Utopia. No 9--Prosperity. No 10-Jolly Str.-et. No I i-N-Wiok4ir's Ca)p ('oun11d. The County Pension IHard will meel on Monday the 2-4th day of January 1898, at Nnwbervy coutt. house, S. C. to settle all dispit,es and votntests with reference to the pensionls. M\. A. ( ,18a14, Chairman County Pensimn Hoard. December 10, 1897. J. A. Porkints,.of'Ant'iity, 0, was for thirt3 Ye-ar,u o'te.essly tortu d by physlcian foi th iule of eczenl. Ilo waNI tiekiy cuted .) using )eWit's Witch ]IIZe1 Save the falmotH nlinie silvo for plies atd skin dis eases. W. P,. eihan. The 0. 1. Houses. Some time atgo The Herald and New published thd law !! regard of making retirn-1 for taxat,ion if comilnencing business after tile (irst of .31anutar\ WC Stated that, it, would apply to tile 0. 1) housvz. Some of them made return Wit il the tim 1a1n1d Iid their taxes. Sw.i:of thm did not. As nothinag a done about it, we supposed the matt-ei was going to stantd. Vhy the autho ritLies waited so log before tetiti we do not know. On Tuesday afternoon, howe'er, Supervisor .1. M. Schum ert instiltted prnoedings atgallnIt NIL 1M. 7arger as agent for3 K J1. O'ConnorI)i, of A ugusta: WV. A. Fat, ats agenttof Blumienthal and B3ickart, of Atlanta, and WV. A. Stutart, as agent, of J. A. Jenkins, of North Carolina, and3( Sheriff1 Buford closed itt aLll threce of the ihouses. Hunt & ilunt and .1. Y. Cuibr-cat,h and O'Con notr(31 and tt, were r'epresentted by) Cole L,. iHlease. .J ohntlone and WVeilt repr3esenttedl iumtienthial & Bick i-t.. early Wedinesday morning. The othlel two houses openedCI latter itn tile (lay and itn lieut of bond deposited the almout, I) tihe bond(1It i iquors'. it is quitito pro~Ibable that the caise: will 1b0ecattied to the courtts but jutt what the defense will he we do not know as the answers have not beet fied. Thosei Whto Endluro 1iThe pafinls of trhcumt2atismr should( bc4 rem'linded thiatt at cure for the diseast muay be fouand In 1Hoed's Stasaparilla, T1he experiene of those .who havt<' takent Hood's Satrsapa)rilla for rheuma. LiSmt, and hlave beenf comple)itely andt p)erm)anletly curedC, prtove the p)owe'r 01 this medicitne to rout and1( conquer t,hh dISiLsa. Hlood's 8SarsaparLtillaI is tha On)ie '1Tue Bloo)d P-urifier and11 it nteu tralizes the acidi wichl causes tih< atches antd pains of rhtetumatism. TIhh I is why it, ab)solutly tures when )ini mient,a and otiher outtward applicatiom: fail to give permnanent relief. lHe sut to got, iHOtd 5. Newa I Iiustratedl Literatuare The l 'assenger' l)cpartmnent of ti Seaboard Air' Line has jus5t isstued tw< ne0w 111 Ilutrated I ooks; otne entitlet "'Educa'ttion in tiue Soutih,"'giving a fut andI comlete list, and( descrip)tion 0 Schools, Colleges . and UJniversit,iel alontg L,he Seaboard Air Line: the othei entit,ied "'Winfter' xcurtsons v'ia Seal hloarti Ait'r LineC," in which appeart descr'liptive andtl illust.ratedl sketches (1 the lnmeroi:-, Tourist, Point r'eachted viI a 8i.c Seabard Alt' Line. Ani except.ionlally con.ventienlt feat,ur of this book, is tihe arrangemetnt of ex caursion ra(tes and touites t(o theo prtinci paL1l*Florida,TJexats, Mexico antdCalifortil R esor'ts w hiebt show conasidorable tre dution it tot,al rattes, especilly to Sout,born ilines, N. C., te famona -Winter' Healt,h Resort, which was i well patrtolnied latst seasont. CopIes of these books can be seucurec by addressing TI. J. Anderson, GJenerai P.assengetr A get., Il'ort,smoth i, Va. elnelosing live )enlts ill stiamps to cove poIstalge. Nilrs tak, Pleasantf. Itidge, 0., sayr, 'Afte tYlwo doctoras gave uip mty boy to die1. I nave h3 im frotm (iroup by utiiii Ones Mfinute Cong~ Oure,"' It ia theo qutchiest andI most, II ctial hangt'ttl).W ,eiantaltro a A Noble Example. We agree with Dr. Jacobs thatevery thing should b- done to encourage that pIrit, which thinks of the fartherless i and that follows such thinking with I substantial actions. It is with pleas P ure, therefore, that we print the f6j 0 lowing and also the remarks of Dr. s Jacobs. While we are thinking of our - eelves and giving. gifts to our own loved i- ones all should reinember those who by e the providetce of (od have been, bereft, 'S of )aRVent. The fact. is It is the true 1. Christian spirit. Selfishness is one of 11 the evils of the times. '0 Newberry, S. C., Dev. 22, I807. 11 Itev. W. P. Jacobs, C- My Dear Sie:-My humble Ch. Istmas t- offering will be found enclosee, and p with tu fervent hop(e that tle young lives in your keeping may he always found true to God and country, and be ever useful and happy to themselves and as they round out into mianhood and womanhood be found worthy the fostering care of the noble Christian gentlemian having them in charge is the honest wish of the orphanS' hum ble friend. l A. Sco'r-r. I >f I tLmk it is a proof of true Christian o ity that this courteous gentleman and n earnest friend of the fartherless should , from year to year aid these Presby e terian orphans with his gift. It . would surprise Mr. Scott to see his let ( ter in your paper, but do you not a think an example of true catholicity of sentiment, should once in a while, be brought to the noticeof our people? W. P. JACOBs, iresident, of Thornwell Orphanage. Mr. C. M. Dixon, a w3lI known merchant of Pleasant Ridge, Fulton (1o., Pa., has a little girl who IS fre quently threatened with eroup, but when the first symptoms appear, his wife gives her Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, which always prompt relief. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by W. E. Peiham. k., N. & L. t. it. The freight warehouses of this line will be closed on Christmas day, De cember 25th, 1897, and on New Year's day, January lt, 1898. Should there be perishable freight or live stock on hand for delivery, the freight depots will be opened from 10 o'clock a. m. to 11 o'clock a. Im., to dellver such freight. Passenger st.ations will be opened as usual and the agents will be at their post, to sell tickets, check baggage and attend to the other requiremenfs of the piassenlger. sI'vice. Nos. 1, 2 and 3 will be annulled. W. G. CuLus, President. Don't be persuaded into buyIng 11111 ments without reputation or merit Chamberlain's Pain BalI cost no mole, anI Its merits have been provei by a test of m)any years. Such letters as the followiug, from L. 0. Bagley, Hueneme, Cal., are constantly being received: "'rhe best remedy for pain I have ever used Chvmberlain's Pain Balm, and I say so after having used it in my family for several years." It cures rheumatism, lanmo