The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, November 05, 1897, Image 2

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The Herald and News take! kl'\s.tur in aeknowleiging that ii was in er'rr in igard to the two arv ligt.s lat i o mntuionledl in T11e,dly's pApVI", As 1 N,ing put up, The mis r aih on a .e- hIl sI10. -.An o nTV,. 1 l\n's.~ ~~T The ':tesp. fen n ;: It1 - - - -I J i (t i < !l.'A ~ , l 'I! U lU 1 i a i tt ace i la It-'ro a - ia tin :jaitI n ar.dI loure . li' g'a t li h ui- )r preob ton. iieold Iht nd g.u Stir od ande th'hI mwa a tnqw., bad j bhc ist homeit emra att in -g lticha in rioti r eto,l' but thCt i wa I s d ri t ten aItedi .I was drafntethtiotedt o m ad n inteetred tthliroodh eilaueb 11': n. si Ne a ow trihimtelf. the grtita fap-orte of prhin n, t a.tnd tbe-ii stile t inell tot i.reeisie a wandfu tncan iver treme old ige. l Piieila tomnt o the o hitgtesi tebarne i't ie ami yinencet. .ain univs ally it estpeit ed fortl s ev di tsitr ietd t .ve s ta ndgt t lov itittor huma itt. 'Ih was fotnaties tat proiin titha suc a fath tlltoterhoodl.ilaio wf acte in tiinti nd tthetr sa to sill f or ti e iia andti I e hait al purples ault ; a prvited eneorws thepu is met0 a'-ot' airtifene inese amoim risotnmean timae l)i iestte' serntsan tatents vioatilty wth slwhir prnt ous, tin183iti ll ftrthersa legislationve 51ne u.i S twas enacted, ,proviingfr oerh thgor f'ound.titt itself, the i)lawtt wase peasldand af limsite lcns law veti tuted tutin th5 int wareenadted bys eaantee nd i the alsmore. severe for isntvioato. Thias foaw hasconot rny rmaied on theNsatuty booketid ince butin 18S4 i was1 ngated "into the cont iuo itself,sto prven whe cotesotabe evidence of futssinnge rte ak o cit.nw "Naynfifty amend creualrated iqu uro "ofturniching fnd hel6 . and ian io p:- pr.poon oar Sl.o1. A'o'an n-is* -: i, t c, I 4t IT'04lVwh-raiz-os weca- drth 5.cAoa d -i 'a In1ine. Vo. '' T be i Ij~I IA Ia . b si t *'-,.- i ,k. Oj. 'A ItV fi w t in t - t ; - - *-~ - n a P -. th i on ba bL - of l' at h.I : a i I ini1at a na ri- Uni1a tat'l.ipon. Vertal na-h P. 1 in- 1 i of t)k Ibr.rmtar migh t adduc frn.lal I:tt-. annt in -at sam-i wompre b-! tqaiIIU hieaae et- ' il.. utter b1.]ia al of ' '- tn>bih'.in itop rohibit":cl is n ian thi '.ttdid: ind taid,afe oblcNew Engaz'ndrte at yuu cpare ouhcn ntiotl pruit ant i donot tink it fatsal lTtheili }nha ;iuiti ahe sc a ntOiu] :Ontplica-let i ou own h itulatiotn he inuot b ie 'iu-lina snt ite if, afr ude:u--os lt Lifty yat of strial inorc la Sxttoa Itlaine,a undth aothoulie oft (;en keytrog'i wenmet in ts afavor, prilersdtpenhas incrtain lochais hut pletet' ihie, howit wih wt herobect. Sou th Caiewni bywrjdith iur fre ende moatdlized1 publi lanien fthe and. almo. iant lie restrct on lanti expnctto makn of trhiit ttible ela a al tices os hma-nuty ofimhliamon tofee, wnIhes kteiy, smeiwa ithe formi tof bolind tdvtgers' o prapsy i etrtain lcLLiis but jt(geneall will een tt.ueL)tei not. y t hsoere itorshst thatve It thet leasnstiauympthizeb whthe objerenet. otherby our toodh tadie of myW ownT udgmtht. i the rstricto. nd. miu t'ionofte iserilvl anoe States leto human I ity io bts lquort raellh',itand thest fireoily iiie, ay have bhin, ato jin ien judgm'oenl t illphest e fto te ae-ot w omp lisomn t 'o ti obegt il ot it am not- aispsedfto lsson, my efer to t he len taught byue exaipe frie o others rto the iserise ost tmyeli own judgent.n the subject.iothite ZThere~o ist stile, anothr Stater wherte -~rt.eprohibition etredxunere tost favorabl3 eauprt, hand hlOabladmit.ted yprved a mlt faile et,nrat,uret, frm maortaondio ase phaps fora spe Io I''' The poplAtIol is mAin'y Pa an,, by ecnt with hi herit'Il Prtani hat".1s and trAditons. 