THE .ITTLE ARMCH AIR. Nobody sits in the little Armehair, It stainds in a cornor diu 1tt a white hAired mother, gaiIg there And yearningly thinki of him, Seos through the 1us't of loin ago The bloom of the hov's sweet face. As he rooks so morIiv to :mld fr-o. With a langh that cheers the plaoe. Sometitnes he holds a book in his hat; sOtntines a pcioil or a si.te. Awl the lesson is hird to understand. Tae tfigures to c:lcnlate. 1nt she ses the ni\l of the fat'.a-r'. he, Sa proud of his little son. Alnd she hears the words so ofttn said ' fr,r for onr li tIc one' Thcy w wondcrful days. the t1ear. Wha: . chlsd With sIunllv hair Shee t to s' hi, to kis. ani to pr-li's:. A .r knee .n t h: h.%ir ht him ,:1k , : her 1-u,sv v,ars. he a wer i augt the Wha oxhe - a. th WHAT WOVLD YKV Pa0' --I r w, dedt% 'shone *''.f\. you a ta*4'n. kno et ter t an 1r8 r i: th in fn ? hy. iwh up y .figer i t w i W H A TNVO171I) Yt.-L' DO vV-I v ' ' ' . 4 han as 1he Itk:' nen on - ' n him I tr r ;N W f 14. . i 'I~ 1 411. W. li \k, 'Idt" the grn' , \v,' r T Imi(y, s in l.ith- I 1k; W e l)i was~ a.loor..-T e l'd 4*j~ i 4.ben hi4 loth ittfn . \\-and th I'l d u inake h]iinZ' trat (hiati. -' d n in a-tion.i'~ 41s a, tlS an Iu .wt\%a r -dl althi:. t2a wir a ndutl * o, ad i l t a l t itu b at'k 'thisal t "Well'4,1a l4IL1don't th;ink: I )' be bleed ho, nwre ,abt boh tBynA this t.imerQ. te.' merr group fregnent, plaayground ~ whan iatfwas. ban5 ists,t aNll was1 re arelhd to se down to hI)it; it lif it enuo the broken ar tha sh knew howa to( tak care f.s At te fot iof h wer tagerl itening,l( wilYo te, sit titonron of the steprs, askeid "Whatett wolyou do(i 'tei hous taon ftie? I'dor otofi juInst asoqick a I couil-ts way, tnd tote proced oA hrr fown the flight, doil io asittin position. "Whelt, Iuess you0'd thet downe faster than that if the house was really atire ! Yon'd try your feet," ealily responded Tomilly. ''lit s.e here, let's keep still and play t his the ot her way-t lie v av we did in sehool yesterdav.' So lhe ehil lren seatted t hiselves more <1iet ly, and Tominl begall "When alohol gets ilito a an, what does it do?" " oih iy u istn't say it t hat way., Toill v. TIat's too hi,- a (Iuestion. You m1ust ask what does it do to his head.' "-That'.s so? You tell, May. "It make,; the nerves go to sleep. so the lualn doesn't know what lie is doitg, atiI eaii't do what he waIIts to. What does it. do to his stoinaelhi "-It 1akes dreadful sores in it. What does it do to hils lieart 1' --It iakes it work toe Iad, so that it grows weak. W h. does it do to lils-nis-1 don't know how to say it -to his coldness "0 Nell' and there was a merryTV ilu11i fr'li all tile ohilidrell. Thel ToInliy allswered It i.akes hit W.arm on the out side tor a very little while. but till the tune he is get ting colder inside, wilere tie ires ouglt to it C0 { 1ip. Wlh*i .ia: alcoh'l do when it gets ' inkes I t pIien 'shout ed Ihe children toget her. and ist thenu the I i.r bel 1 rane, and thuy went 'Um '.v' I,lst r,. l"Acil w Ith kc ot,er for the b- n rooL! . ce M ,i t r,,,tv. .ohnson's Chill and Fever Tonic Cures Fever In One Day. w w a n f I vi r i t I huiost of the3 feathered tibe th-iL bird( do nt biruM tvery yeari. but itiake.