A WILL AND A WAY, OR A GIRL'S MAQUERADE. [Written for The Herald and News and Copyright3d by Ethel.1 ".Bless you, bless you, my Mianiel an' you do help me," said the old farmer brokonly, tenderly drawing her to him. ."I can't wake so much money as Boy, papa, but I can make some and s3-ve some. And Pow, I'll tell you my little secret. You needn't look for Auit Deb back, I'm your cook. Mrs. Dolton and 1 can run this she bang without hired help, and I in tend to make something on my chick. on's this full," chimed Minnie. "Minnie," gasped her father, "you cook!" S"['s true," shosaid laughing, "I've cooked every mouthful that's been on the table this week. I wouldn't let Mrs. Delton hell). And hasn't overy meal been well prepared?" "Yes," assented the astonished far mor, "but, Minnio, it'll be too iuch for your little white hands." "Pshaw! they'll soon become used to it," returned Minnie. "And now, papa, I think we are about getting to the root of your failing health, and I hopo you'll soon see your way clear again and rogain your health and cheerful spirits. Never fear for the safoty of our dear little farm. WO, your loving daughters, will help to rodeem it. Are we not almost as good as boys now, papa?" Toars filled the old man's oyos ie he replied: "God bless you, my lit. tie comfort! I wouldn't swap you an' Boy for every boy in the State. You'll never hear me wish again that one o' you had boon a boy, never. I had no idea that yon an' Boy knowod my troublos, an' I couldn't tell ye. Oh, what lovin' helpful comforts you both aro!" And the old man broke (town completely. Minnie gently kis-oIl him and slippod away, leav ing him alone. An hour later shc hoard him singing in a low, unteady voice: "P"raIise God from whom all blessingE P"raise him all creatures here below; No Theory Here. The greatest claims for S.S.S. (Swift' Specific) are made by those whom it has cured, and after all the most valuable reputation is one which is given by those wno speak from experience. We could publish a page of what we claim S.S.S. will do, but the people prefer to read of what it has done, and hence we give the testimiony of reputable, well-known people in different parts of the country who gladly tell of how S.S.S. has cured theim of blood diseases, after trying other treatment in vain. No wonder S.S.S. has such staunch friends. The experience of those who tak.e it to-day will be the same as of those who twenty y'ears ago found it the only cure. Blood d1iseases are obstinate, and cannot be cured by one medicine in a dozen which claims to cure them; so when S.S.S. is taken with satisfactory results, after a disappointing expert ence with oth~er remedies, it is not strange that it has grateful friends by the score. MR. WILL,IAM SOWE~RS. Mr. William Sewers, of Bradford, Ohio, was cured by S.S.S. ten years ago of a severe blood poison, and writes that to this day no sign of the dreadful disease has ever returned. H-e says: ."I had a terrible blood disease which is considered incurable, and was treated for a long time b)y the best physici ans, but they did me no good. The disease seemed to get a firmer hold on me, and attacked mny tongue and throat, which were soon full of vile ulcers. "I changed doctors several times, and afterwards took nearly every blood rem edIy on the market, without the slightest benefit. After five years of treatment which did me no good whatever, I was induced to try -S.S.S. This remedy proved itself equal to the ease, for In a few months I was entirely cured and my skin was perfectly clear and smooth. I could hardly believe that the cure wan p)ermuanenit, hut ten years have elapsed and no sign of the disease has yet ap pearedl." S.S.S. is a sure cure