WK U. Al.l, Rrl". 1y a AW, chips has an ' icle in aic-boer eol umn ih lin taw in whieh h lAkes grouindagis t ealndwnso know h The l d N "ti aRNtt it we vo' 1z, ;Z 4 1" ,Or whIlat is NI"t to b, :.e I t\rtad t e artile of Mr, l'z-'vn :'. he and Ht icuhitt. At onet nun' we thought it wol be a ii ide to poal the law, but MO d' n't k0n i' that wvero dofite that it wolid C.r10 the evils of which MI Mr, li'ret :speaks. Are not, the land owners emscei largely to hIme for the dir ani'd condition of th"e lilor ald is it duite o the operations of the lien haw We know thati in Inany iases it is aimse,i. I?at if the ian who owns Ille lai wond he0 could contiol the Ialor. Then what law is it onl ou stiatte boks that is not abused. The lien law is a easy anii -onven icut basis of cretlit and ams u1led many people to mak, a crop on their on ' aveount wlto otheiie wonhl have beil compelled to b1ecome miere labor ers for somle olne else. Wke arte 1no t pre parcd julst now\- to say that wt favotr its repleal. There is one t hing we 0:un :av an1 that is that we would li to see Vcl V farmer in South Carolina indep"Inuient of it and repeal it by not u:i ne it :ai every one can re peal it in that wt if they will all go to work to do it. N o farmer can live and pay hii- ibwht, niis ing eotton at -5P vents :nd hiuyin- hi Stl)llieS onl LiIn piOes to 1ina.kC t.e Crop. just ats long a-Z wk- I.t,uet try to do that just so long tIhLenItr is going to he it debt :i1 tOhe (ry of hard times is Poing t be b r , land. \Ve will h-av m i. to havo expren itlns frorl t;llubjtet amd nm il t from tli4 county v from the p.ople on . - tainly L, would nt no to go into in itt .NJ r. JI. \\. - \ Chroniele was in v and in addtion to - I. ;I is ellthusia-tic - . the Atnia.t roa:d. 1It t - ., technicality . :\ - road woul" 0 . Col. Go: lo dent. will ;: lo teehnicality v. uo.1a wc m liav tweenl NewV the 1umb:1' tred fre:: - could be built. durintg thh,- Cone - to hi- - berry ('tdllege. e.aw junt claltn a high up i: has c be:: this claim:: A cansi uf s the citizens of i:he-r - ". .. - piortantce of vacin. 'alm. a! a u.-yi issinag quaran'&ittie again~ . .\.anta. We ntotli fronm the p)alers thaut it is ntow aL .lhtertoin, (hi., wichl is jutt across thte Savanntah on theii Seaboardii Air' Line. We, O se i stted it ai recent3 is-ue of thme News andt ('ouiteri t.hmt I In. W. C. McGowan will ptosi t ively he iavi ennl i dato for Governtor ntie-3 yeau-. It is toio early yet for us to endcorse anyt otne but Mr' McGowan is a tino tnant--in faet. a gen tiemaun antd a secholar' a woul nake a Gov~erntor' of whtom all South C arto iliins cotl justly be proud(. Int thet deaithl of Dri. W. Mi. D or'roh a good andu stubstant.ial citizein hats gonte. An honest, ain. uipight tuin tih ias b nen called to htis reward . lIIe was onite of the old land mtarko of thie B ush liivei section though he had nolt live tii1herPt for some thnieo. lite hiad liveil htis lthree scoro andtt ten. lie r'epresentted New TPhe anc-ietnt (Greekls btelievedl that the the ' 'll'are and prospeily oif ihe ni ly. They were worshtipedl ais house hoild gods int every hoitti3i. The ~ house hold god or today Is Drt. lKiii's New D)iscovery. Foir contsum111pt in, enugh is, colds andtu for all afleci tins of Throut, Chest and Lun igs It is inivatluabeit. It hast bieen tried for ai qunarter of a ieen Iury andi Is go rr.in t..ed to enure, orl tmoneoy rettiuined. No hiousehohl shiouli bet w itou t thIs goo notttgel It is pIleasat to) tak am( 311i a I afe iinrd s-utre remedy fo r old an y~l3oun t . Fe- tril boftt les at Rob)ietrt & GildIe'r's l)t-ug Store. Reguilar size .5t0. andl $1 .0t. SAT. SAY! SAY! People, did you tall kniow thtt Saul Bros. wvere selling chieaper than ainy OrU. olste in the city. Cloting, Shoes, hIIts, Laidios' Capes, mst be sold b)y January 1, 189S~8, onI atccout of retiring fro'rn busttinCss mi New berry. Weo are slaughterinag goods at all prices, this is nto fauko, but the truth. If you don't beliovo it comol( and see. Lawv Range, thid door from the corner of opera house. S AUL mROS A N"y"Ay ul 4l. 1' . \ 1e C L -n u .ifr an "an ve I,,.. a I" bWanket. Ili k. of it,h .