'oblie' s-entnimotit is sinl ha b-en fix)n Anf early day, st mgly oppos'~ed to in m Add to this that Iota w, t1tv hNinnt,r Repblica sto t he Ci ion. -mirpasing evon 'Vermont ad I'cnnsy' i\ani inl her whelming Re oA-hlica,n maoiillntil pr,ollhition ni.acle ii othern ise. This 1atter point I - J 'iportani' a it has o bIeen1 i n ong lkpahliaan St.te, and lhosie -h a low por cetr ' of illiteraey h*I t1il h t; e ' Ihi bi stin - 1i fnti ll 1a! -A atnc feNIo0h1 The 04emo oratic ar-tiy ever.c whore, w%ithout ex o t:ln far av 1 recall, clings to its h - '. of "no sumploary legisla 1: .'' th: 1.o at olow Tieryima to eat an,: 'irir.k % hat Ic plcams 1111 as 1mn1 as ti h,so. Trhere had been .som u.-i ' o1 : i nl.,e isiai ion -rior: but in 18 '1 r 'trinNgont pronibition amen mcnt -0 the onsWtitutio was adIpted b i a popuSar vote in lowa. providing IAht no prs.ion hali man ufacture for s'o. or -iI. or keep for sale. as a hev r A ll a .% ii.tonieating liquor whatover, i:iilig i. e. wi ne aanal heer. ' his mno-t a wepst mndmen~nt wtas of coarse ,Iva by the liquor interests in thte I to.;1 at1 d cec00ared n]l and voi.i by Ito Sapente Ctvuri of Iit, S.alte on a a r echnical ity. An) appeal was ain nad,n to the peple. ard the ne.t Geea \ssemb;ly at "'the mttl excit ing : in e Iitry of loWaJ 10 l_'eiSIa .. 'n itei a laW to :-o-ure total pro -h "na to inceorrate ihe prol b o amnidllient in tie sattes. r1 w-"as alNO made to upt i the 1 ourt: but failinL in Mm.oraneJ schemc , %vtere under Za, r. W ashon. This resalted in nnmorc e laiin Iss, the sale of intoxicants in h If the ''pLarlmacisW'' for mr, etrc'hanical p)uposes on. - n-i lit ba\e bo-'en tXpected, a -.ct me~ a tremendous- increse n h) r of ''ltrmacie,." and~ thi ; ma:z pro%pertos business in S Thn00o an ent1ireV lkkm-w w b we n'e bieen- h ia-iing and2 ct aic i m C:arolina. S n . kown a the Lv-Dolivery rMiginal 1a0kage himuom.. T Coi:rt-rc irnvoked.ha a- lu:tintd it heae. 'ar n TMre:t wa- lt'wa wa.t -0 NW wih - Ickage .-:Ly were woAld. Vwry nu-h a W Wo Anem itt il, Soith (Krolina. TKY MW:1v- in a mo-t deloralK frbl t elyttIo fet '.hinor. with a" o tIhi part of tho local all V S - t re--tram. tax or vegalt it. It cylilli :aled that Ism. s of thent. o!._-.-_. po age holes"* w%er't open inl S.: at o:we time. <>If iSourse' such -%%h.owa inat):"rable. ('ongres s wa 1n 4kt'1d. inti prompl111tly 1aS!IL ed. at VaVrecnte of the lite Senatior \Wikl ! State. w%-hat Las since been nr tn thle allthoritie- oft al State 'in1- *-xeraise itt its police ptowerl," the-:uane rigtt over impotirted ittoxi iourl- thIiis law haid tIhe e!Teet oIf at oncet t-l',ini all the-se "original packl httYt lhtle--." This lawtt has beent fulivt -u-ta inled byv the* Suprneme Court, andti it a ill inthtles,. eolntne to do so. iut t-re i.