- his lin-c ]lst sever--! segi soll'-. A Ihesh I of e,ttnin * few .stro[ng cords to t iLbt'-n the hold (ii thle l itOh. aifter thle straflin of the Wiliter's sti,rmns-(r, iii ot her words. i few n ieedfuil repairs. anid lie house is ias g~ood( as ever. liis lordship, wais ev'idently a youngi bird, and must select his first homie wvith great care. hlimihng airound( the wdilow-tree byi' my i(O wido for dlays; l the flo They sat on the limbl anmd talked to ruak e 5or) ii~ ohbjecti ons t) thle - itO at 1ion, for a fte r a g' od deal of twit t'ri ng , thIiey flew to thle woods, [a[nd were gone ai daiy or two. I hand g i ven ny, th1e idea of having thurun for rjeig~h,bor.s, wheni they sud d-ly r':turned'l. Eanrly (one mioring, on the' w' w.jV. Lae nthe djay I noticed several end(i of 1.tronig eoird. hangIin from ' 101 one- of th'e swaing limbs near my w ind ow . Thkie work of houmse-boil d ing was fav-ly bgun. hlow hard thiey worked ' and whai't ai marvel ot beauty thaimt nest was! tny' open inig in the side necarest t he window wais Perfectly inade. T1hie wrens andi thle blunebiruds evidetly3 thbought it thie hand(somiest house they had ever se-en. They wVoul d come and sit on the wilIlowv branches for hiou rs, and watch t his strange st ructuro going tup. The titled folks took nio account of themt whatever, evidently rating them as coninon people far beneath their niotico. One day, when the house was nearly completed, and( the owners off solmiewhere, a bluebird came, and after cautiously reonni ioiteing, went upj to the door of thme p)alaeo amid looked ini. Apparently sur prised by what lie saw, he gave vent to an exp)ressioni which sound ed like "\Vhew !" Then lhe flew off, and in a few miintutes returned, in noamin with nah, Thoy both peeped in very timidly but.growing bolder when they foun< tilt) house empty, they stuck theil heads far in, and took a prolonget observation of this fine abode. Thei they sat on the limb 'd talked fol some tinte. I to not woider that the hous was tihe adinirationof t110 iighbor Iood, for it was a beauty. v11and-bV they were fairly settle( InI their new home. The eggs wer laid, and 1Lady altimore staye, closely at. hone, busy withl tle care of naternity. Ilis lordship Weil back and forth, bringing food, .e casioally taking ean of the eg" while his wife went for a 1ly. All the birds called. Wrens sparrows, bluebirds, robins, t( tointits all paid their respects t( the new eomlerz. They were re veived with cool politenless, bil their visits wer1 not returned, Take JOHNSON'S CHILL & FEVE-R WAITING ON GOD FOR HIS COUNSEL. "The 00 forgot his work; thei waited not for his counsel," Psall, 10i: :t. This is said of the sin oi 6o'Vs people in the wilderness. Ih had . wonderfulIv redeented thetn and was prepared as wonderfully t supply their every need. But whet the tine of Ieed cante thev waitet nt for his counsel." Tley though not that the Alhnight God was Iheit I.xader and Provider; they askel not whalt his phill mnight be. TheyN imydv thoughi the thoughts o1 1he ir 0%wI hearts, and tempted and rov1ked G d by their unbelief. -heV waited not for his couti S H low tlls has been tile sil cl O .Vs ptople in till ages! In thi d of t'aniaal1, in the1, tille 01 h. It ilnvly three failures ol !:b we read were owinig to thi wne so. In gollg lip against Ai . i 11 i . az covenallt with tlh D 'l.t . In etin1g down witll I li n :t e. n10t fo, his c uinsel. And o cvt- the Ftadvncd belieVe1 In I it1 froln tis Ilst sublt: Iterpan-tal N il-ikinug