for Cancer, Ca tarrh, Contagious Blood .Poison, Scrof ula,Rheumatism, Eczenma, and all other blood diseases, which other remedies have no' effect whatever upon. It Is Purely Vegetable and is the only blood remedy which is guaranteed -to contain no mercury, potash or other harmful mineral. S.S.S. 1s sold1 by all dIruggists. Books on Blood and Skin Diseases will be ailed free to all.who address Swift Spe'cific Company, Atlanta, Georgia. Pras3 him above, ye heavenly. host, Praise F4ther, In,had H-oly Oh, what a load' had b;en ta k'eU frop the old mais heart I Hvw hopeful he now felt, where only a short time before despair had Let-n slowly eating his life away. Ho no felt that it was possible to save t4f) old home-the dear old home wherp he had spent his happiest days.- ,I The farmer had had bad -luck, as he called it, for three or four years. Three of his best horses and some fine cows hall died; cholera broke out among his hogs; hail destroyed the small grain crops; corn and cot. ton were out short by dry weather. It seemed that everything went wrong. He had mortgaged the fars to a mnan who coveted it, and who would not show the least favor. The five hundred d. 1 ars must be paid or. January 1st, or Mr. Drake would lose his farm and pretty little c6t. tage home. And he owed other debts. His health failtd, and he had almost given up in despair when Boy and Minn-e so bravely rushed to the rescue. Was any man ever blessed with such loving helpfulcom. forts? Were they not a thousand times bottoi than boys? Yes, in. deed. And wouldn't he write a long loving letter to his darliag Boy, who had sacrifiaed so muoh-ahl he little knew how much!- to help him. ' God bless- har! I don'tknow how to thank her," murmured the old farmer. "I'll say, 'God bless ye, my Boy! You have saved me, you an' Minnie;' she'll understan' me." And drawing paper to him he pro. ceeded so write to her. It was a letter that Boy laughed and cried over by turns. He had put his whole soul into it, and tears blotted the crooked, illspolled words. It was a precious letter to Boy, papa had written it and had said that she had saved him. That was sufficient. Boy was happy, not completely, but just as happy as she could be under the circumstances. What did it mat ter if she did have to masquerade? What did anything matter just so papa was saved ? And she was help ,ing him by honest work, and felt that she had obtained it by honest means. She had been two months in the em ploy of Mr Lawrence. She was always at her desk promptly at 8 o'clock, never one minute later. She always had a smile and friendly courteons greeting for old Mr. Lawrence, who thought almost as much of Paul Bur. ton as he did of Bertie Lawrence, and held Paul up to Bertie ts a mod. el of excellence. "He doesn't drink, smoke, chew, attend clubs or anything. He just works, works. He'll make a mark in the world some day, Bertie, he's of the right stuff," Mr. Lawrence would say. "Yes, uncle, and don't you think that since he caine I'm doing better? Through him I have learned to hate my old life ot dissipation and indo lence, and am ambitious to be nob ler and better. And Paul has never offered me one word of reproof or admonition. I can't understand how he exerts such a wonderful influence over me. Impurity of speech is im possible in his presence, and I blush over an impure thought. I don't un derstand it. I'd like to know wvhat peculiar magnetism he possesses to so completoly magnetize me. I never sawv a follow that I loved as 1 love Paul, but to save my life I can't get on intimate terms wsith him. He won't accept an invitation to dine with me at home, club or hotel, and he never mnvites mue. He quietly gives me to understand, without