- a teery essen-tial di tferenace he Stween the then situat2tion in Iowa, and2( otur pre'senlt situaition herec in South ('arol0i na. Theret' it wats a str'uggle he tween a r-al hiona tide prohibit ion law, a verIitabl'Ie "ex\erci seof the pllice piow - er,"as- thle Wi lson La2w expresses it, to sua~ppress thle t rattlle enti rely, ont the (til sidei tad thle "originali package"' on thle ither'. Here it is State ma(toIopol of t he liqttuor tra tle for t he sakle of giil, and t fori I oliit icalI power, as hats 1bee*n cleatly estabilishied, on1 one side and1( the "orttiginIal pactikalge" on the other-. TheI ditincijolt is 1iportaint, its everyw one must atdmIit. atnd onI this5 distinctioin wits based the lir'st dcCisionI of Jutdge HuItd sonl aigailnstI thle d ispenlsary' as well as thle latter onles (It Chief J ustice Mel ver of our t Staite Stupri~emie ('ourl t, and .1 ud ge Simont111on ot thie Federal Court.I. It re maains to lbe seeni whIet her or- not thtese iecisionas will be reversed by the hi gher Coulrt s. I shaall bel ieve it only when I seec it donle. litnt ntwttithstanlding the dieisions oif the Cotm-ts were ent.irely faivotrable to1 the Iowa pribfit io' la1w, it wats ad maitted ion atll sides, even by its oIwn f riends, the llepublIicans, to be a tailure; anid whIileI it has1 been left stantdinlg Onl the Statutle books, to be (carr'ied (1ut1 to somIle 1 etet inl Ithe rural distrIicts, anl (11her laiw, knoawn its the '"Mulet Law,"' wichel is I vitually( a hvi iigh Ilicenlse liaw, has1 been enlacte byith lie lpubllicani paty of the statIe, alga inst the I )emo era-tts, and1( is now in full totrcc in atllah townls and cities. 'l'he following is tihe test.imony of a leaid ing pIroi iititoln llpullian as to t.he utterci tailuIIri of the pIroh)iblition1 htw: "I t hats bleen a1 dIsmal failurpe. '1h1 will oif tile fieople is against it. The illciatls elected are hostile to) It. G 'andii juiies c'lljompoed oIf good menI reftused to indliet the gul ilty, ill the fatce of t,he most.51 0verwhleling evIdence. 1>e.i jurosia refuse0 to conviet (It tol find1 a vecr d ict for damages Iln cottrt act ions under he liawi. 'T'wo hunldedi satloons, withI open~l diors and1( no4 elfort- at conese-lnment ate sel lng Iln violation oif the lawt, etc." Suich is theoclogntenat and1( emp(htie tstimonyV ias to t.he faillure oIf "lprohibIi titoln to pr'oh ibit,"' even In the State of Iowia. ThIs wvIt.niess speatks spOcially3 fiol ht is Owln -Scot t- county in w 'hlelh the city of D)avenaport Is located. WVhat then coutld we 11011 to accComlish hee in Soth Carolina11. As thisi ne0w "Mutlet lawtt" adopted only in 1894, Is very simnilar- totIhe Ohio law, I wIll gIve somne account of the two In conneeCt.lOnl In antheriO aticlle, as t,his is already tno long. n3 0. n TO THE TUNE OF Low Prices Hard im howlers h o0W1 no nore when11 they reach 0. Klettr' r'-;WI. Wittl prices lower thanl their "l A frown Is changed into a smile. IT'S A FACT Pe1pl Como1 h1 re 11ik plank dOwn old timo pricts but are greatly pleas ed when they L-r thoelink of retur ning "ohange." No wondei our compt-titors! endeavor to compete With us. We, however, compete with none but excel them all by saving loney to every onk" that trades with us. k'WHERE ARE A t'EW OF OUR Rul TrCmTr.nis 1,000 boxes blueing, sift-top, Ipr box. l 1.000 boxes blacking.. per box. Ie. 1,600 I'. Arm ki. Soda kkeg) per 1). 2?'. 300 water buckets (woodi each. ~. 1,500 suspenders. per pair. 9'. Note. Our windows illustrate the imInense orib tickling bargains tnat await all who buy their goods from 0. KLETTNER, The Fait and Snate Iealet. IF YOU WANT A BUGGY, SURRY or WAGON Call oi 11s before buying. We now have the lprettiest earload of Buggies and Snr ries that we have ever had. We expect. a carload of "OldHiclory"Waons next week. There is 1o Wagoni on our market better, and our prices are as low a1s can )0 m1ade fo' the same grade of work. Ed. R. HIPP. To START THiIS SEASON, wR ARt' OF"ElING SOM i* VERY LOW PRICFS! 