back, sprains and swellings. For sale by W. E. P Lelhami. Sarjta Glaus F7eadquarters is st ill at our old p)lace.' We hav'e an endless variety of all kinds of Toys, Dolls, Doll Carriages, Etc., Etc., and everything to p)lease the little ones. We have just opened our stock and ask all to call and examine same before mauking pulrchases. Remember we atre headquar ters for all kinds of. Fruits, Candies, Nuts, Extracts, Spices, Etc., Etc. Ourm prlices are low, and1( qjual ity of (Goodis high. Yours, etc., fat4t S. B. JONES. Christmas Goods! DANIELS & CO,, .Reg us t,o say to our readers t.hey have just received( a largo lot, of c~LOCK(S, SILVERW~AllE'AND) 1SPRCT1ACLES4 for the holhday traldo. They dlon't sell cheap) goods, but thley doC soll good1 goods cheap (for they haveni't gof rich at the business yet ). Any goods sold or work (d0ne( by th1em1 that has not given reasonable satisfaction brinmg them back. Our rmotto is WVE ARE l NOT SATiIFIEI) IF? OUR CUSTOMEli?S iARE NOT PLEASED. h - o Oc t your christmas gifts before they are picked over. r&t(It OUR PROSPERITY BUDGET * ul &L TIE NEWS OF A LIVE AND PRO. St! (MtESSIVE TOWN. g fe (Spoolal Coiruspontiten3c1 1lorald and News.1 el Miss Anna Piulmier h am to Little Mountain and will spend .the holidays o with her sister, Mrs. S. W. Young. Miss Maggie aussell has returned frotn tite Creenvillu Peiale ('ol lego lli and will spend the Chlistmas vaciation I With her patrelits. M r. A. . \Vis left hust. Frikay fort the west, and Will buy several ears of mules. The Prosperity Stock Comn plany ltas a tine business at Johnston, oiuthe buil C. & A\. It. It. Tihey hatve jist built stables at Saluda C. I., and e will also do busilnes at this polit. AI.. S. J. Kohn had hik ine Jersey I Cow, Lady Washington, to stray from the Miller place, an'i up to this time shu has not been heard fron. Miss Higgins, the millliner., returned to her home1 i Baltimlore oni Monday. C Miss Aiken's piano recital by her pupils was very 1inu1ch enioyed by all present. She will give another about, March and all will look forward with pleasure to it. The Cinean Literitry Society of the Prosperity Graded School will glvei a literary entertainiment tonight. Thl-urs day, which promises to be quite a pleasant a ffair. 76's Heroic Dutchiman will be givenl by the Dramatic Club on next Tiuesday night.. . Guess whQ will act the (u1tch inin and then come alld see your' mis take. The public is cordially invited to.attend and enjoy an hoour of unalloyed pleasure. Miss Mary Kinard left today for At lanta. She will spend soine thne there perfecting herself in her art and while the time pleasantly with her brother and sister. Prof. N. E. Aull will go to Dyson's and spend his recess with his parents returning to see the Dutchman per form next Tuesday nigbt. We hear of an unusual number of Christmas trees this year. We learn that there will be one at Mt. Pilgrim, Mt. Tabor and Zion churches. St.. Lukes will vary tile programme some what and will build a Christmas chim ney. Each brick will contain (,andies, nuts or something of that kind and will be a pleasant occasion. After all what do we live for if it, is not, to give plea sture to others and to make others hap py. That was tho missl , of the Christ child w hose birt,h