say ing so, that he prefers to be left alone," returned BJertie. And so it was. Paul Burton~ was always kind, courteous and amiable, but he had a peculiar way of hold ing Bertie Lawrence off at arm's length, which Bertie did not under stand, for lie was generally counted irresistible, One evening I3ortie said: "There's to be a grand play at the theatre to night, Paul, and I want you to go with me. You never attend the the atre, do you ?" "No, .T never g. "Why ?" "I-I-it taLkes imoney, Law rence." "Well," exclaimed Bortie impa tiently. sIy upose you think ime awfully sig,Lawrence, but 1 can't consci entiously spend money for mere pleasure while my dear old father is in debt. No, my greatest pleasure is in mailing to him my weekly wag es," and Boy's eyes became moist at the thought of home. "You're a model young man, Bur ton," returned Bertie approvingly. "I wish I were as unselfish as you. Como now, Burton, be a good fellow. Yc,u need a ", recreation, and if you'll go with me tonight I'll pre sent you with a ticket." ''Oh, thank you, Mr.. Lawrence. You are very kind, but i'd rather not go. One visit would call for anoth. er, and IPd better stay away entire. ly," returned Boy gratefully. flow she would have enjoyed go mng if it had not been for that horrid disguise! Oh, it she could have gone as8 she really waisl But she'd rather die thanm let B3ertie Lawrence take her to the theatre, or anywhere else, thinking that she was a boy. Oh, dear, what would handsome, blue eyed B3ertie say if he knew ? She dared not think. Beortie hated to own to hinmself that he was~ so dread fully disappointed by Paul's refus 1 'WT AT 0IS ANVIL. tlihe blackentith is usually lity and is quartered at the St. Fames Hotel, which is run on the European plan. Singularly app-i ?riate is it that this lieutenant >i Vfark Hunna should stop at a hotel vhoro you "pay for what you get," ince this is in keeping with the re puted actings and doings of modern Rimlican oliticians. Webster livred8 vot(-s to Hanna and M Kinley in the St. Louis conventior, a ir in consideration therefor they %ra now delivering to hii the loaves and fishes. And, in liko manner, Webster is to deliver to thon the 18 votes again three years lionco. Such is latter-day politics. MOME SATELLITES. Several of Webster's satellitos are now hero. The rotund form cf Gen. Bob Snals is conspicuous at several 1)f the dopartments daily. It is in Llorstood that he and his son-in-law, Bampliold, are after the Beaufort auston house and postoflico, respec ively. Edmund Dens, of Darlington, the sorrel-colored man who was one of Webster's deputy collectors under Harrison, is on hand and desires the collectorship of the port at Charles ton. Geo. W. Murray, former congress man from Sumter, and now conduct ing a forlorn contest for Stokes' seat, is here, presumably looking after his congressional interests, but presun ably with an eye on the federal pie counter. That Webster will bo collector of internal revenue for South Carolina goes without saying. In faet, ho has no opposition-something unusnol for an office of that size. The only barrier to his appointment now is that the incumbent has not served four years, and it is a sottled policy to lot all offico-holders hold for about that period. is making headquarters bore and is an applicant for an inspector in the Indian bureau, the duties of which, in ease he Rucceeds, will nocessitato his presence in the far weost. It is understood that his .ohappp. a,re good. I lAra.fromn a reliable source that Attorney General M~cKenna has ren doered a decision to the effect that assistant district attorneys are q~ow UNDERI TilE CIvIL sERVICE RULES. It is said :that Jangos1BQyd, 4ssistant Attornoy