\! ! I.un:n i, - i0n anId 1t hei r . ul':'ln. t obs :-na l . codw, 'tnd how they -electesi !w.irh l Inl k.t.' wid thl. nin t , of fm;(.rak-. vwhit.! b'very satdAth l.h an im nt Mtin.: alai, an no a L! t 4n1- . t 1n- : et%t -- it n fIt preI tt the fI f hI i m ul. .I n b a - lthe'. ti h as fr'm b2 . T!:'t . 1.) I I v f I I i '' 44 4 fttlIlll' of lili: lnt 1 4t''. 4: , .1 a l't it tll - a I I t I t un V V . ' h I- - n * '4.n b . -- wh 4.n wan W.441 .1: on OPEIA JHOIISE! 17: December:-I Only 0One Performance! THE EORtEVERI FAkVORITES. FI ELI) & IIANSON'S MINSTRtELS. 38 "HOT MEMB3ERS" 38 (b-and conct hantIi. ad nerx.m Glit'lil'ibd e101 e 8 il I' elrni Ital- *A I] I H I t [1,4 aa :o Ili lIy hI44.19. l Oc the til.'cy hii~ 41 441. t: ";Thei.z't ofW lioiuiwh i nnNIen.11 iv die nig lning p il. iifoi''sad, oIi t re: ' I' th Teiile14 lo 11111 NiiuI(( he (:lm-oACIng'e1 i inele: *r The4 The :nc'in di i,ly: "Thebrd 'i'111 14randl'd4 i$~l' irc I lao ' n neww net:Ill Ib-4IOlinthet em DIAI.em at r.. COlite'NT Olo NecW0 1I1ll7 --* TOe P800I8'S Stole! N' .0 Z. $10,000 VorIth of ry Cuood s. Natin01s, Undewear, Flan1nets, Blankets, Overshirts, TruInks, Valises, Flats, Pants, Boots and Shoes It kle (1n to wholosalt. prict.s. .11 w' N Pc ti ',ille l- V rller. , h t' hanie. tte Fattory Pp'eope: voily - rioh andl poor. VeCeivie he' lq Im Irczll Ini lln a1t In , st ork,I ', it - I th0 st Oo of one t,':i--. : Tho Il'coplo's phat-o to l v. 1 t pric. and the whole i, et it: h eause thoe niCl i1 m:,h- hy mne LO rstmas W-- hne v ry d sira le .tings for . a - I II" i- et:a u5t Si'lk Mufflers, H andkerchiefs, Ties and Scarfs, Gloves and Hats. n:Lail of the boysi, fo: the ('brivLtnu - a t t ' att -% in 'i:Y :I(I Soft January 1898! wina i -a. r - uni i ) one to I t a t onc wi 1 1 - -o \; v a eI utI vll~ I l *uel't er-. nd tinki 11 i~: I k n M i I n r-v. If voil !it, ' : IiIII II Io a n: l :n 151,r\q nt onl all . u w it w l y u t to A.~ C. JONES, Ntwerry. S. U., Nov. 30, 1 SG. The Placo to go LOPELHND] BBO8., WVle-n in :iami of any thling~ to wear G ~ etatlna or Laerlv ! OEAD WEAR~ ! LBf BiYW EAR! and FOOTWEARII ad van t tag. ~oer u~ w hen it comes I ( :my) tig ini our' line of goods. Ii knocek it ouit, by~ giing you pries FOR DECEMBERI We w ittnike'li beter pries luin wi 81.75 -- - -- --$' 2 1.50 '' " S.1: i1O ' h tIlIIi hltt ' Shoest' for... .... 7 -~w t biren's She fort.5Il...............(0 I hthy -hoe . for 25. -10. 50t, arnd 75 eets :,000 y d..I od ' i o llt 1~e.t ........ - I .e00 yardsll bet l hi l m sm .. I.0 yt a rd sbeK I li nt t .. ;...... ' : h5 de ,a tiis fl'dervests at. .....t' \Vi doz.' La s t' ilavy i'5 \\nerhits. ia 5 0 I t i it ii s VI fo Z.... .. ........ .... . ... 8 r it Iii 1it i(in xi [I.. . . ... .. ...,..., ,. ll 111' I 1T1 - .\TSbr, S. CtT i\': IiT't& \ &i It i'i i C (' \Vg l'f A Ia Neee rry-ll1' I o you7 t t o electU . fr o 3 at ohe ilonst prites. .1h'iaix'y 'los for tork nd n.di diit1 o mat intsedI Ktitd Gmloves f \\' areti t i'ty usl i nesst 5 \oftt mem it 0Ilit,tol .\o ifto u will11 cio i . H..lO . .'T'BIO N,HA toin:tCerCilltbea meting of hlth COrn Potash of.Aw A t qoloh.l .i.:er rs til Shoes for lkadies Mi .\ isso'. 1,atest style.toes and lasts Jamieson's. The 0. M. Jamieson $3.00 Calf Welt Shost' for Men has no egnal for Style and durability. In Men's line Hani-made Shoes. 