Opened A large and handsome stook of Lamps, Fancy Crockery and Vases. We Will Sell Theim at very low figures and you will save inoney by pur chasing of us. It Gives Us Great pleasure to show our goods, even if you don't buy. ROBER1TSON & GILDEn, Druggists on the Corner. His ilanner WVaves. J as. A. Minmaugh unftuP,- ..fs ban tr ifort ublic i4spectl!-tiohroughl the colutnis of The Hera and News this week, and it coltQ1'n announcements of special salcyWhich slioild attract .the att%g.' of every reader of this eP 'Mi' Milmnaugl is a man of business, id means business from the word go. He has the goods and has them marked at prlies at, which they are bound to sell. Don't fall to call and see his fi niense stock. Free Pills. fSnnd your address to I. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A I ri-al will convince you of their merits. I'lhee p11-i are easy in ntion and are articularly efiective in the cure of onIstipatlon and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver trouhmes they have beei proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from eve;Y deleteriou suibstatnce and to be purely vegetal0e. They do not weaken by their netlon, but by giving tone to stomach and howels greatly invigorate tlhe systeI. Regular size 25c. per box. H(old )y Robert,son & Gilder, Druggists. NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY over Rt.C. Will iams', Main St.,Newberry I im, p,epalred to make Pictures and at living prices. t&ftr PlICE, Photogiapher. To Cur- a Cold in Ono Day, ,ake Laxative 13romo Quiiltie Tab lts. All nrggists rfttid the moncy if It falls to cure. 25e. f&t6M WE HAVE FOUND IT. A chill cure that is pleasant to take and will cure any case of chill or fever. Robertson & Gilder, Druggists on the Corner. New crops of New Orleans Molasses at 50e. per gallon at f& t 2t W. WV. FU'LM ER'S. Sailuuda Bloys at. Newborry Collego, The following young m~_xig.a.Bal.u dla. county k7E dting Newberry Col'. Senior Cilass-J. A. Rauch. Juniior Class -B. B. lard. Sophlomoro Class-J~.. I. Hairmnon, D). 11. Riser', and .1. R. Unoger. i'reshmian Class-O. P'. WVise. Prei'paratory departimen t - Claudeo Riser, H-. Hi. Black, and Henry Trot,ter. These are all bright young men and will hold ump the high standlard already mmade by the Saludia b)oys ini this inmstl t,ut,ion. We wvishi thenm amnd the College well.-Saluda Sent,inel. The Surprlse of All, Mr.'James Jonies, of the drug firm of .Joines & Sin, Cowden, Ill., in speaking of Dr. Kinig's New Discoveay, says that last winter his wife was attackedn with L'a Grippe, and her case grew so seri onis that physicians at Cowden and Pa~na could (10 nothing for her. Hav ing D)r. King'"s New D)iscovery in store, andi sellinig lots of It, he took a bottle hiomet, and to the surprise of all she be gan to get betier fromt first dose, and i it doz,en dollar bottles cured her sonod ii r >d1 wven. Dr. King's New D)is c'overy fo" Ctonsumption, Coughs, aind (Cols is guatranitee'd to do) this good work. Try it. Free trial bottles at Rtobertson1 e Gilder's. RF URANTI V My Restaurant is open for heseason and E am prepared to serve the public in first chiiss style with the very best the1 market aflirds. Polite and( courteous vttention to all. I am p)rep)ared( to serve cuis tomers at all hours. Rtespectfully, S, B. JONEs, There is but One pair of feet in town which we can't fit, and they are not yours. S. J1. Wooten, it&2t. The linest line of Gents Fine and 1led iium priced Undershirts ever seen i Nowberry at Jlaieson's. OUT. ne cow lait ev to (reen. adthe best lay and there owd iII town. L. sold 169 tickets to ast Wednesday morning. C. Davis Is putting a gravel on the Newberry Hotel building. Dr. W. A. Young is announced as a candidate for Alderman from Ward 4. Prof. N. E. Aull and Miss Lilly Aiken, or Prosperity, spent Sunday in Newberry. Mr. 1'lias Lake, of