General, and one.e a District Attorney in North Carolina, himself an able lawyer, rendered am .opinion to the contrary, but that his chief verruled him. If this information [s corret, Assistant District Attor noys Wood and [Hughes, of South Unrolina, cannot b)e removed, save ror- cause. E- oOVERINon TI.HoMPsON. I had the p)leasure of meeting toe todlay 1Jop. hugh S.Tomsn formner Governor of South Cirolina, mnd nOW of New York. Anido jIn ais locks being more silvery, he is ooking remarkably well. Every mother feels n inde S scribable ,drea4 d ~ of the p)ain and / - danger attend ant uponi tha most .critical pe riod of her Tife, fgNM Beco m ing a mother should be asource of joy to all, but4 the suife'ring gpgq danger of the ordeal make ts anticipation one of misery, MOTHER'S FRiEND Ls the remedIy which gelipye women of the great pain and sup. Faring incident to maternity; this *aour-which is dircaded as woman's teverest trial is niot pnly mpade ainless, but all the danger- is ru. nved by its use. Those who use his remedy arc rio longer de ipondent or gloomyi Peyypp4yggsi. inusea and other d istressing CQI4 litions are avoided, the system is nadc ready for the coming event, md the ngyjouis accidents so comn non to the critic;i) hour are >bviated by the use of Mosasy'q wri9g4, || is a blessing to woman. 51.00 PER BOTTLB a1 all Drug Itpf OF sent by wn31 on receipt Of pr~~ l00KS Oonatuann 'ei9vaaIe h)orrmation oI FRE inlterest thg womnon, wHi be me. BBADFIELD) READLATan~ COn _ aus, m . AN OPEN To MO1 WE ARE ASSERT1INO IN THE ( EXCI.USIVE USE OF TIlE W " ITOHER'S OASTORIA I, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, was theo -riginator of "PIT01 that has borne and does now bear the fao-simile signature of This is the ortginal "PITCHER' used in, the Iores 0f the moth years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the kid yo, haIbe always bo% and has the aignataro per. No one has authority fro The Centaur Company of z President. March 8, 1897 Do Not Be Do not endanger the life of your cl which some druggist may offer you (b on it), the ingredients of which ev "The Kind You Ha BEARS THE FAC-SIM Insist on The Kind That N5 TIlE OENTAU1 OOMPANV.T T MU THE 411A IMUNTON LINE. Double Dally Trains betweon Clrleston Colul>it anld Augustat. Q1CKKII TIMMC SOUTH CAROLI1A & UEORUIA It. It 0 'AS8MNOI R)tltA 3' IIRMUNT. (3AIETON. K. C., Jan. 24, 1897. HCUIRDULE. IIAILY. r,V ('hrleston..................... 7 JO am 5 30 pim Suminerville,................... 7 40 mu 6 10 pm (leorg m......................... 8 3fI au 7 041 pin 1ranchvillo .................... 8 31 aln 7 35 )1 Itowesville ....................... 9 16 in 7 501) pm Orangeburg.......... ........... 9 2 an 8 20 pmll St.. Matthews..................... 11'.6 1am1 8 48 1)1 Fort ltto............... . ..10 0 it 9 03 pn KIngvIilo ..........................10 10 ain 0 20 piu Ar Columblix .......................... 1) 5 at 10 10 pm Lv Columbia .......................... 7 W am 4 00 pm KingsvIlh....... . ............... 7 43) It11 4 41 pin Foi t M lott ........................ 7 -61 su 4 55 pmll St. Mattiews .................... 8 02 am1 5 09 pm 0r1ngebu rg.................... 8 21 slmt 5 27 pmn Itoweldvi i . .................... 8 .3 am3t1 5 42 P]In 1,111101VI110 ..................... 8 55 am3 5 65 5 ) m Georges...... ..................... 9: 31t3m 6 34 pm Summorvile....................10 22 am 7 18 pml Ar Charleston........................1 1 (0W lia 8 00 pil Lv Charleston ....................... 7 10 itmn 5 30 pmll 3Iinchville...................... ) 15 amn 7 60 put amberg ..........................3 .