all these pleasures Coimemora (v. Let us ine(leed rejoice and be glad and strive ti make others rejoice and be happy. The Graded school dismissed on Wed nes(ay evening and will resimie Monl day January 3rd. That will be a good tie for new scholat's to enter andl(l there is room for more. Mr. Betsel, who has been buying cot ton here for the Clifton mills, has gone home to spend the holidays. Messrs. W. 11. Wise at Ninety-Six and Mr K. Baker at, Greenwood have r'etturnied and will spend their vacation at home. Miss Kate Sloan, of Trenton, has' b)een on ai visit to Miss AnIna l"umer'. Mrs. Geo. H WVise and1( Mhiss I )elIa Wyse, of Sahula county'. were in town WVednesday1113. Mrts. Claude Lat,batn hats gone downi to Litt,le Mountain to spend Chr'istmnas undelr the lar'ntai roof t.ree. She w iii be joined by Mr t. Lathian Saturday. Mr . G. HI. engle and wife, of G reen- (2 viille, will visit hiis father' during theo hol1idays stoppli ng in I >rosp1erity oni hiis Some of our' people are enth usiast,ie in their advocacy of the CottonCrower's' IJ Associat-ion. if they' enni seenr1e legris lattion thatt is wise and safe in r'efer'ene to t,be lion law and t.he htottest,ead law they will (10 tmuch good. If t,he lien law is repealed let the( (date at whlich it becomes oper'ativeo be Ii xed i: ot earl iei' thanl Janutary 1, 1891), in (It- a der' that, all mayi~ adlapt, themilselves to t,he chantlgedh cond(1it,ions. As fot' us we (d) nlot know whlat is best. MI r'. 10. I. Lther & Co., are build i tng sale stables Oil tihe lot ini rear' of Messi's. - i'. K. liedenhaugh and S. MI. Matthews. Frtiend Roscc is at C2happells and of course5 he regret.s that lie can't, he0 her .' thlis week, but then------, well somiebod y is away also. Ask Mrt. J1. 1. lt'owtne of whaIt use is holly leaves at,other tihnes thamn C h ri.+ ". mlas. Hie has ai stanldinig ('onltrt,l( tor' a $. T1he A. 11. I>. Sunday school will give~ t aL treat to the juveileIs une (16 years. Sat,urday, .lanuairy I, at 3 p. im. (1rae chullrch will have a special col - lection 0on Sunida,y as a tank off(erin1 g itn ordcer' to (clean1 up the ye's biesi 1( fr'ee of debti. Let, ever'y mItllebe of the o (3hurchei give somtf(thintg fot each31 and1( 1 he3 thanLkfulI for'. WVightman Chapel Ni. I0.) wvill htave a1 a splecial (collection fotr theirI orphanai1uge3 at, Coh im bia. ILet atli lItmember the fatherless and1( the1 orplhlan. We iav IL.' nIot, ilarned of anty .specital ser'vice in H' the lBaptlst (hur1h i''d(l tring 111(he0 holiys. What, a whopper' is the1 riemark of tall who11 set the nmammoth tradish at i(ohin's drtug storec. it weighs1 14 pounds and5111 was raisedl by Mr. S. .L. Fellers. As a1 O t'adisht raiser Mr'. F. takes Ithe enike. C This will ini all pr'obability be my last, let t' to TJhe HerCtald and( NewH tot' the t yearm 1897, antd as wve look back to one0 1 yeat' ago whlen '97 lay befotre us briight, and1( new and full of hop1) and1( prtomIise C aind hlow some1( of our hopes have been real i'zed tand otbers lasted(, andlo how rlmny things thait pr'omie much itt(hav 'iii' turnedlC( dea d sea apl)ies even in ourt' grasp51, (ve1can but say how hleeting, and1 tranlsitory tall th ings ate. Wit,h mu('n to be thanikful for wn~ turn 0nm. ie,.s to 0 fit'te aid presN forward, taking > the work of another year relying lon a H Ighor Power for guldance IInd eeUnlgth1 through the daye to coi]., we forth to do battle, tnd Imay God de r)d the right. WIshIng all the read 8 of The Herald and News a merry iristaits, a happy New Year, and it Ily fourth of July. KAY. -~ fit: 0nly the Hent" I louIh. he ou1. llotto wien, y1ou need a or Aleine. Do not he induced to take ' y stbstitujto when yot, (all for roood's r -Iatpaiillt. V.'Xperien o la.l.