otd every Tuesday and Friday nerBros. wa.ses new crop of26@35c y;rla. a So hbtra ...... S 16t;pateat F'lout .... .. 2nd e Flout........... 2535 a( Flour...........5. Good Ordinary Flour....... - $5.00. gRice . - .75. Cotton s ' '. ' Hulls,''''''' eal, per sack .00 r ton.........-.......... $3.50 Country Produce' tter, per lb .............1 .20. Egg, per dozen ............ 12 1c5. Chkens, each........... 121 20c. Peas, per bushel...... ......... 45c. Corn, per bushel................. 45c. Oats, per bushel............5(4c. Sweet potatoes ................ 0. Turkeys, per lb ....... .... 8c. Fodder, per cwt ............... 6 @ 750. Newberry Cotton Market. (Vorreeted Tuesda and Friday by 0. Mcl. Holmes ) .Good Middling...............5 311 Strict Middling.... .......................5 18t Middling..................................5 061 Strict Low Middling.....................4 871 Low Middling .......................... 4 62j Steady. Fire. D. R.- Crawford, near Belfast, Lau rens County, had his barn and 10 mules, burned last Thursday night, the 25th instant. Cause of fire supposed to be incendiary. Loss twelve or fifteen hun dred dollars. No insurance. NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY over R.C. Williams', Main St.,Newberry I am prepared to make Pictures and at living.prices. t&ftf PRICE, Photographer. RESTAU RANT1 My Restaurant is open for the season and I am prepared to serve the public in first class style with the very best the market affords. Polite and courteous attention to all. I am prepared to serve .3us tomers at all hours. Respectfully, S, B. JONES. Jaslapa AssooIation. We met at Jalapa on 27th, Mr. W. H. .X plected chairman and Geo. C. also . The delegates Ily 01-'h, S. B. Aull, THE PRESIDElhF ,. F cretary. - ,.,%known A LENGTilY j)OOUj%ENT T AFulton ALL GREAT QUESTIONs 01F Is fre -- , but le is Not a Friend to Cub)a-Th4i,r, his Currency Qunestion) First in lrmpor-ugh ancs lBefore This Congress. eelief. \Vashington, Dec. 0.-AL noM' day the first regular sessioni 55th congress was launche. stock the unknown seas ofleokr - Simultaneously at ,-e~~ bo " capitol, Speaker Re i and Vice-President.4 sBenate, dropped the& 6 fgures and called to order the4 'aoney by pur over which >tby~.d onie 'US reat pleasure to show our goods, even if you don't buy. ROBERTSON & GILIDER, Druggists on the Corner. Cheap Rates to OIharleaton. For the occasion of Gala week in *Charleston the Southern Railway has an,nounced special low rates, and those * who anticipate a visit to the city by the sea will miss one of the greatest pleas uires of the trip if they fail to go by way of the Southern road. Tickets will be put on sale December 13, 16, * 17, and 18th limited for return passage until December 20th inclusive, for one fare for the round trip-$5.75. - For the same occasion tickets will be sold by this road on the 14th and 15th, limite for return passage until Decem b~ er 18th at the following rate,i: Chap pelts, $4.10; Old Town, $3.90; Silyer Street, $3.90; H elena, $3.90; Newberry, $3.70; P'rosperit ,, $3.50; Po maria, $3.50. J. A. BURTON. Agent. House and Let for salo. House of yent '-ooms. Lot three acres. A p to G. B. C,omr. ftt T ea Cold in One Day. TAjfaxative Bromno Quinine Tab Tet All Druggists refund the money it it fails to cure. 25c. f&tOm Meeting In No. '7, Tecotton growers of No. 7 township assembled at William's Store, organized township cotton growers association by electing J. R. Ir win ehairma a and J. K. Andrews secretar'y. The following elected delegates to County Convention: W. R. Smith, P. H. Koon; B, F. Day, TIL. Irwin, H. M. Boozer, IH. B. Lind say. J. K. ANDnlaws, -.Secretary. *After hearing some friends con tiiualiy praising Chamberlain's Colic, hobfera and Ia rrhoea Remedy, Cur tn leck, of Anahbeimn, California, pur elhased a