$I 31111 8 28 pm D ionniar..................... ( 62 aim 8 42 p).1 .l3ackvillo .......................13 1 an 8 5 W pml W itlislon .................... ....10 27 ilm 13 17 pin A ikon ...........,,,,,............ 1 03 11m ) 57 pml Ar Aigunta...................1 51 nim 10 45 pi Lv A tignata .......................... 2) atilm 3 2) pm Aiken............. ........... 7 (8 im 4 27 pil W illliston ......... ................ 7 4931111 5 09p i Black ville........................ 8 08 am 5 28 pill Dennark.......................... 8 24) 3133 5 44 pmll Ilamnborg .......................... 8 33 a i 5 58 pmll Ira1 chivillo ..................... 9 10 it 6 10 pill Ar Charleston................I1 00 3t31 8 00 pmn FAST EXPRESS AUGUSTA AND WASHINOTON WITHil ,LMAN 11ETWEE1N AIUL'8TA, AIKEN AND NEW YOIK. Lv Augustit .......................... ................. 3 05 pm LV Alkoll ............................................ 341 an. Ar Dcun-ark............... .......................... 4 50 pmll Lv Denm ark..........................................(; 25 ai Lv A lken................. .............................. 7 28 s11m1 Ar Asugusta......... .................................. 8 10 aml) Lv Camd .. . 84 [kia 2 25 pmn . Camden Juiict 10........... v aml3 55 )1p Ar KIugvilo .........................10 05 silm 4 35 )11 Lv KIngvIlle ......................... 25 stml 00 am Camden Junction....... ....I1 00 in 0 40 am1 Ar Vaindan.............................11 65 pmn 8 16 am Connections at. Cl1111I with Southern Railway for all poit.4 II pper 0outh and Noith Carolina. 8)1i trillis between Char leston and11 Ashloville. (Coneti3ns froml points8 (31 Southelrni Ra3ilway to AuIguIsta, Alken and1 othier points3 on1 '.The Charleston 14i10"; at1 Chlarleston wit 33 Clyde 14110 8Woam. ors to New York and( .JaciksonviIIe. 'IL. 4. EMKIISON, Traic Malnger. E. , HW iN, GecneraI Malnager G.eneral 00icos: COn1aesta id.C. Ch181'osto0118111 Wosicr11 081'olma Hwy Co, Augusta ond Asileville Short Mniie. NeduIe in Egfeet FebI. 7, sg9. Leas e Augusta.............. 940 am 1 40 p A rrive G reenwood......2 17 pm ...,... A ndersonl....... ....................0 pm Laur11en ...............I 15 pm31 7 00 31m1 G3eellvU o ........... 80" pm11 (305 il ()Iegn 8Prings..... i 05m) ,...,... Spanrt n bu lrg,....... 00 J)iI 133 j0 am H aln d a...............6 5 3)1ep ....... .Hen derson ylilo. ...6 3 piy ....... Alsleville.............7 091 11 m ...... Leave A5shey ille ............9N 201am3 ....... Spar1tannllIrg...,al 45 3)3p $ 00l pm3 (23l31n n prings....:1000au ...,,,.. Or e'envil 0 .....3...1 5l 3331 4 03' m L~aurens .. ............. 130 3)m1 7310 pm3 U4rennwood ...... 2 28 pm) ....,.. A n derson ....................... 700en A rrive August a .........6 00 3i 13 1 am 1,0ave Calhounl Fls33......4 44 3113 ...... Arrive Italeigh...............2 28 am1 ....... N oriolik...............7 3) am ...,... Pot ore burg ...........3 20 am ........ Itich W 'ond 1...........720am ........ Len3ye Augus11t a.............2 55 p31m A rrivy. Alidp.rluj...... ......... ..... 5 (I0 pm13 Yemasee..,,,,,.... 930 a1.11 3320) pm I4eaiu fort............0 3m a13 m 233 3pm3 Port 11Ily al...........0 03 am ) 3)3pm Sa1van nah... ........................ 8 3)31m C harle8ton........... .............. 808 pn31 Lea3Iv Chn rio8t o3.........................33 545a 53avanI 0 a..................... .....1 53 3am Port Itoysil........... 1 3)31m 8 3% am1 Rleaufort .............2 133 1'm 34 25 3)11m Yein assee............. 3 S153 3m3 125 3)m1 Fa ilrfiIX.................... ........(10 32 313m .A len3lto ............. ... ........I0 47(1am A rr Ive A a g31eI ............... .....3 . 