Hope Station, ex pects to buy a lot and build iid move to Newberry very sootn. Mi. It. S. Whialey will within the next few days move into Mr. WN'. S. Mann's residence in Brooklyn. The grading of the lot around the Lutheran chureh has added very much to the appearance of the grounds. Mr. Herman Cromer, of Clinton, was on a short visit to relatives and friends the first part of this week. Mr. Clinton Summers, who has been visiting his sister, lrs. C. L. Blease, returned to his home in Pendleton Sun day. ,ir. H-. P. Doniluick oponed his school at Pine Ridge Monday, and we understand he had a good attendance. -Chapin News. Miss Emmie Wright, of Newberry, is spendlng a while with her cousin, Miss Mamie Blease, near Big Creek. Saluda Sentinel. Newberry has the Midway that was at the fai, last week. They have spread their tent, on the Blease lot in rear of the Blease Hotel. Mrs. Win. M. Grillin, who has been on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Coppock, left on Monday for her home in Augusta. Mr. 1). A. Livingston, of Pomaria, has bought a lot in towii from Mr. .1. 11. Summer and will build and move in early in next year. Miss Bertha Blease, who has been visiting in Saluda for the past month, returned to her home in Newbervy Tuesday.--Saluda Setiiul. Capt. McCaughrin, who was superin tendent of the races was very attentive to the iewspaner, men iat the fali'. New berry men always know how to do the right thing. Ai'. Wi. Johisoin requests us to state that he is thankful to his friends for uiggesting his name for Alderman from Ward 2, but respectfully declines to be a candidate. The week of prayer is being observed by the Y. M. C. A. of the college this week. Service every night in their hall at the college. The piblic in vited to all services. The "Sing-in-School", by the ladies of the Lutheran church, will be given in the opera house on Friday evening, Deccember 3d. It will be an amusing and interesting entertainment and everybody should make arrangements to at,tend. Friom what wve have seen in the news paper's the WVallace circus to be here on Friday is a Iir'st-class show. We confess to a wveakness for the circus when it is good and we believe it is r'ight to let, the childr'en see it. That gives the big children an excuse to go if tbey want an excuse. Th'e Shakers have made a great hit. Their D)igestive Cordial is said to be t,he most successful remedy for stomach troubles ever Introduced. It imimedi 1iii,'gJlieves all pain andi distress after eating, b'IfI!y the feeble system and makes the weak j'siig. Th'le fact, is, foods por(l'y .diime%id are better' than so-called tohis. TIhe (Cordial not only contains food already di gested, but is a digesteor of otheri foods. Foodi that is niot digest.ed does more0 harm than goodl. Peop)le whoit use the Cordial insure the dligestioni of what food they eat, and in this way get the benefit of it and grow strongr. The litt,le paimphllets5 whlich the Shakers have sent, druggists for free distr'ibution, cot.itinimch inte)rest.inug infor'mation oni the subject of dyspepjsiaL. LAxor. is not a mixtur'e of drugs. It is nothing but, Castor' Oil made patlat able. . omiing Friuday. The Great Wallace Shows which will exhibit, in Newberry, Novembei' 19th, appear' to be0 living up) .to thieir' adver'tisemecnts in every respect, t,his season. T1he big shows recent,ly visit.ed Pittsbur'g, Pa., and the Times of that city has the following words of praise to off'e': The Great Wallace Shows gave the first of two days' periformanices here yesterday af ternoon at E~x position Park, Allegheny, and( a supei'ior' performnance was given. Especially good was the eqjuestriani work, the women shiaring the honors with the men ini this p)hase of1 t 'ie entertalinent,. T1hese consistedi of menagerie and rid ing acts, in wvhich Miss Sallie Hughes, Miss Blanche Reed and Mime. Nelson were especially successf ul. OAscar' Lowande, Joseph Leilcher am'd ~Rno MIcCr'ee ualso gave some remarkable specimens of tick ridling. Th'le Petit family, t,breco In number, undoubtedly carried ol the honor's in the aerial hiiiorizotal bar work, and latter r'eap pear'ed in an ext.remely laughable aerial act. 