God: o lie n. ain j hot witi g1 for hiI. Ckitl1j."Cl. .L t its takt- wtaiit.g an(] ste What Ivsrwl eaches us . . . . (>u wha Vle relatj'in to God is rulet nthis. thait UaS will is to bIe donii in us antd hiv us, as it is in heaven. He ha It rorised to inak e k nown his will to us byv his Spirit, the~ ;hiid into all trith. And our posi t ion is to be~ t hat ot wait inig for his co uniselI as thle only guide of oulr thoughts anid act ions. Ini our church worship, in onur pratyer' mieet intgs, ill our conventions, inI all onur gathlerings as managers, direc tors, coli nuittees or hielpersa in any part of the work for God, our first object ought oveor to be to ascertain the mind of God. God always wvorks ac!cordintg to the counsel of his will; thle iniore that counsxel of his~ will is sought and found and hiot ored , thle moro surely and might ily will God (It his work for its and throuIgh us... It wais wvheni God had given th( wvater out of the rock that they di1 not trust him for bureatd. It wai when (Godi haid giveni Jericho into hhi hanids t hat Joshua thought the vie tory ovecr A i was sure, and waitet not for co'unsel from (God. Anti so whiile wo think that we know am trust thlit power of God for whaut wi hiib ot giving time andl not definiitehy cultivating the habit o waiting for his counsel. A in ister has no0 miore so1loun duity than11 tonehiing people to) wali upoin God. \Vhly wvas it that in th hlouse of Cornelius, when '"Pete sp)ako these words, the Holy Ghios fell upon01 all that heard ihimli They had said, "'We arle hero be fore God, to hear all things the arte commtanded thee of God."' Wo mxay conmo together to giv and listen to the most earnest ex piositioni ofi God's truth with littl spiritual profit if t hero be not thl waitinig for God's connsel. And so in all our gatherings w need not believe in the Holy Spiri as the guide and teacher of God' sainits whlien they wait to be led b; iml ill the things wvhich God hat: pr'epared, and which the hoart cant More stillucas of soul to rerliz God's presenice; miore coniusI ness of ignorance of what God's I great plans may be ; more faith in 4 the certainty that God has greater 1 thing to show us, that he himself wiIl bm rtv< aled in a new glory these must. be the marks of the as semblieis of God's saints if they w mid avoid the reproach, "They waited not for his counsol.'' ''My ill, wait, thou only ul)on God!' Andrew Ilurray. NO PLACE FOR DISTRUST IN LOVE. It is better to auger harm from over-trust in a friend than to have distrust of a friend lost one should suler harm. There is no happi ness, and no safety, in friendship or in business, where doubt is. Love and doubt cannot dwell to iet her. The apostle of love says, There is no fear in love: but per fect love casteth out fear." Lord Bacon, from the more practical si.e of life, declares: "Suspicious amongst thoughts are like bats among birds: they over fly by twi light. Certainly they are to be re r.presscd; or, at the least, well gnarded; for they cloud the mind, they lose friends, and they check business." Let us be children of tihe light, in our love and trust. Sunday-School Times. To see tile light of God and to choose the darkness is the most hopeless condition into which any one can fall. It is probably that which is meant by Christ as the sin agalmi the Holy Ghost, for which there is no forgiveness.