2 5 pmn 1.40 3) m1 tralin o N "A11If3ii 1kes( (c1os0 connec0tion, at Caliouni Falls1 for 3133 p'311n 0s3o Seaboar1d A Ir ,inio. (hose conneeCt.4on alt Greenwood for all plointA flu S. A. L and( C. and)3 (. Itallway, anid at For any3 Ilhf0331313ion rolatlv 3V0 I ) e(ets rates, C143P sced les, ad dres WV. J. CItAJL, Ge'n, JBreA. A gent, EC. M. NOWli'. So!. Agouit. Augusta, Ga1. C'OLUMBIA. NEWVBER RY & LAUR EN.. 113ry3 21331, 17. 1Has3tern1 Standard11 Tim131 Loc 'Ii3x') a.- Pass31. MIx 'd Loc'l g.I D)y )'lynr fin ~''r I'ly F'gt. W'day 4day lilly onily Lid. A M.. PM4. PM 3',M1 P.x ST \ATIONA. 78) 8t 0 3 I 5Lv Laurons11 Ar 336o 1131 800 83(t) 4 30 2310 ..Olinton0.. 12.51 1035 280 8 2) 4 8 2 92 GoIdville 12 38 3(3 t(3 I (0 8 86 4 51) 2 ?O ..K inard1.. 32 83 954 12831 8-33 507 9.5 : r.. 3227 1)42 3200 8665 15 2 43 .Ja ap~i, le 3 33411650 0110 58S3 21.7 Ivewberry 1230 8453 11 20 10 40 557 8) is Pros)peri3y 318! 8 25 1055 11 00 1 '2 323 ....SIlghs ... II 49 8(35 1030) 3145 3118 828 L.c Mo033tinin 1345 75 Id 02 1205 8:3:) 340 ...( haplnl... 1386 780 09.% 123)0 33 48 S'0 W ite 11(ock 118 7311 )25 12.15 65/7 8f 513' 'as 3)111ng 3 7 (4 1)10 1330 7 13 4 03 ...13p30..... 1 7 1)4 - 9 4 1 31 725 4 13 ..I (aph)1333.. 3I13 3:- 28 8:33 230o 7 'u5 4 8(ArColuI1.>b3al.v 11(4 (101 800 j3. (4. ('113 1L1), .3. It. 3" OL .A N, ht alo etew Fnglih Dnuong lrsy .At lwy elIable. L.ADIESsea Dru a for (uIAuIaer's A.F11sh3 I)aq ~~~~motBrand in 31ed and aona metallIc a oree, seated with blu, ribbon. Take mosther, Refusadanjlroua euteostit t0enis luangA3rus s senm4e. . Obtheste0hena)p10o,Ma o 0014337 Local Drauite, A. A'lagf.e eagahe oppd1i 20 ruinu1t0es by Di' [ls A L W . "Onco co pa dsp." Pr i Es'Nu a PIgASTUIg cur.e JiUEUMA. LETTER 'HERSe OURTS OUR RIHT TO THE LIRD " OASTORA" AND AS OUR TRADE MARK. of Hyannis, Aassaoha1set6s IER'S CASTORIA," the same on, every 9 ;wrapper. S CASTORIA," which as been rs of .4merica for over'Uhirty the wrapper anq see that itis IM -- on th of W wrap Pm me to use my name except ihioh Chas. H. Fletcher is Deceived. uid by accepting a cheap substitute ecaus:. he makes a few more pennies ,11 ho does not know. ve Always Bought" LE SIGNATURE OF Having ever Failed You. 1%nV &,nEET. MEW YORK CITY. 11SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Central Time letweu Uolumbia and Jaek aanvIlle. Eastern Thue Hotween V*o lumbla and Other Points. ErCTIV I A y 9, 1807. Northbound. Lv. 'ville, F..&P.y 8... " lavannahi........... A 12 0 11 85p ...... Ar. Columibiu ........... 4 15p 4 2 a....... Lv. Char'ton,90&GRM. 7 10n a p ....... Ar. .Qolumbia.... 10 M a 10 10 1 ....... Li. Augusta, 86. By.... 2 10p 9 P . ." Graniteville ........2 . f' Trenton............. ) p John4tons........ p 2 1 . Ar. UolumblaUtn. do 't. 4 M p ...... Lv Uol'bla Blind'g (I W p B84 a. * Winnsboro.........0 12 I 2SA. Me.ter....: ........ 01 18 I. ltXoec M4 ...........I 1i 8.1 7 71. .Charlotto............ 8 I)auville ....... Mit Ar. Riolmond .........0 O0a e fop. Ar. Washington ... 4. ... altimoroPa. R. R 00. a p " j,iladelpfhia........ New ~ Y0ur9k .......... Nouthbouud INo. 37 No. 35 13"ily. Daily. L.New York, Pa..R. 4SOp 125 ....... 0 K 0 P . T.wasttoo.y*.. 10 1O p IIP a ... L. Rinhoud ..........2p a 00 .1 ..... anvlle 0 7a 18a... 11arott ......... 84 6& 7 . T ookHi........... 20 6 8 p ....... h20teater ....... OT.. .t ~a~in~oln 11 410a 11 a. 12 bon 4 ....... .Auu 0.......... 0 p . rn0 5....... *.... Lr. Jaw ork, Pa. R 0 p 01 ... " hb'ile pa....... 6er p 8 iea ...... " ti p pNea .. .. Lar. Wratcashs 80. t..e 10 4tb ot11 arl... Richmo5 nd ....,.. 2 00s ail 12 3rp..... -vAnieville .... .. a I y . . hr.o ta ..... . I R"o a , p ....... " ook Hill................p. .... "..e.. ter................0a1at....... ai .. in mbol-y...............4 ...12 11a Ar oltg Bandg 6.. 1250n i12a1 '. Ar. (4roumbia..d'..........a... ...~r~ " Johntos....,..., 3 4........... .y4 Ar. Augustae............. 