'I hen there were high wvii'e atnd bouniiniig wVire acts, In whiiich Mi. Roena and M iss Olgai [eed were par' ticularly goodl. Another good feature was the ballet of nations, betwieen acts, executed on a p)latfoml slipper'y with mud and ramin, but on which ver'y graceful evolutions were performed. 'I lie hippodr'omne races were intensely exciting. A new lot of Trunks, Telescopes and Hand Satchels just received at t&ftf A. C. .1 ones'. Gloves! Gloves! Of all giades, shades and nriies at .Jnminson'sa Cotton Orowere. At a meeting of the Cotton Growora Association held in Columbia, I wa. elected to organize a County As8ocia tion, and empowered to appoint com. wittees in each towniship, to meet in convention on salday in December. Therefore, I ask the cotton growert of each township to meet at some con venient place on Saturday, the 27th of November, to elect three (3) delegatem to meet at the court house on the first Monday in December at 12 o'clock in, and the following gentlemen are ro quested to see that a meeting is held in their respective towlnships: No. 1, 11. Hf. Folk; No. 2, Dr. W. C. Brown; No. 3, Jenkins H. Smith; No. 4, Thos. W. Abrams; No. 5, James H. Reagin; No. 6, W. G. Peterson; No. 7, James I. Irwin; No. 8, W. . Lake; No. 10, Johm N. Feagle; No. 11, Geo. A. Setzler. Rt. T. (). HUNTR.C NO. 9 "OWNSHIP. The Cotton Growers of No. 9 Town ship are requested to meet, at Prosperi ty on the 27th of November, at 2 o'cloclk p. in , for the purpose of electing thre dalegates to the convention to be hlch at Nowborry on the first Monday i December. I. T. C. HUNTERt. The best on the market for thc money,those fur lap robes $1.50 and up al Sit, S. J. Wooton's. NOT LOOKING WELL! NOT FEELING WELL THEN TRY Robertson's Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla. This preparation is a combination of drugs having alterative, tonic stimulant and laxative action. It contains throo drugs which the medical profosion recommend for skin diseases, Sorofulouts affoctions, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, ihmi matismn, oto. It is carofully preparod from the purest drugs and is sold at 75 cents a bottle at. Robes1son d Gilder's Drup 8/Ore. The ..l. B. Stetson Co. latest winter Blacks in Stiff and Felt Hats at Jamineson's. you will find a fine display of Iloisory, Ker-hilefs and Neck Ware at Jamieson's. Zeigler Bros. line Shoes for Ladies and M isses. Latest, style-toes and last, at .lamiicson's. 'ihe 0. M. .Jam1ieson $3.00 Calf Welt Shoes for Men hls 110 equal for. st-yle and durability. The 0. M. Jamieson School Shoe for Misses and children wears like iron. Trv pamir, they will give sat,isfaction. In Men's fine Hland-mlade Shoes. There is i mne to surpass Lilly Uracket.t & Co's Snroe at Jamies~on 's. A first-class Wheeler & Wilson No. 9 Sewing Machine cheap at lamnieson 'u. A lot of first-class Pants att one-hall of former' prices at Jamieson' s. Jamieson is selling Clothing chea: to meet the decline in cotton. Now ih your time to secure a good and ser viceable Suit cheap. MONEY SAVING Prices in Dry Goods, Ctothing, Furnishine Goods at,' add Shoes COPELID Bfl08. WEF know that while the price o cotton is low It is muore import ant than ever' for you to buy the goodis that y'ou nieedl for the li and Winter at right pIrices. WV have taken inito consideration thc lowv pice of cotton ii n marking out goods, and1( ask you whmen in need of anything in the above lines, t call on us, and we will save you from 10 to 25 perm cent. Sattisfac t/ioni guatranteedl or moiey re funded. 