bottle' of it for his own use K and now, as enthussastle over its won dertf,l work as any one can be. The 2$ and 50 cent sizes for sale by W. E. Pelham. _,A1t10N16 iW6) ALL ABOU .1r Xewomber th. Singin Sk at the oera house tonigit. Mr. H. B. BuIat, of .k Hill, 8. C., Was in, the city yester ReY. L Rey L *us y, of Salisbury, N. wa the ei.ty yesterdoy. - e hustling Vill begin now for po tions under the new council. Mr. J. . B. McCartha, of Leesville,i S.?C., was in the city yestorday. Ono year ago this week thground in Newberry was covered with snow. Rev. 0. W. Creighton will preach his last sermon at Newberry during this conference year next Sunday. The Newberry Guards, Capt. W. S. Langford, commanding,-have been as signed to the Third Regiment of In fantry. There will be no preaching at Eno roe and Maybinton next Sunday, as thq pastor is attending the Baptist State Convention. A. C. Johes has inauguratedsa great re duction in spot cash prices in Newberry and is keeping it up with a rush. See what he says and rush around to his store and be convinced. The Carolina Manufacturing. Co. is running every day and is prepared to gin cotton' at any time, whether in small or large quanities and on short notice. If you have cotton to gin they will gin it for you at any time whether it be one bale or a hundred. Hon. Colo L. Blease, a proiminent member of the Newberry bar, was in Walhallia this week on professional business. We have heard it whispered around that he it a probable candi'date for Attorney General. He is a gentle man of p'easing address and is well qualified to fill any oflieu within the gift of the people of South Carolina. Oconee (Walhalla) News, Nov. 25th. Dohlt be persuaded into buying lini ments without rputation er merit Chamberlain's Pain Balm cost no more, and its tmerits have been proveit by a test of' lia-iy years. Such let ters as the folowing. from L.-O. Btgley, Hueneme, Cal., hre consanily being received-,. "Tbe best remedy lor pain I have ever used Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and I say so after having used It in my family for several yeare." It cures rheumatism, lame back, sprains and swellings. For sale by W. E. Pelh am. After serious illness, like typ+oid fever, pneumonia, or the grip. Hood's Sarsaparilla has wonderful strength giving power. Ilynhi's Altar. Mr. J. Epps Brown, formerly of New berry, S. C., and Miss Stokes of Val dosta, Ga., were married a few days ago by liev. H. 1. Blakely of Atlanta at Mr. Blakely's home. Mr. Brown is now a successful insurance man of Val dosta, Ga. 1,7 The above we get from the A. R. Presbyterian. Mr. Brown has many friends and relatives in Newberry who wish themu well. The Herald and News extends congratulations. Why will you buy bitter nauseat,ing tonic" when GuovE's TAS'rLEss ('mLL TONIC is as pleasant as Lemon Syrup. Your druggist is authorized to refund the money in every case whet-e it fails to cure. Price, 50 cents. Have Yi'u Reagisterid The Supervisor~ of Registration -ands us the following for puiblication: Please call attention to the fac-t that Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, December 6th, 7th and 8th, are the last days this year on -which to register. The requirements for registration will be harder to comply with after this year. -The understanding clause does not apply after 1697. A fter Januar-y, 1898, the applicant for registration will be l'equired to read and write a section of the co'nstit.ution or to own $300 wor-th of property in or-der to become.an elec tor . Furthermor-e, t,hose who register in 1890 and 1897 are registered for life, while the registration certificates issued after 1897 wvill be valid for ten years only, that is, there will be a geni oral re-registration every ten years, reckoning from 1898. Urge upon all who ar-e qualified to become - electors and have not, done so to register dur-ing the registration days in December become registered for life. Yours for suffrage, A. E. P. B3ED14NHAUHI. Programme fot Teachers' Association Dec. 1 1th, 1897. 