41 0a....... i pr. Chol'1. ..&..400...7..0.......... -r Chrlonl.:.............0..10 .... .. I v. (i'bia Fir...e....17 1 7 . avWllannaho...........4..p..111 eu Ar.Jaonlle. .. .... 1 p u9 pi Sv 'l,'ICIo.P.N..../......E1 V1 . -r Pulla drwnrr. lg osbto os an 80-. ivo. s al ho ta nd arloto . u :a ling esihj1 0 6Ifu 21 n . . Ja a.vlII GR2Taaiilr.N, Jjatb.M. LP1 Si1 -... --.....-. asing n4. . Codesd ehdlein1.fc I$;i p. ii. II IIi ha , 18 .aiul,iAai~ v.oa ,oumidB:a....................... : iiT. ma -V Prbuod rnit.-............u9 1) 4:r . ren ood1 . i........ .... .... lim I , d). Xr. )bbevillae ko.......... Taan. p~ mc Ar. reenilo C I iuo1 W.A AtUasrK. 8.H 6AWI, t. Bolton ....... .at(o ln .Agt 61|Up in7t10a P.harina- _n AIlK T,_.. TiB0 ill 00E ibla . - To Atlanta, Cht riot, A 08gusa, A1hens, W11. mington, New Orl-aas nd New York. I1S.on, Itiohmond, W ashingtol, Norfolk, Ports0ouith. edBoheie in effect, Feb. 70h, 1897. sUfII ONk D. No -f-8. No. 1. I,v New York Vii Penn 11.1 l610011 0~*301ii1 " lPhildol pia............. ....... 1 12 a ni 12 ut, to ao .ikltiu ore .......,................ 81 11 2W ai' " W atlingtoll..................... 440 " 4 80 1' i non d ......................... 8 % opill 9 16 " liv Norfolk, vit 8. A T. * 8 *910 '0 aoat1.t0t11th 4 .... . 45 pani 924" Lv Woldr n, via :. A. I. ........ 1li 2 pui*I1156 a mn Ar l1ensd.rPiois. ....260 t -' I 49 o r Durain, vi i8. . ....~til nii: ti l9 p1 L hmat. " ..... t52 pm]11ti I 00 piu .li.. . ..... *2 10 aa *3 331 pm " :1anlfo .................. ...... $8. " ; 0 | Honthorn Pian j................. Illaillet ............................ b li 6 W ademwboro ...................... 5 51 " 1 SM onro ............................ 1 1 912 Ar Charlotto, via . A. L...... 0830 025pik Chester, via H. A . L...8 10 pin 10 47 Pn LVToTuiinbin, U. N. & L. It. ... .....to 00 pan A r Clinton ~" :5 It fi10 Greenwood "i 35 107 aal Abbeville .. 11 M 1 41 I Mberto 1....2..... 0 0 " 1 7 ,A s .......... 845 " " Winder " ..........4 4 3 " Atlanto, 8. A. I. (Union 2 50 0 20 Depot)_(Centa_t Tianmm NOtTHIBOUN D No. 403. No. 8. Lvtin, (Cntr i T +I 124Ctian '7 50 p1in ' Wiiner " .......... 2 40 pan 10 42 * Athens ' .,....... 810 1126 " Elberton ......... 41 " 12 33 ian Abbeville ......... 1 " 1 40 " Oromwmood " ....... 6 41 2(9 I SC.ton......... 084 806 4 Ar Con in bin . N-In . . . .......... . Cheattr . .... ..8 4 4. A rChat lotto. via 8. A..10 25~pio 8 Lv Mhion roo, via S. A. L........ 09 40 pm 0 (5) I IHam let, " ......... 11 ?3 8 15 " A* W ilningiton .......... ;5 80 an*12 30 pin 6" Soutelirn Pines'. 12 14 " 10 20 amil :'Italeiglh . 2 011.45 1 " londelaon, 6 .......... 8 .2 ' * 0C -n Ar Durlatim ' " t4 00 pill Lv )urha-11ain ". 520 pn Ii I 00 a n Ar Weldon, via H. A. L.......... *1 5i11 * '30 pn 'Htchlulon ..........,,....... 85 46 o60 to " W 8as iIgt'n,vl11aun . H.14. 19 1l "t 11 1( is " Itlltm1or0 "6 " " 1 -13 pan 12 48 am " Philadelphia I4"s " .3 5A Im 45 " " Now York, 4 4 "2 4 " A r 1'ranul 47 ~ 110 nmi 5 50 ii.Ij Norfc.lk 6 " *7 60 t 141 5 INI.t ,ex. i naliday. I Way OxAlonditty Nop. 403 and 402.-"I'Th AtIninta Mpseinl," Molid Vestibulo Traint of Pilla,ti HIeper4b and Conches lbetweem Wlailigtln atid At, ltaiI, also Puallanam BWeepers betwoonl 11ojrI-11 mllouth mind Chester. C. Nop. 41 and 3M.