1HIOES-We have a well selected Jstock of Men's, Ladies', M isses, and Children's Shmoesi, andl cat v'ery safely apply tihe sain g or It to 25 pier cent, on all pu rchaases ir 't.he Shoe line. Stock all fresh and1( new from t.he factor'y. (3LOTIH ING--ln Menms', Hoy's and JChil dren's Clothing, we have a nice line, and1( we can prove to yot that our prices ate lower thatIL elsewhere. )RY GOOD)S---Our line o,f Dry -1.. Goods, Notions, Hiosiety. Olove' and F1urmnibig Goods is full andi at-tractive, aLnd best of all I- - VR V~i' GH M~A 1P. 1 ATS--Ask to seeI ourt $1 stillf and . . sft Ha i.lTey are beanuties. Standarid P'trmts, 4 and 5c per yd, A mnd roscoganm Jlea"h, (Ic; 4-4 Sheet ing, 4e.; extra heavy grade. 5c. a big lot of Ontings. 4Ie., 5c.. 81 and l10mC.1perm yar. Bs hce NDERWA1I-- n Underwear rom stock for Ladites anmd Gentlemer and will sell it very cheap. ik'Comie andi see us often. Respectfully, COPELAND BROS, at Jones & Copeland's old standit, next door to Savings B3ank, Newberry, S. C An Ordinance r O LEVY A SPECAL TAX OF two and one1-half mills, In accord ance with anl Act of the General As sembly of the State of South Carolina, entitled "An Act to authorize all cities and towns to build, equip ad operiatt a system of Water Works and Elcetrie Lights and to isste bonds to meet tho cost of sanc," approved the 2nd day of Mareh, 1896. SECTION 1. 1b it ordained by the ayor and Aldurnoen of the To'wn of Newberry, S. ., in council assembled nd by the authority of the same, That a Specil tax of two aid one-half niills on tht dollar of all property (except, tile property of churches and iustitu tions of learn ing) withill the corporato limitsof the Town of Nowberry be and the same is hereby levied and order-ed and required to be paid into the treas ury of the Saild towin, to provido thu illeans wherewith to pay and discharge the interest, and one-fortiet.h of the principal of the bonds issued for the purpose of building and equilp Ing a system of Water Works and IletrIC Lights for said town. 81-. 2. That the said special tax herein levied shall be collected at the salie time the gene'al taxes of the said Town of Newberry are collected. SIx. 3. That, the Clerk and Treasurer of said town shall enter each and everv amount of money received under th~e levy of tho special tax herein p-ovided, in his books of account, under a separ at Iteceunt, and ie money so received shall be applied to axy other purpose than the paylient of the interest, and principal of said bonds. Sie. 4. That, t.he said Clvic and Treasurer shall includo in his auimal st,atement, and shall pulAish therewit,h, each year a separate statement of the amount realized 1W the special tax herein levied, and 6f its application. SoC. 5. That this Ordinance shall be anld continue of for0e every year dur ing forty years next suIcceding the first day of .1aniary, A. 1). on) thoul sand eight hundred and ninety-seven, unless sooner repealed. Dno oand ratified under the eorrtotl seal of the Town of Newberry, [SEA .]Sout.h Carolilna, on tlls the 27t,h day, of Sept.emb r. 1897. I. II. IWANS, Mayoi. C. A. IBOWMAN, ( & T. T. C. N. An Ordinance T0 RAISE SUPPLIES POR TOWN .01 urposes for t-ho iscal year ending December :1ist., U897,. 110 it ordained by t.he Mlayor and Aldermen of the Tiwit of Newberry, S. C., in (!ollleil Iasseibled and by the tti,bori ty of tihe samo. SKCTION 1. That a tax of Sixty Cents ol each e huu11d11111ed dolars worth Of real anld personotl ploperty (vx('kq)t, tlh( propert,y of chIlues and ilnstitultions of learning) is hereby levied and shall bI paLid inltOU1 tb0 'T'reastry of said Town. Siov. 2. That, the taxes hooin lueved shall1 be paid to the Glerk and Tvreasu retr of said Town, in lawful m11onley of the U4it.ed States, from the I st da' of No vember to the 1st day of December., 1897. Done and ratilled uder the corporate seal of said Town tii,s the 27th 1sA]d(lay of September., 1897. 