1. School historles and how I teach them-J. S. Wheeler and Miss Lilian Glenn. 2. The obligations of a teacher to his pupils--Mr. WV. E. BSlack and Miss Agnes Erchman. 3. Query box. 4. Miscellaneous business. Rev. J. W. Hiumbr-rt. Reiv.J..W. Humber-t, of the Yorkville circuit, will fi4Wh1isst appointment for current con ference year next Sun day, preaching at Philadelphia 1n the morning and at St. Paul's in the after noon. The final stewar-d's meeting of the year, will be held in Yorkville on Saturday, and Ms. Hiumbert will leave on Monday foi- conference. Durinisg the p)ast yea!r Mr. Humbert has added more than 70 members to the churches in his circuit, and has done exceptionally fine work generally His members asre delighted with him, and the under standing is that they will do all they can to secure his return.---Yorkville Enqu!irer. Mr. and MrIs. Humbert have many fiends in N'ewberry who will be glad to hear of their successful wor-k. Two calls for store rooms centrally located. Will buy small stock of goods, price right. TT r &f TinnaT rM,Brrkrs. TIHE TOWN PItIMARtY. layor It. 11. Evans Io Elected-A Ne Board of Aldermen-Much Interest Mut a Quiet EMecton. II. I. EVANS. Tihe town primary yesterday excite more interest, especially In the sole( tion of Aldermen, than is usually th case., Everything was quiet and I order but the competition in some < the wards was sharp. There has been a clean sweep of a the old Aldermen. Now mnon takin their place. Not because Lbere wie objection to any of the old Aldermen but because.there was a restless desir for a cbange. 'P J. J. LANE. The old Aldervmen go out with th<( good will of tbe town, and leave the Successors the city in good condition There has been more permanent im provement in the way of building gooe streets and crossings and sidewalks it the last, year than in the history of th( town for the same time. It is to b( hoped that the new board of Aldermet will keep II) the good work. This worli has been (lone without, increasing o: taxes, and we are sure the new melt will not permit, the town to move back ward or stand still. They are all gooe men and progressive and young and w feel sure have the interests of the com, munity at heart. Mayor Evans goes back with a goo< majority. TIhe vote in det.ail Is as follows: H. H-. l?vans.................. .......19: Geo. A. Langford....................101 A LDERMAN, W ARD 1. John W. Earhardt.................4 M. A. tlenwickc.......................2. ALDERMAN, WARnIII 2. Jamnc J. Lane........................44 Robert D). Smith ......................2. Thomas lM. 10pting.....................4. W mt. F. E wa~t ......................3 AADIfMAN, W ARD . WV. A. Ysoung.........................3 Joh n H. W icker.....................2 J. W. Watts.............,........... In Ward 5 there was only one candi dat.e, Joh n l\l. Taylor. The general election is on the 14th o D)ecember. There is no necessit.y for secondl primary, for which we shouli bie thankful, fA we have entirely to, many elections in this countrv any way. We r.egret, that, we have not in) OU stock of ents phlotos of the entire board We present yon Mayor Evans, and Al dlermen Epting and IlAane. The He'ald and News wishes Lhi new administration the greatest suc cess possible when it takes charge an< shall stand ready, as we have al way been in the past, to help the new ad ministration move the town along ani keep it up with the procession. .How to Prevent Pneu,mn,ia. At thIs t ime of I he year a col la ver; easily coantrated, and if h-fr to run it (loursie withlou t thle aid of somei rellabi