'here is none to surpiass Lilly Bracketts \ Co's Shoe at, Jamfieson's. The 0. M. Jamieson School Shoe for M isses and chilvdren wears like iron. Try ia pair, they will give satisfaction. .1imliesonl is selling Clothing checap to meet, the decline in cotton. Now is your time to secure a good and ser viceable Snit cheap. The tlnest, line of Gents Fine and Medini priced Untdershirts ever seen in Newberry at Jauieson's. The J. I3. Stetson Co. latest winter Blacks in Stiff and Felt, Hats at Jam ieson 's. A hst-class Wheeter & Wilson No. 9 sew in g lac i hi c cheap at, .1111111eson's. V will 111nd a line (isplay of Hoisery, Nor-hiefs and Neck Ware at Jmlilleson's. NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY er B.C. W ill iams', Main St..,Newberry I a m I epared to iake-,lPietnres and :It livin" 1 prices. t.:tf l'l C . Il 'hotographer. OPERA IlOUSE I6 Thurs., Dec. U Robert Downing's Magnificent Production "THE GLADIAT0R" Seats now on sale at Scholtz's Jew elry Store. Prices: 25c, 50, 75c. FOR SALE. 6 'SIARS NEWnERRY COT 2O ton iMill Stock, :D Shares Na t ional'H ank Stock. If not,sold at pri vL a sale will lbe sold at, auct,ion before he coIurt, honse on Satur~day, D)ecember~ IS, 1S97, at 11 o'clock. .JNO. M. KINA RD, A d innistrator~ of L. U. Blooz,er. A Great Sche WVlby niot mnake your dc hard matter to make a Ten,~ Dollar purchase, a: for you; but, until rul comefl nearer to it than We'll Stretch a Dollar 850 that it will c'over; suit worthl fifty cents lars andl sevenity-five money so it will cover fit young men up) to 19 nlot the yoiung man. WV Cassimere Suit thr if t his store wasn't h mioney ? llrinlg it hecre S.3X.WC Fine Whiskeys, F'OR F"AN 'Afll Gades (Choarer thar SaeMoney and Get th Send in i~ Particular Attention D1I I ll N I1IWI NO. 2 P1EACnHr No Reductions I rh Ilouwtk will ovor un, teIXV011t1o mwh tho rWV14f0 Wo Uniderbuy mt,kl VhINklolll thomi 1 NO 0 \k P, T10N 8 Wlwther You Hoi' Arx a Fow A-4 81ioting x Ork at only 8, por yard. Hest Standard 1II-rints Yours alt only Good Parched Coffoe 4e. per yard. .. Yours at only Good Green Coffee 100 per pound. Yours at only Do per pound. Soap-Good Washing Soap Yours at only 3c. per pound. All other Goods at correspondingly low prices. Your Dollar Is worth twico as much at the Boebivo of Bargains. 0. KLETTNER, The Fair and Square Dealer. LANDS WANTED. P ERSONS WITH LANDS FOR sile are requested to put them in my hands for sale. I am in constant re coipt of So many letterd of inquiry about lands from Northern and West ern parties, that I may be able to effect sales for those who will eive meo aet rate detailed descriptions of what they have. No ebarge will be mile unless sltisfactory sailes are imlikde. Descrip tion must be such as can he guaran tee(d anii m11ust .give: Number of acres, location. 1haracter of hlnd, proxim ity to railroads. postollices, schools, churches and towns, kind of improve Ilents. Coimniinications btrictly Col fidential whenl so desired. .JA MPs (". G1131U.S, State Land Arent. Colum bi i. C. SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY AT THE PLANTAION IN TIN ~ Long Lane commIunity, ieri. the Dr. Kennerly phlce, reentily sold by Ie, on \Vednesday, December 15, 1897, at 11 o'clock, I will sell the following personal property, consisting of Farm ing Implements of all kinds, including one Mower and Rake, Corn, (Cotton Seed, Fodder, nlacksmith Tools, 7 Mules, 2 Horses, Hogs, GOats, and other per'son:al i roper'ty. TVERMs: Cash. November 23, 1897.10 AB IS ~XANTE'D-TtUTJ'WORTHiY ANI) ACT VVont le ie oaer lad11e t Lave for re St atiped enyv! pe. T1he D)ominiion Comnpany, ni! liars out of rubber ? That's a hiey'll stretch. It's a pretty Five Dollar Bill stretch over a .d we don't promise to do that ber dollars are made, we'll tny store you know of. mn all wool knee pants more. We'll stretch