11. 1. INANS, Mayor. C. A. llowm.kx, C. & T. T. C. N. VI. Ferst's Sons Co., Savannah, Ga. T. Q. BOOZER, Agi., NEWBERRY, S. C. Will sell you Whis key, Rye and Corn, at 50 per cent. re duction. Pure whis key at reduced prices. Now is your time to buy. Only the purest stock to be sold at such re duced prices AGENCY UNDER NEWBERRY HOTEL. M. Ferst's Sons Co., THOS. Q. BOOZER, Agent. WATER WORKS ELEGTRIUGLIGHTS. I have securedl at firtt-class workmtian int pitlumbing ami1( eeti w3~ork. I i l be ready to (10 anyl kinrd of work in above 1,lranchesi when the time (comes). I shall strivet to pleaste in every way, and every job must given satisfattion. WVill be pl1ease(d to miake estlmties( fr(ee gratis. amn fual ly m iipped to do J',nelinug, IBrazing, V u leaiing, Turin ing nd "ll other bicycle work. keep a fuzll siupplly oif bicycle sunit ies. Stoves by the car at all prices. I have received manny kind favors fronm the people of Newhierry in thei past., for w hichl I amn truly grat.eful. I ask for a trial in these new b,ratnehus of my hus5 iess. REGISTRATION NOTICE. TN~l CF.~ IS Hi MImkll1Y GIVIN .ithalIt the I ookSo(f Het'gistrattioni for the T1own of Newberry. S. (C., are now open0, and(1tl ti unders ignedl, as Su per visor oft legistration for saidl TIown, will keep saLid hooks open (every dayt (Sundatys excepted('( from 1) a. mU. t i I : D)ecemitber, 189'7. I CA. IHOW)\NIA N, Souperv isor of I 'egistration. '1Septemberm 1. 1897. TUN MIADWAY IN OUR CITY. Their Tents Spread onl the E.ot in Hear of Alrd.. 11. I11e,ave Htonrding House. V. 1). Levitt's amusenent company consisting of J."urope's latest novelty, the Crystal Maizo, London Zoo, the London Museum, Hi Ki, etc., have pitched t.hel tents in our city and will open ip this eveiiig. The above at tractions were on exhibition during the great World's Fali- In Chicago and have boon showing III tho largo cities throughout the United States and have proven great success. The Crystal Maize, of which vo much has boon said in the newspapers, is, without a doubt, one of the greatest and most amusing puzzles human brain can conceivo. It, consists of 64 French plate mirrors, each mirror 5 feet by 7 feet, arranged atid placed at such angles as to perplex and mislead everybody. On visiting the palace of glass you can walk by live feet whenl you realize that you are lost to tho outer world. Three gidlng are placed within to show the visitors the ditforont reflections and to guide the peopl out. Tihe London Zoo and traine-I wild animal show including the man-eating lion, Wallace, is the next concession we notieo in line on the M idway. This Is the same lion which escaped in New York city and created a sensation by killing his keeper and devouring a horse. Capt. Grant, Europe's greatest animal trainer, will endeavor to enter Wallace's den at each porformanco. Dandy, the equine wonder of the world, the greatost, of all performing horses. li-of. Lamont's challenge troupe of pelformuiig (logs, Fa'itatilia, the Hoo chi-coo-chi batr aid many more fea tures too nIunerous to mention coin ploto Li is concin. The next attriactoi we notice In line is the Lonldon .111seuim Which contailns many eu.ious and strango froaks. Among otber: are the great renowned Warren sisters. Miss Carrie Warron, a stately brunette, 5 feet, high weigh ing 4-10 pounds. her sistir, M iss Roda Warren 1; feet '1 inchles high, weighing but 76 pouids, nid ot-her novelties, among which is the ohl i.ime Punch and Judy, something to please the litIo onies. Passiig further down the principal street of canvas we stop in front, of a tent that, is oceipied )y Hi Ki, or What is it: man or monikey? He was captured in A frien aboti three years ago and iii it shot t time displayed such intelligence that his trainer found him a willing scholar and taught himi to do various tricks: to