1 case 41-4 Bleaching, at 5c. 1 ease Outing, at 5c. 1 case Indligo BlIue l'rnts, 5e. I ease Oil Ried Pr~ints. 5c. I ease 10-4 Blankets, 50e, 2 ha'es 4-4 Sheeting, 5c. 2 bales 2'l-in. Plaids, 5c. 10 pe. 8-oz. JTeans, wool fiilling, I50. 21) pe.3t1-in. Henrietta. wool till ing,20e. 20 pe.44-inl. "' "' '' 5 in our stock of Black D)ress Gloods we have a complete line in fatney and plain from 20e to $1.50 per yard. in our (Col ()red( Dress Goods our stock was never beter in this li ne: you will find style and pr'ices to suit. In our Silk Stock you will Iinud all t.he new th inmgs tha!. are out in Fanicy Str'ipe, I 'laids and Figured. Also fancy velvets in til shades. WVe want you to see our' line of D)amuask, Napkins and D)oylies-5-in. Ried D)amask at, 25c. Bleaching at all prices. In Napkins we can giveou a good one0 for SOce1per doz. - f You must, see ouri line of Flannels, Uun)tderwear and 11lan kets, ptrices to suit all. In our* MILLINERY DEPARTMENT we are showintg the best line of Sailors' everi sh)own. Our new~ shlades and fan ey Hats are wor'th yourt attention,. ia Ribbons we can show you all of the new shades and colorinug. Conme and see what we have newv in fancy' Vellinie G tWe ae sure we Can pleaso you If you will give us5 a look. Davenport & Renwick, f. ly Something New..... BAS RELIEF Photographs..... Call and See SAM PIES at. Salter's Gallery. G self. A vvwrh Nion's .\l Wyel Ch \j,ejk,-; FUN' Alt - i -, Nit. wbo.rr. ry, t a ir a ti~s lasy I %tt tu airt, r.d .hirts, TUt, z tk, Shirt o.ver tiold for Mon C t o d al it, . - - - - W, ,ui -k I to give us a look, and if you are not satistied that We have the CILEAtEST and BEST line of CLOTHING, SHOES, Hr n1-th FURN ISIIING ,0'i i;n tho city, wo do not as'. you to buy fron a We Have Everything that We Advert,se, CALL AND SEE US. THE NEWBERRI CLOTHING GOMPAKYN. New Dross Cood& I am showing as pretty line o' Dress Fab rics as can be found anywhere. Not bnly are we exhibiting attractive and desirable Pat-. terns, but we are selling at - - - LOWER PRICES- - than similar things are sold elsewhere; we want a share of your business. We have a few patterns from last season that we are closing out at half price. Yours for business, S.3 . WOOTEN, tU ly. NEWBERRY, S. C. W S BA GAN $MT ! 54-in. Ladies' Uloth, 50 and '75c. 40-in. Dross Flannels, 30 and 50c. 31t-in. l)hess Flannels, 25c. 30-in. Navy Blue Serge, 25c. Siiis and Wool Mixtures, 50 and -15c. Fancy Silks, 25c. 500, '75c, $1.00. Santacho Braid in all colors. (Gimp) and Dress Sets. Capes of all description--Plain Cloth Capes, Plush Capes. Line of Ladies' and Misses' Hats, Sailors, Alpinies and Dress Hats.I *We are running off a line of '25c Undervests at 15c for the natL ten days. WHAT 5c CANBLIm.. Se1"ta hIlnd (heavy), 5e. ltt,y 'atterns in Dark E'alico, Plaid Dress Goods. WHAT 4c CAN BUY. -_ 4-4 Sea Island. AJ)t on G,inghams.x, (Calico, dlark anld light, colors. - BLANKETS. 