- provt I to be the best. It is an honlost medi ne, pos:ssing Itail and lien'qualled 'it. Bo wise aid prollt by tihe Ox rie4MICO of other people. ' (loo's 1'1.1. are tho fravo;ita faimlily thartie, -asy to take, vasy to op'eratV. W,'h ite Quils, all Vool Itlt1kets anId ilve (.'tainUtis at A. ( . .lon s'. W.f V. Itry yoir 3hoes Itl Illats for Christ ats ait A. J.nj--41.taf . Pho best, hmo of M0en's, Ladies' and 111drell's .ov at A. C. .lmes'. W if. U mbrelas (o ti I I' . 0. M. J AMMI~ Takes this method of giving his custo mers the Greetings of the Season, and wishes them a mer ry Christmas and a happy and prospe rous New Yew. Thanks One and all, for the kind and liberal patronage shown me in the past and hope to merit a con tinuance of the same in the future. 1 1 )ther Things besides iPECTACLES GAS . Thlere au-e lots of tilngs in) .Jewelry", Store thait tion't nanjewels. Lots of smrall art istic art icles uit-able for' Xmias in-ese(nts hat you wol never' think We have a. 1beau11tiful li ne of mall Novelties at extremely You can come an<l spendl a leasant hou r in looking ] r'ound1 at our1 stock and buyb I' NOTICE OF ELECTION. ": ., that, the Townvr (Counc11i ill hol ( i election un h'rid hiy, I )eeembrler :31, u,at - o'cloelt p. mi., for' the follow-' ig ol11eers: (Cler'k ande Tr'easu rer at a sr aary of a la) per mont.h. ' Chief of I 'tdice att at satlary of $ l7 per onth1. I TIhrete P ol iceenfI aLt., 35 erimonth if )One St reet ( )vierseer at a sailarly oif l.ampiilglier and1 .Janritoi iat a salatry H $20 p)er mont1 hi. A\pplict.ionis mustrt he in hiand writing r. anid .latlitor', andie harndled to t hre ('ler k 'owin C ouncil b Iefore the hour of ' elt.ilg I"'or any firt'.her in fo,rmlat.ion pplly to? the ( lerk ari TPreasurer. 1 Iy ord~Ier. C'. A. 1OW.\lIA N.J ('. T. 'T. ('. N. IDee. 2:3. 1897. l'A'TICE o1' SOU' l i C A I )Ibl N A--) (COU N TY 01" N ICW IC i V -- N' PihlBAI iCO')U RT. V. WV. I lodgest, 1-q< , P'robat te Ju rdge. WVhier'eas, I tobert ( . Perary hath1 li nlof suit to mie to, grant himr Lt ( Adminlrrsrtrat ion of th I1 tt.ate an tIE fleets of .J. C raw'Aford Perry, deIE'EGase d: 'r'rhese are thIerefore Io Eeit ad rad. jornishrI all d r singuar ihe kinre'd dI rid cred itore of thleI'l I ad.. . Cra1wf(ordl 'e rcy, d 'cesed, that1 they b~ le anud rap - 0111 betulo're', In I he 0 >urt of' Probanite, r> h 1:0(d iat New hier ry Couiirt H oe,t#. nt e thth day1 Eof Januarv un ext, iafier uihileat Ion hirereof, at II i'E'clc inl the 'thEnoon01, tnow rWciausie, if itnry Ihley myve, why thle said Admrrirristrationr hionb n rot hea glrant ed.a GIven undel*r rrny hanrd I his tIre-22nd( ay o af Decem err'' A nuo Dlomrini 1897. W.P. N 0'0. Biliousness I callsed b>y torl' i Ver, n% hiteh proventLS d1ges. )it anI pernits food to fermen,t alot putrify in 0 stoinach. Then folio dizziness, headache, lood's somlin i, nervoillie44. :111, not relIeved, bIlloils fever bloot pol-4iIsIig. lIoott's Is stiiiumato the stolmeih, Iise the liver, cure ke tehiuei. 