dress, to swim, to vide a wheol, and many other things. These attractions come to us with the endorsemenit of our Stnte fair and Mr. Levit,t personalfly informs us that he wishes to cater to the best clas'ses in our city (iniig his short stay here. The ground will be alluminated by are and incandescent lights and every olfort will he mado to make the resort a lady may visit at any time nightor (lay with ou, an escort. The admission to each concession will be 10 cents. Liberal arrangements will be made for school children and large parties. Mr i. Levit,t. has been handling privi leges for t.he State fair and also for the North Carolina State fair for the last six or seven years and the fact of these attract,ions being under hi manage ment is a guarantee that they are 0. K. If you want a nice new Hat, from an entirely new stock, at a lower price than you can buy it anywhere else in Newberry, go to A. C. JToneB'. t&ftf Newberry at the State ili. Newberry had only two lady repre sentatives at the State bali in Colum hia .hn.w1 ..week. There were several Newberry gentlemo~n present. Theli News and Courior has the following to say of the ladies: Mrs. Cole. Blease, of Newbotrry, wvore a daint,y white foulard silk with hanidsomue zouave jacket of cream lace. Mrs. George Johnstone, white silk, w it.h embroi dered chiffon waist,, elabor ately trimmned' with taffeta ribbon; pearl anId silver einbroidered garniture anud whiit,e chrysantheomumis. 3. ichatuis andi Farmnets cani buy gioods in our wholesale dleparttment, by the piece or ease5 at wholesale 1)rices. tafi.f A. C. Jones. No- wi,,rry at Saluda. Saluda now has only one udmnitted attorney, syho Is ai tesidenit of the lace. But other yotung meon now reading law int-endl to locate at onur growing litt,le city. We nndiestand t hat our old Collego friend, Mr t. Carrel J. [Ramnage of WVyse's Ferry will be admitted soon and will locate here. Carrol Is one of Saluda's brightest younmg men. H-e is a hard stutden t., an excellent wr-iter and pios sesses sound juidginent, We believe -he will make an excellent civil, as well as a first-class criminal lawyer. Hre wvill form a lpartnership wvith J. Y. C (ulbrmeath, ilsq., of Newberry, who is well k nown to our people. We also hear that Mr. James B. Hunn ter, of Newberry county, a gradluate of Newvberry college and a former class mate of the editor, ill cast his lot with the people of Saluda soon. HIe has beeni undler lihe Itutorship of Hion. Gorge Johanstone, of Newherry, and will be a par-tner of that gentleman. We hope JIim will come over, and be lieve lie will be successftul.- -Saluda S enit inel. -rlal r You enn always buy rlal r Goods, Dress G;oods, Notions, Shocs, and flats cheapIler at, A (.. Jones' than at any other hotne ini the State. t.&ftf COMI!NG! TO NEWBERRY o FRIDAY 'a" 1 ~~4)r $AQUAR i* ~~N IL.. " p PL iAN D SPLENDID IN p CHARACTER, EQUIPM'ENT JA AN DBEST FAmEr,.P,ICAS t 1.0 w s Omnipotent in Strength! Ideal in Characterl Splendid in Organization ! Magnificent in Presentation ! The Purest, Cleanest, Mightiest and most Magnificent Amusement ins ti.tion of the 19th Century 1 Half Mile Race Track, 1,000 Fea,-tu roes, 100 Phe niomenal Actst 2.0 U'vrricane ac, 4tran 1,50 Empoyes 6 Bnds 50Cgs adoeo Oames, 1 Opn Dos, Her ofElepant $400.0 DalI-xess "T eh sts o er n a c n e " - i cn at onr o ea O z te The Greatest Performern the World arewit ThomWenl Atni20 A ieraist;Te-ar ls,Iiy n Skc~ r aing Cmend lne, nd Opan Sponnla fallt 1- Cor yhof s led byut $iser0Macari Daeily Expseses. T' u FUO 8Q L'! 11 1 II 3 d e t '' A t- i 10i A . M .t ai ly th fI0 ' i t U i n st e v. "1-u. L. i ~ r a U- L,n pig ut on f h"e R Sto t . A Suni urt Splendo1dr aTrih of rt, Mzzontey and~ GoodiTsej. ihlavih nur ofhSectclrElet i Greatest Pm rsion a h e atos Cone ithe EXCheON GrUN WaiNe EVERY LiE Son,AE No GamblgDices Thertd NEE'IIDS NEVE DIAPINS