-Donald MeLeod, 1). D. There Was One. I From Tid Bits.] "Is there a man in all the audi nct,- demanded tle femalo speaker on woman's rights, fiercely, "that 's ver donQ anything to lighten the burden resting on his wifo's shoulderS' What do you know of womam's work? Is there a man here." she continued, folding her arms and looking over her audience wit h superb scorn, "that has ever got u- in the morning, leaving his tired, wornoti wife to enjoy her slumbers, ,r(one quietly down ftairs, made the tire. cooked his own breakfast, sewn the ilissing buttons on the children's sh darned the family stockings, -e'nred the pots and kettles, cleaned and filled the lamps, swept the kitchen. and done all this, if neces .r da a.fter day uncomplainiugly ? If t here is such a man in this audi (ince, lot. himi standi uip. I should like to see him." Anmd far- back in the hail a mild lookinig mxan in spectacles in obedi ence to the sumimons, timidly arose. Hie was the husband of the eloquent sp)eaker. it was the fir-st chance lie over had to asser-t himself. ('ult weathe 3a'signas In the Tar Heel stato. (lRoanoke (N. C.) News.) Unless all.signs fail, the approach ing winter wvill be unusually severe. It is saiid that a heavy peirsimmon crop means a har-d winter. The per sinumnon crop is large, it is said that a large cro[p of acorns and locusts indicato a severe winter. We have both. Old peoplo1 say that when the skin or the pooling of the apple is Suffered 20 Years. Rs.x" MA RY LEWIs, wife of a promi nent farmer, and welt known by all old residents near Beolmont, N. Y,. -writes: "F"or twenty-seven years I had boon ac-onisltnt sufferer freom nervous prostra-. t tionm, and paid large sums of nmoy for doc tors anid adivert isod romodios without be flt. Three years ago my condlition was 0 alarming: the least noise would startle and . umnervo me. I was unable to sleep, had a numbereof sinmkiig spells and slowly grow I) worse. I beganm using Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervino anmd Nerve and Liver Pills. At first the medicinie seemed to have no effect, but after taking ma few bottles I began to notico a change; I rested bet ter att night, my appe tite began to improve and I rapidly grew L bet ter, until now I am as nearly restored to health as one of my age may oxDect. God bless D)r.Mios'Nervino." y Dr. Miles' Remnedios are sold by all drug- ,Drg gists unider a positiveo - guarantee, first bottle Nervino funded. Blookon dis 0eases of theo heart and HII -nerves free. A ddress, Dn. MIL1r M*CDIOAm (JO .,.kbr, . thiok you may expect hard winter weather. Well, the ouitsido of the apple was never tougher than it is this year, so we way safely say that when all signs agree as touching a cold and hard winter it would I e wise to lay in a good supply of coai and wood. Be prepared for the worst, but hopo for the best. 7I reasonable Talk. (Columbia Record.) What is the matter with Orange burg? It went for McLaurin by, handoomo majority, yet hero is a significant utteranco from I he Orangoburg Times and Democrat: "Ther. is considerable speculation regarding the next nonainee for Governor in this Stato. We do not know who the lucky nan will bo, but we are certain that Orangeburg County will be 'agin' the present in cumbont if he is in the racea." Was Very Nervous Had Smothering Spells and Could Not Sleep-Doctors