4lzzin,ss, con. IPat31,10et.c. '..' conit.. Sojtd by? all <drung'gisqt.-, le onlly 1'1lls to tao(it h lot' a al rl, annon & Mayes, Are Agents for the lansion House Steam Laundry, 0F rweenville, S. C. ADMIRATION iti I&N.'Iys o'xv'it(41 h)\. tilp i lil- I lu tp3311. ly nea auw,nc of thi 11n whoi nis dot'll ' up It this hudry. 'I'h youig ladies of N'wherry ,. wa-s say thy k\ow q w nit ii1has bieel (do n up hiore , '.1,Il%So Il plitrons "\l waIys look as ift lu1i colio out. of a b1and box."' 11ave your liliNt ill o01'r flr Chri411stas festi vit ips. Ch rist inas week vach cnltonmlvr 801din,g work to this I.anmdry will 11COM Io t II aI(slso pail 44 i lr (f v buttonls inl his packlige. NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY overlR.C.Williais', IaiiI St..Nwherry I 1m11 prepiaied to iitke i'iet ures alnd at living ptlces. .& ft.f I 1 l'H I, lhotographier, lor sil.. 01e yoing IMilk Cow, ind one lillily U1orse. A pply to (George Leonhi- i i alt Hel0na, S. C. I&f t Mast'er's Sales. 14T"AT1E O' SO UTH CA M [LI NA. COUNTY 01P NEAVHi.RAY--.1iN COMMON PLEAS. atines J. Lane et. al. Plaint,llis, ve. .1. Inry l- Hayes, ot. al. Defendants. P REJ O1' M""."' COURT hero1, 1 will sell befor the Jourt loso it Newberry on silaaday I January 1808, durliIg 1h l0I0gal ho1s of sille, to the hioigheos, lidler therefor, .i1 the int.orest of t,hu detfenidants, . Hergy IIayes, in L,hat tract or plan attioni of iland, sit,uate in New.erry 'onnty)~ 1in 1aid( Stato, con tiing one1)11 in11(dred an t11hi rtsv-fiv aesIIP', tutore or' .s5, hounded byv landcs pf J1. G. Itikard, . tI'(, rotll \V.e 1. A of H,,. t. 1.lyd Tid-:lMS.--Oneuf of he purchal is se to pa'y for pap Ielrs. Ailastos'. Masiter"s ()llee D ec. 9, 18M97. TJATE OF (J SOUTlI( CAlI1(OIalINA, COUNTY OF" N10Wi3ElY -IN CO)MMON P'LEAS. V. I) ltardy, Alaster. PhI,iniif il aginst Yt OltDIi H. HICCUt -lhre In, I will sel bI for e th41e cort, 0118e ali Ne!wherry3, duinlg the1 I hga 4)r1 o' (f HSale. 11 1n ihe I'lrl't Miindaiy inl roli.(rty, to it: A\i 111 tIrt o3(4f iland1, be'ing aI or't lon f.3 ithral eHIlute of t hie lat An draewv .1. 'Ingsore, in .he4 I'oun lt v "'si 1St ate 1141 N iine'te ( '( 19 A :\creH, inore or le"s. 11d t.(InIIded4 by3 lii IIds of 11statI 01'f A II ':iitMs: ()ie-t bird of 41h4 pu:rebaslie lne'y toi bei p'dd ii ('Th, balanc114e pay.V b14le iwo 44<p4ia annual 1instaImet's 'ith inte(rIHt hrain 4 ny3 osf Hale, credit ion 1)to lie i.eenred by a bond1( ofI the urcher11l and34 4 or1 rlgage~4 If the4 pre'm-I) \V. D) 1fA I l)V. AnJcuter. Alaisteri's 0Ollece, 'I c'e. It0, 189i. 'i'IlA TICO" 80 Il ('tl)lil T. Ii IC~i'CAS. A .1 ( Ilbsor., C ( ', (, >1 4 ' ta 1e(and fi'eit H f AIirs. Niillio 031eP, de4'(Ins8 If: "'I3''h e aire. Iherefore41I, to1 ('le and1( ad( lordsh ll and ingi:' r r (ccre itd' ri tors oft the1 sa''id ai r. Nel1'4lieI onIeli, dE''elase, 1hat they4'i beiiS' and a43 (lj'rl befoe in r-y theIll ('1 rtin of Pr ulgil, lin tn'( (n4tday (f .lanI, next, 1 .he forenon, 1 o shw nJ,ifan boy Nave why heS('l An inisctr - Giv6e I5, r8; Cnty nd thisoh*9t ay o i eerner,AnnoDorini 897