1 2-4 Woolen lankets $2 75 1"ul lne f SOP8on iand at pricees to suit one and all, at WYNN'S BARGAIN STOBE. C. E. SUMMER. J .SUMR 0.WSME. SUMME SMR_SRQ& UMER The Loaders of Deal era In Low Pnc8 _I First-Ulass Qolls, Groceries, Hardware, Harness, Dry Goods ....Shoes and ClothIng .... to arriv oan a gor a just received. Car load Carriages and Buggles' to rri o i afew(1138 I),i' by unt il you see our goods and get our pr-ices. Weo enni salve you mioneIy. D)on't. forget, onr branids of Flourx: Obelisk, Favorite, Blue |Bird,. Waterloo, old Hickory. Th~ e best Flour sold for the money in thee Our 7Idvantages! A few of our intimate friends know of our advantages; that we are conlected with Hood, Foulkrod & Co , of Philadel phia, the largest Importers and Wholesale Dry Goods people that sell the mer eliants of this ocountry; that John Wanamaker, who has the largest Retail Dry Goods Stores in Philadelphia and New Yolk, is a secial part ner of llood, Foulkrod & Co., and that all the advantages in buying and getting Goods, in a largo way are enjoyed by us through them, and that from the day we opened our store, we have kept faith with the peop1e, by selling goods at just ONE-.AF the profit charged by our COMPUTfTORS, and in view of the fact that ou- farmers are being forced in many instances to sell their cotton at 5A cents when they expected to get 7 and 7A cents, we have decided to fur nit h th-i goods at our store on a basis of TEN PER CENT PROFITS, from now until January 1st. I fleturned From Philadelphia on Wed nesday, and while there re newed my contract with Hood, Foulkrod & Co., for three years, and I propose to use my store at Newborry to give the people Dry Goods, Dress Goods and Notions, it a lower price than they have ever bought. I will bo satisfied with a profit just a little above the cost of Clerk hire and store rent, and we give FAllI NOTICE now to our COMPETITORS that this will be the policy of our store for the next three years, and we have got SEVERAL 1ILLIONS OF DOLLARS of money backing us to enable us to do what we say. So, uiless you want to throw away your money, you will set the aivantage you will gain by buying your Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Notions, Hosiery, Underwear, Gloves, Blan kets, Flannels, Jeans, Cassi melres, Shoes, Hats, &c., FROM ME. Our ilAijx ! I have openedI an annexi to our store ini the old Billiard R~oom, where we keep Heavy Jeans, (Cassimores, Shoes, Jeans Pants, Hlats, &c., to supply the Wholesale trade and farmers at Wholesale Pricos --wben they buy by picco or case. P8rsanaI! It has boon suggested by somo that 1 could afford to retire from the lietail Business and give my entire time to the Wholesale Trade. But in doing this, I wvould only benefit my comnpeti tors, when by continumng my store I can give employment to my salesmen and salesladies, use it for selling $20,000 worth of my own line of goods, and give the masses of the people of Nowberry County the benefit of lower prices than the people of anzy counity in the State enjoy. I prefer to help the many rather than have the few protected. Special Sale ! F"or the next week, beginnIng Mondiiay, November 1st andl end lng Siiurday, Novembaer 4ith, I will offer for sale my entire atock of h'all and Wilnter Wooel D)ress (Goodls and Silks at FIRS8T COST, I have ihe largest stock of these goodls ini Newberry and I don't want to wait tutil our friends have all tbonght this class'aof goods biefore givinig them the ad vantages of t his sale. The sate will positively begin and( close withtil the dates named. I will be at the store myself during I his sale. To use a comonex-1 - pression of today, there wilbe "a hot time" in the D)ry oods busin,ess in Newberry for the rext three years, if I live and keep my he.ltb. TERMS SPOT CASH. A. C. JONES, Originator of New Styles and Low Prices. Newberry. S. C., Oat. 28, 1897.