cough meudil ci -Is liable to result il Stat, dread dIisense, pneiu fmon)Ia WV know of no better~ re'mr'dy to cure cough or coldi thatn Chtamberlain' C mugh Remtedy. WVe have used I quite extensively and it hans alway given entire satisfaction --Olagabi, Intd Ter. (Chief. This is the only romedy t hat is know to be a ceriain preventive of pnteut nia. Among the many thousands wh have used it for coils and( Ia wrippe, w have never yet learned of a single eas havintg resulted in pnencmonia. Pei SOns who have we'ak luniga or have ref SOnl to fear iin att-wk of pneumonh should keep the remiedy at hand. Thi 26 and 601 oent sIzes for sale by W. I Pelham. Delegiates to Ceiton Growers Conventiou. The townships meeting have been " hold an'd delegates elected to the con vention to be held next Monday. We give below the list of delegates: No. 1-Geo. .lohnstone, H. H. Folk, A. C. Welch. No. 2-J. C. S. Brown, 11. F1'. Cannon, W. C. Brown. No. 3 No. 4-J. S. McCarley, S. P. Mc Cracken, Jno. W. Scott. No. 5-W. C. SlIgh, S. 11. A'ull, CC. C. Glasgow. No.-6--P. C. Smith, W. U. Peterson, . F. Goggans. No. 7~-W. Rt. Smith, P. 11. Koon, 13. 1-. Day, J. R. Irwin, II. M. Boozer. Hi. 13. Lindsay. ,No. 8-. H. Boulware, B. T. Pay singer, Jno. W. leagin. No. 9-0. V. Hunter, N. B. Wheeler, A. H. Kohn. No. 10 No.II n The Skollers of the -'singin Skulb" at the 4 Operay House To :Nte. The names of the Skollers belongin 1 Mr. and Mrs. Jedediah Bobbins''"Sing i in Skuloe" whych takes place at the op 8 era house to-night are these: Samatha , Allen, Melogeonist; Sophrena Spooner, 3 Music Turner. TIlE MAYDENS. Alviry Slimnins, Mercy Meekins, Juliet Shakespear, Glorianna Sniggles by, Lorena Brie-a-brae, Trilby O'Far roll, Mrs. Meekins Twinses, Betsy BumptY, Jerusalem Sinkins, Patienee Peppermint. Jerushy Primmins, Ange lina Trtiolove, Charity liutmpkins, Cor della Turveydrop. - MIMNNE SKOLLERS Rtomeo Shak(espear, Davy Doodle, Yellow Kid, Mechach Hawkins, Wil lie Xinkle, Jehosaphat Hankins, Shad rach Weller, Zebulon Poppins, Tom Huckleberry, Obediah Winterhottom, Derlas Doo Little, Hezekiah Bobkins, Tobias Perkins. The following ladies and gentlemen will impersonate the "Skollers."' Come and see whichis which: Mrs. Theo Joh nstone, Mrs. Peter Robertson, N rs. W. P. Houseal, Mrs. Robert H. Welch, Misses Dell Land, Iula Jones, Lou.i Fant, Maric Werber, Grace Clark, Sara Wheeler, Nannie Mayes, Ella Riser, Carrie Mayes, Sena Riser, Estelle Todd, Mrs. J. M. Kibler, Mas ter Ed Houscal, Dr. B. A.'Daniels. Dr. Ed C. Jones, Me;srs. Billy I-nnter, . Cavenaugh, E. Seholtz, Ed. Russ, Robt. Welch, S.-B. Jones, 13. M. Aull, Julian Kinard, Z. F. Wright, Dr. Kibler. Admission 25, 35 and 50 cents. Kids 15 cent.s. Seats at Schultz's jwelry store, in advance. Mt. hothel 19gsocialtlo. Dr. W. C. Brown called the meeting I to order, B. B. Leitzsey was made sec retary and W. 'C. Brown chairman. The following gentlemen joined the as sociation: W. C. Brown, C. D. Buzhardt, J. Q. S. Brown, A]. R. Brooks, B. 1F1. Cannon, S. ;3. Cunningham, H1. S. N. Crosson, W. A. Chalmers, W. H. Jones, W. T. Price, 13. B. Loltzsoy and T. B. Leitzsey. J. C. S. Brown, B3. F'. Cannon and WV. C. Brtown were elected delegates to the Count,y C.tton Growers Associa tion.. Resolved, TVhat each miember of thtis association act as a commit,tee of one to solicit membership to this organiza-' Lion. BI. B. LEI'rZSEY, Secretary. i)r. .9. A steet. XWe have a letter from the Gredy Lyccumi of I3amburg stating that D)r. S. A. Steel wvill be p)assinig this way on 13th of D)ecember and if we should de sire we could get him to lecture for us on t.hat night for a nominal sum. 1HT is one of the finest lecturers in this country, and it, would be well worth our money t.o hear him. If any of the wo man's societies or other nnmorous or ganizations would