four dola cents of your common silver a splendid all wool suit to years old, worth $7--the suit e'll stretch $6.75 over a fancy ~t ought to cost $8, and would ere. Want to stretch your , an yo'llthink its rubber. )OTEN, ,NEWVBERRY, 8. (J. Wines and Beer [ILY USE. L at 0. p. Houses ! You e Best by Buying of Usi! our Order. Paid to Mail Orders. lOLEM1E IIERIElI. REE STREET, T. .I- - Wore StrctIg Busqess Andwe know that the pooplo oituilot buy goods at pree1n1t prios With vottn at 60 R poundi, wo livo thoroforo put, tho knito in plsoo and on1 thom to the eoro. The man that raidiea cotton must. loso ind wo are Willing to do vr'hart by ouitting deep lInto tho preliont, prious, so tihat his dollar will buy 4a nmy gooda fromil u as ono dollar fnd a h11f will buy almost aiywheo 0,4o. Now road ovory iino carofully and you will ilid it intor A?k) yar h#of thwo b 1 oal) Al. 4%%, 5 0ut fit i je. MM yikk 41f ood t' o at Be. Ie' M1n,11 T4uh Out log at 80*. lo (Mtrnm i"ltAnel at 410, the li'mokh Oul ig. doutible fleced, lo. %% &% "121tuo doublo w1dt(h WVorstted, 10o, "~ 4'tt ~ ~ Io to 46* 124e. 12 'nt ,1aaa 0,-0 " "' " I50. 04o Mi 1 ' 8o. I %Sk A A11A A1lZ ",'0 )0 INM Pant11 JOan10, WkoNtt1110d, Fille kiliaek d1r-es g4loods al ga(es 11and Bi l ' un, wooltilh'd, 'ie, mt 25 per ce'nt. * If t he p)resenbt pricesi kvd nn1 at your own pi le You siould een 1e g.oda to appre Obnto their value. We Ilgur that this coutry is illod with a thrifty industrious peoplo that must havo som goods if they can buy thoum right., and we have con cluded to aecommnodato thoin in that rogard far more than they expectod 25c Chi,lds Shoes at 190. $2.50 Ladio Dongola hand sewed $1.75. 65 " $' el 25 Men's Dress Hhoes at $1. 50 " " 35. $1.50 " $1.25. 75c 600bO. $1.75 11 s.:s $1 LadIes Dongola Bu tton Shoes at 850. >' " S. 46$1. $2.50 " " hand sewed 81.75. $2 " hand welt " $1 50, LR"Wo have a big lot of Misses and Ladies Capos and Jackets at 50 cents. up; theso goods aro mutch below the regular prices. Our Stock of CIothina Is not more Thre-o-fourths of the prico asked for the same goods elsowhore. Wo havo Men's wool Suits, clean nice goods at $.50 to $9.50 that yOU cannot duplicato anywhero. Youths suits with long pants, coat and vest to fit a boy from 12 to 19 yors at 82.75 to $5. These goods aro worth from $1 to 63.50 moro than wo sell them for. We havo Children's suits from 4 to 15 years. Knoo pants at any pric you want them and at 75c on the dollar of what it cost to mako themn. Our goods were all boughtby our housesfor cash from manufacturers and jobbers that have failed in business, consequently the above prices can only be had at RLYNN'- UO'ASH SaTORE, Next Door to Pelham's Drug Store. A IIE IN%LVIfEk To call in and examine my line of goods. I have a nice and well selected stock of strictly high grade Chamber Suits in Walnut and Oak. A full line of medium and cheap Furniture. Will sell very close for cash. I. 1y Main Stret, Newvberry, S. (C. Harris Lithia ar nae TOl REI1EV R V (hI8 OF INAIidRTIN IN ONE MIN1JI''S T1IE OR MONlRY iggYng If' taken afterlveh1Yeal Will Cnro tlle Weirst Case of IlldigestIeI. Read wvhat the eminent Dr. Devaga, of Chester, M. C., has to say of the wator: I have used Harris Lithia Water with thme most excellent results whero I have been able to got my patrons to drink a suflicient qulanItitY daily. The carbonated has no equal in gastric disturbances. It is anr e:cellent table water. It is a pleasant laxative and is a sure cure for Flatulent Dyspepsia- S. M. DEVAGA, M. D. This water is for sale in Nowborry ait Robertson & G ildor's, S. B. Jones' and WV. E. Pelham's. Harris Lithia Springs Hontel wvill be open ait tiho beginning of tho season For rates and other information write Harris Lithia Water Go., HARRIS SPRINGS, 8.0C.