Called It Neuralgia and indigestion. " I had pains in my head, neck and shoulders and all through my body but they were most severe in my loft side. The doctor called It neuralgia and in digestion. I was confined to my bed for eight months. I was very nervous, had smot hering spells and could not sleep. I read of cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla and of a case similar to mine. My husband procured a bottle, and I began taking it. After taking one bottle I felt better, was ablo to rest and my appetito improved. I continued until my nervousness was cured and I was much better in every way. My husband has also been bone fited by Hood's Sarsaparilla." MARY S. &oNE, Spainvillo, Virginia. H d5 Sarsa Hood's parilla Is the Best-in fact the Ono True Blood Puriflor. Sold oy all druggIsts. s1. six for 85. act harnionlously with Hood's Pills Nood's Sarstoparilla. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Oleanses and beautifles the hair. 1ronotes a luxuriant growth. Never vails to Rostore Gray Hair to itn Youthful Color. Cure, scalp diseases & hair failing. 50c,and .00at Druggists MATCHING MATERIAL is it I ir.esomlo 1ndortalcinyg which often results in fail te, and something "near ly a match" Is never satis factory. There's one thing that you cannot inatch: thalt.'s Electro - Silicon The Famous Silver Polish. because there is no other like it. Near Ly a million housekeoper-t use it. A trial quautity which is senlt FREE TO ALI. will tell you why. Then the secret of beautiful silverware is yours. Simply iend your address on a p)ostal car~d to silicon. 30 OlIff street, New York. TilE CiIAIRLFl%T4iN LINE. Double Daily Trains between Charleston Columbia and Augusta. QUIcKSIC TIMiH, iOUTH CA ROLINA & G4EOIWoA It. Ii 0 P'Ass ENoE R Dl-iA it' l MS 1 . CH ARLEsrON, H. C., Jan. 24, 1897. 80HEDULE. DAILY. 57 Charleston...............7 I0 amn 5 80 pin Summenrville............... 7 40 am 6 10i pm Georgos...................8 304 am 7 04i pml Blrancshyli ............... 8 31 am 7 85 pm Rtoweavillo ................ 16l am 7 60 pm11 Orangeburg............... 0 2 an 8 20 pm11 St. Matthews.--............9 d4 lp 8 -18 p11n For 1t Mot,t............. . o.10 a m 9 b D$ K ingy ilo ...................10 10 am 9 20 pm ArClma.........................10 65 amn 10 10) pm v Cuma......-.......7 00 am 4 00 pm Kingsville................. 7 40 am 4 44 pm Fort Mlotto................ 7 51 ail 4 55m at. Matt he ws.............8 02 an 6 09 pm Orangoburg-.............. 8 24 am 5 27 pm Rowesvill.-.-.........8 83 am 6 42 pin ..ranch....................... 8 65 a11 m 655 pm Georges...................9 85 am a 84 I'm Snmnmerv llo...............10 23 am 7 18 pm Ar CTharleston................i 00 amr 8 0(1 pal Lv Ch'arl,etn---............. 7 10 am 6 80i pmn Bra chvilo...............9 16 iam 7 60 pn flamborg ---................0 41 amn 8 2d pmn Denmark..............9 62 am 8142 p.a ... k. lo .......................10 10 am 8 68 pm williston .......--........10 27 'am o 17 pmn A iken .---.-.................I109 amn 957 pm A tAsgua-....................I 1 51 am 10 -15 pm .....--...................~ 0 0m 8 20 pm Aiken---------...-..... 7 8 an 4 27 1)1 wliskvl ---.....---.......7 49 am 6 09 pm 0................8 08 am, 6 28 pam D)enmnark.................. 8 20 ans 6 44 pm lam berg ................... 