like to take up this pr'oposltion call at T io H erald and News office either today or tomorrow and air rangoments can be made andi we will help you. A nl)iIghtfu,l MunlealI. One of thle most. delight,ful ent,er tainments given in the opera~ house this season was the p)ianlo recital on >last Filday night, by the pupils of Miss -1Dellc Land. Thle weather was not auis picious for going out,, as It was damp iand rainy but there was nevertheless a ,prett,y full audience. We cannot particularize but all 'f the pupil)s1 did wvell and showed arefmt,t and painstaking training and reflectedl credit upon themselves and their ac compl ish ed teacher. NOT LOOKING WELL! THEN TRY Ro)bertson's Compoundl Syr'up Sar'saparilla,i. This preparation is e. combination of drugs having alterativo, tonic Icontains three drugs whjch the t- medical profession recommend for s kin diseases, Scrofuilousafeio, Dyspopsia, Livor Complaints, Rihou -"matism, etc. It is carefully prepared from the ? purest drugs and is sold1 at 75 cents a bottle at i Robesison & Gilder's Drwe 8/Ore. OUR PROSPERITY BUDGET. ALL TIlE NEWS OF A LIVE AND PRO. GRESSIVE t'OWN. [Spelat CogresponItOUce Herald and News. From the number of hogs that havc been squealing around for soni dayt our peoplo' are fixing to enjoy thot sol ves. A nd it Is only 3 weeks t.ill Christ,liat and the littlo folks are counting thc days. Rev. E. H. Kohn will preach i Graceo church bunday morning. Thc 1oly Communion will be administered, Mr. Betsel, buyer for the Unio mills, is again in our midst gathering in the ilecey staple. Mir. S. J. Kohn, "Cap," left Wednes. day for Kentucky to buy mules. Cap. tain says he wants to bring back niet olies. Mr. J. C. ii. Rauch, of Saludi Co. met with a severe accid( ,t on Monday ' He wias hauling or handling somo lum ber and was hit on the head by a plank Dr. Hunter was sent for and dressed the wound. It is not serious but palin. ful. Capt. Isaiah Haltiwanger and daugh, ter, of the Fork near Columbia, har been in town for a few days visiting l daughtf'o Mrs. J. P. Cannon. lIon. Geo. S. Mowur was on a visit tu our town Wednesday. Mr. Jus. Stiles. tbe'. agent of the Southern Supply Co., has gono on a visit to his brother-in-law Mr. Mr. 0. M. McCabe at Asheville, N. C. Regular serviecs in A. 1I I'., Metho dist and Haptist churches Suniday. Communion iat Grace churebl. Cotton is looking up again, brinlging 5.40. Prosperity has had a cotton market this season of which lany town cou'd be proud. Even Columbia has not been as good a market. The grade of cotton raised in this seet,ion is much sought after by the cotton mills. We have had receipts here so fiar of ip) wards of 3,000 bales. As was to be exoected there is much comment oil and -riticism of the Cot ton Growers Association. And it, Is as Mr. Hoddey says there are those who are ready to condemn, but never known to take hold and push or do any work except croak. It is not to be expected that, every man who raises cotton will join, but there ought to be enough to show the advantage of the plan. l r. Roddey's idea is not to control produe tion but tihe Iodict. lie verily be. lieves that when the cotton raisers or growers take the matter in their owi hands tile matter will be adjusted to the sat,isfaction of all especially the man who raises it. They can and must control their product, as the agricul tural products of other kinds are, then and not till then will the South be master of the situation and c0tton cal be enthroned king again if tile south desires it. Why not do that which will do you good, your section good, and the south good. Lot all put their shoulder to the wheel and give it a grand start along the lines of organization ard combination of the nott.on growers. 