-"'llio S. A. L. Jxprems," Holid Traian, Conches and1111 Pullnan leplru pot ween Portamnotth and Atlunta. Coilipany lepoors bet ween Coluinan and Atlanta. Sth traits nak11m o 111nediate coniectionl lit Atlaita for lontgonery, Aloblie, Now (OI leas, Texav, Califoriali. Alexleo, ('htlta fimign, Nit4hville, bletiphilf, Mlitcon, Flriltl. For Tickts, Sleeper", 4nd lftnimition, ap. p1- to 11. A. hewvin, Gen. Agt., atsm. Dep't 0 i Louse, A Iit gna, Gn., ChnrlT fi-, N. C ,.JOH N Vlice-Pr'T-a11d G4i'Aluigpr.a ". K 1.6V Met,Taf blanialger. .J. ANI)EIMSON,- lenil Paupeniger Agrent., .EH4 OR,FICR8:t I'OnT8MOT19.YA Florida Central and Peninsular Railroad Short Line Histw een liorIda anad nil Nort ernl Iibitt. Eyerett, Savaniai, Atgomin, (l., ('c, -11 ambia, Wiashingt.ol), 13111ltimro, Philadelphia, New York, Ho . ton and the EatL. V Everett, bfacon, Atlantu, ('hattunnooa, Noamh ville. Louisville. CinAeinIAnti. (c11agn1fl. Everelt. Dirmlinyhlaml, Holly Bprings MeinI phin, Little Hook, Kssas City, Ht. Loul", Ci cllgo, 'Riolix City. River Jimetion, Ponsatcoln 1lobil, New Or. loans4, 'lexas'. Mexico, Caifornia an the Placlflo Coast. EtoutivtiJanuary 18, 1897. Now York Etxpr.me'to 88, leaves Jnchain-. -yuile 8.20i a. no., ,dl h througha Pullman Hloon.* (tr- for Savtanah, (olutnbia, W4~aigtont llaltimnore, Pialadelpin, New York, and all - Easter-n pin ats. Connta1C for Fertn a alin. . Rot.urni train No. 87 renohose JaIcksonvyillo 1.12 Ne Lor itId Floridle Mmiled. No. 42. HolId Vestibuilo TVrain with compO)Natleit, e j serlvatlonm. dinIng and1( kloopl,ng corn, very e a. gantI leave St. Augustin,e 9.00o4. m1.. JlGakonl. yullo 11440 a. in', ulaIIyxc.ept Sunadayv. 'No. (Ia rot.urnling ar.tives Jacks-onyllo 180.mtfl 1., .9i. Auuswn 4Ma- p. m'.. daily, except0 Bun n y. Ne Lot east Mail No. 80, leave .4noikont. vilo .55p.m.Dolly for eatt e poits NorthI - C. .eunN.S arrftves Jacksnli Ae (illo )Iou Io--Thtaigh P1llim4an 8leeo - lng Car Service'ror Cininit,i ila Mavan a5,p ColIumobia,-Ashieville, Hot liapritus, H n'oxylila, through 1i10 Celebrated hlonntina Contitry of Nor; ha Carolina. L.eav Jacksonville (1.55 p. m). Arrives einqlinnatt 7.15 a. in. Rtotuing rivas Jack sonvJ 119 If. ar , On)v lineg'tht ugh (m toen11ul111 con 1r1 of &li dle FlorI'4f, 1oasco'Ifa aitsenmLi4,lJ) a a.. da Ily, for Lake City, LIvo Qa'., ud!gon,f ticollo. Tn.llsaasseo, ltivrJteit og lpih1.Mob f. New Oleansai dt ioa.o oitlt te 00,oifoeria 11n(1 i oUne ioC Car11ies Sleepers. Iteorma, No, 1 arrivesI .4414 sontvillo 8.06% 1, . Leave Ja1atonlvllleOa.1 a. in. Forr Siarke ilawthorno, Silver Spring 0oal1s, Ga.11e4v19llo (c(tr Key, WVildwood Leesbitrg, Travares Ap0pka, Ornando, Laeoocheo, Dndlo Cit,y, Plania CIt,y, Tama pa. Arrive J'aonville, 8.16 p. au, SIlly Springe Rlout (No. 80). ML. Lonis' Kanss it.y, Chicatgo. L eave .JaOkltOnviIle 0.55 . m.41or0aco Atanta, Ulrmnaingrhaan, atomphaim. Kanasas City. Throuagh Piu Iman'a Bleeper,withaitt, ohnntgo 1an 40 haorn st ianasn CI-y. 'Ihe routto-iis -va hmgc.on, A tlania, Bir. tn itag,;m(ioly Spirinags foa'Meanphiste& pia.. fied. Ias(.City. tio.85rtlurnarrivyes .JnW. -8.20 ai. 4m.-Leaves Jalcksonville for Mr nu). Wick by the Cumblerlandi Rteme Sttatainr, d~~i Cumbe)rlanad Houndi. 11-00 a. ma.--Leavo Jackson1ville for Irnuns wick, via Etveromt, daily, eneopl Mundlay. .9,00 p, tea .ornl for jevoe t. C'eoso connete. roniaofor lUrupeylok, iI dha t tl phsu 5.'0 p. in.--Local for Ta'llahansa anel itter mediate pointta. Autrive Jatcksontvillo.4.l.3,. lt. 9.240 p6 m1.---'or Tairapa amii inatelinee latb vi 9 .8. !n al.g i g., .five .jic}pop-i Trlongh Hl10operas for ('intantat I v ia Aiilo villo, lenve Jackasonville at 41.5.5 p. taa., arrives Asheville 1..4) p. am., arriyes Clucinati31 7. 6 'o'Macon, Atlanta, two tr.ltn otali. Leave JackRsnville 8,20 a1. 1m. and 0.55 ,o. an. Steatner "bMananto" from TI'ampu to Rise len. towtn .nntm 3 -5 pm A r.... A d o~s~o HCN.I v1444 4 211)44n Ar.:... r.env111.v0 i80am, 8 10 pmn A r.... 1)rtan bn Ir I,v II ' 80aim Inn111 A r..li01ncloi villo N.c..I, Lv 0 16a IA91 r4......AipvI lIp--..... 3y '( 3 am o. 2aSi 41 (.11d( trains bo41 wena Charles. -1 i FltM(N,Gen 1RPaes ner A g,