88am 658 pm Blranchlv IlIe................9 10 aijn 0 10 Pm Ar Chareaitoa.................1 90 ian 8 00 pa FAST EIXPnEiSS AUGUSTA AND) WAsHItNoToN wiTH PULLaMAN nEwEaN AUJOUSTA, AIKEN AND NEW YOUK. LvAgusta....-.--......................... (160 pin Lv Aiken ------...........................442 anl Ar ............... --................... 8 0a LV..amd...........................5m2 2anp lAkoingv.l....-.....................7 5 am5p Ar Auigustal .......................8 o 1 0 am LvCamden 8ucin... ...6 0 am 2 20 am &r Oamsden....................11 66 Pil 8 I5 am ('onnections at ColumbIa withI Southern Railway for all points in upper RouthI and North Carol lina. SolId tralins beatween Char. lesion and Asheville. Connections rrom points on southern Rtailway to Au gusta, A ikon and ether points on "Th'ie Charleston Line"; at Chiarlostlon wIths Clyde Line Sleam. era to New York and .Jacksonvillo. L. A. F.MEJISoN, Traufte Manager. 8C. 8. liOWI'.N General Mianager General ofieos: Charleston a. o. COLU B ,E WBERRY & AUREN ~, RALROA. Time Table in oiret Geto. ber '70.a 9. Easternx Standard TIme Sonthbomund. Northbou-nd. Loo'ls Milx'd I'ass- Pass. MiIx'dl Loo'i F'gt, D'ly onig'r ensg'r Ilyi F'gt. T'day D'ly IyIy ,M'day T'day V. day 8'day F''day only only A.N. A N. PM. PhI. P.M P.M ST ATIONS.. 8380 6I l 45Lv laurons, Ar 10 10 8 9I (120 2 10 ..Cliinton.. 12640 8.50 280 9 0 657? 2)2 (Goldytllo 1288 880 1 10 10 707 280 ..Kinard.. 1281 824, 1281 10u2a 7 17 2 86 ...Gary... 12 2? 810 12 108' 7 28 241 ..Jalapa.. 12 28 8 11 50 11 10 7 50 2 67 4ow berry 12 10 725311 20 1264) 8 15 8 18 Prospeority l I S 7 10655 1 00 83 8 124 ....Rliohs ... 11l49 1140 10 80 1 89 i in 3 8a i.r Motuntain 11 456 '8') 10 20 2 8657 8 -- ...'hsapln... 11 85 0 12 9"( 280 9 12 8 to White Rtook 11 28 667 9 is 2 40 9)90 4 01 l,tn,inqg Ili 28 A 48 jj 811 1111 7 4 10 .,.rm... 1117 6 83 881 8 30 9'i 4 57 ..(.eaphart.. 11 10 6 21 811 4 1i' 19) 4 40 ArColum bliaLv 11 5 7 41 W. G.VIi1LDR. J.R NMOLA N, SuperIntendent. . Master Tran. "so Central ISO xvv Northbou. Ar. a .. 4 15p Lv. Char'ton,80&(*9k9. 7 10 a 5 80 Ar. Columbii............ 10 55 a 10 t0 p. Lv. Augm,e, so. Ry.... 210p QD p Granitevill* ........ 29 p 16ap. Trenton............. 8 p 10 p'*. Jolstono........... 0 p 11 lp. Ar. OlunbiaUn. dep'6. 4 1 . 1 a Lv Col'bia B3and!g at... 5 ;. aP - . " Winnsboro .......... I l2p 62 a Chester ............ 7 18 " Rook Hill........... 7 5p 7 a Ar. Charlotte........... 8 20P 8 a..... Danyvile............ 120n 1 8i0p . Ar. Richmond .......... 600s 0 40p. Ar. Washington ........ . 42a 9 0 p. Baltimoro Pa. R. R.. 800 a 85 p Philadelphia........ 10 15 a I boa Now York........... 12 48 p 628 .. Bouthbouud. No. 87 No. 85 Dully. Daily. Isv. New York, Pa. R.R. 4 p 115.t.. Philadelphia........ 6 6 p 80 .. " Baltimore...... . 9p 6 a Ly. Wash'ton. ny.. 10 48P 11 15a Lv. Richmond .......... 200a 12 85p . Igy.Danville............60 a 820 . Charlotte........... 9 a 10 ........ Rock Hill........... 10 a 11 p........ " Chester ............ 10 a 1187nt ........ Winnsboro.......... 11 41 a 12 20 ........ Ar Ool'bia Bland'g it... 12 50nn 1 M ........ v. Celtublia Un. dop't. I 1p 40 a. Johnstons,..........2 63 p 6 82 a Trenton ............ a Obp 0 48a. GranitevIlle ........ 8 88p 7 17 a ......N Ar. Augusta.. .......... 4 15p 8 W a ........ Ly. Col'bla, 8.O.&G.R7. 4 00 p 7 00 a ........ Ar. Charleaton.......... 8 00p 1105a ........ Lv. Col'bia, F.0.&P.Ry. 11 M5 a 12 47 a. " Savannah........... 4 85 p 5 10 a.. Ar. Jaksonville. .......9 80 p 9 10 a ... BLEEPINO CAH SERVI01. Double dail pas.enger service between Flor Ida and New ork. Nos. b7and 88-Washin g ton and Southwestern Limited. Solid Vestibuled train with dining cars and first class coaches north of Charlotte. Pullman drawinsr room sleeping oars between Tamp,. Jacksonville, Savannah, Washingtoz and Now York. Pullman sleeping oar between Augusta and Now York. Nos. 85 and 30--U. S. Fast Mail. Through Pullman drawing room buffot sleeping cars be twAn Jacksonville and New York and Ax gusts and Charlotte. Pullman sleoping care between Jacksonville and Columbia, en rout* daily botweon Jau * nville and Cincinnati. YU Ashovillo. W. H. (4REEN, J. M. CULP, G. Stpt., Washington. T. M. Washington. W. A. TURKC, H. H. HAFPWICK, G. P. A.. Washington. A. If . Atla'n SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Condesd .sol ha didle In Kffect J t I V 4. 18)7. STATIONS' No. 1. Sharloona in v. coluibia ...................II M a In Prosperity...................12 11 n Newborry .. 1222 in Ninety-f.. 1 25 i Ar. Oreenwood....................1 45 p m "........2 25 p in Ar. Abberillo pNm Ar. Belton........................0 l) In Ar. Anrson in Ar. Atlant a.......... 02 t ei *Q- a1 Vn 30 1 p mn STATIONS. 2. ___.Wirefinion-..................... 1013 a in Piedinont......................I 25 a in Ar.linits............ .. ....... 11 a M_i ...... 45 in f ierrya7 ....................2 25 p In Ar.Dotiaordt..................2 A5- p In Niney-Sr...............4 25 p mi Ar. Connihi __No.S Q2. Ar vhrene................~ 100 P mn " iedmont ..heon.... . r 55O a 00 " Will iaStoniso...... --2 I 18 am I004ai25lerui uu....... iip 75 a 102. 20elioon........ lS 35 a Ar8. 1)onald ...... Joe2l 02_pm 106v. Abbev Ple.e.....I~ 61 4 a I~v Hodge SlpA. . piabr:. . ...i1 20 p mp "1d6 reenwoo .................. ..a~l 2 00 pm " Ninety-Six..................... I 25 p M T"answer .................rry2 eeatPulm slepin Cona .e~v ... inla n 50sh raiharleave........... i all d) shon. 22n .i. Tr30pn7 1avIo. ~difaenv f 0A.Tl and66 i'ibn notioundil:ia . dn.ol ubi. .. a"dII:5u p~5In. 10V0ati125 4 ..mi... .anto... ..." 1~ 25p 74.p 102a 202 4 .... i. Uneio..e. . .." 105pd). 0 108ul23" l..aJn evio.."22p5p P0ll4an8 "ac ....lPeen car on Trains1 84p6 a47p 110 27an 88,o Ar. Spanbug. dvs.Lv45 2p 2. 4H. 7 r.. ..Ahvl. . . CULl 2a 6 "PA TR," p. . "A"1. m.DWCK Trains and 10 ry e teantaullma sleinharlsi81 between lumboa and RAysh nati. u111AheIle810 CInei eauI, .nm.. 8:47 pFe. m., 18.m. ,ev A ted; uhon 12:0pm Trrie leaewoodvi.l 17 pan.dso nothond,r5:45..a.m.:B.. and5:8.p.. Vestbure iitd suhoud125a :2p. t12:8 p.rm.ur est8u00 imited). pin so ris5n J0,87 ndernA. nd Oll.0vision Gen. Su eritenden 8,0T affi 'g W a nn,uD. . IWa6shingo, \Va.... ton.D....-.. Atl00 anta Moeue1nEfc Feb 7, fl7 ArioGreenwo'ol"''.2' lilp 1 40.. Andlerson .""" AreAuuesa" '" .......... 6 110 Imi UreenviFill- ----... I 44 pin 700a Anle aeih... ..........8 'pm i0na 41 05 m ArieAIlnaeburg.-----...... ...2m 65 pi -...........--............83 pm 0p ... nd.. r... nv........... 6 03 pm p IlAhevie.--.-........7 0 i pm 0 i 8NeAshevile -..--............2...8m if arvan nu r,.--...............a.m '1"Om ( lenn 8 rings. .....6000aa Paoraonyal.~....... 4~l4 p Arivecalogh-"...........2 20 pia m2p Norfok............... 