'rhe New York Tribune, a paper that is not friendly to the south, says: '"Phc bear- element In speculative exchanges is one of tihe most vicious obstacles in dustries of tile count,ry have had to to conltenid against. They never con sider~ or care who is tihe loser in their deals so t,bey arie mnakin1g. The beam element in spleculat,ionl has caLusedl ume distress and r'uin than any adverse con1 dition of the timies. It, stops at nothing to make profits for- itself and glories in Its success. (Which means ruin for the grower, Kay.) UJnfortuunately for the sout.h her staple producet has been the football of tile hears in their tradintg here and abroad. And every possible trick and device has been used to ham muer down tile price.'" Will our peop)le heed tho wvarning? WVilI they exert themsclves a little and show the strength tI'at lies dormant in them, and which can he used to prevent t,hcir annihilation? For the benefit of t,he readers of The Herald and News who may have litters here we ahppend the namtes of all such. Any one calling for them wvill please met,tionl the fact, that, they saw It in) Tihe Herald and Newvs: Mr-s. Cat,harinme Heard, Mr. W. A. Brown, Miss Sue Buzhardt, Miss Mary Hieler, Mr. J1. L. Matthews, Miss ECmma Po'ol, Eliler-ix IuT, Decssia Solomon, Albert Suber, Ii. H1. Tyson, Greenwood WVash ington. Our merchants are getting readly for Xmas. Mr. S. S. irge has a display of toys that is the dlelight of the chil (rein and troopls oif t,bem are looking every dlay. flow their little hearts swell with pide as they t,ell each othen what, Sant.a Claus is going to bring them. Oh, blessed childhood. Whc would take from theni their little joys and pleasures? HIow soon t,hey will have to face the stern realities of life. Who1( does rnot, recallI somre of thir t joy) andic dwell with p)leatsure onl themn. (Go to S tiul Bros. for cheap Men's and Ladles' nuderwear, shoes, hbnts, cloth. ing, andti ladies' capes(~. 1e ry thai np going at 50c on the dollar. Goods musi go by Jan, lat,. f- Int. WE HIAVE FOUND IT A chill cure that is pleasant to take and will cure any case o1 chill or fever. Robertson & Gilder, Di-ug-ists r.n tlhn Orner Mt. Tabor Assoclation. A cotton groweors Isolation was o ganizod at Mt. Tabor eiurch y elect ing the fo)lowing ollicors: T.W. Atrams, prtesident; J. S. Spearman, 1st vice president; J.-C. Hargrove, 2nd vice president; Jno. W. Scott, secretary. The following delegatea were elected to Leprosent us lit, County Association which mneets at Newderry C. 11. on the 6th of December (saleday): .1. S. Me Carley, S 1. PMtCrackin and .io. W. Scott. The following resolution was adopted: Whlereas. We believing that tho lien law is one of the main,eauses of the low prices of cotton, and that, it is detri mental to the farming interest.. There fore be it Resolved, That we urge the import, anlce of the r.epeIl aind abolition of the lien law at the nle(xt. session of the I vg islature. The association adjourned to meet, at Mt. Tabor church on the ltith of Decem bee at 2 o'olock p. im. JNo.' W. ScoT'r, Secretary. If you want. bargains go to Saul .ro. to get Clot.hiling, shoes. ladies' capes anld inackintoshes. (Goods going 50 cents on the dollar. f-I t. Christmas Goods! DANIELS & CO., Beg us t.o say to our roders hloy have just received a largo lot of WATCHE,8, CLOCKS, J 1WELIY, SILVE'llWAlRE ANI) SPECTACL-.S for the holiday trade. They donl't sell cholap goods, biut they do Sell good goods cheap (jor t hey havenl't got rich at the business yet). Any goods sold or work aree by ( ,. 1. d& Co.. l.owell, Ajss. The only Pill to take with I lood's Sarsaparllla. STAT'IG OF BOUTIl CA ROLIN A, COUNTY OF NRNHVBRItY IN PROBATE COURT. Henry 0. lenson it his owin right atid aM Adlt Iin Imtratoi , et c., i'lamtstit', agtitist H. II. Heuson et al, Deletid Y o ltit o1 THr (D'URT 0Me Probate for Newherry Comity. by ai orter herein pu8se