75 pi0 am5i Potrbure.................108ama ..v RAchusna............... ..20 am pi 1.0oavo ran l.i Au gustta - -k- s -l6 Yonetomatsalhou"""""""" ".o.. al pi5t om Bee)a ufo A r ,i""....... 8 a 0p Cls co -..n..t....i..t Gren5o om 7a20 pit on . A .a..... (...00 anllway andpm Chrarstog'ih'"'""""''"......ilw00p Port.ny i"""""""--.......tiv .... ticketm Yemae"........ 2en a0s Amgen25,p A. M.rr T, olve ~ t Augusta,"""'-- - --..1 47a i otion stspeungls ri.~ in.oi rNNYROYAL PILLS Ar Lv Durha Ar Ialoig via u 8 nford .................,.. " Btheor Pine.1.......... 4 2 4 Ham let .................,........ 110 " 6 " W a(#esboro ....................... 551 " 81 ................. ........... 6 48 912 " ArCharlotto, via 1. A. L...... *8 80 " *0o961 " Chester, v ia B. A. L.......... $ 10pm 47 pm Lv Columbia, 0. N. & L. R. i. ............ O Q p Ar Wlinton" .......... 9 'am 12~10f " Greenwood ... ..... 10 0 am " Abbeville .......... 1106 14 * ** Elberton . ........ 12 07 pm 2 4 Athens 115.' 84 .. Winder " ......... 169 " 480 "s " Atlanta, 8.A. L. (Union 95 0 " 2 "i is Dep_ot)fCentral Time) NOICTHOUND No. 40J No.88. Lv .7 iana ft e ) *pii Win der ...... 240 pm 1042 " Athens .' ...... 0 " 3136 "4 iiberton * .-----. 15 " 1283 am Abbeville ......... 10 140 i tt Grenwood "6... 41 " 2(9 4 CLnton..-'.....-.....184 s 8 05 "6 i~Coum bla, C. N. & L. .. ...... 00 *hestzr -...----.18 ' 4 -8 " ()Ila,lotte vi t. A.I...0125p08g-i n iroe, via . A. I........ *9 40 pm 6 05 '' et, 1 ......... 1128 " 815 i o .......... 8 0 a *12 0 Psi, rT outhi- ....' 2 16 *lol I% a " aliigh s .......... 828 'a 0l1 (0 ......... 4 0 Lv 1)urham ....... 20 p til 00 Ar Woldos. via H. A. L.. ...-Q',,-. lItIchO nd1................. 8 " , WIasHingt'1n,vilPonnl. a.R. 1281 " 1110 " liatin.oro " '. " 1 43 pin 12 48aim "1Philadelphia *"n " 850 pna 8 4 " Now York, i " " 0 * 11 *0 * irii amouth " " " 780 amn jodn Norfolk "" " 750 " 605 'y i y',~ex~.i DIi BuT>day Nos. 403 and 402.-"The Atlanta Speeial,t Solid Vostibulo Train of Pullman 1leepere and Coaches between Washington and At lainta, also Pullman Slee ers between Ports. mouth and Chester. 8. . Nns. 41 and S8.-"The f. A. L. Epress,'' Holid Triln, Coaches and Pullman Sleepers bet ween Portsiouth and Atlanta. ComIpany Sleepers botwoon Columibia and Atlanta. 11 t h trains make immediate connectionl it Alaiti for Montomiery, Mobile, New Or leans, Texita, California, Mexico, (hatita. iooga, Nashville, hieiphis. Macon, Floriia. For Tickets Sleepers, and Information, ). pl .to 11. A. Newiand, en. Agt., Pass. Dilp't Ul fiimill louse, Atlanta, Ga., Charlotte, N.C E. 8'. JOHLt, Vice-Pres. and 01en' Manigel V n liElt, (3n'uperitende nit. 11. W. It. Ci OV K I, Trifie Manager. T. J. A N i ' tSON, Gen'l 1Passeniger A ton t. UENEAL OEICKS: 1ORTSMOUT1. VA. Florida Central and Peninsular Railroad Short Line listw een Florida and all Nori ern Points. Everett, Havanaiih, Augusta, Ga., Cn luiNa, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Bow toln and the East. Everett, Macon, Atlanta, (,hattanloo a, Nitt, ylle. Louisville, Cincinnati, Chcago. Everett, Biriis ham, Holly tprings, M1m.11. phis, Littio Rock, Kansas City, S. Louis, Cli. cago, 8iox City. River Junction, Pensacola. Mobile, New 0i. loanls, 'loxas, Mexico, California aid the Pacile Coast. Elfective January 18, 1897. New York Express No. 38, leaves J.eek